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American Revolution was the child of Enlightenment.


I. Philosophy in the Enlightenment.

A. Enlightenment is the Age of Reason. It is simple an era from 1600s to 1780s in which cultural and
intellectual forces in Western Europe emphasized reason, analysis and individualism rather than
traditional lines of authority.
B. Scientific Revolution Sparks the Enlightenment
1. Natural Law: Rules or discoveries made by reason
C. Hobbes and Lock Have Conflicting Views
1. Hobbes Believes in Powerful Government
a. Thomas Hobbes distrusts humans (cruel-greedy-selfish) and favors strong
government to keep order
b. Promotes social contract—gaining order by giving up freedoms to
c.Outlined his ideas in his work called Leviathan (1651)
2. Locke Advocates Natural Rights
a. Philosopher John Locke believed people were good and had natural rights—
right to life, liberty, and property by birth
b. In his Two Treatises of Government, Lock argued that government’s obligation is
to protect people’s natural rights and not take advantage of their position in
c. Locke then set out a radical idea. A government, he said, has an obligation to the
people it governs. If a government fails its obligations or violates people's natural
rights, the people have the right to overthrow that government. This right to
revolution would echo across Europe and around the world in the centuries that
D. The Philosophes
1. Philosophes: enlightenment thinkers that believed that the use of reason could lead to
reforms of government, law, and society
2. Montesquieu Advances the Idea of Separation of Powers
a. Montesquieu—had sharp criticism of absolute monarchy and admired Britain for
dividing the government into three branches
b. The Spirit of the Laws—outlined his belief in the separation of powers
(legislative, executive, and judicial branches) to check each other to stop one
branch from gaining too much power
3. Voltaire Defends Freedom of Thought
a. Voltaire—most famous of the philosophe who published many works arguing for
tolerance and reason—believed in the freedom of religions and speech
b. He spoke out against the French government and Catholic Church— makes
powerful enemies and is imprisoned twice for his views
4. Diderot Edits the Encyclopedia
a. Denis Diderot begins publishing Encyclopedia (28-valume set of books with
enlightenment ideas:
i. denounced slavery, praised freedom of expression, and urged education
to all—as well as attacking divine-right theory and traditional religion.
b. Encyclopedia articles anger French government and Catholic Church
c. Encyclopedia helps spread Enlightenment ideas across Europe
5. Rousseau Promotes The Social Contract
a. Jean-Jacques Rousseau—believed that people in their natural state were
basically good thus favors individual freedom and direct democracy
b. Rousseau believed that people in their natural state were basically good. This
natural innocence, he felt, was corrupted by the evils of society, especially the
unequal distribution of property
c. Social Contract: outlined his belief that a government receive power from the
people as long as they protect people’s natural rights
d. He also believed that some controls were necessary, but that they should be
minimal, these controls should be imposed only by governments that had
been freely elected.
e. Rousseau put his faith in the “general will,” or the best conscience of the
people. The good of the community as a whole, he said, should be placed
above individual interests
6. Cesare Bonesana Beccaria
a. believed that laws existed to preserve social order not to avenge crimes.
b. On Crimes and Punishments condemned torture, the death penalty, and
other common abuses of justice.
c. greatly influenced criminal law reformers in Europe and America.
7. Women Challenge the Philosophes
a. Many Enlightenment thinkers take traditional views of women’s role—believe
women had natural rights but those rights were limited to home and family
b. Germaine de Staël in France and Catharine Macaulay and Mary Wollstonecraft of
Britain argued that women were being excluded unfairly from the social contract
c. Prominent writer Mary Wollstonecraft urges greater rights for women:
i. In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman she argued women need quality
education to be virtuous and useful
ii. urges women to go into traditionally male professions like
d. Some wealthy women use their status to spread Enlightenment ideas
E. New Economic Thinking
1. Physiocrats—French thinkers that focused on economic reforms
2. Laissez Faire Replaces Mercantilism
a. Physiocrats rejected mercantilism and favored laissez faire; also supported
free trade and opposed tariffs.
b. Mercantilism: required government regulation of economy to achieved favorable
balance of trade (export more than you imported in order to build wealth)
c.Laissez faire: policy allowing business to operate with little or no government
3. Smith Argues for a Free Market
a. Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations argues that a free market should be
allowed to regulate business activity.
b. Manufacturing, trade, wages, profits, and economic growth are all linked
to Supply and Demand.
