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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 14 (2002) 297 – 304

Current medical management of sleep-related

breathing disorders
Kent E. Moore, DDS, MDa,*, Mary Susan Esther, MDb
Private Practice, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1718 East Fourth Street, Suite 804, Charlotte, NC 28204, USA
Carolinas Sleep Services, Carolinas Medical Center, Mercy Medical Park, 10724 Park Road, Suite 208,
Charlotte, NC 28210, USA

Sleep-disordered breathing, a disorder character- occur over a continuum of severity: the mildest form
ized by repeated apnea (cessation of breathing) and of upper airway narrowing produces rapid airflow.
hypopnea (partial cessation of breathing) during sleep, This rapid airflow imparts kinetic energy to the soft
has been shown to be prevalent in the general pop- tissues of the upper airway, initially causing stretch-
ulation. Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome ing of the compliant portions of the soft tissue upper
(OSAHS) is a common disorder that can adversely airway (ie, the soft palate and lateral pharyngeal
impact longevity and quality of life, and one in which walls), resulting in soft palate elongation and redun-
the oral and maxillofacial surgeon possesses a unique dancy (ie, secondary elongation), and eventually in
ability to assist in managing. snoring. Further airway narrowing results in increased
Prior to offering surgical therapy, the oral and upper airway resistance. This increased airway resist-
maxillofacial surgeon must have a working knowl- ance is sensed by the central nervous system, causing
edge of medical options these patients may choose to disruption of normal sleep architecture, and forms
pursue. Medical management of OSAHS requires the basis for the condition of upper airway resistance
careful clinical assessment and laboratory evaluation. syndrome (UARS) seen most commonly in young,
Sleep-related breathing disturbances were first des- thin females. Further airway narrowing and frank
cribed polysomnographically in Gustout’s mid-1960s obstruction are next on the continuum, causing ob-
studies of obese patients with hypercapnia [1]. Sub- structive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA is generally ranked
sequent research has shown that obstructive sleep on a scale of severity, based upon the number of
apnea can occur in nonobese patients as well. In fact, times a given patient stops breathing over a given
epidemiological data estimate that 2 – 5% of the pop- hour of sleep [often called the Respiratory Disturbance
ulation meets the criteria for OSAHS [2]. Community Index (RDI), or Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI)]. An
based studies have confirmed that OSAHS is seen in RDI of 0 – 5 events per hour is considered normal. In
2% of women and 4% of men between the ages of most clinics, an RDI of 5 – 20 is considered mild OSA,
30 and 60 years [3]. 20 – 40 or 50 is considered moderately severe OSA,
OSAHS occurs when there are episodes of pha- and an RDI >40 – 50 is considered severe OSA.
ryngeal narrowing and obstruction combined with Apnea is defined as a cessation of respiratory flow
significant daytime symptoms that result from dis- for at least 10 seconds accompanied by a 2 – 4% drop
rupted sleep. Though the basic processes causing in oxygen saturation and usually an associated EEG
airway narrowing are multifactorial and not com- arousal [4]. The syndrome of obstructive breathing
pletely understood, this disorder is considered to requires the combination of daytime symptoms, as
well as an apnea-hypopnea index of at least 5 per
hour of sleep [5]. Therefore, a careful clinical history,
* Corresponding author. along with the polysomnographic data, is needed.
E-mail address: (K.E. Moore). Factors that increase the risk for OSAHS include

1042-3699/02/$ – see front matter D 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
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298 K.E. Moore, M.S. Esther / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 14 (2002) 297–304

obesity, male gender (2 to 3:1 male-female ratio) as however, possible medical conditions, as well as
well as family history [6]. pharmacological agents, that could adversely affect
Nearly all patents with significant OSAHS snore, sleep and breathing must be assessed.
