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(A Quasi-experiment Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Puspita

Bangsa in Academic Year 2015/2016)









ErviNurAzizah. 1111014000062. The Effectiveness of STAD (Student Team

Achievemet Division) Towards Students’ Speaking Ability (A Quasi-
Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Puspita Bangsa in
academic year 2015/2016). Skripsi of the Department of English Education at
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta University, 2016.
Advisor I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.
Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Key Words: STAD (Student Team Achievement Division), Speaking Ability.

The objective of this study was to know the empirical evidence about the
effectiveness of STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) method towards
students’ speaking ability at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Puspita Bangsa.
In this study the researcher used quantitative analysis as a method. Moreover, the
design used quasi-experimental study and the instrument of this research was oral
test. The population of this study was the Eleventh grade students of SMK Puspita
Bangsa. They were XI.1 as the controlled class and X.3 as the experimental class.
X.1 has 35 students while X.3 has 37 students. In this present study the researcher
used purposive sampling as the sampling technique. To gain the reliability of the
test instrument, the research used analytical scoring which was derived by David
P. Harris to give score on the students’ speaking on pre-test and post-test ,
(Maximum score: 25. Then the total score was Student score X 100 : maximum
score). In the end of the research, the researcher concluded the effect of STAD on
students’ speaking ability by comparing the test result between the pre-test and
post test in two classes. The findings of the research showed that the students
which were taught using STAD have higher score than taught without STAD. It
was proved by the calculation of mean score on experimental class (71) and
control class (64). It can be seen that mean score of experimental class higher
than controlled class. In addition, from the statistic analysis, it was found that the
value of the t0 was 3.87 with degree of freedom (df) of 38. In the significant degree
of 0.05, the value in the table of t student T (0.05) and df (20+20) – 2 was 1.686.
The result showed that Tvalue>Ttable(3.87>1.686). Based on the statistical result, it
can be drawn that t0 is accepted and the null hypotheses (H0) is rejected. It means
that STAD (student Team Achievement Division) was effective towards students’
speaking ability at the Eleventh grade student at SMK Puspita Bangsa students.


ErviNurAzizah. 1111014000062. The Effectiveness of STAD (Student Team

Achievemet Division) Towards Students’ Speaking Ability (A Quasi-
Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK PuspitaBangsa in
academic year 2015/2016). Skripsi pada jurusan Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu
Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,
Advisor I : Dr. Alek, M.Pd.
Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Kata Kunci: STAD, Kemampuan Berbica

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan “Student

Team Achievement Division (STAD)” terhadap kemampuan berbicara pada siswa
kelas XI di SMK Puspita Bangsa. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan
metode quantitative dan metode penelitian kuasie kspermen. Instrument yang
digunakan adalah tes lisan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa
kelas XI di SMK Puspita Bangsa. Kemudian, peneliti mengambil 2 kelas sebagai
sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelas X.1 sebagai kelas control dan X.3 sebagai
kelas eksperiment. Adapun masing-masing kelas memiliki jumlah siswa yaitu 35
siswa dikelas X.1 dan 37 siswa dikelas X.3. Dalam pengambilan sampel, teknik
yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Untuk memastikan reliabilitas dari
instrument tersebut, peneliti menggunakan analytical scroring yang diadaptasi
dari David P Harris untuk menilai hasil pre-test dan post-test siswa dalam
kemampuan berbicara. Di akhir penelian, peneliti menyimpulkan keefektifan
penggunaan STAD dalam kemampuan berbicara siswa dengan membandingkan
antara nilai pre-test dan post-test dua kelas. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan
siswa yang belajar menggunakan STAD memiliki nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan
dengan kelas yang tidak menggunakan STAD. Itu dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil
nilai rata-rata kelas experiment 71 dan kelas control 64. Sedangkan untuk hasil
perhitungan hipotesis statistic ditemukan bahwa pada taraf signifikansi 5%, thitung
adalah 3.87, sedangkan ttabel adalah 1.686. Hal ini menandakan thitung > ttabel. Dari
hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa T0 (Hipotesis Alternative) diterimadan H0
(Hipotesis Null) ditolak. Dengan kata lain, bahwa penggunaan metode STAD
efektif dalam kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas XI di SMK Puspita Bangsa tahun
ajaran 2015/2016.


All praise be to almighty Allah Who always gives His mercy and blessing
upon the writer in her life and her study to accomplish this Skripsi entitled “The
Effectiveness of STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) toward Student
Speaking Ability” (An Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK
PuspitaBangsa in the Academic Year of 2015/2016).
Invocation and Salutation may be granted to the noble prophet Muhammad
Pbuh as the best figure in this universe and his family, his colleague, his followers
who has brought Islam until this present.
Her deepest gratitude and appreciate go to all members of her big family,
especially her beloved parents her father E. Sunarya, S.Pd and her mother
Mutmainah who everlastingly pray for her success and for supporting throughout
her life and their patience and struggle to bring up their daughter should be
Next, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her advisor
and also the head of English Education Department, Dr. Alek, M.Pd for his
precious time, helpful corrections, careful guidance, and encouragement the writer
during consultation.
Her deepest gratitude also goes to her thesis advisor II and also the
secretary of English Education Department Zaharil Annasy, M.Hum. Thank you
for the kindness, precious time, very good advice as well as suggestion and
support throughout the process of completing this skripsi.
Her deepest gratitude and appreciation go to those who have helped and
supported her during the process of finishing this thesis.
1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teachers’ Training.
2. All lecturers of the Department of English Education, who have given
their knowledge, experience and time to lectures the students in this

3. The Headmaster of SMK Puspita Bangsa Mr. Samsi, S.Pd who had given
permission to the writer to do the research in his school.
4. The English teacher of SMK Puspita Bangsa Mr. Razikin, S.Pd. who
helped the writer by giving permission to join and to do research in his
5. Her dearest brothers and sisters, Dian Fauzan Firdaus, M.Pd., Sirot
Qudratullah, S.E., Aufa Maftuhah, S.Pd., Yuli Sri Muliawati, S.Pd and
Cute nephew and nices Lingga Reizan Dzakwan Firdaus, Alisya Nasywa
Firdaus, Lubna Fathiatul Attaya for their fidelity, love and priceless
sacrifice and always giving motivation and praying for the writer.
6. All beloved friends of “EED B 2011 Happy Family”, especially the
writer’s best friends; Afni Amalia, S.Pd, Karima Desti Annisa, Siti
Khafido, Nadya Karimah, Fauziah Putri and Siti Raudatul Fushiyah for
their support, helps and have accompanying the writer’s journey studying
in this University.
7. Last but not least, there are still lots of people who cannot be mentioned
one by one who helped in finishing this skripsi.

The researcher realizes that this skripsi is certainly far from perfect,
therefore any criticism, suggestion for the development of this thesis are highly
Finally, the writer expects; may this skripsi maybe useful, especially for
the writer and generally for the reader.

Jakarta, January 04th2016

The Writer



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... i
ABSTRAK ................................................................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDIX ............................................................................... viii

A. Background of the Study .......................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem. ................................... 4
C. Limitation of the Problem .......................................... 4
D. Research Question ..................................................... 5
E. Objective of the Study ............................................... 5
F. Significance of the Study............................................ 5


1. Speaking Skill .......................................................... 7
A. Definition of Speaking ....................................... 7
B. Aim of Study Speaking ...................................... 8
C. Assessing Speaking ............................................ 9
2. Cooperative Learning .............................................. 11
A. Definition of Cooperative Learning ................. 11
B. Method of Cooperative Learning ................... 11
C. STAD ................................................................ 12
1. Definition of STAD ................................................. 12
2. Component of STAD ............................................... 13
3. Implementation of STAD in Teaching Speaking
Skill .......................................................................... 14

D. Procedures in Teaching Speaking Using STAD 16
E. Previous Related Study ................................... 18
F. Thinking Frame work ...................................... 19
G. Theoretical Hypothesis .................................... 20


A. Place and the Time of the Research ........................... 21
B. Research Method and Design .................................... 21
C. Population and Sample............................................... 22
D. Instrument of the Research ....................................... 23
1.The Data Validity .................................................... 27
E. Technique of Data Collection .................................... 27
F. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................... 28
G. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................. 31


A. Research Finding ..................................................... 33
1. Data Description ................................................. 33
2. The Result Data of Experimental Class .............. 33
3. The Result Data of Controlled Class .................. 35
4. Analysis of the Data ............................................ 37
5. Hypothesis Testing.............................................. 41
6. Result of Data Analysis ...................................... 45
B. Interpretation of the Data .......................................... 45


A. Conclusion .............................................................. 48
B. Suggestion .............................................................. 48
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................... 50
APPENDICES .......................................................................................... 53


Table 3.1 Instrument of the Research ......................................................... 24

Table 3.2 Rubric for Assessing Speaking ................................................... 25

Table 4.1 Score Pre-test and Post-Test of the Experimental Class ............. 34

Table 4.2 Score Pre-test and Post-Test of the controlled Class .................. 35

Table 4.3 The Result of Normality Pre-Test ............................................... 37

Table 4.4 The Result of Normality Post-Test ............................................. 38

Table 4.5 The Result of Homogeneity Pre-Test.......................................... 39

Table 4.6 The Result of Homogeneity Post-Test ........................................ 40

Table 4.7 The Result of Comparison of the Experimental and

Controlled Test ............................................................................ 41


Appendix1 : List of Members Controlled Class .................................. 53

Appendix2 : List of Members Experiment Class ................................. 54
Appendix3A : The Instrument for Pre-Test ........................................... 55
Appendix3B : The Instrument for Post-Test .......................................... 56
Appendix4A : Lesson Plan for Pre-Test (Experiment Class) ................. 57
Appendix4B : Lesson Plan for Post-Test (Experiment Class) ................ 63
Appendix5A : Lesson Plan for Pre-Test (Controlled Class) .................... 69
Appendix5B : Lesson Plan for Post-Test (Controlled Class) .................. 75
Appendix6A : The Result of Pre-Test (Experiment Class)...................... 81
Appendix6B : The Result of Post-Test (Experiment Class) .................... 82
Appendix7A : The Result of Pre-Test (Controlled Class) ....................... 83
Appendix7B : The Result of Post-Test (Controlled Class) ...................... 84
Appendix8A : The Transcript of Pre-Test (Experiment Class) ................ 85
Appendix8B : The Transcript of Pre-Test (Controlled Class) .................. 91
Appendix8C : The Result of Post-Test (Experiment Class) ...................... 96


This chapter consists of background of the study, identification of the

problem, limitation of the problem, research question, the objective of the study,
and the significance of the study.
A. Background of Study
Speaking is one of the language skills in learning English language. In
teaching learning English, Speaking is one of the important skills that should be
learned by the learner. In addition, there are some important elements should be
concerned in learning speaking such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and
the fluency. Grammar and vocabulary will help the learner in conveying the
information correctly. Besides, Pronunciation should be learnt by learner because
it is very important in conveying the meaning of the speaker. Therefore, speaking
skill should be taught more in some substances that related to communication.
Communication is really important in the daily activities. Without
communication people cannot get the information which they really want to
know. It is caused that communication is the way how people can express their
ideas. Absolutely, the purpose of communication is to persuade, inform and
entertain. Therefore, the status of communication can be done through the use of
language whether it is through oral or written form.
Language is the main aspect of human existence in doing communication,
because without language people may find difficulty to give their opinion about
many things to others. In other words language is as a tool for transferring the
ideas feeling and emotion. In learning English Language there are many parts that
must be learned such as in tenses part of speech, pronunciation, vocabulary,
semantics, and so on.
Considering the importance of English language, it is necessary for people
to learn English as a second language. Indonesia government had been putting
English as one subject to learn in junior as well as in senior high school. Students
are expected to be able to communicate orally and writtenly.

Speaking is one of communicative skills that should be mastered by the
students during learning English, especially students of senior high school.
Nevertheless, many students have difficulties in producing the utterances in the
speaking class. Some students still consider that English is a difficult lesson to be
learned at the school. In addition, most of students prefer to keep silent rather than
speaking when the teacher asked the student to practice in the class.
Sometimes, the student argues that the person who was master in
speaking, they also master in English subject. Because in speaking ability the
skills consist of some aspect that also should be concerned: vocabulary,
pronunciation, and grammar. In other hand, most of learners feel fearful, do not
have confident and lack of motivation to speak English in the class, especially in
English subject.
To help the students in solving their problem, the teacher should motivate
and create the effective way to stimulate students, then the students interested in
practicing their speaking. Moreover, the students not only have to learn more
about vocabulary building, grammar, and pronunciation but also have to
understand when, why, and in what ways to produce language. Self confidence is
the important thing in speaking ability, because utterance will not come if there is
not bravery and confidence in her/him self. As we know with the recent growth of
English as an international language of communication, there is clearly a need for
many learners to speak and interact in a multiplicity of situations through the
language such as: for foreign travel, business or other professional reasons.