Chapter 5 – The Enlightenment and the American Revolution
III. Enlightenment Ideas Spread (5-2)
F. New Ideas Challenge Society
1. Writers Face Censorship
a. The government and church authorities turned to censorship—controlling
what was produced and/or limiting access to the ideas and information
b. Many books were banned or burned and writers were imprisoned
c. To avoid persecution, many authors created pen names and/or hid their ideas in
fictional works
2. Ideas Spread in Salons
a. Paris becomes center of the Enlightenment during 1700s
b. City is home to salons—informal gatherings where thinkers (such as writers,
philosophes, etc.) discuss ideas
G. Arts and Literature Reflect New Ideas
1. From Grandeur to Charm
a. Pre-Enlightenment art style is baroque—grand, ornate design
b. Enlightenment style is either:
i. Neoclassical Style: based on Greek/Roman themes
Rococo Style: moved away from religion and was lighter, elegant, and
2. The Enlightenment Inspires Composers
a. Classical music emerges; lighter, more elegant than earlier style
i.Movement led by composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Franze
Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven
3. The Novel Takes Shape
a. Novel emerges: works of fiction with detailed plots and characters
i. Samuel Richardson’s Pamela considered first true English novel (about
a servant girl)
ii. Daniel Defoe writes Robinson Crusoe, an exciting tale about a sailor
shipwreck on a tropical island.
H. Enlightened Despots Embrace New Ideas
1. Some absolute monarchs accepted Enlightenment ideas and used their power to bring
about social & political change and thus strengthen their own rule—they became known
as enlightened despots.
2. Frederick II Attempts Reform
a. Frederick the Great (King of Prussia) saw himself as the “first servant of the
i. He reform education, justice system, religion— allowing people to
choose their own religion
ii.He did, however, fail to end serfdom
3. Catherine the Great Studies Philosophes’ Works
a. Catherine II (Empress of Russia) believed in the Enlightenment ideas of
equality and liberty while not losing any of her power.
b. Sought to abolish capital punishment and torture
c. Mainly remembered for expanding Russian Empire
4. Joseph II Continues Reform
a. Joseph II (Austrian Hapsburg Emperor) traveled in disguise to learn of people’s
b. Allows freedoms of worship and the press (ending censorship)
c. Chose talented middle-class people to run departments
d. Abolished serfdom (but the practice is reinstated after his death)
I. Lives of the Majority Change Slowly
1. Peasants in the West were more prosperous than those in the East
2. In Russia and Eastern Europe, peasants were Serfs and considered property
Chapter 5 – The Enlightenment and the American Revolution

VI. Birth of the American Republic

I. Britain Becomes a Global Power
1. Britain’s rose to world power, in part, due to its: island location, colonial
possessions, favorable business climate, powerful navy
2. Britain embraced mercantilism and built a colonial and commercial empire that
reached around the world
3. Controlling the Island: Britain merged with Scotland and took over & oppressed the Irish
4. British Government
a. Britain developed three new political institutions: political parties, the
cabinet, and the office of prime minister.
b. Britain had developed a constitutional government— government whose power
is defined and limited by law
5. In 1760, George III began his 60-year reign and he wanted to reestablish the power of
the monarch
J. The Colonies in the Mid-1700s
3. The British controlled 13 colonies—colonists had control over much of their own affairs
4.Colonists identify less and less as British subjects: many began to believe that the U.S.
should break away from Britain
K. Colonist Express Discontent
4. Britiain in Debt
a. War (British vs. French) drained the British of money and king believed colonist
should help with debt
b. Parliament passed the Sugar Act (import tax) in 1764 and the Stamp Act (tax on
items such as newspapers and pamphlets) in 1765
c. Colonist protested (no taxation without representation)
5. Colonists Rebel Against Britain
a. Boston Massacre: In 1770, British soldiers opened fire on protesters who had been
pelting them with snowballs
b. Boston Tea Party: In 1773, colonist destroyed tea to protest British taxes
c. Continental Congress: Colonial leaders (John Adams, George Washington, etc.)
continued to meet to discuss what actions needed to be taken
6. Colonists Declare Independence
a. Lexington-Concord: Militia guarding weapons depot clash with British Soldiers—
unordered “shot heard around the world” started the American Revolution
b. Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson wrote (inspired by John Locke’s
ideas) and reflect the principle of popular sovereignty: it was adopted on July 4,
L. The American Revolution Continues
5. Advantages
a. Britain Advantages: had professional soldiers, more money, a superior navy,
and one third of the colonists were loyal to the King
b. Colonists Advantages: fighting at home, good leadership, and fighting for survival
6. France Provides Support
a. In 1777 the French joined on the side of the Americans
b. The Netherlands and Spain also joined the Americans
7. Treaty of Paris Ends the War
a. In 1781, General Washington forced the surrender of the British at Yorktown
b. Two years later, the Treaty of Paris ended the war which recognized U.S.