though the absence of snoring does not exclude sleep Even moderate alcohol intoxication can decrease
apnea [7]. In addition, apneic episodes are reported hypercapnic ventilatory response to 50% of baseline
by the bed partner in 75% of cases [8]. As snoring [15]. Alcohol can precipitate OSA in vulnerable
can be loud and lead to restlessness during the night, individuals. Older, obese subjects are more likely to
it is not surprising that 46% of patients sleep apart be affected than are young healthy subjects. Patients
from their partners [9]. Bed partners may report loud with mild sleep apnea clearly develop longer and
snorts or vocalizations, and patients themselves note more frequent obstructive breathing events when they
restlessness, often with associated diaphoresis in neck consume alcohol, and snorers can develop OSA after
and upper chest. Nearly 74% of patients complain of alcohol use [16]. Therefore, avoidance of alcohol for
morning dry mouth, and 28% report significant obese snorers and patients with obstructive sleep
nocturia [10]. apnea is recommended routinely [17].
Daytime sleepiness is, of course, one of the hall- Smoking is widely known to impact upper airway
marks of OSAHS. The severity of this symptom can physiology detrimentally. The irritation-inflammation-
vary from subtle to severe. Untreated sleep apnea puts edema cycle that occurs with repeated use of an
patients at risk for vehicular accidents [11]. It is irritant such as smoking is felt to affect a subtle form
common for patients with sleep apnea to report of mucosal edema of the upper airway, as well as
opening car windows, drinking caffeinated beverages, increase upper airway mucosal secretions. The com-
or chewing ice as a help to stay awake. Intellectual bined effect of these reactive conditions, instead of
impairment has been noted on neuropsychiatric test- occurring externally, actually affects closure (or nar-
ing, and patients themselves may note decreased rowing) of the upper airway. Per Pousille’s equation,
concentration and job performance [12]. A recent small changes (narrowing) in the radius of the upper
popular public news telecast nationwide suggested airway tube can potentially effect an exponential
that the neurocognitive deficits of the sleepy driver change in airflow and cause a greater chance for ob-
can be at least as severe (if not more so) than that of structive upper airway pathology.
the alcohol-impaired driver. Hypnotics can also affect sleep and breathing and
Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome has are frequently prescribed. Benzodiazepines are mild
been linked to hypertension. Recent prospective data respiratory depressants [18]. Hypercapneic chronic ob-
confirms the association between sleep-disordered structive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients appear
breathing and hypertension and its resulting cardiovas- to be particularly vulnerable to the respiratory de-
cular morbidity [13]. Furthermore, there is evidence pressant properties. Benzodiazepines, like alcohol,
that OSAHS may place patients at an increased risk for decrease upper airway muscle tone [19] and in this
stroke [14]. OSAHS should be looked at as yet another way may promote the development of OSA in sus-
cardiovascular risk factor for susceptible individuals. ceptible individuals; therefore, they are best avoided
The decision on when, and how, to treat patents [20]. Newer, non-benzodiazepine agents lack the
with OSAHS is complex. It must be based on clinical myorelaxant and respiratory depressant effects of the
assessment, including physical examination, medical benzodiazepines [21]. In general, however, it is best to
history, and polysomnographic data. The decision avoid sedative-hypnotic agents in patients with hyper-
must include information about a patient’s sleepiness, capnia and sleep apnea. Narcotics, too, are powerful
snoring, and disruption of the bed partner’s sleep as respiratory depressants and are best avoided in pa-
well as assessment of possible adverse cardiovascular tients with significant sleep apnea [22].
