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Absorber 143 150 197

224 280–287 313–315
Absorption 5–7 16 93
154 197–199 221
283 579 589
column 118
ratio 198
Acid number 256
Acid wash color 426 427
Activated carbon 526–532 536 565
568 582 588
589 591
Activity 71 84
coefficient of - (see Coefficient)
Adjuvants, aids 457 470 472
483 500 608
Adsorbate 530 535 544
560 574
Adsorbed phase 538 539
Adsorbent 4–7 12–14 84
525–529 565
Adsorber 545 557 560
561 568 574
Adsorption 3 6 7
12 13 93

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Adsorption (Cont.)
525 537 569
573 593
front 554 555 563
isotherm 525 528–530 535
536 538–540 544
545 555 556
562 575–578
mixture - 542
potential 539–541
separation processes 526 560
thermodynamics 535
Advanced control 227 263 524
Air-cooled heat exchangers 170 258 279
Alkylation 279 283 284
317 577 582
Alumina (activated -) 526–532 546 573
576 579
Amine washing 279 283 579
Ammonia 254 255 257
278 313 315
317 505 513
515 566 582
Anti-solvent 337 339 345
357 481 486
Aromatics 5 7 34–36
222 283 319
360 370 371

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Aromatics (Cont.)
396 424 425
438 478 484
Aromax process 589
Arosolvan process 435
Asphaltenes 241 242 252
265 268 388
393 395
ASTM color 363 389 426
Axial mixing 7 90 440
Azeotrope, azeotropy 26–32 37 56
70 97 201
203 207 211
212 215 216
319 321 356
378 424 490
514 593 610

Backmixing 440–443 449 450

Backwash 320 345 432
Baffle 272 293
Batch 12 95 319
322 527
Benzene 7 424 432
481 587 610

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Bitumens 2 252 265

268 271 274
389 409
Blowing (filtration cake -) 509 510 517
Boiler 96 189 190
192 194 237
Boundary curve 211–215
Boundary layer 87 117 550
Breakthrough time 558
Bright stock 389 409
BTX 319 337 424
432 483 500
577 610

Calculation algorithms 60 62 63
78 143 187
228 231
Calculation methods for distillation columns
bubble point 141 154
global methods 144
Lewis et Matheson 137
numerical methods 138
θ of Holland 141 154
structural methods 136
sum of rates 143 154
Thiele et Geddes 136
tridiagonal matrix 140 144 146
using Newton-Raphson technique 142 144 146

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Capacity 221 222 236

264 269 284
285 291 292
Carrier 207–215
Cascade 93 100–103 161
194 320 345
Catalyst 3 218 237
241 265 268
293 306 309
311 313 579
585 612
Catalytic zone 217 218
Cetane number 283
Chemical families 5 201 319
354 360
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 379 388 521
Chemical potential 15 29–33 37
60 70 79
538 539 543
Chemical reaction 148 216 357
432 535 613
Chemisorption 535
Chiller 505 506 522
Chlorofluorinated compounds 44 57
Chromatographic processes 554
Chromatography 78 79 567
activated - 589
treatment 591
Co-adsorption 573–576

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Coalescence, coalescer 224 241 242

249 356 447
Cocurrent 9–11 241 242
245 247 441
activity - 29 34–38 40
44 45 64
70–72 75 77
79 97 145
201 355 543
axial dispersion - 548 551
diffusion - (see Diffusion)
distribution - 345 352–355 429
fugacity - 34 38 52
59 61
partition - 7 11 70
71 440
transfer - (see Mass transfer)
Coke, coking (as drawback) 2 241 272
274 296 297
304 306–308 312
316 317 566
577 579 581
582 587 588
Coking, coker 2 315–317 389
Column 5 9 17
27 33 81
93 222 280
baffle - 274 444
cryogenic - 166

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Column (Cont.)
dispersion -, spray - 327 441 443
extraction - 361 367 438
height of - 9–12 81 93
packing - 9 81 147
150 169 208
367 444 446
preflash - 236 237
pressure of - 129 155 163
169 171 172
pulsed - 441 454 455
stabilization - 280
tray - 5 9 14
169 444 446
Compression, compressor 4 22 162
163 166 167
224 275 310–314
412 414 415
515 516 545
Concentration 7 81 84
profile 9 11 84
86 89 464
557 569 572
574 575
reduced - 90
Condensate drum 155 156 169
170 173 216
Condensation 17 22 68
69 95 222
224 226 269

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Condensation (Cont.)
280 303 307
double - 224 234 235
partial - 22 95 224
retrograde - 24 25 32
Condenser 93 94 101–104
105–107 111 132
143 153 155
162 163 168
169 188 227
232 233 258
275 286
intermediate - 164 165 189
partial - 153 197 224
Conduction 33
Conductivity 248 549 552
Conradson carbon 265 268 363
371 391 395
398 401–403 479
Control, controller 226 227 253
263 606
Control by internal model 176
Control loop 169 193
Convection 87 88
Conversion 2 218 265
268 280 284

