Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3

Question no 1




B. we need this equation


C. To start with, measure IDs are OS-dependent. Utilizing measure IDs would have made these protocols
OS-specific. Secondly having process tune in on known ports is simple, yet known cycle IDs are

D. Advantages of DHT with a work overlay Topology:

DHT implies Distributed Hash Tables. Need to require highway a message to the companion.

It depends on the nearby key.

It satisfactory numerous conveyance ways.

Disadvantages of DHT with a work overlay Topology:

This is mind boggling structure to create.

This cycle is needed to assets more for troublesome conveyance conspire.

Advantages of Circular DHT(with no shortcuts):

It contains just two friends, one is archetype and second is replacement.

Disadvantages of Circular DTH(with no shortcuts):

Need to require key and O(N) trusts.

Lessen the messages.

E. it is same as the answer mentioned in part D

Question 2

A. Yes, we need DNS for the ping to be successful

B. Ip address must be establish before

C. IP Address is used to differentiate between the connections

D. we can say that yes, the communication be disrupted between the Web Server and the hosts if the
DNS Server in Quetta goes down during the data transfer between the web server
and the host

e. Process number is used to differentiate between the communications of

those instances

Question no 3

1. OSI Model Vs. TCP/IP Model

Both have Layers
Both have application layer through which they can add different services
Both are reference models
Both are protocol stack
1.Transport layer is Connection oriented 1.Transport layer is connection oriented and
also Connection Less
2.OSI follows Vertical Approach 2.TCP/IP Follows Horizontal Approach has seven layers 3. it has four layers
when your PC mentioned website page, the device may have utilized an Ethernet Connection
with transfer the data through a router, and the request eventually arrived on a HTTP server
where the page resides
WhatsApp is one of the example

2. Micro-segmentation Vs. Segmentation

Micro-segmentation Network Segmentation
1.Micro-Segmentation has Granular policies 1. Network Segmentation has Coarse
2.Micro-Segmentation is Virtual or overlay 2. Network Segmentation is Physical
network network

3.Micro-Segmentation has East-west traffic 3. Network Segmentation has North-

south traffic

4.Micro-Segmentation is is Identity 4. Network Segmentation is Address

based/network level based/workload level
5.Micro-Segmentation is Software 5.Network Segmentation is Hardware
World is broken down into regions then states then cities and then neighborhood
Network Segmentation:
A fundamental model is separated web servers, information bases server and standard
client machines each into their own segment. By making network segment containing
just the resources explicit that you have approve access to,

3. Recursive DNS queries Vs Iterative DNS queries

Recursive DNS queries Iterative DNS queries
1.In this query for Name Resolution 1.In this query DNS client ask
, the DNS Client sends Query to DNS Server Server for name Resolution
2.The Reply to DNS query can be the answer if the DNS server does not
Of query or may be error message. 2.The answer,then the answer
may be from lower DNS
3.In this Query Server does not know the server
Exact answer to client DNS

Recursive will be if someone is looking at there keys until they finds them and iterative is
when someone looks in one room then the other room until he finds his keys
4. HTTP with parallelism Vs. HTTP with serial connections

HTTP parallelism:
In this HTTP allows users to open multiple connections and opens multiple HTTP transanctions
in parallel.
HTTP with serial connections:
In this user can send data over a network one bit at a time.

5.HTTP with cookies Vs. HTTP without cookies

1.Http Cookies is a small piece of data stored 1.
in user’s computer by browser
2.Http cookies records user’s browser activity

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