consequences. These factors should all play a role in Hypothyroidism should also be considered in pa-
determining the proper therapeutic option (both surgi- tients with a history of OSAHS. Possible mechan-
cal and nonsurgical) the oral and maxillofacial surgeon isms for the increase in sleep apnea seen in patients
offers to the patient presenting with this disorder. with hypothyroidism include obesity, impaired upper
airway muscular function, and macroglossia. Though
screening of all patients with OSAHS for hypo-
Effects of medications and associated medical thyroidism is not cost-effective, careful assessment
conditions on sleep-disordered breathing of clinical symptoms is necessary [23]. In hypo-
thyroid patients, it is important to treat their sleep-
Once the diagnosis of OSAHS has been estab- disordered breathing during thyroid replacement
lished, treatment options must be explored. First, [24]. It may take considerable time for normalization
K.E. Moore, M.S. Esther / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 14 (2002) 297–304 299

of sleep and breathing, or patients may be suffering tenance of oxygenation and sleep continuity when
from two disorders. lateral. Use of a small ball, such as a tennis ball,
Pharmacological treatment of sleep apnea has not pinned to the pajama back may help patients to learn
proven effective. In the late 1970s, agents such as behaviorally to avoid sleeping supine. In addition
protriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant) were shown sleeping with the head and trunk elevated to a 30°
to reduce the number of apneic events by decreasing angle reduces OSAS as it stabilizes the upper airway
the amount of REM sleep and increasing hypo- [30]. Modification of body position during sleep
glossal nerve activity [25]. Whereas apneas were should be considered in appropriate patients.
reduced in frequency, the total number of sleep and No discussion of the management of OSAHS is
breathing events remained abnormal. Pharmaco- complete without addressing obesity. The effect of
logical agents studied and shown not to be of benefit obesity on the upper airway appears to be the result of
in treatment include progesterone, tryptophan, and mechanical effects on the upper airway (the pharyn-
baclofen [26,27]. geal dilator muscles are unable to work efficiently
with increased load) and increased upper airway
resistance. Studies have confirmed that weight reduc-
Use of supplemental oxygen, position restriction, tion can ameliorate sleep-disordered breathing. It
and role of weight loss appears that the degree of improvement is not linearly
related to the amount of weight lost [31]. In fact, it
Other forms of medical treatment for OSAHS that appears that there must be a critical amount of weight
have been studied include supplemental oxygen. lost before there can be seen any significant improve-
Oxygen alone is not sufficiently effective in reducing ment in sleep-disordered breathing. Obese patients
the frequency of apnea or improving daytime alert- should always be encouraged to lose weight, but
ness to be a therapeutic option [28]. Oxygen, how- obstructive breathing must be treated while the weight
ever, may have a role as an adjunct to positive airway loss is underway.
pressure in patients who remain hypoxic after cor-
rection of upper airway obstruction. Ongoing studies
need to be completed in order to better understand Use of nasal continuous positive airway pressure
the amount of desaturation that necessitates addition
of oxygen. In part because of the lack of a pharmacological
Restriction of sleeping position may offer signifi- treatment for OSAHS, nasal continuous positive air-
cant benefit to some patients with OSAHS. Labora- way pressure (CPAP) is the most established therapy
tory analysis routinely breaks down the presence of choice. First used in Australia in 1981, its use in
sleep-disordered breathing in both the supine as well America became more widespread in l985 [32]. Nasal
as the nonsupine positions. The supine position, with CPAP can best be conceptualized as a pneumatic
resultant occlusion of upper airway based on effects splint that prevents collapse of the pharyngeal airway.
of gravity on the tongue, can result in apneic or hy- CPAP successfully eliminates mixed and obstructive
popneic events. For the oral surgeon, the effect of apneas [33]. Titration of the pressure to levels suffi-
positional changes on upper airway volume can most cient to eliminate not only the obstruction, but snoring
easily be assessed clinically through the use of both and snore-arousals as well, can be difficult even for
acoustic pharyngometry, as well as with fiberoptic veteran sleep technicians.
nasopharyngoscopy. In many cases, slight cervical Adjusting to nasal CPAP can be trying, as patients
extension of the neck while in the supine position adapt both to the mask and to the pressure cessation,
may affect volumetric expansion of the upper airway. as well as the headgear holding the mask in place.