M. Articles of Confederation
1. The Articles of Confederation: America was governed by the Articles of Confederation
for several years, but they were too weak
2. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
a.created procedures for dividing up the Northwest Territory and requirements
for admission of new states
3. A Weak National Government
a. Articles of Confederation set government plan for new republic—create
legislature only, no executive or judicial branches
b. Weak national government fails to provide unity and order
4. Federalist Papers
a. Federalist favored the new constitution (strong central government)
b. Federalist Papers—written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay—
were done to convince people that a stronger central government was needed
N. A New Constitution
1. Enlightenement Ideas Have Great Impact
a. During the summer of 1787, a new constitution was created and the new document
established a government run by the people, for the people
b. Although there were numerous representatives working on the constitution, James
Madison is credited with being the “Father of the Constitution”
c. The Constitution created a federal republic, with power divided between the
federal, or national, government and the states
d. Created three branches of government legislative, executive, and judicial
(from Montesquieu)
e.The Bill of Rights (the first amendments to the Constitution) recognized the ideas
that people had basic rights that the govt. must protect, such as: freedom of
religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc.
2. Symbol of Freedom
a. The United States Constitution would serve as a model for other democratic nations
American Revolution and Enlightenment Ideas
 Main Idea was REVOLUTION
o Enlightenment ideas helped spur the American colonies to shed British rule and create a
new nation.
 Why it matters
o The revolution created a republic, the United States of America that became a model for
many nations of the world.
 Britain and Its 13 American Colonies
o Throughout the 1600s and 1700s, British colonists had formed a large and thriving
settlement along the eastern shore of North America.
1. Population density increased with 150 years from 2.5 million to 21 million
2. Had their own govt. and privileged independence
3. Colonist saw themselves as less British and more independent Colonist
4. Economically, the colonies thrived on trade with the nations of Europe
5. the colonies were home to diverse religious and ethnic groups
6. In politics, there was a great deal of free discussion
7. Colonist felt of natural rights as entitled to English citizens
8. Colonists of New England and those in the south differed, they all shared common
values, respect for individual enterprise, and a growing self-confidence. This
produced a sense of own identity and destiny separate from British
o Growing Discontent due to Mercantilist and Imperialist approach of Britain
1. In 1651, the British Parliament passed a trade law called the Navigation Act and
subsequent trade laws prevented colonists from selling their most valuable
products to any country except Britain
2. In addition, colonists had to pay high taxes on imported French and Dutch goods
3. Britain bought American raw materials for low prices and sold manufactured goods
to the colonists
4. After 1763, relations between Britain and the 13 colonies grew strained
 The Seven Years' War and the French and Indian War in North America had
drained the British treasury
 King George III and his advisers thought that the colonists should help pay
for the war and for troops still stationed along the frontier
o George Harsh policies led to growing discontent
1. Sugar Act 1764 imposed duty on refined sugar export to
2. Quartering Act 1765 to accommodate British troops in
3. Stamp Act 1765 raise revenue from official documents
used in business and trade.
 Colonists bitterly resented what they saw as an attack on their rights. “No
taxation without representation,” they protested
 Boston Massacre was the initial event escalating the tensions between
o In March 1770, British soldiers in Boston opened fire on a crowd
that was pelting them with stones and snowballs
o IN 1773, Sons of Liberty, a guerilla force, attacked the, newly
arrived Britain sea ship carrying Tae, at Boston and dumped the
tea into Sea as a reaction to protest the import tax on tea.
 Tensions increased, fighting spread, representatives from each colony
gathered in Philadelphia
o In September 1774, First Continental Congressional
representatives gathered to protest the treatment of Boston
o 1775, the crisis exploded into war. On April 19, 1775, British
soldiers and American militiamen exchanged gunfire on the village
green in Lexington, Massachusetts
o In 1776, the Second Continental Congress took a momentous step,
voting to declare independence from Britain. Also, voted to raise
an army and organize for battle under the command of a Virginian
named George Washington. The American Revolution had begun
 In July 1776, the Second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of
Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson
o based on the ideas of John Locke and the Enlightenment
1. The Declaration claimed that people had the right “to alter
or to abolish” unjust governments—a right to revolt as
proposed by Locke in Social Contract
2. emphasized the principle of popular sovereignty, which
states that all government power comes from the people
3. The Declaration reflected argument for natural rights
 We hold these truths to be self-evident,” states the
beginning of the Declaration, “that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights, that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of
 American Won the war of independence for several reasons
o Americans’ motivation for fighting was much stronger than that of
the British as they were defending the country
o the overconfident British generals made several mistakes
o time itself was on the side of the Americans
o Fighting an overseas war, 3,000 miles from London, was terribly
o The Americans did not fight alone. France and Spain helped
1. A turning point in the war came in 1777, when the
Americans triumphed over the British at the Battle of
Saratoga. This victory persuaded France to join the
Americans against its old rival, Britain. The alliance
brought the Americans desperately needed supplies,
trained soldiers, and French warships.
