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Attribute Gage Study

Overview | How to | Data | Example

The Attribute Gage Study examines the precision of a measurement system when measurement is binary.
It calculates the amount of bias and repeatability of the measurement system.

How to
1. Choose ProcessMA > Quality Tools > Gage R and R > Attribute Gage Study.

2. In Part, select the column containing the part indicators.

3. In Reference, select the column containing the reference values or known standards.

4. In Binary attribute in, choose how your data is stored:

• If your data in stored as summarised counts:

− In Summarised counts, select the column containing summarised data.

− In Trials, if number of trials is constant, check Constant number of trials and enter the
number of trials. Otherwise, select a column containing trial numbers.

• If your data in stored as raw data:

− In Outcome, select the columns containing the raw data.

− In Attribute, choose the label for acceptance.

5. In Tolerance limit to use, choose if you want to use the lower limit or upper limit and enter a value
for the tolerance level.


6. In Test bias=0 method, choose if you want to use the AIAG method or the Regression method to
test the bias of the gage.

Note To select a column of data into a textbox, double-click on any of the column names shown in the
list on the left of the dialog box while in the textbox.

Part: Text or Numeric.
Reference: Numeric. Must contain equal number of data points as the Part.

Summarised counts: Numeric.

Trials: Numeric. If a column is selected, it must contain equal number of data points as the Summarised

Outcome: Text or Numeric. Must contain equal number of data points as the Part.

Tolerance limit: Numeric.

You want to determine the bias and repeatability of an attribute (pass/fail) measurement system. You
measured 10 parts of different reference values, 15 times each. You know that the system has a lower
tolerance of 0.2 and an upper tolerance of 1.0.

1. Open worksheet Attribute Gage.xls.

2. Choose ProcessMA > Quality Tools > Gage R and R > Attribute Gage Study.

3. In Part, select A – Part.

4. In Reference, select B – Reference.

5. In Binary attribute in, choose summarised counts.

6. In Summarised counts, select C – Acceptance.

7. Check Constant number of trials.

8. In Trials, enter 15.

9. In Tolerance limit to use, choose lower limit and enter 0.2.

10. Click OK.

Attribute Gage Study (Analytic Method): Acceptances
Bias -0.2439543 T 14.918
Pre-adj Repeatability 0.5527962 DoF 14
Repeatability 0.5118484 P-Value 0

Fitted Line - 4.13733 + 9.31927 * Reference

R-Sq 0.95077

Probability of Acceptances VS Reference










0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Probability of Acceptances VS Reference






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


The bias and repeatability is shown in the output. The p-value for the test for bias is 0, suggesting that bias
is present in the measurement system.

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