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F E B R U A R Y 2011 It’s 18 Years now

1993—2011 KCDW in Szczecin
On the 14th February we will celebrate the 18th anniversary of the first meeting
of Christ for All Church in Szczecin. On this occasion one might ask if 18 years is a lot or
a little? For certain, when viewed in the context of other bigger churches existing in
our country and in the minds of people, it may seem very little, but for us, the commu-
nity of believers in Szczecin gathering under the banner of “Christ for all” those 18 ye-
ars are a big chunk of our lives.
There are those among us who were born, and have grown to maturity in the church
and for them their life story is inseparable from the history of the church. Those 18
years cover many joyful and some less joyful moments. Together we have experienced
many changes, we have made many choices, we have tried to wrestle with our we-
aknesses knowing the taste of victory and of defeat. One can say with certainty that
the life of the church is inextricably linked with the lives of its members, their relations-
hip with God and with one another; with the life which He, Himself generously gives
to them.
br. Mariusz Kobos

ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 26

70-340 Szczecin

NIP 955-19-37-405

nr konta:

20 1020 4795 0000 9102

0090 0928

Dear Friends, brothers and sisters.

Greetings from a mild Manchester. During my last visit I talked to a number of people and I regret that I was not
able to talk to all of you personally. I intend to continue doing this during all my future visits. Standing the begin-
ning of a new year I am excited looking back at what the Lord has done among us and even more so when I look
forward in anticipation to the new areas the Lord will show us where we can touch the world.

The Temple Mentality

King David had a vision of the temple—a house of sacrifice, prayer, and praise. God
would dwell there, and the people would receive the grace of forgiveness. Priests and
Levites would officiate their offices and serve the people. There would be salvation at
the temple -the “house of God.” So David gathered abundantly and Solomon built the

Both David and Solomon understood that the temple was not able to contain God. It
would be a pattern of heavenly things, revealed to the world through Israel. Both the
temple and Israel were tools for a larger mission. But as so often happened, the tool
became an end-even an idol. A wrong “temple mentality” emerged.

In times of spiritual decline, the temple became a place where terrible practices occurred (see 2 Kings 23). The prophets
often spoke out against the temple. What had been blessed became cursed. Finally, it was desecrated and destroyed, not
once, but twice.

The “temple mentality” was a serious error. It confined God to a place. It was a “go to” mentality, instead of a “go from”
mentality. It relied on officials to dispense grace. It glorified the building instead of God. It failed to evangelize and deal with
issues out in the nation.

Herod built the third temple and again, Israel fell into the same error. Jesus spoke against it and even cleansed it (see Mat-
thew 24:1-2). And when He died, the veil separating God’s presence from the world was torn in two from the top down.
There can be no question that God had used the temple, but neither could there be any question that He was through with
it. It was destroyed a third time!

A few years ago, God spoke to me, “Don’t mend what I have torn!” Too often, we try to get God back behind the veil.
When we do that, the world around us becomes dark.

The Great Commission

Jesus said, “Go into all the world” (see Matthew 28:19-20). Jesus’ message was clear from the beginning. We were not com-
missioned to reproduce what God allowed to be destroyed. God was looking for worshippers who worshipped in spirit and
truth - everywhere (see John 4:21-24).
Jesus saw what the prophets had seen - a world filled with the knowledge of His glory (see Habakkuk 2:14). The Gospel was
for the whole world. His kingdom was bigger than the temple, Israel, or even the Church. That same message is ours.

Jesus’ plan carried the Church, and the Church carried His plan for centuries. But alas, it again embraced a “temple mentali-
ty.” In the 4th century, Christians consecrated buildings that formerly had been used in pagan practices, and even conse-
crated statues by simply changing the names of the statues from pagan gods to the names of the apostles. Again,
“Christian worship” moved indoors.

Centuries later, the Reformation renewed Christian theology, but failed to deal with the “temple mentality.” It brought
back the scriptures, faith, and grace, but left the Church concepts largely untouched. Buildings have certainly been . 2


E 2
but years - even centuries of tradition - have dulled our sense of mission. And the traditions have distorted what the apos-
tles taught about the real temple of God, the Body of Christ.

The Barn Mentality

Buildings are defined by purpose. Some buildings are for families. Some
are for storage, and others for offices and business. Still other buildings
are barns. These buildings store equipment, seed, fertilizer, harvest, and
provide shelter for livestock. Some barns are very well built and painted;
others are plain. But the value of a barn is what it contributes to the har-
vest. They are not objects of adoration.

Jesus spoke numerous parables about farming. In Matthew 13:38, He

said, “The field is the world.” One might see a barn in that picture, but it
certainly was not the focus. Harvest was the issue. The “barn mentality”
is when we see church buildings as places where sowers get seed;
a place we go from to sow in the world.

