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Aspirants for county offices
this year on the Republican and
Democratic ballots are: Controller Irvin Enlisted in Lower Merion High School has at the high school but his main job Henry A. JFrye Is the Only
For Hess and Harmony Republican M b V ' d f b II h k will be to coach the I~ower l\1er- One to File Petition for'
Prothonotary-Isaiah T. Hal-ovement Y oters secure a oot a coac to ta 'e -
Stretch Declares; Skelton deman, Lower Salford, present League Leaders. the place made vacant by the res- ion eleven. Coach Forstburg built That Office.
Is Silent prothoilOtary. F F b H up an enviable reputation for the
Director of the Poor-Harry ignation of rank rost urg. e Maroon and vVhite gridiron teams
R. Thomas, Mingo, Upper STIRRED BY L. M. FIGURE is Albert C. Adams, who has been during the last three y'ears of his COUNCILMEN DROP OUT
MEANS IT'S HESS SURE Providence; Adam Josiah Schmehl,
Franconia; a coach at West Chester H'Igh stay and Coach Adams is expected
North Wales; Abraham D. Spurred to even greater activity School for the past three years. by close followers of the Ardmore vVith only one petition filed for
Fran~ V. Fayant, an old Penrose the office of Burgess, Narberth
man of Philadelphia who moved to Hunsicker, Upper Providence; by the recently published revela- He was signed at a salary under- school to carryon the work with
Ardmore three years ago announced Daniel J. Mowrey, Royersford. tions of fat fees for tax collectors stood to be $2500 a year. hie-h success. will probably have as its leader
this morning that he was out of the Jury Willow
Fisher, Commissioner-J. Ira
Grove, present ':1\1 ontgomery county, a comm1t-
. Coach Adams comes to Lower ~Frank Forstburg announced a one of the youngest men in simi-
Treasurership race.
commissioner. tee of women voters conferred las, Merion with a brilliant record. He month ago that he would leave in lar office in this section.
With the exception of the COI11- Democratic. week with \ViIliam C. Irvin, the is a graduate of Bates College and order to ~become a member of the The candidate on the Republi-
mission fie-hts in the various parts Prothonotary - Harvey Un- county' controller, to enlist his while there was on both the foot- coachin£! staff of Delaware Uni- can ticket is Henry A. Frye, a
of Lower~ lHerion, harmony COI11- ruh. CentreofSquare.
Director the Poor-None. l:h . I ' . . f
0 "Cla aSsIstance 111 gett1l1g acts ball and the basketball teams for versity. \Vhen rumors first were
~ lO-year-old lawyer. There is no
plete and absolute reigns in town- Jury Commissioner-Ephraim anel· figures as to the costs of col- four years. In his last year at circulated that he contemplated candidate 011 the Democratic
ship politics. This. became appar- S. Hartenstine, Lower Potts- lectillg county and State taxes. Bates he was elected captain of leaving, Mr. Forstburg for a week ticket, and it is believed that tile
ent Tuesday, 'the last da" for the grove, present incumbent; This committee \\ias headed by both teams. After receiving· his refused to confirn,l or deny them. voters of that party wiII support
filing of nominating petitions J
at Pottsgrove,"V.and Moyer,
Charles John F. Lower
Wey- i'.,r
l'J,rs. H erman L. S cI1\vartz, 0 f diploma at Bates, :rvlr. Adams - During this time according to Frye.
Norristown by aspirants for politi- and, Pennsburg. Wynnewood. honorary chairman went to the Y. M. C. A.' Physical Secretary vVilliam J. Byrnes, of The aspirant for the job of
cal office. of the Montgomery County Culture College at Springfield, the School Board, all efforts were chief burgess is associated with
The storm over the $20,000 town-,
ship treasurer plum, threatened
DRAW JURORS FOR League of \\I'omen Voters and a Mass. Gradauting from there he made to have him remain at Low- State Senator Fletcher W. Stites
member of the league's State went to \Vest Chester. His sum- er Merion. His salary was raised in the Jatter's law practice in Phila-
early in the month when candidates SEPTEMBER COURTS board, and :Mrs. C. P. Fowler, mers for the past few years he has by the School Board and he was delphia. Senator Stites, himself a
first announced their intentions, fiz- chairman of the Narberth League spent as a physical director at a offered $2.500 a year if he would former burgess of the borough, is
zled and eXI)ired completely Tues- of \N omen Voters. private camp in Maine. remain. ForstburQ' declined, how- at the present time its solicitor,
day. James A. Stretch, commls- Two Weeks of Criminal and ,!'I I d t
lese ea ers, oget ler WIt 1 I . I l\Ir. Adams will take charge of ever, and announced ~ he was leav- and has delegated many of the
sioner from the General \Vayne Two of Civil Court Are l\hs. E. \V. Delaplaine, of Merion, the physical training department ing for Delaware. duties of that office to Mr. Frye.
district, and Treasurer Joseph J. Scheduled are directing the league's tax ~ur- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . ; . . . - - - - - As a result the candidate is famil-
Skelton, Jr., of Bala, both of whom vey for the county as a whole. MilK CONTROL OFFICER BERWYN GETS REVENGE iar with the affairs of local Gov-
announced their intentions of run- At a session of County Court at Then there are others such as l\lrs. BUSY CHECKING DAIRIES ON ARDMORE FOR DEFEAT ernment. He received the degree of Bache-
ning for the job, failed to file peti- Norristown Tuesdav with both William 1\1. Gehmann, Jr., of Cyn-
tions and are evidently out of the Judge Miiler and Jtidge \ViIliams ",yd, who are in charge of the sur- Warnings Sent to 20 in Lower Merion Turns on Cullinan's Nine and Blasts lor of Arts from Stanford Univer-
fight. Their failure to file removed on the bench, venires for Septem- vey for boroughs and to\Vnshil's. and 19 in Narberth. it, 9,5. sity, Calif., before the war, and
the most threatening obstacle to the ber term of criminal and civil As a result of the conference George W. Grim, milk control! Berwyn dealt a d~maging blow entered the service. Following the
treasurership aspirations of Com- courts were handed down. with the County Controller, 1Irs. officer for the district comprising to Mana~er J?e Cullman's second- war he entered Harvard Law School
missioner Peter C. Hess, of Bala, There will be two weeks of Schwartz and 11rs. Fowler expect the townships of Lower Merion, half Mam LlI1e. Leagt;,te 1?ennant and received there the degree of
and will probably insure his elec- criminal and t",o weeks of civil to get soon official reports on the Haverford and Springfield, and the hopes by knockmg off IllS Ard- Bachelor of Laws. Later he was
tion to the office. court. total county assessment, total boroughs of Narberth, Aldan and more team at Berwyn. Saturd<;ty, admitted to the bar in Pennsylvania.
Though Treasurer Skelton had The jury commissioners with county tax duplicate, the total cost Lansdowne, has been busy during V to 5. Ardmore OUtlllt the wm- Mr. Frye has been a resident of
announced that he would not "let the sheriff drew 24 names of per- of assessment, the number of as- the month of July. His report for ner?, 1;~ to 6, bU~ Be~w~n bunch~d Narberth since 1919 and has joined
them take it away without a fight" sons to act as grand jurors; 160 sessors and their pay, the rotal the month shows he is keeping close theIrs 111 the tlllrd mnmg for SIX in many local activities. He is a
member of the Harold D. Speak-
and Commissioner Stretch had re- names for criminal court, divided cost of collecting all county taxes, tabs on the sources of milk .supply runs.. . .
peaterly refused to confirm TUmors equally for the weeks of Septem- as well as the cost of gathering in and the manner of distribution. Gnffith started on the peak tor man Post, American Legion, a past
that he would eliminate himself ber 14: and 21; and 72 names for delinquent taxes. In conjunction with the Philadel- Ardmore, but after issuing four member of the Tennis Association
from the race, the withdrawal of each of the two weeks of civil These statistics wiII not only phia Milk COI)lmission he gave no- bases on balls in the third inning and is president of the Fathers' As-
neither came as a surprise to close court of September 28 and Oc- throw a flood of light on the cost tice to a large dairy producing cer- was relieved by Murray. Mayo, sociation of the Boy Scouts.
followers of hectic townshi!) poli- tober 5. of assessing and collecting taxe.;, tified milk that its certification had the first Berwyn batsman to face Four of the seven members of
but also on the mounting cost :'pf b ' .., 1,r 1 t <l I 'tl Council in the borough reach the
tics. Pressure was brought to bear Court was adjourned until Tues- county e-overnment, all of whit,'h een WIthdrawn oWll1g to SIX vlola- 'lurray, c ou e a lOme run WI 1 end of their terms this year. Only
" on them and last week reports were day, September 8, at 9. ~ ". tions of the standards for the pro- the bases loaded.
!,~::;,;.__ ~~ur-rent,that-bothwould'.:drou;.:1rom """The juror-s Grawn from Lower will be of great hel~ to votedr;"n ditction of certified milk. Ardmore flared up in the eighth :me of them has filed a petition to
t the fight.' Skelton's intentions, it Merion and Narberth follow: electing local.and county officials. The n?i~k control officer f?t~nd 1inn,ing with three runs, but Bobby return to office. That one man is
~.,,'was admitted, were more or less of (NOTE: Jurors are from Low- Montgomery county women some dames were not exerClSl11g Pa1st put on extra steam and Daniel Leitch, treasurer of the
a mystery, but Stretch, it was er Merion except where otherwise voters were stirred by the pub- sufficient care to exclude flies. quieted tJ:1e rally. Featured were President \V. and Merion Title Trust Company.
R. D. Hall, Walton
known, held a conference last \Ved- marked.) lished figures showing that the Dealers were urged to use fly traps the all-around play of Mayo,the
M. Wentz and Hugh VV. Brown
~es da~ WIt. I1 h~utenants
. and w?rke.r s Grand. J my (Sessions Septem- Lower Merion tax collector rakes an d some prod ucers were dIrected . fi e Id'l11g 0 f D oy ei an d TT J,~eII y, an d
111 ~'h ch he dl'ct ssed the ad Isab I 1 ])}\/f C CI in about $20,000 a year in fees. to eliminate breeding 1)laces for flies the hittine- of Kane and Hemscher. all declined to rtm again.
ity of withdrawing. He refused, housekeeper: Blanche E. M~eser:
\' I ::. 1 V 1- )er 4 :J,argaret . nystie The highest paid county official Borough political solons attrib-
One producer is complying with Narberth had a Roman holiday ute this lack of desire to return
however, to make a definite an- at home. . receives only $.5000 a year and the an order to eliminate the cause of at the expense of Paoli Saturday
nouncement at that time. Petit Jury (Sessions September tax ,col1ecto~ is a local and not a visible dirt, which had been reported at Narberth, winning the Main to office to the constantly increas-
Stretch when interviewed yester- 14)' 1'11'SS C Bold ptlbl'~ller' couNnt y offic1a l.
ing duties devolving upon coun-
'I C 11 from time to time. This same PI:O- Line League game, 21 to 7. It was cilmen, and to the fact that during
. . . " ..
day about hIS WIthdrawal announced Stanley Bussinger clerk' Stuart '11 I
, 1::>,
1 ext nlont l1 B - ryn 1\ awr 0 ee-e. I.
h . II I
"f c ucer as 1I1sta ec a new steam 1 ar )ert 1 s
N I l ' fif I . It' t
t 1 stra1g 1 VIC ory
n I 11 If a d they 110\" the past few years there has been
. . f
t Ilat he was turnmg 111 or ete O. BI the
H Sk It I dId
I Y.'.'
" W I a so start ma 1I1g a survey 0 b'l t
editor' Harrison I ::\'1 0 " ' . . 0 1 er a ~ssure
. th b tt t '1' . tl 5
e e er s ~n lza- 111 le. eco c a, n
tIe. ont",omery county tax Sltua- tlOn of 111IIk bottles and contamers lead the league, two games ahead l constant problem of listenino- to

