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By: Stephanie Reyes

When creating this Classroom Management Portfolio, I will concentrate on the grade that I’m

wanting to teach the most, which is Kindergarten. With that being said, everything that I include in this

portfolio will be aimed towards small children. As I’m working on this portfolio, it’s making me excited

to get my own classroom, and my goal is to be prepared for my classroom as much as possible. I will

include activities I will do with my students on their first day(s) of school, what kind of classroom

environment I’m hoping to create, my classroom procedures, my discipline system of choice, ways I will

motivate students, and my class engagement. Thinking about these things will create a foundation of

creating a great year with my students that will be both fun and educational.

Philosophical Statement

When learning about several educational theorists, one stood out especially. This theorist is

named Jerome Freiberg and he created the Consistency Management and Cooperative Discipline

system. This theory is a school wide theory, which I love, because the students throughout the entire

school will know what is expected of the inside and outside of the classrooms and around the schools

hallways. I love the idea of creating a person-centered classroom where the classroom concentrates

on caring, guidance, and cooperation. I feel like these three things matter, especially when teaching
Spring 2019 CUIN 4375 Stephanie Reyes

Monday 9AM-12PM

smaller children. With that being said, the teacher must give their students clear and direct

expectations on what she expects from her students at all times. Freiberg also believes in some of

Kohn’s ideas about classroom expectations and how a teacher needs to make her expectations clear

and consistent, and also that positive reinforcement is important when you want a child to keep

1st day Agenda
7:00 AM – Students arrive to school, they’ll play with puzzles and math counters while we wait for

the entire class to come in, after everyone arrives, I will discuss my expectations from them when we

go eat breakfast in the cafeteria.

7:45 AM – We finish up breakfast, line up and walk back to the classroom.

7:50 AM – Allow students to pick where they want to sit for the school year (I will adjust as needed),

and begin by taking roll to see who’s present, and who’s absent.

8:00 AM – Begin calendar time, I will call each table by color and get them to pick a spot on the


8:05 AM – Have students sit and teach them the “Good Morning Song” by Kiboomers.

8:10 AM – Have students stand and teach them “Hello Friends” song and actions by Dr. Jean

8:15 AM – Have students sit and show them “Seasons Song” by Have Fun Teaching so they learn

how to identify different seasons before going over the Calendar.

8:20 AM – Have student listen to “How’s the Weather” by Super Simple Songs so they can learn

how to identify the weather.

8:25 AM – Have students stand and teach them “Weather Song” by Dr. Jean along with the weather 6

8:30 AM – Have student learn “Days of the Week; Addams Family” by Dr. Jean

8:35 AM – Have students sit and go over calendar with them. Ask them what the weather looks like


8:40 AM – Go over rules and expectations with my classroom.

8:50 AM – Teach them about the rules chart wheel

9:00 AM – Discuss classroom jobs and assign jobs by picking names (popsicle sticks in a cup)

9:25 AM – Read “First Day Jitters” by Julie Dannberg

9:45 AM – Serve my students their very own “Jitter Juice”, recite the Jitter Poem with them as

they drink it.

9:55 AM - Bathroom Break

10: 15 AM – Write the morning message with the students on a dry-erase board. Have my students

echo read the message.

10:25 AM – Discuss feelings with students and ask the students how they felt about coming to

school today. Discuss how Kindergarten is different from being at home. Have students point to how

they’re feeling on the emotions chart one-by-one.

10:45 AM – Read “The Kissing Hand” to the students 7
11:00 AM – After reading the book, discuss the book with the students and mention how before they

come to school they can get their moms to kiss their hands, and when they miss her they can hug their

hands with their mother’s kiss on it.

11: 10 AM – Hand out Hershey Kisses to each student and mention to them how excited and happy I

am to have them in my class.

11:15 AM – Discuss hallways and Cafeteria rules to the students again, model how to hold the tray and

walk through the lunch line.

11:20 AM – Lunch (Walk the students through the line, eat lunch with my students the first week)

11:50 AM – Color and glue the Chester the Raccoon activity from “The Kissing Hand” Book. (Allow

students to play with Play-Doh if they finish early.

12:10 AM – Continue letting students finish their activity or play with Play-Doh when they’re finished,

begin calling students to the Kidney table one-by-one in alphabetical order to get their hand print on the

Chester craft.

12:35 AM – Restroom Break

12:50 – Recess

1:15 – Return to the classroom and explain their everyday take home folders. Explain Homework.
1:35 – Have students decorate their everyday folders and show them where they will put their folders

every morning when coming into class.

1:45 – Make first day of school hats

2:15 – Allow students to get their backpacks one table at a time from their cubby, hand out their treat

bags and first-day crafts.

2:30 – Dismissal
Spring 2019

Monday AM-12PM

1st Day Activities

First Day Jitters Juice and

The Kissing Hand Activities: 10
Bulletin Board: Mickey Mouse Themed
My classroom will be overall Mickey Mouse themed, because it’s a character I love, and I know

most students share their love for the mouse too. I want my students to feel excited about coming into

my classroom and seeing their work displayed on the bulletin board. I plan on changing the board every

week before going home Friday. I will try and take pictures of them before the first day to have on the

bulletin board if the school participates in “Meet the Teacher” day. This is an example of what my

students will see on the first day of school on our bulletin board:


Classroom Set-up 14

Break Area:

I don’t believe in timeouts, especially for smaller children. Most of the time when small children

begin to act up, it’s because they’re feeling strenuous, and need a little break to themselves. In my

classroom, I work like to have a break area where my students can go to and take up to five minutes

to themselves. In the break area they can choose to either sit there and reflect, read a book, or lay
down for a bit. I know this area can easily become a play area for some, but I’ll be sure to maintain

consistency to ensure my students meet my expectations when using the break area. I would like my

break area to look something like this:

Classroom Greeting:

Before entering my classroom

each morning, I will have multiple signs

next to my door which my students

are able to pick which form of greeting

they would like from me. I will say good

morning to each student as I perform

the greeting with them.

