Sie sind auf Seite 1von 106

0 0 0

sleeping 1 12
doing homework 1 12
playing football 1 12
studying 1 12
reading 1 12
dancing 1 12
tidying up 1 12
singing 1 12
doing housework 1 12
riding a bike 1 12
hobby 1 13
enjoy 1 13
exercise 1 13
puzzle 1 13
crossword 1 13
play computer games 1 13
be in a club 1 14
play an instrument 1 14
collect things 1 14
write a blog 1 14
take photographs 1 14
keep a pet 1 14
play the piano 1 15
collect stamps 1 15
play on-line games 1 15
cooking 1 15
collect autographs 1 16
write a poem 1 16
always 1 17
sometimes 1 17
never 1 17
occasionally 1 17
often 1 17
rarely 1 17
usually 1 17
every day 1 17
three times a week 1 17
once a month 1 17
make videos 1 17
have a problem 1 18
have dinner 1 18
have fun 1 18
have a rest 1 18
have a good time 1 18
have a shower 1 18
have time 1 13
have a hobby 1 13
tidy 1 13
busy 1 13
relax 1 13
definitely 1 18
strange 1 16
smile 1 13
positive 1 13
interests 1 13
pass the time 1 16
can't stand 1 16
cheap 2 20
expensive 2 20
fantastic 2 20
dream 2 20
wear 2 20
supermarket 2 21
shopping 2 21
colour 2 21
cool 2 21
comfortable 2 21
designer clothes 2 21
clean 2 21
bright 2 21
newsagent's 2 22
chemist's 2 22
bookshop 2 22
clothes shop 2 22
shoe shop 2 22
department store 2 22
post office 2 22
taste 2 23
smell 2 23
sound 2 23
look 2 23
customer 2 23
size 2 23
take 2 23
try on 2 23
cost 2 23
T-shirt 2 24
jeans 2 24
shorts 2 24
shoes 2 24
trousers 2 24
belt 2 24
boots 2 24
jacket 2 24
trainers 2 24
shirt 2 21
dress 2 24
jumper 2 24
spend 2 24
shopping mall 2 24
market 2 26
good-looking 2 20
interesting 2 24
fascinating 2 24
exciting 2 24
unusual 2 24
plan 2 21
terrible 2 21
magazine 2 21
laugh at 2 21
surprise 2 24
interested in 2 24
popular 2 26
stall 2 26
bargain 2 26
open-air 2 26
bread 3 30
cheese 3 30
milk 3 30
cereal 3 30
orange juice 3 30
egg 3 30
vitamin 3 30
healthy 3 30
water melon 3 30
banana 3 30
ice cream 3 30
honey 3 30
avocado 3 30
potato 3 30
sugar 3 30
dessert 3 30
apple 3 31
vegetable 3 31
chocolate 3 31
biscuit 3 31
rice 3 32
kitchen 3 32
strawberry 3 32
tomato 3 32
sausage 3 32
carrot 3 32
onion 3 32
cake 3 32
pepper 3 32
yoghurt 3 32
chilli con carne 3 32
omelette 3 32
coffee 3 32
chicken 3 32
chocolate mousse 3 32
pear 3 32
bean 3 32
curry 3 32
salad 3 32
mineral water 3 32
chips 3 33
onion rings 3 33
spinach 3 33
mushroom 3 33
hot chocolate 3 33
fruit 3 33
ham 3 33
mixed salad 3 33
vanilla 3 33
steak 3 33
pasta 3 33
tea 3 33
order 3 33
menu 3 33
bill 3 33
starter 3 33
side dish 3 33
spaghetti 3 34
tomato sauce 3 34
serve 3 34
salt 3 34
soup 3 34
left-overs 3 34
mango 3 34
unhealthy 3 34
too many 3 35
too much 3 35
not enough 3 35
roast 3 35
boiled 3 35
fried 3 35
grilled 3 35
delicious 3 35
nice 3 35
horrible 3 35
boring 3 35
beef 3 35
fish 3 35
spicy 3 32
savoury 3 32
sweet 3 32
fresh 3 35
tasty 3 35
yummy 3 35
fatty 3 35
disgusting 3 35
salty 3 35
snack 3 35
fast food 3 35
picnic 3 36
lemonade 3 36
apple juice 3 36
sandwich 3 36
tuna 3 36
vegetarian 3 36
have got an idea 3 37
have got a headache 3 37
have got time 3 37
have got something to do 3 37
have got a problem 3 37
disagree 3 30
present 3 31
care 3 31
shape 3 33
joke 3 33
unfair 3 33
hurt 3 33
surprise 3 34
daughter 4 38
sister 4 38
father 4 38
wife 4 38
son 4 38
brother 4 38
mother 4 38
husband 4 38
aunt 4 38
my 4 40
mine 4 40
your 4 40
yours 4 40
her 4 40
hers 4 40
his 4 40
our 4 40
ours 4 40
their 4 40
theirs 4 40
who 4 40
whose 4 40
side of the family 4 40
big brother 4 40
uncle 4 40
aunty 4 40
sister-in-law 4 40
little brother 4 40
grandparents 4 40
cousin 4 40
grandma 4 40
grandpa 4 40
granddaughter 4 40
granddad 4 41
upset 4 43
angry 4 43
surprised 4 43
confused 4 43
proud 4 43
relieved 4 43
worried 4 43
scared 4 43
fight 4 38
spend time 4 38
hero 4 42
ambulance 4 42
disappear 4 42
in trouble 4 42
open presents 4 44
watch a performance 4 44
celebrate 4 44
international 4 44
national 4 44
share 4 44
together 4 44
invitation 4 45
kitchen 5 48
bedroom 5 48
bathroom 5 48
living room 5 48
dining room 5 48
garden 5 48
fridge 5 48
armchair 5 49
carpet 5 49
cooker 5 49
curtains 5 49
desk 5 49
lamp 5 49
mirror 5 49
shelf 5 49
shower 5 49
sofa 5 49
toilet 5 49
wardrobe 5 49
wall 5 49
quite 5 51
very 5 51
really 5 51
annoyed 5 53
relaxed 5 53
bored 5 53
interested 5 53
amazed 5 53
annoying 5 53
relaxing 5 53
amazing 5 53
look after 5 55
look up 5 55
look for 5 55
look at 5 55
look into 5 55
charity 5 49
creative 5 49
care for 5 49
work together 5 49
uncomfortable 5 51
untidy 5 51
quiet 5 51
safe 5 51
at home 5 51
homeless 5 54
pay attention 5 55
alone 6 56
happy 6 56
sad 6 56
excited 6 56
yesterday 6 58
yesterday morning 6 58
yesterday afternoon 6 58
last night 6 58
last week 6 58
last year 6 58
an hour ago 6 58
two weeks ago 6 58
bought (buy) 6 58
came (come) 6 58
chose (choose) 6 58
found (find) 6 58
gave (give) 6 58
got (get) 6 58
had (have) 6 58
left (leave) 6 58
made (make) 6 58
said (say) 6 58
saw (see) 6 58
stood (stand) 6 58
thought (think) 6 58
took (take) 6 58
went (go) 6 58
mine 6 59
yours 6 59
his 6 59
hers 6 59
ours 6 59
theirs 6 59
intelligent 6 61
cheerful 6 61
jealous 6 61
helpful 6 61
confident 6 61
generous 6 61
easy-going 6 61
funny 6 61
myth 6 62
friendship 6 62
stressed 6 62
right now 6 62
patient 6 62
make friends 6 62
remember 6 62
happiness 6 62
sorry 6 63
footballer 6 59
certainly 6 59
possibly 6 59
score 6 59
have an accident 6 60
save someone's life 6 60
go surfing 6 60
for the first time 6 60
smile 6 61
in public 6 61
laugh 6 61
e-reader 7 66
digital camera 7 66
flat screen TV 7 66
tablet 7 66
laptop 7 66
desktop computer 7 66
have (got) to 7 68
don't have to 7 68
Sat Nav 7 68
game console 7 68
headphones 7 68
remote control 7 68
MP3 player 7 68
torch 7 68
coffee machine 7 68
calculator 7 68
docking station 7 68
hair dryer 7 68
gadget 7 68
should 7 69
shouldn't 7 69
mobile phone 7 69
mustn't 7 70
vacuum the floor 7 71
tidy up 7 71
do the ironing 7 71
do the shopping 7 71
set the table 7 71
clear the table 7 71
do the washing-up 7 71
wash up 7 71
make the beds 7 71
do the cooking 7 71
do the washing 7 71
load the dishwasher 7 71
empty the dishwasher 7 71
tidying 7 71
chores 7 71
like 7 73
looks like 7 73
sounds like 7 73
Like what? 7 73
illness 7 66
invent 7 66
invention 7 66
care about something 7 67
environment 7 67
appearance 7 67
quality 7 67
inventor 7 69
have access to something 7 69
switch off 7 70
robot 7 70
create problems 7 70
fair 7 71
basketball 8 74
horseracing 8 74
mountaineering 8 74
athletics 8 74
swimming 8 74
tennis 8 74
ball 8 74
race 8 74
track 8 74
water 8 74
rope 8 74
net 8 74
match 8 74
rider 8 74
finish line 8 74
try 8 75
win 8 75
lose 8 75
run 8 76
sailing 8 76
diving 8 76
golf 8 76
gymnastics 8 76
rock-climbing 8 76
rugby 8 76
snowboarding 8 76
skiing 8 76
volleyball 8 76
windsurfing 8 76
player 8 76
team 8 76
play football 8 76
go running 8 76
do athletics 8 76
team sport 8 76
water sport 8 76
football 8 77
running 8 77
skateboarding 8 77
surfing 8 77
cycle 8 77
team games 8 77
skate-park 8 77
ramp 8 77
ski 8 77
competition 8 78
American football 8 78
sumo wrestling 8 78
wrestler 8 78
referee 8 78
cycle race 8 78
cyclist 8 78
first half 8 78
kick-off 8 78
half time 8 78
second half 8 78
at first 8 79
then 8 79
after 8 79
finally 8 79
marathon 8 80
athlete 8 80
spectator 8 80
bronze medal 8 80
silver medal 8 80
gold medal 8 80
stadium 8 81
trophy 8 81
goal 8 81
winner 8 81
climb 8 74
accident 8 74
shine 8 76
dream 8 76
practise 8 77
competitive 8 77
lose control 8 78
take place 8 80
cross 8 80
grab 8 80
puff adder 9 84
spider 9 84
scorpion 9 84
lion 9 84
elephant 9 84
cheetah 9 84
hyena 9 84
wildlife 9 84
wild animals 9 84
nut 9 84
berry 9 84
snake 9 84
butterfly 9 84
leopard 9 84
safari 9 84
zoo 9 84
tiger 9 84
ocean 9 86
hill 9 86
mountain 9 86
jungle 9 86
river 9 86
desert 9 86
lake 9 86
beach 9 86
island 9 86
forest 9 86
small 9 86
big 9 86
dry 9 86
early 9 86
beautiful 9 86
better (good) 9 86
worse (bad) 9 86
high 8 86
vulture 9 87
kill 9 87
antelope 9 87
can 9 87
can't 9 87
ice 9 88
freezing 9 89
sunny 9 89
rainy 9 89
humid 9 89
windy 9 89
wet 9 89
cloudy 9 89
foggy 9 89
cold 9 89
hot 9 89
north 9 84
south 9 84
medicine 9 84
dangerous 9 84
courage 9 87
get married 9 87
brave 9 87
temperature 9 88
on record 9 88
extreme 9 88
lovely 9 90
castle 10 92
skyscraper 10 92
harbour 10 92
station 10 92
shop 10 92
museum 10 92
be going to 10 94
borrow 10 94
concert hall 10 94
car park 10 94
bus station 10 94
police station 10 94
football stadium 10 94
sports centre 10 94
cinema 10 95
restaurant 10 95
library 10 95
skateboard park 10 96
fast 10 97
easily 10 97
quickly 10 97
well 10 97
carefully 10 97
badly 10 97
dangerously 10 97
zebra crossing 10 97
youth club 10 97
speed camera 10 97
graffiti wall 10 97
cycle lane 10 97
litter bin 10 97
billboard 10 97
high street 10 97
building 10 99
culture 10 92
population 10 93
local 10 93
invite 10 95
tourism 10 96
pedestrian 10 96
fluent 10 97
tourist attraction 10 98
diamond 10 98
sand 10 98
resort 10 98
demolish 10 98
mine 10 98
definitely 10 99
arm 11 102
leg 11 102
mouth 11 102
muscle 11 102
finger 11 102
foot 11 102
ear 11 102
eye 11 102
body 11 102
ankle 11 104
back 11 104
elbow 11 104
knee 11 104
lip 11 104
neck 11 104
shoulder 11 104
stomach 11 104
throat 11 104
tongue 11 104
stomach ache 11 105
ear ache 11 105
headache 11 105
toothache 11 105
do exercise 11 109
do some cleaning 11 109
be doing OK 11 109
do your homework 11 109
do well 11 109
do great ice cream 11 109
do 15 kilometres for every litre 11 109
fresh air 11 103
keep fit 11 103
fall 11 105
break a leg 11 106
see in the dark 11 106
shout at someone 11 108
bicycle 12 110
boat 12 110
bus 12 110
car 12 110
plane 12 110
train 12 110
travel 12 110
country 12 112
continent 12 112
been (go) 12 112
done (do) 12 112
gone (go) 12 112
seen (see) 12 112
written (write) 12 112
met (meet) 12 112
spoken (speak) 12 112
eaten (eat) 12 112
taken (take) 12 112
flown (fly) 12 112
swum (swim) 12 112
won (win) 12 112
driven (drive) 12 112
tourist 12 113
traveller 12 113
minibus 12 115
helicopter 12 115
tram 12 115
scooter 12 115
underground train 12 115
fly 12 115
miss 12 115
catch 12 115
take 12 115
ride 12 115
drive 12 115
travel the world 12 110
write home 12 110
appear on television 12 110
other cultures 12 111
skeleton 12 114
false teeth 12 114
on time 12 116
village 12 116
journey 12 116
45 centimetres wide 12 116
take a risk 12 116
tiny 12 116
tracks 12 116
neighbour 12 116
admire 12 117
Definition 0
being asleep noun
doing the work that your teacher gives you to do at home phrase
taking part in a game of football phrase
learning about a subject, usually at school or university noun
the activity or skill of getting information from books, newspapers, etcnoun
the activity of moving your feet and your body to the rhythm of musicnoun
the activity of making a place tidy noun
the activity of singing noun
the activity of cleaning and tidying your house phrase
the activity of travelling by using a bicycle phrase
an activity that you enjoy and do regularly when you are not working noun
to get pleasure from something verb
physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy noun
a game or activity in which you have to put pieces together or answernoun
a game in which you write words which are the answers to questionsnoun
to use games that are on a computer phrase
to be a member of an organization that does a particular activity phrase
to make music with an instrument such as a piano or a violin phrase
to get and keep things of a particular type, such as stamps or coins phrase
to write regular short online articles phrase
to produce pictures with a camera phrase
to have an animal such as a dog or a cat in your home phrase
to make music with a piano phrase
to get and keep stamps as a hobby phrase
to play games on the internet phrase
preparing and cooking food, or a particular way of preparing and coonoun
to get and keep people's names, written by themselves phrase
to write a piece of writing, often with short lines that end with the s phrase
every time, or at all times adverb
on some occasions but not always or often adverb
not ever, not one time adverb
sometimes but not often adverb
many times or regularly adverb
not often adverb
in the way that most often happens adverb
on all days adverb
on three occasions each week adverb
on one occasion each month adverb
to record a film phrase
to be in a situation that causes difficulty for you phrase
to eat your main meal phrase
to do something that you enjoy and that makes you happy phrase
to relax or sleep because you are tired phrase
to do something that you enjoy phrase
to wash your body while you stand under a flow of water phrase
to have enough time to do something phrase
to have something that you enjoy doing regularly in your free time phrase
having everything ordered and arranged in the right place adjective
if you are busy, you are working hard, or giving your attention to a paradjective
to become happy and comfortable because nothing is worrying you verb
without any doubt adverb
If something is strange, it is surprising because it is unusual or unex adjective
to make a happy or friendly expression in which the corners of your verb
feeling enthusiastic and happy about your life and your future adjective
things that you enjoy doing, studying, or experiencing plural noun
to spend time doing something phrase
If you can't stand something or someone, you hate it or them. phrase
costing little money or less than is usual or expected adjective
costing a lot of money adjective
extremely good adjective
to imagine something that you would like to happen verb
to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body verb
a large shop that sells food, drink, products for the home, etc. noun
the activity of buying things from shops noun
red, blue, green, yellow, etc. noun
good, stylish, or fashionable adjective
describes furniture, clothes, etc. that provide a pleasant feeling and adjective
clothes that are made by fashionable designers, and that are usuall plural noun
not dirty adjective
strong in colour adjective
a shop that sells newspapers and magazines noun
a shop where you can buy medicines, make-up and products used fonoun
a shop where books are sold noun
a shop that sells clothes noun
a shop that sells shoes noun
a large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells dnoun
a place where stamps are sold and from where letters and parcels arnoun
to have a particular flavour verb
to have a particular quality that people notice by using their nose verb
to seem to be verb
to have a particular appearance verb
a person who buys goods or a service noun
one of the different measurements in which things, for example clothnoun
to wear a particular size of clothes verb
to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits you or if you like it phrasal verb
If something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount toverb
a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of the body with short slee noun
trousers made from a strong, usually blue material plural noun
trousers with very short legs plural noun
strong coverings for your feet, usually made of leather plural noun
a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a separate part for e plural noun
a long, thin piece of leather, cloth, or plastic that you wear around yonoun
strong shoes that cover your feet and part of your legs plural noun
a short coat noun
soft shoes for sport plural noun
a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body, often made of thnoun
a piece of clothing for women or girls which covers the top half of t noun
a piece of clothing usually made of wool which covers the top of you noun
to use money to buy or pay for something verb
a large, covered shopping area noun
a place where people go to buy or sell things, often outside noun
If someone is good-looking, they have an attractive face. adjective
Someone or something that is interesting keeps your attention because adjective
extremely interesting adjective
making you feel very happy and enthusiastic adjective
different and not ordinary, often in a way that is interesting or excitin adjective
an arrangement for what you intend to do or how you intend to do s noun
very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant adjective
a thin book published every week or month, that has shiny, colourful noun
to smile and make sounds with your voice to show that you think thatphrasal verb
to give someone the feeling that you get when something happens thverb
wanting to give your attention to something and discover more aboutphrase
liked by many people adjective
a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods arenoun
something that is on sale for less than its usual price or its real valuenoun
An open-air place does not have a roof. adjective
a basic food made by mixing flour, water and sometimes yeast noun
a food made from milk, which can either be firm or soft and is usuallynoun
a white liquid produced by cows noun
a food that is made from grain and usually eaten with milk, especiall noun
a drink made from the juice of oranges noun
an oval object with a hard shell which is produced by female birds, e noun
one of a group of natural substances that you need to be healthy noun
good for your health adjective
a large, round, green fruit that is pink inside with a lot of black seeds noun
a long curved fruit with a yellow skin noun
a sweet food made from frozen milk or cream, sugar and a flavour noun
a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees noun