How Can We Change?

Change begins when we want to change. I doubt that most Christians want to change from a “temple mentality” to a
“barn mentality.” But what the Holy Spirit has not led us to see, because of our hardness, the world may force us to see.
Israel did not see even though Jesus was indeed a great light. Traditions had blinded their eyes. Nevertheless, He was
right about the future. One could argue that those who destroyed the temple, as Jesus prophesied that they would, did
the Church a favor. Though it was a terribly awful, painful “favor,” it did force the Church outward.

If farms were operated like churches…there would be nicer barns, with more office space. Farmers would spend more
time in the barn. They would actually plow in the barn and then sow in the barn. They would spend more time encourag-
ing, and counseling the harvesters. They would even pray for it to rain in the barn and then they would pray for the barn
to “catch on fire.” Meanwhile, the wild beast would thrive in the field.

You get the picture! Thank God that farms are not run like some churches. In all cases, the goal is outward.

Action Items

What can we do that will help us to affect the world?

•Pray for God to help us to change before the world forces us to change.
•Pray for church members to become sowers, and not just sitters.
•Pray for the Lord to send laborers into the ripening fields.
•Let us spend less time in the barn, and more time in the field.
•Get more activity into homes and workplace and less in “the Temple.”
•Measure the quality of our experience by our results in the world.
•Don’t withdraw…go out with the Gospel of the Kingdom.
•Encourage every true believer in the city to take personal responsibility for the corporate mission.

br. Goos Vadder


Feeding the poor
Every Monday at 5 pm in our Church building we have the oppor-
tunity to give hot soup to those who need it. There are around
40-50 people coming for this meal. Special thanks to those who
have given financial support as it is made possible by the contri-
bution of believers.

A cross- section of people for whom it is organized is varied in

terms of age or life experience. There are people coming, who
are at a low point in their lives, but we are hoping that by this
initiative they can see that they are not alone and there is some-
one who is giving them a helping hand.

In fact the Lord is giving, and we are distributing.

I believe that these are great things in these small steps.

If You would like to support or help please contact

Zdzichu on 665 382 178
more pictures at:

Społecznośd Chrześcijaoska Hosanna w Lublinie


Support from Holland
We would like to thank Jan and Jakob and the good people from
Holland for food and clothes, which we are able to pass onto peo-
ple in need ( at the night-shelter at Zamknięta, the squat and peo-
ple who are coming on Monday for the soup)

We were hosting Ryszard Paciocha

On Saturday 29th January we were visited by Ryszard Paciocha, the Teen
Challenge „Coffee House” coordinator. He shared with us his knowledge of
working with addicted and homeless people. His experience allowed us to see
more realistically who we should help and how to be effective, above all
based on God’s principals of shaping a person.

We all need God’s guidance and development and part of this process is help-
ing people to understand who they are in the eyes of Jesus Christ and to what
they are called by God. God has especially put in the heart of some to help
those people who have been deprived of dignity by the devil. However as
there is so much written in the Gospels, Acts and apostolic letters about work-
ing with the poor and needy I think that every person that trusts Jesus should
do as much as he is able to, to participate in this work .

br. Karol Siewier

Społecznośd Chrześcijaoska Hosanna w Lublinie


Operation Christmas Child 2010-11
Through the joint efforts of people with HUGE hearts we became for the ninth
time part, and it’s not small of the great worldwide action „Operation Christmas
Child” led by the International organization Samari-
tan’s Purse. This year with the Good News about Je-
sus in our mouths and boxes prepared by families
from Germany in our hands we visited many homes.
The Action is still going on, and we have the first pho-
tos from this years visits to the Feniks children shelter
and the Caritas children’s club on Barnima Street.

more pictures at:

