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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuses
Santa Maria Bulacan Campus
Santa Maria, Bulacan

Course Title : History of Mathematics

Course Code : SEMA 30013
Course Credit : 3units


History of Mathematics

Course Description:

The course presents the humanistic aspects of mathematics which provides the
historical context and timeline that led to the present understanding and applications of the
different branches of mathematics. It contains the works of some famous mathematicians like
Pythagoras, Euclid, Descartes, Newton, etc.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the course the student must be:

• Show one’s knowledge regarding Primitive Counting, A Sense of Number

• Know the History of Herodotus
• Know The Rhind Papyrus, The Rosetta Stone
• Understand Egyptian Geometry, Approximating the Area of a Circle
• Know Pythagoras and His Followers, Zeno’s Paradox
• Rise of the Sophists, Plato’s Academy
• Know Euclid and the Elements, Euclid’s Life and Writings
• Analyze The Algebra of al-Khowarizmi, Omar Khayyam, The Astronomers al-Tusi and al-
Kashi, The Ancient Chinese Nine Chapters
• Understand the works of Descartes
• Understand the works of Newton
• Understand The Origins of Probability Theory, Graunt’s Bills of Moratility
• Know The Famous Last Theorem of Fermat
• Know The Founders of Non-Euclidean Geometry, Gauss’s Attempt at a new Geometry
• Counting the Infinite, Cantor’s Theory of Infinite Sets
• Know Hardy and Ramanujan, The Rejuvenation of English Mathematics, A Unique
Collaboration: Hardy and Littlewood, India’s Prodigy Ramanujan
• Value the importance of knowing the history of mathematics
Learning Output:
The student is expected to present Teaching Demonstration Online base on the assign
topic in the History of Mathematics. Aside from that, each teaching lessons, student will engage
to short quiz or activities from each lesson through Artificial Intelligence online platform.
The students are also expected to create virtual Exhibit base on their assign topic. It can
be Audio Visual Presentation (Video Clips), Vlogs or Interactive Materials in illustrating the
particular lesson.

Units for Discussion are:

1. Early Number Systems and Symbols
2. Mathematics in Early Civilizations
3. The Beginnings of Greek Mathematics
4. The Alexandrian School: Euclid
5. The Twilight of Greek Mathematics: Diophantus
6. The First Awakening: Fibonacci
7. The Renaissance of Mathematics: Cardan and Tartaglia
8. The Mechanical World: Descartes and Newton
9. The Development of Probability Theory: Pascal, Bernoulli, and Laplace
10. The Revival of Number Theory: Fermat, Euler and Gauss
11. Nineteenth-Century Contributions: Lobachevsky to Hilbert
12. Extensions and Generalizations: Hardy, Hausdorff and Noether

Module Proper:

UNIT 1: Early Number Systems and Symbols

Learning Objective:
1. Show one’s knowledge regarding Primitive Counting, A Sense of Number
2. Know the History of Herodotus
3. Understand the concept of Number Recording of the Babylonians, Deciphering
Cuneiform: Grotefend and Rawlinson, Writing in Ancient China

How numbers started? How the ancient time use numerical figure in their life? How was
the life from ancient time if their number system is different in our current time? This topic by
Primitive Counting and a sense of number will help us to appreciate our number system now.
How might "primitive" people have counted? There are at least three good suggestions that I
have heard of:
▪ Tallies, starting perhaps with the Ishango bone: here's a video with its history.
▪ One-to-one correspondence, and related methods (e.g. using body parts -- "one hand" of
sheep, say -- meaning five); cairns are an example of a one-to-one correspondence, and a
way of counting: 'An old Scottish Gaelic blessing is Cuiridh mi clach air do chàrn, "I'll put a
stone on your cairn". In Highland folklore it is believed that the Highland Clans, before they
fought in a battle, each man would place a stone in a pile. Those who survived the battle
returned and removed a stone from the pile. The stones that remained were built into a cairn
to honour the dead.' (source)
(Paul Scott has lots of other good material, including stuff on calculus!)
▪ And then an unusual method of "counting by partitions" that Patricia Baggett and Andrzej
Ehrenfeucht proposed at the 2011 National Math Meetings. I have modified their algorithm
slightly (to conform more to the original document, from 1820, from which they took the
▪ They proposed that primitive societies may have counted this way. Let's suppose you
need to let the King know how many sheep you have:
1. divide your sheep equally ("one for you, one for me") into two pens: either there
is one left over, or not. You make a note of whether there is one left over or not.
2. Send all the sheep in pen two (and any "left over") out to pasture, and then
3. You divide the sheep in pen one into pens one and two: i.e., just do it again! And
again, and again, and.... until you get down to a pen one with just sheep in it.
4. Now let's see how we might record the results to send to the King.
▪ 9 sheep
▪ 22 sheep
▪ 54 sheep
So, writing from right-to-left 9 is 1,0,0,1, and 22 is 1,0,1,1,0
▪ The easiest way to illustrate the counting method is via a tree -- which we've seen
before, when doing probabilities. Finding the sample space of four coins tosses was best
done using trees. Let's see how we might use a tree to represent the solution to the 22
counting problem:

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Powerpoint Presentation via ZOOM meeting.

Watch the Video how was the system of counting develop from primitive time.

Read the Pdf files from page 1- 26.


Via Quizizz Online Platform

Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 2: Mathematics in Early Civilization

Learning Objective:
1. Know the Rhind Papyrus, The Rosetta Stone
2. Understand the Egyptian Arithmetic
3. Analyze and assess the Four Problems from the Rhind Papyrus, Egyptian
Mathematics as Applied to Arithmetic
4. Understand Egyptian Geometry, Approximating the Area of a Circle
5. Understand Babylonian Mathematics, A Tablet of Reciprocals
6. Plimton, Babylonian Use of the Pythagorean Theorem

Did you ever know How people from ancient time record their text? The old Papers does
ancient era use the Papyrus.
The Rhind papyrus is a famous document from the Egyptian Middle Kingdom that dates
to 1650 BC. It was purchased by Henry Rhind in Egypt in 1858, and placed in the British Museum
in 1864 by the estate of Henry Rhind.
A bootleg copy that listed the initial table of Egyptian fraction representations for fractions
of the form and 84 practical problems/solutions was published in Germany in 1873. Hot
debates between British scholars, only seeing additive contents, and German scholars,
sometimes seeing higher forms of math, continued until the 1920s, when the debates simmered,
nearly dying out during the 1930s and World War II.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.

Complementing Information: Watcth the Video

Read the Pdf files from page 33-76.

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 3: The Beginning of Greek Mathematics

Learning Objective:
1. Know the Geometrical Discoveries of Thales, Greece and the Aegean Area
2. Appreciate the theorem of Pythagoras and His Followers and Zeno’s Paradox
3. Know the Pythagorean Problem, Theon’s Side and Diagonal Numbers
4. Know Hippocrates and understand the principle Quadrature of the Circle
5. Illustrate the Rise of the Sophists and Plato’s Academy

After the Babylon and Egyptian Numbers system. The number system develops and Greek
Mathematicians explore the new and different theories and principles of mathematics.
Read the article and present It via Video Conference such as ZOOM or Google Meeting:

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.
Discussion via share screen platform using Zoom meeting apps

Read the Pdf files from page 83-134.

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 4: The Alexandrian School: Euclid

Learning Objective:

1. Know Euclid and the Elements, Euclid’s Life and Writings

Euclid’s Foundation for Geometry, Euclid’s Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
2. Know Euclid’s Number Theory, apply the Euclid Algorithm in finding GCF
3. Know Eratosthenes, the Wisa Man of Alexandria, The Sieve of Eratosthenes, and appreciate how
Measurement of the Earth develop more.
4. Know Archimedes, and appreciate how to do estimating the value of Pi

Who is Euclid?
Euclid, Greek Eukleides, (flourished c. 300 BCE, Alexandria, Egypt), the most prominent
mathematician of Greco-Roman antiquity, best known for his treatise on geometry, the Elements.
Life of Euclid’s life nothing is known except what the Greek philosopher Proclus (c. 410–485 CE)
reports in his “summary” of famous Greek mathematicians. According to him, Euclid taught
at Alexandria in the time of Ptolemy I Soter, who reigned over Egypt from 323 to
285 BCE. Medieval translators and editors often confused him with the philosopher Eukleides
of Megara, a contemporary of Plato about a century before, and therefore called him Megarensis.
Proclus supported his date for Euclid by writing “Ptolemy once asked Euclid if there was not a
shorter road to geometry than through the Elements, and Euclid replied that there was no royal
road to geometry.” Today few historians challenge the consensus that Euclid was older
than Archimedes (c. 290–212/211 BCE).
Euclid compiled his Elements from a number of works of earlier men. Among these
are Hippocrates of Chios (flourished c. 440 BCE), not to be confused with the
physician Hippocrates of Cos (c. 460–375 BCE). The latest compiler before Euclid was Theudius,
whose textbook was used in the Academy and was probably the one used by Aristotle (384–
322 BCE). The older elements were at once superseded by Euclid’s and then forgotten. For his
subject matter Euclid doubtless drew upon all his predecessors, but it is clear that the whole
design of his work was his own, culminating in the construction of the five regular solids, now
known as the Platonic solids.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.
See the Greek writing of Euclid Elements and Read the equivalent English version.
Watch how the Euclidian Algorithm works.

