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Why is it difficult to find good leadership qualities in

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by Charles Ray

The term political leadership is bandied about in the media and in casual conversation as if the two
words were inseparable. In truth, political leadership - truly effective political leadership - is sorely
needed in a world beset by the dismaying array of problems we current face.

The sad fact is, however, that the way politics is played out in today's world, it is increasingly difficult
to find a successful politician (success being defined as getting elected, and more importantly,
getting reelected) who also has the traits of effective leadership. One can but hope that the clear
mandate for change represented by the results of the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections will eventually
reverse this disturbing state of affairs. But, like hitting a dinosaur on the tail with a rock, the feeling of
pain takes a torturously long time to reach the brain. In the meantime, we must continue to suffer the
current state of political affairs.

One is forced to ask, how did we come to this state? The founding fathers and the country's early
politicians (like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington) were effective, even great, leaders. Why
has that changed?
One of the key factors that has robbed politics of effective leadership is the political process itself.
The advent of televised campaigns, increased partisan acrimony, the influence of single interest
groups and political action committees, and the great expense associated with political campaigns,
have all played a part. They have caused politicians to focus on short-term gains and vote counting
at the expense of long-term vision and the greater good.

Voters want immediate solutions to their individual problems or issues, or so politicians and the
media seem to believe. In such an environment, the candidate who focuses on a long-term vision,
tells the unvarnished truth, and attempts to frame issues in depth, risks being swamped at the polls.
The goals politicians seem to be held accountable for are "what can you do for me?" rather than
"what will you do for the country as a whole?"

Effective leaders are risk takers who embrace change and innovation. In order to get elected, and
stay in office, politicians focus on pleasing their perceived political base. There are admittedly
sporadic efforts to reach out to 'swing' voters, but the political habit of not straying too far from the
'base' robs these efforts of credibility.

An effective leader sticks to the truth, no matter how unpleasant it might be. Politicians, in their quest
for votes, spin their words to tell voters what they think those voters want to hear, rather than what
they need to hear. A truly effective leader never makes a promise that can't be kept. Can the same
be said of the average politician?

Who or what is to blame, really? In the final analysis, we get the politicians we vote for. If we, the
electorate, continue to allow ourselves to be swayed by surface appearances and glib sound bites, if
we continue to vote the party line instead of for the greater good, like the immortal Pogo said, "we
have met the enemy, and he is us."

Learn more about this author, Charles Ray.

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