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 Testing of Cement:

1. Fineness Test [IS: 4031 (Part 1) – 1996]:

Fineness of Cement is measured by sieving cement on standard sieve. The proportion of cement of
which the cement particle sizes are greater than the 90 micron is determined.

Significance and Why to test Fineness of Cement: We know that cement hydrates with the
presence of water. When cement is mixed with the water, a thin layer is formed around the
particle. This layer grows bigger and makes cement particles to separate. Due to this, hydration
process slows down. Therefore, the smaller particle will react much quicker than the larger particle.
A particle with dia 1µm will react entirely in one day, whereas the particle with dia 10µm takes
about one month. So the particle size distribution is more critical in attaining the final strength of
cement in allowable time. But too much of smaller particles in cement results in quick setting,
leaving no time for mixing, handling and placing. So to increase the setting time of cement, cement
is ground in a different range of particle sizes. The following proportions are usually maintained in
Cement: About 10% of the cement of fine particles is smaller than 2 µm, 10% of weight of cement is
made of particles larger than 50 µm, and only a few % particles larger than 90 µm.

The Test: The cement of good quality should have less than 10% of weight of cement particles
larger than 90 µm. (micron)

Apparatus: To determine the number of cement particles larger than 90 µm. or Fineness test of
cement. The following apparatus is used: 100g of cement (test sample), Weighing balance which
can weight with an accuracy of 1mg, Standard Sieve of size 90 µm, Sieve pan with lid, Sieve Shaking
Machine (optional)

1. Take a sample of cement and rub the cement with your hands. The test sample should be free
of lumps.
2. Now Take 100g of cement and note it as W1.
3. Pour 100g of cement in 90 µm sieve and close it with the lid.
4. Now place the sieve in Sieve shaking machine for two minutes. You can also shake the sieve
with your hands by agitating the sieve in planetary and linear movements for 15 minutes.
5. Next, weight the residue retained on the 90 µm sieve as W2.
6. Then calculate the percentage of weight of cement-retained on Sieve.
7. Repeat the above experiment with three different samples of cement and average the values
for accurate results.

The fineness of Cement Formula-

Percentage of sample of cement retained in 90µ sieve = X 100
Good cement should retain 10% weight of cement when it is sieved with the 90µm sieve.
2. Standard or Normal Consistency Test [IS: 4031 (Part 4) – 1988]:
The Consistency of cement test is performed to determine the amount of water content that is to
be added in cement to attain Standard consistency or normal consistency of cement.

Or otherwise, Amount of water added in cement to penetrate the Vicat plunger up to a depth of 5-
7mm from the bottom of the Vicat mould or 33-35mm from top of the Vicat Mould.

Significance: When water is mixed with cement, it starts

hydration. Excessive addition of water in cement results in an
increase in Water cement ratio & ultimately cement loses its
strength when it hardens. If less water is added than required,
Cement isn’t properly hydrated and results in loss of strength.
The Standard or Normal consistency for Ordinary Portland
cement varies between 25-35%. To prepare a mix of cement
paste of Standard consistency 25-35% of water is added to

To explain in detail Let us assume a standard consistency is 30%. Take 400g of Cement for this
quantity, Add 30% of Water. i.e., 120g of water content is added in cement to attain standard

Apparatus: Weighing balance of 1000g with accuracy 1g and measuring cylinder of 200ml, VICAT
apparatus, VICAT Mould, Glass plate, the plunger of 10mm dia and Hand Trowel.

1. Take 400g of cement and place it in a bowl or tray.
2. Now Assume standard consistency of water is 28% and add the same quantity of water in
cement and mix it.
3. Mix the paste thoroughly within 3-5 minutes. The time taken to obtain cement paste after
adding water is called gauging time.
4. Now fill the paste in Vicat mould correctly any excessive paste remained on Vicat mould is taken
off by using a trowel.
5. Then, place the VICAT mould on Glass plate and see that the plunger should touch the surface
of VICAT mould gently.
6. Release the Plunger and allow it to sink into the test mould.
7. Note down the penetration of the plunger from the bottom of mould indicated on the scale.
8. Repeat the same experiment by adding different percentages of water until the reading is in
between 5-7mm on the Vicat apparatus scale.
3. Initial and Final Setting Time Test [IS: 4031 (Part 5) – 1988]:
When cement is mixed with water, it hydrates and makes cement paste. This paste can be moulded
into any desired shape due to its plasticity. Within this time cement continues with reacting water
and slowly cement starts losing its plasticity and set harden. This complete cycle is called Setting
time of cement.
Initial Setting time of Cement - The time to which cement can be moulded in any desired shape
without losing it strength is called Initial setting time of cement. Or, The time at which cement
starts hardens and completely loses its plasticity is called Initial setting time of cement. Or, The time
available for mixing the cement and placing it in position is an Initial setting time of cement. If
delayed further, cement loses its strength. For Ordinary Portland Cement, The initial Setting Time is
30 minutes.
Final setting time of Cement - The time at which cement completely loses its plasticity and became
hard is a final setting time of cement. Or, The time taken by cement to gain its entire strength is a
Final setting time of cement. For Ordinary Portland Cement, The Final Setting Time is 600 minutes
Significance: After mixing cement with water, it takes time to place the cement paste in position,
initial setting time possess a primary role in strength & it is mandated that cement paste or
concrete is placed in position before it crosses initial setting time. i.e., 30 mins. And it shouldn’t be
disturbed until it completes Final setting time i.e., 600mins for Ordinary Portland Cement.

Apparatus: Weighing balance of 1000g with accuracy 1g and Measuring cylinder of 200ml, VICAT
apparatus, VICAT Mould, Glass plate, the plunger of 10mm dia and Hand Trowel, stop watch.

1. Take 400g of cement and place it in a bowl or tray.
2. Now add water of Start the stopwatch at the moment water is added to the cement. Water of
quantity 0.85P.times (Where P is the Standard consistency of cement) is considered.
3. Now fill the mix in Vicat mould. If any excessive paste remained on Vicat mould is taken off by
using a trowel.
4. Then, place the VICAT mould on non-porous plate (Glass plate) and see that the plunger should
touch the surface of VICAT mould gently.
5. Release the Plunger and allow it to sink into the test mould.
6. Note down the penetration of the plunger from the bottom of mould indicated on the scale.
7. Repeat the same experiment at different positions on the mould until the plunger should stop
penetrating 5 from the bottom of the mould.
The time period elapsed between the moment water is added to the cement and the time, the
needle fails to penetrate the mould of 5mm when measured from the bottom of the mould, is
the initial setting time of cement.

Now replace the needle (plunger) by the one with an annular attachment. The cement is
assumed as finally set when, upon applying the needle gently to the surface of the test mould,
the needle makes an impression therein, while the attachment fails to do so. The time period
between the moment water is added to the cement and the time at which needle makes an
impression on the surface of the mould, while the attachment fails to do so, is the final setting
time of cement.

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