In this manner, cervical pillows, which allow one to Instructional videos, review of goals of treatment, and
sleep with slight extension of the head (while in the time in the laboratory adjusting to the device can ease
supine position), can be of benefit (one such pillow transition to use. Studies confirm the value of patient
has shown some merit in minimizing apneic events in education programs to successful CPAP use and
patients with mild OSA). But expecting a patient to improved compliance [34].
maintain a substantial degree of uncomfortable cer- Nasal CPAP titration has as its goal the elimina-
vical extension consistently during supine REM sleep tion of respiratory related arousals in all sleep stages
is unrealistic. It is more likely, however, that obese pa- and positions. Once correct pressure is achieved, the
tients will have OSAS regardless of their position number of arousals triggered by the sleep-disordered
during sleep [29]. For some patients, sleep and breath- breathing should be markedly reduced. This leads to a
ing is satisfactory in the lateral position with main- ‘‘rebound’’ of slow wave and REM sleep [35].
300 K.E. Moore, M.S. Esther / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 14 (2002) 297–304

Snoring should be eliminated because it is a sign of vasodilatation of turbinate tissues triggered by muco-
inadequate CPAP pressure. It is apparent that higher sal receptors, or septal deviation and fixed obstruc-
CPAP pressures are generally needed when the pa- tion. Efforts to increase nasal patency include the use
tient is supine or in REM sleep. Successful titration in of topical steroids, humidification, and topical anti-
REM sleep in the supine position, the most vulner- histamine sprays. In some patients, correction of
able combination of stage and position for obstructive septal deviation (via septoplasty), or enlarged turbi-
breathing, is the goal. nates (via either radiofrequency, volumetric tissue re-
Of course, additional factors may have an impact duction, or more traditional surgical turbinectomy)
on CPAP pressures. Alcohol, for example, with its may be necessary before success with CPAP is ob-
known neuromuscular effects, would be expected to tained. Patients with persistent nasal congestion may
result in the need for an increase in CPAP pressure, as respond to Passover humidifiers attached to CPAP. A
would weight gain [36]. If patients have persistent recent study found that among patients with previous
sleepiness after treatment of their sleep-disordered uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, those using drying med-
breathing, then review of their sleep history is rec- ications, as well as those over age 60, were more
ommended. Patients may be suffering from a second, likely to develop nasopharyngeal dryness. Heated
primary sleep disorder such as narcolepsy. Hyper- humidification added to CPAP improved the daily
somnolence would need to be assessed with a repeat use rate in this group of patients [40].
evaluation in the laboratory, with CPAP in place to Nasal CPAP is effective only when the device is
confirm treatment of sleep-disordered breathing, fol- used, and used consistently. Studies indicate that
lowed by a Multiple Sleep Latency Test to evaluate even one night off CPAP can lead to the return of
daytime fatigue. pathologic hypersomnolence [41]. But it is also true
Problems related to nasal CPAP include mask that patients can achieve some benefit from a partial
discomfort, nasal congestion, and social considera- night’s use. Early studies reporting on patient com-
tions (including bed partner tolerance of the device) pliance with nasal CPAP were based purely on
and chest discomfort and claustrophobia. The com- subjective patient reporting; these studies suggested
fort of the CPAP mask is critical, and careful fitting of a relatively high rate of CPAP compliance. Later stud-
the mask is crucial to successful treatment. In our ies, done with the use of covert patient monitoring,
laboratory, technicians spend much time helping the revealed a much lower compliance rate (these studies
patient choose an appropriate mask. Claustrophobic are generally felt to be a more accurate reflection of
patients, or those who have beards or mustaches are true nasal CPAP compliance). With new CPAP
otherwise difficult to fit, are encouraged to come by devices allowing for monitoring of patterns of use,
the laboratory prior to their study to have additional more information for further study will soon be
time for choosing an interface system. If a mask does forthcoming. Even data on acceptance of CPAP when
not fit properly, there is an audible leak of air and attempted in a laboratory setting can be confusing.
