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News Summary Do the people of Egypt not deserve the right to self determination?
China restricts reports CAIRO -- Supporters of President
on Egypt protests Hosni Mubarak charged into Cai-
The protests in Egypt are about ro’s central square on horses and
free elections and overthrowing a camels brandishing whips while
longtime dictator? Not according others rained firebombs from roof-
to China’s state media, which is tops in what appeared to be an or-
painting them as the kind of cha- chestrated assault against protesters
os that comes with Western-style trying to topple Egypt’s leader of 30
democracy. Page 2 years. Three people died and 600
were injured.
Jordan’s Islamists say The protesters accused Mubarak’s
new PM must step down regime of unleashing a force of paid
Jordan’s powerful Muslim op- thugs and plainclothes police to
position on Wednesday urged crush their unprecedented 9-day-old
the country’s newly appointed movement, a day after the 82-year-
prime minister to step down, call- old president refused to step down.
ing him the wrong person to in- They showed off police ID badges
troduce democratic reforms and they said were wrested from their
tackle deepening poverty and un- attackers. Some government work-
employment. Page 2 ers said their employers ordered
them into the streets.
Mustafa el-Fiqqi, a top official
Israeli PM says Iran from the ruling National Democrat-
would like ‘another Gaza’ ic Party, told The Associated Press
in Egypt
that businessmen connected to the
Israel’s prime minister on
ruling party were responsible for
Wednesday said Iran wants to
what happened.
take advantage of the chaos in
The notion that the state may have
Egypt to create “another Gaza”
coordinated violence against pro-
there, run by Islamic fundamen-
testers, who had kept a peaceful country, stubbornly proclaiming he to depict the movement as foreign- looting and lawlessness and the es- “The army is neglectful. They let
talists. Page 2
vigil in Tahrir Square for five days, would die on Egyptian soil. fueled. cape of thousands of prisoners from them in,” said Emad Nafa, a 52-year-
prompted a sharp rebuke from the His words were a blow to the pro- After midnight, 10 hours after the jails in the chaos. old among the protesters, who for
Relief as Australia mops Obama administration. testers. They also suggest that au- clashes began, the two sides were Soldiers surrounding Tahrir Square days had showered the military with
up from giant cyclone “If any of the violence is instigated thorities want to turn back the clock locked in a standoff at a street cor- fired occasional shots in the air affection for its neutral stance.
Australians voiced relief and by the government, it should stop to the tight state control enforced ner, with the anti-Mubarak protest- throughout the day but did not ap- Egyptian Health Minister Ahmed
surprise after one of the world’s immediately,” said White House before the protests began. ers hunkered behind a line of metal pear to otherwise intervene in the Sameh Farid said three people died
most powerful cyclones spared Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Mubarak’s supporters turned up on sheets hurling firebombs back and fierce clashes and no uniformed po- and at least 611 were injured in Ta-
the nation’s northeast coast from The clashes marked a dangerous the streets Wednesday in significant forth with government backers on lice were seen. Most of the troops hir Square. One of those killed fell
expected devastation on Thurs- new phase in Egypt’s upheaval: the numbers for the first time. Some the rooftop above. The rain of bot- took shelter behind or inside the ar- from a bridge near the square; Farid
day, with no reported deaths de- first significant violence between were hostile to journalists and for- tles of flaming gasoline set nearby mored vehicles and tanks stationed said the man was in civilian clothes
spite winds tearing off roofs and government supporters and oppo- eigners. Two Associated Press cor- cars and wreckage on the sidewalk at the entrances to the square. but may have been a member of the
toppling trees. Page 2 nents. The crisis took a sharp turn respondents and several other jour- ablaze. “Why don’t you protect us?” some security forces.
for the worse almost immediately nalists were roughed up in Cairo. The scenes of mayhem were cer- protesters shouted at the soldiers,
Journalists attacked after Mubarak rejected the calls for State TV had reported that foreign- tain to add to the fear that is already who replied they did not have or- By HADEEL AL-SHALCHI
and detained in Egypt him to give up power or leave the ers were caught distributing anti- running high in this capital of 18 ders to do so and told people to go (Associated Press)
In multiple incidents, journal- Mubarak leaflets, apparently trying million people after a weekend of home.

China says
ists covering Egypt’s unrest were
pummeled, hit with pepper spray,
shouted at and threatened by loy-
alists to President Hosni Mubarak
as the scene at anti-government

Fed easing
demonstrations suddenly turned
ugly. Page 2

Gang gunbattles, street

blockades in MexicoNo-

Suspected drug cartel gunmen
hurled grenades, burned
vehicles and blocked streets in a
rapid series of attacks in Mexi-
co’s second-largest city! Page 2

& dangerous
Yemeni president
signals he won’t stay
beyond 2013
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah
Saleh, eyeing protests that threat-

Heavy gunfire rings

en to topple Egypt’s long-serving
president, indicated on Wednes- Quantitative easing by the Fed- cy depreciation,” the Chinese cen-
day he would leave office when eral Reserve and other central tral bank said in its 59-page report.
his term ends in 2013. Page 2 banks cannot address fundamen- “It is creating imported inflation and
tal economic problems but may short-term capital inflows, pressur-

out in Cairo protest

lead to excessive global liquidity ing emerging markets,” it said.
S Korean crew recount
beatings by Somali and competitive currency depre- As a result, China needed to work
pirates ciation, China’s central bank said hard to soak up liquidity from for-
South Korean sailors held captive on Sunday. eign exchange inflows in order to
by Somali pirates for a week said In its monetary policy report for minimize the impact on the domes-
they were frequently beaten and the final quarter of 2010, the Peo- tic economy, it added.
ple’s Bank of China (PBOC) also The central bank reiterated that it CAIRO (AP) -- Bursts of heavy dead protesters being carried to- ing whips while others rained fire-
their lives were repeatedly threat-
confirmed that it would target 16 would keep the yuan basically sta- gunfire rained into Cairo’s Tahrir ward an ambulance. He said the bombs from rooftops in what ap-
ened before South Korean com-
percent growth of the broad M2 ble while making the exchange rate Square before dawn Thursday, kill- gunfire came from at least three lo- peared to be an orchestrated assault
mandos rescued them, a news re-
measure of money supply this year, regime more flexible. ing at least three anti-government cations off in the distance and that against protesters trying to topple
port said Wednesday. Page 2
down from the 19.9 pct growth re- The central bank said it would demonstrators among crowds still the Egyptian military, which has Egypt’s leader of 30 years. Three
corded at the end of 2010. continue to use different tools, in- trying to hold the site after an as- ringed the square with tank squads people died in that earlier violence
Republicans lose vote The central bank said the Fed’s cluding interest rates, bank reserve sault by supporters of President for days to try to keep some order, and 600 were injured.
on health law Hosni Mubarak, according to a pro- did not intervene. Bloodied young men staggered or
monetary easing was pushing up requirements and open-market op-
A Republican drive to repeal the test organizer. Footage from AP Television News were carried into makeshift clinics
international commodity prices and erations, to rein in money supply
year-old health care law ended Sustained bursts of automatic showed two bodies being dragged set up in mosques and alleyways by
asset prices in emerging markets, and bank credit growth as a way of
in party-line defeat in the Senate weapons fire and powerful single from the scene. The health minister the anti-government side.
including China. handling inflationary pressure.
on, leaving the Supreme Court to shots rattled into the square starting did not answer a phone call seeking
“Quantitative easing policy cannot
render a final verdict on the issue. at around 4 a.m., and was continu- confirmation of the deaths. By HADEEL AL-SHALCHI,
fundamentally address economic
The vote was 47-51. Page 3 ing more than an hour later. Throughout Wednesday, Mubarak (Associated Press) Edited by Edgar
problems, and it may cause exces- Reporting by Zhou Xin and Michael
sive liquidity on a global scale as Martina; Editing by Simon Rabino- Protest organizer Mustafa el-Nag- supporters charged into the square Tenenbaum.
well as risks of competitive curren- vitch (Reuters) gar said he saw the bodies of three on horses and camels brandish-

China restricts reports on Egypt protests Israeli PM

says Iran
would like
BEIJING -- The protests in Egypt Thursday saying Egyptian President Tunisian protests to justify their U.S. “This is exactly what happens ing several chartered planes to res-
are about free elections and over- Hosni Mubarak would not stand for staying in power. when sovereign governments sup cue hundreds of stranded Chinese.
throwing a longtime dictator? Not re-election. In some countries, including Sau- with the devil,” the state-run Daily Online, searching for the term
according to China’s state media,
which is painting them as the kind
While there is little chance the pro-
tests could spark demonstrations in
di Arabia, Equatorial Guinea and
North Korea, the media strategy
Mail said.
But Zimbabweans can still clus-
“Egypt” on microblogging sites,
which draw millions of users, brings ‘another Gaza’
of chaos that comes with Western-
style democracy.
The recent uprisings in Egypt and
China, the extent to which the long-
ruling Communist Party is censor-
ing the story underscores how wary
seems to be to ignore the protests,
with little or no coverage. Others
have used the media to reinforce
ter around TVs in sports clubs and
bars, which have been switched
from the usual sports programs to
up the message: “According to rel-
evant laws, regulations and policies,
the search results are not shown.”
in Egypt
Tunisia are no doubt giving pause to it is of any potential source of un- their message. blanket coverage of the protests on Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong JERUSALEM -- Israel’s prime
many authoritarian regimes around rest that might threaten its hold on State-controlled television in the Al-Jazeera and other satellite news Lei gave the government’s routine minister on Wednesday said Iran
the world, but nowhere else appears power. Ivory Coast has shown looting in channels. denial of online censorship Tuesday, wants to take advantage of the cha-
to be as determined to control the “Of course, the government Tunisia, explaining that is the cost of Not so in China, where CNN and saying: “China’s Internet is open.” os in Egypt to create “another Gaza”
message as China. doesn’t want to see more comments the country’s leader stepping down. BBC are not widely available, and there, run by Islamic fundamental-
Chinese censors have blocked the on (the protests), because stability The unstated context: the Ivorian many are getting only the govern- ists.
ability to search the term “Egypt” is what they want,” said Zhan Jian, president is refusing to leave office ment version of events. By Tini Tran., Lova Soarabary in Speaking before the Israeli par-
on microblogging sites, and user a professor with the Media Depart- two months after losing an election. Those accounts have focused on Antananarivo, Madagascar; Ruk- liament, Benjamin Netanyahu said
comments that draw parallels to ment at the China Youth University In Zimbabwe, media loyal to long- the chaos and ignored protester mini Callimachi in Abidjan, Ivory he expects any new government in
China have been deleted from Inter- for Political Sciences. time President Robert Mugabe have complaints about autocracy and Coast; and Angus Shaw in Harare, Egypt to honor its three-decade-
net forums. The People’s Daily, the Elsewhere, authoritarian leaders portrayed the protests as anti-impe- corruption, both sensitive topics in Zimbabwe, contributed to this re- long peace agreement with Israel.
flagship newspaper of the Commu- from Madagascar to Iran have put rialist, an uprising against Egypt’s China. The reports have also high- port. (Associated Press) Edited by But he warned that Islamic groups
nist Party, carried only a short report their own spin on the Egyptian and leader because he is close to the lighted the government’s dispatch- Y. Isacov. have already taken over by demo-
cratic means in Iran, Lebanon and

“Is there freedom in Iran? Is there
democracy in Gaza? Does Hez-
bollah promote human rights?” he