a dark green, oval fruit which is pale green inside and is not sweet noun
a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin that grows in the noun
a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and drinks noun
sweet food eaten after the main part of a meal noun
a hard, round fruit that has a green or red skin and is white inside noun
a plant that you eat, for example potatoes, onions, beans, etc. noun
a sweet, usually brown, food that is prepared and sold in a block, or noun
a small, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet noun
small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten noun
a room where food is kept, prepared, and cooked and where the dis noun
a small, red fruit with a green leaf at the top and small, brown seeds noun
a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable noun
a mixture of meat and spices pressed into a long tube noun
a long, thin orange vegetable that grows in the ground noun
a round vegetable with layers that has a strong taste and smell noun
a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs, mixed togeth noun
a hollow green, red, or yellow vegetable noun
a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour taste which is made from milk noun
a spicy food like a sauce made from meat, tomatoes, and beans noun
a food made with eggs that have been mixed and fried, often with ot noun
a popular hot drink with a strong smell that is made from dark bean noun
a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat noun
a soft dessert made from eggs and chocolate noun
an oval-shaped pale green or yellow fruit noun
a seed, or the pod containing seeds, of various climbing plants, eate noun
a type of food, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or veg noun
a cold mixture of vegetables that usually have not been cooked, somnoun
water which is taken from the ground and contains natural chemical noun
long, thin pieces of potato cooked in oil plural noun
round pieces of onion that are covered in a mixture of flour, water, o plural noun
a vegetable with large, dark green leaves and a strong taste noun
a type of fungus with a short stem and a round top, some types of w noun
a hot, sweet drink with a chocolate flavour noun
something such as an apple or orange that grows on a tree or a bus noun
meat from a pig's back or upper leg noun
a salad that contains several different foods, usually including lett noun
a substance that is used to give flavour to some sweet foods noun
a thick, flat piece of meat or fish noun
a food that is made from flour, water and sometimes eggs, and comenoun
a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried leaves, or the noun
to ask for food, goods, etc. verb
a list of food and drinks that you can order in a restaurant noun
a piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay for somethingnoun
something that you eat as the first part of a meal noun
in a restaurant, an extra dish of food, for example vegetables or sal noun
long, thin pieces of pasta noun
a hot or cold liquid made from tomatoes that you eat on or with othernoun
to give someone food or drink, especially guests or customers in a reverb
a white substance used to add flavour to food noun
a usually hot, liquid food made from vegetables, meat, or fish noun
food that remains after a meal plural noun
a tropical fruit that has a green skin and is orange inside noun
likely to become ill or likely to damage your health adjective
more than you want or need phrase
more than you want or need phrase
less than you want or need phrase
cooked in an oven or over a fire adjective
cooked in water that is boiling adjective
cooked in hot oil or fat adjective
cooked on or under a grill adjective
having a very pleasant taste or smell adjective
pleasant or attractive adjective
very unpleasant or bad adjective
not interesting or exciting adjective
the meat of a cow noun
an animal that lives only in water and swims using its tail and fins noun
containing strong flavours from spices adjective
Savoury food is not sweet. adjective
with a taste like sugar adjective
Fresh food has been produced or collected recently and has not been adjective
Food which is tasty has a good flavour and is nice to eat. adjective
If food or drink is yummy, it tastes very good. adjective
Fatty foods contain a lot of fat. adjective
extremely unpleasant adjective
tasting of or containing salt adjective
a small amount of food that is eaten between meals, or a very small noun
hot food that can be served very quickly because it is already preparnoun
a meal that you make and take with you somewhere to eat outside noun
a cold drink made with the juice of lemons, water, and sugar noun
juice from crushed apples, used as a drink or to make vinegar noun
two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc. between them noun
a large sea fish, or the meat from this fish noun
someone who does not eat meat or fish noun
to have a suggestion or a plan phrase
to have a pain in your head phrase
to have enough time to do something phrase
to have something that you must do phrase
to be in a situation that causes difficulty for you phrase
to have a different opinion from someone else about something verb
something that you give to someone, usually for a particular occasio noun
to think that something is important and to feel interested in it or worrverb
the physical form of something made by the line around its outer edgnoun
something which someone says to make people laugh, usually a short noun
not treating people in an equal way adjective
to cause emotional pain to someone verb
an event that you did not expect to happen noun
your female child noun
a girl or woman who has the same parents as another person noun
your male parent noun
the woman a man is married to noun
your male child noun
a man or boy with the same parents as another person noun
a female parent noun
the man a woman is married to noun
the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your uncle noun
used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connectepronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are con pronoun
used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connected pronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are connpronoun
used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connec pronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are c pronoun
used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connectepronoun
used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connectepronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are co pronoun
used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connectepronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are con pronoun
used to ask about someone's name or which person or group someone pronoun
used to ask who something belongs to or who someone or somethingpronoun
the members of a family that are connected to one person in a couplphrase
a brother who is older than you phrase
the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt noun
the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle noun
a woman married to your brother, or the sister of your husband or wi noun
a brother who is younger than you phrase
the parents of your parents plural noun
a child of your aunt or uncle noun
grandmother noun
grandfather noun
the daughter of your son or daughter noun
grandfather noun
unhappy or worried because something unpleasant has happened adjective
having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, mak adjective
feeling surprise because something has happened that you did not eadjective
unable to think clearly or to understand something adjective
feeling very pleased about something you have done, something yo adjective
happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended adjective
anxious because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant thinadjective
frightened or worried adjective
to argue verb
to use time phrase
someone who does something brave or good, which people respect o noun
a special vehicle used to take ill or injured people to hospital noun
to become impossible to find verb
having problems phrase
to take the paper covering off something that someone has given you, phrase
to look at someone who is acting, singing, playing an instrument, etc.phrase
to do something enjoyable because it is a special day, or because verb
relating to or involving two or more countries adjective
relating to or typical of a whole country and its people adjective
to divide something between two or more people verb
with each other or doing something with each other adverb
when someone invites you to do something or go somewhere noun
a room where food is kept, prepared, and cooked and where the dis noun
a room used for sleeping in noun
a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet noun
the room in a house where people sit to relax and, for example, watch noun
a room in which meals are eaten noun
a piece of land belonging to a house, where flowers and other plantsnoun
a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold noun
a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms noun
thick material for covering floors, often made of wool noun
a large box-shaped device which is used to cook and heat food eithernoun b
pieces of material that hang down to cover a window plural noun
a type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers noun
a piece of equipment that produces light noun
a piece of glass with a shiny metallic material on one side which produ noun
a flat, horizontal board used to put things on, often fixed to a wall or noun
If you have or take a shower, you wash your whole body while standinoun
a large, comfortable seat for more than one person noun
a bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of waste subs noun
a large cupboard for keeping clothes in noun
a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or su noun
a little or a lot but not completely adverb
used to emphasize an adjective or adverb adverb
very or very much adverb
angry adjective
feeling happy and calm because nothing is worrying you adjective
feeling tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or b adjective
wanting to give your attention to something and discover more aboutadjective
extremely surprised adjective
making you feel annoyed adjective
making you feel relaxed adjective
very good or impressive in some way adjective
to take care of someone or something phrasal verb
to look at a book or computer in order to find out information phrasal verb
to try to find phrasal verb
to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that phrasal verb
to try to find the facts about a situation phrasal verb
an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people wh noun
producing or using original and unusual ideas adjective
to look after someone who is young, old, or ill phrasal verb
If people work together, they all use effort to do something. phrase
not feeling comfortable and pleasant, or not making you feel comfort adjective
not tidy adjective
without much activity or excitement adjective
not in danger or likely to be harmed adjective
in your house phrase
without a place to live adjective
to watch, listen to, or think about something carefully phrase
without other people adverb
feeling, showing, or causing pleasure adjective
unhappy or making you feel unhappy adjective
feeling very happy and enthusiastic adjective
on the day before today adverb
the morning of the day that is before today phrase
the afternoon of the day that is before today phrase
the evening or night that has just passed phrase
the week that has just passed phrase
the year that has just passed phrase
an hour before the present time phrase
two weeks before the present time phrase
past simple and past participle of buy verb
past simple of come verb
past simple of choose verb
past simple and past participle of find verb
past simple of give verb
past simple and past participle of get verb
past simple and past participle of have verb
past simple and past participle of leave verb
past simple and past participle of make verb
past simple and past participle of say verb
past simple of see verb
past simple and past participle of stand verb
past simple and past participle of think verb
past simple of take verb
past simple of go verb
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are con pronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are connpronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are c pronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are con pronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are co pronoun
used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are con pronoun
showing intelligence, or able to learn and understand things easily adjective
happy and positive adjective
unhappy and angry because you want something that someone elseadjective
willing to help, or useful adjective
certain about your ability to do things well adjective
willing to give other people money, help, kindness, etc. adjective
usually relaxed and calm, not worried or upset adjective
making you smile or laugh adjective
an idea that is not true but is believed by many people noun
when two or more people are friends noun
worried and not able to relax adjective
at the present time phrase
being able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when somethinadjective
to begin to know and like someone phrase
If you remember a fact or something from the past, you keep it in your verb
the feeling of being happy noun
used to apologize for something you have done adjective
someone who plays football, especially as their job noun
used to emphasize something and show that there is no doubt aboutadverb
used when something is not certain adverb
the number of points someone gets in a game or test noun
to experience something bad which was not intended and which causphrase
to stop someone from being killed phrase
to ride on a wave in the sea using a special board phrase
If you do something for the first time, you do something you have ne phrase
a happy or friendly expression in which the corners of your mouth cunoun
in a place where other people, especially people you do not know, c phrase
to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you are happverb
a small electronic device with a screen that allows you to read booksnoun
a type of camera that records images that you can use and store on noun
a type of television with a screen that is very thin and shows a very cnoun
a small, flat computer that you use by touching the screen noun
a computer that is small enough to be carried around and used where noun
a computer that is small enough to fit on a desk noun
If you have to do something, you must do it. phrase
If you don't have to do something, you can decide whether to do it orphrase
a piece of equipment you use in a car to tell you how to get to placesnoun
a device that is used to play computer games noun
a piece of equipment that you wear over your ears so that you can lisnoun (pl)
a piece of equipment that is used to control something such as a telenoun
a piece of electronic equipment for playing music that has been stor noun
a small electric light that you hold in your hand noun
a machine that makes coffee noun
an electronic device that you use to do mathematical calculations noun
a piece of electrical equipment to which another piece of equipment noun
a piece of electrical equipment for drying your hair with hot air noun
a small piece of equipment that does a particular job noun
used to tell someone that you think it is a good idea for them to do modal verb
used to tell someone that you do not think it is a good idea for them modal verb
a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you noun
used to say that something is forbidden modal verb
to clean the floor using a machine that sucks up dirt phrase
to make a place tidy phrasal verb
to make clothes smooth using a hot, heavy metal device phrase
to buy things, especially food, from shops phrase
to put plates, knives, forks, etc. on the table to prepare for a meal phrase
to take plates, knives, forks, etc. off the table at the end of a meal phrase
to wash the dishes, pans, and other things you have used for cookin phrase
to wash the dishes, pans, and other things you have used for cookin phrasal verb
to make the sheets and covers on beds tidy phrase
to cook food phrase
to wash clothes, sheets, etc. phrase
to put dirty plates, knives, forks, etc. in a machine that cleans them phrase
to take clean plates, knives, forks, etc. out of the machine that clean phrase
the activity of making sure that things are in the correct place and lo noun
boring jobs that you must do plural noun
similar to or in the same way as someone or something preposition
to be similar in appearance to something phrase
to make a similar noise to something phrase
used to ask what something is similar to phrase
a disease of the body or mind noun
to design or create something which has never existed before verb
something which has been designed or created for the first time, or t noun
to think that something is important and to feel interested in it or worrphrase
the air, land, and water where people, animals, and plants live noun
the way a person or thing looks to other people noun
how good or bad something is noun
someone who designs and makes new things noun
to be able to get something phrase