Read from our main reference book page 141-206

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 5: The Twilight of Greek Mathematics: Diophantus

Learning Objective:

1. Understand the Decline of Alexandrian Mathematics, and be familiar of the spread of Christianity
2. Know the Arithmetica,of Diophantus’s Number Theory
3. Understand Diophantine Equations in Greece, India, and China, Early Mathematics in India, and
the Chinese Hundred Fowl’s Problem
4. Identify The Mathematical Collection of Pappus, Hypatia, the First Woman Mathematician, Roman
Mathematics: Boethius and Cassiodorus
5. Analyze The Algebra of al-Khowarizmi, Omar Khayyam, The Astronomers al-Tusi and al-Kashi,
The Ancient Chinese Nine Chapters


A Short History Notes About Algebra

Algebra is a mathematical system that is a generalization of arithmetic in symbolic form; it uses
letters or symbols to represents numbers. It includes advanced topics such as groups, rings, and
invariant theory. The word “algebra” comes from the Arabic word al-jabr which is a part of the title
of al-Khwārizmī’s treatise on algebraic methods which means “restoring,” that is, the operation of
adding a term to both sides of the equation.

Early works of algebra of ancient Babylonians and Egyptians lack the abstract notation that
algebra has today. The Babylonians had methods of solving quadratic equations, while the
Egyptians used the symbol heap for the unknown.

In China, a treatise called Nine Chapters was compiled in the first century CE composed of 246
problems. The text shows methods of solving determinate and indeterminate equations. More
sophisticated than the works of the Babylonians and Egyptians, the treatise is mostly what is
known today as rhetorical algebra—problems and solutions are expressed in words rather than
in algebraic notations.

Algebra to the ancient Greeks is an unknown science except for the Greek mathematician
Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd century BCE). His work Arithmetica contains the first suggestions
of algebraic notations and is probably the earliest treatise on algebra. He used algebraic
equations and notations in presenting problems and solutions in Arithmetica.
In the 6th century CE in India, Aryabhata’s works show knowledge in summing an arithmetic
series, and solving quadratic equations and indeterminate linear equations. Shortly after, in the
7th century, Brahmagupta applied algebra to astronomy; his works gives the rules for using
negative numbers, and solving quadratic equations.
The Islamic scholars made several contributions to algebra as well—most notable of them is al-
Khwārizmī. His treatise A short book on the calculus al-jabr and al-muqabalah, deals with the
solution of quadratic equations. He did not use algebraic notations in his treatise but employed
rhetorical algebra. This is one reason why some consider Diophantus as the “Father of Algebra”
rather than Al-Khwārizmī.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.

To complement the information please read

Watch the video of how the principle works

Read from our main reference book page 213-259

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 6: The First Awakening: Fibonacci

Learning Objective:
1. Know the decline and revival of learning, and transmission of Arabic Learning to the West
2. Analyze the Hindu-Arabic Numerals, and the Works of Jordanus de Nemore
3. Know the Fibonacci Sequence
4. Understand Pythagorean Number Triples

Fibonacci is one of the most famous names in mathematics. This would come as
a surprise to Leonardo Pisano, the mathematician we now know by that name. And he
might have been equally surprised that he has been immortalised in the famous sequence
– 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... – rather than for what is considered his far greater mathematical
achievement – helping to popularise our modern number system in the Latin-speaking
The Roman Empire left Europe with the Roman numeral system which we still see,
amongst other places, in the copyright notices after films and TV programmes (2013 is
MMXIII). The Roman numerals were not displaced until the mid 13th Century AD, and
Leonardo Pisano's book, Liber Abaci (which means "The Book of Calculations"), was one
of the first Western books to describe their eventual replacement.