Islamists say
asked. “They (Iranians) want an
Egypt that goes back to the Middle
Ages. They want Egypt to turn into
another Gaza, that will be run by
radical forces that are against ev-

new PM must
erything we want, everything the
democratic world stands for.”
He did not say how Iran would do

step down
After initially keeping a low pro-
file over the unrest, Netanyahu has
in recent days been warning of
the dangers posed by instability in
Egypt became the first Arab nation
to sign a peace accord with Israel
AMMAN, Jordan – Jordan’s power- former army general and ex-intel- in 1979 and has strictly honored it.
ful Muslim opposition on Wednes- ligence official. He doesn’t believe Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
day urged the country’s newly in democracy,” Mansour told The has close ties to Israeli leaders and
appointed prime minister to step Associated Press. Instead, he said has acted as a bridge between Israel
down, calling him the wrong person the country needs “a national fig- and the Palestinians to the broader
to introduce democratic reforms ure who can tackle Jordan’s serious Arab world.
and tackle deepening poverty and economic and political crisis.” The anti-government protests, led
unemployment. Jordan is grappling with a soar- by secular Egyptian activists, forced
Also, Jordan’s King Abdullah II ing foreign debt estimated at $15 Mubarak to announce he will not
made a surprise visit to an impov- billion, an inflation rate which has seek re-election.
erished northern village. It was his swelled by 1.5 percent to 6.1 per- Netanyahu said that a more demo-
first such trip since the unrest broke cent in December and high unem- cratic Egypt would not pose a threat
out in neighboring Egypt, and ap- ployment and poverty rates — set at to Israel. He called on the inter-
peared to be an attempt to defuse 12 and 25 percent respectively. national community to insist that
popular anger over the country’s Mansour also criticized al-Bakhit whoever takes over power in Egypt
troubles and portray himself as a for signing off on Jordan’s first ca- greater say in politics. goes against their calls for greater Minister Samir Rifai. remains committed to peace with
caring leader. sino, which the Brotherhood strong- Al-Bakhit, 63, is a former ambas- democratic freedoms. Al-Bakhit is State television showed Abdullah Israel.
On Tuesday, Abdullah named Ma- ly opposed on the grounds that it sador to Israel who supports strong an ex-army major general who also shaking hands with jubilant men
rouf al-Bakhit prime minister, bow- violated Islamic principles and en- ties with the U.S. and Jordan’s peace served as the chief of Jordan’s Na- and children as women ululated. By ARON HELLER (AP). Edited
ing to public pressure from protests couraged vice. The project was later treaty with Israel — policies which tional Security Agency in the last Mobs surrounded the monarch as by Mark Davis.
inspired by those in Egypt against canceled. the Brotherhood and the leftists op- decade. He is credited with main- he walked through the village une-
President Hosni Mubarak. On Tuesday, King Abdullah, fac- pose. The fundamentalist Brother- taining Jordan’s stability following scorted. In one clip, Abdullah was
hood advocates the introduction of the 2005 triple attacks on hotels in

Relief as
Hamza Mansour, a leader of the ing public pressure inspired by the shown sitting on a floor mattress,
opposition Muslim Brotherhood’s revolt in Tunisia and Egypt, sacked strict Islamic sharia law, close rela- Amman, claimed by al-Qaida in taking notes of people’s grievances,
political wing, rejected al-Bakhit’s his government and named al-Bakh- tions with Muslim nations and Is- Iraq. At a small protest Wednesday which included improved sewage
nomination, saying he “is not the
right person for the job.”
it as prime minister, ordering him to
move quickly to boost economic
rael’s destruction.
Many Jordanians see al-Bakhit as
near al-Bakhit’s office, leftist activ-
ist Hadi Khitan said al-Bakhit was
and roads.
mops up from
“Al-Bakhit is a security man, a opportunities and give Jordanians a a tough enforcer of security, which no different from deposed Prime By Dale Gavlak (AP)

Journalists attacked giant cyclone

NNISFAIL, Australia (Reuters) –

and detained in Egypt

Australians voiced relief and sur-
prise after one of the world’s most
powerful cyclones spared the na-
tion’s northeast coast from expected
devastation on Thursday, with no
reported deaths despite winds tear-
NEW YORK -- In multiple inci- tian military to provide protection sad tradition,” she said. ing off roofs and toppling trees.
dents, journalists covering Egypt’s for reporters. CNN’s Anderson Cooper said he, Cyclone Yasi, roughly the size of
unrest were pummeled, hit with Veteran international correspon- a producer and camera operator Italy and packing winds of up to
pepper spray, shouted at and threat- dent Christiane Amanpour, now were set upon by people who be- around 300 km per hour (186 miles
ened by loyalists to President Hosni working for ABC News, said she gan punching them and trying to per hour), threatened Australia with
Mubarak as the scene at anti-gov- witnessed Mubarak supporters ar- break their camera. Another CNN its second major natural disaster in
ernment demonstrations suddenly riving at Cairo’s Tahrir Square in reporter, Hala Gorani, said she was as many months this week but ended
turned ugly. what appeared to be coordinated shoved against a fence when dem- up missing heavily populated areas.
In Wednesday’s fighting, security “As soon as one started, it was like “It’s amazing no-one was killed.
“For the first time in the last few fashion in the early afternoon and onstrators rode in on horses and forces did not intervene as thou- blood in the water,” he said. The two
days, we can feel what dictatorship sensed the mood changing. camels, and feared she was going to The wind was howling like a ban-
sands of people hurled stones and men were caught up in a crowd they shee,” said farmer Nathan Fisher,
really means,” said Lara Logan of “The thing about this is you can get trampled. firebombs at each other for hours soon learned were anti-Mubarak
CBS News, who said she was ef- smell it,” she said. “I just wondered “This is incredibly fast-moving,” speaking out the window of his
in and around the capital’s Tahrir demonstrators who were trying to four-wheel-drive vehicle as he re-
fectively trapped in an Alexandria what this was going to bode for the Cooper said. “I’ve been in mobs be- Square. whisk them to safety. The demon-
hotel. day.” fore and I’ve been in riots, but I’ve turned to his property from a shelter
Fox Business Channel’s Ashley strators told them to get away for in the small town of Innisfail.
When a CBS camera crew at- She soon found out. She was trying never had it turn so quickly.” Webster reported that security offi- safety’s sake, and they complied.
tempted to take pictures of violence to interview a Mubarak supporter A journalist for Dubai-based Al- Australia, a vast continent with less
cials burst into a room where he and “It’s a significant news story but at than three people for every square
between pro- and anti-government when she was surrounded by sever- Arabiya television suffered a con- a camera operator were observing the same time you have to protect
crowds, they were marched back to al young men shouting that “we hate cussion, said media watchdog In- km, is one of the few countries
the demonstration from a balcony. yourself,” he said. “You’re not do- where a storm as large and terrify-
their hotel at gunpoint, Logan said. Americans” and “go to hell.” ternational Press Institute, citing They forced the camera inside the ing anybody any good if you end up
The CBS journalists were only al- When it was clear the situation Randa Abul-Azm, the station’s bu- ing as Yasi -- with a diameter of up
room. He called the situation “very in a hospital or worse.” to around 500 km (310 miles) --
lowed to leave without cameras, and wouldn’t improve, Amanpour and reau chief in Cairo. unnerving” and said via Twitter that Al Jazeera kept its camera crews
were watched wherever they went. her ABC colleagues got in a car The attacks appeared to reflect a could simply miss major cities.
he was trying to lay low. away from the square and instead The cyclone came ashore around
Mubarak’s opponents were becom- to leave. The car was surrounded pro-government view that many CBS newsman Mark Strassman relied on reporters of Arab descent
ing afraid to talk to journalists, she by men banging on the sides and media outlets are sympathetic to midnight along hundreds of km of
said he and a camera operator were who had flip cameras and tried to coast in Queensland state and then
said. windows, and a rock was thrown protesters who want Mubarak to attacked as they attempted to get do their work by blending in with
Several reporters told similar sto- through the windshield, shattering quit now rather than complete his drove inland, bringing heavy rains
close to the rock-throwing and take the crowd, said Al Anstey, the net- to mining areas struggling to recov-
ries of what the Committee to Pro- glass on the occupants. They es- term. On Tuesday night, Mubarak pictures. The camera operator, who work’s managing director.
tect Journalists described as a se- caped without injury. pledged not to run in elections later er from recent devastating floods.
he would not name, was punched
ries of deliberate attacks. The New Blaming the press when things are this year, and the army urged people repeatedly and hit in the face with By David Bauderand Chris Torchia
York-based CPJ called on the Egyp- going bad is a “time-honored and to cease demonstrating. By Rob Taylor (Reuters)
Mace. (AP)

Gang gunbattles, street blockades in Mexico

Suspected drug with the police for several blocks
before they holed up in a drug store.

cartel gunmen
Another gunfight ensued before the
suspects were captured. Police did
not say how many were taken into

hurled gre- custody.

Earlier Tuesday, assailants hurled

nades, burned a grenade at a municipal police

checkpoint in Monterrey, but the of-

vehicles and
ficers were able to get out of their
patrol car before it exploded. It was
the third time a grenade has been

blocked streets thrown at checkpoints in Monterrey

since they were set up last month.

in a rapid se-
The checkpoints are meant to mon-
itor suspicious activity and combat
vehicle theft, but have become easy
ries of attacks targets for the cartels.
In a separate Monterrey suburb

in Mexico’s Tuesday, three suspected drug gang

gunmen were killed in a shootout

with federal police, said police com-
mander Manuel Jesus Uco Limon.
January was the bloodiest month

city! of drug violence in recent history in

Monterrey. According to public se-
curity office figures, more than 120
GUADALAJARA, Mexico -- The people were killed as a result of or-
seven attacks within two hours late ganized crime, including 21 police
Tuesday appear to have been coor- officers.
dinated, and were staged by drug In Zacatecas on Tuesday, gunmen
gangs, possibly in retaliation for the opened fire on state police officers
arrests of their members, said Fer- who had arrived after receiving a tip
nando Guzman Perez, interior sec- that armed men were parked outside
retary of Jalisco state, where the city an office-supply store, the govern-
of Guadalajara is located. A police- ment of Zacatecas state said in a
man and two transportation workers statement Wednesday.
were injured in the attacks. Two bystanders, a man and a
“This is an orchestrated attack by boy, suffered non-life-threatening
criminal forces,” Guzman Perez wounds in the gunbattle, the state-
said. “There have been arrests ... of ment said. As in Monterrey, the as-
juring transportation workers who day, gunmen fired upon a group on Tuesday left a federal police of- hurled a grenade at a police check-
people linked to these cells of or- sailants hijacked vehicles and used
tried to resist, he said. of Mexican marines who were re- ficer and three suspected cartel gun- point that caused a patrol car to ex-
ganized crime, and perhaps it was them to block streets to aid their
Other attacks took place Tuesday sponding to reports of illicit activity men dead and three police officers plode.
because of those detentions that at- escape. Two suspects were arrested.
and Wednesday in the northern cit- at an apartment complex, the Mexi- injured, said Jorge Domene, public In one of the assaults, gunmen
tacks over the past few hours broke
ies of Zacatecas and Monterrey, can navy said in a statement. security spokesman for the state of driving a black sport utility vehicle
Mexico’s third-largest city, resulting The marines returned fire, killing Nuevo Leon, where Monterrey is opened fire on police officers in a
Assailants hurled a grenade at a
in several deaths. four suspected gunmen, the navy located. patrol car in the suburb of Monterrey By Arturo Perez (AP). Edited by
police station and burned a bus and
In the wealthy Monterrey suburb of said. The cartel members erected road- Apodaca, killing one and wound- Edgar Tenenbaum
commuter trains to block streets, in-
San Pedro Garza Garcia on Wednes- A series of attacks in Monterrey blocks to aid their escape, and ing three. Assailants exchanged fire

