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Name: Kristopher Augustin

Date: October 28, 2020

Assignment: Topic 2.1 Innovation Boosts Growth (Answers to 10 Questions)

American Industry Grows: Text

1. Identify Cause and Effect As you read “American Industry Grows,” use this graphic
organizer to record factors that encouraged the growth of industry in the United States
(the causes of industrialization) as well as industrialization’s effects.


2. Analyze Interactions Among Events What technological innovation changed the oil
industry in the mid-1800s? How did this change encourage the growth of industry in

Answer: Steam engine,

3. Summarize the impact of immigration on the U.S. workforce and the growth of industry
during the nineteenth century.


4. Integrate Information From Diverse Resources Use evidence from the text and the
excerpt from Horatio Alger’s Ragged Dick, or Street Life in New York to describe the
rags-to-riches idea that captured the American imagination. According to the idea, what
personal qualities lead to success?


Innovation Drives Economic Development: Text

5. Draw Conclusions Several major inventions during the Industrial Revolution had an
important impact on life in the United States. In your opinion, which single innovation
had the biggest impact on the nation and why? Cite evidence from the text to support
your conclusion.


6. Identify Supporting Details How did railroads and factories cause a “spiral of growth”
during the Industrial Revolution? Identify details that explain and support this idea.
Industrialization and the New South: Text

7. Compare and Contrast As you read “Industrialization and the New South,” use this
graphic organizer to compare and contrast industrialization and agriculture in the old
and new South. Consider factors such as what the South did with raw materials like
cotton, wood, and iron ore; what kinds of crops southern farmers grew; and what
transportation systems linked major southern cities.


8. Explain an Argument The text asserts that southern farmers’ overdependence on one
major crop—cotton—was extremely risky. What evidence is given to support this claim?


The Effects of Industrialization: Text

9. Identify Cause and Effect During the Industrial Revolution, many people moved away
from farms and into cities. What caused this migration? What effects did moving into
the city have on the people who chose to do this?


10. Integrate Draw Inferences What were some benefits of industrialization to the United
States? What were some problems that it caused? Use details from the text as well as
your own ideas and experience to list and explain at least two significant “pluses” and
two possible “minuses” of industrialization.


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