to turn off a light, television, etc. by using a switch phrasal verb
a machine controlled by a computer, which can move and do other thnoun
to make difficulties phrase
acceptable, reasonable, or right adjective
a game in which two teams try to score points by throwing a ball thronoun
the sport where people race on horses, usually to win money noun
the sport or activity of climbing mountains noun
the sports which include running, jumping, and throwing noun (pl)
the activity of moving through water by moving your body noun
a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other overnoun
a round object that you throw, kick, or hit in a game, or something winoun
a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc. against each othernoun
a path, often circular, used for races noun
the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas, lakenoun
very thick string made from twisted thread noun
an object that has many holes in it and that is used in many sports announ
a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against noun
someone who rides a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle noun
a line that marks the end of a race noun
to attempt to do something verb
to get the most points in a competition or game verb
to stop having something that you had before verb
to move on your feet at a faster speed than walking verb
a sport using boats with sails noun
the activity of swimming under water, usually with breathing equipmenoun
a game on grass where players try to hit a small ball into a series of hnoun
a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on differenoun
the actvity of climbing large pieces of hard stone noun
a sport played by two teams with an oval ball and H-shaped goals noun
a sport in which you stand on a large board and move over snow noun
the sport of moving over snow on skis noun
a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a net witnoun
a sport in which you sail across water by standing on a board and holnoun
someone who takes part in a game or sport noun
a group of people who work together to do something noun
to take part in a game of football phrase
to run as a form of exercise phrase
to do sports that involve running, jumping, and throwing phrase
sport that involves groups of people playing together phrase
sport that takes place in or on water phrase
a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to sconoun
the sport of moving on your feet at a speed faster than walking noun
the activity of moving by standing on a board with wheels noun
the sport of riding on a wave on a special board noun
to ride a bicycle verb
games that involve groups of people playing together plural noun
a place where people do skateboarding, in-line skating, etc. noun
a sloping surface that joins two places that are at different heights noun
to move over snow on skis verb
an organized event in which people try to win a prize by being the best noun
a game for two teams of eleven players in which each team tries to kinoun
a style of wrestling (= a fighting sport) originally from Japan, in whi noun
a person who wrestles as a sport noun
a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain th noun
a race between people riding bicycles noun
someone who rides a bike noun
the first part of a sports match noun
the time when a football match begins noun
a short period of rest between the two halves of a game noun
the second part of a sports match noun
at the beginning of a situation or period of time phrase
at that time or next, after something has happened adverb
when a time or event has happened preposition
after a long time or some difficulty adverb
a running race of slightly over 26 miles (42.195 kilometres) noun
a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especiall noun
someone who watches an event, sport, etc. noun
a metal disc given as a prize to the person or team that comes third iphrase
a metal disc given as a prize to the person or team that comes seconphrase
a metal disc given as a prize to the person or team that comes first i phrase
a large, open area with seats around it, used for playing and watchinnoun
a prize, such as a silver cup, that you get for winning a race or compenoun
a point scored in sports such as soccer, when a player sends a ball onoun
someone who wins a game or competition noun
to go up, or to go towards the top of something verb
something bad which happens that is not expected or intended, and noun
to produce bright light verb
something that you want to happen very much but that is not very lik noun
to do or play something regularly or repeatedly in order to become skil verb
wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people adjective
to no longer be able to make something do what you want phrase
to happen phrase
to go across from one side of something to the other verb
to take hold of something or someone suddenly verb
a poisonous African snake that swells to a larger size when it is atta noun
a small creature with eight long legs which catches insects in a web noun
a small, insect-like creature with a curved, poisonous tail noun
a large, wild animal of the cat family, with light brown fur noun
a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose with whicnoun
a large, wild cat that has black spots and can run very fast noun
a wild animal from Africa and Asia that looks like a dog, hunts in g noun
animals and plants that grow independently of people in their natura noun
animals that are not controlled or looked after by people plural noun
the dry fruit of some trees which grows in a hard shell, and can ofte noun
a small round fruit on particular plants and trees noun
a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground noun
an insect with large, patterned wings noun
a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black spots on it and lives in noun
a journey, usually to Africa, to see or hunt wild animals noun
a place where wild animals are kept so that people can go and look noun
a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it noun
the sea noun
a raised area of land, smaller than a mountain noun
a raised part of the Earth's surface, much larger than a hill, the top noun
a tropical forest in which trees and plants grow very closely together noun
a long, natural area of water that flows across the land and into a seanoun
a large, hot, dry area of land with very few plants noun
a large area of water which has land all around it noun
an area of sand or small stones next to the sea noun
a piece of land completely surrounded by water noun
a large area of trees growing closely together noun
little in size or amount adjective
large in size or amount adjective
describes something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or arounadjective
near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc. adjective
very attractive adjective
(comparative of good) of a higher quality, more effective, or more adjective
(comparative of bad) more unpleasant or difficult than something elseadjective
great in amount, size, or level adjective
a large bird with no feathers on its head or neck that eats dead anim noun
an animal that has been killed by another animal noun
an animal like a large deer with long horns noun
to be able to modal verb
short for cannot modal verb
water that has frozen and become solid noun
extremely cold adjective
bright because of light from the sun adjective
raining a lot adjective
Humid air or weather is hot and slightly wet. adjective
with a lot of wind adjective
covered in water or another liquid adjective
When it is cloudy, there are clouds in the sky. adjective
with fog adjective
having a low temperature adjective
having a high temperature adjective
the direction that is on your left when you face towards the rising sunnoun
the direction which goes towards the part of the Earth below the equato noun
a substance used to cure an illness or injury noun
If someone or something is dangerous, they could harm you. adjective
the ability to deal with a dangerous or difficult situation without being noun
to begin a legal relationship with someone as their husband or wife phrase
showing no fear of dangerous or difficult situations adjective
how hot or cold something is noun
If something is on record, it has been recorded. phrase
the most unusual or the most serious possible adjective
pleasant or enjoyable adjective
a large, strong building with towers and high walls that was built in t noun
a very tall building noun
an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a noun
a building where trains stop so that you can get on or off them noun
a building or part of a building where you can buy things noun
a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, noun
If you are going to do something, you will do it. phrase
to get or receive something from someone with the intention of givingverb
a large building in which concerts are performed noun
an area of ground for parking cars noun
the place where a bus starts or ends its journey noun
the office of the police in a town or part of a city noun
a large building where football is played, with seats around the pitch noun
a building with places where you can play different sports noun
a building where you go to watch films noun
a place where you can buy and eat a meal noun
a room or building that contains a collection of books and other writt noun
a place with smooth, sloped surfaces for people to use skateboards noun
moving or happening quickly adverb
with no difficulty or effort adverb
at a fast speed adverb
in a successful or satisfactory way adverb
with great attention adverb
in a way that is not acceptable or of good quality adverb
in a way that is dangerous adverb
a part of the road painted with black and white lines where people canoun
a place where older children can go to meet other children, play sports noun
a camera at the side of the road that takes pictures of cars that are gnoun
a wall where people can paint words and pictures noun
a narrow area for bicycles at the edge of a road noun
a container that is used to put waste in noun
a large board used for advertising, especially by the side of a road noun
the main road in the centre of a town where there are a lot of shops noun
a structure with walls and a roof such as a house or factory, or the noun
the way of life, especially the habits, traditions, and beliefs, of a part noun
the number of people living in a particular area noun
relating to an area near you adjective
to ask someone to come to a social event or to spend time with you sverb
the business of providing services for tourists, including organizing thnoun
a person who is walking and not travelling in a vehicle noun
produced or done in a smooth, natural style adjective
something that people visit a place in order to see noun
an extremely hard valuable stone which is used in jewellery, and in innoun
a substance that is found on beaches and in deserts, which is made n f oun
a place where many people go for a holiday noun
to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land verb
an underground system of holes and passages where people dig outnoun c
without any doubt adverb
the long part at each side of the human body, ending in a hand noun
one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for st noun
the part of the face that is used for eating and speaking noun
one of many pieces of tissue in the body that are connected to bon noun
one of the long thin separate parts of the hand, including your thumbnoun
one of the two flat parts on the ends of your legs that you stand on noun
one of the two organs on your head that you hear with noun
one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with noun
the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal noun
the joint between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just noun
the part of your body from your shoulders to your bottom noun
the part in the middle of your arm where it bends noun
the middle part of your leg where it bends noun
one of the two soft edges of the mouth noun
the part of the body which joins the head to the shoulders noun
one of the two parts of your body where your arms join your neck noun
the organ inside your body where food goes after it has been eaten anoun
the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food anoun
the large soft piece of flesh in the mouth which you can move and whi noun
pain in your stomach noun
pain in your ear noun
a pain you feel inside your head noun
pain in one or more of your teeth noun
to do physical activity to make your body strong and healthy phrase
to clean something, usually in your house phrase
to be having success in something phrase
to do the work that your teacher gives you to do at home phrase
to be successful at something you do phrase
If a place does great ice cream, you can buy good ice cream there. phrase
If a vehicle does 15 kilometres for every litre, it moves 15 kilometres phrase
air outside buildings or away from the city that is clean and cool phrase
to do activities that make your body stay strong and healthy phrase
when someone or something falls down to the ground, often without inoun
to damage a bone in your leg phrase
to be able to use your eyes when there is no light or only a small amophrase
to speak to someone in a very loud and angry voice phrasal verb
a two-wheeled vehicle that you sit on and move by turning the two penoun
a vehicle for travelling on water noun
a large vehicle in which people are driven from one place to another noun
a road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small nu noun
a vehicle that flies and has at least one engine and wings noun
a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries peo noun
to move or go from one place to another verb
an area of land that has its own government, army, etc. noun
one of the seven main areas of land on the Earth, such as Africa, Asnoun
past participle of be verb
past participle of do verb
past participle of go verb
past participle of see verb
past participle of write verb
past simple and past participle of meet verb
past participle of speak verb
past participle of eat verb
past participle of take verb
past participle of fly verb
past participle of swim verb
past simple and past participle of win verb
past participle of drive verb
someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there noun
someone who travels noun
a small bus with seats for about ten people noun
an aircraft which flies using long, thin parts on top of it that turn rou noun
an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, mostly in cities, which m noun
a small motorcycle noun
a train that travels under a city noun
to travel through the air in an aircraft verb
to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, aircraft, etc. verb
to get on a bus, train, etc. in order to travel somewhere verb
to travel somewhere by using a bus, train, car, etc. verb
to travel by sitting on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle and controlling iverb
to move or travel on land in a motor vehicle, especially as the perso verb
to go to many different countries phrase
to send a letter to someone (usually a family member) at your hous phrase
to perform on TV phrase
habits, traditions, and beliefs that are different from those in your ow phrase
the structure made of all the bones in the body of a person or animalnoun
teeth that are not real but are made to look real plural noun
not early or late phrase
a place where people live in the countryside that includes buildings noun
when you travel from one place to another noun
If something is 45 centimetres wide, that is the distance from one side
to do something although something bad might happen because of itphrase
extremely small adjective
narrow paths plural noun
someone who lives very near you, especially in the next house noun
to respect or approve of someone or something verb
My cat spends most of the day sleeping. ˈsliː.pɪŋ
Tom doesn't like doing homework. ˌduː.ɪŋ ˈhəʊm.wɜːk
Playing football is my favourite free time activity. ˌpleɪ.ɪŋ ˈfʊt.bɔːl
I don't have enough time for studying. ˈstʌd.i.ɪŋ
I did a lot of reading on holiday. ˈriː.dɪŋ
Shall we go dancing tonight? ˈdɑːnt.sɪŋ
Can you help me with the tidying up, please? ˌtaɪ.di.ɪŋ ˈʌp
She's having singing lessons. ˈsɪŋ.ɪŋ
Doing housework is never fun. ˌduː.ɪŋ ˈhaʊs.wɜːk
Riding a bike is always fun. ˌraɪ.dɪŋ ə ˈbaɪk
How many hobbies do you have? ˈhɒb.i
You know how to have fun and enjoy life. ɪnˈdʒɔɪ
Do you like exercise? ˈek.sə.saɪz
Do you like puzzles and crosswords? ˈpʌz.l̩
Do you like puzzles and crosswords? ˈkrɒs.wɜːd
I like to watch TV and play computer games. ˌpleɪ kəmˈpjuː.tə ˌɡeɪmz
Are you in a club? ˌbiː ɪn ə ˈklʌb
Do you play an instrument? ˌpleɪ ən ˈɪn.strə.mənt
Do you collect anything? kəˈlekt ˌθɪŋz
He writes a blog about skateboarding. ˌraɪt ə ˈblɒg
She took some photographs of the mountains. ˌteɪk ˈfəʊ.tə.ɡrɑːfs
I'm not allowed to keep a pet at home. ˌkiːp ə ˈpet
I'm learning to play the piano. ˌpleɪ ðə piˈæn.əʊ
In my spare time, I collect stamps. kəˌlekt ˈstæmps
He spends a lot of time playing on-line games. pleɪ ˌɒn.laɪn ˈɡeɪmz
My mother always hated cooking. ˈkʊk.ɪŋ
I love collecting autographs of my friends and family. kəˌlekt ˈɔː.tə.ɡrɑːfs
I often write a poem when I've got nothing to do. ˌraɪt ə ˈpəʊ.ɪm
I think dancing is always fun. ˈɔːl.weɪz
I think it's sometimes fun. ˈsʌm.taɪmz
We've never been to Australia. ˈnev.ə
I see him occasionally in town. əˈkeɪ.ʒən.əl.i
I often shop there. ˈɒf.ən