Yemeni S Korean crew recount

beatings by Somali pirates
president SEOUL, South Korea -- South Ko-
rean sailors held captive by Somali
pirates for a week said they were fre-
ern city of Busan.
Coast guard spokesman Eum Jin-
kyung confirmed the sailors were

signals he
quently beaten and their lives were being questioned about their treat-
repeatedly threatened before South ment but said he couldn’t confirm
Korean commandos rescued them, a the reported beating.
news report said Wednesday. The published report came a day
Such abuse - and even torture - is after Maj. Gen. Buster Howes told

won’t stay
being systematically perpetrated by The Associated Press that Somali
Somali pirates on their hostages, ac- pirates have begun systematically
cording to the top commander of the using hostages as human shields
European Union Naval Force. and torturing them.
Seven South Korean sailors from Howes said that pirates have re-

beyond 2013
the cargo ship hijacked in the Ara- cently tied hostages upside down
bian Sea on Jan. 15 returned home and dragged them in the sea, locked
Wednesday. The crew have been them in freezers, beaten them and
largely kept away from the media used plastic ties around their geni-
while investigators interview them, tals.
but a few recounted their ordeal to During last month’s raid, South
the Yonhap news agency. Korean commandos killed eight pi-
One sailor said he lost several rates and captured five. None of the
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah rally by the opposition, dubbed a “What they are doing in Yemen is steps. As for our plan for a rally to- teeth when a captor beat him. crew members was injured in the
Saleh, eyeing protests that threaten “Day of Rage” and seen as a ba- trying to not have what happened in morrow, the plan stands and it will “Pirates trampled and beat me raid except for the captain, who was
to topple Egypt’s long-serving pres- rometer of the size and strength of Egypt.” be organized and orderly,” said Mo- whenever I talked with my captain,” shot in the stomach by a pirate. The
ident, indicated on Wednesday he the Yemeni people’s will to follow “I don’t know if it will be enough hammed al-Saadi, undersecretary of Kim Du-chan was quoted as say- captain, who was brought to South
would leave office when his term Egyptians and Tunisians in demand- to satisfy people. It may try to heal the Islamist party Islah (reform). ing by Yonhap. “I lost my four front Korea for treatment last week, was
ends in 2013, after three decades in ing a change of government. some of the cleavages between for “This is a peaceful struggle through teeth after being hit by the elbow of regaining consciousness, a hospi-
power. “I call on the opposition to freeze example the southern secessionist which the people can make their one pirate.” tal official said. He asked not to be
Saleh, an important U.S. ally all planned protests, rallies and sit- movement and Sanaa, but is it going voices heard and express their aspi- The pirates frequently beat the identified as he was not authorized
against al Qaeda, pledged not to ins,” Saleh said. “I call on the op- to be enough for everyone?” rations.” captain and other senior crew while to speak to media. The rest of crew
hand the reins of government on to position after this initiative to come The United States relies heavily on Saleh had already offered lesser shouting “kill,” another sailor Choi - two Indonesians and 11 Myanmar
his son and appealed to the opposi- and form a national unity govern- Saleh to help combat al Qaeda’s re- concessions on presidential term Jin-kyung said. citizens - are staying in Oman.
tion to call off protests as a big rally ment in spite of the ruling party ma- gional Yemen-based arm which also limits and pledged to raise civil Yonhap said it obtained the com-
loomed. jority. We will not allow chaos. We targets neighboring Saudi Arabia, servants’ and military salaries by ments while the sailors were outside
“I present these concessions in the will not allow destruction.” the world’s biggest oil exporter. around $47 a month, no small move of an investigation room at a local By Hyung-Jin Kim (AP)
interest of the country. The interests About 5,000 government support- President Barack Obama tele- in a country where about 40 percent coast guard office at the southeast- Edited by Yuri Isacov.
of the country come before our per- ers held a rally in a sports stadium phoned Saleh to express support for of the population lives on less than
sonal interests,” Saleh told parlia- in a suburb of the capital Sanaa on his initiative, the state news agency $2 a day.
ment and members of the military. Wednesday, some carrying signs Saba said. “You have handled the Saleh promised to delay parlia-
“No extension, no inheritance, no that read “No to sabotage, yes to situation well, and I look forward to mentary elections due in April to
resetting the clock,” he said, refer- security and stability” and “Yes to working with you in a good partner- conduct reforms to persuade the
ring to ruling party proposals on unity, no to separatism.” ship between the two countries,” it opposition the vote will be fair. The
term limits seen as designed to en- Yemen, at risk of becoming a failed quoted Obama as saying. delay was not expected to more than
able him to run again. state, is trying to fight a resurgent al Yemen’s biggest opposition party several months.
The move was Saleh’s boldest Qaeda wing, quell southern sepa- welcomed the initiative but said
gambit yet to stave off anti-govern- ratism, cement peace with Shi’ite Thursday’s rally in Sanaa would
ment turmoil spreading in the Arab rebels in the north, all in the face of still go ahead. The rally’s size and By Mohamed Sudam (Reuters). Ad-
world as he tried to avert a show- crushing poverty. One third of Ye- mood will offer the first glimpse of ditional reporting by Mohammed
down with the opposition which menis face chronic hunger. popular reaction to Saleh’s conces- Ghobari in Sanaa, Erika Solomon
might risk drawing people on to the “I think it is very significant,” sions. and Mahmoud Habboush in Dubai;
streets in the poverty-stricken state. Dubai-based security analyst The- “We consider this initiative posi- Writing by Cynthia Johnston; Edit-
He spoke a day before a planned odore Karasik said of the move. tive and we await the next concrete ing by Andrew Dobbie)

Blizzard covers nearly half the USA

CHICAGO -- A fearsome storm spread a smothering
shroud of white over nearly half the nation Wednesday,
size and ferocious strength.
“A storm that produces a swath of 20-inch snow is
the train. It was pretty wild.”
Although skies were beginning to clear by mid-after-
flight cancellations reached 13,000 for the week, mak-
ing this system the most disruptive so far this winter.
snarling transportation from Oklahoma to New Eng- really something we’d see once every 50 years - may- noon over much of the nation’s midsection, the storm A massive post-Christmas blizzard led to about 10,000
land, burying parts of the Midwest under 2 feet of snow be,” National Weather Service meteorologist Thomas promised to leave a blast of bitter cold in its wake. cancellations.
and laying down dangerously heavy ice in the North- Spriggs said. Overnight temperatures in the upper Midwest were ex- In the winter-weary Northeast, thick ice collapsed sev-
east that was too much for some buildings to bear. Across the storm’s path, lonely commuters struggled pected to fall to minus 5 to minus 20, with wind chills eral structures, including a gas station canopy on Long
Tens of millions of people stayed home. The hardy against drifts 3 and 4 feet deep in eerily silent streets, as low as minus 30. Island and an airplane hangar and garages near Boston.
few who ventured out faced howling winds that turned some of which had not seen a plow’s blade since the The system was blamed for the deaths of at least a In at least two places, workers heard the structures be-
snowflakes into face-stinging needles. Chicago’s 20.2 snow started a day earlier. Parkas and ski goggles nor- dozen people, including a homeless man who burned ginning to crack and narrowly escaped.
inches of snow was the city’s third-largest amount on mally reserved for the slopes became essential for get- to death on New York’s Long Island as he tried to light
record. In New York’s Central Park, the pathways re- ting to work. cans of cooking fuel and a woman in Oklahoma City
sembled skating rinks. “This is probably the most snow I’ve seen in the last 34 who was killed while being pulled behind a truck on a
The storm that resulted from two clashing air masses years,” joked 34-year-old Chicagoan Michael George. sled that hit a guard rail. By DON BABWIN and MICHAEL TARM (AP)
was, if not unprecedented, extraordinarily rare for its “I saw some people cross-country skiing on my way to Airport operations slowed to a crawl nationwide, and Edited by Yuri Isacov

Janitor Republicans
shoots lose vote on
school health law
WASHINGTON -- A Re- said. demn judicial activism,”
publican drive to repeal Democrats worked to said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-
the year-old health care minimize any political Ill., who presided. “They
law ended in party-line repercussions, a concern are pushing the Supreme
defeat in the Senate on for a party already acutely Court to strike down this

to death
Wednesday, leaving the aware it must defend 23 law because they could
Supreme Court to render seats - and its shrunken not defeat it in Congress.”
a final, unpredictable ver- Senate majority - in the Republicans were scath-
dict on an issue steeped in 2012 elections. ing in response.
political and constitution- Majority Leader Harry “The sensible process
al controversy. The vote Reid, D-Nev., said the would have been to have .
was 47-51. Republican repeal move- held a hearing on the law’s
Moments earlier, the ment would “take away a constitutionality before
Senate had agreed to child’s right to get health the bill passed, not after,”
A janitor at an elemen- threatened with violence make one relatively minor insurance and instead give said Sen. Chuck Grass-
tary school near Sacra- in the incident, Mari- change in the law, voting insurance companies the ley of Iowa. “Like Alice
mento, California, was nas said, but the shoot- to strip out a paperwork right to use asthma or dia- in Wonderland, sentence
arrested on Wednesday ing prompted a security requirement for business- betes as an excuse to take first, verdict afterward.”
after he shot and killed lockdown at the school es. away that care.” Two federal judges
the school’s principal, a that lasted for at least two President Barack “It would kick kids off have ruled the law is un-
county fire department of- hours. Obama, who has vowed to their parents’ health in- constitutional, partially
ficial said. The circumstances and veto any total repeal of his surance,” Reid said. “It or in its entirety, citing a
The shooting occurred motive for the shooting re- signature legislative ac- would take away seniors’ requirement for individu-
at about 10:30 a.m. local mained unclear, he added. complishment, has said he rights to a free wellness als to purchase coverage
time in an office at the Placerville Police Chief would accept the change. check.” and pay a penalty in taxes
Schnell School in the Si- George Nielsen said the It does not directly affect Democrats also coun- if they fail to do so. Two
erra foothills town of Pla- suspect may have con- health care. tered with the proposed other judges have upheld
cerville, about 20 miles fronted the principal over Republicans conceded repeal of the law’s re- the law.
northeast of the state capi- a perceived grievance, the in advance their attempt quirement that businesses, The controversy has
tal. Sacramento Bee newspa- at total repeal would fall charities, and state and yet to reach the Supreme
The gunman fled the per reported online. short. But they also said local governments file Court, but it is widely
scene on foot to his home, “It’s not really clear they had accomplished an income tax forms every expected to, and Sen.
where he was taken into whether there was a dis- objective of forcing rank time they purchase $600 Bill Nelson, D-Fla., an-
custody by law enforce- pute. It appears there had and file Democrats to take or more in goods. nounced he would file leg-
ment authorities, accord- been a discussion” before a position on an issue that It was approved 81-17, islation urging the justices
ing to El Dorado County the shooting, Nielsen was reverberated in the 2010 after Republicans pointed to act quickly.
Fire Department Battalion quoted as saying. campaign and may play a out it had originally been Under federal law, So-
Chief Larry Marinas. An online notice posted role in 2012. their idea. cial Security benefits are
Placerville police said on the Placerville Union Senate Republican lead- Across the street from generally guaranteed. As
they were holding the School District website er Mitch McConnell said the Capitol, Democrats a result, the provision Sta-
suspect, John Luebbers, said only that at shoot- the vote marked an oppor- convened a Judiciary benow advanced assures
44, on a felony charge of ing had occurred at the tunity for Democrats who Committee hearing to so- merely that no administra-
murder. Schnell School campus voted for the bill last year licit testimony on the con- tive costs can be cut at the
The victim, identified and that all students were “to listen to those who stitutionality of the law agency.
as the school’s principal, safe and under a class- have desperately been try- they passed and Obama
Sam LaCara, was taken to room lockdown. ing to get your attention.” signed months ago. By David Espo (AP Spe-
a nearby hospital, where “To say, yes, maybe my “Many who argue the cial Correspondent) Lau-
he died from a single gun- Writing and additional re- vote for this bill was a Affordable Care Act is rie Kellman contributed to
shot wound to the chest, porting by Steve Gorman; mistake, and that we can unconstitutional are the this report. Edited by Yuri
Marinas said. Editing by Peter Bohan do better,” McConnell same people who con- Isacov.
No one else was hurt or (Reuters).