It is obvious that speaking is one of the important skills in English to be

learned, especially the learner who will interact in business, travel and such as
tourism major in vocational school. Speaking ability will help students and make
them easy in giving and delivering information with their partner. According to
Paulette Dale and James C. Wolf “Any speech is an informative speech if it

presents information.1 Our speech would be informative if our partner can
understand and get the information from us.

Teacher can use some techniques or activities to help students active and
motivated in acquiring the speaking ability based on the instructional material
given. According to Brown ”Dialogues and conversations are the most obvious
and most often used speaking activities in language classrooms, a teacher can
select activities from a variety of tasks.2As an oral skill, speaking need much
practice to help student in mastering in speaking. Additionally teacher has to build
communicative activities in the class.Then, studentswill be more active in the
class. As Murcia stated in her book that Communicative activities are the
activities which oriented in performing: such as role play, drama scenes, debates
and interview.3Teachers also can use cooperative learning as their method in
teaching learning process.
Cooperative learning is a technique which transforms the classroom from a
collection of individual to a network groups. Cooperative environment are indeed
more beneficial than autocratic environments for advancing the child social and
intellectual majority.4 The method also expects the students to help each other in
mastering the current knowledge by arguing and discussions; they are expected to
exchange their knowledge.
In this study, the researcher analyzed the eleventh grade student in the
vocational school (SMK) with the tourism major. The tourism program has
connection with their speaking ability and the ability in giving the information or
opinion. Furthermore, speaking will be important in tourism major’s students for
preparing in guiding and handling the tourist. According to Anderson, Maclean
and Lynch that studying speaking has been written for people who need to speak

Paulette Dale and James C.Wolf, Speech Communication: Third Edition, (New York:
PearsonEducation, 2006), p. 61.
Brown, H.Douglas,Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994), p. 269.
Marianne Celce Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Second
Edition, (Boston, Massachussett: Heinle and HeinlePublisher, 1991), p. 144.
Bruce R. Joyce and BerjHarootunian,The Structure of Teaching,(Chicago: All Right
Reserved, 1967), p. 167.

English in connection with their academic work.5 It is appropriate with of tourism
major’s studentswhich related with their work.
In this study, the writer use Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)
as the technique. According to Sharan that main idea behind STAD is to motivate
students to encourage and help each other in mastering the skill presented by the
teacher. If students want their team to earn team rewards, they must help their
teammates to learn the materials.6 According to Armstrong, Scott and Jesse stated
In STAD technique students are assigned to four or five member teams reflecting
a heterogeneous grouping of high, average, and low achieving students of diverse
ethnic backgrounds and different genders.7 In this technique students can share
their problem or difficulties with their friends in group. So, group work will
limited their doubt, fearful and feeling shy to speak and to express their opinion.
Getting learners to speak in class is difficult, hopefully by using STAD can
improve students’ speaking ability. The group consist of different background,
included smart children. Therefore, each student will more confident to speak in
group than to speak in front of the entire friend. Based on the explanation above,
this study will be continued under the title of “The Effectiveness of Student Team
Achievement Division (STAD) towards Students Speaking Ability”

B. Identification of Problem
Based on the explanation above, the writer identifies some problems
teaching and learning speaking, they are:
1. Students are feeling shy,fearful and doubtful to speak in speaking class
because they are not accustoms to speak English in class.

Kenneth Anderson, Joan Maclean and Tony Lynch, Study Speaking: A Course in Spoken
English for Academic Process. Cambridge, (New York: The Press Syndicate of the University of
Cambridge, 2004), p. 5.
SholomoSharan,Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods.(Greenwood: Greenwood
Press, 1999), p. 4.
Armstrong, Scott Palmer and Jesse, Journal Student Teams Achievement Divisions
(STAD) in a twelfth grade classroom: Effect on student achievement and attitude, Pro Quest LLC,
2014, p. 7.

2. Most of students lack of risk taking to participate actively in the class
because of the class crowded and make some of them lost their
3. Most of students consider that speaking is a difficult material to be
4. The teacher less creative to choose any appropriate method.

C. Limitation of Problem
Based on the problem were related above, the problem of thisresearch was
limited on using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)technique in
students speaking ability.

D. Research Question
Based on the problem above, the problem of this research was formulated
as follow “Was there any effect of students’ speaking ability before and after
applying Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) at the Eleventh Grade
Student at SMK PuspitaBangsa?”

E. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem mentioned above, the objective of this research was
to know the effectiveness of students’ speaking ability before and after applying
Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) at the Eleventh Grade Student at
SMK PuspitaBangsa.”

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this research hopefully can give some significances, not only
theoretically but also practically, go to:
1. Student:
The result of the study will hopefully contribute to the improvement of the
speaking ability, especially in giving opinion on vocational school of tourism

2. Teacher:
The result of the study hopefully will inform the teacher that STAD (Student
Team Achievement Division) is able as an interest technique to increase the
student’s ability in speaking.
3. Other Researcher:
The result of the study will hopefully contribute to the other researchers who
are interested in the use STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) in
speaking ability in giving opinion.


In conducting the research, researcher tried to collect some theory of

speking and STADfrom experts and other research which is in a same field. This
chapter will elaborate the variable of the research systematically. The variables
are Speaking and STAD (Student Team Achievement Division). Due to give some
explanation clearly, the researcher will explain from the definition of speaking,
aims of study speaking, assessing speaking, the definition of Cooperative learning,
definition of STAD and its purposes, component of STAD andImplementation of
STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) in teaching speaking skill.
A. Speaking
1. Definition of Speaking.
Speaking is a skill by using utterance and also one of a tool in
communication. As a social creature, human being is needed to communicate
between each other. As Brown said speaking is productive skill that can be
directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the
accuracy and effectiveness of a test-takers listening skill. 1 Based on Richards and
Renandya say speaking is one of the central elements of communications. In EFL
teaching, it is an aspect that needs special attention and instruction.2According to
Nunan” Speaking is one of the most important aspects to be learned by students.”3
Speaking ability is important and needed, because as a human being we need to
interact and communicate with the other human being.
Brown in his book stated “Spoken language production, learning to talk in
the foreign language is often considered to be one of the most difficult

H. Douglas Brown,Language Assessment: Principles Classroom Practices, (San
FransiscoState University: Pearson Education, 2004), p. 140.
Jack C. Richards and Willy A Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An
Anthology of Current Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 210.
David Nunan, .Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teacher,(New York:
Prentice Hall Regent1991), p. 25.

aspectslearning for the teacher to help the student with.4 According to Anderson,
Maclean and Lynch stated that speaking is often the skill upon which a person is
judged „at face value‟. In other words, people may often form judgments about
our language competence from our speaking rather than from any of other
language skills.5In short speaking is one of skill that difficult to learn, because
there are many aspect and the ability that student have to concerned on it such as:
fluently, grammar, vocabulary and self confidence also. Therefore, sometimes
speaking stated as a difficult skill for learner. Teachers have to provide the
effective guidance in developing student speaking ability. Self confidence and
more practice are much needed in improving speaking ability. Based on Richards
and Renandya stated like any language speaking generally has to be learned and
practice. In practice, spoken language skill can be develop simply by assigning
student general topics to discuss or by getting them to talk on certain subject.6
Based on the previous definition above, Speaking is one of tools of
communication and the natural way to communicate and share information, idea,
and opinion to each other. Spoken language is a form of communication in which
people uses the mouth to create recognizable sounds. The teacher should train the
students to accustom them to speak in their target language, because to build
students‟ skill in speaking is not easy. The important one in speaking is practicing
the language. Then, the teacher can guide the student with some ways: such as
practicing the target language through oral practice, it can be done by guiding,
insistence, support the teacher.

2. The Goal of Studying Speaking.

There are many goals that must be reached by the learner in learning
English language. In this study, the writer focused on the goal of teaching speaking
skill. The goal of teaching speaking is to encourage students to develop ability to

Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken Language: An Approach Based on
the Analysis of Conversational English, (Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of
Cambridge, 1983), p. 27.
JO Mc Donugh and Christopher Shaw, Material and Method in ELT: A Teacher’s Guide,
(British: Black Well Publishing, 2003), p. 133.
Jack C. Richard and Willy A Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An
Anthology of Current Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 205.

communicate and interact with other, to develop fluency and natural in expression,
feeling and opinion to other people. Kenneth Anderson in his book, Study speaking
is designed to improve student‟s speaking skills English by using:
a. Activating and extending their linguistic competence
b. Increasing their confidence in using spoken English
c. Developing their ability to analyze and evaluate spoken performance
d. Sharpening their strategic competence in face to face interaction.7
So, studying speaking aims is to improve the quality of their speaking
skills as well as to increase the quantity of their knowledge of the language
system. According to Brown: the aims of study speaking are the student should be
able to „express himself‟ in the target language, to cope with basic interactive
skills like exchanging greetings and thanks and apologies, and to express his
„needs‟-request information, service and will prepare student to produce short
turns of transactional and interactional type.8 So, student can express their ideas,
feeling and emotion in learning speaking. Through expressing those conditions the
students can develop the language knowledge as the skill. It is caused they are
frequently, accustomed use and practice their target language.

3. Assessing Speaking
There are some ways how teacher assess student‟s speaking ability. The
purposeis to know whether student can communicate effectively in the spoken
language mode. Based on Brown and Yule stated communicate effectively is
clearly a feature of primarily intersectional speech. 9 Assessing speaking is
challenging, however, because there are so many factors that influence our
impression of how well someone can speak a language, and because we expect
test scores to be accurate, just and appropriate for our purpose. According to
Harris there are five components are generally recognized in analysis of the

Kenneth Anderson, Joan Maclean and Tony Lynch, Study Speaking: A Course in
Spoken English for Academic Process, Cambridge, (New York: The Press Syndicate of the
University of Cambridge 2004), p. 5.
Gillian Brown and George Yule, Teaching the Spoken Language: An Approach Based on
the Analysis of Conversational English,(Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of
Cambridge, 1983), p. 27
Ibid., p.103.

speech process. They are: 1) Pronunciation,” including the segmental features-
vowels and consonants-and the stress and intonation patterns,” 2) Grammar, 3)
Vocabulary, 4) Fluency, “The ease and speed of the flow of speech,” 5)
Comprehension,” for oral communication certainly requires a subject to respond
to speech as well as to initiate it.10According to Brown, there are three type of
a. Imitative
At one end of continuum of type speaking performance is the ability to
simply parrot back (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. The purpose
of imitative activities is obviously not focus on students‟ meaningful interaction
but for focusing on the element of language form.
b. Intensive
A second type of speaking frequently employed in assessment contexts is
the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate
competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological
relationship. This activity intended to practice some phonological or grammatical
aspect but it is one step beyond imitative activities. Intensive speaking can be
done through pair work activities.
c. Responsive
Responsive assessment task include interaction and test comprehension
but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greetings
and small talk, simple requests and comments, and the like. In responsive
activities, the students focused on how to reply the question shortly. The reply is
usually sufficient and no need to be extended. As in example:
Teacher: How are you today?
Student: Pretty good, thanks, and you?

David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, (Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd: 1977), p. 81.

d. Interactive
The difference between responsive and intensive, interactive speaking is
the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multiple
exchanges and multiple participants.
e. Extensive (monologue)
Extensive oral production task include speeches, oral presentation, and
storytelling, during which opportunity for oral interaction from listener is either
highly limited or ruled out altogether. It is given for intermediate to advanced
students who can explore their ability in extending monologue in the form of oral
reports, summaries, or short speeches.
The student must use the target language to share their ideas, thought,
opinions, and solve their difficulty together also discussed it with their team.11

B. Cooperative Learning
1. Definition of Cooperative Learning.
Cooperative learning is a teaching technique that facilitates pupils to work
together in team to assist each other in experiencing learning activities.
Cooperative learning is a successful teaching technique in which small teams,
each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities
to improve their understanding of a subject. According to CooperativeLearning is
one way of providing students with a well defined framework from which to learn
from each other.Students work towards fulfilling academic and social skill goals
that are clearly stated.12
Cooperative learning has been proposed as a framework for organizing and
maximizing authentic and purposeful classroom interaction among learners in a

H. Douglas Brown,Language Assessment: Principles Classroom Practices, (San
Fransisco State University: Pearson Education, 2004), p. 141.
Sunila Thomas and Sreevidya Nair, JournalEffect of Student‟s Team Achievement Division
(STAD) on the Enhancement of English Language Competency Among Students of Secondary, Level
Academic Achievement of Students..Conflux Journal of Education ISSN 2320-9305 Volume 1, Issue
2, July 2013. P. 23.

supportive and stress-reduced environment, thereby increasing their achievement
in the cognitive, affective, and social domains of schooling.13
From explanation above we can conclude, Cooperative learning is a
teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of
ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a
subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught
but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement.
Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully
understand and complete it.