ess. eon, lowever, ec are Berry, audItor; Cynl E. Dolan, tion. . . "enraged citizenry," who I~ave
he had no statement to make of any clerk' Emma A Ludlum house- Th' I '11 1 . I f One producer of lIlspected raw of Berwyn and Ardmore tied for marched upon the meeting in sec-
. d ' . . , IS war {\VI Je 111 c large 0 'Ik 'fi d I I 1 0 d la e in the race
Ion . wife' Helen Morris housewife' 0 1\1' P . S 'tl ml was notl e t lat un ess le sec n p c · tional groups often some individual
"I am not backing anyone and I Vict~r C. Mather ins~lrance' Joh~ f r ~ afrIonI a~l~lss mIl, pro- properly protects the milk bottles Jimmy McGill started for Paoli, has accused the governing body of
. 1 "d 1 d " es~or 0 econ01nlC. f . . I' l' "
rom contamll1ahon 11S lcense to but Narberth s 10 runs 111 t le t l1r geographical favoritism and an I I . d
Ilave not IImg e se to say, 'f h'ec are R Maxwell retired' \Villiam D
f'l I '
'rl II' l' tl 0
t h e treasurer w Ilen as'e k d 1 IS al - Smedley
contractor' Charles. f le co f ege tl IS$-00one 0 . 1 se ffcom-d seII'II1spected raw ml'lk'wou Id b e . ,
1I1111ng conV111ce . d J'Immy I't wasn 't
over-conservative financial policy.
ure to file meant that he was turning Slaw c~ntractor' Joh:l Thomas t)e l~Ig 0Jr I leO o)l\'ntnzel o. ere withdrawn. He promised to do so. his day. Osborne was the next Few petitions were presented
in for Hess as successor to himself sales~lan' O
, )Yf l ' rs. p 111 I' ~ er , c lalrmanf Some of the larue dairies in Phila- victim and after considerable pun- other than those discussed in a prev-
't' 1. I I ' 0 tlle ennsy vama L eague 0 I I" l:> 'd f h . 1 t I t ' d' f of Jar
f or.tlle posllon w lIC 1 pays a arg- Petit Jury (Sessions September vVomen Voters for t'he best sur- celp l1a WIth the aJ 0 t e manu- IS 1men le re Ire 111 avor - ious article in "Our Town." In ad-
er lI1come. than the Governor of 21): Alfred Blake caretaker' Vic- vev by a col1eO'~ facturer of a pasteurizer are endea- main. Fifteen hits rang from the dition to Mrs. Van Auken and
Pe,l:nsylval1la .gets. . tor Ballou, clerk { Guy Con;man, 'rhe Montg~mery County construct a new v~lue tl!at bats of the Narberth leaders and lVlessrs. Harris and Keim, who will
I WOUld" hke ~o see han?10!lY 111 salesman; Harry Goldey, plumb- League of vVomen Voters is com- WIll ell1111nate .the poc~ets m which Paoli errors of omission and com- try to run for the two vacancies on
t~e party, saId CommIssIoner er; Edward P. Lippincott, mer- peting for the $200 prize offered a small quantIty o~ mllk;--yet large mission piled up the score. the school board under both party
Stretch when asked ;~hy h~ drop- chant; Samuel R. McDowell, con- by the State chairman for the best enol!gh to cont~m1l1ate If not pas·
ped from tl~e race.. I don t want tractor ; John McNiven, carpenter, county survey by a league.
t? see ~ mIx-up hke we ha1, last Narberth; Mary \V. Snell, teach-
tet1~lzed-may he. .
The box scores: l'1ARmmTH banners, \Valter Steckbeck has filed
1'."OL: II 0 n c r II 0 U e a petition on the Republican side.
he producers .anc! dealers 1.11 ~~I~;r:::.· 3t::~ ~ ~ ~ U ~;\'i:i.~j,. r~;. '.: '.~ i %gg Dr. Steckbeck is assistant Profes-
tIme. I II be WIth Pete Hess. er' Thomas Walsh retired' Tillie JAI L DOR MITORY shIp added to the dIstrict, are ma111- ~:,~g:;'k.21\t, ::,g H g R:~r~~~' ~~. :::U 3 ~ g sor of Botany at the University of
In the last township treasurer ' " ' festing a disposi.tion to d.o all they l.nrkln, Coo ".0 1 8 2 0 Knyder. c. ...0 0 g0 I
CONTINUED ON ~'HE'THIRD PAGE I h I Ik I Wood. Ib(".o i:' ~ ~ ¥~l::~~~. ~t.j 'i 1 ~ 0 CO~TI~tJED ON THE !<'OUR'!'H PAGE
rimaries held in 19 there were Being Built by Prisoners, Nearing can to y t le ml 'contro ..•.EI~,aGnl·l·l, - '.,. :. ?, 0 0- 1 0 Dt~~'i:.
Y 11 ·lb.":::l
It 8 0
1 i•• lil 0 0 0
Pfour entries William21G. Franken- INSPECT AUTO LIGHTS Completion. officer's lI1structlOns and thereby not §~Il~;,:ril. r~;:.::g ~ 5 gX Hardt, If....00000 BACK FROM NORTH
field, of So~th Ardmore, this year At a meeting of the inspectors of onl~ comply with the vario~s milk Osborne. Il.... O 0 0 I' 0 arl~'~~;I."'2b:::5 S5 ~ g Philip A. Livingston, of Chestnut
one of the candidates for the com- State Inspectors Stopping Motorists the Montgomery county prison ordmances but also succeed m pro- ~~~~~'if~' it·:.::~ Z~ ~ g avenue, returned Sunday from a
missionership from that district; City Bound. Thursday night, President Alfred duci~lg milk as ~ure as in the 'rotlll.... 7 10 24 Il 4 'I'olnl. .21 Iii 27 10 2 two-week's canoe trip through the
Skelton, Stretch and Harry H. A check-up on gleaming and H. Wright reported excellent prog- portIons of Intlk control dlstnct ~~~.~ertil"·:::::::::::.::::.:;\0 1~:U.? f g2=2{ hinterlands of Quebec. When inter-
's of Sotltll Ard1110re , a C-all - ot1len\'lSe . I'1 legal automobile head- ress lS . b' emg ma d e on I t Ie new d or- No. I. 8,·trt,"k
ters, otlt-Il·· )lcGIIl, 1: Jarmaln. 4'. ~Ias·
3"; mbson. '4: '[ownsend, 1. lIascs on bnll' viewed by a representative of "Our
FrancI ,
didate again this year. Frankenfield lights is being conducted in Phila- mitory being erected over the work- Mr. l\'1arkle, of Ardmore, has in- -;;;~~ l~I"};l~~k,o~:OGI;b~~~: ~: Jarmuln. 2: ~Ius' Town" he stated:
won. but Skelton and Stretch fol- delphia vicinity by vV. \\1'. Mat- shop in the rear of the prison. formed the IVIilk Control Offier that
lowed close on his heels.
thews, chief inspector of the Mr. vVright stated the work was .