Leonardo Pisano was born late in the twelfth century in Pisa, Italy: Pisano in Italian
indicated that he was from Pisa, in the same way Mancunian indicates that I am from
Manchester. His father was a merchant called Guglielmo Bonaccio and it's because of
his father's name that Leonardo Pisano became known as Fibonacci. Centuries later,
when scholars were studying the hand written copies of Liber Abaci (as it was published
before printing was invented), they misinterpreted part of the title – "filius Bonacci"
meaning "son of Bonaccio" – as his surname, and Fibonacci was born.

Fibonacci (as we'll carry on calling him) spent his childhood in North Africa where
his father was a customs officer. He was educated by the Moors and travelled widely in
Barbary (Algeria), and was later sent on business trips to Egypt, Syria, Greece, Sicily and
Provence. In 1200 he returned to Pisa and used the knowledge he had gained on his
travels to write Liber Abaci (published in 1202) in which he introduced the Latin-speaking
world to the decimal number system. The first chapter of Part 1 begins:

"These are the nine figures of the Indians: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. With these nine figures,
and with this sign 0 which in Arabic is called zephirum, any number can be written, as will
be demonstrated."

Italy at the time was made up of small independent towns and regions and this led
to use of many kinds of weights and money systems. Merchants had to convert from one
to another whenever they traded between these systems. Fibonacci wrote Liber Abaci for
these merchants, filled with practical problems and worked examples demonstrating how
simply commercial and mathematical calculations could be done with this new number
system compared to the unwieldy Roman numerals. The impact of Fibonacci's book as
the beginning of the spread of decimal numbers was his greatest mathematical
achievement. However, Fibonacci is better remembered for a certain sequence of
numbers that appeared as an example in Liber Abaci.

This article is written by :R.Knott (2013)

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.

Discussion via share screen platform using Zoom meeting apps

Watch the video of how the principle works

Read from our main reference book page 269-297

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.
UNIT 7: The Renaissance of Mathematics: Cardan and Tartaglia

Learning Objective:
1. Know Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, The Italian Renaissance, Artificial Writing:
The invention of Printing
2. Applying and restoring the Algebraic tradition: Robert Recorde, The Italian Algebraists: Pacioli, del
Ferro, and Tartaglia
3. Understand the Cardan’s Ars Magna, Bombelli and Imaginary Roots of the Cubic
4. Analyze Ferrari’s Solution of the Quadratic Equation, The Story of the Quintic Equation, Ruffini,
Abel, and Galois
The Renaissance was a period of immense transformations within Europe, not the least
of which involved a major shift in European educational ideas. During this period, a new way of
thinking came to the fore proposing a different form of training, one which would provide the
student with skills for life and not just those which were required by their occupation. These views
were championed by Humanists who established schools and institutions which implemented
these ideas.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.

Read the following Articles:

Watch the video of how the principle works

Read from our main reference book page 301-331

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.
UNIT 8: The Mechanical World: Descartes and Newton

Learning Objective:
1. Know the Dawn of Modern Mathematics, Galileo’s Telescopic Observations, Francois Vieta, the
decimal invention of Simon Stevin, Napier’s Invention of Logarithms, and the Astronomical
Discoveries of Brahe and Kepler
2. Understand the works of Descartes: The Discours de la Methode, The algebraic Aspect of La
Geometrie, Perspective Geometry: Desargues and Poncelet
3. Understand the works of Newton: The Principia Mathematica, The Textbooks of Oughtred and
Harriot, Walli’s Arithmetica Infinitorum, The Lucasian Professorship: Barrow and Newton,

4. Gottfried Leibniz: The Calculus Controversy, Maria Agnesi and Emilie du Chatelet


The discovery of calculus is often attributed to two men, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz, who
independently developed its foundations. Although they both were instrumental in its creation,
they thought of the fundamental concepts in very different ways. While Newton considered
variables changing with time, Leibniz thought of the variables x and y as ranging over sequences
of infinitely close values. He introduced dx and dy as differences between successive values of
these sequences. Leibniz knew that dy/dx gives the tangent but he did not use it as a defining
property. On the other hand, Newton used quantities x' and y', which were finite velocities, to
compute the tangent. Of course neither Leibniz nor Newton thought in terms of functions, but both
always thought in terms of graphs. For Newton the calculus was geometrical while Leibniz took it
towards analysis.

