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Our mission is to continually lead people into a new or growing

relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of our technology tools
and technical gifts by creating an excellent spiritual and technical

In the area of spiritual excellence, we expect you to commit to:

 Staying connected continually through a community group and Sunday

 Continually striving to develop a servant’s attitude and heart ,
understanding that participating on the media ministry team is a public act of
service unto God.
 Participate in Pre-service Prayer. Prayer is powerful. It changes
atmospheres! Praying together as a team strengthens the unity of it and affects the
way we execute our technical tasks. We don’t force you to pray but encourage you
too! God’s glory and miracles are revealed through the power of prayer. Sunday
mornings 8:30am
 Abide by the spiritual authority of the leadership  and I understand that I
must perform my role on the media ministry under the covering, guidance and
direction of the leadership of the church.
In the area of technical excellence, we expect you to commit to:

 Using the gifts and abilities God has given me both in practice and during
church services, rehearsals, and events with excellence, maximizing the gifts given.
The path to excellence is…excellence!
 Having a teachable spirit and learning my craft.  Always keep learning and
be open to learning new things. If running the technical systems, computers or
cameras is not something that you have trained for in school or in life, you should
work at learning the craft through the internet, workshops, reading books / articles
on the subject, participating in online discussion groups / forums and so on.
 Attending scheduled practices, church services and events on time and
ready and willing to serve. Be faithful to your commitments. Be there when you
commit to be there. Be there early. Arrive early enough to get to your position. I
understand that being late is the same as not showing up at all.
 Help set-up and clean-up equipment and media ministry operational areas.
(FOH Tech booth, cables on the stage etc)
 Making yourself available to serve a minimum of at least one weekend a
month as well as where and when possible, help provide coverage for others when
they are not available to do so. Be committed to the media ministry, make myself
available as much as is practical while keeping God’s priorities for my life intact.
 Being responsible and accountable for your serving assignments.  Once
serving assignments have been finalized and communicated, it is my responsibility
to show up and fulfill it. If something pops up last minute that results in me not
being able to fulfill my serving assignment, it is my responsibility to find a
replacement and notify Pastor Rob as promptly as possible of the change.
 To read, be responsive and acknowledge all media team
communications that are delivered via phone, email, SMS Text or notifications
generated from the Planning Center Online worship/media scheduling tool.

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