 Treaty of Paris 1783
o British surrendered at Virginia. GW forced the surrender. In Treaty,
Britain recognized America as independent state.
5. Americans Create a Republic
 13 individual states recognized need of govt. and they ratified Articles of
Confederation in 1781,they constituted a loose confederation, in which
they established US as a Republic where govt. is formed by elected
o AOC constituted a weak national govt. with no executive and
judicial institutions
o New American govt. could not run effectively.
 Colonial leaders eventually recognized the need for a strong national
government. In February 1787, Congress approved a Constitutional
Convention to revise the Articles of Confederation. The Constitutional
Convention held its first session on May 25, 1787. This framework for a
strong yet flexible government has adapted to changing conditions for
more than 200 years
 The Impact of Enlightenment Ideas
o The framers of the Constitution had absorbed the ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, and
1. They saw government in terms of a social contract into which “We the People of
the United States refers to civilian govt.
2. provided not only for an elective legislature but also for an elected president
rather than a hereditary monarch which infers to republican
3. Central feature of federal govt. was Separation of Power, proposed by
Montesquieu, provided three layers of govt.-executive, legislative, judicial with
checks and balance on each other branch
4. Strong central govt. but did not eliminate the local or state level govt.
5. Fearing of too much centralization, anti-federalist pressured to add Bill of Rights in
constitution. These amendments protected such basic rights as freedom of speech,
press, assembly, and religion. Many of these rights had been advocated by
Voltaire, Rousseau, and Locke.
o The Constitution and Bill of Rights marked a turning point in people’s ideas about
government. Both documents put Enlightenment ideas into practice
Compare Lock Philosophy with American Political Thought
 American political thought visible in US Constitution and Founding fathers Beliefs.
 Locke’s political theories have had such a profound influence on American government.
o Sentiments like “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” “We the People,” and
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” all derive
from John Locke’s political theories
o Notion behind that governments are fundamentally obliged to serve their citizens
and protect one’s life, liberty, and property
 many of the core political identities of the United States government can be found in Locke’s
o Limited government, personal freedom and liberty, natural rights, a government that
is legitimized as a contract with its people in order to preserve their rights, a
separation of church and state, and the right to life, liberty, and estates – these are all
Lockean notions
 Declaration of Independence 1787
o “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. to secure these rights, Governments are
instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
o According to Jefferson’s words in Declaration of Independence, government serves a
very limited Locken purpose That is, government exists to secure for individuals the
rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
o Change of Wording: Locke said property and Jefferson said Pursuit of Happiness.
 both statements reflect the belief that all individuals have the fundamental
right to act freely in life while allowing others to do the same
 Locke’s concept of a social contract and Declaration of Independence
o The Declaration of Independence clearly and logically depends on Locke’s philosophy.
Locke holds that state of nature was pacifist but there were inconvenience. People
could not by their own selves enforce law of nature. In order to do so, they entered
into a social contract to create a govt. By doing so, people relinquish many of their
freedoms and liberties in order to give the govt. power to protect property of every
member of the society. If the govt. fails to do so, then people have the right to get rid
of that govt.