the manufacturer of a bottle-wash-
BERW~~l 0 a c ~I I • 3b r oh.,O.•uto "Yes, we had a good trip. If
Hnyman. 3b.. l:!:! () 1 l~l:IW::~il, reI iii () you can speak French patois and
Such bitter factional feeling was Automobile Division, Department being done under the supervision of mg apparatus, he l?tends to pur- r,:i?:r."dil.. ~~·::1 J' tV 1 Fornnm, If" .. O 1 4 1 1I understand the word for whisky in a
caused, however, that when Skelton of Highways. Major R0111anus Fellman, who 1s a chase•.has assur~? h111: that the bot· Hlg~lI,". "r... l 1 :! 0 0 ~~~;bg:~~~·~~J ~ ~ ~ seven languages the natives think g
refused to accept the decision of the Headlight-testing screens nO'v practical bricklayer, with the assist- tl~s WIll be stenhz~d 111 accord::n.ce R~~':~~I~i~\~:J ~ ~ ~ {i~~~·cl~:r. ';,::8 g~ h A8 you belong there.
party in the primaries and formed a stand on the main highways into ance of the prisoners. The only cost ~v1th thl{e~nt~tdll1~nc~~n c ~en~~. N:~i'i~: ~,i:::::li ~ 5 ~ S ~f::~~~!~'\f~::::~ 1i ~'8 1: "The only thrilling experience was
CONTINUED ON ~'HE 'rHIIm PAGE Philadelphia and motorists with to the county is for materials. lLnog,venrl\1{er1'00n
Beso'arad °oPf HeealtYll. e A'ftoJ'nOliE .IIJ. :!hl~? J. Grlftlth. Totlll..Il ;; O130 270 07 0:! when our canoe shot the dangerous '
improper lights are halted and in- When completed the new addition ~~~~;:;e 1~:.?~.~:.::::::::::3 8ij g8~ g~ t:~ Rapides des Cedres on the upper
TWO MORE LINES formed how they are at fault. wiII be used to house prisoners HURT IN ACCIDENT Two-bll'e hlts-Cul1lulln, It~ue. Higgins. Hem· Lievre River. Few have made the
Cards are issued which state what awaiting trial on trivial charges. James Phillips Witherow, of ~~h'(fj.lfJt~~'~t~l~~ll,;~o·3.slf~~s~"~~;-~:Il~t~ trip successfully and many canoes
May Be Established by Montgomery adJ'ustments are necessary, and a This will reli,eve congestion in the R kl d 1'1I1sl. I: Clrlf6111, 7: ~IurraY. 1. have been smashed.
Bus Company. OC . an avenue .an d G rove pace. I
record of each case is kept. other sections of the building. was slightly injured last Saturday Norberlh W. L. P.C. W. I" 1'.C "In our case we made the first
The Montgomery Bus Com- Berw~·l1
1:; 0 1.000 Bnlll·C~·l1. ..3 2
:! Ashland ..
.1',00 nine feet with marked success. For
pany, which operates the busses cars Particular attention is paid to when a car which he was driving Ardmore .4
4 :!
.667 ,.1
.6117 Paoli ....... 0 6
;; .167
.000 the remainder of the quarter-mile
with one light and drivers are INSTALL FLAG RECEPTACLES collided with one driven by Charles
running on tfhe Lancaster pike urged to carry extra bulbs. The merchants along Haverford Harmed, of Philadelphia. of boiling water the canoe went it
will in the near future apply t~ ~venue and n~arby streets are mak-
Narberth and Autocar battled to
The accident occurred at Twenty- a tie at the Ardmore field Thurs- alone keel up while the former oc-
the Public Service Commission to REPRESENT AUXILIARIES 1I1~ an or~al11zed effort to haye a fifth and Diamond streets. His in- day, I to I. Townsend was on the cupants swam ashore and laid plans
establish two more routes. One umform dIsplay of fl~gs on natIOnal juries were treated at the Northwest mound for Bill Crowell and Griffin, for drying out.
route will be from Merion Square Miss Regina Donaghy, of Ard-
more, was the representative of the holidays in future. 'General Hospital. "The fish are so thick in the wild-
to East Conshohocken via State another southpaw, pitched a fine erness lakes that it makes paddling
~prinKJh.e past fortnight many
road. The other route is from Bucks-Montgomery B i-C 0 u n t y BAG STOLEN FROM AUTO game, but Townsend had the edge difficult."
,Ardmore to a point on the Eagle Cbuncil of the American Legion of the storekeepers have had holes · I ·1' by a big margin.
'.. road about three-fourths of a Auxiliary at the Legion convention drilled near the curb line to hold bag S nea k h t leves sto e a trave mg
wooden poles about eight feet high containing jewelry, clothing ~arbert~ collected 10 hits off RESCUE NARBERTH WOMAN '
mile below the Eagle Hotel on held in Erie, Pa., this week. and cash totalling $200 from the Gnffin whIle Autocar was held to Mrs. Robert E. Greene, of Nar-
West Chester pike. Other Main Line representatives on which flags can be flown. berth, and Mrs. J. H. White, of
The work is being done by the automobile of Edgar G. Henderson. four. .
It will traverse Ardmore ave- were Mrs. Albert L. Reinhold, of of Narberth while the car was Narberth had 1.1 men dIe on Riverside, Conn., were rescued by
nUe to Coopertown road, to Eagle Ardmore, who represented the Bul· individual merchants, but the re- parked at Fifteenth and Spruce bases j the motor ni~e had eigh~. Stone Harbor life guards Wednes-
road to point named above. lock-Sanderson Auxiliary, and Mrs. sponse to the efforts for uniformity
John Howenstein, who was a dele- has been very good. Similar flag streets, Philadelphia, Monday. Pe= To",,:send. had ~o strlkeo.uts to his day when a strong undertow carried
destriap.s chased a negro seen credit whtle Gnffinhad SIX., Town- them beyond their depth. Both
time gate from the Narberth Legion rows are maintained at Ardmore, were given first aid on the beach.
Auxiliary. Bryn Mawr and other nearby towns. carrying a .bag, but he eluded them.
A Co-operative Community Journal
CO~1'I:\UJ::D FRO~I TH}=' FInS'\.' PAGE Ashland at Paoli