We rarely see each other now. ˈreə.li
He usually gets home about 6 o'clock. ˈjuː.ʒu.ə.li
I play the piano every day. ˌev.ri ˈdeɪ
She goes to the gym three times a week. ˌθriː taɪmz ə ˈwiːk
I visit my aunt once a month. ˌwʌns ə ˈmʌnθ
I think I've got a new hobby too – making videos. ˌmeɪk ˈvɪd.i.əʊz
I think you have a problem, Olivia. ˌhæv ə ˈprɒb.ləm
We're just having dinner. ˌhæv ˈdɪn.ə
I'm having fun. ˌhæv ˈfʌn
You need to have a rest. ˌhæv ə ˈrest
They're having a good time. ˌhæv ə gʊd ˈtaɪm
You need to go home and have a shower. ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə
I relax when I have time. ˌhæv ˈtaɪm
I don't have any hobbies. ˌhæv ə ˈhɒb.i
Do your parents always want your bedroom tidy? ˈtaɪ.di
I never relax. I'm always busy. ˈbɪz.i
I never relax. I'm always busy. rɪˈlæks
They're definitely having a good time. ˈdef.ɪ.nə
Who has got the strangest hobby? streɪndʒ
Do you smile a lot? smaɪl
a positive attitude ˈpɒz.ə.tɪv
Her interests include walking and painting. ˈɪn.trəsts
I can't stand walking to school so I sometimes invent little ˌpɑːs ðə ˈtaɪm
I can't stand walking to school so I sometimes invent little ˌkɑːnt ˈstænd
Which of the things do you think are cheap? tʃiːp
Tom wants to buy expensive clothes. ɪkˈspen.sɪv
Which of the things do you think are fantastic? fænˈtæs.tɪk
Which of the things do you dream about having? driːm
Tom is deciding what to wear. weə
They're out. At the supermarket, I think. ˈsuː.pəˌmɑː.kɪt
They're doing some shopping or something. ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ
Think about colours. ˈkʌl.ə
I want to look cool. kuːl
I want to feel comfortable. ˈkʌm.fə.tə.bl̩
I like buying designer clothes. dɪˈzaɪ.nə ˌkləʊðz
I love wearing clean clothes. kliːn
I like wearing bright colours. braɪt
I don't often go to the newsagent's because I don't buy ne ˈnjuːzˌeɪ.dʒənts
Could you call in at the chemist's and get some plasters? ˈkem.ɪsts
There are so many bookshops in town. ˈbʊk.ʃɒp
In my town there's a very good clothes shop. ˈkləʊðz ˌʃɒp
Is there a shoe shop near here? ˈʃuː ˌʃɒp
First we'll go to May's department store, because things ardɪˈpɑːt.mənt ˌstɔː
Where's the nearest post office? ˈpəʊst ˌɒf.ɪs
The food tastes great. teɪst
That pizza smells nice. smel
That idea sounds good. saʊnd
His new shirt looks awful! lʊk
What is the customer buying? ˈkʌs.tə.mə
What size do you take? saɪz
What size do you take? teɪk
Can I try it on please? traɪ ˈɒn
How much do they cost? kɒst
I'm wearing a green T-shirt and jeans. ˈtiː.ʃɜːt
I'm wearing a green T-shirt and jeans. dʒiːnz
I never wear shorts. ʃɔːts
I really like buying shoes but I don't like buying trousers. ʃuːz
I really like buying shoes but I don't like buying trousers. ˈtraʊ.zəz
She fastened her belt tightly around her waist. belt
He put on a pair of walking boots. buːts
a leather/denim jacket ˈdʒæk.ɪt
She is wearing a track suit and trainers. ˈtreɪ.nəz
a striped/white shirt ʃɜːt
a long/short dress dres
a warm jumper ˈdʒʌm.pə
I'm tired of spending money! spend
It's very easy to buy things if you go into a shopping mall orˈʃɒp.ɪŋ ˌmɔːl
You can find wonderful markets in most cities. ˈmɑː.kɪt
Tom thinks he's good-looking. ˌgʊdˈlʊk.ɪŋ
She's quite an interesting woman. ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ
a fascinating person/place ˈfæs.ɪ.neɪ.tɪŋ
an exciting film/match ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪŋ
an unusual name/surname ʌnˈjuː.ʒu.əl
Paul writes about his plans for tonight. plæn
I'm laughing at the shirt. It looks terrible. ˈter.ə.bl̩
Look at this. Here, in this magazine. ˌmæg.əˈziːn
Why are you laughing at me? ˈlɑːf ət
Who is surprising her parents? səˈpraɪz
Who is interested in the sky? ˈɪn.trəs.tɪd ɪn
The spice bazaar in Istanbul is popular. ˈpɒp.jʊ.lə
There are lots of shops and stalls. stɔːl
You can find all kinds of bargains there. ˈbɑː.gɪn
In Madrid there is a famous open-air market. ˌəʊ.pənˈeə
a slice of bread bred
a slice of cheese tʃiːz
a glass/carton of milk mɪlk
a bowl of cereal ˈsɪə.ri.əl
a glass of orange juice ˈɒr.ɪndʒ ˌdʒuːs
a hard-boiled/soft-boiled egg eg
a vitamin pill ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn
a healthy diet ˈhel.θi
a slice of water melon ˈwɔː.tə ˌmel.ən
a bunch of bananas bəˈnɑː.nə
chocolate/vanilla ice cream ˌaɪs ˈkriːm
bread and honey ˈhʌn.i
slices of avocado ˌæv.əˈkɑː.dəʊ
boiled/baked/fried/roast potatoes pəˈteɪ.təʊ
I don't take sugar in my coffee, thanks. ˈʃʊg.ə
a dessert fork/spoon dɪˈzɜːt
to peel an apple ˈæp.l̩
fresh/frozen vegetables ˈvedʒ.tə.bl̩
a bar of chocolate ˈtʃɒk.lət
chocolate/ginger biscuits ˈbɪs.kɪt
boiled/fried rice raɪs
We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen. ˈkɪtʃ.ən
I thought we'd have strawberries and cream for dessert. ˈstrɔː.bər.i
a cheese and tomato sandwich təˈmɑː.təʊ
fried/grilled sausages ˈsɒs.ɪdʒ
raw carrot ˈkær.ət
I always cry when I'm chopping onions. ˈʌn.jən
chocolate cake keɪk
red peppers ˈpep.ə
I'd like a bowl of fruit with yoghurt. ˈjɒgət
We had chilli con carne with rice. ˌtʃɪl.i kɒn ˈkɑː.ni
a cheese/mushroom omelette ˈɒm.lət
fresh/instant coffee ˈkɒf.i
We're having roast/fried chicken for dinner. ˈtʃɪk.ɪn
It's usually ice cream with strawberries or chocolate mous ˌtʃɒk.lət ˈmuːs
We had a delicious dessert of pears in cider. peə
soya beans biːn
a hot/mild curry ˈkʌr.i
a salad bowl ˈsæl.əd
still/carbonated/fizzy mineral water ˈmɪn.ə.rəl ˌwɔːt.ə
fish and chips tʃɪps
We had burgers and onion rings. ˈʌn.jən ˌrɪŋz
spinach lasagne/salad ˈspɪn.ɪtʃ
a mushroom omelette ˈmʌʃ.ruːm
a mug of hot chocolate ˌhɒt ˈtʃɒk.lət
fresh fruit fruːt
a ham sandwich hæm
I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad. ˌmɪkst ˈsæl.əd
I only like vanilla ice cream. vəˈnɪl.ə
steak and chips steɪk
There's too much pasta. ˈpæs.tə
We had a mug of tea and toast spread with honey. tiː
I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad. ˈɔː.də
a lunch/dinner menu ˈmen.juː
Can we have the bill, please? bɪl
Would you like a starter? ˈstɑː.tə
We ordered some side dishes. ˈsaɪd ˌdɪʃ
He loves cooking spaghetti. spəˈget.i
There's not enough tomato sauce on it. təˌmɑː.təʊ ˈsɔːs
We were served by a young waiter. sɜːv
There's too much salt in this soup. sɒlt
Another one of my brother's favourites is vegetable soup. suːp
It's the left-overs from the week before. ˈleftˌəʊ.vəz
It's usually ice cream with strawberries or chocolate mous ˈmæŋ.gəʊ
It's unhealthy to stay indoors all day. ʌnˈhel.θi
There are too many people here. ˌtuː ˈmen.i
He gave me too much food. ˌtuː ˈmʌtʃ
That's not enough rice for Dad. ˌnɒt ɪˈnʌf
roast chicken rəʊst
boiled potatoes bɔɪld
He cooked fried chicken and sausages. fraɪd
grilled steak/fish grɪld
They're really fresh. Delicious! dɪˈlɪʃ.əs
He's a really nice guy. naɪs
He's got a horrible cold. ˈhɒr.ɪ.bl̩
a boring job/lecture ˈbɔː.rɪŋ
roast beef biːf
fried fish fɪʃ
Do you like spicy food? ˈspaɪ.si
We made some savoury biscuits. ˈseɪ.vər.i
The pineapple was sweet and juicy. swiːt
They're really fresh. Delicious! freʃ
They do a very tasty breakfast. ˈteɪ.sti
This curry is really yummy. ˈjʌm.i
Try to cut down on eating fatty foods. ˈfæt.i
This food is disgusting. dɪsˈgʌs.tɪŋ
It's a bit too salty. ˈsɒl.ti
I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner. snæk
fast food restaurants ˌfɑːst ˈfuːd
I love picnics. ˈpɪk.nɪk
I've got orange juice, lemonade and apple juice. ˌlem.əˈneɪd
I've got orange juice, lemonade and apple juice. ˈæp.l̩ ˌdʒuːs
I just had a sandwich for lunch. ˈsæn.wɪdʒ
You can eat the tuna sandwiches, can't you? ˈtjuː.nə
Of the four million people who have become vegetarians inˌvedʒ.ɪˈteə.ri.ən
I've got an idea – why don't we go to the cinema? hæv ˌɡɒt ən aɪˈdɪə
Beth has a headache. hæv ˌɡɒt ə ˈhed.eɪk
Have you got time to look at this? hæv ˌɡɒt ˈtaɪm
Have you all got something to do? hæv ɡɒt ˌsʌm.θɪŋ tə ˈduː
I've got a problem – my computer won't work. hæv ˌɡɒt ə ˈprɒb.ləm
I disagree with most of what he said. ˌdɪs.əˈgriː
a birthday/Christmas/wedding present ˈprez.ənt
She's never cared very much about her appearance. keə
No one body shape or body size is the right one. ʃeɪp
Never laugh at other people's jokes about people's looks. dʒəʊk
That's unfair and it hurts. ʌnˈfeə
That's unfair and it hurts. hɜːt
The party is going to be a surprise. səˈpraɪz
Liz and Phil have a daughter and three sons. ˈdɔː.tə
Sophie and Emily are sisters. ˈsɪs.tə
My father took me to watch the football every Saturday. ˈfɑː.ðə
I met Greg's wife for the first time. waɪf
This is our son Raja. sʌn
Do you have any brothers and sisters? ˈbrʌð.ə
a single mother ˈmʌð.ə
I've never met Fiona's husband. ˈhʌz.bənd
Lisa Simpson has one aunt. ɑːnt
This is my father. maɪ
"Whose bag is this?" "It's mine." maɪn
Take off your coat. jɔː
Is this pen yours? jɔːz
This is her sandwich. hɜː
Jenny and I both have red hair, but hers is lighter than minhɜːz
That's Frank's coat over there – at least I think it's his. hɪz
This is our house. aʊə
Which table is ours? aʊəz
Where are their friends? ðeə
I think she's a relation of theirs. ðeəz
Who told you? huː
Whose is this bag? huːz
Here's a photo of my dad's side of the family. ˌsaɪd əv ðə ˈfæm.əl.i
My dad's got a big brother called Bob. ˌbɪg ˈbrʌð.ə
He's my uncle and he's great. ˈʌŋ.kl̩
His wife Jemma is my aunty. ˈɑːn.ti
She's my dad's sister-in-law. ˈsɪs.tə.rɪn.lɔː
They've got two sons – Jimmy and his little brother Robin. ˌlɪt.l̩ ˈbrʌð.ə
They are my grandparents. ˈɡrændˌpeə.rənts
Ten-year-old Ben Tennyson is spending his summer holidaˈkʌz.ən
I call them Grandma Diana and Grandpa Roger. ˈgræn.mɑː
I call them Grandma Diana and Grandpa Roger. ˈgræn.pɑː
They're really nice to me because I'm their only granddaugˈgræn.dɔː.tə
My granddad just talks about the 'good-old days'. ˈɡrænd.dæd
She's really upset now. ʌpˈset
The teacher was angry. ˈæŋ.gri
I was very surprised to see so many people there. səˈpraɪzd
I'm really confused now. kənˈfjuːzd
We are so proud of her. praʊd
I was relieved when it was over. rɪˈliːvd
I was a bit worried. Where was she? ˈwʌ
I was really scared when I saw the gun. skeəd
But, of course, he still has time to fight with his cousin too. faɪt
They spend a lot of time together. ˌspend ˈtaɪm
But he knows that his daughters were heroes and thanks the ˈhɪə.rəʊ
Ten minutes later an ambulance was there. ˈæm.bjʊ.ləns
David disappeared under the water. ˌdɪs.əˈpɪə
Suddenly David shouted. He was in trouble. ɪn ˈtrʌb.l̩
I'll open my presents after breakfast. ˌəʊ.pən ˈpre.zents
We watched a performance of Hamlet at the theatre. ˌwɒtʃ ə pəˈfɔː.məns
We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going outˈsel.ɪ.breɪt
This was International Children's Day. ˌɪn.təˈnæʃ.ən.əl
This day is a national holiday in Turkey. ˈnæʃ.ən.əl
The children also bring in their favourite food to share with ʃeə
The most important thing is for children and parents to ha təˈgeð.ə
I'd be very happy to accept your invitation. ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən
We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen. ˈkɪtʃ.ən
Our home has three bedrooms. ˈbed.rʊm
an ensuite bathroom ˈbɑːθ.rʊm
We had tea in the living room. ˈlɪv.ɪŋ ˌrʊm
We ate in the dining room. ˈdaɪ.nɪŋ ˌrʊm
garden furniture ˈgɑː.dən
Put the milk in the fridge. frɪdʒ
She sat in an armchair by the fire, reading a newspaper. ˈɑːm.tʃeə
We've got fitted carpets in the bedrooms. ˈkɑː.pɪt
a gas/electric cooker ˈkʊk.ə
She closed the curtains. ˈkɜː.tənz
an office/school desk desk
a table/bedside lamp læmp
the bathroom mirror ˈmɪr.ə
a glass shelf ʃelf
I got up, had a shower, and got dressed. ʃaʊə
Take a seat on the sofa and I'll get us some coffee. ˈsəʊ.fə
I was on the toilet when the phone rang. ˈtɔɪ.lət
She was showing me her new built-in/fitted wardrobes. ˈwɔː.drəʊb
I painted the walls pink. wɔːl
"Was the food good?" "Quite good." kwaɪt
Thank you very much. ˈver.i
She's really friendly/nice. ˈrɪə.li
I was so annoyed with him for turning up late. əˈnɔɪd
She looked relaxed and happy walking along with her two rɪˈlækst
It was a cold, wet day and the children were bored. bɔːd
He didn't seem very interested in what I was saying. ˈɪn.trəs.tɪd
She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident. əˈmeɪzd
It's really annoying when a train is late and there's no expl əˈnɔɪ.ɪŋ
a relaxing bath rɪˈlæk.sɪŋ
This wine is really amazing. əˈmeɪ.zɪŋ
I have to look after my little brother today. lʊk ˈɑːf.tər
We looked up the train times on their website. lʊk ˈʌp
I'm looking for my keys. ˈlʊk fə
Look at Tom's new car! ˈlʊk ət
I don't know what happened. I'll look into it. lʊk ˈɪn.tuː
A charity for children has got the toys now. ˈtʃær.ɪ.ti
She's very creative. kriˈeɪ.tɪv
A nurse cares for my uncle. ˈkeə fə
They worked together to grow their own vegetables. ˌwɜːk təˈgeð.ə
I've eaten so much, I'm really quite uncomfortable. ʌnˈkʌmf.tə.bl̩
an untidy room ʌnˈtaɪ.di
a quiet and peaceful little village kwaɪət
In some cities you don't feel safe going out alone at night. seɪf
Mimi's not at home at the moment. ət ˈhəʊm
Ten thousand people were made homeless by the floods. ˈhəʊm.ləs
You weren't paying attention to what I was saying. ˌpeɪ əˈten.ʃən
She lives alone. əˈləʊn
She looks very happy. ˈhæp.i
I've just received some very sad news. sæd
Are you getting excited about your holiday? ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd
He rang yesterday while you were out. ˈjes.tə.deɪ
I saw him yesterday morning. ˌjes.tə.deɪ ˈmɔː.nɪŋ
We went there yesterday afternoon. ˌjes.tə.deɪ ˌɑːf.təˈnuːn
I didn't sleep well last night. ˌlɑːst ˈnaɪt
We were on holiday last week. ˌlɑːst ˈwiːk
We moved here last year. ˌlɑːst ˈjɪə
He left about an hour ago. ən ˈaʊər əˌgəʊ
We went to the museum two weeks ago. tuː ˈwiːks əˌgəʊ
I bought some apples. bɔːt
He came to see me. keɪm
I chose a red coat. tʃəʊz
I found my keys. faʊnd
He gave me a present. ɡeɪv
Max got a laptop for his birthday. ɡɒt
We all had a good time. hæd
They left at midday. left
She made a cake. meɪd
He said that we were too noisy. sed
I saw him yesterday morning. sɔː
He stood on a chair. stʊd
I thought the movie was really good. θɔːt
Who took my keys? tʊk
We went to the cinema. went
"Whose bag is this?" "It's mine." maɪn
Is this pen yours? jɔːz
That's Frank's coat over there – at least I think it's his. hɪz
Jenny and I both have red hair, but hers is lighter than minhɜːz
Which table is ours? aʊəz
I think she's a relation of theirs. ðeəz
a highly intelligent young man ɪnˈtel.ɪ.dʒənt
He's usually fairly cheerful. ˈtʃɪə.fəl
They were jealous of her wealth. ˈdʒel.əs
She's such a pleasant, helpful child! ˈhelp.fəl
Be a bit more confident in yourself! ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt
She's been very generous with her time. ˈdʒen.ər.əs
My brother is easy-going, but I'm the excitable type. ˌiː.ziˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ
Do you know any funny stories? ˈfʌn.i
Five people commented on the different myths about friendmɪθ
Friendships are important to teenagers all over the world. ˈfrend.ʃɪp
Don't forget that there are times when your friends are str strest
Maybe you haven't got any friends right now. ˌraɪt ˈnaʊ
It's important to wait and be patient. ˈpeɪ.ʃənt
Make sure you're a friendly person – so other people will wˌmeɪk ˈfrendz
It's important to remember there are other things that you rɪˈmem.bər
Friendship is a place to share happiness. ˈhæp.i.nəs
I'm really sorry for forgetting your birthday. ˈsɒr.i
His brother's a professional footballer. ˈfʊt.bɔː.lə
I'll certainly be there. ˈsɜː.tə
Someone, possibly Tom, had left the window open. ˈpɒs.ə.bli
What was the final score of the game? skɔː
Charlie had an accident in his car. ˌhæv ən ˈæk.sɪ.dənt
He jumped into the sea to save the boy's life. ˌseɪv sʌm.wʌnz ˈlaɪf
I love going surfing in the summer. ˌgəʊ ˈsɜː.fɪŋ
I went riding for the first time yesterday. fə ðə ˌfɜːst ˈtaɪm
She's always got a smile on her face. smaɪl
She's not scared to talk in public. ɪn ˈpʌb.lɪk
He always makes me laugh. lɑːf
I read the book on my e-reader. ˈiː.riː.də
These days almost everyone uses a digital camera. ˌdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl ˈkæm.rə
We bought a new flat screen TV. ˌflæt skriːn ˌtiːˈviː
I can show you the photos on my tablet. ˈtæb.lət
A laptop would be really useful for when I'm working on theˈlæp.tɒp
I can download from my desktop computer to my mobile p ˌdesk.tɒp kəmˈpjuː.tə
We have to wear school uniform. ˈhæv tuː
You don't have to come if you don't want to. ˌdəʊnt ˈhæv tuː
I used the Sat Nav to get home. ˈsæt.næv
He bought a new game console. ˈgeɪm ˌkɒn.səʊl
Use these headphones to listen to the music. ˈhed.fəʊnz
Have you seen the remote control anywhere? rɪˌməʊt kənˈtrəʊl
He gave me an MP3 player. em.piːˈθriː ˌpleɪ.ə
She shone the torch into the dark room. tɔːtʃ
There's a coffee machine in the kitchen. ˈkɒf.i məˌʃiːn
a pocket calculator ˈkæl.kjʊ.leɪ.tə
He put his iPod in the docking station. ˈdɒk.ɪŋ ˌsteɪ.ʃən
Did you pack a hairdryer? ˈheə ˌdraɪ.ə
a kitchen gadget ˈgædʒ.ɪt
I think you should see a doctor. ʃʊd
You shouldn't eat so much chocolate. ˈʃʊd.ənt
Students shouldn't take mobile phones into their lessons. ˌməʊ.baɪl ˈfəʊn
You mustn't enter the room. ˈmʌs.ənt
Could you vacuum the floor, please? ˌvæk.juːm ðə ˈflɔː
Please tidy up when you have finished cooking. ˌtaɪ.di ˈʌp
I need to do the ironing. ˌdu: ðiː ˈaɪə.nɪŋ
I'll get some more butter when I do the shopping. ˌdu: ðə ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ
She set the table ready for dinner. ˌset ðə ˈteɪ.bl̩
Please could you clear the table? ˌklɪə ðə ˈteɪ.bl̩