It is interesting to note that Leibniz was very conscious of the importance of good notation and
put a lot of thought into the symbols he used. Newton, on the other hand, wrote more for himself
than anyone else. Consequently, he tended to use whatever notation he thought of on that day.
This turned out to be important in later developments. Leibniz's notation was better suited to
generalizing calculus to multiple variables and in addition it highlighted the operator aspect of the
derivative and integral. As a result, much of the notation that is used in Calculus today is due to

The development of Calculus can roughly be described along a timeline which goes through three
periods: Anticipation, Development, and Rigorization. In the Anticipation stage techniques were
being used by mathematicians that involved infinite processes to find areas under curves or
maximaize certain quantities. In the Development stage Newton and Leibniz created the
foundations of Calculus and brought all of these techniques together under the umbrella of the
derivative and integral. However, their methods were not always logically sound, and it took
mathematicians a long time during the Rigorization stage to justify them and put Calculus on a
sound mathematical foundation.

In their development of the calculus both Newton and Leibniz used "infinitesimals", quantities that
are infinitely small and yet nonzero. Of course, such infinitesimals do not really exist, but Newton
and Leibniz found it convenient to use these quantities in their computations and their derivations
of results. Although one could not argue with the success of calculus, this concept of infinitesimals
bothered mathematicians. Lord Bishop Berkeley made serious criticisms of the calculus referring
to infinitesimals as "the ghosts of departed quantities".

Berkeley's criticisms were well founded and important in that they focused the attention of
mathematicians on a logical clarification of the calculus. It was to be over 100 years, however,
before Calculus was to be made rigorous. Ultimately, Cauchy, Weierstrass,
and Riemann reformulated Calculus in terms of limits rather than infinitesimals. Thus the need for
these infinitely small (and nonexistent) quantities was removed, and replaced by a notion of
quantities being "close" to others. The derivative and the integral were both reformulated in terms
of limits. While it may seem like a lot of work to create rigorous justifications of computations that
seemed to work fine in the first place, this is an important development. By putting Calculus on a
logical footing, mathematicians were better able to understand and extend its results, as well as
to come to terms with some of the more subtle aspects of the theory.

When we first study Calculus we often learn its concepts in an order that is somewhat backwards
to its development. We wish to take advantage of the hundreds of years of thought that have gone
into it. As a result, we often begin by learning about limits. Afterward we define the derivative and
integral developed by Newton and Leibniz. But unlike Newton and Leibniz we define them in the
modern way -- in terms of limits. Afterward we see how the derivative and integral can be used to
solve many of the problems that precipitated the development of Calculus.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.

Discussion via share screen platform using Zoom meeting apps

Read from our main reference book page 337-430

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 9: The Development of Probability Theory: Pascal, Bernoulli, and Laplace

Learning Objective:
1. Understand The Origins of Probability Theory, Graunt’s Bills of Moratility
2. Know Pascal and the Cycloid, Mathematical Induction
3. The Bernoulli Brothers: John and James, Laplace, Daniel Bernoulli, Poisson, and Chebyshev

Probability means possibility. It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the occurrence of
a random event. The value is expressed between zero and one. Probability has been introduced in
Maths to predict how likely events are to happen.
The meaning of probability is basically the extent to which something is likely to happen. This
is the basic probability theory which is also used in the probability distribution, where you will learn the
possibility of outcomes for a random experiment. To find the probability of a single event to occur, first
we should know the total number of possible outcomes.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.
Discussion via share screen platform using Zoom meeting apps

Watch the video history of Probability in the video

Read from our main reference book page 439 -489

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 10: The Revival of Number Theory: Fermat, Euler and Gauss

Learning Objective:
1. Know Marin Mersenne and the Search for Perfect Numbers
2. Understand the Famous Last Theorem of Fermat, Maclaurin’s Teatise on Fluxions

3. Know The Prince of Mathematicians: Carl Friedrich Gauss, Lagrange, Monge, and Carnot, The Legacy of
Gauss, Dirichlet and Jacobi

Number theory is the study of properties of the integers. Because of the fundamental
nature of the integers in mathematics, and the fundamental nature of mathematics in science,
the famous mathematician and physicist Gauss wrote:

"Mathematics is the queen of the sciences, and number theory is the queen of

There are an abundance of simply formulated questions about the integers that involve little
more than the basics of addition and multiplication (the ring operations on the integers), but
which are nevertheless unsolved or extremely difficult to solve. For example:

• Which integers can be written as the sum of four squares?

• If n≥3 is a positive integer, can a positive nth power ever be written as the sum of
two positive nth powers?
• Is there a rectangular box whose side lengths, face diagonal lengths, and body
diagonal length are all integers?

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.