$77 million awarded to 150 victims

of sexual abuse by Catholic church
Delaware’s Catholic Diocese
of Wilmington settled a lawsuit
Attorney Thomas Neuberger, who
represented 99 of the 146 alleged
selves” how the church dealt with
pedophile priests, attorney John
claims of abuse to be brought re-
gardless of whether the statute of
million dollar settlements between
alleged victims and dioceses across
suits against several parishes could
go forward.
Wednesday with nearly 150 alleged victims, said they would each re- Manly said. limitations had expired. the country have been reached in the On Dec. 1, a Delaware jury award-
victims of sexual abuse, awarding ceive $530,000 on average. Diocese attorney Anthony Flynn The abuse cases created a poten- aftermath. ed $30 million in damages to a man
them more than $77 million, and Lawyers for the victims called the said church officials were pleased tial liability that drove the diocese The Wilmington Diocese covers who claimed he was abused by a
the church agreed to fully disclose release of unredacted documents a with the settlement. to seek Chapter 11 bankruptcy pro- Delaware and the Eastern Shore of priest - a verdict that was exception-
documents relating to the abuse. historic step toward making sure it “It’s been a long struggle, but tection in 2009. At the time, it was Maryland and serves about 230,000 al for both the amount and for find-
The lawsuits claimed child sexual doesn’t happen again and promised we’ve finally reached agreement,” the seventh U.S. diocese to file for Catholics. ing the local parish liable, not just
abuse by dozens of diocesan and to put them on the Internet. he said. bankruptcy since allegations erupt- The bankruptcy filing had delayed the diocese.
religious order priests dating to the “When people see the documents, Delaware law created a two-year ed years earlier against Catholic some trials, but Judge Christopher
early 1960s. they will be able to judge for them- “lookback” window that allowed clergy in Boston. Numerous multi- Sontchi ruled in August that law- By Kasey Jones (Reuters)

Opinion: A mockery of a sham Food prices

hit record
Back in October of 2009, rized in a speech I gave in dissenting opinion, three popular as a direct result pitiful returns, investors Neither Democrats nor
when Congress first an- 2006 to The Western Re- Republican commission- of the ultra-low fed funds were encouraged to look Republicans want the Fed
nounced the formation of gional Mortgage Bankers ers blame the crisis on rate, which made them elsewhere for (seeming- to turn off the monetary

high in Jan
a commission to investi- Association. global factors beyond the significantly cheaper than ly) low-risk investments spigots for fear of the
gate the cause of the 2008 However, despite these ability of US policymak- traditional thirty-year with higher yields. This short-term shock. That is
financial crisis, I knew supporting materials, my ers to control. While it fixed-rate mortgages. created unprecedented why even the most vigi-
immediately that their ul- repeated outreach to the is true that other nations Some of the most popular demand for Fannie- and lant government regula-
timate conclusions would commission bore no fruit. suffered housing bubbles, subprime loans were of the Freddie-insured debt as tors would not have pre-
support the agendas of At that point, I realized they did so because their “2/28” variety, where bor- well as new varieties of vented the financial crisis.
their respective politi- that they had no interest in own central banks also rowers enjoyed artificially mortgage-backed securi- Any official who tried to
cal parties. Particularly, giving any visibility to the kept interest rates too low. low “teaser” rates for the ties. rain on the real estate pa- Surging food prices are grain belt kept up pres-
I knew that the commis- narrative that I favored, The best result was a first two years only. For Since Wall Street need- rade would have been out on Thursday expected to sure on wheat futures on
sion’s Democrat major- namely that the ultra-low third minority report, au- conforming loans, Fannie ed additional mortgages of a job. push the United Nations’ Wednesday.
ity would use the crisis to interest rates engineered thored by Peter J. Walla- and Freddie actually guar- to package, lending stan- Of course, the fact that food price index to a re- Surging food prices have
justify more government by the Greenspan-Ber- son. He correctly blamed anteed mortgages based dards steadily eroded to three separate reports cord high in January for come back into the spot-
involvement in the finan- nanke Federal Reserve government-insured solely on borrowers’ abili- meet the demand. Much drew three separate con- a second straight month, light after they helped fu-
cial markets. These con- were the primary factor mortgages and govern- ty to afford the teaser rate, of the demand came from clusions – strictly along further above the levels eled protests that toppled
cerns have now been fully behind the financial crash ment-mandated loans to even if they could not af- foreign sources looking party lines – shows that which prompted food ri- Tunisia’s president in
validated. of 2008. non-creditworthy minori- ford the resets. Therefore, to recycle large trade sur- politics was the driving ots in 2007/2008. January and have spilled
Given that I was one Ignoring how low rates ty borrowers for the hous- without low rates from the pluses, which would have motivation behind the en- The Food Price Index over to Egypt and Jordan,
of the few people who created the crisis is like ing bubble, yet omitted Fed, most of these ARMs been much smaller had tire farce. Even with the of the UN’s Food and raising speculation other
had accurately predict- blaming the crash of the key role played by the never would have been the Fed not kept rates so benefit of hindsight and Agriculture Organization countries in the region
ed the magnitude of the the Hindenburg on bad Federal Reserve in mak- originated. low. $9 million taxpayer dol- (FAO), which measures would secure grain stocks
housing bubble, and had weather, poor piloting, ing those loans “afford- Most importantly, it The reality is that no one lars, this commission still monthly price changes to reassure their popula-
laid out in my 2007 book lazy ground crews, and able.” was low rates that made wants to blame the crisis came up empty. for a food basket of cere- tions.
Crash Proof the specific overly emotional broad- The government has overpriced homes seem on loose monetary policy The conclusion that als, oilseeds, dairy, meat Algeria on January26
consequences for the cast journalists, while ig- been subsidizing hous- affordable. Buyers paid because monetary policy should have been drawn is and sugar, hit a record in confirmed it had bought
banking system and the noring the 200,000 cubic ing since the Roosevelt attention to monthly pay- is even looser now then it that we do not need more December, above a previ- almost a million tonnes
economy when it burst, meters of flammable hy- administration, and we ments, not home price. was then. If the commis- regulation. Government ous high set in June 2008 of wheat, bringing its
I immediately contacted drogen gas that the airship never had a bubble of this These mortgages were sion had correctly blamed interference has done during the food crisis. bread wheat purchases to
the commission offering held in its structure. proportion. It was not un- tailor-made for real estate the housing bubble on enough damage already. A mix of high oil and fuel at least 1.75 million since
my services as a witness. The Democrats clearly til these guarantees were speculators and home flip- easy money, then it would We simply need to return prices, growing use of the start of January, and
In particular, I assumed wanted to place the blame combined with a 1% fed- pers, whose only intention have called into question to a sound monetary poli- biofuels, bad weather and ordered an urgent speed-
that the Republicans on squarely on “greedy” eral funds rate that they was to make quick profits current Fed policy. Given cy and get the government soaring futures markets ing up of grain imports,
the panel would appreci- bankers and “derelict” became supercharged. It on the resale. Higher rates the fragility of our econo- out of the mortgage and pushed up prices of food a move aimed at building
ate hearing from someone regulators who had fall- was the unfortunate com- would have put a lid on my and its continued de- housing markets. Unfor- in 2007/08, sparking vio- stocks.
who thought that the crisis en under the spell of the bination of government home price appreciation, pendence on low rates, no tunately, that’s not going lent protests in countries World leaders at the
resulted from too much “laissez-faire” impulse guarantees and cheap as potential borrowers one has the guts to open to happen. including Egypt, Camer- World Economic Fo-
rather too little govern- favored by Republicans. money that produced such would not have been able that can of worms. If so oon and Haiti. rum in Davos last week
ment regulation. These conclusions would a toxic brew. to swing the higher pay- much economic damage The Rome-based agency warned rising food prices
To burnish my creden- sanction Democrat plans During the bubble, a ments. was done by a 1% fed has warned food prices could stoke more unrest
tials, I sent the commis- to garner even greater large percentage of loans, Meanwhile, the low funds rate, imagine how could climb even higher, and even war. French
sion a list of articles I government power. particularly those in high- rates themselves created much damage is being By Peter Schiff, President expressing concern about President Nicolas Sar-
wrote between 2004 and Yet, even the Republican priced markets like Cali- investor demand for mort- done by 0% rates, super- and Chief Global Strate- global weather patterns. kozy reiterated calls for
2008. Much of that pre- minority opinion widely fornia, had adjustable gage debt. With Trea- charged by quantitative gist at Euro Pacific Capi- Severe drought in the regulation to rein in spec-
crash critique is summa- missed the mark. In their rates. These rates were suries and CDs offering easing. tal. Black Sea last year, heavy ulation and volatility.
rains in Australia and dry Multi-year highs for

Opinion: Inflation is here to stay

weather in Argentina and grain and sugar futures
anticipation of a spike in in January helped push
demand after unrest in higher spot and physical
north Africa and the Mid- prices which the FAO
dle East has helped power uses to calculate the in-
grain prices to multi-year dex.
In current economic anal- issued by the Global Eco- if it wasn’t emanating about the debt, the first and spending policies re- of new money rolling off highs. Reporting by Svetla-
ysis, inflation is largely in nomic Forum and McKin- from a gathering of global thing people do is run to main in effect. Their re- presses around the world, The worst winter storm na Kovalyova; editing
the eye of the beholder, sey & Co. which forecasts central bankers, business Social Security. But So- port contained this fore- especially in Washington. for decades in the U.S. by Keiron Henderson
and depending on how a $100 trillion increase in leaders and politicians. cial Security is fully fund- boding comment: “…a But to a degree that is vir-
you choose to look, very global debt in the coming These are, unfortunately, ed for the next 40 years.” growing level of federal tually ignored by many

different stories emerge. decade. The authors of the the folks with all the pow- Apparently the Senator debt would also increase economists, a currency’s
In the U.S., food and report argue that such an er to turn these ideas into pays no attention to the the probability of a sud- purchasing power is not
beverages count for just increase will be needed to reality. non-partisan CBO either. den fiscal crisis, during only affected by money
16.4% of the CPI calcula- maintain global economic In his State of the Union Last week the office states which investors would supply growth but also

tion. The Chinese appar- health. Strangely, while address, President Obama that Social Security will lose confidence in the from the mere percep-
ently believe that the basic acknowledging how the kept pace with the mad- run permanent deficits be- government’s ability to tion of it. Just like Enron
necessities of life should massive increase in credit ness in Davos by vowing ginning this year, 5 years manage its budget, and shares became worthless
count for more, assigning caused the global finan- to “slash” government sooner than expected. If the government would overnight, if the U.S. is

a 33% weight to the nutri- cial crisis of 2008, the debt by just $400 billion we aren’t going to be hon- thereby lose its ability deemed to be insolvent
tional components. These report’s authors admit no in 10 years. However, al- est about the insolvency to borrow at affordable because it cannot pay
differences in measure- fear of even greater lever- most simultaneously the of Social Security and rates.” The fact that our back its debt, the cur-
ment are partially respon- age today. They conclude: Congressional Budget Of- Medicare, how can they elected leaders fail to un- rency could plummet in a

lowest in
sible for the divergent “Credit is the lifeblood of fice upped its 2011 deficit possibly be fixed, and how derstand basic economics, very short period of time,
inflation climate in both the economy, and much projection to $1.48 tril- can the costs ever be con- or simply bury their heads even if that pending sup-
countries, and make most more of it will be needed lion, which is over $400 tained? The unfortunate in the sand, underscores ply of dollars has yet to be
people believe that infla- to sustain the recovery billion more than it pre- truth here, once again, why inflation will be a printed.

10-1/2 years
tion is fickle and local- and enable the develop- viously forecasted -- ef- leads to the conclusion major factor in the years When you understand
ized. From my perspec- ing world to achieve its fectively wiping Obama’s that financing our nation’s ahead. these basic issues, the de-
tive, inflation is a global growth potential.” cuts before they are even entitlement programs will For me, there is no es- cision to include precious
wave that will ultimately But the global credit formally proposed. be done courtesy of the caping the conclusion that metals, and other stores of
swamp all shores. stock has already doubled The myopia extends into Federal Reserve. inflation will continue to value, in investment port-
As the world’s economic from $57 trillion in 2000 the legislative branch. In The CBO also said that surge. Inflation is, after folios becomes a foregone
leaders gather in Davos to $109 trillion in 2009, a recent appearance on the government will run all, the increase in money conclusion. U.S. construction spend- Spending in December
Switzerland, much of the with disastrous conse- NBC’s Meet the Press, up an additional $12 tril- supply. And there appears ing unexpectedly fell in was weighed down by a
discussion has been fo- quences. The WEF report Senator Harry Reid said, lion in debt over the next to be no escaping the like- By Michael Pento, Euro December to touch its 2.8 percent fall in invest-
cused on a report jointly wouldn’t be so alarming “When we start talking decade if current taxing lihood of massive floods Pacficic Capital lowest level in nearly 10- ment in public projects,
1/2 years as investment which reflected an 11.6

