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Module 3:

Philosophy of Education
and Personal Philosophy
of Teaching

Direction: Write a short reflection about the statement below: Share your answer
with a partner.

“Education without philosophy is blind and

philosophy without education is invalid”
-Thomas, 1968

Philosophy and education are interrelated to one another. Without philosophy

we will not be guided on the proper means of education. Without education
philosophy will be worthless because we cannot see its significance. Both of them
have brought an important role in our lives.

Talking about education is not simply an education. It has a deep meaning

that we need to be aware of. Let's bear in mind that it imparted a big help to each
individual. Education serves as a path of our goals and destination. We've reaches
our destination because of education and we will aim high with the help of
philosophies of education. Philosophy indentifies and clarifies the behavior, values
and beliefs of individual. This will be the key in defining and directing the purpose
and objectives of the certain group or individual.

I would agree with this statement of Thomas (1968), "Education without

philosophy is blind and philosophy without education is invalid". It only means that
we are having education with its well-designed purposes and objectives. Education is
very effective when it has its principles and theoretical basis. Both philosophy and
education completed us as a human being who's inclined in everything we do.

Guide Questions:

1. What does the word “philosophy” mean as used in the passage given above?

Philosophy means helping hands of education. It is also a path through achieving

a good and higher quality education. Without its presence we cannot create a good
and a very resourceful outcome.

2. What common understanding do you have regarding the term philosophy and

The common understanding I had is that they are interrelated. With philosophy
we think critically and create a good outcome. We easily solve the certain problem
because we are more logic in our decisions. Education is very effective when guided
with its philosophies.

3. As a pre-service teacher, how does your understanding of philosophy influence your

teaching perspective?

Philosophy helps me to understand the differences of each individual and

how to deal with it. Ambiguous things are now clear. Although there are
circumstances that are not easy to surpass but this would serve as guidance
throughout the learning process.
s Application: Let’s Apply

A. Using the balance chart below, illustrate the relationship between philosophy
and education. Provide a brief explanation below the illustration.

Philosophy allows teacher to think critically within the learning process of the course or
subject matter. Philosophy response to a situation and organized everything for the students to
think and learn logically.

B. Today I learned that……..

Philosophy is a about the study of knowledge and metacognition. There are three (3)
conceptions of philosophy; philosophy as wisdom, philosophy as ideology and philosophy as
critical inquiry. Philosophy as wisdom was based on personal experiences. Philosophy as
ideology was referred to as an organized body of opinion. Philosophy as critical inquiry helps
educator to come up more logical decisions and choices. With the help of philosophers
education was successfully developed throughout the years.
Lesson 2:
Philosophies of Education
Sentence Prompts

Direction: Complete the sentence below. Share your answer with a partner.

One important thing I know about philosophy is

Philosophy plays an important role in achieving a successful education.


Guide Questions

1. What common understanding do you have about philosophy?

Philosophy is a about the study of knowledge and metacognition. It helps the

educational system to be more effective. This would guide us to achieve a good and
high-quality educational system.

2. Do you agree that philosophy is related to education? Why?

I agree. Everything in education has its philosophy. Education is guided by

philosophy to make it more effective and achieve a high quality.

3. How does your understanding about philosophy influence your teaching-learning


If influence me to do better in teaching. It guides me in helping my students in the

future to showcase their skills and how well they can perform the given task.
Application: Let’s Apply

A. Using the table below indicate how you can utilize the philosophy in the classroom

Philosophy How to utilize the philosophy in the classroom

Progressivism This can be use in solving problems in the classroom similar

to those they will encounter in their everyday lives.

Perennialism This can be use in such activity where students can use their
rational and moral power.

Existentialism This can be use to develop students scale of values and

authenticate their existence.

Behaviourism This can be use through giving reward, continual feedback

and reinforcement by the teachers to their students. This
allows the students to respond to particular stimuli.
Linguistic Philosophy This can be use to strengthen communication skills of the

This can be use to encourage team working and

collaboration. Debate, essay writing and project woks are
some example that helps students refines their thinking
Essentialism This can be use to strengthen basic education such as
reading, writing, listening, speaking and drawing.

B. Today I learned that ……

What I have learned in this topic is that there are different philosophies in
education that would make our learning more effective. This different philosophy guides
us to think rationally and critically.
Lesson 3:
Principle and Philosophy
of Philippine Education
Concept Web

Direction: Choose a partner and discuss the meaning of the statement “Philippine Education”
using the concept web below. You may write anything related to the statement and can add
additional shapes and lines if needed.