Trust in the Lord - Isaiah 50:10,11

T he later part of Isaiah Chapter 50 is often titled the “Servants Obedian-

ce”. In verses 4 to 9 it gives some examples of what the Lord’s servant
might expect to experience. It may be to receive from the Lord the ability
to encourage and sustain others through our words (v4), or to experience
God speaking to us “morning by morning”. It may be to be very open to
the Lord in all things (v5), and even to be vulnerable in quite painful ways
to the people around us (v6). It can be to experience God’s supernatural
help and vindication even in the face of heavy opposition (v7-9). Many of
you will have experienced such things. But what about times when we just
aren’t hearing anything and it does not feel like God is helping! What do
we do in times like that and how do we cope? The last two verses of this
Gdaosk KCHWE "Armia Dawida"
chapter give us some answers to this. It says that when we find ourselves
blind, walking in the darkness, not knowing where we are going or what
we should be doing, we should “trust in the name of the Lord and rely on
our God”. Isaiah is encouraging us to be ready and willing to walk in the dark and to simply trust in God. Rather
than getting worried or anxious or impatient or even trying to figure it all out, we need to rest in Him and ack-
nowledge that maybe God does know what he is doing. We simply trust in him instead of relying on our under-
standing (Prov 3:5,6).
The temptation when we are in the dark for too long though is to try and sort it out ourselves. The tension of
not knowing builds up and we look for relief from somewhere. We look for or think up a good idea and decide
that is the way we should take. Isaiah symbolically refers to this as “lighting fires and equipping yourselves with
burning torches” (v10). Doing something is better than nothing surely! The trouble is good ideas are not always
God ideas! And when we light our own fires and try and save ourselves, the sobering fact is that God lets us do
that (v11). He will not get in the way but he does warn us that it only leads to misery. Those fires and good ideas
become our light rather than God himself. But only God can be our true saviour. What is more God is able to le-
ad us even when we are blind and cannot see. Sometimes the Lord does not need us to see the way, even for
those who have known what it is to hear his voice morning by morning. Sometimes in the economy of God, he
knows it is better for us to simply walk in the dark till He thinks it is time for us to know. It is often in the times
when we feel most disorientated that he is most able to lead us into his new paths which we have not known
nor would have dreamed of (Is 42:16). God wants to do new things in your life. So don’t be afraid of the dark
times, they just may be the forerunner to the new things he has planned for you. His promise is that he will
never leave us or forsake us (Hebs 13:5). And He who promises is faithful.

br. Ian Gray


P A G E 6
RECOMMEND : Sunday School events

Save me from myself – Brian „Head” Welch

T his is the life history and testimony of Brian „Head” Welch, ex guitarist of the
band KORN at the time when Welch was a leader of that band (that is a few
years ago) and it was one of top heavy metal bands in the world. It is a radical tes-
timony of God’s work. An amazing history of a rock star, who lost control on his
own life; about drug addiction and the miraculous salvation by the power of

In this sometimes brutal autobiography Brian Welch for the first time describes
how he came to God and what has happened in the last 10 years. This book allows
you to see into the world of heavy metal band KORN through the eyes of a band
member. Head honestly tells about his unsuccessful fight with drugs, which even-
tually led him to turn to God. From his autobiography You will see how Head
turned away from the destructive style of life he led and rebuilt his relationship
with his daughter and how his music has changed.

„In Brian’s music You can feel God’s presence. When we recorded material togeth-
er, thanks to the Spirit that connects us we were creating music that was a source
of inspiration. „Save me from Myself” is a great message of hope. When he was a member of KORN I admired his char-
acter and a sense of humor; now again he will shake the world – and for sure it will enrich.”

New TGD album

Liczy się każdy dzień
The Best of 2000 + 2010
On the 7th and 8th August the band Trzecia Godzina Dnia recorded in
Kielce tracks for a new CD and DVD album. The album was recorded
with guest appearance of musicians like Natalia Niemen, Mieczysław
Szcześniak and Mate.O together with a string orchestra. The choir sang
12 songs from their previous three albums: „TGD na żywo”, „Wiara czyni
cuda” and „PS” in brand new, and surprising arrangements. We will
hear also three premier songs. The concert was recorded by
and released as a CD and DVD album with a book.

I encourage You to buy this album.


„Festival of Life” (Festiwal Życia)

Joyce Meyer
With great pleasure we would like to inform You that on 11th June 2011 in Warsaw at the Congress
Hall from 9am till 8pm there will be a conference with the internationally- known speaker Joyce
Meyer. It will be her first visit to our country.
The Conference will be called „Festival of life”. Worship during the conference will be led by a wor-
ship team from Hillsong church in Kiev.
Joyce Meyer TV shows are one of the most popular Christian broadcasts in the world. Each edition
attracts millions of television viewers.
Joyce in a practical way teaches how to solve daily problems and difficulties based on the Word of
God. She is an author of the book „Battlefield of the mind” and many other tracts. She can explain
even the most complicated life issues in a simple way.
Joyce Meyer has spoken in many conferences in all over the world, attracting tens and sometimes
even hundreds of thousands of listeners.