Mick did the washing up last night. ˌdu: ðə ˌwɒʃ.ɪŋ ˈʌp
I washed up after breakfast. wɒʃ ˈʌp
I made the beds before breakfast. ˌmeɪk ðə ˈbedz
Dad does the cooking in our house. ˌdu: ðə ˈkʊk.ɪŋ
I do the washing at the weekend. ˌdu: ðə ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ
Suzi loaded the dishwasher after dinner. ˌləʊd ðə ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃ.ə
Please would you empty the dishwasher? ˌemp.ti ðə ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃ.ə
I spent a lot of time tidying. ˈtaɪ.di.ɪŋ
When does your partner have to do their chores? tʃɔːz
She's very much like her mother. laɪk
It looks like a star. ˈlʊks laɪk
It sounds like a train. ˈsaʊndz laɪk
You think we should do something? Like what? laɪk ˈwɒt
Trachoma is an illness that makes people blind. ˈɪl.nəs
Ludwick wants to invent more things. ɪnˈvent
Ludwick Marishane won a prize for his invention. ɪnˈven.ʃən
Does he care about the environment? ˈkeər əˌbaʊt ˌsʌm.θɪŋ
Does he care about the environment? ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt
Does he care about his appearance? əˈpɪə.rəns
Does he care about the quality of his work? ˈkwɒl.ɪ.ti
She's thirteen, and wants to be an inventor. ɪnˈven.tə
Students should have access to the internet during exams.ˌhæv ˈæ tə ˌsʌm.θɪŋ
You mustn't forget to switch the light off at night. swɪtʃ ˈɒf
I bought the Sunny Star robot two weeks ago. ˈrəʊ.bɒt
When does Sunny Star create problems? kriˌeɪt ˈprɒb.ləmz
I don't think that's fair. feə
He plays a lot of basketball. ˈbɑː.skɪt.bɔːl
We love to watch horseracing on TV. ˈhɔːs.reɪ.sɪŋ
She belongs to a mountaineering club. ˌmaʊn.tɪˈnɪə.rɪŋ
They do athletics at school in the summer term. æθˈlet.ɪks
Let's go swimming today. ˈswɪm.ɪŋ
Do you fancy a game of tennis? ˈten.ɪs
a beach/golf/tennis ball bɔːl
a horse race reɪs
a race track træk
hot/cold water ˈwɔː.tə
We tied the boat to a post with a length of rope. rəʊp
a fishing net net
a football/tennis match mætʃ
One of the riders was thrown off his horse. ˈraɪ.də
He was first to cross the finish line. ˈfɪn.ɪʃ ˌlaɪn
I tried to open the window but I couldn't. traɪ
Which year was it that Italy won the World Cup? wɪn
If we lose this game, we're out of the championship. luːz
He can run very fast. rʌn
a sailing boat ˈseɪ.lɪŋ
I want to go diving in Malta. ˈdaɪ.vɪŋ
Do you play golf? gɒlf
Let's watch the gymnastics on TV. dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪks
We go rock-climbing in this area. ˈrɒkˌklaɪ.mɪŋ
He's a keen rugby fan. ˈrʌ
I love snowboarding. ˈsnəʊ.bɔː.dɪŋ
I'm going skiing at Easter. ˈskiː.ɪŋ
They played volleyball on the beach. ˈvɒl.i.bɔːl
We had a great holiday by the beach with lots of windsurfi ˈwɪndˌsɜː.fɪŋ
a football/tennis player ˈpleɪ.ə
a basketball/hockey/netball team tiːm
I love to play football. ˌpleɪ ˈfʊt.bɔːl
I go running three times a week. ˌgəʊ ˈrʌn.ɪŋ
I did athletics at school. ˌdu: æθˈlet.ɪks
I don't enjoy team sports. ˈtiːm ˌspɔːt
Popular water sports include surfing and water skiing. ˈwɔː.tə ˌspɔːt
Do you play football? ˈfʊt.bɔːl
I keep fit by running. ˈrʌn.ɪŋ
We're going skateboarding at the park later. ˈskeɪtˌbɔː.dɪŋ
Let's go surfing this afternoon. ˈsɜː.fɪŋ
I cycle a lot too. ˈsaɪ.kl̩
I don't really like team games and sports very much. ˈtiːm ˌɡeɪmz
There's a skate-park with a really good ramp. ˈskeɪt.pɑːk
There's a skate-park with a really good ramp. ræmp
I'm learning to ski too. skiː
a swimming/chess competition ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən
Do you know the rules of American football? əˌmer.ɪ.kən ˈfʊt.bɔːl
I enjoy watching sumo wrestling. ˈsuː.məʊ ˌres.lɪŋ
He is a professional wrestler. ˈres.lə
I think the referee made the wrong decision. ˌref.əˈriː
She took part in a cycle race. ˈsaɪ.kl̩ ˌreɪs
He drove into a cyclist. ˈsaɪ.klɪst
He scored a goal in the first half. ˈfɜːst ˌhɑːf
Kick-off is at 6pm. ˈkɪk.ɒf
The players went off at half time. ˌhɑːf ˈtaɪm
They played better in the second half. ˈsek.ənd ˌhɑːf
At first I thought she was unfriendly, but actually she's just ət ˈfɜːst
I've got two essays to write and then my science project toðen
Shall we go for a walk after breakfast? ˈɑːf.tə
We finally got home at midnight. ˈfaɪ.nə.li
the London marathon ˈmær.ə.θən
He became a professional athlete at the age of 16. ˈæθ.liːt
They won 4–0 in front of over 40,000 cheering spectators. spekˈteɪ.tə
She won a bronze medal at the Olympics. ˌbrɒnz ˈmed.əl
He was happy to win a silver medal. ˌsɪl.və ˈmed.əl
Who will win the gold medal this year? ˌgəʊld ˈmed.əl
Thousands of football fans packed into the stadium to wat ˈsteɪ.di.əm
He's an excellent snooker player, but he's never won a majˈtrəʊ.fi
He scored two goals in the second half. gəʊl
There'll be a prize for the winner. ˈwɪn.ə
In 2010, Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner had already tried to climbklaɪm
The accident happened in the evening. ˈæk.sɪ.dənt
The sun shone in Barcelona. ʃaɪn
Her dream was to climb them all. driːm
I practise a lot. ˈpræk.tɪs
I am not competitive. kəmˈpet.ɪ.tɪv
After two seconds, he lost control of the bike. ˌluːz kənˈtrəʊl
The Olympic Games take place every four years. ˌteɪk ˈpleɪs
People picked him up and he crossed the line. krɒs
She grabbed him so he couldn't run away. græb
What does a puff adder look like? ˈpʌf ˌæd.ə
a spider's web ˈspaɪ.də
A scorpion bite can be dangerous. ˈskɔː.pi.ən
The lions came down to the water hole at sunset. ˈlaɪ.ən
We saw the elephants at the zoo. ˈel.ɪ.fənt
Have you ever seen a cheetah? ˈtʃiː.tə
We could hear the hyenas. haɪˈiː.nə
a documentary on Peruvian wildlife ˈwaɪld.laɪf
We saw lots of wild animals on our holiday. ˌwaɪld ˈæn.ɪ.məlz
a Brazil/cashew nut nʌt
I usually scatter a few berries on my muesli. ˈber.i
He's terrified of being bitten by a snake. sneɪk
A butterfly landed on her sleeve for a moment. ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ
We saw leopards in their natural habitat. ˈlep.əd
We went on a safari in Kenya. səˈfɑː.ri
I still remember my first trip to the zoo. zuː
Did you see any tigers? ˈtaɪ.gə
to swim in the ocean ˈəʊ.ʃən
We walked up/down the hill to the village. hɪl
The Matterhorn is one of the biggest mountains in Europe.ˈmaʊn.tɪn
The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle. ˈdʒʌŋ.gl̩
the River Thames ˈrɪv.ə
the Sahara Desert ˈdez.ət
We used to go boating on that lake. leɪk
We spent the day on the beach. biːtʃ
a desert island ˈaɪ.lənd
the Black Forest ˈfɒr.ɪst
They live in a small apartment near Times Square. smɔːl
He's a big man. bɪg
a dry summer draɪ
I'm going to have an early night. ˈɜː.li
a beautiful woman ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl
She's found a better job. ˈbet.ə
The exam was worse than I expected. wɜːs
a high temperature haɪ
Vultures were flying overhead. ˈvʌl.tʃə
The lion was with its kill. kɪl
The antelopes come here to drink. ˈæn.tɪ.ləʊp
Can you drive? kæn
You can't possibly be hungry already! kɑːnt
Gerry slipped on the ice and broke his arm. aɪs
It's freezing in here! ˈfriː.zɪŋ
We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be ˈsʌn.i
a rainy afternoon ˈreɪ.ni
It's very humid today. ˈhjuː.mɪd
It was a windy night. ˈwɪn.di
a wet floor wet
This morning was lovely but it's quite cloudy out there nowˈklaʊ.di
a foggy day ˈfɒg.i
cold weather kəʊld
a hot sunny day hɒt
There is more rain in the north of the Kalahari than in the snɔːθ
There is more rain in the north of the Kalahari than in the ssaʊθ
The people have to get their medicine from plants too. ˈmed.ɪ.sən
There are lots of things they have to learn, so they can liveˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs
In what situations do people have to show courage? ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ
Before a young man can get married, he has to kill an anteˌget ˈmæ
a brave soldier breɪv
Death Valley's highest temperature on record is 56.7°C. ˈtem.prə.tʃə
Death Valley's highest temperature on record is 56.7°C. ˌɒn ˈrekɔːd
Antarctica is the most fascinating place for extreme weatheɪkˈstriːm
Well, it's a lovely day. ˈlʌ
We went to Warwick Castle. ˈkɑː.sl̩
New York is a city of skyscrapers. ˈskaɪˌskreɪ.pə
Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour. ˈhɑː.bə
Dad met me at the station. ˈsteɪ.ʃən
a clothes/music shop ʃɒp
a museum of modern art mjuːˈziː.əm
I'm going to have a shower. biː ˈgəʊ.ɪŋ tə
I've borrowed some CDs from Mike. ˈbɒr.əʊ
There's a lovely concert hall in the city centre. ˈkɒn.sət hɔːl
I parked in the car park. ˈkɑːˌpɑːk
The bus station is in the centre of town. ˈbʌs ˌsteɪ.ʃən
We went to the police station to report the theft. pəˈliːs ˌsteɪ.ʃən
Have you seen the new football stadium? ˈfʊt.bɔːl ˌsteɪ.di.əm
On Sunday, we played badminton at our local sports centrˈspɔːts ˌsen.tə
We could go to the cinema. ˈsɪn.ə.mə
We had lunch in a restaurant near the station. ˈres.trɒnt
a public/university library ˈlaɪ.brər.i
They built a skateboard park for the young people. ˈskeɪt.bɔːd ˌpɑːk
We ran as fast as we could. fɑːst
I can easily get some food on the way home tonight, if you'd ˈiː.zɪ.li
I quickly shut the door. ˈkwɪ
I thought the team played well. wel
She carefully folded the letter and put it in her pocket. ˈkeə.fəl.i
They played very badly in the first half of the match. ˈbæ
She drives dangerously. ˈdeɪn.dʒər.ə
Make sure you cross the road at the zebra crossing. ˌzeb.rə ˈkrɒs.ɪŋ
I go to a youth club on Thursday evenings. ˈjuːθ ˌklʌb
Be careful – there's a speed camera here. ˈspiːd ˌkæm.rə
He painted his name on the graffiti wall. grəˈfiː.ti ˌwɔːl
There are plenty of cycle lanes in this town. ˈsaɪkl̩ ˌleɪn
Throw it in the litter bin. ˈlɪt.ə ˌbɪn
They put up billboards with his picture on them. ˈbɪl.bɔːd
The bank is in the high street. ˈhaɪ ˌstriːt
beautiful old buildings ˈbɪl.dɪŋ
She is excited by the Arab culture. ˈkʌl.tʃər
Yellowknife (population about 19,000) is right at the top of ˌpɒp.jʊˈleɪ.ʃən
Make friends with the local children. ˈləʊ.kəl
Can I invite Tim? ɪnˈvaɪt
Our town looks a mess and it's not good for tourism. ˈtʊə.rɪ.zəm
There are too many cars on our roads and the drivers don'tpəˈdes.tri.ən
She's fluent in French. ˈfluː.ənt
The UFO buildings are a popular tourist attraction in Taiwaˈtʊə.rɪst əˌtræk.ʃən
They wanted to look for diamonds and they found a lot. ˈdaɪə.mənd
The children loved playing in the sand. sænd
We stayed in a seaside resort. rɪˈzɔːt
Unfortunately no one can visit this city today because in 20dɪˈmɒl.ɪʃ
In 1965, a fire started under the town at an old mine. maɪn
I'm definitely going to hang out on Bondi Beach. ˈdef.ɪ.nə
My arms ache from carrying this bag. ɑːm
My legs were tired after so much walking. leg
Open your mouth wide and say "Ah". maʊθ
neck/back/leg/stomach muscles ˈmʌs.l̩
He noticed her long delicate fingers. ˈfɪŋ.gə
I've hurt my left foot. fʊt
She leant over and whispered something in his ear. ɪə
He has no sight in his left/right eye. aɪ
A good diet and plenty of exercise will help you to keep yoˈbɒd.i
I fell over and sprained/twisted my ankle. ˈæŋ.kl̩
back injuries/pain bæk
Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers. ˈel.bəʊ
a knee injury niː
She kissed me on the lips. lɪp
He had the thickest neck I'd ever seen. nek
I rested my head on her shoulder. ˈʃəʊl.də
He was punched in the stomach. ˈstʌm.ək
a sore throat θrəʊt
I burnt my tongue on some soup last night. tʌŋ
I've got terrible stomach ache. ˈstʌm.ək.eɪk
He was suffering from earache. ˈɪə.reɪk
I've got a splitting headache. ˈhed.eɪk
Have you got toothache? ˈtuːθ.eɪk
Do you do much exercise? ˌdu: ˈek.sə.saɪz
I need to do some cleaning. ˌdu: səm ˈkliː.nɪŋ
She's doing OK at school. biː ˌduː.ɪŋ əʊˈkeɪ
You need to do your homework. ˌdu: jɔː ˈhəʊm.wɜːk
He's learning the piano and he's doing well. ˌdu: ˈwel
Let's go to this café – it does great ice cream. ˌdu: greɪt ˈaɪs kriːm
This car does 15 kilometres for every litre. du: ˌfɪfti:n kɪˌlɒm.ɪ.təz fər ˌev
A wonderful thing to do is go for long walks in the fresh air.ˌfreʃ ˈeə
You don't have to do sport to be healthy and keep fit. ˌkiːp ˈfɪt
When Katie fell, it wasn't a bad fall. fɔːl
If you fall you'll break a leg. ˌbreɪk ə ˈleg
If you eat all your carrots, you'll see in the dark. ˌsiː ɪn ðə ˈdɑːk
But I know one thing: he shouts at me all the time. ˈʃaʊt ət ˌsʌm.wʌn
I go to work by bicycle. ˈbaɪ.sɪ.kl̩
a rowing/sailing boat bəʊt
You should take the bus if you want to see the sights. bʌs
They don't have a car. kɑː
a fighter/transport/passenger plane pleɪn
the train to/from Bristol treɪn
After leaving school, she spent a year travelling, mostly in ˈtræv.əl
Which is the largest country in Europe? ˈkʌn.tri
the North American continent ˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt
Where have you been? biːn
What have you done? dʌn
Dad has gone to the shops. gɒn
Have you seen this book? siːn
I've written her a letter. ˈrɪt.ən
Have you met her husband? met
We have spoken about it several times. ˈspəʊ.kən
You've eaten all the bread. ˈiː.tən
He has taken all the cookies. ˈteɪ.kən
The birds have flown away. fləʊn
She has swum the English Channel. swʌm
You have won a prize! wʌn
Have you ever driven a tractor? ˈdrɪv.ən
What do tourists and travellers take with them? ˈtʊə.rɪst
What do tourists and travellers take with them? ˈtræv.əl.ə
I went by minibus all the way to the north of Thailand. ˈmɪn.i.bʌs
The injured were flown to hospital by helicopter. ˈhel.ɪˌkɒp.tə
We took the tram to the city centre. træm
I go to college on my scooter. ˈskuː.tə
The city has underground trains. ˈʌn.də.graʊnd ˌtreɪn
I'm flying to Mumbai tomorrow. flaɪ
You'll miss your train if you don't hurry up. mɪs
He catches the 8:30 train to London. kætʃ
Are you taking the train to Edinburgh? teɪk
I learned to ride a bike when I was four. raɪd
I'm learning to drive. draɪv
Nora Dunn wanted to travel the world until she got old. ˌtræv.əl ðə ˈwɜːld
Sometimes she writes home to ask for some money. ˌraɪt ˈhəʊm
She appears on television in every country she goes to. əˌpɪər ɒn ˈtel.ɪ.vɪʒ.ən
I love learning about other cultures. ˌʌð.ə ˈkʌl.tʃəz
One time a doctor stopped me outside a hospital and asked ˈskel.ɪ.tən
He has to wear false teeth now. ˌfɒls ˈtiːθ
These children in Indonesia have to cross a bridge 10 metre ˌɒn ˈtaɪm
Gulu is a mountain village in a national park. ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ
The children have a dangerous journey. ˈdʒɜː.ni
The path is only 45 centimetres wide in some places. ˌfɔː.ti.faɪv ˌsen.tɪ.miː.təz ˈw
So these girls are happy to take a risk in order to get to sc ˌteɪk ə ˈrɪsk
It's a tiny village – only very few people live there. ˈtaɪ.ni
Every morning they walk along the tracks to get to their sc træks
They hope to get a job and money, so they can help their fˈneɪ.bə
Why does Mariana admire her uncle? ədˈmaɪə
German Translation
Hausaufgaben machen
Fußball spielen
Hausarbeit machen
Fahrrad fahren
Freizeitbeschäftigung, Hobby
gern machen, genießen
körperliche Bewegung
Rätsel, Geduld(s)spiel
Computerspiele spielen
in einem Verein sein
ein Instrument spielen
Dinge sammeln
Fotos aufnehmen
ein Haustier haben
Klavier spielen
Briefmarken sammeln
online Spiele spielen
Autografe sammeln
ein Gedicht schreiben
nie, niemals
ab und zu
dreimal pro Woche
einmal im Monat
Videos aufzeichnen
ein Problem haben
zu Abend essen
Spaß haben
sich ausruhen
eine schöne Zeit haben
eine Dusche haben
Zeit haben
ein Hobby haben
auf jeden Fall, zweifellos
seltsam, merkwürdig
die Zeit verbringen
nicht ausstehen können
großartig, fantastisch
Post, Postamt
scheinen, den Anschein haben
T-Shirt, Leibchen
Jeanshose, Bluejeans
kurze Hose, Shorts
Einkaufszentrum, Ladenpassage
gut aussehend
Plan, Vorhaben
interessiert sein an
beliebt, populär
Stand, Verkaufsstand
Freiluft-, Freilicht-
Eiscreme, Eiscrème
Nachtisch, Dessert
Wurst, Würstchen
Möhre, Karotte
Kuchen, Torte
Chili con Carne
Omelett, Omelette
Mousse au Chocolat
Pommes frites
panierte Zwiebelringe
heißer Kakao
Frucht, Stück Obst
gemischter Salat
zu viele
zu viel
nicht genug
würzig, gewürzt
Fast Food
belegtes Brot, Sandwich
eine Idee haben
Kopfschmerzen haben
Zeit haben
etwas zu tun haben
ein Problem haben
nicht einverstanden sein
sich Gedanken machen, Interesse haben
Form, Gestalt
Scherz, Witz
Frau, Ehefrau
Mann, Ehemann
ihr (e)
Seite der Familie
großer (älterer) Bruder
kleiner (jüngerer) Bruder
Cousin, Vetter; Cousine
mitgenommen, bestürzt
verwirrt, durcheinander
besorgt, beunruhigt
Zeit verbringen
Held, Heldin
in Schwierigkeiten sein
Geschenke öffnen
sich eine Vorstellung ansehen
Sofa, Couch
wirklich, ganz
erstaunt, verblüfft
auf (jemanden/etwas) aufpassen
nachschlagen, nachschauen
unwohl; verlegen
zu Hause
aufmerksam sein
gestern Morgen
gestern Nachmittag
gestern Nacht
letzte Woche
letztes Jahr
vor einer Stunde
vor zwei Wochen
hat gekauft
ist gekommen
hat ausgesucht
hat gefunden
hat gegeben
hat bekommen, hat erhalten
hat gehabt
ist abgefahren
hat gemacht
hat gesagt
hat gesehen
hat gestanden
hat gedacht
hat genommen
ist gegangen
klug, intelligent
froh, gut aufgelegt
im Augenblick
sich mit jemandem anfreunden
sich erinnern
tut (mir/dir/ihm/ihr/ihnen) leid
auf jeden Fall, sicherlich
einen Unfall haben
jemandem das Leben retten
auf dem Surfbrett fahren
zum ersten Mal
in der Öffentlichkeit
elektronisches Lesegerät
machen müssen
nicht machen müssen
Fön®, Haartrockner
nicht sollen
Mobiltelefon, Handy
nicht dürfen
den Teppichboden staubsaugen
einkaufen (gehen)
den Tisch decken
den Tisch abräumen
den Aufwasch machen
die Betten machen
die Wäsche machen
den Geschirrspüler einräumen
den Geschirrspüler leeren
sieht aus wie
hört sich an wie
Was denn?