Owned by the Ioiarberth CIvic Association walked three.

nnd published ever7 Saturday at
!'iarberth. Pa.
send walked three mell and Griffin

First inning - Powell walked.

Berwyn at Cynwyd '
Narberth at Ardmore
This is the schedule for the Main
T HE outcome of the meeting at Atlantic City
betweeil the coal miners and operators is suffi·
cient proof that our advice to you during
Dickie hit to centre field. G. Fleck Line League baseball games sched-
Philip Atlee Livingston hit to left. Humphries flied out to ulee! for this week-ene!. April, May, June and July-to place your winter
Editor and Publisher
J. Richmond Magney fi rst base. Yowell hit to the pitcher order for coal then:c-was given with the best of
ABsoaiats 1IJcfitor who threw Powell out at home.
"Send It to the Paper." intentions.
SUBSCItJPTION PRICEl, One Dollar a.4 Catcher threw Yowell out at first.
Flfly Cents per year in a4vance Three out, no funs. Almost every day in spring, s u m - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To those who were skeptical, and are still unpre·
Wood struck out. Koenig walk- mer and autumn is a good day to CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS pared to face the coal famine which will occur if a
ed. Mossman hit to first and was garden. But who can give every
l)ut out unassisted. StingIer flied day, or a part of every day, to the strike occurs-we again strongly urge you to "Order
out to short. Three out, no funs. garden? Minimum, 30 cents. Price, 2 cents a at least part of your coal for delivery before Sep.
Saturday afternoons, or perhap~ word. Three insertions for the price of
Second inning-Townsend struck a few minutes weeding on Sunday, two. Classified advertisements will be tember 1st."
out. Davis got a walk. Masters is our usual opportunity to taclde 1'eceived by telephone f1'om subscribers
hit a fly. Keyes hit to second but . . . of the telephone company
was thrown out at first. Powell hit the job tI1 proper fashIOn. \Vith

Entered as second-class matterl _October to second and was thrown out at some long sUl11mer evening hour~
.}Ilth, 1914. at the Post Office at J.'iarberth. "'ANTED-Lutheran family to care
l'ennsy!voula, under the act of March 8, first. No runs. there is little other til11e for busy for one 01' two children; temporary or per-
~879. folks except for the holidays. mUlIent. Addl'1'8s "1.," care of "Our
F. Sinclair flied out to centre Labor day is the best day on the TowlI." P. O. Box 966. (S-2::!)
Saturday, August 22, 1925
________________ 1field. R.\ T. Sinclair • flied
1d out L to d left calendar for moving and 1)lanting- FOH HE~T-Detached hou~e, ,.even
PROTESTS LITTER field. 'ebb smg e. aun ers [)eOl11·es. Irl'ses tllat \\'el'e 110t 1110\'ee\ """ms, 1.uat II aliI1 ga1'll~e; .;0"". d.c>- 1-,."c >..' I '11
11 el'
struck out. No runs. on July Fourth may yet be planted. an IlII I'.
To tlle Editor of "Our '1'own": Third inning-Dickie hit to the Lilies, madonnas especiallv, are best - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I note that some, but few, of our pitcher but was out at first. G.. planted and are available- on Labol I. TFI'OHJ~.~;-In all eh'm~ntal'.r grade".
T 1
Nar JerI 11 merc IlalHs are s t I'll f 01- FI • ec I~ fl'Ie d ou t t0 l e ft fi e11 e. H un1- day. "J 1~ls . IS . also the day to go O\'er Xal'berth elllllll'pn a ~I>eC'lllt~·.(S-::!!I-:!5)
Backwal'<1 l::!IlDI. Phone
10winO' the antiquated method of phries hit a two-bagger. Yowell the dahhas and take off all the side
adverfising, that of peddling hand hit to first but was put out unas- buds, Fine bone meal around the WAYI'ED-Hl1om 1m ooal'd fOl' teat'h-
bills. 'rhe writer, for one, objects sisted. No runs. dahlias will help a lot; do not dig 1'1'''. A,llh'p,~ by mail P. O. Bilx 117:3,
to the ]Jractice as the hand bills are Griffin doubled. 'Vood hit to too c1eepfy as the roots are near the Xarbel'rh, Pa.
usually distributed by incompetent l'awnsend, who threw high to first, surface. A circular trench about J2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, 'b' 1 I LOST-Diallloli(1 ring. llPtwl'en "'hite',
bell), ,,-hose dlstn utlOn met we s are \Vood safe. Koenil! ..... hit to l)itcher inches ill diameter around the main f;W('l't ~hOll :uHl HI;") Gl':lylin~ a\·pnll~.
that of walking along the sidewalk who threw Griffin out at home. stem will send the ,,'ater where it is Liuernl rewar<1. A<1dn',,, "K," carl' of 0111'
and throwing the hand bills at the Mossl11an hit to pitcher; out at first. most needed or wiII carry liquid 'rown.
doors, with the result that they land \Vood got off third and was run manure.
on the lawn and are blown all over down between third and home. No Building that rock garden would FOH SAI,E-(lu); roll to[l dp~k ; Bum,'
ea~~' 1'0[1[11'1' I'll'ctTie wa,hpr. ~Iu,t ,.ell by
the premises for the owner to col- runs. be a fine way to improve the gar, An;.:n,.t :!i"i. 2:l1l Ham[lden a\·l'nul'. Pholle
lect. Fourth inning-Townsend struck dener's time on Labor clav. Trv to Xal'ul'l'th il"i"i.
Inas111uch as the Community of out. Davis hit to second, out at get a sunny location, if at all iJos-
Narberth publishes a weekly news- first. l\Iasters again hit safely over sible. and YOU will have no trouble HELP '\'A~TEJ)-'L'wo ~'onng mell.
bptWllPJ) ~o aJld ::0 ~'ea)'~ of ag... to as:o'b:t
paper, would it not be advisable for second. Keves hit one in the same in getting - bloom frol11 the three in ;':I'I'enhflll"I'~. i.\IIl,t I)l' hOIll,,.r unll I'e-
such firl11s, now p~ddling bills, to get place. Pow~1I flied out to second. spring glories in the rock garden, liabll' nlHI willing to work. Good O[lIHlI"
away from this obsolete method of No runs. Arabis Alpine, white, Alyssum tnllit,\' 1lI111 illlluel'lllellt, to leaI'll the bu,:-
adverti sing and to advertise in "Our Stingle flied out to centre field. Saxatile, yellow and the Aubrietia~ IIl'~', .John Alhl'l'cht Xlu·"l't'ies. Xal'ul'rth,
Town," thereby keeping the condi- F. Sinclair hit. R. Sinclair flied out in lavender, purple or crimson. We Pa.
tion of Narberth in a more orderly t . I t fi Id 'Vebb struck out. can also succeed with the dwarf
o ng 1 e. irises. pumila anel cristata as well as • FOH S:·~L,E-Fn1'llirl1re an<1) hOI1~ .. I~old
state. t\o runs. I I'ff' ,. fUll S b ;.,ootl~. 11_ (he,tllllt 11\·elllll'. I hone :\al"
The firms I refer to, I am advised, F f . 11e c I erent vartetles 0 .l: lOX U - '1ll'l'th :!li:!-!-\\'. (U,:;)
; i th inning-DIckie struck out. 111at·,I. .-\I[)inc aster", AI[Jine [)oIJl)ies.
have no interest in Narberth. other (.... FI I I' I' I fi ~
. v. ~ ec\: l1t to t lIre, out at rst. the dwarf [Jinks such as Dianthu~ LOST-\\'in'-hai1'l'd fox tl'l'riel'. Blad;
than · · tbat of'blselling
I their wares,
l and Hum[Jhries i struck out. e No runs. D ItOldes- and ~1 I
l~eglectus and dozens all( W lite lIH1I'WI;:,
I. J• J• "~1-"
,H'ell"'p .,t). '~JV.
t Il1S IS lJOSSl Y t le reason w lY t ley Launders out at first. Griffin out of other easy' subj' ects such as I Hl'wal'd. .r. Eo \\'etzel. :-:0;; ~ollth 1I\UI'-
are not interested in keel)inl! ~
the a t fi'1s t . "TO . oc I fl'lecl I 0 1
t t0i fe t CerastlUl11 . "10l11entosum, Plumbae-o 1ll'l'th 11\'1'11111'.
town in an orderly cond.ition. fi II N ~ --------------
e c . 0 runs. L,'lr[)e'ntae, •l\J}'osotis.. \',arieltls,- Se-
- FOH SAI...E-Eh·l·tl'i(' W:lshillg Illuchilll'
•TAS . \\ . •• '- . SI'xtll
- l'IlI1I'lll!-
~ 'To\\'ell
1. 111't safe Cll1111.., ,'111CI j\I'lllerl'·,IS.
:liltI ' 1('1'
lIlUlI!:.I'; ' IlOX. I)J('~'('
. Ie. 4.:"'(; I'-'~'PX
--- over short. Townsend hit to left Get the clay out of the soil anc! U\·l'l1UI'.
\Ye agree with you absolutely, field. Davis hit to pitcher who mix up a good proportion of hUl11us
Mr. D<lrville, The nuisance refer- threw Yowell out at third. Mas- with some good, light garden loam HOOM A~J) HO..\HD fol' gl'lItlpllll'lI ill
ree I t 0 Ilas a Iways 1Jeen a mys t ery leI'S Il1t . to t I' unI f orc1l1g' l'ownsen d and some sand, adding some fine (Il'h'atp fUIILI.\". Phone XUl'berrh H1S:;-H.
to us-that is, the fact that the bor- out. Keyes hit to second, out at broken stone, if availal;le. The WANTED-Ullflll'ni~hetl I'OOlll ill 1'l'i,
ough authorities permit it has been first. No runs. I
plants should get rooted If planted yute f:tlllil~' to ~t,,1'1' hO\I"PllOl,1 goods.
the mystery. Koenigh hit to centre. l\Iossman in early Septel11ber and will be on I~irJ(lI~' ¥in' Wi('l' 1Il1l1 I"(-ation. Box llllll.
In Dill' neighboring towns this out at first. Stingle struck out. F. the job next spring. A light cover- :1\ul'hl'l'tll.
littering of the yards and streets Sinclair fled out to right ,field. No ing of leaves, held down with ever- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
with band bills is not permitted. runs. green branches will afford sufticient I
Bala-Cynwyd, Merion and \Vynne- Seventh inning-Powell was hit protection frOI11 the tricky changes
wood streets are free of the junk, by a pitched ball. Dickie laid one of later winter and early spring.
hut in Narberth the circulars and down to third. sacrificing Powell to Practically all of the perennials
"neWsI)apers" are permitted to float second. G. Fleck was hit on the can be planted in Septel11ber so that YOU. SWALLOWED A CLINKER
about without check. bare hand in the sixth ancl Schneid- .h<;)' get roo:erl before frost. If THATS ALL THAT WAS WRONG-
Certainly somewhere between the er, who took his place behind t!le planted later the young plants are BUT YOUR TROUBLES ARE OVER.
street commissioner and the police b~t, was out a~ first.• H umpl11'les apt to be heaved out of the ground AU. THE CLINKER.S ARE. GClttE
there Sl10uld be an enforcement of flied to. cen~re ~elcl. ~o runs.
State law and local ordinance to 'R. S1I1c1an- hIt to pItcher, out at ing with lea\'es helps to prevent this.
abate the nuisance. If local laws are fi:st. \Vebb struck out.. Launders
J by the action of the frost.