2. Method of Cooperative learning

According to Slavin there are some methods of cooperative learning.
Student Learning Teams (SLT), Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD),
Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) and Jigsaw.14
a. Student Learning Teams (SLT),
Team goals are achieved when each member achieves selected academic
objectives. This method emphasizes to the team reward, individual accountability,
and equal opportunities for success. The team rewards are earned when a team
achieves at or above a predetermined criterion level.
b. Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD)
In this method varied group of four students are assigned to a team. So,
students work together to ensure all students has mastered the lesson after initial
teacher led instruction. Next, students take individual quizzes without peer
assistance. And the last, quiz scores are compared to past averages; points are
awarded based on progress from past performance.

c. Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT).
Team‟s games tournament is same procedures as STAD on initial
instruction and heterogeneous groups. But the quizzes are replaced with

Shaaban and Ghaith, The Theoretical Relevance and Efficacy of Using Cooperative
Learning in the ESL/EFL Classroom,Journal of TESL Reporter 38, 2, 2005, pp. 14--28 .
Robert E. SLavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice, (London,
Allyman Bacon: 2005), p. 11.

weekly Team‟s games tournament is same procedures as STAD on initial
instruction and heterogeneous groups. But the quizzes are replaced with
weekly tournaments.

C. STAD (Student Team Achievement Division).

1. Definition of STAD
STAD is type of method teaching in cooperative learning. In cooperative
learning, students are divided into groups or teams which they carry out assigned
work. Sharan stated in his book Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) is a
generic method of organizing the class room rather than a comprehensive method
of teaching any particular subject teacher used their own lesson and other
materials. In the STAD consist of 4 until 5 students which in each group have
different ethnic, performance level, and ect. In this method student will work with
their team or group and make sure that all members is understand about the
material. The next, their comprehension or ability will exercise by individual quiz
about the material. Students‟ scores will compare with their previous score which
not use STAD as a technique in that subject.
STAD can be used as the effective way because students can learn English
from their friends rather than asking the teacher because they are shy or afraid to
ask. In STAD, the group is heterogeneous means that the group consists of
students with different performance in speaking. Because they work in group,
student will help and motivate each other in the material by using STAD.
Moreover, the teacher has explained that scores will took from their team
cooperation and comprehension. Student will help their teammates to comprehend
the material, they try to solve every problem and discuss it with their teammates.
From the definition above it can be concluded that Student Teams-
Achievement Division Method (STAD) is one of popular cooperative learning
that combines students‟ active-participation and collaboration team including five
major components such as class presentations, teams, quizzes, individual
improvement scores, and team recognition

Shlomo Sharan. Handbook of Cooperative Learning Method (Greenwood, 1994), p. 5.

2. Component of STAD
According to Sharan, Student team achievement division (STAD) is
divided into five major components, they are: Class presentations, Team, quizzes,
Individual improvement scores, and Team recognition. 16
a. Class Presentation
Class presentation is one of the focuses on STAD, in STAD class
presentation is student release that they must pay careful attention during the class
presentation, because doing so will help them to do well on the quizzes, and their
quiz scores determine their team scores.
b. Team
The team is the most important feature of STAD. At every point, emphasis
is placed on teammembers doing its best for the team, and on the team doing its
best to help its member. The team provides the peer support for academic
performance that is important for effects on learning, but it also provides the
mutual concern and respect that are important for the effects on such out comes as
intergroup relations, self-esteem, and acceptance of mainstreamed students.
c. Quizzes
After one to two periods of teacher presentation and one to two periods of
team practice, the student take individual quizzes. Students are not permitted to
help one another during the quizzes. This makes sure that every student
individually responsible to know the material.
d. Individual Improvement Scores.
The reason of individual improvement scores is to give each student a
performance goal that the student can reach, but only if he or she work harder and
performs better than in the past. Any student can contribute maximum points to
his or her team in this scoring system, but no student can do so without showing
definite improvement over past performance. The student can earn points based
on how much their quiz scores exceed their base scores.

Shlomo Sharan. Handbook of Cooperative Learning Method (Greenwood, 1994), p. 7.

e. Team Recognition
Students‟ team scores may also be used to determine up to five bonus
points toward their grades. Certificates for teams that meet high standards of
performance, newsletter recognition, bulletin-board displays, special privileges,
small prizes, or rather than towards emphasize the idea that doing well as team is

3. Implementation of STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) in

Teaching Speaking skill
Speaking is the subject or skill that need more practice and student have
to or suggested to be communicative in the teaching learning process. Based on
Richards and Renandya said that to speak the target language fluently and
appropriately is difficult, especially for adult.17 Brown stated‟ speaking is a
productive skill can be directly and empirically observed.18 Therefore, in teaching
speaking need the effective guidance in developing students‟ speaking ability and
to be able communicate in the target language. Thus, to develop students‟
speaking ability in L2 or foreign language is the learner opportunity given to
speak in the language-promoting interaction
Practice is very important in learning speaking, because it is to train
students‟ pronunciation and comprehension of student. The teacher can use
Student team achievement division (STAD) as a method in teaching learning
process of speaking. Students also can share their problem and left their doubt to
say something with their friend in group. So team work is very needed in create a
good team. Here, the students in every group work toward a goal in order all of
personal learners participated in create a good team work. Based on Richards and
Renandya the functions of spoken language are interactional and transactional.
The results of the function of speaking from both statements are interaction as a
key to teaching language for communication and transactional is the way to give

Jack C. Richards and Willy A Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An
Anthology of Current Practice, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 204.
Brown H. Douglas, Language Assessment: Principles Classroom Practices, (San
Fransisco State University: Pearson education, 2004), p. 140.
Richards and Renandya, Op. cit., P. 208.

and take exchange the message that conveys their intentions in real life
To implement STAD is not easy. A teacher is demanded to prepare the
instrument and technique well to apply this method in learning. Here are some
procedures to apply STAD in the class:
a. Make a team summary that is given for students.
b. Arrange the students‟ achievement
c. Determine the members of the team
d. Divide the students into a team.
e. Suggest students to fill the paper of team summary.20

D. Procedures In Teaching Speaking Using STAD

Based on Slavin in his book stated the Implementation Guide and STAD
Steps as follows:21
1. Implementation Guide
a. Make the students enthusiastic to do the question
b. Ask students randomly. It will make the students to prepare their
answers every time.
c. Do not give the question that needs long time to do. They will be bored
and not be interested in the learning.
2. STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) Steps in Speaking Skill.
a. Teaching
This step is material delivery step (teaching) to transfer lesson to the
student before they learn in their team. A teacher must set the goal includes what
aspect will be achieved and state the general concept of the ongoing teaching and
learning in the meeting.

Shlomo Sharan. Handbook of Cooperative Learning Method, (Greenwood, 1994), p. 6.
Robert E. SLavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice, (London,
Allyman Bacon: 2005), p. 154.

b. Team Study
Students work with the project paper of their team to master the material.
The obligation of the members of team is to master material that explained in the
class and to help other team members to master the material. The students get
activity sheet and answer sheet that is used to drill ability during teaching and to
score their own selves and classmates. In the first teamwork in STAD, A teacher
must explain to the students how important to do in a team and set the classroom
1) Students have responsibility to ensure that their team to learn their
2) No one stops learning until their own entire team master the material.
3) Ask a help to all team members to help other team members before
asking to the teacher
4) Team member is allowed talking each other in a soft of voice.

A teacher can also motivate the students to make additional rules if it is

needed. Here are the rules:
1) Allow students move to their team.
2) Give time around 10 minutes to choose name of their team.
3) Share activity sheets
4) Instruct the students to work together in pair.
5) Suggest the students that they have not finished yet in learning until
they believe that their team mates get 100 to their quiz.
6) Ensure that the students understand the worksheet is to learn not to just
fill in the blank.
7) Remind the students if they have question they must ask their team
mates before they ask the teacher.
c. Test
1) Give the quiz and time to the students to finish the task.

2) Allow the students to exchange the worksheet with other teams or
collect the quiz to score after the class ends. The teacher has to calculate
the team score and quiz immediately.

d. Individual Development Score

The main concept of individual development score is to tell students the
purpose of performance that is reached if they strive diligently and give better
performance. Every student is given first score that got from the average of
student performance in doing the same quiz before. Then the students collect point
to their team based on their development level of quiz score is compared with the
first score. The students can give maximal point contribution to their team in this
scoring system if they can progress their first score.
e. Team Recognition
The teacher announces the best team in the meeting based on the level of
development in the test and gives certificate to the best team.

E. Previous Related Studies

In conducting the study of using STAD as a technique in teaching
speaking skill of the Eleventh grade students of SMK Puspita Bangsa, the writer
relates this study from any sources. The first one is the research from Zaenul Wafa
from State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga university, entitles
“The Use of Student Teams-Achievement Divisions Method (STAD) to Improve
Listening Comprehension of the Second Grade Students of SMAN 2 Salatiga in
the Academic Year 2012/2013.”In his research he used STAD in improving
students‟ listening comprehension. In fact, he can give a proved that STAD is an
effective method to improve students‟ listening comprehension skill in teaching
listening comprehension. Inusing STADthe students were not only enthusiastic
about teaching and learning process but also happy to follow the procedure of
STAD; teaching, teaming, quiz, individual score development and team
recognition. Nevertheless in this research the writer tries to use STAD in students‟
speaking ability. So, there is difference purpose between the purpose of Zaenul
Wafa research and this research.

In the second study is the journal has written by Istirocha Murtanti
Cahyani from FKIP UNISMA, entitled The Effectiveness of Student-Team
Achievement Division (STAD) on Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability. Inher
journal she mentions that reading comprehension using STAD can make students
work together in achieving the material by upholding the norms of the group. It
means,if their groups want to get point, each group should help the member to learn
more about the lesson. But in quiz, the students should work individually. In this
journal was intended in the using STAD of students‟ reading comprehension. In
the other hand, in this study the writer intended in using STAD of the Eleventh
grade students of SMK Puspita Bangsa.

F. Conceptual Framework.
Speaking skill is the language skill that needs oral communication. Speaking
is one of way to communicate between human being. Speaking is one of language
skills in learning English. In getting a good communication of English, there are
some important elements should be concerned such as grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation and the fluency. There are many things that can influence the
quality of students in speaking English. The facilities of the school and the
process of teaching and learning English in the class are part of the important
point in learning speaking for student.
STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) is a cooperative-learning
technique in which small groups of learners with different levels of ability work
together to accomplish a shared learning goal. The purpose of this study is to
explore the effects of Student Teams Achievement Divisions as a cooperative
learning experience in relation to direct instruction on student achievement,
attitude and motivation in economics education.
Most of students are not familiar to speak English, although in English class.
Most of students are less frequent in using English inside or outside the class.
Actually, students‟ have limited time to learn English in class, and they still do not
have enough encouragement to practice English outside the class in order to get
familiar with English. This case brings a problem that make senior high school in

vocational school students have difficulties to communicate in English. Whereas,
students are need mastering in communication with second language in their job.
Every problem can be solved, likewise the problem to speak English fluently that
vocational school students have. Teacher can apply some technique to improve
student ability in speaking; one of them is using STAD technique. They can have
an English conversation group that consists of their own classmates. They can
share and talk about anything in English during that time. In this club, they can
learn together. Students can correct each other without feeling embarrassed.

G. Theoretical Hypothesis
Based on the theories which are elucidated above, it can be proposed a
theoretical hypothesis as follow:
Ha : There is a significant effect of using STAD (Student Team Achievement
Division) techniquein teaching speaking at the students‟ eleventh grade at
SMK Puspita Bangsa.
Ho: There is no significant effect of using STAD (Student Team Achievement
Division) technique in teaching speaking at the students‟ eleventh grade at
SMK Puspita Bangsa.

In order to determine the effectiveness of STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division) towards students’ speaking ability, the researcher deemed
the Eleventh grade of senior high school to be studied. This chapter outlines this
research, including the place and time of the research, research design, the
population and sample, the instrument of study, the data collection, and data

A. Place and Time of the Research

1. Place of the Study.
The writer conducted the research at Vocational School at SMK Puspita
Bangsa in academic year 2014/2015. The school was located at Jl. Aria Putra No
9 Ciputat-Tangerang Selatan. This study used quasi experimental research design.
2. Time of the Study
The research conducted on September 15th until November5th, 2015.To get
the data for this study students givenpre-test,treatment and post-test.