Discussion via share screen platform using Zoom meeting apps

Read from our main reference book page 497-556

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 11: Nineteenth-Century Contributions: Lobachevsky to Hilbert

Learning Objective:
1. Attempts to Prove the Parallel Postulate, The Efforts of Proclus, Playfair, and Wallis, Saccheri
Quadrilaterals, The Accomplishment of Legendre
2. Know The Founders of Non-Euclidean Geometry, Gauss’s Attempt at a new Geometry, The
Struggle of John Bolyai, Lobachevsky Models of the New Geometry: Riemann, Beltrami, and Klein,
Grace Chisholm Young
3. Understand the works of D’ Alembert and Cauchy on Limits, Fourier’s Series, The Father of
Modern Analysis, Weierstrass Sonya Kovalevsky, The Axiomatic Movement: Pasch and Hilbert

4. Understand the works of Babbage and the Analytical Engine, Peacock’s Treatise on Algebra, Hamilton’s
Discovery of Quaternions, Matrix Algebra: Cayley and Sylvester

Most of the powerful abstract mathematical theories in use today originated in the 19th
century, so any historical account of the period should be supplemented by reference to detailed
treatments of these topics. Yet mathematics grew so much during this period that any account
must necessarily be selective. Nonetheless, some broad features stand out. The growth of
mathematics as a profession was accompanied by a sharpening division between mathematics
and the physical sciences, and contact between the two subjects takes place today across a clear
professional boundary. One result of this separation has been that mathematics, no longer able
to rely on its scientific import for its validity, developed markedly higher standards of rigour. It was
also freed to develop in directions that had little to do with applicability. Some of these pure
creations have turned out to be surprisingly applicable, while the attention to rigour has led to a
wholly novel conception of the nature of mathematics and logic. Moreover, many outstanding
questions in mathematics yielded to the more conceptual approaches that came into vogue.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.
Watch the video

Read from our main reference book page 563-646

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

UNIT 12: Extensions and Generalizations: Hardy, Hausdorff and Noether

Learning Objective:
1. Know Hardy and Ramanujan, The Rejuvenation of English Mathematics, A Unique Collaboration:
Hardy and Littlewood, India’s Prodigy Ramanujan
2. The Beginnings of Point-Set Topology, Frechet’s Metric Spaces, The Neighborhood Spaces of
Hausdorff, Banach and Normed Linear Spaces
3. Understand the works of Emmy Noether’s Theory of Rings, Von Neumann and the Computer,
Women in Modern Mathematics


“A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more
permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas.” (G.H. Hardy)

G.H. Hardy was recognized generally as the leading English mathematician of his time, who
had a profound influence on modern mathematics.

His best known work, outside of the strict field of mathematics, is A Mathematician’s
Apology. It a brilliant and engaging account of mathematics as an art form and a creative activity, a
fascinating insight into Hardy’s personal journey towards mathematics, and a courageous and
intimate exploration of “why mathematics?”.

Graham Greene hailed it alongside Henry James's notebooks as “the best account of what it
was like to be a creative artist”. For Hardy, the beauty of mathematics was central, as described in
his words: “Real mathematics must be justified as art if it can be justified at all” and “Beauty is the
first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics."

And in this Chapter, the history of Topology will discuss.

Discussion Proper and Activities:

Let the students assigned present their research about the particular lesson via zoom meeting.
After discussion the following are supporting information.
Discussion via share screen platform using Zoom meeting apps
Watch the video
Read from our main reference book page 721-747

Via Quizizz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

Midterm Examination:
Via Quizziz Online Platform
Wait for the designated code for the particular quiz.

Final Requirement (Final Examination):

Virtual Exhibit: AVP, Vlogs or Interactive Materials

Guidelines: For AVP or Vlogs must be from 5-10 mins only
For Interactive Materials, with at least 5 forms.
Criteria: 25% Creativity and Design
25% Content Correctness
25% Clarity of Information
25% Effectivity and Impact in Delivering Information

Note: Software and Gadget Tools Requirement:

o Android Phone for online meeting/Personal Computer will have advantage
o Google meeting or Zoom Meeting Application
o Facebook Live streaming
o Youtube
o E-book reader
o Powerdirector(or Any Video Editing Applcations)
o (MSOffice or any Office tools) Office Application such as: Word, Excel and


David M. Burton (2011)The History of Mathematics An Introduction (7th Edition)

Internet references:

Prepared and submitted by:

Prof. Leonardo G. Correa

History of Mathematics Instructor

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