Get your Crocus, Narcissi and


not comprehensive enough. Council 11It one to fi rst. J ene juggled the Tulip bulbs as early as possible for
would have little difficulty in put- ball and Launders was safe at first. October plantin<T and if you are
ting sonle teeth into no-trash rules. Griffin struck out. No runs. crowded for til11~ we can still plant I
Surely no measure would be more Eighth inning - Yowell was them as late as our last garden holi-
populal- with householders. f~1I111ecl. Towsend sacrificec~. Da- day, Thanksgiving day, which day.
The strange fact is, that a com- \'IS struck out. fVIasters filed out by the by, is the day of days for
pany tan use a quarter page or to u' .tl~e catcher.
i k No. runs.. K 'lhntinl! ~,
Hybrid tea, Hybrid per-/
more in "Our '1'own." which reaches vv ooc struc' ou~. ?e111g got petual or Climbing Roses.
a pass. Mossman hIt to rIght field,
practically e\'ery home, at less C?~t Powell made a shoestring catch but
tl:an t() fill waste receptacles Wlt.l dropped the pill. Stingle hit to sec-
• •
clrcl~l~rs. .And such m~thods of ond but Dickie let it <TO th1'01JO'h his Interior and Exterior Painting
l)ubbclty build up b<Tood WIll. not re-, Iel!s. F . 0111C C" I' I' b db '1'1 I DON'T buy )·our coal in haste
sentment. . . aIr lit to secon. le \\'1 I, I .I'E. " GJ \D ']'0 ESTDIATE
'. .
~ . and freeze at leisure. If
• T' • baH l11t Stll1gle, who was caHed out. 407 Essex Avenue )'OU want )'our furnace to treat
Narberth IS not a coml11ul11ty of R. Sinclair got a walk. \Vebb was
slove.nly day I~borers, but \,:ho can out at first. Koenig scored on Phone, Narberth 2637 you right nourish it with this
convmce a cham store proprIetor of Dickie's error. One run. clinker-free coal. Here is coal
that burns slow and sure. It's
that fact?
Ninth inning-Keyes struck out. A J. HERUSCHAFT
Powell Ot11 at first. Dickie hit safe- Phone, Narberth 2510 GIFTS I
Islow and easy on )'our pocket-
II)' over second. Vernon Fleck pinch book and sure fire with the heat.
DRAW JURORS' hit for Schneider, and hit a safe one HEMSTITCHING SHOP II
You can get happiness with your
coal if )'OU
over short. Dickie rushed home. 318 DUDLEY A VEXUE I
GONTII'(;Jo;D F1W~1 THI'; 1·'mWl' PAGE Vernon tried to steal second but !'iARBERTH. PA. I
'iVana1l1aker, housekeeper; John was thrown out. One run. DressmakIng pleotlnll Buttons Covere,l
\Villiams, insurance. Ruddick batted for Launders and
Traverse Jury (Sessions Sep- struck out. Griffin struck out.
tember 28) : Harry Edmund. office \Vood struck out. ending the game Phones: Narberth 661-J or 1612-W Callihe ~~
manager; August Finn, me- I to J.
chanic; Lance Hathaway, guard: :\'AHHEHTII.
I' h n u f'
I'll 0 n P
HENRY & COMPTON :1 . /c~ d C'Lean
or ':100 '1 Coa l "
••.•. 0 0 :! n 1 \Y(llU1. ... ~ ..• ,II ., l) 1 0
Harry A. Jacobs, merchant, N ar- }lowt>ll.rf Ilklifl',:!h ••. 1:!ual Km·nl.::. :!h .• 1 1 a () 0 PLUMBING I
berth; William H. McCreary. re- :-o.. I:rwi,h·r. t' •• () n ;~ 0 n :4tlu,lfle, 3b. ,00 .:! :! tl STEAM & HOT.WATER HEATING I
I:. FI,,·.'li, (••• 0 1 -1 1 0 ;\fo!'4~man. e.1l 0 ~ :.! tl
:"11).0 1 ;j 1 H 10'. S'clllh', rf II 1 II U Il
tired; George T. Rowland, 111anu- 1-I111I1P)II'IIIS.
YO\n·lI. If '" ,II 1 :! l) n it. S''''',· Ih 0 n 1~ 0 1I JOBBING
factl1rer; Georlre H. Roberts, real "l'0\\"1ISl'llll, 11 •• 0 1 n 3 1 W"hh. "f .... 1l 1 1 0 Il
Narberth CYNWYD 700
DlI\'is. Ih ..•.. 1) lJ 7 l) 1 r.. :111lIdt~l':-. If.O U 1 II l)
estate, Narberth; Mary M. Skel- :\lul"tl·l'ol, ~sl'c n:!:! ":t·)"PS
(l n (:I':fllll. 1' .... 0 1 0 3 0
n 1 :! 1 I) HlIll,lh'li ••.. 0 0 BOt)
ton, clerk. Y. 10'1 ....1' •••••• n 1 0 II 0
Tutuls ••••• 1 1027 (l 4
Tutlll .... 1 4 ~j 14 0
'I'raverse Jury (Sessions Oc-
tober 5): John Y. Christel'. pro-
prietoI'; Benjamin Gibbs, retired:
Messrs. Harry Fried and Philip
\Villiam A. H a"den. contractor: Harrison ha\'e completed prelim Having been a citizen of the borough since
Laura Tones. clerk: Lillie f\.[urrav. inary plans for the erection at 820
lady; l'-Tarrison McGowen, garde- 826 Lanca~ter avenue, Bryn 1908, I am respectfully soliciting your
ncr: Cordelia Ross, housewife. Mawr, of a magnificent new the- votes at the coming primary election Sep-
Narberth; Frank Rodgers, chauf~ :ltre, with a seatin'~' capacity of tember 15th for the office of
feur; Ella F. Scull, housewife: . 000. and to cost. according to 1'.1 r
Hannah Sullivan, housewife: Bea- Fried. ap roximatelv $250,000
trice C. Shelmire, housewife: The p~ans call for a theatre wit'· TAX COLLECTOR
.T ohn Stretch, expressman: Earl up-to-the-minute furnishings. It
Thompson. bank clerk. Narberth: will have an arcade in which then' GUARANTEE. A BUSINESS AD·
John :M:, Taylor, manufacturer. will be eight stores. MINISTRATION OF THAT OFFICE
It is expected to be ready for
YOttllg American brides who occupapcy in about six months
complain about their husbands stay- 'inn will be ma!laged by Mr. Fried
ing up all night playing poker in conjunction .'Vitlt his \"1 ayne EDWIN P. DOLO
should pity the Eskim0 women. and Berwyn theatres.

