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Swedish Institute Scholarship Programs

Enclosure to the application for SI scholarships for studies in Sweden

academic year 2011/2012

FIRST NAME /as in the application form/ LAETITIA
LAST NAME /as in the application form/ UMUTONI KAGISHA

1. Given your background and your studies, motivate why you would qualify for a scholarship to
Sweden. [Max 600 characters incl. spaces].

I hold a BA in psychopedagogy from National university of Rwanda. Currently, I am working as a an

academic program officer at Kigali Health Institute a position that makes me to meet with students
of different backgrounds.In this case it requires me of great competence of not only improving
quality of work , but also offering support. I will as well be able to improve the quality of my work,
compete in the changing labor market much acquiring an advanced qualification, which I hope to
attain with this scholarship. Building my knoweldge in this field is a good opportunity to the nation

2. Give three examples of how your intended studies in Sweden and your choice of study program
would affect your personal and professional/ academic development. [Max 600 characters incl.

Master's Dgree in Managing People & Change will allow me to improve my capacity of problem
solving, resulting into better decision-making abilities. I will be more qualified to produce effective
management of people and this program would further qualify me for a position with more impact
on policy making in Rwanda. Meeting with other scholars will not only help me to better
understand how other people live, but also to make more professional and academic contacts, that
will be of great benefit for both myself and Rwanda in future.

3. In what way would your intended studies in Sweden contribute to the development of your home
country? [Max 600 characters incl. spaces].

This course will contribute to the development of my country in terms of capacity building in as far
as managing people,co-ordinating activities and improving inter-relationships all for the good of
the country. I will be able as a consultant in the fields of human resources and personel
management. In the Rwandan labour market I will be a focal point, because few people are
qualified in this field and my input will be mainly building the capacity of people to do work

Swedish Institute

4. Have you visited Sweden before for studies? If yes, state time, institution and grant-giving
organization (if applicable).



5. Are you currently a visiting student in Sweden? If yes, state date and purpose of entry as well as
sponsorship (if applicable).



Swedish Institute

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