Fed’s Duke says current easing likely sufficient

in both public and private percent drop in federal
projects declined, sug- construction projects.
gesting the sector would State and local govern-
continue to struggle this ment spending on con-
A top Federal Reserve ness in the economy, then 9.5 percent from 9.4 per- cent to 6 percent. lieves the trend of falling the Federal Reserve’s year as federal stimulus struction projects fell 1.8
official said on Wednes- we’ll have to decide what cent in December. Duke played down anxi- inflation has come to an easy money policies have spending tapers off. percent in December.
day she does not think seems to be the appropri- Another Fed official, ety about rising commod- end, she added expecta- helped reduce debt ser- The Commerce Depart- Investment in private
the U.S. central bank will ate action to take at that Kansas City Fed Presi- ity prices for the U.S. eco- tions are that inflation will vice burdens and saved ment said on Tuesday construction dropped 2.2
have to extend its $600 time,” Duke said. dent Thomas Hoenig, said nomic outlook, although remain low and stable. many small businesses construction spending percent in December, end-
billion bond-buying pro- Duke’s comments are on Tuesday that extending climbing prices have Addressing a criticism from failure. dropped 2.5 percent to an ing three straight months
gram beyond midyear, but among the first from poli- the bond-buying program spurred fear of inflation in that the Fed has failed in Short-term interest rates annual rate of $787.9 bil- of gains. Spending on
economic weakness could cymakers after a meeting beyond June “may get Europe and Asia and con- its mission of maintain- have been near zero since lion, the lowest level since private home building
force the Fed’s hand. last week at which the Fed discussed” if economic tributed to social unrest in ing price stability because December 2008. July 2000. The govern- tumbled 4.1 percent, with
“If the economy does, held course on its bond- data is “disappointing,” some places. the value of the dollar has Fed Chairman Ben Ber- ment revised November’s private nonresidential out-
as I expect it to, and con- buying program to help according to an interview Higher commodity prices fallen since the United nanke is due to give a data to show a 0.2 percent lays dipping 0.5 percent.
tinues to, grow at a mod- strengthen modest growth with Market News Inter- take a long time to creep States left the gold stan- speech on Thursday in fall, which was previously Home building and the
erate pace, then I think and pull down a lofty job- national. into underlying measures dard, Duke said there is which he may provide reported as a 0.4 percent construction of structures
things will begin to come less rate. Her remarks Duke noted that month- of inflation, she said. not enough gold in the more insight about the increase. were minor contributions
together,” Fed Governor suggest the Fed is open to ly job gains of around “If you look over the last world to support current Fed’s decision. Economists polled by to fourth-quarter gross
Elizabeth Duke said in re- further action if the recov- 150,000 would only ac- year or so it’s hard to find levels of commerce. Reuters had forecast con- domestic product growth.
sponse to a question about ery disappoints. commodate new workers any measure that doesn’t “You have to have a Reporting by Ned Barnett, struction spending flat in
extending the bond-buy- U.S. employers are ex- entering the labor mar- show inflation drifting currency that is flexible writing by Mark Felsen- December. For the whole
ing program after a speech pected to have added ket, not return the United down and drifting down enough to accommodate thal; Editing by Leslie of 2010, construction Reporting by Lucia Mu-
at the University of North 145,000 jobs in January, States to full employment, pretty noticeably to really the level of economic ac- Adler, Dan Grebler, Phil spending declined 10.3 tikani; Editing by Neil
Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler not enough to make a dent which policymakers be- historically low levels,” tivity that is going to oc- Berlowitz (Reuters) percent to $814.2 bil- Stempleman (Reuters)
business school. in the jobless rate, which lieve comes when the job- she said. cur,” she said. lion, also the lowest since
“If we see further weak- is forecast to creep up to less rate is around 5 per- While she said she be- In her speech Duke said 2000.

U.S. should save face, take cues from past and stay neutral on issues in Egypt Islamists
In a domino effect, the Arab is under pressure for regime change. istration is standing by its ally gov- plain of human rights abuses. learned from our past mistakes. emerge as
world has resorted to social The Egyptian government is fight- ernment: a mere dictatorship. Biden’s words are a punch in the Supporting oppressive regimes
uprising due to its displeasure ing to stay in power, despite the Vice President Joe Biden told stomach to people suffering at the such as that of Mubarak’s will back-
with the continuous decline of eruption of clear discontent from its PBS NewsHour that he would not hands of oppressive regimes alike. fire on the United States’ foreign
the economic and political situ-
ation in its countries.
President Hosni Mubarak, an au-
refer to Mubarak as a dictator, and
that Mubarak had been responsible
How would the international com-
munity have reacted if similar
policy as it has in the past.
It is best we not take a stance and force in the
new Tunisia
tocrat in power for 30 years (since in his role concerning Middle East things were said about Iran’s 2009 watch things unfold during the next
Rising unemployment, poverty,
the assassination of President An- peace efforts. post-election protests, the Green couple of weeks in Egypt. This way,
corruption and police abuses are
war Sadat in 1981), claimed in a Biden reportedly went on to ques- Revolution? no matter what happens, the fingers
some of the reasons why Tunisia,
speech on Friday that he would be tion twice whether the Egyptian The very things the Iranian peo- will not be pointed in our direction.
Lebanon and now Egypt have made They are at pains to assure Tuni-
putting new people in power, in an people were making legitimate ple demanded are no different from Then we can save face in a region
widespread outcries by taking to the sians this is no Islamic revolution.
attempt to bring reform to Egypt. complaints about Mubarak’s re- what motivated the Egyptians to whose respect is integral to U.S. in-
streets. Tunisia’s successful over- They do not seek the presidency.
This message clearly undermines gime. take to the streets. terests, and is vital to the security of
throw of dictator Zine el-Abidine They will run alongside other
what the Egyptian people want: a If the Egyptian people’s demand The direction the Obama admin- our military presence in countries
Ben Ali this past month has become groups in the democracy that re-
regime change, not a change in the for an improvement in their eco- istration seems to be tilting toward like Iraq and Afghanistan.
the poster child of rebellion against places Zine al-Abdine Ben Ali’s
regime. Despite Egyptian govern- nomic situation and civil liberties is not a favorable one. It is bound to At this point, we should play the
rogue regimes in the Middle East. police state.
ment’s oppressive tactics, which in- is not a legitimate reason to oust bring about disappointment. Their game right and watch where this
There is no telling what directions Tunisia’s main Islamist group
cludes a serious crackdown on the Mubarak, then what is? The man demonstration of “solidarity” for special set of dominoes stops fall-
these countries will be taking yet. may not have played any role in
Internet that resulted in a blackout clearly leads an oppressive regime democracy is almost hypocritical ing.
It is to our dismay that one of our the revolution that toppled Ben Ali
and a block on the SMS capabilities if he is blocking access to informa- of what the U.S. stands for. This
strongest allies in the region, Egypt, after 23 years, but any doubt that
on cell phones, the Obama admin- tion technology and his people com- leads me to believe that we have not By Holly Dagres, Contributor
Ennahda would emerge as one of
the largest players was dispelled

Why Mubarak must step down

with the return of its leader Rachid
Thousands thronged Tunis airport

to see Ghannouchi, dwarfing any
reception laid on for other exiles
and alarming those Tunisians who
want to keep Islam separate from
the state in this French ex-colony
used to decades of officially im-
posed secularism.
They will be watching closely in
the coming months to see if En-
nahda’s actions match the modera-
tion of its rhetoric.
“Tunisia will not change to adapt
itself to the Islamists and their
In the wake of the unfolding up- ideas. The Islamists must adapt
rising in Egypt, President Hosni to modern Tunisia,” said Neji
Mubarak’s announcement on Tues- Bghouri, head of the journalists
day that he will serve out the re- union.
mainder of his term until scheduled “There is a trend in Ennahda
presidential elections this Septem- that began to adjust to this reality
ber will only fuel greater instability, but there are those who are more
not only in Egypt but throughout extreme. This is an issue of great
the Middle East. If Mubarak obsti- sensitivity among Tunisia’s politi-
nately flouts both protesters on the cal elite.”
streets of Egypt and U.S. emissaries Despite a crackdown that saw
behind the scenes calling for his im- thousands of their members jailed
mediate resignation, his very pres- or exiled from the 1990s, Ennah-
ence and leadership would further da’s supporters already appear to
jeopardize the long term objectives be more organised than any other
of the United States, Israel and key political groups.
Arab states in the region--Saudi At Ghannouchi’s homecoming,
Arabia and Jordan, in particular. To- polite young Ennahda volunteers
day, violent attacks by pro-Mubarak marshalled the crowds with airport
forces have resulted in the injuries security virtually invisible.
and deaths of many protesters on They all seemed to know each
the streets. As President Obama other, they had a plan and they
stated in the White House yester- wore white baseball caps to iden-
day, an orderly transition in Egypt tify themselves as volunteers.
“must begin now.” This transition That is no mean feat for a group
cannot be managed or presided over that was banned for over two de-
by Hosni Mubarak, and the Obama cades and in a country where
administration must therefore force- women who wore the Islamic head
fully push for Mubarak’s exit imme- covering, or hijab, were excluded
diately. from jobs and education and men
The unprecedented protests in who prayed too publicly were reg-
Egypt over the last week have ularly rounded up.
stirred much debate on the poten- “Ennahda has adjusted its nar-
tial consequences of Mubarak’s fall, rative to suit the moment and the
including the fracturing of the cold moment is one of self-restraint,”
peace between Israel and Egypt, the said Larbi Sadiki, a Tunisian lec-
empowerment of political Islam, turer at Exeter University.
the spread of revolt across the Arab “They will be scrutinised more
world, and the American abandon- than others because for a long time
ment of a trusted ally and partner. Tunisia and Islamist could not be
More than anything, the specter of spoken together.”
the Iranian revolution in 1979, the Ennahda has been careful not to
legacy of which the United States, remains highly respected among power in Egypt. man as interim president is by no Egypt and further complicate what play a visible role too soon, for fear
Israel and the Arab world are threat- Egyptians. Suleiman’s primary In addition, Suleiman will be able means a palatable and ideal cure- will clearly be a difficult transition of accusations that it was trans-
ened by today, looms over the goal as an interim caretaker presi- to assuage and manage the concerns all to the process of democratic re- period. Behind the scenes, the Unit- forming a popular revolt into an
Egyptian uprising. Those who op- dent will be to serve as a mediator of the United States, Israel, Saudi form in Egypt. The opposition may ed States should threaten Mubarak Islamic revolution as happened in
pose placing significant pressure on between the opposition forces in Arabia and Jordan, which jointly very well view Suleiman as nothing with the complete suspension of Iran in 1979.
Mubarak fear that a post-Mubarak Egypt, coalescing behind Moham- see the uprising as a major threat to more than Mubarak’s handpicked any military or economic aid to his There, the exiled leader and cleric
Egypt will be the Iran of tomorrow, med ElBaradei, and the cautious regional stability. While Israel and stooge, with his own aspirations regime unless he stands down, and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini be-
an Islamic state that will be openly military brass. the Arab states have much to fear for a lengthy tenure in office. Yet call on Suleiman and the generals came the supreme leader of a new
hostile to Israel, the United States, In balancing the demands of the individually from continued volatil- the United States can play a pivotal to force Mubarak’s hand. While the Islamic Republic.
and secular Arab nations. However, opposition for broadened political ity in Egypt, the impact of the Egyp- role in exerting pressure on Sulei- United States has not “lost” Egypt Ghannouchi did not return im-
while the Muslim Brotherhood’s participation against the army’s clear tian uprising on burgeoning rela- man and the Egyptian military to yet, Mubarak’s unyielding pro- mediately. His party will field no
participation in a future Egyptian hostility toward a resurgent Muslim tions between Israel and the Arab conduct timely and substantive ne- nouncement to stay in power until presidential candidate. Ennahda
government will present serious Brotherhood, Suleiman undoubted- powers could be detrimental on gotiations with the opposition on elections in September could pave will take part in parliament elec-
challenges for America and its al- ly faces a daunting task. However, shared interests, such as containing constitutional reforms and guaran- the way for a future Egyptian gov- tions but Ghannouchi himself will
lies, such fears of an “Iran redux” by publicly calling for new, free and Iranian influence in the region. With tee new elections. For example, if ernment hostile to the United States, not run for public office.
belie the reality of today’s upris- fair parliamentary and presidential the rise of Iran, Israel and key Arab the Egyptian government reneged if seen as complicit in Mubarak’s No one has forgotten the 1989
ing in Egypt, which encompass the elections in the coming months, and states have developed closer rela- on promises to conduct meaning- defiance. In forcefully pushing for election, when Ennahda was al-
youth, the disenfranchised middle by working openly with ElBaradei tionships, albeit cold or clandestine. ful negotiations with the opposition, the immediate resignation of Hosni lowed to participate. It won a re-
class and other opposition groups and other opposition leaders, Su- Nothing less than the legitimacy of the United States could significantly Mubarak, thereby paving the path spectable share of the vote, alarm-
long shut out of the political estab- leiman could provide calm to an U.S. leadership in the Middle East, reduce its military and economic aid for an interim presidency by Sulei- ing Ben Ali who banned Ennahda
lishment in Cairo. increasingly volatile landscape. particularly in challenging the he- to Egypt, which totaled $1.5 billion man and negotiations with the op- and crushed its members.
If Mubarak were to resign in the Public negotiations with ElBara- gemonic aspirations of the Iranian in 2010 alone. position and military on fair and Ennahda may prove no less alarm-
coming week, his departure would dei and the opposition groups, re- regime, hinges on a stable transition Ultimately, this transition of new elections, the Obama Admin- ing to secular opposition groups
pave the way for an interim care- garding constitutional reforms and of power in Egypt, which accounts power simply cannot be led by istration will reduce the likelihood who won less than 3 percent of
taker presidency in Omar Suleiman, the lifting of the Emergency Law, for the concerns of the opposition Hosni Mubarak, as the hundreds of of greater instability in Egypt while the vote in the 1989 poll and will
Egypt’s veteran intelligence chief will help legitimize Egypt’s transi- groups and the indispensable mili- thousands of protesters who have reassuring Israel and Arab allies in surely fear a similar trouncing by
and recently appointed Vice Presi- tion and temper the uprising on the tary. taken to the streets in Egypt have the region. the Islamists now.
dent, who has developed strong re- street, which has wreaked havoc on Although Mubarak’s resigna- demonstrated, and as forces loyal
lations with the United States and the Egyptian economy. More than tion should bring satisfaction to the to Mubarak violently attack the
Israel. More importantly, Suleiman anything, Suleiman’s interim presi- Egyptian people that have joined protesters. Mubarak’s continued By Josh Lockman By Lin Noueihed (Reuters)
can maintain the critical backing dency could increase the chances of together in the last week in protest presence in Egyptian politics alone Lecturer in Law at USC Edited by Yuri Isacov
of the Egyptian military, which success in an orderly transition of against him, the choice of Sulei- will only galvanize greater unrest in