The Presbyterian Church. DROP OUT OF FIGHT
Rev. John Van Ness, minister. Miss Sarah Lorimer and Miss Continued From First Page.
,Meetings for August 23: Helen Hartel have returned from
9.30 A. lVI.-Bible school. All an extended visit in Greenville, party of his own to fight Franken-
Registered pharmacists, finest of materials and ~ departments. The Adult Bible class Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hal:- field in the November election, he
scrupulous care have been the foundations on which ~ meets at 10 o'clock. tel have returned from \Vashing- won.
we have built our prescription business. i $ "MILK AND·· CR·EAM'
I I A. M.-:"Morning. worship.
The sermon will be delivered by
ton, D. C. This year strong pressure was
brought by political chieftains in the
. You are assured of what your doctor has pre- $ 758 LANCASTER AVE.
Rev., Walter L. Ritter, Ph. D., pas- township to line the various factions
Joe Casey, 9-year-old son of Mr. up behind Hess in order that a
scribed. It is our pleasure to warrant your confidence. $ tor of the Union Tabernacle Presby-
BRYN MAWR.' and Mrs. Jerry Casey, spent several wide-open split might be avoided.
terian Church, of Philadelphia. days this week as the guest of Jack That their efforts were successful IS
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882
7 P. M.-Union twilight meeting Cook, a former Narberth lad resid- shown by the withdrawal of both
with sermon by' Dr. Ritter.
CRANE'S Next vVednesday the union pray-
er meeting will be held in the Lu-
ing in Philadelphia. Joe is mascot Skelton and Stretch, two of the
of the Narberth league-leading base- 1110st formidable factors in the 1921
The Busy Drug Store ball team. scrap.
theran Church and will be in charge
At the Station c;)he of Elder W. J. Peebles, of the
Mrs. C. A. Harrison, of New- for
All that remains now to be done
the ambitions of Commissioner
We Deliver Anywhere Presbyterian Church.
'Phone 1620
HOOVER JI BWS.. ~ ilS it Sweep, aT it CleQM, Baptist Church of the Evangel.
burgh, N. Y., is visiting Mrs. Ar- Hess is the official endorsement of
thur L. Cooke, of Lantwyn lane. him by the stalwarts of the Republi-
Robert E. Keighton, minister. can organization, and this will de
945 A. lVl.-Church School. Mr. George :l\farkle has bought done without a hitch at the next
r; II A. M.-Morning worship. the house on Avon road formerly meeting of .the Republican Asso-
(} LECTRICITY nOW will Sermon by the Re\". A. Herbert owned and occupied by Mr. Ber- ciation of Lower Merion and Nar-
C cOC E do your bidding-so Haslam.
the fonner
Mr. Haslam is the son of nard Y ungbluth.
Dr. James Henry Has- _
berth, which is scheduled to be held
at the General vVayne Inn, near
!} will we. Wire us that you
U: lam, of Philadelphia, a well-known Mr. P. J. Newmaker is on a Narberth, next Monday. Mr.
want us to wire your home. and beloved Baptist clergyman. He Illotor trip to \Vanen, Pa. Hess appeared before the associa-
l} is a l~ril1iant and capable preacher _ tion at a meeting held last week, but
An estimate of the cost freely endorsement was withheld at that
and promptly given. We and student. \Ve are delighted to 1'.1rs. Adolph Vogel and her
welcome this yotl1~ man to our daughter Linda ha \"e returned time until the petitions had been filed
handle electrical supplies pulpit. . . , from a vacation in the Poconos. and candidates given a chance to
~ Giddap, M?.. Lightning!
that you are in need of. 7 P. ?lI.-Evenmg unIOn servI.ce l\Ir. Vogel has two more weeks withdraw. The dead line for with-
~ -Elect?'ic Al on the lawn of the Methodist of his music season there. drawals is today at 4 P. M.
~ Church. In addition to Mr. Hess, three
~ NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP \ \'ednesday, August 26: Henry and Richard Banks others filed petitions for nomination

8 P. 1'.1.-Union prayer service at motored Saturday to Ringing Rocks as Republican candidate for town-

m Phone, Narberth 2282

Hoove1' and Westinghouse Agents
250 Haverford Avenue DIRT
•••11.11111.11111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11I11I1"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIlI.U.U..... ~
is master in the
Hooverless home
the Lutheran Church.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
Park. in upper J\lontgomery county. ship treasurer. One of these. how-

1\lr. and Mrs. \V. H. Haws,

ever, is contemplating withdrawing,
and the two others are expected to
vVomen's Club Building, Ard- formerly of Chestnut Hill, have give the Bala commissioner, with
more avenue, Ardmore. Pa.
Sunday services, 11 A. 1'.1.
purchased a home at 106 Dudley his solid organization backing, little
avenue, which they are occupying. trouble.
Sunday school sen-ices. 11 1'.11'. Haws is a brother of ex-post-
The other Republicans to file
•; •; master Edward S. Haws, who lives treasurership petitions were Isaac
\Vednesday evening testimonial across the street. . Scott Boyd, Harry H. Francis and
meeting, 8 o·clock.
Reading rooni, HI \ Vest Lan-
Frank V. Favant, all of Ardmore.
~ i The Misses \Varner have sold Mr. Boyd: who declared he had
s Open from 8 to 5 for your convenience. ~
Ardmore 2385 Narberth L616 caster a\-enue, open each weekday, their house on Haverford avenue 600 friends who would vote fOl- him
~ Also Inspect Complete Stock of ~ 12 to 4.30 P. M. and will 1110\-e to \Vest Chester the minute he entered the race, is
The subject of the Bible lesson about October 1.
~ e believed by political observers to be
sermon for August 23 is "Mind."
~ LUMBER ; -.-.- . a candidate of the Ku Klux Klan.
:'V1rs. B. F. Llnngston and fanHly I.: He will without doubt stick to the
~ .. :.::.~;:."",~
~ ..,~ ' ,
General Repair and Building Purposes ~ MAIN LINE MERCHANTS h~ve retttrne~1 from a four-weeks' finish.
PROTEST HIGHWAY DETOUR tnp to DetrOIt and the Great Lakes. H arry' F; ranClS, . 0 f S ou tl1 A r-
more, though not strictly an inde-

! ~

Ardmore and Bryn Mawr Merchants
Will File Protests.
Miss Sarah Williford, of Dallas, pendent, is another free lance. He
'rex.. was the guest over the week- has stated that he will remain in the
Business men of Ardmore and end of Mr. and J\lrs. F. A. Egmore, race and no hopes are t1eld for his
Bryn Mawi· will protest to the of Elmwoocl avenue. withdrawal.
State Highway Department in the

