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After writing the paper, the most important thing to do

next is to breath and rest. Compensate for the stress
you've accumulated for the rest of the time you were
writing and spending your precious brain cells in
writing the paper. But... don't think that it's over.
Because the next step, the most important thing, is
about to start. The thesis defense.


Before an undergraduae defense, there aren't a lot to

prepare. You will just have to defend - yes, defend as
in defend - what you wrote; and come to think of it,
'it won't be too bad right? I wrote it afterall.' But
no. It will be the greatest mistake you'll make if you
think that way. Do not be too complacent.

You need to master your paper. Just because you were

the one who wrote doesn't mean you've already mastered
every single thing about it. You need to master it to
the point of making it one with your soul - that's
exagerating, you need to master it as if it is really
your expertise. You need to know your abstract very
well, your limitations and summary of the study.

The questions of the panelists will always be related

to what you wrote, so don't leave a stone covered. You
got to recognize the fact that your research isn't all
encompassing and read, read, read.

You need all the help that you can get. Whether it be
moral, emotional help or plainly help from your
adviser, you need it. Discuss everything with your
adviser and 'thesis-mates' beforehand. Ask a lot of
questions, even if they're irrelevant. This will help
you ease up and relax.

Next is create your own presentation. By presentation,

I meant a powerpoint presentation. This powerpoint
presentation should contain all the necessary and
relevant data from your paper. Focus on the summary of
findings; do not focus on your first three chapters -
that was discussed in the first part of your research.

· Make it as simple as possible. Aesthetics is fine,

but the panelists don't need them. They need your

· Make a point and stand by your point. You need to

believe in your own results while trying to be open
that your results might be wrong.


Relax. Remember to follow these things:


· Normally, students wear formal attire during thesis

defense. Males should wear long-sleeved polo at
least, paired with black slacks and black leather
shoes. A necktie and a coat is optional but would
be appreciated. Females can either wear pencil
skirts, knee-length or black slacks. They can wear
their Sunday blouses for the top, blaizers are
optional. It is preferable if the attire is white

1. some courses specify the attire of

their students during defense. For
instance, for tourism majors. Men are
mandated to wear longsleeve polo, with a
coat - preferable black - and a tie.

· For the hairstyle, there is no specific preference.

But to maintain professionalism and respect, it is
advised for men to have their hair styled in a way
that their face could be seen. For women, it is
advised to keep their hair tied in a bun or
ponytail. The goal for this to maintain
professionalism and civility to the panelists. We
don't want them to see you haggard while presenting
your final output.

· It is advisable that you don't wear any accessory

except for a wrist-watch. Lucky charms (keepstake
ring, earrings, or a necklace) gets an okay as long
as they are in minimum.


· It is normal to be nervous and it is even advisable

for you not to hide it completely; but please don't
let it best you in your presentation proper. Act
prim and proper. Do not slouch, stand straight and
look the panelists in the eye when talking to them.

· Be polite. Acknowledge the questions and

suggestions of the panelists in a way that it is
not degrading. In most parts of the defense anyway,
you will feel irritated, try not to show it and
continue being kind.

· Never use derogatory words and always speak in a

passive tone. Refer to yourselves as 'the
researchers' at all times, rather than using
pronouns such as 'I' or 'We'.

· Be what you wear. You're wearing a formal (or semi-

formal wear) then act as one.

· Do not move around so much. Never dance in front of

the panelists. And also the opposite should follow,
do not stand stiffly in front of the panelists.

· Avoid using fillers. Fillers are words that often

cut the sentences short and could oftentimes
distruct the audience. Some examples are 'uhm' and
'ahs'. They are not entirely bad, as a matter of
fact, they help you to collect your thoughts
especially if you're asked to answer an impromptu
question. However, too much is not good. If you use
it too much, then it will distract your panelists
and it will give them an impression that you do not
know your own paper.


· For undergraduate thesis defense, tokens are

optional. Students are not entirely asked to
prepare a token for the teachers; but if in a case
that they are, do not give tokens out of
proportion. What does it mean? Do not give tokens
that would look like you are bribing the panelists
(example: buffet, lumps of cash, extravagant
snacks, expensive items, handmade items).

· It is advisable to give certificates and low-cost

snacks (buy-1-take-1 burgers, ginanggang, bread
that costs not more than 20 pesos). Do not give
cash. Cash often illicit a feel that you need to
give something back - and it's not good.

· After the defense, it's either you're relieved or

bothered and there is nothing in between. Relieved
that you can finally, finally print the paper in
hardbound; or bothered because even though you
worked hard for it, you still have a lot to revise.
But eitherway, it's over and done with.

· First thing to do is to thank the panelist, this is

very important. Then ask the panelists to sign your
defense form. This will be on the very first page
of your paper when it is book-binded. If you have a
few changes, they might not sign. Comply and do not
forget to ask for their signature after getting an

· Second is breath easy. Ask your adviser to meet and

this defer from group to group. If you get an OK,
you just have to thank your adviser and let him
sign your defense sheet and monitoring form. But if
you're asked to do major revisions, then ask for
the adviser's help for it.


· Pass the necessary requirements to your instructor


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