Alan Greenspan on gold and economic freedom

An almost hysterical antagonism to- they were considered a luxury. The enables the banker to loan out more (Compared with the depressions of finally succeeded in braking the est rates. Thus, government deficit
ward the gold standard is one issue term “luxury good” implies scarcity than the amount of his gold deposits 1920 and 1932, the pre-World War boom. But it was too late: by 1929 spending under a gold standard is
which unites statists of all persua- and high unit value. Having a high (which means that he holds claims I business declines were mild in- the speculative imbalances had be- severely limited. The abandonment
sions. They seem to sense - perhaps unit value, such a good is easily por- to gold rather than gold as security deed.) It was limited gold reserves come so overwhelming that the at- of the gold standard made it pos-
more clearly and subtly than many table; for instance, an ounce of gold of his deposits). But the amount of that stopped the unbalanced expan- tempt precipitated a sharp retrench- sible for the welfare statists to use
consistent defenders of laissez-faire is worth a half-ton of pig iron. loans which he can afford to make sions of business activity, before ing and a consequent demoralizing the banking system as a means to an
- that gold and economic freedom In the early stages of a develop- is not arbitrary: he has to gauge it they could develop into the post- of business confidence. As a result, unlimited expansion of credit. They
are inseparable, that the gold stan- ing money economy, several media in relation to his reserves and to the World Was I type of disaster. The the American economy collapsed. have created paper reserves in the
dard is an instrument of laissez-faire of exchange might be used, since a status of his investments. readjustment periods were short and Great Britain fared even worse, and form of government bonds which-
and that each implies and requires wide variety of commodities would When banks loan money to fi- the economies quickly reestablished rather than absorb the full conse- through a complex series of steps-
the other. fulfill the foregoing conditions. nance productive and profitable en- a sound basis to resume expansion. quences of her previous folly, she the banks accept in place of tangible
In order to understand the source However, one of the commodities deavors, the loans are paid off rap- But the process of cure was mis- abandoned the gold standard com- assets and treat as if they were an
of their antagonism, it is necessary will gradually displace all others, by idly and bank credit continues to be diagnosed as the disease: if shortage pletely in 1931, tearing asunder actual deposit, i.e., as the equivalent
first to understand the specific role being more widely acceptable. Pref- generally available. But when the of bank reserves was causing a busi- what remained of the fabric of con- of what was formerly a deposit of
of gold in a free society. erences on what to hold as a store of business ventures financed by bank ness decline-argued economic inter- fidence and inducing a world-wide gold. The holder of a government
Money is the common denomina- value, will shift to the most widely credit are less profitable and slow to ventionists-why not find a way of series of bank failures. The world bond or of a bank deposit created
tor of all economic transactions. It acceptable commodity, which, in pay off, bankers soon find that their supplying increased reserves to the economies plunged into the Great by paper reserves believes that he
is that commodity which serves as a turn, will make it still more accept- loans outstanding are excessive rel- banks so they never need be short! Depression of the 1930’s. has a valid claim on a real asset. But
medium of exchange, is universally able. The shift is progressive until ative to their gold reserves, and they If banks can continue to loan money With a logic reminiscent of a gen- the fact is that there are now more
acceptable to all participants in an that commodity becomes the sole begin to curtail new lending, usual- indefinitely-it was claimed-there eration earlier, statists argued that claims outstanding than real assets.
exchange economy as payment for medium of exchange. The use of ly by charging higher interest rates. need never be any slumps in busi- the gold standard was largely to The law of supply and demand is
their goods or services, and can, a single medium is highly advan- This tends to restrict the financing ness. And so the Federal Reserve blame for the credit debacle which not to be conned. As the supply of
therefore, be used as a standard of tageous for the same reasons that of new ventures and requires the System was organized in 1913. It led to the Great Depression. If the money (of claims) increases rela-
market value and as a store of value, a money economy is superior to a existing borrowers to improve their consisted of twelve regional Feder- gold standard had not existed, they tive to the supply of tangible assets
i.e., as a means of saving. barter economy: it makes exchang- profitability before they can obtain al Reserve banks nominally owned argued, Britain’s abandonment of in the economy, prices must eventu-
The existence of such a commod- es possible on an incalculably wider credit for further expansion. Thus, by private bankers, but in fact gov- gold payments in 1931 would not ally rise. Thus the earnings saved by
ity is a precondition of a division of scale. under the gold standard, a free bank- ernment sponsored, controlled, and have caused the failure of banks all the productive members of the so-
labor economy. If men did not have Whether the single medium is ing system stands as the protector of supported. Credit extended by these over the world. (The irony was that ciety lose value in terms of goods.
some commodity of objective value gold, silver, seashells, cattle, or to- an economy’s stability and balanced banks is in practice (though not le- since 1913, we had been, not on a When the economy’s books are fi-
which was generally acceptable as bacco is optional, depending on the growth. When gold is accepted as gally) backed by the taxing power gold standard, but on what may be nally balanced, one finds that this
money, they would have to resort to context and development of a given the medium of exchange by most of the federal government. Techni- termed “a mixed gold standard”; yet loss in value represents the goods
primitive barter or be forced to live economy. In fact, all have been em- or all nations, an unhampered free cally, we remained on the gold stan- it is gold that took the blame.) But purchased by the government for
on self-sufficient farms and forgo ployed, at various times, as media international gold standard serves to dard; individuals were still free to the opposition to the gold standard welfare or other purposes with the
the inestimable advantages of spe- of exchange. Even in the present foster a world-wide division of labor own gold, and gold continued to be in any form-from a growing num- money proceeds of the government
cialization. If men had no means century, two major commodities, and the broadest international trade. used as bank reserves. But now, in ber of welfare-state advocates-was bonds financed by bank credit ex-
to store value, i.e., to save, neither gold and silver, have been used as Even though the units of exchange addition to gold, credit extended by prompted by a much subtler insight: pansion.
long-range planning nor exchange international media of exchange, (the dollar, the pound, the franc, the Federal Reserve banks (“paper the realization that the gold standard In the absence of the gold stan-
would be possible. with gold becoming the predomi- etc.) differ from country to coun- reserves”) could serve as legal ten- is incompatible with chronic deficit dard, there is no way to protect
What medium of exchange will nant one. Gold, having both artis- try, when all are defined in terms of der to pay depositors. spending (the hallmark of the wel- savings from confiscation through
be acceptable to all participants tic and functional uses and being gold the economies of the different When business in the United fare state). Stripped of its academic inflation. There is no safe store of
in an economy is not determined relatively scarce, has significant countries act as one-so long as there States underwent a mild contrac- jargon, the welfare state is nothing value. If there were, the government
arbitrarily. First, the medium of advantages over all other media of are no restraints on trade or on the tion in 1927, the Federal Reserve more than a mechanism by which would have to make its holding ille-
exchange should be durable. In a exchange. Since the beginning of movement of capital. Credit, inter- created more paper reserves in the governments confiscate the wealth gal, as was done in the case of gold.
primitive society of meager wealth, World War I, it has been virtually est rates, and prices tend to follow hope of forestalling any possible of the productive members of a If everyone decided, for example, to
wheat might be sufficiently durable the sole international standard of similar patterns in all countries. For bank reserve shortage. More di- society to support a wide variety convert all his bank deposits to sil-
to serve as a medium, since all ex- exchange. If all goods and services example, if banks in one country sastrous, however, was the Federal of welfare schemes. A substantial ver or copper or any other good, and
changes would occur only during were to be paid for in gold, large extend credit too liberally, interest Reserve’s attempt to assist Great part of the confiscation is effected thereafter declined to accept checks
and immediately after the harvest, payments would be difficult to ex- rates in that country will tend to fall, Britain who had been losing gold by taxation. But the welfare statists as payment for goods, bank deposits
leaving no value-surplus to store. ecute and this would tend to limit inducing depositors to shift their to us because the Bank of England were quick to recognize that if they would lose their purchasing power
But where store-of-value consider- the extent of a society’s divisions gold to higher-interest paying banks refused to allow interest rates to rise wished to retain political power, the and government-created bank credit
ations are important, as they are in of labor and specialization. Thus a in other countries. This will imme- when market forces dictated (it was amount of taxation had to be limited would be worthless as a claim on
richer, more civilized societies, the logical extension of the creation of a diately cause a shortage of bank re- politically unpalatable). The reason- and they had to resort to programs goods. The financial policy of the
medium of exchange must be a du- medium of exchange is the develop- serves in the “easy money” country, ing of the authorities involved was of massive deficit spending, i.e., welfare state requires that there be
rable commodity, usually a metal. A ment of a banking system and credit inducing tighter credit standards as follows: if the Federal Reserve they had to borrow money, by issu- no way for the owners of wealth to
metal is generally chosen because it instruments (bank notes and depos- and a return to competitively higher pumped excessive paper reserves ing government bonds, to finance protect themselves.
is homogeneous and divisible: ev- its) which act as a substitute for, but interest rates again. into American banks, interest rates welfare expenditures on a large This is the shabby secret of the
ery unit is the same as every other are convertible into, gold. A fully free banking system and in the United States would fall to scale. welfare statists’ tirades against gold.
and it can be blended or formed in A free banking system based on fully consistent gold standard have a level comparable with those in Under a gold standard, the amount Deficit spending is simply a scheme
any quantity. Precious jewels, for gold is able to extend credit and not as yet been achieved. But prior to Great Britain; this would act to stop of credit that an economy can sup- for the confiscation of wealth. Gold
example, are neither homogeneous thus to create bank notes (currency) World War I, the banking system in Britain’s gold loss and avoid the po- port is determined by the economy’s stands in the way of this insidious
nor divisible. More important, the and deposits, according to the pro- the United States (and in most of the litical embarrassment of having to tangible assets, since every credit process. It stands as a protector of
commodity chosen as a medium duction requirements of the econo- world) was based on gold and even raise interest rates. The “Fed” suc- instrument is ultimately a claim on property rights. If one grasps this,
must be a luxury. Human desires for my. Individual owners of gold are though governments intervened oc- ceeded; it stopped the gold loss, but some tangible asset. But govern- one has no difficulty in understand-
luxuries are unlimited and, there- induced, by payments of interest, to casionally, banking was more free it nearly destroyed the economies of ment bonds are not backed by tan- ing the statists’ antagonism toward
fore, luxury goods are always in deposit their gold in a bank (against than controlled. Periodically, as a the world, in the process. The ex- gible wealth, only by the govern- the gold standard.
demand and will always be accept- which they can draw checks). But result of overly rapid credit expan- cess credit which the Fed pumped ment’s promise to pay out of future
able. Wheat is a luxury in underfed since it is rarely the case that all de- sion, banks became loaned up to the into the economy spilled over into tax revenues, and cannot easily be By Alan Greenspan, former Chair-
civilizations, but not in a prosperous positors want to withdraw all their limit of their gold reserves, interest the stock market-triggering a fan- absorbed by the financial markets. man of the Federal Reserve. Origi-
society. Cigarettes ordinarily would gold at the same time, the banker rates rose sharply, new credit was tastic speculative boom. Belatedly, A large volume of new government nally printed in Ayn Rand’s The Ob-
not serve as money, but they did in need keep only a fraction of his to- cut off, and the economy went into Federal Reserve officials attempted bonds can be sold to the public jectivist.
post-World War II Europe where tal deposits in gold as reserves. This a sharp, but short-lived recession. to sop up the excess reserves and only at progressively higher inter-