CYNWYD 662 ii
i near future that the department's Donald HORman I has returned The entry of F:ank V. Fayant,
....IIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllu.n.lI.l1.n.n••f.n.II.IIIIl.lllu.lI.u.n.n.ll.n.n...n..... t1 ••- ,action in detouring through motor from the University of \Visconsin the fourth Republican, came as a
traffic from the Lincoln Highway where he studied in summer c.omplet~ ~t~rprtse to all of the prac-

ru,;;~:;:::~;~=~~ I
in the two Main Line towns is tak- .school . tical politiCians. No boom appeared
for him early in the month and few
T'S a burning shame for
ing from IS to 30 per cent. of their
people to receive inferior Dr. and Mrs. Romaine C. Hoff- knew that he was in the race until
coal. Each ton of our coal business away from them daily.
It was said by A. L. Reinhold, man spent several days of last the petitions were filed.
G~neraI Office: 1612 Market Street, Philadelphia m
. !~I
reaches the comfort-goal-each
shovelful brings heat-perform- secretary of the Ardmore Chamber week in ]\1t. Vernon, N. Y. 1\lr. Fayant, though well known
in Ardmore, where he resides at 41
The Philadelphia Suburban Water Company serves
filtered water of the highest quality in 46 boroughs and
I:l l~!
ance. We bring contentment to
your home b~' the truck load.
of Commerce, that a meeting-
representative business men of both
Mrs. William J. Kirkpatrick and East Lancaster avenue, is not
H townships lo~ated in Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and I::',' towns would probably be held early Miss Mabel Kirkpatrick were prominently identified with politics
1:1 Bucks Counties. Ii! Orde1' Now {01' Winter next week to take up the matter. guests at the Illinois Hotel, Ocean in the township at large. He for-
N ri To serve this territory the Company maintains 3 dams, ~
1,1 50ca Ton for in The diversion of the traffic east of City. last week. merly conducted the Ardmore Mo-
tors Company, which was pur-
i"i 3 pumping stations, fuIly equipped with modern pumping ,I Strafford is caused by the widening
n and filtering equipment, 10 reservoirs; 12 standpipes and !':I 10 Days of the Lincoln Highway from City Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Frye are chased a short tiine ago by H. R.
;,;1 640 miles of distribution and transmissi.on, mains. l::l Line to that point. occupying their new home on vVyn- Jacobs.
rI DIVISION OFFICES liilrnl At the present time actual work nedale road. Mr. Fayant is contemplating with-
drawing from the race.
L. M. THOMPSON is being done only iri the vicinity of
II Eastel'n Southern . 'Western .. \Yayne and St. Davids, yet all east- "The petition for my candidacy

j,:.~,":;! gS~s~~~~C~~~
: LA~~~~'X~E BR~~N~1~R i~I,_;:,. Bala and Union Aves. bound traffic for Philadelphia and . For Your Vacation was being circulated by friends," he
all westbound traffic for points be- said. "I am much interested in the
. . I~FOR~IATIOX AS TO RATES. SERVICE. ETC.. MAY BALA, PA. yond Strafford is being detoured township treasurership but it does-
Cynwyd· !180
1:1 by way of Haverford road, Glen- n't seem possible to win without or-
ra.rFi~1:r.if"':!!!:!!:!r.!::r~!:·:!::!::t·:!~:!:::!::!~::!::!:J::i:·:::~!l:!::!l:!l:!!:t::!!:!::i!:::!::i::!!!!!!Et:! ..."i"',.tll.;.".•,. ff,!£"""i! brook avenue and the Conestoga ganized backing and so far as I
road, far to the south of all busi- understand I have little of that.
ness districts. Worn-Brassy Parts
I with
Silver. Reflectors, Lamps,
Radiator Shell
Pure Besides there are already quite a
few candidates in the field. I may
withdraw. htlt I am prepared to
This is your paper, and your
. ad\'ice is appreciated. Look Like New! make no announcement 11 0\\'."
The Democratic nomination for
I Also the Best Easy Cleane1' treasurer is uncontested. Albert Lee
fo1' the New Nickel
You A~e Engaged
Reinhold, former Ardmore post-
./ Giving 50c a ton off fol' cash
Don't go on your trip with the master and secretary of the Cham·
makes 010' net price the low- nickel plate shabby - Buy a
bottle of U-KAN·PLATE Polish ber of Commerce, was the only
, I
est for finest qualitll coal. Democrat to file a petition for the
TODAY from :rour Local Dealer
or Dept. Store. $1.00 liz pint. 'office. His entrance into the, field
Phone-Lansdowne 888 was made more to keep the Demo-
\ A. R. Justice Co. cratic party in Lower ?lIerion or-


in the most important business in the world N K 904 Walnut Street ganized than with hopes of giving
the Republicans serious fight in the
-the business of getting ahead in it. Sil1.JerwaTe-Ste1'ling 01' Plated fall election. The chances of the
63d & MARKET 51st & GRAY'S "unterrifieds" in Lower Merion,
This bank wants ,to help you, whatever • whicll is o\'erwllelillingly Republi-
can, is admittedly small.
your work or your business, however small
IN NARBERTH In the cOUnty, harmony also
seems to prevail for the more im-'
your wages or large your income. It's Adelizzi Brothers portant offices. Isaiah T. Halde-'
man, of Lower Salford, is the only
FOR CLEANING, DYEING, PRESSING, REPAIRING and Republican candidate for prothono-
Add to your plans and your ilmbitions the ALTERING tary, and J. Ira Fischer, of Willow
Grove, is the only Republican aspir-
strength and help of the long-accumulated ADELIZZI BROTHERS ant for jury commissioner. Both

hold these respective offices at pres-
experience of this bank. Tailors ent.
102 FORREST AVENUE Narberth 2602
For director of the poor a ho:;t of
• candidates appear, but here as in·
the other vacancies, there is not one
candidate from Lower Merion.
When Dissatisfied Try President Judge John Faber Mil-
The Merion Title and Trust Company ler is' unopposed for re-election to,
the bench, being assured of both,
HEWIT'S the Republican and Democratic
For the first time in many years,
Narberth Ardmore, , Bala-Cynwyd Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers no Social~st aspires to county office. '
No Prohibition petitions ·were
234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254 filed. This, however, excited no in-
terest in, po,litical drcles, ,as this'
\ ... . . ~. . We Call for and Deliver party has polled few votes 5ince~'


U'",:" rnlt&1f&i~lmili'bi17Imllm rpirt/filtrnlff\ilittill'Rilmilmili@!!?]Ii1\iI@lfAi"f\iIi1\iI®liBill'6illffill'6iIl'fflI®IMiId\iI1i\iltl\iI@!fI\itn the Volsteadian era began.


District No. I: Registry Assessor, TAX I S E R V ICE

Louise Voss Cockrill; Judge, ]. W. I
McAuliffe and Frank A. O'Brien;
Inspector, C. C. Tyson and Ralph
E. Seaboldt; Inspector (Dem.), Phone Narberth 1713·W or 1731
Bell-Phone. Sprnce SS-OO and 88-11'2
Key.tone Phone, !lace ':'O-M


BRIGHAM YOUNG District NO.2: Registry Assessor, GARAnteed Roofs
Ella R. Murray (both tickets);
Werner's Biography of Mormon
Leader Now Available at Library.
Dem. Inspector, Edward S. Haws. Phone Narberth 672 or 2215 W
District No.3: Judge, J. Baird
Narbe~l~~~ab CO'I
All patrons of the Communitl Caldwell; Inspector, A. H. Dur-
Library who have read VVer!1er s borow. "\, /'
biography of Barnum, the cIrcus

(Republicans, except where
man will be interested to know that
the 'library now has available an noted) . Residence Office t