o The Declaration of Independence served as an indictment of King George III for not
upholding the social contract between him and the American people. This
demonstrate that the founding fathers were inspired and believed in Locke’s vision of
 Locke influence on Jefferson
o James Madison drew many of his political theories from Locke. Benjamin Franklin
studied Locke in his self-education, and John Adams believed that everyone should be
taught Locke’s theories
o Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist no. 85 that the United States was
founded on “the voluntary consent of a whole people
o Jefferson considered Locke’s Second Treatise to be one of the best books ever written
on politics
o he wrote “A Summary View of the Rights of British America, Jefferson wrote that the
colonists adapted the system union with Great Britain through willful submission,
argued a very Lockean point – that this formed a social contract between the people
of the American colonies and the British King
o believed that all men are born free because of natural rights Jefferson stated that
“the God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time
o He believed that the right of suffrage was vital to the success of a good government,
o Throughout the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson mimics Locke’s arguments on
legislative power, the nature of tyranny, natural rights, and the right and duty of
 Locke in the Constitution
o Locke’s philosophy permeates the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
o The debate over the form and function of the legislature was of particular importance
 Locke argued in his Second Treatise that legislative power is supreme
“legislative [power] is not only the supreme power of the common-wealth,
but sacred and unalterable in the hands where the community have once
placed it
o Delegates settled upon Connecticut Compromise and agreed that there should be a
supreme legislative that is comprised of two houses
o Edmund Randolph agreed with Locke as he stated that “a national government ought
to be established consisting of a Supreme Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive
o requirements for holding office and election procedures, the delegates held true to
Locke’s words on separation of church and state by incorporating into the
 Locke on Bills of Right
o bill of rights were derived from Locke’s philosophy and English Common Law
o different sources were used in the creation of the Bill of Rights
 Virginia’s Declaration of Rights by George Mason was the primary document
 Bill of Rights also drew upon the Magna Carta, English Parliament’s Petition
of Right, and English Parliament’s 1689 Bill of Rights
 The Glorious Revolution from 1688-1689 involved the overthrowing
of King James II and the establishment of the English Bill of Rights
o Locke’s notions of liberty and his philosophy on the role of the government lie at the
heart of the Bill of Rights.
 First Ament: Congress shall make no law infringing the natural rights of a
 The Second Amendment guarantees all citizens of the United States the right
to bear arms, this amendment is the natural right of people to self-defense
and resistance to oppression
 The Third and Fourth Amendments are both property rights.
 Locke’s argument that the core purpose of government is for the
protection of one’s property carries over into the United States
constitution and Bill of Rights.
 Fourth Amendment prevents unreasonable searches and seizures
 The Fifth Amendment: people can only be held to answer for crimes on the
presentment or indictment of a grand jury,
 This corresponds to Locke’s argument regarding the inconveniences
of the state of nature where one’s life (Locke define life as an
element of one’s property) can only be put in jeopardy after a grand
 Additionally, the Fifth Amendment states that no one can be
“deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor
shall private property be taken for public use, without just
 In Lock’s language, govt. role is to protect only, Fifth Amendment
secures individuals their rights to life, liberty, and property from
government interference.
 The Sixth Amendment and Seventh guarantees the right to a speedy and
public trial by an impartial jury, and right of trail
 According to Locke, one of the functions of government needs to be
the establishment of fair and impartial judges
 These Amendments, in combination with the Fifth, supports the
government in rectifying the inconvenience of the state of nature
 The Eighth Amendment prevents excessive fines, excessive bail, and cruel and
unusual punishment
 The Ninth Amendment simply clarifies that people still retain rights and
liberties that are not enumerated in the Constitution or Bill of Rights
 Tenth Amendment states that powers not given to the federal government
are reserved for the states or the people.
 last two Amendments serve as protections against an absolute
government and allow people to retain rights that are not explicit the
 Locke on Religious Freedom and the State
o Locke argues in A Letter Concerning Toleration that the church and the state hold
separate interests and that these interests are negatively impacted when the
institutions intersect
 He believes that the church must gain converts through genuine persuasion
rather than through coercion from the government or political subversion,
and that government Enforced religion leads to civil unrest and violent
 Locke writes that churches do not have “any just title to invade the civil rights
and worldly goods of each other upon pretense of religion
 In terms of human nature and govt. Locke believes that it is an individual’s
personal freedom and liberty to choose their religion.
 In surrendering certain rights and liberties to the government in the
social contract, an individual retains all faculties of their mind
o These arguments can be found in the writings and correspondence of Thomas
Jefferson and consequently in the Virginia’s Statute for Religious Freedom ,is one of
the most important American documents because it created a precedence for
incorporating religious freedom into the identity of American culture and government
 This statute primary concepts advocated in the statute are religious freedom
and a separation of church and state
 The bill guarantees that individuals shall be free to maintain their own
religious beliefs and cannot be either compelled to support any particular
religion or punished for matters of a religious nature.
 Jefferson’s arguments for a separation of church and state and religious
freedom follow Locke’s
 Jefferson believes that the political sphere and the religious sphere are two
entirely distinct institutions
 He believes that despotic governments use religion to maintain their
construct and those individuals in these societies cannot be free and equal.
Just like Locke

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