sich kümmern um, sich Sorgen über
Zugang haben zu
Probleme schaffen
Fußball spielen
Jogging betreiben
Leichtathletik betreiben
American Football
erste Hälfte
Anspiel, Anpfiff
zweite Hälfte
dann, danach
die Kontrolle verlieren
wilde Tiere
Ozean, Meer
nicht können
eisig, eiskalt
sich verheiraten
äußerst, extrem
schön, hübsch
Laden, Geschäft
werden (+ verb)
Gaststätte, Restaurant
schnell, rasch
Jugendklub, Jugendtreff
Anschlag-, Plakattafel
Ferien-, Urlaubsort
auf jeden Fall, natürlich
sich körperlich bewegen
sauber machen
sich gut machen
deine Hausaufgaben machen
sich gut machen, gut zurechtkommen
tolle Eiscreme verkaufen
15 Kilometer pro Liter fahren
frische Luft
sich fit halten
sich ein Bein brechen
in der Dunkelheit sehen (können)
jemanden anschreien
ist gewesen
hat getan
ist gegangen
hat gesehen
hat geschrieben
hat getroffen
hat gesprochen
hat gegessen
hat genommen
ist geflogen
ist geschwommen
hat gewonnen
ist gefahren
Feriengast, Urlauber
Reisender, Reisende
reiten; fahren
die Welt bereisen
nach Hause schreiben
im Fernsehen erscheinen
andere Kulturen
Reise, Fahrt
45 Zentimeter breit
ein Risiko eingehen
sleeping 1 12 noun
doing homework 1 12 phrase
playing football 1 12 phrase
studying 1 12 noun
reading 1 12 the activity or skill of getting informat noun
reading 1 12 an event at which someone reads somet noun
dancing 1 12 the activity of moving your feet and younoun
tidying up 1 12 noun
singing 1 12 the activity of singing noun
doing housework 1 12 phrase
riding a bike 1 12 phrase
hobby 1 13 an activity that you enjoy and do regula noun
enjoy 1 13 to get pleasure from something verb
enjoy 1 13 to have or experience something good verb
exercise 1 13 physical activity that you do to make yonoun
exercise 1 13 a short piece of written work which you noun
exercise 1 13 a set of actions that a group of soldiers ndoun
puzzle 1 13 a game or activity in which you have to noun
puzzle 1 13 a situation which is very difficult to und noun
crossword 1 13 a game in which you write words which naoun
play computer games 1 13 phrase
be in a club 1 14 phrase
play an instrument 1 14 phrase
collect things 1 14 phrase
write a blog 1 14 phrase
take photographs 1 14 phrase
keep a pet 1 14 phrase
play the piano 1 15 phrase
collect stamps 1 15 phrase
play on-line games 1 15 phrase
cooking 1 15 preparing and cooking food, or a partic noun
collect autographs 1 16 phrase
write a poem 1 16 phrase
always 1 17 every time, or at all times adverb
always 1 17 at all times in the past adverb
always 1 17 forever adverb
always 1 17 again and again, often in an annoying adverb
sometimes 1 17 on some occasions but not always or ofadverb
never 1 17 not ever, not one time adverb
never 1 17 used to emphasize something negative adverb
occasionally 1 17 sometimes but not often adverb
often 1 17 many times or regularly adverb
often 1 17 If something often happens or is often trueadverb
rarely 1 17 not often adverb
usually 1 17 in the way that most often happens adverb
every day 1 17 adverb
three times a week 1 17 adverb
once a month 1 17 adverb
make videos 1 17 phrase
have a problem 1 18 phrase
have dinner 1 18 phrase
have fun 1 18 phrase
have a rest 1 18 phrase
have a good time 1 18 phrase
have a shower 1 18 phrase
have time 1 13 to have enough time to do something phrase
have a hobby 1 13 phrase
tidy 1 13 having everything ordered and arrangedadjective
busy 1 13 If you are busy, you are working hard, oradjective
busy 1 13 A busy place is full of activity or people.adjective
busy 1 13 In a busy period, you have a lot of thingadjective
relax 1 13 to become happy and comfortable becau verb
relax 1 13 If a part of your body relaxes, it becomes verb
definitely 1 18 without any doubt adverb
strange 1 16 If something is strange, it is surprising adjective
strange 1 16 A strange person or place is one that you adjective
smile 1 13 to make a happy or friendly expression verb
positive 1 13 feeling enthusiastic and happy about you adjective
positive 1 13 A positive effect is good and makes somadjective
positive 1 13 expressing the answer yes adjective
positive 1 13 certain that something is true adjective
positive 1 13 If a medical test is positive, it shows t adjective
interests 1 13 plural noun
pass the time 1 16 phrase
can't stand 1 16 phrase
cheap 2 20 costing little money or less than is usuaadjective
cheap 2 20 low in price and quality adjective
cheap 2 20 not willing to spend money adjective
expensive 2 20 costing a lot of money adjective
fantastic 2 20 extremely good adjective
dream 2 Unit 2 to experience events and images in youverb
dream 2 Unit 2 to imagine something that you would li verb
wear 2 20 to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your verb
wear 2 20 to arrange or grow your hair in a particuverb
wear 2 20 to show a particular emotion on your facverb
supermarket 2 21 a large shop that sells food, drink, prod noun
shopping 2 21 the activity of buying things from shops noun
shopping 2 21 goods which you have bought from shops noun
colour 2 21 red, blue, green, yellow, etc. noun
colour 2 21 interesting or exciting qualities or parts noun
colour 2 21 the colour of a person's skin, which shonoun
cool 2 21 good, stylish, or fashionable adjective
cool 2 21 slightly cold, but not too cold adjective
cool 2 21 calm and not emotional adjective
cool 2 21 unfriendly adjective
comfortable 2 21 describes furniture, clothes, etc. that p adjective
comfortable 2 21 relaxed and free from pain adjective
comfortable 2 21 If you are comfortable in a situation, yo adjective
comfortable 2 21 having enough money for everything th adjective
designer clothes 2 21 plural noun
clean 2 21 not dirty adjective
clean 2 21 showing that you have not done anything adjective
bright 2 21 strong in colour adjective
bright 2 21 full of light, shining adjective
bright 2 21 clever adjective
bright 2 21 happy or full of hope adjective
newsagent's 2 22 a shop that sells newspapers and maganoun
chemist's 2 22 a shop where you can buy medicines, mnoun
bookshop 2 22 a shop where books are sold noun
clothes shop 2 22 noun
shoe shop 2 22 noun
department store 2 22 a large shop divided into several differennoun
post office 2 22 a place where stamps are sold and fromnoun
taste 2 23 to put food or drink in your mouth to findverb
smell 2 23 to notice something by using your nose verb
smell 2 23 to have an unpleasant smell verb
smell 2 23 to have the ability to notice or discover verb
sound 2 23 to make a noise verb
look 2 23 to turn your eyes in the direction of s verb
look 2 23 to try to find someone or something verb
look 2 23 to face a particular direction verb
customer 2 23 a person who buys goods or a service noun
size 2 23 how large or small something or someon noun
size 2 23 one of the different measurements in whnoun
take 2 23 to get and carry something with you w verb
take 2 23 to go somewhere with someone, often pa verb
take 2 23 to travel somewhere by using a bus, train verb
take 2 23 If something takes a particular amount of verb
take 2 23 used to tell someone which road to go verb
take 2 23 to swallow or use medicine verb
take 2 23 to get hold of something and move it verb
take 2 23 to remove something without permissio verb
take 2 23 to accept or have something verb
take 2 23 used with some nouns to say that someverb
take 2 23 to write something verb
take 2 23 to study a subject in order to do an exa verb
take 2 23 to wear a particular size of clothes verb
take 2 23 to remove one number from another nuverb
take 2 23 to need or be followed by another word verb
take 2 23 to understand something in a particular verb
take 2 23 to measure something verb
take 2 23 If something takes a particular quality, yverb
try on 2 23 phrasal verb
cost 2 23 If something costs an amount of money,verb
cost 2 23 to cause someone to lose or destroy soverb
T-shirt 2 24 a piece of cotton clothing for the top pa noun
jeans 2 24 plural noun
shorts 2 24 plural noun
shoes 2 24 plural noun
trousers 2 24 plural noun
belt 2 24 a long, thin piece of leather, cloth, or p noun
boots 2 24 plural noun
jacket 2 24 a short coat noun
trainers 2 24 plural noun
shirt 2 21 a piece of clothing worn on the top part noun
dress 2 24 a piece of clothing for women or girls w noun
dress 2 24 a particular style of clothes noun
jumper 2 24 a piece of clothing usually made of woonoun
jumper 2 24 a loose dress with no sleeves that is wonoun
spend 2 24 to use time doing something or being verb
spend 2 24 to use money to buy or pay for somethi verb
shopping mall 2 24 a large, covered shopping area noun
market 2 26 a place where people go to buy or sell tnoun
market 2 26 all the people who want to buy a particunoun
market 2 26 the buying and selling of something noun
good-looking 2 20 If someone is good-looking, they have an adjective
interesting 2 24 Someone or something that is interesting adjective
fascinating 2 24 extremely interesting adjective
exciting 2 24 making you feel very happy and enthusiadjective
unusual 2 24 different and not ordinary, often in a wayadjective
attractive 2 24 beautiful or pleasant to look at adjective
attractive 2 24 interesting or useful adjective
plan 2 21 an arrangement for what you intend to noun
plan 2 21 a drawing of a building, town, area, vehinoun
terrible 2 21 very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant adjective
magazine 2 21 a thin book published every week or mont noun
laugh at 2 21 phrasal verb
surprise 2 24 to make someone feel surprise verb
interested in 2 24 phrase
popular 2 26 liked by many people adjective
popular 2 26 for or involving ordinary people rather adjective
popular 2 26 A popular belief, opinion, etc. is one t adjective
stall 2 26 a large table or a small shop with an opnoun
stall 2 26 a small area in a room for washing or usi noun
bargain 2 26 something that is on sale for less than itnoun
open-air 2 26 An open-air place does not have a roof.adjective
bread 3 30 a basic food made by mixing flour, wat noun
cheese 3 30 a food made from milk, which can eithernoun b
milk 3 30 a white liquid produced by women and onoun
cereal 3 30 a food that is made from grain and usualnoun
cereal 3 30 a plant that is grown to produce grain fonoun
orange juice 3 30 a drink made from the juice of oranges noun
egg 3 30 an oval object with a hard shell which i noun
egg 3 30 an oval object with a hard shell that connoun
vitamin 3 30 one of a group of natural substances thnoun
healthy 3 30 physically strong and well adjective
healthy 3 30 good for your health adjective
healthy 3 30 successful and strong adjective
water melon 3 30 a large, round, green fruit that is pink i noun
banana 3 30 a long curved fruit with a yellow skin noun
ice cream 3 30 a sweet food made from frozen milk or noun
honey 3 30 a sweet, sticky food that is made by be noun
avocado 3 30 a dark green, oval fruit which is pale gr noun
potato 3 30 a round vegetable with a brown, yellow,noun
sugar 3 30 a very sweet substance used to give flanoun
dessert 3 30 sweet food eaten after the main part of noun
apple 3 31 a hard, round fruit that has a green or r noun
vegetable 3 31 a plant that you eat, for example potatonoun
chocolate 3 31 a sweet, usually brown, food that is pre noun
biscuit 3 31 a small, flat cake that is dry and usuall noun
rice 3 32 small grains from a plant that are cook noun
kitchen 3 32 a room where food is kept, prepared a noun
strawberry 3 32 a small, red fruit with a green leaf at t noun
tomato 3 32 a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or noun
sausage 3 32 a mixture of meat and spices pressed innoun
carrot 3 32 a long, thin orange vegetable that growsnoun
carrot 3 32 something that is offered to someone i noun
onion 3 32 a round vegetable with layers that has anoun
cake 3 32 a sweet food made from flour, butter, noun
pepper 3 32 a black, grey, white or red powder prod noun
pepper 3 32 a hollow green, red or yellow vegetable noun
yoghurt 3 32 a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour noun
chili con carne 3 32 noun
omelette 3 32 a food made with eggs that have been m noun
coffee 3 32 a popular hot drink with a strong smel noun
chicken 3 32 a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggsnoun
chicken 3 32 the meat of a chicken noun
chocolate mousse 3 32 noun
pear 3 32 an oval-shaped, pale green or yellow frunoun
bean 3 32 a seed, or the pod containing seeds, of noun
curry 3 32 a type of food, originally from South As noun
salad 3 32 a cold mixture of vegetables that usual noun
mineral water 3 32 water which is taken from the ground a noun
chips 3 33 plural noun
onion rings 3 33 plural noun
spinach 3 33 a vegetable with large, dark green leavenoun
mushroom 3 33 a type of fungus with a short stem and noun
hot chocolate 3 33 a hot, sweet drink with a chocolate flav noun
fruit 3 33 something such as an apple or orange tnoun
ham 3 33 meat from a pig's back or upper leg noun
mixed salad 3 33 noun
vanilla 3 33 a substance that is used to give flavou noun
steak 3 33 a thick, flat piece of meat or fish noun
pasta 3 33 a food that is made from flour, water noun
tea 3 33 a hot drink that you make by pouring wat noun
tea 3 33 a small afternoon meal of sandwiches, ca noun
order 3 33 to ask for food, goods, etc. verb
order 3 33 to give someone an instruction that the verb
menu 3 33 a list of food and drinks that you can or noun
menu 3 33 a list that appears on a computer scree noun
bill 3 33 a piece of paper that tells you how mu noun
bill 3 33 a piece of paper money noun
starter 3 33 something that you eat as the first part noun
starter 3 33 in sports, a member of a team who is innoun
side dish 3 33 in a restaurant, an extra dish of food, noun
side dish 3 33 a plate on which a side dish is served noun
spaghetti 3 34 long, thin pieces of pasta noun
tomato sauce 3 34 noun
serve 3 34 to give someone food or drink, especiallverb
serve 3 34 to help customers and sell things to theverb
serve 3 34 to be useful as something verb
serve 3 34 to do work that helps society, for exam verb
serve 3 34 to be in prison for a period of time verb
salt 3 34 a white substance used to add flavour t noun
soup 3 34 a usually hot, liquid food made from vegnoun
left-overs 3 34 plural noun
mango 3 34 a tropical fruit that has a green skin andnoun
unhealthy 3 34 likely to become ill or likely to damage adjective
too many 3 35 phrase
too much 3 35 more than someone can deal with phrase
not enough 3 35 phrase
roast 3 35 cooked in an oven or over a fire adjective
boiled 3 35 cooked in water that is boiling adjective
fried 3 35 cooked in hot oil or fat adjective
grilled 3 35 cooked on or under a grill adjective
delicious 3 35 having a very pleasant taste or smell adjective
nice 3 35 pleasant or attractive adjective
nice 3 35 kind and friendly adjective
horrible 3 35 very unpleasant or bad adjective
boring 3 35 not interesting or exciting adjective
beef 3 35 the meat of a cow noun
fish 3 35 an animal that lives only in water and swnoun
fish 3 35 fish eaten as food noun
spicy 3 32 containing strong flavours from spices adjective
savoury 3 32 Savoury food is not sweet. adjective
sweet 3 32 with a taste like sugar adjective
sweet 3 32 attractive, often because of being smalladjective
sweet 3 32 kind and friendly adjective
fresh 3 35 Fresh food has been produced or collectadjective
fresh 3 35 new or different from what was there beadjective
fresh 3 35 smelling clean or feeling pleasantly cooladjective
fresh 3 35 recently made, done, arrived, etc., and adjective
fresh 3 35 Fresh skin looks healthy. adjective
fresh 3 35 having a lot of energy and not feeling ti adjective
tasty 3 35 Food which is tasty has a good flavour aadjective
yummy 3 35 If food or drink is yummy, it tastes very adjective
fatty 3 35 Fatty foods contain a lot of fat. adjective
disgusting 3 35 extremely unpleasant or unacceptable adjective
salty 3 35 tasting of or containing salt adjective
snack 3 35 a small amount of food that is eaten be noun
fast food 3 35 hot food that can be served very quicklynoun
picnic 3 36 a meal that you make and take with younoun
lemonade 3 36 a cold drink with a lemon flavour that i noun
lemonade 3 36 a cold drink made with the juice of lem noun
apple juice 3 36 juice from crushed apples, used as a drnoun
apple juice 3 36 juice from crushed apples, used for a drnoun
sandwich 3 36 two slices of bread with meat, cheese, noun
tuna 3 36 a large sea fish, or the meat from this fi noun
vegetarian 3 36 someone who does not eat meat or fishnoun
have got an idea 3 37 phrase
have got a headache 3 37 phrase
have got time 3 37 phrase
have got something to do 3 37 phrase
have got a problem 3 37 phrase
disagree 3 30 to have a different opinion from someo verb
present 3 31 something that you give to someone, usu noun
care 3 31 to think that something is important andverb t
care 3 31 to love someone verb
shape 3 33 the physical form of something made bynoun
joke 3 33 something which someone says to make noun
unfair 3 33 not treating people in a equal way adjective
unfair 3 33 not true and morally wrong adjective
hurt 3 33 to cause pain verb
hurt 3 33 If a part of your body hurts, it feels painfverb
hurt 3 33 to cause emotional pain to someone verb
surprise 3 34 an event that you did not expect to hap noun
surprise 3 34 the feeling that you get when somethingnoun
daughter 4 38 your female child noun
sister 4 38 a girl or woman who has the same parenoun
father 4 38 your male parent noun
wife 4 38 the woman a man is married to noun
son 4 38 your male child noun
brother 4 38 a man or boy with the same parents as noun
mother 4 38 a female parent noun
husband 4 38 the man a woman is married to noun
aunt 4 38 the sister of someone's father or mothernoun
my 4 40 pronoun
mine 4 40 the things that belong or relate to the p pronoun
your 4 40 pronoun
yours 4 40 used to show that something belongs topronoun
her 4 40 used after a verb or preposition to ref pronoun
hers 4 40 used to show that something belongs topronoun
his 4 40 the things that belong or relate to som pronoun
our 4 40 pronoun
ours 4 40 used to show that something belongs topronoun
their 4 40 pronoun
theirs 4 40 the things that belong or relate to a gr pronoun
who 4 40 used to ask about someone's name or wpronoun
who 4 40 used at the beginning of a relative clau pronoun
who 4 40 used to give more information about s pronoun
whose 4 40 used to ask who something belongs to pronoun
side of the family 4 40 phrase
big brother 4 40 phrase
uncle 4 40 the brother of your mother or father, or noun
aunty 4 40 noun
sister-in-law 4 40 a woman married to your brother, or thenoun
little brother 4 40 phrase
grandparents 4 40 plural noun
cousin 4 40 a child of a person's aunt or uncle noun
grandma 4 40 grandmother noun
grandpa 4 40 grandfather noun
granddaughter 4 40 the daughter of a person's son or daughnoun
granddad 4 41 grandfather noun
upset 4 43 unhappy or worried because somethingadjective
angry 4 43 having a strong feeling against someonadjective
surprised 4 43 feeling surprise because something hasadjective
confused 4 43 unable to think clearly or to understand adjective
confused 4 43 not clear adjective
proud 4 43 feeling very pleased about something adjective
relieved 4 43 happy that something unpleasant has nadjective
worried 4 43 anxious because you are thinking aboutadjective
scared 4 43 frightened or worried adjective
fight 4 38 to use physical force to try to defeat a verb
fight 4 38 to take part in a war verb
fight 4 38 to argue verb
fight 4 38 to try hard to stop something bad happ verb
fight 4 38 to try hard to achieve something you want verb
spend time 4 38 phrase
hero 4 42 someone who does something brave ornoun g
hero 4 42 the main male character in a book or fil noun
ambulance 4 42 a special vehicle used to take ill or inju noun
disappear 4 42 to become impossible to see verb
disappear 4 42 to become impossible to find verb
disappear 4 42 to no longer exist verb
in trouble 4 42 phrase
open presents 4 44 phrase
watch a performance 4 44 phrase
celebrate 4 44 to do something enjoyable because it i verb
international 4 44 relating to or involving two or more counadjective
national 4 44 relating to or typical of a whole country adjective
share 4 44 to have or use something at the same verb
share 4 44 to divide something between two or mo verb
share 4 44 If two or more people or things share a fverb
share 4 44 If two or more people share an activity, verb
together 4 44 with each other or doing something withadverb
together 4 44 at the same time adverb
together 4 44 used to say that two or more things are adverb
together 4 44 in one place adverb
together 4 44 combined adverb
invitation 4 45 when someone invites you to do somet noun
invitation 4 45 something that is likely to cause a parti noun
kitchen 5 48 a room where food is kept, prepared a noun
bedroom 5 48 a room used for sleeping in noun
bathroom 5 48 a room with a bath and/or shower and oft noun
living room 5 48 the room in a house where people sit tonoun
dining room 5 48 a room in which meals are eaten noun
garden 5 48 a piece of land belonging to a house, w noun
fridge 5 48 a large container that uses electricity t noun
armchair 5 49 a comfortable chair with sides that sup noun
carpet 5 49 thick material for covering floors, ofte noun