Joyce Meyer TV shows in the polish

language are available on the internet
at evangelical Christian TV, Chrzescija-

More info at:

See also:

T R . 8 OF
ALL” B I U L E T Y N K O Ś C I O Ł A „ C H R Y S T U S D L A 8
G ”E7 8
LL ii ff ee oo ff oo uu rr cc hh uu rr cc hh
S p e c"Szczupak
i a l e v 2010"
February Birthdays
4th D
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pols ial gue u r i ty -H op
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sz 06.02 Katarzyna Rudź
Word m ber, e k Za 03.12 Mariusz Kobos
at th s jąc fr
18th e chu aturday a om 15.02
23.12 Małgorzata
dece rch buil t 6pm
ladie mb ding Scho
s at M er, satu ol of 17.02
24.12 Patryk Rudź
Ian Gray
onika rday a the
’s t 6p 25.12
18.02 Orszulaków
Monika JończykAnniversary
mee 27.12 Anna Grzesiuk
ting 24.02 Karol Siewier
31.12 Michejów Anniversary
27.02 Remigiusz Miklewski
Congratulations to Sylwek Ostrowski on winning the
title „Szczupak 2010” for extraordinary efforts, giving God bless You All
God Bless You All
the people of Western Pomerania region reason to
be proud of the opening of the Arts Academy.
Znalezione w sieci:
More at: Meetings for kids in february
12.02 (saturday) at 11.00-13.30
Meeting for High school stu-

contact s. Magda
Found on the web: tel. 502 238 480

On the 12th January meeting in a small gathering we had op-

portunity to host an unannounced guest, a priest, who you
can see on the photo.
At the end of our meeting we suggested a time of prayer to-
We prayed for God’s Kingdom to be established in Szczecin,
for Jesus to be lifted up, His power to be seen and for people
to know God’s goodness. We also prayed for a family in
which father has cancer.


P A G E 9
December 2010
February 2011

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 thanks to those who
2 contributed to this3 newsletter: Daria,4Helen, Magda, Ian, Karol,
5 Robert, Szymon
1 2 and Tomek K. 3 4 5
6pm prayer at the 6pm home group at home prayer. 11am meeting with 11am Sunday Service
6pm home group at Home prayer. Info 11 am time with Bible 10 am Christian mee- 11am Sunday Service
church building the
There are stillangles amongthe church
us. church building.
They have More info via text Bible for women at
no real wings, but their heart and help shown in every little thing are proof of it.
building. ting for men at „XIII - Communion
Contact s Kasia Dwo- about
message place and for women at He-
Helen’s Communion
Contact Kasia Dwo-Editors
timeofviathe Newsletter
text mes- len’s 512 316 688 muz” Club
jak tel:512316688
jak sage

76 8
7 9
8 10
9 11
10 12
11 13
5pm feeding the poor
11am meeting with
6pm prayer at the 6pm home group at home prayer. 18:00 seminar with 11am Sunday Service
7pm Prayer for 6pm prayer at the 6pm home group at Home prayer. Info 11 am for
Bible time with Bible
women at 11am Sunday Service
7pm prayer for „Coffee church building the church building. More info via text br. Leszek Zając
„Coffee House” chuch building the church building. about place and for women at He-
Helen’s br. Leszek Zając
House” ministry at Poczto- Contact s Kasia Dwo- message -Baptism
wa 8 u 1. Pocztowa 6pm meeting for Contact Kasia Dwo- time via text mes- len’s 512prayer
7:30pm 316 688
and - Guest Leszek Zając
8u1 ladies at Monika’s jak sage worship evening

1413 15
14 16
15 17
16 18
17 19
18 20
5pm feeding the 6pm prayer at the 6pm home group at home
Home prayer.
prayer. Info 11am
11 ammeeting
time withwith
Bible 6pm meeting for 11am Sunday Service
poor church building
chuch building the church building. More
aboutinfo viaand
place text Bible for women
for women at He- at ladies at Monika’s on
Contact sKasia
Dwo- message
time via text mes- Helen’s
len’s 512 316 688 Pocztowa 13/7
jak sage tel:512316688

21/28 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
26 26
5pm feeding the 6pm
6pm prayer
prayer at
at the
the 6pm
6pm home
home group
group at
at Home prayer. Info
home prayer. 11 ammeeting
11am time with Bible
with 11am
11am Sunday
Sunday Service
poor chuch building
church building the church building.
the church building. about
More info viaand
place text for women at He-
Bible for women at at one table
Contact -Birthday
Contact Kasia
s KasiaDwo-
Dwo- time via text mes-
message len’s 512 316 688
jak sage tel:512316688

27 28 29 30 31
6pm prayer at the 6pm home group at Home prayer. Info 11 am time with Bible
chuch building the church building. about place and for women at He-
Contact Kasia Dwo- time via text mes- len’s 512 316 688
jak sage

IfThis place
You would likeistowaiting for You
share Your testimony,
reflections about christian life and faith or
Your thoughts please do not hesitate to
contact us at:
Many thanks to those who contributed to this newsletter:
Daria, Helen, Magda, Ian, Jacek, Karol, Mariusz and Zdzichu

There are still angels among us. They have no real wings, but their
heart and help shown in every little thing are proof of it.

Editors of the Newsletter

ALL” E 91 0

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