Obama, don’t fear change in Egypt

Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak side of the Moscow military coup If Mubarak’s autocracy collapses, a sequence of events which gives changed from ruthless party control to even fitful, halting free elections
has announced he will not stand d’état, with the elder George Bush practically anything could happen Israel a large, strong neighboring to semi-free; South Africa aban- and free speech, that could send
for reelection in the fall, Reports publicly, and firmly, backing the — from democracy in Egypt (great democracy, improving Israel’s situ- doned apartheid in a peaceful fash- dictators on the run across the Arab
are that Egyptian president Hosni thousands of Russians who took to for Egyptians, and great for Israel) ation dramatically. In either case, ion; India has become a free-market world — and perhaps the Persian
Mubarak will not stand for reelec- the streets demanding elected gov- to theocracy (bad for Egyptians and how can it be right that 80 million democracy that protects freedom of world of Iran, too.
tion in the fall, and one reason for ernment. Israelis both) or perhaps something live under the heel of dictatorship speech. All these positive develop- Barack Obama — don’t be timid!
Mubarak’s decision is that Presi- True, the 1979 Iranian revolu- in between. There is risk involved in Egypt so that 8 million can live ments were viewed as impossible Don’t fear change! Cast America’s
dent Barack Obama privately urged tion led to a dangerous theocracy, in any change. in freedom in Israel? There must be by the sorts of people who want to lot with those marching for free-
this course. at least at the top (many young But backing the pro-democracy another way. protect the old status quos in these dom on the streets of Cairo!
That’s a step in the right direction Iranians strongly oppose the coun- freedom activists on the streets of In the last generation, the old So- nations against change.
— but President Obama needs to try’s corrupt regime). Perhaps if Cairo — who are showing disci- viet Union collapsed; China has If Egypt changes from autocracy By Gregg Easterbrook (Reuters)
go much farther. He should pub- the United States had sided with pline in mainly being peaceful, a
licly, and enthusiastically, back the democracy in Iran in 1979, the out- good sign — is the right thing to do.
protesters who are demanding a come would have been different. Propping up dictators in hope of
new dawn in Egypt. And true, today’s Russian Federa- regional stability has long been
Yes, many things could go wrong tion has taken, at best, halting steps American policy in the Middle East
if there is sweeping change in the toward consent of the governed. and nearby areas, and what has it
world’s oldest nation. But many But compared to Russia’s past, that gotten the United States? Oil sup-
things could go right, too. Ameri- is progress. In 1991, when Wash- plies and endless inconclusive ten-
ca’s highest ideal is freedom. The ington did the right thing regarding sion. What has it gotten the people
United States strongly supports Russia, the good guys won. of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other
freedom for itself, for Europe, It is time to do the right thing re- nations? A miserable life under
for China and Japan. Why not for garding Egypt — Barack Obama, dictatorship. That’s not right. The
Egypt? cast America’s lot with the demon- United States must stand for what’s
In 1979, Washington put itself strators in the streets! Their cause right.
on the wrong side of the Iranian is just and their desire to be set free What’s right is a bold endorse-
revolution, standing by the dictator from dictatorship is the same desire ment, by President Obama, of
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. When that motivated the founding of the the pro-democracy movement in
he fell, the United States looked United States. America must not be Egypt.
foolish and lacked credibility with caught on the wrong side in Egypt Yes, this could trigger a sequence
Iran’s next generation. In 1991, in 2011, as it was in Iran in 1979. of events that would be bad for Is-
Washington put itself on the right rael’s security. It could also trigger

Scientist works to grow meat in lab

In a small laboratory on an upper floor of the basic sci-
ence building at the Medical University of South Caro-
of funding and demand.
The new National Institute of Food and Agriculture,
“There’s a yuck factor when people find out meat is
grown in a lab. They don’t like to associate technol-
bread in a bakery, where are you going to grow cultured
lina, Vladimir Mironov, M.D., Ph.D., has been working part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, won’t ogy with food,” said Nicholas Genovese, 32, a visiting In a “carnery,” if Mironov has his way. That is the
for a decade to grow meat. fund it, the National Institutes of Health won’t fund it, scholar in cancer cell biology working under a People name he has given future production facilities.
A developmental biologist and tissue engineer, Dr. and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the Ethical Treatment of Animals three-year grant to He envisions football field-sized buildings filled with
Mironov, 56, is one of only a few scientists worldwide funded it only briefly, Mironov said. run Dr. Mironov’s meat-growing lab. large bioreactors, or bioreactors the size of a coffee ma-
involved in bioengineering “cultured” meat. “It’s classic disruptive technology,” Mironov said. “But there are a lot of products that we eat today that chine in grocery stores, to manufacture what he calls
It’s a product he believes could help solve future global “Bringing any new technology on the market, average, are considered natural that are produced in a similar “charlem” -- “Charleston engineered meat.”
food crises resulting from shrinking amounts of land costs $1 billion. We don’t even have $1 million.” manner,” Genovese said. “It will be functional, natural, designed food,” Mironov
available for growing meat the old-fashioned way ... on Director of the Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Cen- “There’s yogurt, which is cultured yeast. You have said. “How do you want it to taste? You want a little bit
the hoof. ter in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and wine production and beer production. These were not of fat, you want pork, you want lamb? We design ex-
Growth of “in-vitro” or cultured meat is also under Cell Biology at the medical university, Mironov now produced in laboratories. Society has accepted these actly what you want. We can design texture.
way in the Netherlands, Mironov told Reuters in an in- primarily conducts research on tissue engineering, or products.”
terview, but in the United States, it is science in search growing, of human organs. If wine is produced in winery, beer in a brewery and By Harriet McLeod (Reuters)

NASA finds
biting NASA telescope is
we’ve had zero.”
The more than 1,200
mold or some kind of life
form people can’t even
finding whole new worlds newfound celestial bod- imagine.
of possibilities in the ies are not confirmed as All the celestial bod-
search for alien life, spot- planets yet, but Borucki ies Kepler looks at are in
ting more than 50 poten- estimates 80 percent of our Milky Way galaxy, sky, so the actual num- Another outside astrono- tially habitable celestial planets with the idea that nine of Kepler’s discov-
tial planets that appear to them will eventually be but they are so far away ber of planets out there mer, Lisa Kaltenegger of bodies are close to the size the first planet that is in- eries had been confirmed
be in the habitable zone. verified. At least one other that traveling there is not is presumably hundreds Harvard University, called of Earth, while the rest ap- credibly similar to Earth before Wednesday.
In just a year of peer- astronomer believes Ke- a realistic option. In some of times greater, Borucki the findings “exciting proach the gassy girths would have a value of $1 Of the more than 800
ing out at a small slice pler could be 90 percent cases it would take many said. good news.” of Neptune or Jupiter, million. new candidates, both in
of the galaxy, the Kepler accurate. millions of years with cur- That is exciting to as- Kepler also found that Borucki said. Until Wednesday, the and out of the habitable
telescope has discovered After that, it’s another big rent technology. tronomers, since the more there are many more rela- To be in the habitable highest value Laughlin zone, only six are con-
1,235 possible planets step in proving that a con- But what Kepler is find- planets there are, the tively small planets than zone, a planet has to be the assigned to an exoplanet, firmed, all way too hot for
outside our solar system. firmed planet has some ing in distant parts of the greater the odds that life there are giant planets. proper distance from its which is what astrono- life. And they are strange
Amazingly, 54 of them are of the basic conditions galaxy could be applied to exists elsewhere in the That is encouraging, too: star so that it could have mers call a planet outside - all densely packed and
seemingly in the zone that needed to support life, exploring closer stars, as- universe. Astronomers think a plan- liquid water on its surface, our solar system, was a circling a single star. Five
could be hospitable to life such as the proper size, tronomers say. Yale University astrono- et needs to be solid - rocky at least sometimes. NASA measly $158. One of Ke- of them are closer to their
- that is, not too hot or too composition, temperature “Our grandchildren will mer Debra Fischer, who like Earth or Mars - for considers habitable-zone pler’s new discoveries is star than Mercury is to
cold, Kepler chief scien- and distance from its star. have to decide what’s the wasn’t part of the Kepler life to develop. And very temperatures to be rough- worth nearly a quarter- our sun, and they move in
tist William Borucki said. More advanced aspects next step,” Borucki said team but serves as an out- large planets are unlikely ly between 0 degrees and million dollars, Laughlin precise circular and stable
Until now, only two plan- of habitability such as at- at a NASA news confer- side expert for NASA, to be solid; they are more 200 degrees Fahrenheit. figures. orbits.
ets outside our solar sys- mospheric conditions and ence. “Do they want to said the new information prone to be gas behemoths The proper distance varies Kepler was launched in That strange star sys-
tem were even thought the presence of water and go there? Do they want to “gives us a much firm- like Jupiter. by star; smaller, weaker 2009 and orbits the sun tem is 2,000 light years
to be in the “Goldilocks carbon require telescopes send a robot?” er footing” to hope for Sixty-eight of the planet stars, for example, would between Earth and Mars. from Earth, according to
zone.” And both those that aren’t built yet. Before Wednesday, the worlds that could harbor candidates Kepler found require planets to be clos- It needs time to find plan- a separate study published
discoveries are highly dis- Just because a planet is in count of confirmed plan- life. are considered Earth- er to be habitable. ets, identifying them by Wednesday in the jour-
puted. the habitable zone doesn’t ets outside the solar sys- “I feel different today, sized, including the first Because of the various watching them repeatedly nal Nature. A light year is
Fifty-four possibilities is mean it has life. Mars is a tem stood at 519. That knowing these new Kepler ones ever discovered to be factors that could make move past the star they nearly 6 trillion miles.
“an enormous amount, an good example of that. And means Kepler could triple results, than I did a week smaller than Earth. An ad- planets more prone to life, orbit.
inconceivable amount,” even if some these planets the number. And those ago,” Fischer said. She ditional 288 planets were University of California Kepler scientists are strict
Borucki said. “It’s amaz- are found to contain life, findings are from Kepler’s said Kepler “has blown less than twice the size of Santa Cruz astronomer about calling candidate By SETH
ing to see this huge num- it may not be intelligent scanning of just one four- the lid off of everything Earth, which is still in that Greg Laughlin created a planets confirmed. Of BORENSTEIN (AP)
ber because up to now, life; it could be bacteria or hundredth of the night we know about extrasolar optimum zone for life. formula that puts a dol- 400 candidate planets an-
planets.” Only five of the 54 poten- lar value on these far-off nounced last year, only

Japanese robo-ship arrives at Space Station A robotic Japanese cargo Japan’s HTV-2 space- up some of the station’s Catherine “Cady” Cole- The next batch of cargo
ship reached the Interna- craft, Europe’s Automat- supply runs as early as man, working from inside is right behind. A Rus-
tional Space Station on ed Transfer Vehicles and December. Crew transport the station’s cupola com- sian Progress rocket was
Thursday, the first of a Russian Progress capsules to the station already is partment, maneuvered scheduled to lift off from
quartet of spaceships due will become the station’s exclusively provided by the station’s robot arm the Baikonur Cosmo-
to arrive at the orbital out- lifelines after two or three Russian Soyuz spacecraft, into position to snare the drome in Kazakhstan on
post over the next month. more space shuttle flights. at a cost to the United 35,000-pound (15,875 Thursday and reach the
The ship, laden with The shuttle program is States of $51 million per kg) vessel. With Kouno- station on Saturday.
supplies, science equip- ending after 30 years due seat. tori firmly in the crane’s The European Space
ment and spare parts, is to high operating costs Japan’s second HTV, grasp, it was then attached Agency’s second Auto-
the second from Japan to and to free up funds to named Kounotori, to a berthing port on the mated Transfer Vehicle, or
dock at the station. develop U.S. spaceships launched on Saturday station’s Harmony node. ATV, named Johannes Ke-
Its arrival boosted confi- that can travel beyond the aboard a Japanese H-2B The six-member station pler, is slated for launch
dence that supply lines to station’s orbit 220 miles rocket from Tanegashima crew, led by NASA astro- on February 15. NASA’s
the $100 billion outpost, a above Earth. Space Center in southern naut Scott Kelly, will be- space shuttle Discovery is
project of 16 nations, will The U.S. space agency Japan. gin unloading Kounotori’s due to launch on February
remain fully operational hopes commercial car- The craft hovered about 3.2 tons of spare parts, 24 with spare parts and a
after NASA retires its riers Space Exploration 33 feet from the station food, research equipment, storage room, among oth-
space shuttle fleet in about Technologies and Orbital early on Thursday while computers, water and oth- er items.
six months. Sciences Corp will pick station flight engineer er supplies on Friday. By Irene Klotz (AP).