cooker 5 49 a large box-shaped device which is used noun
curtains 5 49 plural noun
desk 5 49 a type of table that you can work at, of noun
lamp 5 49 a piece of equipment that produces lighnoun
mirror 5 49 a piece of glass with a shiny metallic manoun
shelf 5 49 a flat, horizontal board used to put thin noun
shower 5 49 If you have or take a shower, you wash noun
shower 5 49 a piece of bathroom equipment that younoun
shower 5 49 a short period of rain noun
sofa 5 49 a large, comfortable seat for more than noun
toilet 5 49 a bowl that you sit on or stand near wh noun
wardrobe 5 49 a large cupboard for keeping clothes in noun
wardrobe 5 49 all the clothes that you own noun
wall 5 49 a vertical structure, often made of ston noun
quite 5 51 a little or a lot but not completely adverb
quite 5 51 completely adverb
very 5 51 used emphasize an adjective or adverbadverb
really 5 51 very or very much adverb
really 5 51 used to give particular importance to a adverb
really 5 51 used when you are saying what is the tru adverb
annoyed 5 53 angry adjective
relaxed 5 53 feeling happy and calm because nothingadjective
relaxed 5 53 A relaxed situation or place is comforta adjective
bored 5 53 feeling tired and unhappy because somet adjective
interested 5 53 wanting to give your attention to somet adjective
amazed 5 53 extremely surprised adjective
annoying 5 53 making you feel annoyed adjective
relaxing 5 53 making you feel relaxed adjective
amazing 5 53 very good or impressive in some way adjective
amazing 5 53 extremely surprising adjective
look after 5 55 phrasal verb
look up 5 55 to become better phrasal verb
look for 5 55 phrasal verb
look at 5 55 phrasal verb
look into 5 55 phrasal verb
charity 5 49 an official organization that gives mon noun
charity 5 49 kindness towards other people noun
creative 5 49 producing or using original and unusualadjective
care for 5 49 phrasal verb
work together 5 49 phrase
uncomfortable 5 51 not feeling comfortable and pleasant, o adjective
uncomfortable 5 51 slightly embarrassed, or making you feeadjective
untidy 5 51 not tidy adjective
quiet 5 51 making little or no noise adjective
quiet 5 51 without much activity or excitement adjective
quiet 5 51 If someone is quiet, they talk very little. adjective
safe 5 51 not in danger or likely to be harmed adjective
safe 5 51 not dangerous or likely to cause harm adjective
safe 5 51 not harmed or damaged adjective
safe 5 51 not involving much risk adjective
at home 5 51 phrase
homeless 5 54 without a place to live adjective
pay attention 5 55 to watch, listen to, or think about sometphrase
pay attention 5 55 to watch, listen to, or think about sometphrase
alone 6 56 without other people adverb
alone 6 56 used to emphasize that only one personadverb
happy 6 56 feeling, showing or causing pleasure adjective
happy 6 56 satisfied and not worried adjective
sad 6 56 unhappy or making you feel unhappy adjective
excited 6 56 feeling very happy and enthusiastic adjective
yesterday 6 58 on the day before today adverb
yesterday morning 6 58 phrase
yesterday afternoon 6 58 phrase
last night 6 58 the evening or night that has just passephrase
last week 6 58 phrase
last year 6 58 phrase
an hour ago 6 58 phrase
two weeks ago 6 58 phrase
bought (buy) 6 58 past simple and past participle of buy verb
came (come) 6 58 past simple of come verb
chose (choose) 6 58 past simple of choose verb
found (find) 6 58 to bring something into existence verb
found (find) 6 58 to base something on a set of ideas or bverb
gave (give) 6 58 verb
got (get) 6 58 verb
had (have) 6 58 past of have verb
left (leave) 6 58 past simple and past participle of leaveverb
made (make) 6 58 past simple and past participle of makeverb
said (say) 6 58 past simple and past participle of say verb
saw (see) 6 58 to use a saw verb
stood (stand) 6 58 past simple and past participle of stand verb
thought (think) 6 58 past simple and past participle of think verb
took (take) 6 58 verb
went (go) 6 58 past simple of go verb
mine 6 59 the things that belong or relate to the p pronoun
yours 6 59 used to show that something belongs topronoun
his 6 59 the things that belong or relate to som pronoun
hers 6 59 used to show that something belongs topronoun
ours 6 59 used to show that something belongs topronoun
theirs 6 59 the things that belong or relate to a gr pronoun
intelligent 6 61 showing intelligence, or able to learn a adjective
cheerful 6 61 happy and positive adjective
cheerful 6 61 describes a place or thing that is brigh adjective
jealous 6 61 upset and angry because someone youadjective
jealous 6 61 unhappy and angry because you want sadjective
helpful 6 61 willing to help, or useful adjective
confident 6 61 certain about your ability to do things weadjective
confident 6 61 being certain that something will happe adjective
generous 6 61 willing to give other people money, help,adjective
generous 6 61 larger than usual or than expected adjective
easy-going 6 61 usually relaxed and calm, not worried o adjective
funny 6 61 making you smile or laugh adjective
funny 6 61 strange, surprising, unexpected or difficadjective
myth 6 62 an ancient story about gods and brave pe noun
myth 6 62 an idea that is not true but is believed noun
friendship 6 62 when two people are friends noun
stressed 6 62 worried and not able to relax adjective
right now 6 62 at the present time phrase
patient 6 62 having patience adjective
make friends 6 62 to begin to know and like someone phrase
make friends 6 62 to begin to know and like someone phrase
remember 6 62 If you remember a fact or something from verb
happiness 6 62 the feeling of being happy noun
sorry 6 63 used to apologize for something you h adjective
sorry 6 63 used to show sympathy or sadness for a djective
sorry 6 63 used to show politeness when refusing adjective
sorry 6 63 used as a polite way to say that you di adjective
footballer 6 59 someone who plays football, especially naoun
certainly 6 59 used to emphasize something and showadverb t
certainly 6 59 used to agree politely to a request adverb
possibly 6 59 used when something is not certain adverb
possibly 6 59 used in polite questions adverb
possibly 6 59 used with 'can' or 'could' for emphasis adverb
score 6 59 the number of points someone gets in anoun
have an accident 6 60 to urinate or excrete (=pass solid wastephrase
save someone's life 6 60 to stop someone from being killed phrase
save someone's life 6 60 to help someone escape from a difficult phrase
go surfing 6 60 phrase
for the first time 6 60 phrase
smile 6 61 a happy or friendly expression in which noun
in public 6 61 in a place where other people, especia phrase
laugh 6 61 to smile while making sounds with your verb
e-reader 7 66 a small electronic device with a screen noun
digital camera 7 66 a type of camera that records images t noun
flat screen TV 7 66 a type of television with a screen that i noun
tablet 7 66 a small, round object containing medici noun
laptop 7 66 a computer that is small enough to be cnoun
desktop computer 7 66 a computer that is small enough to fit o noun
have (got) to 7 68 phrase
don't have to 7 68 phrase
Sat Nav 7 68 abbreviation for satellite navigation: a noun
game console 7 68 noun
headphones 7 68 a piece of equipment that you wear overnoun
remote control 7 68 a piece of equipment that is used to connoun
MP3 player 7 68 a piece of electronic equipment for playnoun
torch 7 68 a small electric light that you hold in yo noun
coffee machine 7 68 a machine that makes coffee noun
coffee machine 7 68 a machine from which you can buy coffee noun
calculator 7 68 an electronic device that you use to do noun
docking station 7 68 a piece of electrical equipment to whic noun
hair dryer 7 68 a piece of electrical equipment for dryingnoun
gadget 7 68 a small piece of equipment that does a p noun
should 7 69 used to give advice modal verb
should 7 69 used to say or ask what is the correct ormodal verb
should 7 69 used to say that you expect something tmodal verb
should 7 69 used when referring to a possible eventmodal verb
shouldn't 7 69 modal verb
mobile phone 7 69 a telephone that you can carry everywhnoun
mustn't 7 70 modal verb
vacuum the floor 7 71 phrase
tidy up 7 71 phrasal verb
do the ironing 7 71 phrase
do the shopping 7 71 phrase
set the table 7 71 to put plates, knives, forks, etc. on the phrase
set the table 7 71 to put plates, knives, forks, etc. on the phrase
clear the table 7 71 phrase
do the washing-up 7 71 phrase
wash up 7 71 to wash your hands, especially before phrasal verb
wash up 7 71 to wash the dishes, pans, and other thi phrasal verb
make the beds 7 71 phrase
do the cooking 7 71 phrase
do the washing 7 71 phrase
load the dishwasher 7 71 phrase
empty the dishwasher 7 71 phrase
tidying 7 71 noun
chores 7 71 plural noun
like 7 73 similar to or in the same way as someo preposition
like 7 73 such as preposition
like 7 73 typical or characteristic of preposition
looks like 7 73 phrase
soundslike 7 73 phrase
Like what? 7 73 phrase
illness 7 66 a disease of the body or mind noun
illness 7 66 when you are ill noun
invent 7 66 to design or create something which hasverb
invent 7 66 to think of a story or explanation in or verb
invention 7 66 something which has been designed or noun cre
care about something 7 67 phrase
environment 7 67 the conditions that you live or work in noun
appearance 7 67 the way a person or thing looks to othernoun
appearance 7 67 when someone appears in public, on telev noun
appearance 7 67 when something starts to exist or beco noun
quality 7 67 how good or bad something is noun
quality 7 67 when something is very good or well m noun
quality 7 67 a part of someone's character noun
inventor 7 69 someone who designs and makes new n t oun
have access to something 7 69 phrase
switch off 7 70 to turn off a light, television, etc by usi phrasal verb
switch off 7 70 to stop giving your attention to someon phrasal verb
robot 7 70 a machine controlled by a computer, whnoun
create problems 7 70 phrase
fair 7 71 having pale skin or a light colour of hair adjective
fair 7 71 treating everyone in the same way, so adjective
fair 7 71 acceptable, reasonable or right adjective
fair 7 71 not very good but not very bad adjective
basketball 8 74 a game in which two teams try to score noun p
horseracing 8 74 the sport where people race on horses, noun
mountaineering 8 74 the sport or activity of climbing mountai noun
athletics 8 74 the sports which include running, jumpi noun
swimming 8 74 the activity of moving through water by noun
tennis 8 74 a sport in which two or four people hit anoun
ball 8 74 a round object that you throw, kick, or noun
race 8 74 a competition in which people run, ride, noun
race 8 74 one of the groups that people are dividenoun
race 8 74 a situation in which people compete aganoun
track 8 74 a narrow path or road noun
track 8 74 a path, often circular, used for races noun
track 8 74 one song or piece of music on a CD, recnoun
track 8 74 the long metal lines which a train travel noun
track 8 74 a sport in which people compete with eanoun
track 8 74 a mark or line of marks left on the gro noun
track 8 74 the direction in which someone's job or noun
water 8 74 the clear liquid which falls from the sky noun
water 8 74 an area of water, such as the sea, a la noun
rope 8 74 very thick string made from twisted threnoun
net 8 74 an object that has many holes in it and noun
match 8 74 a sports competition in which two peop noun
match 8 74 a thin, wooden stick which produces a fnoun
match 8 74 something which is similar to or combinnoun
rider 8 74 someone who rides a horse, bicycle, or noun
finish line 8 74 noun
try 8 75 to attempt to do something verb
try 8 75 to do, test, taste, etc. something to discov
try 8 75 to examine facts in a court of law to decverb
win 8 75 to get the most points in a competition verb
win 8 75 to get a prize in a game or competition verb
win 8 75 to get the most votes in an election verb
win 8 75 to be successful in a war, fight, or argu verb
lose 8 75 to not be able to find someone or sometverb
lose 8 75 to stop having something that you had verb
lose 8 75 to fail to succeed in a game, competitionverb
lose 8 75 to have less of something than you hadverb
lose 8 75 to waste something such as time or an verb
lose 8 75 to make less money than you spend verb
run 8 76 to move on your feet at a faster speed verb
run 8 76 to organize or control something verb
run 8 76 If trains or buses are running, they are averb
run 8 76 If liquid runs somewhere, it flows. verb
run 8 76 If you run a computer program, you useverb
run 8 76 If a piece of equipment is running, it is verb
run 8 76 to publish something in a newspaper o verb
run 8 76 to try to get elected verb
sailing 8 76 a sport using boats with sails noun
diving 8 76 the activity of swimming under water, u noun
golf 8 76 a game on grass where players try to hitnoun
gymnastics 8 76 a sport in which you do physical exercisnoun
rock-climbing 8 76 noun
rugby 8 76 a sport played by two teams with an ovanoun
snowboarding 8 76 a sport in which you stand on a large noun
skiing 8 76 the sport of moving over snow on skis noun
volleyball 8 76 a game in which two teams use their hand noun
windsurfing 8 76 a sport in which you sail across water bnoun
player 8 76 someone who takes part in a game or snoun
player 8 76 someone who plays a musical instrumenoun
player 8 76 something that produces sound or vide noun
team 8 76 a group of people who play a sport or gnoun
team 8 76 a group of people who work together tonoun
play football 8 76 phrase
go running 8 76 phrase
do athletics 8 76 phrase
team sport 8 76 phrase
water sport 8 76 phrase
football 8 77 a game in which two teams of players kic noun
football 8 77 a large ball made of leather or plastic announ
running 8 77 the sport of moving on your feet at a spnoun
running 8 77 the activity of controlling or looking aft noun
skateboarding 8 77 the activity of moving using a skateboarnoun
surfing 8 77 the sport of riding on a wave on a specinoun
cycle 8 77 to ride a bicycle verb
team games 8 77 plural noun
skate-park 8 77 a place where people do skateboarding,noun i
ramp 8 77 a sloping surface that joins two places th noun
ramp 8 77 a short road that is used to drive onto ornoun
ski 8 77 to move over snow on skis verb
competition 8 78 an organized event in which people try to noun
competition 8 78 when someone, or a company, is tryingnoun
American football 8 78 a game for two teams of eleven playersnoun i
sumo wrestling 8 78 a style of wrestling (=a fighting sport) noun
wrestler 8 78 a person who wrestles as a sport noun
referee 8 78 a person who is in charge of a sports g noun
cycle race 8 78 noun
cyclist 8 78 someone who rides a bike noun
first half 8 78 noun
kick-off 8 78 the time when a football match begins noun
half time 8 78 a short period of rest between the two noun
second half 8 78 noun
at first 8 79 at the beginning of a situation or period phrase
at first 8 79 at the beginning of a situation or period phrase
then 8 79 at that time adverb
then 8 79 next, or after something has happened adverb
then 8 79 so or because of that adverb
then 8 79 used in order to add something to what adverb
after 8 79 when a time or event has happened preposition
after 8 79 when you have gone past a particular ppreposition
after 8 79 following in order preposition
after 8 79 following someone or something preposition
after 8 79 because of something that happened preposition
after 8 79 despite preposition
after 8 79 used when giving someone or something preposition
finally 8 79 after a long time or some difficulty adverb
finally 8 79 used especially at the beginning of a sen adverb
marathon 8 80 a running race of slightly over 26 miles noun
athlete 8 80 a person who is very good at sports or noun
spectator 8 80 someone who watches an event, sport, noun
bronze medal 8 80 phrase
silver medal 8 80 phrase
gold medal 8 80 phrase
stadium 8 81 a large, open area with seats around it, noun
trophy 8 81 a prize, such as a silver cup, that you g noun
goal 8 81 a point scored in sports such as soccer,noun
goal 8 81 in some sports, the area between two po noun
goal 8 81 an aim or purpose noun
winner 8 81 someone who wins a game or competitinoun
climb 8 74 to use your legs, or your legs and handsverb
climb 8 74 to go up, or to go towards the top of so verb
accident 8 74 something bad which happens that is nonoun
shine 8 76 to produce bright light verb
shine 8 76 to do something very well, usually betteverb
shine 8 76 If a surface shines, it reflects light, and verb
shine 8 76 If your eyes or face shine, you look happ verb
dream 8 76 a series of events or images that happenoun
dream 8 76 something that you want to happen verynoun m
practise 8 77 to do or play something regularly or repe verb
practise 8 77 to work as a doctor or a lawyer verb
competitive 8 77 involving competition adjective
competitive 8 77 wanting very much to win or be more suadjective
competitive 8 77 as good as or better than other prices, sadjective
lose control 8 78 phrase
take place 8 80 to happen phrase
take place 8 80 to happen phrase
cross 8 80 to go across from one side of somethingverb
cross 8 80 to travel over a border or line into a diff verb
grab 8 80 to take hold of something or someone verb
grab 8 80 to get something quickly verb
puff adder 9 84 a poisonous African snake that swells tonoun
spider 9 84 a small creature with eight long legs whnoun
scorpion 9 84 a small, insect-like creature with a curv noun
lion 9 84 a large, wild animal of the cat family, wi noun
elephant 9 84 a very large, grey animal with big ears noun
cheetah 9 84 a large, wild cat that has black spots announ
hyena 9 84 a wild animal from Africa and Asia that noun
wildlife 9 84 animals and plants that grow independen noun
wild animals 9 84 plural noun
nut 9 84 the dry fruit of some trees which grows noun
berry 9 84 a small round fruit on particular plants noun
snake 9 84 a long, thin creature with no legs that s noun
butterfly 9 84 an insect with large, patterned wings noun
leopard 9 84 a large wild cat that has yellow fur with noun
safari 9 84 a journey, usually to Africa, to see or h noun
zoo 9 84 a place where wild animals are kept so noun
tiger 9 84 a large wild cat that has yellow fur with bnoun
ocean 9 86 the sea noun
hill 9 86 a raised area of land, smaller than a monoun
mountain 9 86 a raised part of the Earth's surface, mucnoun
mountain 9 86 a large pile of something noun
jungle 9 86 a tropical forest in which trees and plan noun
river 9 86 a long, natural area of water that flows noun
desert 9 86 a large, hot, dry area of land with very noun
lake 9 86 a large area of water which has land all noun
beach 9 86 an area of sand or small stones next to noun
island 9 86 a piece of land completely surrounded noun
forest 9 86 a large area of trees growing closely to noun
small 9 86 little in size or amount adjective
small 9 86 A small child is very young. adjective
small 9 86 not important or serious adjective
big 9 86 large in size or amount adjective
big 9 86 important or serious adjective
big 9 86 successful or popular adjective
dry 9 86 describes something that has no water or adjective
dry 9 86 with no or not much rain adjective
dry 9 86 Dry wine is not sweet. adjective
dry 9 86 Dry skin or hair does not feel soft or smadjective
dry 9 86 If a book, talk, or subject is dry, it is not adjective
early 9 86 near the beginning of a period of time, padjective
early 9 86 before the usual time or the time that adjective
beautiful 9 86 very attractive adjective
beautiful 9 86 very pleasant adjective
better (good) 9 86 (comparative of good) of a higher quali adjective
better (good) 9 86 healthy, or less ill than before adjective
worse (bad) 9 86 (comparative of bad) more unpleasant or adjective
high 8 86 having a large distance from the bottomadjective
high 8 86 a large distance above the ground or the adjective
high 8 86 great in amount, size or level adjective
high 8 86 very good adjective
high 8 86 important, powerful, or at the top level adjective
high 8 86 If someone is high, they are behaving i adjective
vulture 9 87 a large bird with no feathers on its hea noun
kill 9 87 when an animal is killed noun
antelope 9 87 an animal like a large deer with long ho noun
can 9 87 to be able to modal verb
can 9 87 used to request something modal verb
can 9 87 used in polite offers of help modal verb
can 9 87 used to talk about what is possible modal verb
can 9 87 to be allowed to modal verb
can 9 87 used to show surprise or lack of belief modal verb
can 9 87 used to talk about how someone often bmodal verb
can 9 87 used to say that something what sometimodal verb
can't 9 87 short for cannot modal verb
can't 9 87 used to suggest that someone should dmodal verb
ice 9 88 water that has frozen and become solidnoun
freezing 9 89 extremely cold adjective
sunny 9 89 bright because of light from the sun adjective
rainy 9 89 raining a lot adjective
humid 9 89 Humid air or weather is hot and slightly adjective
windy 9 89 with a lot of wind adjective
wet 9 89 covered in water or another liquid adjective
wet 9 89 describes weather or periods of time whe adjective
wet 9 89 describes paint, ink, or a similar subs adjective
cloudy 9 89 When it is cloudy, there are clouds in thadjective