B. Research Method and Design

1. Research Method
This research used a quantitative method. This method was used as the
research deal with statistical data.The method of this study was experimental
2. Research Design
The design of this research was experimental research. In this experimental
research, the writer wanted to know the effectiveness of independent and
dependent variable from the treatments given to the sample.
Quasi-experimental design involves selecting groups, upon which a
variable is tested, without any random pre-selection processes. Based on Paul D.
Leedy and Jeannne Ellis Ormord in the true experimental research, the researcher
manipulates the independent variable and examines its effect on another,

dependent variable.1 In this research, the researcher used quasi experimental
design; There were experimental and control groups. Quasi-experimental studies
encompass a broad range of nonrandomized intervention studies.
The researcher uses the quasi-experimental research because in this study
the researcher uses all of subject in group to get a treatment. In this study, there
were two groups: experimental and control groups. The researcher gave different
treatments to experimental and control groups. In experimental group, the
researcher gave treatment using STAD, but in control group conventional teaching
was used.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population
The researcher took based on the objective of the study, it was to see the
effectiveness of using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) towards
students’ speaking ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK Puspita
The population of this research was all students of eleventh grade in
tourism major at vocational school (SMK).
2. Sample and Sampling Technique
In this research the researcher usednon-probability sampling. The
researcher usedpurposive samplingas the sampling technique. The researcher
select participant for the sample so that any individual has an equal probability of
being selected from the population.2In purposive sampling, the researcher
handpick the case to be included in the sample on the basis of their judgment of
their typically.3In additionally, the researcher needs a list of members in the target
population and a number must be assigned to each individual. However, the
researcher also considered it based on the recommendation from the English
teacher on this school.

Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne Ellis Ormord, Practical Research Planning and Designed,
Tenth Edition, (United State of America: Pearson Education, 2014). p. 240.
Ibid.,.p. 143.
Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison, sResearch Methods in Education:
Fifth Edition, (USA, Canada: Taylor and Francis e-Library, 2005). p. 103.

In this research the researcher took two classes for the sample. The
subjects of sample werethe member of tourism major’s students at XI-I as the
experiment class and XI-3 as the controlled class. XI-Iconsist of 35 students and
at XI-3 consist of 37 students.

D. The Instrument Of The Study

Speaking is an activity which enactive several skills such as knowledge of
vocabulary pronunciation and grammatical features to encode and express an oral
idea for accomplishing a purpose. The ability to deliver the information, then, the
listener clearly understands what is being said is called speaking skill.
To know the effect of STAD method in teaching students’ speaking skill,
the writer gave pre-test and post test. The oral test was divided into pre-test and
post-test. The writer did a pre-test and post-test and took two classes. The pre-test
gives in the first meeting which is administered to assess the participants of
experiment before they receive a treatment. While, the post test give in the last
meeting which administered to assess the participants of experiment after they
receive a treatment.
The control class will be given the treatment as usual-memorizing texts; in
other hand the experiment class will be given a treatment of STAD (student team
achievement division) method. The pre-test and post-test instruments were given
in the oral test form by giving some situation of travelers (relevant with tourism
program). The writer divided students into 4 or 5, and then each of them may
choose one of situations and act it out in the class. Because the test is oral test, the
writer divided the score into five criteria. The scoring rubric to assessment the
students’ performance in speaking skill that adapted from David P. Harris, which
are the scores are from pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and
comprehension.4 Below are the table of test distribution and the rubric of the

David P. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, (Bombay: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, 1977), p. 84.

Table 3.1
Intrument of the Research
Instrument for Pre-Test Instrument for Post-Test

Choose one of these situations, and then Making a short dialogue based on the
make a short dialogue based on the following following situations and practice in front of
situations and practice in front of the class. the class with your partner.

A. Handling guest A. Handling guest in the hotel

1. You are a receptionist in the hotel and 1. The name of hotel is Syahid Hotel.
there is a guest who wants to check in. 2. You are a receptionist in the hotel and
2. You are a waiter/waitress in the your partner is a guest that wants to
restaurant and there are one or two guests check in.
who want to have a lunch.
B. Handling guest in the restaurant.
B. The roles: 1. You are a waiter/waitress in the
1. Please find your partner or make small restaurant and your partner is a guest
group that consists of 3 students which that wants to have a lunch or dinner.
suitable with the theme.
2. Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 C. The roles:
minutes. 1. Maximum time for one dialogue is 5
3. Choose one theme only. minutes.

Table 3.2
Rubric for Assessing Speaking
Component for
Pronunciation 5 Has view traces of foreign accent.
Always intelligible, though one is conscious of definite
Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated
listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.
Very hard to understand because of pronunciation
problems. Must frequently be asked to repeat.
Pronunciation problems to severe as to make speech
virtually unintelligible.
Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or
Grammar 5
word order.
Occasionally makes grammatical; and/or word order
errors which do not, however, obscure meaning.
Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order
which occasionally obscure meaning.
Grammar and word order error make comprehension
2 difficult. Must often rephrase sentences and/or restrict
him to basic patterns.
Errors in grammar and word order to severe as to make
speech virtually unintelligible.
Use vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of a native
Vocabulary 5
Sometimes use inappropriate terms and must rephrase
ideas because of lexical inadequacies
Frequently uses the wrong words; conversation
somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

Component for
Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary make
comprehension quite difficult.
Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
Speech as fluent and effortless as that of native
Fluency 5
Speech of speech seems to be slightly affected by
language problems.
Speed and fluency are rather than strongly affected by
language problems
Usually hesitant; often forced into silence by language
Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
Comprehension 5 Appears to understand everything without difficulty.
4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed,
although occasional repetition maybe necessary.
3 Understand most of what is said at slower-than-normal
speed with repetition.
2 Has great difficulty following what is said. Can
comprehend only ‘social conversation” spoken slowly
and with frequent repetition.
1 Cannot be said to understand even simple
conversational English.

Maximum score: 25
Total score:
𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡 ′𝑠 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑋 100
Maximum score

The Data Validity
Nunan in his book stated.”Validity has to do with the extent to which a
piece of research actually investigates.” While Reliability refers to the consistency
of the results obtained from a piece of research.”5 Difficulty index test tends to be
used to know whether the question or item test is easy, medium or difficult.
Meanwhile, Discriminating Power is the capability of test item to differentiate
between students who gave high competence and student who have low
Validity is an essential criterion for evaluating the quality and acceptably
of the research. In this study the writer uses content validity. Content validity is a
kind validity that depends on the analysis of the language which is being tested
and the course objective.6Content validity relates to whether the instrument takes
all of the content into consideration. For example, an articulation test that only
included two sounds would not cover the entire domain of articulation. The
judgment of content validity is generally made by someone who is an expert in the
field and has knowledge of the content domain.The instrument of this research has
to be appropriate with the objective of learning speaking skill which is tested to
students and the objective of teaching learning speaking skill can be achieved.

E. Technique of Data Collection

In this research the researcher used a set of test as instrument research to
collect the data. The speaking test items were taken from the students’ handbook.
The researcher chose that test under the consideration of the level of students in
Vocational school Puspita Bangsa. In order to measure the capability of the
students, the researcher used the score of pre-test and post-test as research
instrument for both the experimental and control groups.

Dale T. Griffee, An Introduction Second Language: Research Methods Design and Data,
(United State of America: TESL-EL publication, 2012), p. 91.
L.R. Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, Third
Edition, (Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Publishing Company, 1987), p. 101.

Pre-test provides a measure on some attribute or characteristic that the
writer assesses for participants in an experiment before they receive a treatment.7
Then, the test is conduct before givingthe treatment in both experimental and
control group in the research. The result of this test was the first data to be
analyzed in this research. The purpose of doing pre-test was to know the ability
andcomprehension of students in speaking and how much mistakes that they did
inpractice dialogue. In the other hand, it was to know the students’ problem
inspeaking. In scoring speaking skill, the researcher used scoring rubric to get the
data. The result of every student was counted by formula and then the final score
of students also used to divide the groups based on achievement and found the
high score of the students to help their friends in the groups.
After that, the researcher conducted the post test for both experimental and
control group. Post-test is a measure on some attribute or characteristic that is
assessed for participants in an experiment after a treatment. 8 The test is
administered after giving treatment for both experimental and control groups.
The scores of pre-test and post-test are the most consideration whether the
treatment of the experimental group gives positive effect or not to the first year
students in students’ speaking ability.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Normality Test
Normality test is used to know whether the data come from the normal
distribution or not. In this study, the researcher tends to use SPSS 18 to find out
the normality of the data by followed these steps:
a. Open SPSS Program
b. Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write down
Score as score of pre-test or post-test score and Class as the kind of class
c. Click Analyze >> Descriptive Statistics >> Explore

Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Fourth Edition, (Boylston street, Boston: Pearson
Education, 2002). p. 297.
Ibid., p. 297.

d. Drag the Score to the Dependent List and Class to the Factor list
e. Click Plot >>checklist Normality plots with test >> ok
The criteria of determining the normality of the data was:
a. If Lvalue was smaller than Ltable (Lvalue<Ltable), it means that the data were
distributed normally
b. If Lvalue greater than Ltable (Lalue>Ltable), it means that the data were not
distributed normally.

2. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data come from the
homogeneous variance or not. To calculate the data, the researcher use SPSS
version 18 as follows:
a. Open the SPSS program
b. Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write down
Score as score of pre-test or post-test score and Class as the kind of class
c. Click Analyze >> Compare means >> One-way ANOVA
d. Drag the Score the Dependent List and Class to the Factor list
e. Click Option >>checklist Homogeneity of Variance Test >> Ok
Ho: The condition of experiment class is not different from controlled class.
H1: The sample of experiment class is different from controlled class.
If F < F1/2α (n1-1)(n2-2), Ho is accepted
If F ≥ F1/2α(v1,v2), Ho is rejected
3. Hypothesis testing
The result from the test and the student scores use to know how far the
STAD method was effective to the students’ speaking ability. When analyzing the
data the researcher will carried out with pre-tests, treatment and post-tests.
In this part, the writer calculated the data using t-test formula. Two classes
were compared the experiment class and the control class.

Hypothesis testing is tested by using t-test formula, as follows:9

𝑀𝑥 −𝑀𝑦
To= 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑥 −𝑀𝑦

M1 = The mean of group 1 (experimental class)
M2 = The mean of group 2 (controlled class)
SEM1 = The standard error of group 1(experimental class)
SEM2 = The standard error of group 2 (controlled class).

So, the calculation goes to several processes as follows:

a. Determining Mean of Variable X
Mx= 𝑁1

b. Determining mean of variable Y

My= 𝑁2

c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X

Σ𝑥 2

d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y

Σ𝑦 2
SDy= 𝑁2

e. Determining Standard Error Of Mean Of Variable X

SEx= 𝑁1−1

f. Determining Standard Error Of Mean Of Variable Y


g. Determining Standard Error Of Difference of Mean of Variable X and Y

SEMX-MY= 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑥 2 + 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑦 2

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1987),
p. 347.

h. Determining T0
𝑀𝑥 −𝑀𝑦
T0 = 𝑆𝐸 𝑀𝑥 −𝑀𝑦

i. Determining Ttable in significance level 5%, with df (degree of freedom).


G. Statistical Hypothesis
This research was designed to find out influence of using STAD (Student
Team Achievement Division) to students’ speaking ability, whether using STAD
gives more positive influence or effect toward students’ speaking skill or not. To
know the answer of that hypothesis, the writer process alternative hypothesis (Ha)
and null hypothesis (H0) as the following:

H0 = X1 < X2

Ha = X1 > X2

H0: There is no significance difference toward students’ speaking skill between

those who taught speaking by using STAD and conventional technique.
Ha: There is significance difference toward students’ speaking skill between those
who taught using STAD and conventional technique.
In which:
Ha : Alternative Hypothesis
H0 : Null Hypothesis
X1 : Students’ speaking achievement using conventional technique.
X2 : Students’ speaking achievement using STAD technique.

The criteria will used as follows:

1. If t0 >t table:
The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is
rejected. It means that there is significant difference between the results after
teaching speaking using STAD.

Sudijono, Op.Cit., p. 348.

2. If t0 <ttable:
The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis (H0) is
accepted. It means that there is no significant difference between the results
after teaching speaking using STAD (Student Team Achievement Division)

This research of finding chapter consists of the data description, the data
analysis and the data interpretation.