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Conversion (Cont.)
units of - 14 269 271
286 391–393 414
Cooling 4 5 170
173 258
COP (coefficient of performance) 162
Corrosion 166 234 236
237 241 250–257
264 278 284
290 296 303
315 381–384 440
Corrosion inhibitor 240 241 254
COU (coefficient of performance unit) 162
actual - (adsorption) 569 570
simulated - (adsorption) 527 569–572
Counter-current, counterflow 9–13 33 90
93 103 161
189 194 197
235 287 320
474 568
Covolume (repulsion term) 48–50 52 54
Cracking (catalytic) 2 237 241
250 265 268–272
280 283 284
303 309 311–313
389 391 394
425 576

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Cracking (thermal) 217 265 268

304 317 389
393 530
Cricondenbar 24 25
Cricondentherm 24–26
compressibility factor 48–50
coordonnates 39 48 49
53 61 78
locus of - points 24–26 56 57
opalescence 24
point 14 15 23
24 26 33
56 65
pressure 24 39 48
403 405 414
temperature 23 35 48
50 57 538
volume 48
Cross-current 9 10 119
287 320 324
Cryoscopy 76
Crystallite 546 547
Crystallization 5–7 16 73
75 77 79
457 477 482
503 589 590
Crystals 238 457 462
483 492
morphology of - 457 468 470
472 495

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Crystals (Cont.)
nucleation 457 459–461 473
482 495
pyramide shaped - growth 465
spiral shaped - growth 465 495
breakthrough - 554 555 558–559
bubble point - 18 19 21–28
69 70 98
204 205
characteristic - (Dubinin) 539–542
dew point - 18 19 22–28
69 70 98
204 205
distribution - 334–336 352
equilibrium - 7 8 107
108 114 458
of Packie 228–233
operating - 334–336
phase separation - 486–488
Cuts (fractions) 1 2 5
78 188 222
224 229 469
Cycle time 575 582 585–587
Cyclic processes adsorption-desorption 526 527 554

Data bases 16 42 45
73 151
Deactivation 268 427 573

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Deaeration 375–377 383 591

Dearomatizing 319 337 424
Deasphalted oil (DAO) 359 361 378
389 391 395
Deasphalting 2 14 271
319 359 388
with butane 391 393 394
404 407
with pentane 391 393 394
404 407
with propane 391 394 397
404 407
Debutanizer 279–286 313–315
Decarbonation 534 581 604
Deethanizer 279–286 313
Degrees of freedom 30 100 129
140 153 164
169 182 198
200 247
Dehydration 13 252 387
513 514 521
562 573–576 604
609 612
Dehydrogenation 268 613
Deisobutanizer 283
Demister, mist eliminator 266 267 272
299 306 315
Demixing 216
Demulsifier 242 251 253

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Density 15 21 23
30 46 50
51 54 79
231 232 243
526 527 548
Deoiling 478 500–503 506
Depropanizer 279–286 317
Deresining 399 401 405
Desalter 236 240 243–245
251 256 257
264 278
with two stages 243–245
Desalting 221 224 236–240
243 251 254
Desorbent 566 569 571
572 588
Desorption 12 13 527
535–537 554 566
agent 12 13 568
569 572 588
Desulfurization 534 562 573
577 579
Desuperheating zone 312
Deviations from ideality 16 17 26
29 35–37 40
46 59 68
77 544
Dewaxed oil 361 470 478–480

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Dewaxing 5–7 73 271

375 389 457
469 477 500
dilution 492–494 503 513
519 521
distribution - 321 322 325
333 343 349
equilibrium - 37 56–59 66
73 97 115
204 205 216
217 380 489
isobaric - 17 37 96
isothermal - 21 37
selectivity - 321 429 430
Tedder et Rudd - 183 188
TQ - 258–263
triangular - 20 68 209
213 323 325
329 343
Dialysis 594 598 602
Diesel oil 2 73 78
190 222 226
301 312 424
Diffusion 5 81 88
116 241 440
coefficient of - (diffusivity) 82–86 118 463
546–548 552 553

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Diffusion (Cont.)
Knudsen - 552 553 596
molecular - 7 82 88
rate of - 5 6 81
surface - 552 553
turbulent - coefficient 123
volume 83
Diffusion barrier 548–550
Dimensional analysis 87
Dispersion 121 440 441
angular - 471–473
axial - 547 551 559
Displacement (adsorption) 526 527 561
566 570 584
Distillate 2 94 95
102 105 137
161 169 173
190 192 194
210 222
vacuum - 265–268 304 359
389 395
Distillation 5 6 9
11 12 16
26–28 79 93
97 154 197
221 283 483
503 511 512
522 593