Entering Classroom


When entering the classroom my students will

put away their backpacks as soon as they enter in

the correct cubby with their name and picture on it.


Lunch Choice Procedure:

I will print multiple photos of items that

will be on the Cafeteria menu along with

pictures of a lunch box which means they

bought their own lunch from home.

Turning in Conduct/Homework folders:

I will have a small area where the students will be able

to put their folders before sitting down in their seats.

Warm Ups: 19
On the first day of school, I will discuss with my students that each morning they when they

arrive to class, after they’ve put their stuff away and are seated at their desk they will have a warm

up activity ready for them at their desk. They’re to complete this activity using inside voices if they’d

like to talk to their friends before I walk in.

Lining up:

When lining up, I will do a chant with my students that will go something like this:

Me: “Hey Class!”

Students: “Hey What?”

Me: “Are you ready?”

Students: “For what?”

Me: “To Walk!”

Students: “Walk how?”

Students and I: “Our hands are high (raise our hands) our feet are low (touch our toes) and this is how

our line will go!”

After completing the chant, I will tell my students to line up “face forward, hands behind your back, and

catch a bubble”

Attention Getter:

When my students get too loud, or they begin to get a bit out of control

and I need to get their attention I will say “Andy’s coming”, and at that

moment my students will fall to the ground or freeze like the toys on

Toy Story do and await my directions.

Storytime Chant:

Before beginning story time, my students will stand up and do a chant with me that will

say/have actions that will go like this:

Hands go up (raise both of their hands)

Hands go down! (Drop both hands)

I can turn myself around (Spin)

I can stand up on one shoe (stand on one shoe)

I can listen (point to ears)

So can you! (Point to students/students point to me)

I can sit. I’ll show you how! (Students sit)
Story time is starting now! (students sit still and listen to the story)

Classroom Jobs:

Each week I will pick ten students by picking popsicle

sticks from a cup. Those students will be assigned a classroom job

for that week.

Participation Sticks:

Before the first day of

class, when I receive my roster I

will write each student’s name on

a popsicle stick. When asking questions or picking jobs for the week,

I will use the popsicle sticks to ensure a fair way to pick students.

Packing up/End of the Day:

Before it’s time to go, I will call each table by table color one-by-one and they will gather their

homework/conduct folder and quietly sit on the carpet. I will read them a fun random book during that

time while they each get their things and prepare to go home.

Bathroom Procedures:

When going to the bathroom, I will remind my students to flush the toilet, wash their hands with

soap and dry their hands with paper towels. When teaching them to wash their hands I will make sure

they learn to pull the paper towel dispenser only two times, and to ensure their trash goes inside the

trash can.

Clean up Procedures:

When cleaning up, I will make sure my students learn how to pick up quietly and quickly. When

they’re finished cleaning, I will play I Spy with them to help them see things they might have missed around

the classroom. I will give animal crackers to the students who pick up quietly and quickly.

Water Procedure:
When students need a drink of water, I will allow them to go as long as their area is clean, and

I’m not giving any directions or in the middle of a lesson.


Each day my students will complete 4 rotations of centers. Each rotation will be fifteen minutes.

Each student will be able to see which stations they will be attending that day on the chart. I will change

the chart daily before leaving for the day.

CUIN 4375



Classroom Expectations:
When thinking of classroom expectations for small children, it’s pretty easy. You want to

create a positive classroom environment and want to build great relationships with your students. With

that being said, your expectations should be appropriate for your students age group.

I don’t want to have to send a Kindergarten to the office

for something minor, with that being said I would like to implement
apology charts, and ways that we can correct misbehaviors. I
briefly went over my break area earlier, which includes a teepee
where my students will be allowed to go when they need a small
five minuet break.

Me and We Activity

To teach my students the importance of becoming a community, I would like to do an activity

called the Me and We activity. In this activity, I will give each student a paper with two sides, one will

say “I” and the other will say “We”. They will draw some of the things they like that will represent

themselves as a person. When the entire class has finished their drawing, they will all go around the

classroom and share their drawings with their classmates. When we’ve finished sharing, we will return

to our seats, and draw what we’ve learned about the other students in our classroom on the “we” side

of the paper. Not only are they learning their differences, they’re also learning which children share the

same interests as them.




I will use the Dojo program to give or take points from students based on behavior. They will be

able to exchange these points for rewards, and the class will be able to save up their points as a whole

to get an awesome classroom prize of their choosing.




As mentioned before, I would like to use popsicle sticks to ensure participation from all of my

students in a fair way. I will have two cups to ensure the same students are always picked so that I

can move their sticks from one cup to another.

Mouse of the week:

Like employee of the month, I will choose one student who did an amazing job all week and they

will be put on our Mouse of the week bulletin board in the classroom.
I want to make a big deal out of all of my students’ birthdays. We will have a small party each

time it’s a student’s birthday, where the student will be able to choose a movie to watch during recess

with the entire class and we could resume the movie before we go home.

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