126 Conway .r'.ve. 215 Haverford Ave"f
equally interesting biographical Burgess, Republican, Henry A.
work by the same author. Mr. vVer- Frye.
ner has this time turned his atten-
tion and talents to Brigham Young, LIGHT HAULING OF ALI:
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Served in a
the man who led the Mormon pil-
grimage from I11inois to Utah and local or out of town
Quick and Efficient Service
and Heating Way You'll Like
who laid down in that desert val- NARBERTH, PA.
ley the basic principles upon which P. J. DUF}'Y PHONE, NARBERTH 1602-J The manner in which hot weather confections
the present great prosperity of the 335 Dudley Avenue are served to you often means the difference
Mormon Church rests. . between pleasurable enjoyment and the medi-
Many people, especially those
Phone, Narberth 1011""
Sporting ocre. Dainty cleanliness marks our service as
whose memories nll1 back to ihe different.
closing decades of the last century,
Narberlh 10&tl-W
If It's Anything in
Suits Pressed, 40c Goods
will probably recall the name of Suits Dry Cleaned, $1.25 at
"Brigham Young" as suggesting a
I...;... ~~~!.~'~ . ~~~~!_ ~~~~ . . _"
polygamous man W~10 was fr.e- C. ROY SMITH
'quently preached agamst and wnt- Abo;t It
Louis Tailoring
ten against here in the East. The 22 ARDMORE AVENUE 234 Woodbine Avenue HOWARD C. FRITSCH I "_""
polygamy charges were true enough, ARDMORE. PA. Narberth, Pa~ Justice of the Peace ""1".1."'1,•• ,.,.1'111."1"'11."11111'1"1.'111."""ill'I"'I'I"IIII',II"I'
as Werner makes clear. He says
that Brigham Young had 26 wives REAL ESTATE 10% -REDUCTION
and 57 children and that some of
the other :Mormon elders had sev-
Annual Auditors' Report Fire Insurance-Best Companies
of the School District of Narberth, Montgomery County, for the Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave. A profit-sharing sale, offering a 10% saving on our present
eral more wives and much more
School year ending July, 1925. low prices. Anything in our large stock of Carpets, Rugs,
numerous offspring. Narberth 1683-VIr Repairing
However, there is very much in RECEIPTS Furniture, Couch Hammocks, etc. Electric Fan~at cost price.
Balance on hand, July, IV24 ...•. , .• , .. , • '" .. , ..•.. $52.80 IF IT'S ANYTHING IN
the career of Brigham Young
From loans and bond sales . 5,000.00 RADIO
which merits the attention of a
careful and impartial writer like Taxes ...................•........................ 67,633.38 C.ROY SMITH THE NARBERTH CARPET CO.
Werner and it will be seen by those N on-resident tuition . 225.00
State appropriations . 12,772.69
ABOUT IT 103 North Narberth Avenue
who re;d this book that Brigham 22 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore, Pa. OPEN EVENINGS NARBERTH 2528
Young's peculiar religious belief did Other receipts . 498.22
not prevent him from showing ---- "Service '!Cit" a Sm.ile" tliilli""""""""'I""",",'I""""'«""'"l.i.IIIIIIII'IIIII.'I.I•••'III,
'rotal receipts . $86,182.09
many unusual characteristics of re-
markable leadership and of real
statesmanship. - General Control (A) Elecirical Conlracior
The Mormon were bitterly per- Secretary ~ . $400.00 MAPLE HALL
Treasurer . 200.00 South Narberth Avenue
secuted in Missouri and later in BELL' PHONE: MEHION 121
Illinois where their prophet and Attorney ...................•.................. 50.00
2,107.79 1DBttmatl!B FUrllUilled
founder was assassinated. It was Tax Collector .
Btigham YOU!lg w~o led this Auditors . 79.00 Narberth 2510
Compulsory education and census . 60.00 rJi·E=i"*=''''';··~'·'l'~:C:':l=:::l:t'!!::I::::l:~!:'!!::I::I::!::I:::l::!:::I::i~~i"iii:i;'""'.':"'I'~'''''',*b'l-'-=ii!'·1
stricken and dlsorgal1lzed pand of JOE G. HERRSCHAFr
Mormons from I11inois into the
western wilds and who selected the
Other expenses
Total , .. ,
, $4,951.70
----- Slate and Tin
I~.:.I BeatIng
. - T-Ime by a Day' Ii~. i
Salt Lake Valley as the place where
they could find prosperity and Instruction (B) Jobbing a Specialty ~ . .
peace. Th~ success of the Mormon Salaries of teachers ' . $41,100.00 318 Dudley Ave. Narberth, Pa. ~I in delivering f~f
settlement in Utah is well known Textbooks ............•........................ 1,062.55
and impresses everyone who visits Supplies . 2,659.81 • R
that State to this day. If it had
not been for Brigham Young that
Other expenses . 15,774.61
---- For Permanent m SCOTT-POWELL "A" MILK f~!
success undoubtedly could not have 'fotal
Auxiliary Agencies (C)
. $60,596.97
Satisfaction ~
...I ijf!
been achieved. Iii! From milking time to drinking time in 24 hours I~I
I~i f~
Libraries . $895.H3
Werner's biography contains
Transportation . 2,500.00 BUY A
many interesting quotations from is a· SCOIT-POWELL achievement. Small
Other expenses . 639.38
the sermons which Brigham Young
preached to his people. . These .ser-
Total .
Smedley .1::1
wonder that our Milk is Purer and Richer, for it' 8 Iff
mons covered every possIble subject, Ii B
including instructions on the best
methods by which a polygamous
Operation (D)
\iVages of janitors
Fuel .
. $:3,000.09
Built Home 1'I"i1
"Fres her by a Day" qt~!
family could be made to live in
peace and harmony. The sermons Janitors' supplies . 274.41 WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY if! f:f
reveal the shrewd and capable Other expenses . 1,1 :15.83 ~J ~
..:haracter of the man, and the read- ---- PAISTl:l\G
GL..\7.I" ••
.room".. I,!
l;;! n
er of them is inclined to agree, with Total . $6,111.22
Werner that Brigham Young had Maintenance (E) WM. ~EWBORG & CO. m 1:1
more faith in his own abilities than Repairs .. , . $734.94 Painting and Decorating L! ffJ
he did in the supposed revelations Fixed Charges (F) 212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa. 1't!1 l:tn
from God. State Retirement Board
Insurance , ,
1,029.07 Phone, Narberth 1758-W I~i SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES, Inc. Ij'

Pennsylvania,and during his resi-

dence in the borough be has inter-

ested himself in many local activi-


Total Current Expenses (A, B, C, D, E, F)

Debt Service (G)
Payments to sinking fund
Payments of interest on bonds
Payments of interest on short loans .,
. . . . . . . . ..


. $78,828.26

Con/racior & Builder

Telephones WYOMING 5382

-iz.===-:os ~",rr:g!'~:I:I::.t".!:!:!':i:!:!!:!!!::J::!!Z!:£Z::I:t:i~:;:::::r.:!:!!mI:!l!..:::'::='1!#'

F !",..",..:;
ties. He has been a member of the
Shade Tree Commission. ' YE ODDITY SHOPPE!
',The two new names to appear
for Council are Messrs. H. L.
Woehling and Clarence Kaeber on
the RelJublican ticket. Both these
'Capital Outlay (H)
For buildings
For equipn1ent
. $5,149.17
Always ready with new and
men are south-siders; Mr. \Voehling
residing at 401 vVoodside avenu~
and Mr. Kaeber at Chestnut and
Narberth avenues.
Total ,

Total All Payments (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) .. " '" " $84,;)6:3.19

. $.585.76
attractive novelties'

104 Forest he. In the basement Vacuum

Phone 1738 Narberth. Pa.
Several men who were expected Balance Q,t1 hand, July, 1925 i •• ' " •••••••••• $],618.90
to file petitions apparently did not. ' (Available of School Year, 1925-1926) . (Open £venings by appointment)
It is believed that the list as pub- SINKING FUND ACCOUNT
lished is corect as it was obtained by Receipts
"Our Town" directly from th'e
County Clerk when the time-limit
expired Tuesday afternoon. With-
drawals could be made as late as
yesterday (Friday) afternoon.
Balance July, 1!.l25
Current funds ..........•.........................
Other sources ..............•.....................

Total .. '"
. $11,128.65
" $14,492.29
Lollg an~
sneee3st,,1 u:perlenee with Col-
lelle Entrance E:ramlnatlons. Speelnltles:
The complete list of petitions
filed for Narberth offices follows: Balance July, 1925 '"
. Expenses
: . $14,492.29,
Mlllbemulles, fAlUn nn~ Frenell.
Ma.ter at Episcopal .Aen~emy. Overbrool<. DOWN
Tax Collector, Republican and RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES Frederic C. Torrey, A. M.
Democrat, Abbie W. Nickerson,
Edwin P. Dold, Vlilliam J. Kirk- 'Balance July, 1925
, .. $16,111.19

500 Essex Ave., Narberth, Pa.

patrick. Taxes, etc., due , . 1,529.05
Value school property . 135,220.62 (Or at Your Home) time is about here and you will need an Electric Vacuum
AUditor, Republican and Demo- Cleaner to do the most unpleasant part of the cleaning
,crat, F. Richard Gifford.
task-taking up the dust.'
] ustice of the Peace, Republi-
can, Howard C. Fritsch.
$152,860.86 GEORGE R. MARKLE
Loans unpaid . $5,000.00 BUILDER You can have a new Universal Electric Cleaner
School Directors, Repub,lican
an'Cl Democrat, Jesse S. Harris, Bonds unpaid ;.: . 62,000.00 demonstrated in your home without obligation by. merely
Hervey C. Keim, Anna R. Van 'phoning our office.
Auken and Republican, 'Valter Total '...........••.•............ " $67,000.00 Estimates Cheerfully Given
.3teckbeck. We hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts $2.50 down and the balance a small amount each
Council, Republican and Dem- and find them correct, and that the securities of the officers of
Plans and Estimates Furnished month if you deside to purchase. ..
the Board in accordance with law (Section 2613). .
ocrat. John R. Hall, Anton Emil for Repair and' Construction
~ohlert, .Robert F. Wood. Re- F. R. GIFFORD,
'publican, A. Jules Bettls, H. L.
·Woehling, Clarence Kaeber, .Dan-
ieLLeitch., . Auditors. National Bank Building
A.ugust 11, 1925.
, .' . NARBERTH 228'1 .

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