A. Research Finding
1. Data Description
This chapter describes general description of data gained by the writer
during the research. The data were collected from the result of pre-test and post-
test from both experiment class and the control class. The Table 4.1 showed
students’ score and achievement in experiment class and the Table 4.2 showed the
students score and achievement in experiment class.
In the previous chapter, to collect the data the writer used a test which is
given to the samples of the research. The test was oral test form. The students
were asked to work in group to make a dialogue, comprehend and present the
dialogue in pair in front of the class.
The experimental class and controlled class were taught with different
technique in teaching speaking. The experimental class was taught using STAD
(student Team Achievement Division). In other hand the controlled class used
conventional technique. In the experimental class, after the teacher divided into
group of 4 or 5 of heterogeneous students and giving the presentation about the
material, the writer asked every student to discuss the task and solved their
difficulty together which was given by the teacher. Then, the oral test score can be
seen in the tables for data analysis as follow:

2. The Result Data of Experimental Class

Based on the data gained from pre-test and post-test on the experiment
class, it can be presented in the following Table 4.1, go to:

Table 4.1
Score of the Experimental Class (X)

Pre-Test Post-Test Gain Score

1 60 76 16

2 44 60 16

3 48 64 16

4 56 76 20

5 56 72 16

6 52 72 20

7 56 72 16

8 40 68 28

9 60 76 16

10 44 68 24

11 36 60 24

12 52 76 24

13 56 72 16

14 56 72 16

15 64 76 20

16 68 84 16

17 40 64 24

18 44 72 28

19 48 68 20

20 60 72 12

= 1040 = 1420 x = 388

M= 52 M=71

Based on the Table 4.1,the table presented the result of pre-test, post-test
and gained score in experiment class. It wasshowed the result before and after
conducted the treatment, whether or not students speaking skill of the
experimental class could be improved through STAD. It can be seen that the
highest score in experimental class was 84 obtained by one student whereas the
lowest score in experimental class was 60 obtained by two students. Then, from
the Table 4.1 above, it can be clarified that the mean score of pre-test in
experiment class is 52 while the mean score of post-test was 71. The total gained
score 388. Overall, it can be known that there was significant influence in
teaching speaking using Student Team Achievement Division (STAD).

3. The Result Data of Controlled class

In the controlled class the writer also gave the same test as the
experimental class. The results of the test as follow:

Table 4.2
Score of the Controlled Class

Pre-Test Post-Test Gain Score

1 64 72 8

2 52 68 16

3 40 52 12

4 48 68 20

5 52 52 0

6 44 60 16

7 36 56 20

8 44 60 16

9 64 76 12

10 56 60 4

Pre-Test Post-Test Gain Score

11 40 56 16

12 44 64 20

13 52 68 16

14 56 68 12

15 60 72 12

16 44 64 20

17 52 68 16

18 64 72 8

19 36 48 12

20 68 76 8

= 1016 = 1280 𝑌 = 264

M=50 M=64

Based on Table 4.2 above, it also presents the result of pre-test, post-test
and gained score. It showed that the mean score of pre-test in control class is 50,
while the mean score of post test here is 64. Whereas, the total gained score is

From the table presented above (Table 4.1 and 4.2) the writer can explain
the experiment class (learning speaking by using STAD) was far higher score than
the control class (without STAD). It can be concluded that there was a positive
influence of using STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) technique
towards students’ speaking ability.

4. Analysis of the Data
1) Normality of the Data
The writer analyzed the normality of the data before analyzing the
hypothesis. This analysis was used to see whether the data of the research had
been normally distributed or not. The writer used SPSS 2software, in which used
Lilliefors Significance Correction. The result of normality can be seen by
comparing the value of Lvalue and Ltable
The criteria of the hypothesis are:
Ho: Lvalue<Ltable
H1: Lvalue≥ Ltable

1) Normality of Pre-test
Ho: The data is normally distributed
H1: The data is not normally distributed
The result of calculation pre-test normality in both experiment class and
control class could be seen from the table as follows:

Table 4.3
The Result of Normality Pre –Test

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Experimental .177 20 .101 .962 20 .590
Pretest *
Controlled .156 20 .200 .945 20 .296

From the Table 4.3 above, it can be seen that the Lvaluein significance
columns was 0, 101 in experimental and 0.200 in control class.
Criteria of the test:
In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of Kolmogorov-
Sminorv shows L(0.05) = 0.294
Ho: Lvalue<0.294
H1: Lvalue≥ 0.294

The result showed that Lvalue<Ltable(0.101<0.294)
Lvalue<Ltable(0.200 <0.294)
Conclusion: in the significant degree of 0.05, Ho is accepted. It means that
the data is normally distributed.
2) Normality of Post-test
Ho: The data is normally distributed
H1: The data is not normally distributed
The result of calculation post-test normality in both experiment class and
control class could be seen from the table as follows:
Table 4.4
The Result of Normality Post –Test

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
experimental .217 20 .014 .928 20 .142
controlled .187 20 .065 .946 20 .310

Criteria of the test:

In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the Table 4.4 of
Kolmogorov-Sminorv shows L(0.05) = 0.294
Ho: Lvalue< 0.294
H1: Lvalue≥ 0.294
The result showed that Lvalue<Ltable(0.014 and 0.065<0.294)
Conclusion: in the significant degree of 0.05, Ho is accepted. It means that
the data is normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity of the Data

In the calculation of normality, it can be seen that the result of all data in
pre-test and post-test of both experiment class and control class have been
distributed normally. The next step of the calculation was finding the

homogeneity of the data. The purpose of this calculation was to see whether the
data/sample in both classes was homogeny or heterogeneous.
1) Homogeneity of Pre-Test
Ho: the data/sample of experiment class is not different from control class
H1: the data/sample of experiment class is different from control class
The criteria of the test:
α = 0.05
Ho: F < F1/2α (n1-1)(n2-2), Ho is accepted

H1 :F ≥ F1/2α(v1,v2). Ho is rejected

The writer used SPSS 22 to test the homogeneity of the data, in which
the test used One-Way ANOVA test. The result of the test was shown in the table
as follows:

Table 4.5
The Result of Homogeneity Pre -Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.353 1 38 .556

F0.05(n1-1, n2-1)= 2.12 . v1,v2; 20,20 is mentioned in the table distribution f0.05
(v1, v2) and found the result 2.12
From the table, it can be seen that F < F1/2α (n1-1)(n2-2). Based on the criteria,
it can be concluded that Ho is accepted. It means that the sample of pre-test in
experiment class and control class were homogenous.

2) Homogeneity of Post-Test
Ho: the data/sample of experiment class is not different from control class

H1: the data/sample of experiment class is different from control class
The criteria of the test:
α = 0.05
Ho: F < F1/2α (n1-1)(n2-2), Ho is accepted

H1 : F ≥ F1/2α(v1,v2). Ho is rejected

The writer used SPSS 22 to test the homogeneity of the data, in which
the test used One-Way Annova test. The result of the test was shown in the table
as follows:

Table 4.6
The Result of Homogeneity Post -Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

3.252 1 38 .079

F0.05(n1-1, n2-1)= 2.12 . v1,v2; 20,20 is mentioned in the Table Distribution

f0.05 (v1, v2) and found the result 2.12
From the table, it can be seen that F < F1/2α (n1-1)(n2-2).Based on the criteria,
it can be concluded that Ho is accepted. It means that the sample of post-test in
experiment class and control class were homogenous.
Then, since the data were from the normal distribution and the
homogeneous variance, so the next calculation was using statistical parametric
test. Statistical parametric test was a method of test with particular requirement
about the parameter of the population of the study.1 The requirements were the
data were in normal distribution and also have homogeneous variance. The further
test was used t-test Students.

Edi Riadi, Metode Statistika Parametrik and Nonparametrik, (Tangerang: PT Pustaka
Mandiri, 2014), Second Edition, p. 93.

5. Hypothesis Testing
After presenting the both pre-test and post-test from experimental and
controlled class, the writer found the difference between the gains score of
experimental class and controlled class. It can be seen from the Table 4.1 and 4.2
show how the gain score between the experimental class and controlled class were
different. Subsequently, the writer makes a comparison. Below is the result of
comparison of the experiment class and controlled class:
Table 4.7
The Result of comparison of the Experimental Class and Controlled
Class Test
Experimental Controlled
NO Class Class
x y
x2 y2
(X-MX ) (Y-MY)
(X) (Y)
1 16 8 -3.4 -5.2 11.56 27.04

2 16 16 -3.4 2.8 11.56 7.84

3 16 12 -3.4 -1.2 11.56 1.44

4 20 20 0.6 6.8 16.8 46.24

5 16 0 -3.4 -13.2 11.56 174.24

6 20 16 0.6 2.8 0.36 7.84

7 16 20 -3.4 6.8 11.56 46.24

8 28 16 8.6 2.8 73.96 7.84

9 16 12 -3.4 -1.2 11.56 1.44

10 24 4 4.6 -9.2 21.16 84.64

11 24 16 4.6 2.8 21.16 7.84

12 24 20 4.6 6.8 21.16 46.24

13 16 16 -3.4 2.8 11.56 7.84

14 16 12 -3.4 -1.2 11.56 1.44

15 20 12 0.6 -1.2 0.36 1.44

16 16 20 -3.4 6.8 11.56 46.24

17 24 16 4.6 2.8 21.16 7.84

18 28 8 8.6 -5.2 73.96 27.04

Experimental Controlled
NO Class Class
x y
x2 y2
(X-MX ) (Y-MY)
(X) (Y)
19 20 12 0.6 -1.2 0.36 1.44

20 12 8 -7.4 -5.2 54.76 27.04

X = 388 Y x𝟐
x=0 y=0
= 264 = 409.24 = 579.2

This Table reveals that the lowest gained from experiment class (X) is 12
and from the controlled class (Y) is 0, and the highest gained from (X) is 28 and
from (Y) is 12. While the sum of gained score (Y) is 388 and Y is 264. The sum
of squared gained score (X) is 409.24 and (Y) is 579.2

The procedures of calculation as follow:

a. Determining Mean of Variable X

Mx= 𝑁1
Mx= 20

Mx= 19.4

b. Determining mean of variable Y

My = 𝑁2
My = 20

My = 13.2

c. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X

Σ𝑥 2
SDx= 𝑁1

SDx= 20

SDx= 20.46
SDx= 4.52

d. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y
Σ𝑦 2
SDy= 𝑁2

SDy= 20

SDy= 28.96
SDy= 5.38

e. Determining Standard Error Of Mean Of Variable X

SE Mx= 𝑁1−1
SE Mx= 20−1
SE Mx= 19
SE Mx=4.35

SE Mx= 1.03

f. Determining Standard Error Of Mean Of Variable Y

SE My= 𝑁2−1
SE My = 20−1
SE My= 19
SE My =4.35

SE My = 1.23

g. Determining Standard Error Of Difference of Mean of Variable X and Y

SEMX-MY= 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑥 2 + 𝑆𝐸𝑀𝑦 2
= 1.032 + 1.232
= 1.06 + 1.51
= 2.57
= 1.60

h. Determining T0 with the formula:

𝑀 − 𝑀𝑦
T0 = t0=𝑆𝐸𝑥
𝑀𝑥 −𝑀𝑦

T0 = 1.60
T0 = 1.60

T0 = 3.87
i. Determining Ttable in significance 5%, with df (degree of freedom= N1+N2)-2.2
Df= (N1+N2)-2
Df= (20+20)-2
Df= 40-2
Df= 38
Testing hypothesis uses criteria of degree of freedom=n1+n2-1with
significance degree 0.05. The conclusion is gained as follows:
If Tvalue<Ttable, the Ho is accepted
IfTvalue>Ttable, the Ho is rejected
Criteria of the test:
In the significant degree of 0.05, the value in the table of t student T(0.05)
and df(20+20) – 2= 1.686
Ho: Tvalue<1.686
H1: Tvalue>1.686
The result showed that Tvalue>Ttable (3.87>1.686)
From the statistic above, it was found that the value of the t0 was 3.87 with
degree of freedom (df) was 38. In this research the writer used the degree of
significance 0.05. It can be seen that the df and the degree 0.05 = 1.686
By comparing the value of t0 =3.87 ant t-table on degree significance
1.686 the writer sump up that that t0 is accepted and the null hypotheses (H0) is
rejected. It means that there is significant effect in teaching speaking using STAD
(Student Team Achievement Division) toward students’ speaking ability at
Eleventh grade of SMK Puspita Bangsa students.

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1987),
p. 348.

6. Result of Data Analysis
Based on the result above, the assumption of this hypothesis as follow:
If t0 > table, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is accepted. It means there is a significant difference of students’ speaking
ability achievement between student s who are taught by STAD technique and
students who are taught without STAD technique.
If t0 <table, the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and alternative hypothesis
(Ha) is rejected. There is no significant difference of students’ speaking ability
achievement between students who are taught by STAD technique and students
who are taught without STAD technique.
Based on the data description of data calculation, it can be inferred that:
a. The value of t0 is 3.87.
b. The degree of freedom (df) is 38 is 1.686The result showed that
Tvalue>Ttable (3.87>1.686)

It shows that t0>ttable, it means that the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and
the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

B. Interpretation
STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) is a teaching technique that
assigns students into groups that consist of four or five heterogeneous members in
each group. It is considered could effective to improve students’ speaking ability
and minimize the imbalance between students upper and lower level, because as
Slavin points out, studying in group motivate students to encourage and help each
other master skill presented by the teacher.3 However there is no guarantee that
the upper ability students will actually help the lower ability in the group. So that
it is important to investigate the used of STAD in teaching speaking ability.

Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice, (London:
Allymand Bacon, 2005). p. 8

In this research, there were 20 students in experimental group and also 20
students in control group. Therefore, the degree freedom (df) is 20+20 = 38, it
was found that the value of the t0 was 3.87 with degree of freedom (df) was 38. In
this research the writer used the degree of significance 0.05. It can be seen that the
df and the degree 0.05 = 1.686. The result showed that Tvalue>Ttable (3.87>1.686).
Therefore, there was significance difference between students achievement
who were taught using STAD and those who were taught without using STAD. It
means that STAD gives positive influence on students speaking ability at the
eleventh grade (XI parawisata) of SMK Puspita Bangsa Ciputat-Tangrang Selatan
in academic year of 2015/2016. The Use of Student Team Achievement Division
(STAD) is not only in teaching learning Speaking, but also in other skill such as
listening or reading. Based on the previous study, According to ZAinul Wafa in
histhesis, the used of STAD in teaching learning Listening had positive
development in classroom participation and in the individual and team score as
well in every meeting of the research.4 The used of STAD can apply in teaching
learning speaking, listening, reading and writing. It was because can learn
English from their friends rather than asking the teacher because they are shy or
afraid to ask. In STAD, the group is heterogeneous means that the group consists
of students with different performance in speaking. Because they work in group,
student will help and motivate each other in the material by using STAD.
Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be interpreted that teaching
speaking trough STAD was better and it was effective to the students and they
more interesting to learn speaking in the communicative way and can solve their
problem each other in their group. They also can be more active and braver to
speak English, because STAD gives students an opportunity to work in group with
other students and each student can help each other in teaching learning process in
mastering the subject material. Even though there is an improvement of students’
achievement in both class; experiment and controlled class, It can be said that the
students, but the experiment class which taught with STAD technique shows the
Zsinul Wafa, The Use of Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) to Improve
Listening-Comprehension of the Second Grade Students of SMAN 2 Salatiga in the academic year
of 2012/2013, Salatiga, State Institute of Islamic Studies, August 26th 2013.

higher improvement than the controlled class. It could be seen from the Mean of
Students’ post-test in experiment class higher than in controlled class. It can be
said that the use of STAD in teaching learning speaking is effective to improve
student speaking achievement.



This chapter will be presented the conclusion of the research and several
suggestions for the readers, the teachers and the further researchers.
A. Conclusion
As mentioned previously, the purpose of this study was to know the
effectiveness of students’ speaking ability after applying STAD (student Team
Achievement Division) technique at XI grade student at SMK Puspita Bangsa.”
Especially the students could improve their speaking in expressing handling guest
practically through role play.
From the result of this study, the writer concluded that the using of STAD
(student Team Achievement Division) was effective in students’ speaking ability.
The result of this study showed that that the value of the t0 was 3.87 with degree
of freedom (df) was 38 and this research the writer used the degree of significance
0.05. By comparing the result of t0 =3.87 and t-table on degree significance
0.05=1.686 the writer sump up that t0 is accepted and the null hypotheses (H0) is
rejected. Therefore, based on the description above it can be answered the
question that was mentioned in Chapter I. the answer is, there is a significant
difference between the results of teaching speaking ability using STAD technique
than teaching speaking without using STAD. It can be said that the use of STAD
in teaching speaking is effective to improve students’ speaking ability

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, it can be delivered some suggestion go to:

1. Students:
a) The students were expected be able more active and practice in speaking
class. Then, they can share their difficulty or problem each other, also in
solving their problem to build and keep a good teamwork as taught in

STAD. As a facilitator, the teacher should help students in solving their
difficulties or problem.
b) The student should ask the teacher for some difficulties that may be faced in
every activity and also more practice their speaking ability in their daily life.
2. Teachers:
a) Based on the result of the study, it is good for the teacher to make the
student more active in the class by applying STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division) as a technique in teaching speaking. Beside it will
give the motivation to students to help each other on material itself, student
can also share and solve their problem in learning speaking and support with
another in comprehending the materials for makinga good team work.
b) It is good way, if the teacher supports the material with any media such as
handout or power point to make student more interest and help them in
comprehend the material. Giving reward to some student which has a high
score is also can help the teacher in motivating the other student and also as
a symbol of teacher appreciation.
3. Further Researcher
a) Since STAD has been applied by researcher, the researcher hopes that
theother researchers followed her to apply this technique not only for
speakingskill but also try to apply to the other skill in teaching English of
vocationalschool or perhaps apply this technique in senior high school.


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Appendix 1

List of Members Controlled Class

School : SMK Puspita Bangsa

Class : The Eleventh Grade-I (XI-1) of Tourism Major

Academic Year: 2015/2016


1 Allesandro Ridhociwara
2 Boy Septian
3 Doni Airlangga R
4 Ekarizki Mukti
5 FahriAmri
6 Fazra Azahra Adefa
7 Fike Ardila Nur
8 Hegi Yustika Saputra
9 Jihan Choiriyah
10 M. Dion Putra
11 M. Raju
12 Meishelia Alfatihah
13 Medi Medita
14 Noviani Safitri
15 Nur Afifah
16 Nurul Ardhiah
17 Redo Efendi
18 Rizky Kurniawan
19 Tria Agustina
20 Yusa Novi Saputri

Appendix 2

List of Members Experiment Class

School : SMK PuspitaBangsa

Class : The Eleventh Grade-3 (XI-3) of Tourism Major

Academic Year: 2015/2016


1 Abdul Rahman
2 Adelia NurAprilia
3 Ahmad Rizal Sahputra
4 Amri Vili Saputra
5 Asti Ciwangi
6 Citra Dara Fakhira
7 Dinda Lestari
8 Fauzan Sugara Wijaya
9 Hafizo
10 Indra Nurcahya
11 Jihan Eka Safira
12 M. acmal Triad R
13 M. Elsa Nugroho
14 M.Tedi
15 M. Zulfikri L
16 Mayang Jubaedah
17 Nabila Marwan
18 Nofita Astuti
19 Nungky Nurizkya
20 Rifa Mutiara

Appendix 3A

The Instrument for Pre-Test

Role play
Choose one of these situations, and then make a short dialogue based on
the following situations and practice in front of the class.
A. Handling guest
1. You are a receptionist in the hotel and there is a guest who wants to
check in.
2. You are a waiter/waitress in the restaurant and there are one or two
guests who want to have a lunch.
The roles:
 Please find your partner or make small group that consists of 3 students
which suitable with the theme.
 Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 minutes.
 Choose one theme only.

Appendix 3B

The Instrument for Post-Test

Role play
Making a short dialogue based on the following situations and practice in
front of the class with your partner.
A. Handling guest in the hotel
1. The name of hotel is Syahid Hotel.
2. You are a receptionist in the hotel and your partner is a guest that wants to
check in.
B. Handling guest in the restaurant.
1. You are a waiter/waitress in the restaurant and your partner is a guest that
wants to have a lunch or dinner.
C. The roles:
1. Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 minutes.

Appendix 4A
(Pre-Test Experiment Class)
Subject : English
Department : Hotel Academy
Grade/term : XI/
Time : 2 x 45 minutes
Meeting : 1-2

Communicating in English the same as Level Elementary
2.1 Comprehend a simple daily conversation in professional and personal
context with non-native speaker.
The students are able to express handling guest correctly.
 Honesty
 Discipline
 Hard work
 Creative
 Friendly/Communicative
 Be autonomous
 Curiosity
 Responsibility
By the end of the course, the students will be able to: Practice the
expressions of handling guest in the hotel and respond it correctly by using role

1 Handling Guest in the hotel
The expressions often used in handling guests of general condition.
a. In a hotel (in check in)
1) Greeting the guest:
Good morning/afternoon/ etc, Welcome to (the name of the hotel)/our
2) Optional phrases/giving service:
May I help you, Sir/Madam?
How may I help you, Sir/Madam?
3) Caking the guest profile:
May I have your surname/last name, Sir/Madam?
Can you spell your last name, please?
4) Asking the reservation:
Do you have a reservation?
How long will you be staying?
How many people is the reservation for?
Would you like a room with…. (Suit, double, twins bed..etc)?
How will you pay your bill? (Usually the guest will say by money or
credit card).
Please check your bill, Sir/Madam.
5) To close the reservation
Here is the room key, hope you enjoy with your stay in this hotel,
Have a nice rest, Sir/Madam.
Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)
1. Opening

a. Greeting
b. Checking the students attending (the students answer when their name
c. Apperception: teacher gives brain storming about the job of receptionist in
the hotel by using some questions. 10 minutes
2. EEC (Exploration, Elaboration, Confirmation)
a. Teacher tells the purpose of learning the material “handling guest in the
hotel” and gives motivation, (Students hear the explanation of the teacher).
5 minutes
b. Teacher explains the material “handling guest in the hotel,” (Students give a
question if they don’t understand). 10 minutes

a. Teacher divides the students to be some groups that consist with 4-5
students based on achievement of students (heterogeneous grouping) and the
students do it quickly. 5minutes
b. Teacher gives the task to discussion then be a facilitator and motivator when
students do it in the group, (students do it in group).15 minutes
c. Teacher asked everygroup to answer it andone or more of thegroups to
practice infront of the class, (students answer it and tryto practice in front of
the class with a partner). 15 minutes
d. Teacher gives some questions to evaluation the comprehension of the
Students, (students that pointed by teacher must answer it). 20 minutes
a. Teacher summarizes the material (students hear the teacher). 5 minutes
3. Post Activities
a. Teacher asked for all students to prepare the dialogue about handling guest
in the hotel with their partner and practice it next meeting, (students hear
and write it in a note).
b. Saying thank you and Good bye. 5 minutes

4. Test1 (next meeting)
a. Teacher asked every partner to come in front of the class in practicing
dialogue about handling guest in the hotel and scores their performance,
(students practice in front of the class).40 minutes
5. Teacher counts the score of students based on their groups to find the best
group, (students wait it without noisy in the class). 3 minutes
6. Teacher notices the best group and gives the appreciation.
a. Saying good bye and thank you (students hear it and give applause for the
best group).2 minutes
a. Modul bahasa inggris untuk smk kelas XI semester ganjil
b. Basic English and general hotel knowledge for internal use only
Indicators : The students are able to express handle the guest correctly.
Technique : Spoken/oral
Form : Performance test

1. Task 1
Please complete this dialogue based on your own and try to practice in
front of the class.
You are a receptionist in star hotel and your friend is a guest that wants to
stay in the hotel for two nights.
Receptionist : Good morning, welcome to Syahid hotel. …………?
The guest : I’d like to reserve a room, please.
Receptionist : …………………..
The guest : Yes, of course. I’m…..(the last name).
Receptionist : …………….be staying?
The guest : ………………..

Receptionist : ……………….
The guest : I’d like to have ……….room and if possible
Receptionist : Great. ……………….your bill?
The guest : By………….. How much …………..?
Receptionist : the rate is ……………per night.
The guest : Does it include breakfast?
Receptionist : …………
The guest : OK………..
Receptionist : Here is your room key,...........445. …………………
The guest : ………….
Receptionist …………..
2. Test 1
Role play
Making a short dialogue based on the following situations and
in front of the class with your partner.
How to handle the guest in the hotel.
a. The name of hotel is Syahid Hotel.
b. You are a receptionist in the hotel and your partner is a guest that wants
to check in.
The roles:
a. Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 minutes.

Name : …..
No : …..
NO Students’ Scoring
1 2 3 4 5
Total Scoring

1. Very bad and much mistakes and very difficult to understand
2. Very bad but there are some mistakes but it can be understood
3. Good but there are a little mistakes and it still can be understood
4. Good and the mistakes are less and indiscernible/ no conspicuous
5. Very good and the mistakes no conspicuous or almost perfect
Note: all of these levels in scoring are concluded from the scoring rubric.

Ciputat, 28 September 2015

English Teacher

Appendix 4B
(Post-Test Experiment Class)
Subject : English
Department : Hotel Academy
Grade/term : XI/
Time : 2 x 45 minutes
Meeting : 3-4

Communicating in English the same as Level Elementary
2.1 Comprehend a simple daily conversation in professional and personal
context with non native speaker.
The students are able to express handling guest correctly.
 Honesty
 Discipline
 Hard work
 Creative
 Friendly/Communicative
 Be autonomous
 Curiosity
 Responsibility
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Practice the expressions of handling guest in the restaurant and respond it
correctly by using role play.

