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Activate Minifig. It can either move and attack or vice versa.

Move Minifig (Movement)
● Movement may be up to Move Value
● May sacrifice action to Sprint (distance = skill dice) in a straight line
● May combine with action to ​CHARGE​!
○ Charge requires at least 4" of movement
○ Charges ​always ​move the ​full distance​, even after the elimination of a
charged target. This can cause mishaps (like running off a cliff)
○ Charges cannot use ​The Angry Inch
○ Charge attack damage rolls roll an additional skill die
○ A ​Charging Shove​ does not deal any additional damage but the shove
distance is increased by another skill die.

If target is in range after movement, the Minifig may reposition itself 1" before
performing its action. This is called ​The Angry Inch

Minifig may then ​Attack​.

● Range of melee: 1/2" for hand weapon, 1" for heavy weapon, 2" for 2-handed
● Attacks are resolved by rolling against its weapon's ​Use Rating​ (e.g: hand
weapon Use 2 = 2+ to hit) with its skill dice.

Resolve ​Damage
● Damage ​is equal to weapon's ​Damage Rating​ and must exceed target's ​Armor​.
● Example: A Sword-wielding Minifig (damage skill dice, in this case, a D6) vs
naked Minifig (Armor 4) must roll a 5 or 6 to damage the naked Minifig.
● Combined Attacks​ can be performed by moving and delaying action until all
combining Minifigs have completed their movements. Combined attacks are
resolved by a sequential attack rolls and counting all the damage dealt together.

Instead of attacking, active Minifig may ​Grab ​the target, automatically hitting and
dealing no damage, but subsequent attacks (including counterattacks) targeting either
of the grabber and grab target hit automatically
Instead of attacking, active Minifig may ​Shove ​a target by being in arm's reach /
● Make an attack roll using the Minifig's bare hands, reach weapon or shield.
● If performing a bare-handed shove, ​both ​the attacking Minifig's hands must be
free to perform the shove.
● Shoves do not deal any damage
● Shoved Minifigs are pushed 2” directly away and ​Disrupted​.

Minifigs targeted by a close combat attack may ​Parry ​the attack (by making an attack
roll with its weapon).
● If the roll is successful, the character has parried and gains ​Deflection ​(reducing
the opponent's damage roll by one dice)
● Unarmed Parries can only be performed against grabs and shoves.
● Charge Attacks can only be parried by a shield or heavy shield

The targeted Minifig can also ​Bail​.

● Bailing does not require an action and is performed by rolling a skill dice and
moving that many inches as it jumps clear.
● If the roll does not exceed the opponent's attack roll or does not land the Minifig
outside of the attacker's range, the attack still hits.
● Either way, the figure is prone and ​Disrupted​.

Disrupted ​Minifigs are automatically hit in melee and ranged attackers gain +1 to attack

Ranged Attacks​ are a much simpler affair.

Determine if there is line of sight between the attacking Minifig and its target
If there is visibility, declare the ranged attack.
● Check to see if target is in range. If not, the attack automatically misses.
● Attacks are resolved by rolling against its weapon's ​Use Rating​ (e.g: Shortbow
Use 3 = 3+ to hit) with its skill dice.
● On a successful hit, roll the weapon’s damage against the target’s armor as

Cover ​affects the accuracy of ranged attacks

● A legoman is divided into three sections; head, torso and legs
● If only two of these sections are visible, attacker suffers -1 on attack rolls.
● If only one of these sections is visible, attacker suffers -2 on attack rolls.

Note:​ Short minifigures (dwarves, children) are Move 4” and always have 1/3 ​Cover​.

NOTE: ​ A hero’s armor (2D6) is rolled every time he is hit by an attack.


It takes a ​movement ​or ​action ​for a minifigure or hero to mount a horse.

● To mount an unattended horse, a minifigure must be touching the horse with its
base or hands/claws.
● When mounted, a minifigure may use the horse’s ​Move ​value in place of its own.
● Without a rider, a horse can only be directed by the controlling player to move
OR attack. With a rider, a horse can always do both.

Horses cannot be disrupted or moved by a ​Shove​ from a smaller minifigure.

● Horses can only be ​Grabbed​ by ​two or more​ minifigures

A horse has ​TWO​ health, rather than the standard ​ONE ​for normal ​Minifigs
● Every time a horse’s armor is exceeded by a damage roll, they take 1 damage
● The first time a horse takes damage, their ​Move ​Value drops to 5”
● The second time a horse takes damage, it is obviously dead and if it had a rider,
the rider falls and is Disrupted.

If the active player’s turn ends and he/she does ​not ​have a minifigure in contact with an
unattended horse, control of the horse is handed to his/her opponent.

Weapon: ​Hand Weapon​ (sword, axe, etc)

Cost: 2
Use: 2
Range: 0.5"
Damage: Skill Die
Notes: One handed.

Weapon: ​Heavy Melee​ (big sword, mace, etc)

Cost: 3
Use: 3
Range: 1"
Damage: Skill Die +2
Notes: One-handed, knockback 1", Armor-Piercing (2-handed only; deflection only removes the +2 bonus
to damage)

Weapon: ​Two-Handed Melee​ (polearms, mauls, etc)

Cost: 4
Use: 4
Range: 2"
Damage: 2 Skill Dice
Notes: Two-handed, cannot be thrown, knockback 1"

Weapon: ​Short Range Weapon​ (bows, pistols, etc)

Cost: 3
Use: 3
Range: 6"
Damage: 1D6
Notes: Some may require two hands to use

Weapon: ​Long Ranged Weapon​ (rifles, crossbows, etc)

Cost: 5
Use: 3
Range: 10"
Damage: 1D6+1
Notes: Two-handed

Weapon: ​Explosives​ (dynamite, grenades, etc)

Cost: 1
Use: 1
Range: 3" (if thrown)
Damage: D10 Explosive
Notes: 2" blast radius, 1" knockback and disrupted
Weapon: ​Legoman Claws
Cost: 0
Use: 0 (auto success)
Range: B2B or arm's length
Damage: 0
Notes: Can only be used for Grabs and Shoves

Weapon: ​Tool​ (Wrench, screwdriver etc)

Cost: 1
Use: 3
Range: Variable
Damage: Skill Die -1

Weapon: ​Improvised weapon​ (brick, plank, beer bottle, etc)

Cost: 0
Use: 4
Range: Variable
Damage: Skill Die -2
Notes: Must fit in Minifig's hands

Weapon: ​Shield ​(Shields, bucklers, duelling cloak, etc)

Cost: 1
Use: 2
Range: 0.5"
Damage: Deflecting Parry
Notes: Parry or Shove, can deflect thrown weapons

Weapon: ​Large Shield​ (tower shield, riot shield, etc)

Cost: 1
Use: 3
Range: 0.5"
Damage: Deflecting Parry
Notes: As Shield; also grants Cover

Armor:​ Body Armor​ (worn chest-piece, etc)

Cost: 1
Damage: ARMOR +2
Notes: Cannot swim, jump or fly

Armor:​ Heavy Armor​ (worn chest-piece with a visored helmet)

Cost: 2
Notes: Cannot swim, jump or fly, Movement halved.

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