resultant insufficient pressure and ineffective treat- Some studies have reported acceptance rates (agree-
ment. The patient may not be tightening the headgear ment to use CPAP at home) of 80%, whereas others
sufficiently at home, whereas in the laboratory the are as low as 58% [42,43]. It does appear that pa-
mask was applied properly. If the air is leaking tients’ perception of improvement, not the severity of
toward the eye, then conjunctivitis may result [37]. the obstructive breathing itself, is the most predictive
If the headband or headgear securing the CPAP is too measure of compliance [44]. Equally evident is the
snug, the increased tension may cause ulceration of fact that patients overestimate their CPAP use [45]. It
the skin around the bridge of the nose. Nasal prongs appears that about half of patients will be consistent
or pillows alleviate some problems regarding com- users of CPAP, and Weaver et al showed that, by as
fort, but these can irritate the nares as well. Patients early as day 4 of treatment, nonusers could be sepa-
with claustrophobia may need time in the laboratory rated from nightly users [46]. Follow-up early after
for desensitization and graduated exposure in order to starting CPAP is important to help patients adjust to
be able to tolerate CPAP. CPAP and to address initial difficulties.
Persistent nasal congestion is seen in more than Studies do demonstrate that hypersomnolence
10% of patients on CPAP even after six months of prior to treatment is predictive of good compliance.
treatment [38]. It has been found that the relative Of course, this makes common sense, as the patient’s
humidity of air inhaled through CPAP is 20% lower response to CPAP would be positive reinforcement
than relative humidity of room air [39]. The postu- for continued usage. In fact, one recent study by
lated causes of nasal congestion include unmasking Barbe et al found that in patients with significant
of allergic rhinitis (particularly in mouth breathers); OSAHS but with no subjective sleepiness CPAP
K.E. Moore, M.S. Esther / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 14 (2002) 297–304 301

offered no improvement in cognitive function, quality acceptance rate of BiPAP is higher [53]. If patients
of life, or arterial blood pressure [47]. This article does are more likely to accept the treatment initially, use
not, however, take into account such factors as effect will be increased overall.
on bed partner’s sleep, nor does it include objective
measurement of sleepiness. When, then, should pa-
tients be treated? Again, careful clinical assessment is Autotitrating CPAP
required, taking into account not only hypersomno-
lence and its associated risk for vehicular or industrial Currently available, and being ever more fine-
accidents, but also social factors such as unacceptable tuned, are CPAP devices that detect changes in flow
levels of snoring and potentially reduced cardiovas- and automatically adjust the pressure. These devices
cular risk factors [48]. can detect changes in upper airway resistance (such as
When CPAP is not tolerated, it is important first to can be seen after alcohol use) and make the necessary
determine the specific cause for the discontinued use. pressure adjustments. Several methodological prob-
A complete upper airway examination, looking for lems with autotitrating devices have been found,
structural abnormalities, should be performed. Kribb however. The devices appear to be confused by leaks
et al have demonstrated that only 46% of patients about the cap mask, with resultant over pressure of
were able to use CPAP for 4 hours each night at least CPAP as the device tries to compensate [54]. The
70% of the time [49]. Clearly, such objective meas- devices appear to have a median pressure of 70 – 80%
ures indicate that CPAP compliance is less than of peak ‘‘auto set’’ as compared with manual pressure.
optimal [50]. For most patients, though changes in position and
sleep stage may require minor changes in CPAP
pressure, these changes are insignificant and auto
PAP offers little advantage. Additionally, auto PAP
Bilevel positive airway pressure does not offer an advantage to patients with nasal
congestion [54]. Further investigations are underway
Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) devices to establish guidelines on when use of auto PAP may
have the capability to allow for a separate pressure for be beneficial.
inspiration and expiration. It has been shown that
patients with OSA need a lower expiratory pressure
than that needed to prevent upper airway occlusion Alternative interface systems
during inspiration [48]. As would be expected, the
continuous pressure level of CPAP and the inspir- Recent innovations (combining oral appliance tech-
atory pressure of BiPAP for a given patient would be nologies with CPAP or BiPAP designs) are intended
the same. This makes intuitive sense, as identical lev- to minimize the inherent problems associated with
els would be needed to maintain inspiratory potency. nasal CPAP interfaces, troublesome headgear, and
Sanders et al found that a reduction in expiratory patient claustrophobia.