Handling Guest in the restaurant
The expressions often used in handling guests of general condition.
In a restaurant
a. Greeting:
Good morning,..etc, Welcome to our restaurant, may I help you?
b. Taking order:
May I take your order, please?
Would you like a starter/ anything to drink?
What would you like for….(the kind of food: maincourse/dessert)?
May I bring you anything else?
c. After setting the table:
Hope you enjoy the food.
Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)
1. Opening
a. Greeting
b. Checking the students attending (the students answer when their name
c. Apperception: teacher gives brain storming about the job of receptionist in
the hotel by using some questions. 10 minutes
2 EEC (Exploration, Elaboration, Confirmation)
a. Teacher tells the purpose of learning the material “handling guest in the
hotel” and gives motivation, (Students hear the explanation of the teacher).
5 minutes
b. Teacher explains the material “handling guest in the hotel,” (Students give a
question if they don’t understand). 10 minutes

a. Teacher divides the students to be some groups that consist with 4-5
students based on achievement of students (heterogeneous grouping) and the
students do it quickly. 5minutes
b. Teacher gives the task to discussion then be a facilitator and motivator when
students do it in the group, (students do it in group).15 minutes
c. Teacher asked every group to answer it and one or more of the groups to
practice in front of the class, (students answer it and try to practice in front
of the class with a partner). 15 minutes
d. Teacher gives some questions to evaluation the comprehension of the
Students, (students that pointed by teacher must answer it). 20 minutes

a. Teacher summarizes the material (students hear the teacher). 5 minutes
3. Post Activities
b. Teacher asked for all students to prepare the dialogue about handling guest
in the hotel with their partner and practice it next meeting, (students hear
and write it in a note).
c. Saying thank you and Good bye. 5 minutes
4. Test2
a. Teacher asked every partner to come in front of the class in practicing
dialogue about handling guest in the restaurant and scores their
performance, (students practice in front of the class). 40 minutes
b. Teacher counts the score of students based on their groups to find the best
group, (students wait it without noisy in the class). 3 minutes
c. Teacher notices the best group and gives the appreciation.
d. Saying good bye and thank you, (students hear it and give applause for the
best group). 2 minutes


a. Modul bahasa inggris untuk smk kelas XI semester ganjil
b. Basic English and general hotel knowledge for internal use only

Indicators : The students are able to express handle the guest correctly.
Technique : Spoken/oral
Form : Performance test

Task 2
Please complete this dialogue based on your own and try to practice in
front of the class with your partner.
You are a waiter/waitress in the Sederhana restaurant and your friend is a
guest that wants to have a lunch in your restaurant.
Waiter/waitress: good afternoon,…………,……………..?
The guest : yes, I’d like to …………..
Waiter/waitress: ………………..a starter?
The guest : yes,…………………, please.
Waiter/waitress: and …………………….for main course?
The guest : …………………
Waiter/waitress: ………………… drink?
The guest : yes, I’d like …………….
Waiter/waitress: ………………………….. (after setting table) After the
guest has a lunch.
Waiter/waitress: ……………….anything else?
The guest : No, thanks. ……………
Waiter/waitress: it’s 105.000 rupiah.
The guest : here you are. Thank you very much.
Waiter/waitress: ………………..

Test 2
Role play
Making a short dialogue based on the following situations and
practice in front of the class with your partner.
Theme: Handling guest in the restaurant.
a. The name of restaurant is Sederhana restaurant.
b. You are a waiter/waitress in the restaurant and your partner is a guest that
wants to have a lunch or dinner.
The roles:
Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 minutes

Name : …..
No : …..
NO Students’ Scoring
1 2 3 4 5
Total Scoring

1. Very bad and much mistakes and very difficult to understand
2. Very bad but there are some mistakes but it can be understood
3. Good but there are a little mistakes and it still can be understood

4. Good and the mistakes are less and indiscernible/ no conspicuous
5. Very good and the mistakes no conspicuous or almost perfect
Note: the explain of scoring is same as like lesson plan 1 and all of these
levels in
scoring are concluded from the scoring rubric.

Ciputat, 28 September 2015

English Teacher

Appendix 5A
(Pre-Test Controlled Class)
Subject : English
Department : Hotel Academy
Grade/term : XI/
Time : 2 x 45 minutes
Meeting : 1-2

Communicating in English the same as Level Elementary
2.1 Comprehend a simple daily conversation in professional and personal
context with non-native speaker.
The students are able to express handling guest correctly.
 Honesty
 Discipline
 Hard work
 Creative
 Friendly/Communicative
 Be autonomous
 Curiosity
 Responsibility
By the end of the course, the students will be able to: Practice the
expressions of handling guest in the hotel and respond it correctly by using role

3 Handling Guest in the hotel
The expressions often used in handling guests of general condition.
b. In a hotel (in check in)
6) Greeting the guest:
Good morning/afternoon/ etc, Welcome to (the name of the
7) Optional phrases/giving service:
May I help you, Sir/Madam?
How may I help you, Sir/Madam?
8) Caking the guest profile:
May I have your surname/last name, Sir/Madam?
Can you spell your last name, please?
9) Asking the reservation:
Do you have a reservation?
How long will you be staying?
How many people is the reservation for?
Would you like a room with…. (Suit, double, twins bed..etc)?
How will you pay your bill? (usually the guest will say by money or
credit card).
Please check your bill, Sir/Madam.
10) To close the reservation
Here is the room key, hope you enjoy with your stay in this hotel,
Have a nice rest, Sir/Madam.
1. Practice
2. Discussion
3. Modeling

7. Opening
a. Greeting
b. Checking the students attending (the students answer when their name
c. Apperception: teacher gives brain storming about the job of receptionist in
the hotel by using some questions. 10 minutes
8. EEC (Exploration, Elaboration, Confirmation)
c. Teacher tells the purpose of learning the material “handling guest in the
hotel” and gives motivation, (Students hear the explanation of the teacher).
5 minutes
d. Teacher explains the material “handling guest in the hotel,” (Students give a
question if they don’t understand). 10 minutes

e. Teacher asked student to find the partner or make small group that consists
of 3 students which suitable with the theme and the students do it quickly.
f. Teacher gives the task to discussion with their partner.15 minutes
g. Teacher asked every pair of student to answer it and some of them to
practice infront of the class, (students answer it and tryto practice in front of
the class with a partner). 15 minutes
h. Teacher gives some questions to evaluation the comprehension of the
Students, (students that pointed by teacher must answer it). 20 minutes
b. Teacher summarizes the material (students hear the teacher). 5 minutes
9. Post Activities
c. Teacher asked for all students to prepare the dialogue about handling guest
in the hotel with their partner and practice it next meeting, (students hear
and write it in a note).

d. Saying thank you and Good bye. 5 minutes

10. Test1 (next meeting)

b. Teacher asked every partner to come in front of the class in practicing
dialogue about handling guest in the hotel with their partner.40 minutes
a. Teacher summarizes and gives the evaluation about the material and the
activity that students have done. 5 minutes
b. Saying good bye and thank you (students hear it and give applause for the
best group).2 minutes
c. Modul bahasa inggris untuk smk kelas XI semester ganjil
d. Basic English and general hotel knowledge for internal use only
Indicators : The students are able to express handle the guest correctly.
Technique : Spoken/oral
Form : Performance test

5. Task 1
Please complete this dialogue based on your own and try to practice in
front of the class.
You are a receptionist in star hotel and your friend is a guest that wants to
stay in the hotel for two nights.
Receptionist : Good morning, welcome to Syahid hotel. …………?
The guest : I’d like to reserve a room, please.
Receptionist : …………………..
The guest : Yes, of course. I’m…..(the last name).
Receptionist : …………….be staying?
The guest : ………………..
Receptionist : ……………….

The guest : I’d like to have ……….room and if possible
Receptionist : Great. ……………….your bill?
The guest : By………….. How much …………..?
Receptionist : the rate is ……………per night.
The guest : Does it include breakfast?
Receptionist : …………
The guest : OK………..
Receptionist : Here is your room key,...........445. …………………
The guest : ………….
Receptionist …………..
6. Test 1
Role play
Making a short dialogue based on the following situations and
in front of the class with your partner.
How to handle the guest in the hotel.
c. The name of hotel is Syahid Hotel.
d. You are a receptionist in the hotel and your partner is a guest that wants
to check in.
The roles:
b. Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 minutes.

Name : …..
No : …..
NO Students’ Scoring
1 2 3 4 5
Total Scoring

1. Very bad and much mistakes and very difficult to understand
2. Very bad but there are some mistakes but it can be understood
3. Good but there are a little mistakes and it still can be understood
4. Good and the mistakes are less and indiscernible/ no conspicuous
5. Very good and the mistakes no conspicuous or almost perfect
Note: all of these levels in scoring are concluded from the scoring rubric.

Ciputat, 28 September 2015

English Teacher

Appendix 5B
(Post-Test Controlled Class)
Subject : English
Department : Hotel Academy
Grade/term : XI/
Time : 2 x 45 minutes
Meeting : 3-4

Communicating in English the same as Level Elementary
2.1 Comprehend a simple daily conversation in professional and personal
context with non native speaker.
The students are able to express handling guest correctly.
 Honesty
 Discipline
 Hard work
 Creative
 Friendly/Communicative
 Be autonomous
 Curiosity
 Responsibility
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
Practice the expressions of handling guest in the restaurant and respond it
correctly by using role play.

Handling Guest in the restaurant
The expressions often used in handling guests of general condition.
In a restaurant
d. Greeting:
Good morning,..etc, Welcome to our restaurant, may I help you?
e. Taking order:
May I take your order, please?
Would you like a starter/ anything to drink?
What would you like for….(the kind of food: maincourse/dessert)?
May I bring you anything else?
f. After setting the table:
Hope you enjoy the food.
1. Practice
2. Discussion
3. Modeling.
1. Opening
a. Greeting
b. Checking the students attending (the students answer when their name
c. Apperception: teacher gives brain storming about the job of
receptionist in the hotel by using some questions. 10 minutes
2. EEC (Exploration, Elaboration, Confirmation)
a. Teacher tells the purpose of learning the material “handling guest in the
hotel” and gives motivation, (Students hear the explanation of the
teacher). 5 minutes

b.Teacher explains the material “handling guest in the hotel,” (Students give a
question if they don’t understand). 10 minutes
a. Teacher asked student to find the partner or make small group that
consists of 3 students which suitable with the theme and the students do it
quickly. 5minutes
b. Teacher gives the task to discussion with their partner then be a
facilitator. 15 minutes
c. Teacher asked every pair of student to answer it and some of them to
practice in front of the class. 15 minutes
d. Teacher gives some questions to evaluation the comprehension of the
Students. 20 minutes
a. Teacher summarizes the material (students hear the teacher). 5 minutes
3. Post Activities
a. Teacher asked for all students to prepare the dialogue about handling guest
in the hotel with their partner and practice it next meeting, (students hear
and write it in a note).
b. Saying thank you and Good bye. 5 minutes
4. Test1 (next meeting)
a. Teacher asked every partner to come in front of the class in practicing
dialogue about handling guest in the restaurant.40 minutes
b. Teacher summarizes and gives the evaluation about the material and the
activity that students have done. 5 minutes
c. Saying good bye and thank you (students hear it and give applause for the
best group).2 minutes
c. Modul bahasa inggris untuk smk kelas XI semester ganjil
d. Basic English and general hotel knowledge for internal use only

Indicators : The students are able to express handle the guest correctly.
Technique : Spoken/oral
Form : Performance test

Task 2
Please complete this dialogue based on your own and try to practice in
front of the class with your partner.
You are a waiter/waitress in the Sedehana restaurant and your friend is a
guest that wants to have a lunch in your restaurant.
Waiter/waitress: good afternoon,…………,……………..?
The guest : yes, I’d like to …………..
Waiter/waitress: ………………..a starter?
The guest : yes,…………………, please.
Waiter/waitress: and …………………….for main course?
The guest : …………………
Waiter/waitress: ………………… drink?
The guest : yes, I’d like …………….
Waiter/waitress: ………………………….. (after setting table) After the
guest has a lunch.
Waiter/waitress: ……………….anything else?
The guest : No, thanks. ……………
Waiter/waitress: it’s 105.000 rupiah.
The guest : here you are. Thank you very much.
Waiter/waitress: ………………..

Test 2
Role play
Making a short dialogue based on the following situations and
practice in front of the class with your partner.
Theme: Handling guest in the restaurant.
c. The name of restaurant is Sederhana restaurant.
d. You are a waiter/waitress in the restaurant and your partner is a guest that
wants to have a lunch or dinner.
The roles:
Maximum time for one dialogue is 5 minutes


Name : …..
No : …..
NO Students’ Scoring
1 2 3 4 5
Total Scoring

1. Very bad and much mistakes and very difficult to understand
2. Very bad but there are some mistakes but it can be understood
3. Good but there are a little mistakes and it still can be understood
4. Good and the mistakes are less and indiscernible/ no conspicuous

5. Very good and the mistakes no conspicuous or almost perfect
Note: the explain of scoring is same as like lesson plan 1 and all of these
levels in
scoring are concluded from the scoring rubric.