Murdoch bets on iPad for future of news Social

Rupert Murdoch, among
the most ardent defenders
expected to take a 30 per-
cent cut in the first year.
after its purchase of the
once-hot MySpace social networking
next frontier:
of the traditional press, The Daily will also be the network. MySpace was
has staked his reputation first subscription product overtaken by Facebook
on a risky bet that for just available through Apple’s and now faces either clo-
14 cents a day he can save iTunes store. The first two sure or sale.

the Boob Tube

the news business with weeks will be free cour- The Daily represents
tablet devices like Apple’s tesy of Verizon Commu- a big gamble that start-
iPad. nications. ing a digital organization
Unlike the News Corp News Corp will later roll from scratch employing
chairman’s other news- out the Daily on other tab- traditional journalists will
papers such as the Wall lets. revive the news business You already tell your watching the same show.
Street Journal or the Times “We can and must make beset by declining reader- friends which bars and It doesn’t take a wild
of London, it was not im- the business of news gath- ship and advertising rev- restaurants you’re hang- imagination to think of
mediately clear who the ering and editing viable enue. ing out at, thanks to so- how this could fit into the
Daily, News Corp’s digi- again,” Murdoch said in But will anyone pay for cial networking tools social media landscape,
tal newspaper for the iPad New York. “We’re enter- news that is not special- like Facebook Places and sparking discussions on
unveiled on Wednesday, ing a remarkable age of ized, analysts asked. Foursquare. Facebook among friends
is intended to reach. innovation and digital re- “It helps us answer the A new company called watching the latest Real
But that has not stopped naissance.” big question of 2011,” said IntoNow, led by a former Housewives episode for
news from the Times of tions. He added that he target audience: Every- Google and MTV execu- example, or taunts among
the 79-year-old media Murdoch’s lofty remarks Ken Doctor, an analyst
London website behind would measure his suc- one. tive, thinks television is buddies that are tuned-
mogul from investing $30 recalled his speech almost with Outsell Research.
a pay wall, charging 1 cess by “selling millions” Publishers are particular- the next frontier. in to the same game. Or
million to start to find an six years ago when the “Can you charge for (on-
pound for a day or 2 of subscriptions. ly protective of subscriber The company has devel- providing an easy recom-
answer. media mogul urged news- line) general news?”
pounds for a week’s ac- News Corp executives data such as names, ad- oped a technology that mendation system for TV
The Daily, a general paper editors, or “digital The Daily represents
cess. Its online readership were much more eva- dresses and credit cards, scans the audio waves em- shows.
news product available to immigrants,” to save the News Corp’s newest at-
dropped by almost 90 per- sive about whom they which helps them court anating from your televi- IntoNow released a free
iPad users in the United news business by apply- tempt to get consumers
cent. expect to read the digital advertisers and market sion set and identifies the iPhone/iPad app on Mon-
States, will cover every- ing a “digital mindset.” to pay for online news
Murdoch said the Daily newspaper. The Daily’s new products to existing program you’re watching, day that provides the basic
thing from national poli- Shortly thereafter, News and support investment in
would cost an additional editor-in-chief, Jesse An- readers. similar to how the popular capability to identify a TV
tics to sports to gossip. It Corp was hailed as a digi- journalism.
$500,000 or less a week to gelo, relayed a story about iPhone app Shazam magi- show and share the show
will cost 99 cents a week tal leader among tradi- In another example,
run before revenue from Murdoch’s response to a By Jennifer Saba and Yin- cally informs you of what you’re watching with
or $39.99 a year. Apple is tional media companies News Corp put all the
advertisers and subscrip- question about the Daily’s ka Adegoke (Reuters) song is playing on the ra- friends. But the company
dio. hopes that other develop-

Egypt’s Internet
Of course, anyone with ers will build apps using
even the most rudimen- its technology to provide
tary abilities operating a new functionality, such as
remote control can (hope- polls about who is “hot-

gambit misfires.
fully) already figure out test” or most despicable
the name of the program person in a show. Stay
they’re watching. The tuned…

real benefit of IntoNow is
that it can tell you which
of your friends are also Reuters Technology News

As China prepared to to challenge a single, un-

quell the Tienanmen armed civilian who would
Square protests in 1989, not yield.
the government of Deng On the other hand, for
Xiaoping made a crucial all the democratizing
tactical decision: It or- power the internet pro-

dered western networks vides, Egypt’s decision
to shut down their satel- to shut the internet door
lite trucks, making sure shortly after midnight
the violent end to the Friday (along with much

found with
revolution would not be wireless service), while
televised. technically effective, was
As Egypt tried to con- entirely ineffectual. And
tain nationwide protests as for TV: It was only on
this past weekend, the Sunday that Cairo moved
the small messaging ser- a much-dissected New “Some Tweets may fa- to appreciate. There’s no

cell phone
government of President to silence Al Jazeera,
Hosni Mubarak at first which had been broad- vice propel the “Green Yorker article. “The In- cilitate positive change doubt Twitter and Face-
did nothing to stanch the casting non-stop, in what Revolution” in Iran? ternet lets us exploit the in a repressed country, book are as loathed by re-
endless real-time flow of one hopes is not prelude Wasn’t Facebook banned power of these kinds of some make us laugh, pressive governments as
street-level video show- to a Tienanmen Solution. by Iran before the 2009 distant connections with some make us think, they are loved by adver-

ing angry, violent con- It all gets down to criti- election which returned marvelous efficiency. It’s some downright anger a tisers — and for the same
frontations. cal mass. Twitter and President Mahmoud Ah- terrific at the diffusion of vast majority of users,” reason. Strike a match,
Instead, they turned Facebook are peerless madinejad to power? innovation, interdisciplin- co-founder Biz Stone and toss it on the lighter flu-
off the Internet. accelerants, but when Apparently, the Mubarak ary collaboration, seam- General Counsel Alexan- id and just try to control
China’s ruthless ap- you can look out of your government isn’t reading lessly matching up buyers der Macgillivray wrote in the flames. Like wildfire,
proach handed the re- window to see where the Malcolm Gladwell. So- and sellers, and the logis- a Friday blog post. “We there is nothing like social
gime an enduring propa- protesting is going on (to cial media inspires and tical functions of the dat- don’t always agree with networks to spread word
ganda victory, of course. paraphrase veteran NBC creates nothing like the ing world. But weak ties the things people choose globally with unprece- Mass murderer Charles ficials take their cell
Even though hundreds correspondent Richard social activism which, the seldom lead to high-risk to tweet, but we keep the dented speed. Manson was caught with phone policy seriously,
of peaceful protesters Engle) the power of the best-selling author argues, activism.” information flowing irre- So, in the age of the inter- a cell phone behind bars even though one slipped
were mercilessly mowed internet is dwarfed by sparked the U.S. civil Twitter’s own (perhaps spective of any view we net, does withholding the for the second time in two through to Manson.
down when the military pure people power. rights movement. Weak self-preserving) view of may have about the con- internet slow a crowd’s years, a California prison “If you were to visit a
swept through Tienanmen In a way, you could ex- ties, are, well, wimpy. itself is also somewhat tent.” ability to form? official said on Wednes- prison, we would ask you
Square, the most iconic cuse Egypt’s knee-jerk “Our acquaintances — humble. In the midst of It’s tempting to give lots of Memo to the next regime day. to leave your cell phone in
image of the crackdown reaction. After all, wasn’t not our friends — are Friday’s protests the com- credit to a medium which who thinks so: Turn on The state bars mobile the car. No one is to have a
is downright peaceful: A there a “Twitter Revolu- our greatest source of pany reminded the world is still so new we aren’t the TV. phones for all inmates, out cell phone in the prison,”
tank commander refusing tion” in Moldavia? Didn’t new ideas and informa- that it is a medium, not a quite sure how to process of a concern they could she said.
tion,” Gladwell wrote in messenger. a reach we’ve only begun Reuters Technology News use the devices to master- In 2009, Manson was
mind crimes in the outside also caught with a cell

Iran tech expo sends defiant message to West

world, or arrange attacks phone. He used it to call
on inmates or guards. people in California, New
Guards at Corcoran State Jersey, Florida and the Ca-
Prison found Manson’s nadian province of Brit-
contraband phone in a ish Columbia; and he re-
DUBAI, United Arab Tehran’s ability to make the coming days as offi- nanotechnology and aero- seeks to project Iran as the nounced it launched some routine search of his pris- ceived calls from Florida,
Emirates – An Iranian su- atomic fuel remains at cials boast about Iran’s in- space-related items. No “most powerful and in- animals — including a on cell on January 6, said Massachusetts and Indi-
percomputer. New space the heart of the country’s novations. nuclear technology is on dependent country in the mouse, two turtles and Terry Thornton, spokes- ana, Thornton said.
rockets and satellites car- drive for home-grown It also offers an impor- the list. region.” worms — briefly into woman for the California Thornton said she did
rying the flag of the Is- technology. tant lesson in how much An Iranian diplomat in “It has a clear goal,” he space on a research rock- Department of Correc- not know if any crimes
lamic Republic. Biotech “The government’s sup- political capital is vested Syria told The Associated said. “That is to show the et. In February 2009, Iran tions and Rehabilitation. resulted from those calls.
innovations that include port for science and tech- in Iran’s effort to stake Press that the five-day ex- regional countries that sent its first satellite into Prison authorities are still As punishment, Manson
artificial tendons. nology is an unchangeable its claim as the scientific hibition — the first of its Iran is unique since it has orbit. investigating how Man- lost 30 days of good be-
Iran’s claims of scien- strategy,” said President vanguard of the Muslim kind outside Iran — aims achieved technological Iran’s deputy president son got the phone and who havior credit. Thornton
tific advances are coming Mahmoud Ahmadinejad world. to show “friend and foe” achievements” despite for science and technolo- he might have called, she said Manson will face a
at a rapid-fire pace these last month at a high-tech Iran plans a major tech that sanctions have not sanctions. gy, Salar Amuli, told state said. hearing that will decide a
days as the country be- trade exhibition in Tehran. exhibition beginning Sat- slowed Iran despite claims During the coming week, television that computer’s Manson, 76, is one of penalty for the second cell
gins events to mark the “This includes the nuclear urday in Damascus, Syria, by U.S. Secretary of State Iranian officials have power will be used for ar- America’s most notori- phone offense.
anniversary of the 1979 efforts.” whose underlying purpose Hillary Clinton and oth- promised to display a new eas that include nuclear ous mass murderers who, Manson, who is serving
Islamic Revolution. It’s hardly a new state- seeks show that interna- ers. The diplomat spoke range of rockets and satel- physics. along with his cult follow- a life sentence, was denied
It’s become part of an- ment from the Islamic tional sanctions have not on condition of anonym- lites — which could raise ‘History has shown that ers, was convicted in the parole for the 11th time in
nual celebrations of schol- Republic, which has re- crippled Iran’s labs. ity because he was not al- more concern in the West the Iranian nation was 1969 murders of seven 2007. He is eligible for
arship and military might. peatedly insisted it will The expo is expected lowed to brief reporters. that Iran’s space program pioneer of achieving sci- victims, including preg- another hearing in 2012.
But this year, there is an not negotiate over its right to showcase an array of Ali Reza Khamesian, a spilling over into possible entific progress,’ he said nant actress Sharon Tate,
added message to the for uranium enrichment made-in-Iran innovations journalist for the moder- efforts at creating a long- last week. who was the wife of direc- Reporting by Alex Dobuz-
West after the latest talks under international pacts. from more than 120 com- ate newspaper Melleat-e range ballistic missile ar- tor Roman Polanski. inskis: Editing by Peter
over Iran’s nuclear pro- This message, however, panies including preci- Ma newspaper in Tehran, senal. Thornton said prison of- Bohan (Reuters)
gram fizzled in January: be reinforced strongly in sion industrial equipment, said the technology show A year ago, Iran an- By Brian Murphy (AP)

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