pressure could be achieved, with mean expiratory CPAP Pro1 is a nasal CPAP interface, which
pressures being 37% lower than inspiratory pressures utilizes a maxillary dental mouthpiece to hold a
[51]. BiPAP can be delivered in three ways: (1) specially designed connector (this connector supports
through a spontaneous, or patient-triggered mode, the tubing that attaches to nasal pillows). If properly
(2) through a spontaneous/timed mode, or (3) a timed fitted and oriented, this appliance has the potential to
mode alone. Only the spontaneous mode is usually eliminate headgear completely. This appliance is
indicated for OSA; the spontaneous/timed mode can currently being offered with a quick-setting gel poly-
be used in patients with significant neuromuscular mer (so that the patient can make his or her own
disease, whereas the timed mode allows BiPAP to maxillary tray), or, as a professional kit, so that a
function as a controlled ventilator. BiPAP, because of more permanent and durable oral appliance can be
its increased cost as compared with CPAP, is reserved fitted and placed by the dentist. This appliance can
for those patients who are intolerant of CPAP or who also be combined with an oral appliance (such as a
would benefit from lower expiratory pressures. Pa- Klearway1 or Herbst1 appliance) that affects man-
tients experiencing chest wall discomfort, or those dibular advancement/ protrusion. The main benefit
sensing difficulty in exhaling against pressure or a for their combined use with CPAP Pro is in their
smothering sensation, may benefit from BiPAP [52]. ability to maintain closure of the mandible, and to
Studies have demonstrated a similar long-term com- prevent oral leakage of the positive pressure ventila-
pliance rate for CPAP and BiPAP, though the initial tion. It is debatable whether the effect of mandibular
302 K.E. Moore, M.S. Esther / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 14 (2002) 297–304

protrusion will be of dramatic benefit (with this and wakefulness, as well as review of polysomno-
combined appliance) so as to lower the pressures graphic data. Treatment then focuses on nasal CPAP
required for elimination of obstructive upper airway as the most widely accepted therapeutic option. CPAP
pathology because ventilation through the relatively is not always well tolerated, however; suboptimal
high-resistance nasal airway is still required. compliance and complications often lead to its discon-
Oral Positive Airway Pressure (or OPAP1) has tinuation. Optimizing CPAP treatment may require
recently received FDA approval as an alternative in- changes in the mask style or switching to BiPAP
terface system for patients requiring positive pressure (particularly for patients with hypoventilation or re-
ventilation. This custom-fitted oral appliance is de- fractory nasal congestion). The interface system may
signed to connect directly with the CPAP tubing, need to be changed entirely, as with OPAP1, in order
permitting oral positive pressure ventilation while for a patient to tolerate CPAP. More conservative
bypassing the nasal airway. This one-piece appliance treatment approaches include weight loss, position re-
is also designed to permit fixed-position mandibular striction, and oral appliances, effective options for
advancement, thereby potentially affecting expansion patients with largely positional or only mild breathing
of the tongue-base region of the upper airway. In this obstruction. These options must be thoroughly inves-
case, one possible advantage to this design, because tigated prior to initiating a course of irreversible surgi-
of the forward mandibular posturing, is the potential cal therapy. Pharmacological options have as yet been
for lower required airway pressures for adequate of no benefit.
ventilation and elimination of OSA, as the high- Obviously, future investigations must be directed
resistance nasal airway is bypassed. Potential prob- toward better diagnostic tools for assessment of sleep
lems with this system, however, include those apnea, especially as it relates to distortion of the
patients who have undergone previous uvulopalato- upper airway when patients are in the supine position
pharyngoplasty- with the potential for nasal venting, during sleep. It is hoped that newer treatments,
as well as the drying effect on the oral cavity and offering improvement in overall tolerance and com-
pharyngeal airway. pliance, will derive from these efforts.
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