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Imagine yourself lying down on a table; A table in a Lab.

A Professor walks into the lab and tells you to breathe in 10 times for him.
What you don't notice is that these 10 breaths will take you into a deeper trance.
10...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
9...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
8...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
7...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
6...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
You're nearly there, so make every breath count.
5...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
4...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
3...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
2...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
1...Breathe in...Hold it...And out...
The Professor walks over to a large table which has shringes and chemicals and
He lifts up a shringe and walks over to a man he has in a small room.
You see that man through a window and he smiles at you, making you more confident,
yet you don't know what's happening.
The Professor puts the shringe in the man's right arm and starts taking his blood
into the shringe.
Satisfied, the Professor walks over to you and puts the shringe on your right arm,
ready to inject you.
You welcome it, and his blood goes into your body.
(Speaker pauses for 5 seconds)
I noticed that.I noticed how you instantly had a strange urge.
The urge to grow muscle.
Definied, ripped, bulging muscle.And that urge continues with every word that I
*Your testosterone levels increase...Your testosterone levels increase...Your
testosterone levels increase...*
Notice how the veins on your arms bulge, pumped with blood.
And the Professor reveals to you that that man was a Basketball player.
A 18 year old basketball player.
You notice that you adopt the characteristics of him.
You, like an 18 year old, have the urges to masterburate...Possibly
erect...Possibly produce semen...
You, like an 18 year old, adopt the urges to get a girlfriend...
You also notice that you have uncontrollable urges to do 20, possibly 50 pushups
right now...But wait...I control you...I command you...You obey me....
Wearing no top or shirt on makes you feel entirely sexy and masculine.And that's
the way it'll be for you...Like in training, you will wear no top on for an entire
day after listening to this...Yes, infact, you may want to start right now and take
your top off...
And, like in the bodybuilding programmes, you want to wear no pants either...
Instead, you adopt the urges to wear only boxers, or posing shorts.
Now, the new you is in front of a judge...A judge who orders you to take your top
and pants off...
You obey him...Like you will obey this permanent curse....
Take them off, get rid of them...Despise the clothes and never wear them again...
Instead, your boxers have a number 2 on them...
And the judge orders you "Pec flex".
You, naturally, turn to the left and put the left foot slightly in front of the
You put your left hand behind your back and grasp your right wrist.
Turn to the right, flexing those pecs.Good and strong...
This is how it works...It's what you want...It's what you need...
And you come back to the lab, like the event was a dream, but you find that in the
lab you are still wearing your number 2 boxers.
You get injected again, but this time your voice deepens...Deepens into a teens
voice...The sexy and strong, confident, bodybuilder like voice.
And that is how it'll be..It's how it'll be for all of eternity...And a basin is
held above your body, filled with the suggestions...And the basin tips...And the
suggestions soak into your body...Permanently...

And now, now it's time to wake back up...In the body of an 18 year old basketballer
who wants nothing more than to gain muscle, masterburate, get a girlfriend and wear
no clothes except boxers.

5...Waking up...
4...Closer, becoming more aware of your surroundings...
3....Eyes opening....
2....More awake...
1...Awake and refreshed and I hope to see you again!

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