foggy 9 89 with fog adjective
cold 9 89 having a low temperature adjective
cold 9 89 unfriendly or showing no emotion adjective
hot 9 89 having a high temperature adjective
hot 9 89 Hot food contains strong spices which cadjective
hot 9 89 exciting or interesting adjective
north 9 84 the direction that is on your left when y noun
south 9 84 the direction which goes towards the part noun
medicine 9 84 a substance used to cure an illness or i noun
medicine 9 84 treatment for illness or injury, or the stu noun
dangerous 9 84 If someone or something is dangerous, adjective
courage 9 87 the ability to deal with a dangerous or dinoun
get married 9 87 to begin a legal relationship with someophrase
get married 9 87 to begin a legal relationship with someophrase
brave 9 87 showing no fear of dangerous or difficultadjective
temperature 9 88 how hot or cold something is noun
temperature 9 88 how hot or cold someone's body is noun
on record 9 88 phrase
extreme 9 88 very large in amount or degree adjective
extreme 9 88 the most unusual or the most serious poadjective
extreme 9 88 having such strong opinions or beliefs adjective
lovely 9 90 pleasant or enjoyable adjective
lovely 9 90 beautiful adjective
castle 10 92 a large strong building with towers and hnoun
skyscraper 10 a very tall building noun
harbour 10 an area of water next to the coast, ofte noun
station 10 a building where trains stop so that you noun
station 10 a company that broadcasts television o noun
shop 10 a building or part of a building where y noun
museum 10 a building where you can look at importanoun
be going to 10 94 phrase
borrow 10 94 to get or receive something from someone verb
borrow 10 94 to get money from a bank or financial orverb
concert hall 10 94 a large building in which concerts are noun
car park 10 94 an area of ground for parking cars noun
bus station 10 94 the place where a bus starts or ends itsnoun
police station 10 94 the office of the police in a town or part noun
football stadium 10 94 noun
sports centre 10 94 a building with places where you can planoun
cinema 10 95 a building where you go to watch films noun
cinema 10 95 the art or business of making films noun
restaurant 10 95 a place where you can buy and eat a mnoun
library 10 95 a room or building that contains a colle noun
skateboard park 10 96 noun
fast 10 97 moving or happening quickly adverb
fast 10 97 in a firm or tight way adverb
easily 10 97 with no difficulty or effort adverb
easily 10 97 used to emphasize that something is likadverb
quickly 10 97 at a fast speed adverb
quickly 10 97 after only a very short time adverb
well 10 97 in a successful or satisfactory way adverb
well 10 97 in a complete way or as much as possibadverb
well 10 97 used to emphasize some prepositions adverb
well 10 97 used to emphasize some adjectives adverb
carefully 10 97 with great attention adverb
badly 10 97 in a way that is not acceptable or of gooadverb
badly 10 97 very much adverb
badly 10 97 very seriously adverb
badly 10 97 in an unpleasant way adverb
dangerously 10 97 in a way that is dangerous adverb
zebra crossing 10 97 a part of the road painted with black an noun
youth club 10 97 a place where older children can go to me noun
speed camera 10 97 a camera at the side of the road that taknoun
graffiti wall 10 97 noun
cycle lane 10 97 noun
litter bin 10 97 noun
billboard 10 97 a large board used for advertising, espec noun
high street 10 97 the main road in the centre of a town whnoun
building 10 99 a structure with walls and a roof such a noun
culture 10 92 the way of life, especially the habits, tr noun
culture 10 92 music, art, theatre, literature, etc. noun
population 10 93 the number of people living in a particulnoun
population 10 93 all the people living in a particular area, noun
local 10 93 relating to an area near you adjective
invite 10 95 to ask someone to come to a social even verb
invite 10 95 to formally ask someone to do somethi verb
invite 10 95 to do something that is likely to cause averb
tourism 10 96 the business of providing services for tou noun
pedestrian 10 96 a person who is walking and not travellinoun
fluent 10 97 able to use a language naturally withou adjective
fluent 10 97 produced or done in a smooth, natural sadjective
tourist attraction 10 98 noun
diamond 10 98 an extremely hard valuable stone whichnoun i
diamond 10 98 a shape with four straight sides of equ noun
diamond 10 98 the field where baseball is played noun
sand 10 98 a substance that is found on beaches an noun
resort 10 98 a place where many people go for a holnoun
demolish 10 98 to completely destroy a building, especia verb
demolish 10 98 to show that an idea or argument is wr verb
mine 10 98 an underground system of holes and pas noun
definitely 10 99 without any doubt adverb
arm 11 102 the long part at each side of the humannoun
arm 11 102 the part of a chair where your arm restsnoun
leg 11 102 one of the parts of the body of a humannoun
mouth 11 102 the part of the face that is used for eat noun
muscle 11 102 one of many pieces of tissue in the bo noun
finger 11 102 one of the long thin separate parts of t noun
foot 11 102 one of the two flat parts on the ends of noun
foot 11 102 a unit of measurement, equal to twelve noun
ear 11 102 one of the two organs on your head thatnoun
eye 11 102 one of the two organs in your face, whi noun
body 11 102 the whole physical structure that forms noun
body 11 102 a dead person noun
body 11 102 the main part of a person's or animal's noun
body 11 102 an official group of people who work tognoun
ankle 11 104 the joint between the foot and the leg, ornoun
back 11 104 the part of something that is furthest fronoun
back 11 104 the part of your body from your shouldenoun
back 11 104 the part of a seat that you lean against noun
elbow 11 104 the part in the middle of your arm wherenoun
knee 11 104 the middle part of your leg where it ben noun
lip 11 104 one of the two soft edges of the mouth noun
neck 11 104 the part of the body which joins the heanoun
neck 11 104 the part of a piece of clothing that goe noun
shoulder 11 104 one of the two parts of your body wherenoun
shoulder 11 104 the area on the edge of a main road, w noun
stomach 11 104 the organ inside your body where food gnoun
throat 11 104 the front of the neck, or the space insi noun
tongue 11 104 the large soft piece of flesh in the mou noun
stomach ache 11 105 pain in your stomach noun
ear ache 11 105 pain in your ear noun
headache 11 105 a pain you feel inside your head noun
toothache 11 105 pain in one or more of your teeth noun
do exercise 11 109 phrase
do some cleaning 11 109 phrase
be doing OK 11 109 phrase
do your homework 11 109 to prepare carefully for a situation phrase
do well 11 109 phrase
do great ice cream 11 109 phrase
do 15 kilometres for every l11 109 phrase
fresh air 11 103 air outside buildings or away from the ciphrase
keep fit 11 103 phrase
fall 11 105 when the size, amount or strength of s noun
fall 11 105 when someone or something falls downnoun to
fall 11 105 when a city, government, leader, etc. lonoun
break a leg 11 106 phrase
see in the dark 11 106 phrase
shout at someone 11 108 phrasal verb
bicycle 12 110 a two-wheeled vehicle that you sit on a noun
boat 12 110 a vehicle for travelling on water noun
bus 12 110 a large vehicle in which people are driv noun
bus 12 110 a comfortable bus used to take groups noun
car 12 110 a road vehicle with an engine, four whe noun
plane 12 110 a vehicle that flies and has at least on noun
train 12 110 a long, thin vehicle which travels along noun
travel 12 110 to make a journey verb
travel 12 110 to move or go from one place to anotheverb
country 12 112 an area of land that has its own govern noun
continent 12 112 one of the seven main areas of land on noun
been (go) 12 112 be verb
done (do) 12 112 past participle of do verb
gone (go) 12 112 past participle of go verb
seen (see) 12 112 past participle of see verb
written (write) 12 112 past participle of write verb
met (meet) 12 112 past simple and past participle of meet verb
spoken (speak) 12 112 past participle of speak verb
eaten (eat) 12 112 verb
taken (take) 12 112 past participle of take verb
flown (fly) 12 112 verb
swum (swim) 12 112 past participle of swim verb
won (win) 12 112 past simple and past participle of win vverb
driven (drive) 12 112 verb
tourist 12 113 someone who visits a place for pleasurenoun
traveller 12 113 someone who travels noun
minibus 12 115 a small bus with seats for about ten peonoun
helicopter 12 115 an aircraft which flies using long, thin p noun
tram 12 115 an electric vehicle for carrying passengenoun
scooter 12 115 a small motorcycle noun
underground train 12 115 noun
fly 12 115 to travel through the air in an aircraft verb
fly 12 115 When a bird, insect or aircraft flies, it verb
fly 12 115 to control an aircraft or other vehicle in verb
fly 12 115 If time flies, it passes very quickly. verb
fly 12 115 to take or send people or goods somewh verb
miss 12 115 to not go to something verb
miss 12 115 to feel sad about someone that you do verb
miss 12 115 to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, aiverb
miss 12 115 to avoid doing or experiencing somethi verb
miss 12 115 to not see or hear something verb
miss 12 115 to fail to do something at the correct t verb
miss 12 115 to not hit or catch something as you int verb
catch 12 115 to take hold of something, especially soverb
catch 12 115 to get on a bus, train, etc. in order to verb
catch 12 115 to get an illness, especially one caused verb
catch 12 115 to find and stop a person or animal that verb
catch 12 115 to discover someone who is doing someverb
catch 12 115 If the police catch a criminal, they fin verb
catch 12 115 to stick somewhere, or to make somethverb
catch 12 115 to manage to be in time to see or do s verb
take 12 115 to get and carry something with you w verb
take 12 115 to go somewhere with someone, often pa verb
take 12 115 to travel somewhere by using a bus, train verb
take 12 115 If something takes a particular amount of verb
take 12 115 used to tell someone which road to go verb
take 12 115 to swallow or use medicine verb
take 12 115 to get hold of something and move it verb
take 12 115 to remove something without permissio verb
take 12 115 to accept or have something verb
take 12 115 used with some nouns to say that someverb
take 12 115 to write something verb
take 12 115 to study a subject in order to do an exa verb
take 12 115 to wear a particular size of clothes verb
take 12 115 to remove one number from another nuverb
take 12 115 to need or be followed by another word verb o
take 12 115 to understand something in a particular verb
take 12 115 to measure something verb
take 12 115 If something takes a particular quality, yverb
ride 12 115 to travel by sitting on a horse, bicycle, verb
ride 12 115 to travel in a vehicle, such as a car, busverb
drive 12 115 to move or travel on land in a motor vehverb
drive 12 115 to provide the power or energy that m verb
travel the world 12 110 phrase
write home 12 110 phrase
appear on television 12 110 phrase
other cultures 12 111 phrase
skeleton 12 114 the structure made of all the bones in t noun
false teeth 12 114 plural noun
on time 12 116 not early or late phrase
on time 12 116 not early or late phrase
village 12 116 a place where people live in the countrynoun
journey 12 116 when you travel from one place to anot noun
45 centimetres wide 12 116 phrase
take a risk 12 116 to do something although something baphrase
tiny 12 116 extremely small adjective
tracks 12 116 plural noun
neighbour 12 116 someone who lives very near you, especinoun
neighbour 12 116 someone or something that is near or nnoun
admire 12 117 to find someone or something attractiveverb
admire 12 117 to respect or approve of someone or s verb
Doing housework L i exical
Riding a bike is al Lexical
How many hobbies Lexical
You know how to ha Lexical
You know how to ha Lexical
Do you like exerciLexical
Do you like exerciLexical
Do you like exerciLexical
Do you like puzzl Lexical
Do you like puzzl Lexical
Do you like puzzl Lexical
Watch TV and plaLexical
Are you in a club?Lexical
Do you play an in Lexical
Do you collect so Lexical
I love collecting a Lexical
I often write a po Lexical
I think dancing is Grammar
I think dancing is Grammar
I think dancing is Grammar
I think dancing is Grammar
I think it’s someti Grammar
I think I’ve got a Lexical
I think you have a Lexical
We’re just having Lexical
I’m having fun. Lexical
You need to have Lexical
They're having a gLexical
You need to go h Lexical
I relax when I hav Reading
I don't have any hReading
Do your parents aReading
I never relax. I’m Reading
I never relax. I’m Reading
I never relax. I’m Reading
I never relax. I’m Reading
I never relax. I’m Reading
I’m not sure but thReading
Who has got the sReading
Who has got the sReading
Do you smile a lotReading
I can’t stand walkiReading
I can’t stand walkiReading
Which of the thingLexical
Which of the thingLexical
Which of the thingLexical
Tom wants to buy Lexical
Which of the thingLexical
Which of the thin Lexical
Which of the thin Lexical
Tom is deciding wh Lexical
Tom is deciding wh Lexical
Tom is deciding wh Lexical
They’re out. At theLexical
They’re doing somLexical
They’re doing somLexical
Think about colourLexical
Think about colourLexical
Think about colourLexical
I want to look coolLexical
I want to look coolLexical
I want to look coolLexical
I want to look coolLexical
I want to feel comfLexical
I want to feel comfLexical
I want to feel comfLexical
I want to feel comfLexical
I like buying desigLexical
I love wearing cle Lexical
I love wearing cle Lexical
I like wearing brig Lexical
I like wearing brig Lexical
I like wearing brig Lexical
I like wearing brig Lexical
I don’t often go t Lexical
In my town there’sLexical
The food tastes grGrammar
That pizza smells Grammar
That pizza smells Grammar
That pizza smells Grammar
That idea sounds Grammar
His new shirt looksGrammar
His new shirt looksGrammar
His new shirt looksGrammar
What is the custo Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
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What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
What size do you Lexical
Can I try it on ple Lexical
How much do theyLexical
How much do theyLexical
I’m wearing a greeLexical
I’m wearing a greeLexical
I never wear shortLexical
I really like buyin Lexical
I really like buyin Lexical
I’m tired of spend Lexical
I’m tired of spend Lexical
It’s very easy to b Lexical
You can find wonde Lexical
You can find wonde Lexical
You can find wonde Lexical
Tom thinks he’s g Reading
Paul writes about h Reading
Paul writes about h Reading
I’m laughing at theReading
Look at this. Here,Reading
Why are you laughReading
Who is surprising Reading
Who is interested Reading
The spice bazaar iReading
The spice bazaar iReading
The spice bazaar iReading
There are lots of Reading
There are lots of Reading
You can find all ki Reading
In Madrid there is Reading
It’s usually ice c Lexical
There’s too much Lexical
Can we have the bi Lexical
Can we have the bi Lexical
Would you like a sLexical
Would you like a sLexical
He loves cooking sLexical
There’s not enough Lexical
When they come bac Lexical
When they come bac Lexical
When they come bac Lexical
When they come bac Lexical
When they come bac Lexical
And there’s too muLexical
Another one of myLexical
It’s the left-overs Lexical
It’s usually ice c Lexical
It’s unhealthy for Lexical
First of all he alw Lexical
First of all he alw Lexical
They’re really fresLexical
They’re really fresLexical
They’re really fresLexical
They’re really fresLexical
They’re really fresLexical
They’re really fresLexical
They’re really fresLexical
It’s a bit too salty. Lexical
I love picnics. Lexical
I’ve got orange ju Lexical
I’ve got orange ju Lexical
I’ve got orange ju Lexical
I’ve got orange ju Lexical
What about the s Lexical
You can eat the t Lexical
You can eat the t Lexical
often buy them asReading
No one body shape Reading
Never laugh at othReading
That’s unfair and itReading
That’s unfair and itReading
That’s unfair and itReading
That’s unfair and itReading
That’s unfair and itReading
Actually this week Reading
Actually this week Reading
Lisa Simpson has Lexical
Here’s a photo of mLexical
My dad’s got a bigLexical
He’s my uncle andLexical
His wife Jemma isLexical
She’s my dad’s sisLexical
They’ve got two soLexical
They are my grandLexical
Ten-year-old Ben Lexical
I call them Grand Lexical
I call them Grand Lexical
They’re really nic Lexical
My granddad just tLexical
She’s really upsetLexical
And the teacher wLexical
I was very surpris Lexical
I’m really confuse Lexical
I’m really confuse Lexical
We are so proud oLexical
I was relieved wheLexical
I was a bit worri Lexical
I was really scaredLexical
But, of course, he Reading
But, of course, he Reading
But, of course, he Reading
But, of course, he Reading
But, of course, he Reading
They spend a lot oReading
But he knows thatReading
But he knows thatReading
Ten minutes later Reading
David disappears R u eading
David disappears R u eading
David disappears R u eading
Suddenly David sho Reading
This was Internati Reading
This day is a natioReading
The children also bReading
The children also bReading
The children also bReading
The children also bReading
The most important Reading
The most important Reading
The most important Reading
The most important Reading
The most important Reading
I’d be very happy tReading
I’d be very happy tReading
The Lego fridge wLexical
I painted the wallsLexical
A charity for chil Reading
A charity for chil Reading
Five people commen Lexical
Five people commen Lexical
Friendships are imLexical
Don’t forget that Lexical
Maybe you haven'tLexical
It's important to w Lexical
Make sure you're a Lexical
Make sure you're a Lexical
It's important to Lexical
Friendship is a pl Lexical
I’m really sorry forLexical
I’m really sorry forLexical
I’m really sorry forLexical
I’m really sorry forLexical
Footballers never Reading
What was the finaReading
She’s always got aReading
She’s not scared to Reading
He always makes Reading
Students shouldn’tLexical
When does your pa Lexical
Trachoma is an ill Reading
Trachoma is an ill Reading
Ludwick wants to iReading
Ludwick wants to iReading
Ludwick Marishane Reading
Does he care abouReading
Does he care abouReading
Does he care abouReading
Does he care abouReading
Does he care abouReading
Does he care about Reading
Does he care about Reading
Does he care about Reading
She's thirteen, an Reading
Students should ha Reading
You mustn’t forgetReading
You mustn’t forgetReading
I bought the SunnyReading
When does SunnyReading
I don't think that's Reading
I don't think that's Reading
I don't think that's Reading
I don't think that's Reading
I cycle a lot too. Lexical
I don’t really lik Lexical
There’s a skate-paLexical
There’s a skate-paLexical
There’s a skate-paLexical
I’m learning to ski Lexical
In 2010, Gerlinde Reading
In 2010, Gerlinde Reading
The accident happReading
The sun shone in Reading
The sun shone in Reading
The sun shone in Reading
The sun shone in Reading
Her dream was to Reading
Her dream was to Reading
I practise a lot. Reading
I practise a lot. Reading
I am not competitiReading
I am not competitiReading
I am not competitiReading
After two seconds,Reading
The Olympic Games Reading
The Olympic Games Reading
People picked himReading
People picked himReading
She grabbed him sReading
She grabbed him sReading
There is more rainReading
There is more rainReading
The people have to Reading
The people have to Reading
There are lots of t Reading
In what situation Reading
Before a young man Reading
Before a young man Reading
Death Valley’s higReading
Death Valley’s higReading
Death Valley’s higReading
Antarctica is the Reading
Antarctica is the Reading
Antarctica is the Reading
Well, it’s a lovely Reading
Well, it’s a lovely Reading
She is excited by Reading
She is excited by Reading
Yellowknife (populReading
Yellowknife (populReading
Make friends with R
t eading
Can I invite Tim? Reading
Can I invite Tim? Reading
Can I invite Tim? Reading
Our town looks a mReading
There are too manyReading
The UFO buildingsReading
They wanted to looReading
They wanted to looReading
They wanted to looReading
These days the only Reading
In 1978 a buildingReading
Unfortunately no oReading
Unfortunately no oReading
In 1965, a fire sta Reading
I’m definitely goi Reading
A wonderful thing R t eading
You don’t have to Reading
When Katie fell, it Reading
When Katie fell, it Reading
When Katie fell, it Reading
If you fall you’ll b Reading
If you eat all your Reading
But I know one thiReading
What do tourists aLexical
What do tourists aLexical
I went by minibus L aexical
Nora Dunn wantedReading
Sometimes she wriReading
She appears on telReading
One time a doctorReading
Not real teeth, of Reading
These children in Reading
These children in Reading
Gulu is a mountainReading
The children haveReading
The path is only 4Reading
So these girls are Reading
It’s a tiny village Reading
Every morning theyReading
They hope to get aReading
They hope to get aReading
Why does MarianaReading
Why does MarianaReading

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