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Spelling and vocabulary

1. Fairness, especially in the treatment of people- justice

2. The state of being able to think or act freely- liberty
3. Distrustful; tending to believe that something is wrong- suspicious
4. Filth and misery- squalor
5. Allowed to be done- acceptance
6. Cruel; unjustly harsh- oppressive
7. To rule over or control- dominate
8. Easily reached; approachable- permissible
9. Causing great dislike or disgust- repulsive
10. Showing great care and attention- conscientious
11. A person who choose to die for a cause- martyr
12. To express an intention to cause harm- threaten
13. A cause for complaint- grievance
14. Capable of being wounded or hurt- vulnerable
15. Having unlike qualities; being dissimilar- different
16. To put into a prison - imprison
17. To feel or express regret for something- deplore
18. To kill someone, especially public figure, by sudden attack- assassinate
19. To get or obtain- acquire
20. Threatening behaviour or actions – aggression

1. The clock striking thirteen alerts readers that something is wrong.
2. The hallway smelt boiled cabbage and old rag mats
3. He had varicose ulcer above his right angle.
4. The eyes follow you when you move
5. His hair was fair, his naturally sanguine, his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor
6. He is poor

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