Ciputat, 28 September 2015

English Teacher

Appendix 6A

The Result of Pre-Test Experiment Class


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
S1      60
S2      44
S3  
    48
S4          56
S5       56
S6    
   52
S7        56
S8 
  
 
 
 40
S9      60
S10      44
S11      36
S12    
  52
S13    
   56
S14       56
S15         64
S16      68
S17        40
S18      44
S19      48
S20          60
   

Appendix 6B

The Result of Post-Test Experiment Class


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
S1       76
S2      60
S3       64
S4      76
S5  
      72
S6       72
S7       72
S8      68
S9      
  76
S10      68
S11   
    60
S12       76
S13       72
S14       72
S15       76
S16      84
S17 
 
  
 
  64
S18       72
S19      68
S20         72

Appendix 7A

The Result of Pre-Test Controlled Class


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
S1       64
S2      52
S3 
     40
S4      48
S5          52
S6 
      44
S7      36
S8       44
S9       64
S10      56
S11    
 
 40
S12      44
S13       52
S14        56
S15         60
S16       44
S17       52
S18        64
S19      36
S20        68

Appendix 7B

The Result of Post-Test Controlled Class


1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
S1       72
S2      68
S3      52
S4        68
S5       52
S6        60
S7       56
S8         60
S9    
   76
S10       60
S11       56
S12         64
S13       68
S14        68
S15    
   72
S16       64
S17       68
S18    
   72
S19      48
S20       76

Appendix 8A

The Transcripts of Pre-Test

Experiment Class (XI.3)

Group 1:

A : E………… May I help you?

B : Morning, morning e… we want to book a room please

A : Pardon, how long for?

B : Tiga hari..

A : O..tiga hari. Ok, sebentar saya cek dulu. Ok, saya cek ada kamar yang
kosong. A..mungkin ibu mau memesan yang single atau suit double?

B : Suit.

A : A…. sebentar saya panggil bell boy. A.. a.. Fegi, Fegi..please come.

C : Yes

A : Tolong antar ibu ini kekamarnya, untuk kamar no 9

B : Thank you.

Group 2:

A : Good morning, what do you want order? May I help you?

B : Good morning I want to book please…

A : Where you comes to?

B : Yes, booking I will will stay for 3 night and double room

A : (Apalagi)… hahahahahaha ..yaaahhh

B : how much per night?

A : 500.000 ribu per malam.

B : That’s fine.

A : Udah yah, thank you.

Group 3:

A : Ntar dulu yah… morning sir. Can I help you ?

B : I will booking a room

A : Yes, A…. how night?

B : Ehehe 3 night. Emmmm apa ya with 2 bed

A : Please, heeeeeeee wait ya

B : How much apa bu? The charge?

A : 2 thousand year ahahaha

B : Aplagi gua lupa.

A : haha udah yah bu.

Group 4:

A : Good morning, we want to book a room please..

B : Yang double apa tuin?

A : Aaaaa… yang double please yah

B : How much the charge?

A : One hundred

B : E… fine

A : thank you

Group 5:

A : A… ngomong apaan?

B : Ga pa pa pake bahasa Indonesia?

A : Good morning miss, Syahid Hotel

B : I want book a room please!

A : How long?

B : I will for 3 night and

A : Oke miss saya akan mengecek terlebih dahulu. Kamarnya ada miss..

B : Berapa per malamnya?

A : Its may 300.000 ribu $

B : itu tadi ngomong apa lagi?

Group 6:

B : Good morning.. We want a book please?

A : certainly,

B : 3 night and double suit, I just

A : We have, we have

B : Berapaan kamarnya?

A : Yah… Yah… 7 hundred thousand

B : Yes, I am fine..

A : Yes..

B : Thank you.

Group 7:

A : Good morning sir, mmmmm

B : A.. a.. a.. Ai ai I want.. I want to buy a room please.

A : Mmm.. Mmm.. All I have your identity

B : Mmm.. Yes, yes my ID card

A : Mmmmm hahahahaberapa lama??

B : 2 hari.

Group 8:

A : Syahid hotel, may I help you?

B : We want book a hotel.

A : Untuk kapan ya bu?

B :Untuk 23 September. We will stay a for3 night.

A : Yaaa 3 malam.

B :Mmm.. suit double ama single room

A : Bentar ya bu saya mau cek dulu. Ada ibu..

B : Berapa harga permalam?

A : 1 juta ibu. Ke kasir

B : that’s fine.

Group 9:

A : Good morning mom, Syahid hotel, can I help you?

B : We want to book a room please.

A : Berapa malam ya bu?

B : Untuktanggal 23 September. We will stay a..stay a.. for a.. for a.. 3 night.

A : A.. Yeah, A.. ya 3 malam, mmm tipe suit single apa double?

B : Suit ya bu.

A : Sebentar saya cari dulu ada ibu.

B : berapa harganya permalam?

A : 1 juta.

Group 10:

A : A… good morning miss. Aaa Syahid hotel, can I help you?

B : A… good morning, A…. want to aa to book a room please.

A : Recently, when for miss?

B : I want stay for 3 night

A : What is your name?

B : My name is Pria

A :A..a..a..a.. Tany aaapa? A…a…a… Oh ia miss mau pilih suit apa single?

B : Saya mau kamar suit yah

A : Saya mau ceak dulu yah

B : Berapa harganya permalam?

A : Permalam 2 juta.

B : Ok..

A : Miss mau bayar cash apa credit?

B : Cash.

A : Langsung ke kasir.

Appendix 8B

The Transcripts of Pre-Test

controlled Class (XI.1)

Group 1:

A : Good morning, Syahid Hotel, what can I do for you?

B : Grood morning, Saya ingin memesan kamar

A : Permalamnya 1 juta.

B : Baik saya ambil.

A : Ok, Could I have your identity card?

Ok, this is your key room.

B : Thank you.

A : You are welcome

Group 2:

A : Good morning, may I help you?

B : Morrning.. Jawabnya apah, jawabnya apaan. Morning I..I..

A : May I help you?

B : Yes, haha Saya mau pesan kamar

A : When for Sir?

B : Dua malem, buat 2 malam.

A : Ok, sebentar

B : A.. a.. berapa harganya?

A : Two night, Dua ratus ribu rupiah

B : 2 night, Dua malam 1 juta

A : Bill.. Bill

Group 3:

A : Good morning, can I help you?

B : Morning, we want to book room please!

A : Certainly, when for Mom?

B : For last September, 3 malam.

A : Five hundred per night.

B : Ok, that’s fine.

A :A.. could I have your identity card?

B : Ini kartu identitas saya

A : Thank you

B : You are welcome

Group 4:

A : Good morning, can I do for you?

B : Saya ingin pesan kamar

A : Untuk berapa malam?

B : 2 malam

A : Ok, jenis kamar apa yang anda pesan?

B : Suit and double

A : Ok..a…

B : A..berapa per malam.

A : 1 juta.

B : Thank you.

A : You are welcome.

Group 5

A : Good morning, Syahid Hotel, May I help you?

B : Morning, Saya ingin pesan kamar. Suit room untuk 3 malam.

A : Permalamnya 1 juta. Could I have your identitas

B : Yes, ini my identitas

A : Thank you

B : You are welcome

Group 6:

A : Good morning, welcome to Syahid hotel. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

B : Good morning, Yes I want book a room please!

A : when to book a room?

B : Last of September tanggal 23 four night.

A : Harganya 500 ribu permalam.

B : Yes, that’s fine.

A : Ok, fine teman saya akan mengantarkan anda.

Group 7:

A : Good morning, Syahid Hotel, may I help you?

B : Morning, saya mau sewa kamar untuk 2 kamar 2 malam.

A : 200 ribu permalam haha

B : How much the cost?

A : Permalamam 200 ribu

B : Ok, that’s fine thank you .

A : You are welcome

Group 8:

A : Syahid Hotel, May I help you?

B : I will book kamar.

A : Ok, I will check that we have available room.

Ok Mom the room is available. May I have your identity card please?

B : This is my identitas card.

A : Ok, My bell boy will show your room.

B : Thank you.

A : You are welcome.

Group 9:

A : Good morning, good morning, a… Hotel Syahid, May I help you?

B : I want book room.

A : Untuk berapa kamar?

B : Untuk 3 night, berapaharga 1 malam?

A : 1 juta, kamarapa?

B : Suit room

A : Ok

Group 10:

A : Good morning, what can I do for you?

B : Good morning, I want memesan kamar, berapa harganya?

A :500 ribu perbulan, eh per malam

B : Ok, Thank you

A : You are welcome.

Appendix 8C

The Transcripts of Post-Test

Experiment Class (XI.3)

Group 1:

A : Good afternoon, welcome to our restaurant, what can I do for you?

B : Yes, I’d like to order some food.

A : What do you like for a starter?

B : Yes, I’d like to order pudding first.

A : what do you like to order for main course?

B : Yes, I like to order spaghetti for main course.

A : What you like to order for drink?

B : I’d like to order mango float.

A : Hope you enjoy the food. Can I bring you anything else?

B : How much… How much the cosy?

A :Seratus lima ribu rupiah.

B : Thank you .

A : You are welcome.

Group 2:

A : Good morning, welcome to our restaurant.. May I help you?

B : Yes, I like to order some food.

A : And what you like to starter?

B : Yes, I like to order..order pudding please.

A : What you like to order to main course?

B : I like toooooo.. I want tooooo.. I want to, I want to order steak..

A : What you like to drink?

B : Yes, I like order orange juice please.

A : Ok sir, wait a minute. May I bring you anything else.

B : No, thanks. How much the price?

A : Satujuta lima ratus( 1.500.000,00) rupiah

B : Here you are, thank you.

A : You are welcome.

Group 3:

A : Good afternoon, welcome to our restaurant, may I help you?

B : Yes, I’d like to order.

A : What you like order to?

B : Yes, I like to order pudding for a starter please!

A : good, and would you like to appetizer?

B : Yes, pudding.

A : Would you like to order for drink?

B : A… a… Yes, I like to order green tea.

A : A… a… hope you enjoy.

B : May I bring you anything else?

A : No, thanks. How much the cost?

B : One hundred and five thousand rupiah.

A : Thank you.

Group 4:

A : Good afternoon, welcome to our restaurant, may I help you?

B : Yes, I’d like to order.

A : Would you like to order to start?

B : I’d like order salad please!

A : Would you want to order for main course?

B : Ok.

A : What you like for drink?

B : Yes, I like to order drink.

A : May I bring anything else?

B : No, thanks. How much the cost?

A : One and twenty thousand rupiah.

B : Thank you.

A : You are welcome.

Group 5

A : Good afternoon, welcome to our restaurant, may I help you?

B : Yes, I’d like to order for main course.

A : Would you like to start?

B : Yes I’d like to salad please!

A : And would you like to order for main course?

B : Steak.

A : Would you like to order drink?

B : Orange juice.

A : Hopes..hope you enjoy the food. May, may I bring you anything else?

B : Now how much the cost?

A : Its seratus lima puluhribu rupiah..

Group 6

A : Welcome to our restaurant, May I help you?

B : I would like to take order.

A : Would you like for a starter?

B : Yes, I want to order fried potato

A : Would you like for a main course?

B : Yes, I want to order orange juice.

A : Eh Main course?

B : Oh yasteak..Steak.

A : Would you like for drink?

B : I want to order orange juice for drink.

A : may I bring you anything else?

B : No, thanks.

A : Cost, cost?

B : Here you are thank you.

A : you are welcome.

Group 7

A : A…Welcome, a… welcome to a restaurant, may I help you?

B : Yes I’d like to order main course.

A : Would you like for a starter?

B : Yes, I’d like to order salad please.

A : Would you like to order for drink?

B : I like..lupa.. lupa.. nanya apa? Yes, a.. lupa ibuuu

A : Hope enjoy the food, may I bring you anything else?

B : Yes, thank you.

A : (Nanya berapa duit)

B :Berapa money?

A : I05 thousand rupiah. Thanks

Group 8

A : Welcome to our restaurant, May I help you?

B : Yes, I want to take order

A : And would you like to order firstly?

B : Yes, I want to order foto, poto..


B : Yes, potato.

A : And would you like to order for main course?

B : I like to order fried rice for main course.

A :And would you like to order drink?

B : Yes, I’d like to order Kopi

A : May I bring anything else?

B : No.

A : Thank you.

Group 9

A : Welcome to our restaurant, May I help you?

B : Yes, I do like to take order

A :Aa… would you like to a starter?

B : Starter? Yes, I like to order fried potatoes.

A : And would you like to drink?

B : I do like to order soft drink.

A : Would you like to order main course?

B : Yes, I do like to order mush potatoes and steak.

A : May I bring you anything else?

B : No thanks. How much the price?

A : 700 thousand rupiah.

Group 10

A : Good afternoon, welcome to our restaurant, May I help you?

B :I want to take order.

A : Would you like to a starter?

B : Yes, I like to order meat for a starter.

A :Would you like to order for a starter?

B : Yes, I’d like to order avocado juice.

A :What..ahahahah… hahhahahaha ???? may I bring you anything else?

B : No, thanks. How much the bill?

A : 600 thousand rupiah.

B : Thank you.

A : you are welcome.


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