Academic school year begins

All higher education
in June and concludes in
institutions operate on a
March,covers a total of 40
semester system-fall
semester, winter semester
and an optional summer

Both Filipino and English

are the official language of
Offer the formal and non-
instruction and
formal systems of
Analysis : Let us Analyze

Guide Questions:

1. Based on the activity above, what do you mean by Philippine Educational System?

Philippine education talks about the education system in the Philippines and how does it
goes. As what I have wrote above, education here in the Philippines offers formal and
informal way of education. The language used both English and Filipino. The school
started on June and ended up in March.

2. What do you think are the principles that guided officials in the establishment of the
Philippine Educational System?

The principles of education were used to make the education more effective. What
mater the most is the learning put on to the students in the learning process. Education
here in the Philippines is guided with the basic principles of education that's why
students learn competently.

Do this: Write three key terms from what you have learned about the topic, two ideas you
would like to learn more about and one concept that you think you have mastered.

3 Key Terms I Learned Two Ideas I would like to One concept that I have
Learn More Mastered
Philosophy  I want to learn more  I have mastered the
about the Philippine concepts and
educational system importance of
and how it does philosophy to
effective to the education.
Education  I also want to learn
the principles applied
in education system in
the Philippines.
Philippine Educational
Application: Let us Apply
A. Direction: Look for a partner and answer the following abbreviated case scenario related
to the practice of the teaching profession.

1. After the inspection, it was found that Spring Valley College was duly controlled and
administered by a foreign owner. It was also noted that 80% of the stocks was
owned by the foreigner. The Filipino counterpart was summoned to the office of the
City Mayor after the complaint was filed by the inspecting team emphasizing that the
operation is a violation of the law. Is the complaint of the inspecting team valid?
What provisions in the Article XIV of the Philippine constitutions supports the claim
of the inspecting team?

The provisions in the Article XIV of the Philippine constitutions supports the claim of
the inspecting team is the Section 1. The State shall protect and promote the right
of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to
make such education accessible to all.

2. Mr. Juan Dela Cruz filed a complaint against the Vienna Elementary School since her
daughter was forced by the class adviser to attend religion classes even if it is
against their religious practice. The class adviser emphasize that non-attendance to
the religion class would mean failure on the part of the pupil. Is the claim of the
class adviser valid? What provisions in the Article XIV supports the complaint of Mr.
Juan Dela Cruz?

The provisions in the Article XIV supports the complaint of Mr. Juan Dela Cruz is the
Section 17. The State shall recognize, respect, and protect the rights of indigenous
cultural communities to preserve and develop their cultures, traditions, and
institutions. It shall consider these rights in the formulation of national plans and

B. Today I learned that ……

I have learned the importance of philosophy to the system of education. To learn and
explore new things are the basic necessities of a person. We all have right to learn and
to be educated so let's aim high and be guided by the principles.
Lesson 4:
Hilosophy of
One Minute Paper
Direction: For one minute, think of one teacher you know whose philosophy of teaching
is really good. Why do you say that his/her philosophy is good?

I will not forget my teacher in Grade 8 who has made me believe that one day I have all
my dreams in life. Ma'am Honeylynn Sulfelix inspires me always to do my best. Her
way of teaching is unforgettable. She's not only touches our minds but also our hearts.
Every word she used to deliver is always remembered.

Analysis: Let us analyze

Guide Questions:

1. How does the philosophy of the teacher influence his/her practice of the teaching

Her practice of teaching influence the way she taught us. She used philosophy wherein
we can easily understand the lesson. She has her own way of teaching style that would
catch the attention of the students and how well they can showcase their knowledge
and skills.

2. Do you agree that having a personal philosophy of teaching is important? Why?

Yes, I agree. Whatever the philosophy you are using is a big help as long as it gives and
delivered knowledge to the students. Having a personal philosophy of teaching makes
you more resourceful in teaching.

3. As a future teacher, how does your personal philosophy of teaching affects instructional

I guess it would be a big help for me. By the use of my personal philosophy I can say I
can be an effective teacher. I will help my students to learn and to boost their
confidence. They will become more responsible in everything they do. I will do my best
to make them the best version of their selves.

Do this: Write a one-sentence summary of the topic “Personal Philosophy of Teaching”.

Personal philosophy of teaching is a big help. This is one way of being a resourceful teacher.
This will serve as a guide of a teacher towards achieving an effective teaching.


A. Formulate your own personal philosophy of teaching. Discuss on how you are
going to utilize and/or apply the philosophy in the teaching learning process.

Students have their own way of learning. Every individual has their strengths and
weaknesses. In the near future, my personal philosophy of teaching will be;
knowing the individual's strengths and weaknesses and also I will let them learn
on their own basically they will explore. This philosophy of mine will be use to
teach my students to showcase their knowledge, skills and talents.

B. Today I learned that ……

I have learned the concepts of teaching. Teacher's way of teaching is not easy because they
need to follow the principles of teaching to make a sense in their lesson. I have now the idea
on how to handle a class with a different personality of the students.

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