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Distillation (Cont.)
ASTM - 224–229 233 236
atmospheric - 2 6 170
atmospheric - of crude oil 94 96 139
159 160 164
170 188 190
221–223 236 240
262 300 301
azeotropic - 64 94 180
185 201 203
211 375 376
batch - 95 128 153
189 191 193
catalytic - 218
column 17 33 94
118 133
cryogenic - 5 525 577
extractive - 5 6 36
201 202 425
431 435 588
flash - 208
gasoline - 279
heteroazeotropic - 215–217
multicomponent - 111 135
path 185 206–211 216
progressive - 236 240
range 2
reactive - 14 216 612

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Distillation (Cont.)
simulated - 78
TBP - 78 79 222
225 231–233 236
vacuum - 2 388
vacuum - of atmospheric residue 164 221 222
234 264 266–270
272 303-305 310
Distributed compounds 129
Distribution fonction 79
Distributor 150 274 275
285 297–298 301
305 307 309–313
DMSO 429 436–438
Double pipe 505 506
Drainage system 379 383 521
Driers 224 283
Driving force 8 9 84
85 458 466
561 595 602
Drying 307 510 511
521 532 534
561 562 565
573 595
Dual solvent extraction 320
Dump 119

Ebex process 589

Efco process 579 580

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Efficiency 81 89 102
115 117 118
231 234 284
317 320 370
440 445
local - 119 120 123
Murphree - 89–91 120–125 139
140 147 151
overall - 91 124–126
tray - 118 126 147
157 236 284
Ejector, ejecto-condenser 170 265–267 275
Electrode 243–247
Electrodialysis 594 598 602
Electrostatic field 242 243 246
Eluxyl process 572 588 589
Emulsion 241 242 245
250 287 356
364 414 440
input 2 4–6 14
163 165 180
194 201 258
356 378 384
457 522
internal - 30 155 538
management 162 234 414
Enthalpy 23 30 31
33 46 58
62 76 77
79 105 138

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Enthalpy (Cont.)
146 148 231
258 517 538
excess free - (Gibbs) 29 37 40
44 59 72
75 76 79
free - (Gibbs) 29 63 64
72 75 76
79 538
free - of mixing 72
of formation 218
Enthalpy balance, energy balance 33 41 79
100 104–106 137
139 143 144
148 155 163
218 228 354
Entrainment 119 285 290
300 307 385
Entropy 23 31 33
80 231
Environmental protection 3 13 364
379 521 589
Equation (see also Law)
BET 538 543
Chilton-Colburn - 90
Fenske - 111 132 135
192 194 211
Kremser-Brown-Sanders - 90
Langmuir - 537 543

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Equation (Cont.)
Langmuir-Freundlich - 538 543
Underwood - 130–132
Wilson - 39 42 45
62 63 205
Equation of state 16 23 31
33 46 48
51–63 70 71
80 230 539
cubic - 49–53
Peng-Robinson - 51–60 231 236
Redlich-Kwong - 34 38 49
Soave-Redlich-Kwong - 49–60 63
van der Waals - 46–56 539
viriel - 34 539
adsorption - 525 538
concentration 10 84
conditions 15 18 29
30 34 46
50 61 62
constant (K value) 30 33–35 39
46 62 96
97 105 141
197 229 231
delay 75
equations 32 33 85
100 104 105
132 139 150
155 331

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Equilibrium (Cont.)
liquid-liquid - 16 26 41
61 63–66 68–73
94 96 216
330 489 588
liquid-liquid-vapor - 32 68–71 93
94 217
liquid-solid - 16 73 74
78 457 458
phase - 15 59 79
93 96
thermodynamic - 4 7 13
16 84 94
115 116 120
221 480 584
vapor-liquid - 16–27 32 38–43
48 50 53
55 57 59–64
72 77 93
106 132 138
201 203 216
218 228 490
Erosion 254 256 257
297 312 527
Ethers 14 218 581
582 610 612
Eutectic 73–75
Expansion 4 33 562

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Extract 65 70 71
361 363 373
526 569 570
mixed - 361 376 377
of aromatics 271 345 359
424 431 432
447 477
processes 431
countercurrent - with reflux 337–345
crosscurrent - 324–327
dual solvent - 345–353
liquid-liquid - 5–7 12 37
64 73 93
283 319 359
389 588 610
one-stage - 322
single countercurrent - 327–337 367 431
supercritical - 26 93
Extractor, extraction column 320 354 361
366–368 394 435
439 450
alternating - 451 453
centrifugal - 368 455
rotating - 448–452

absorption - 121 124 136
137 144 197

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Factor (Cont.)
acentric - 38 39 50
characterization -, (Kuop) 363
compressibility - 48–50
extraction - 90 92 336
stripping - 136 146 200
Feed straight line 106 109 110
Filter 224 469 474
496 506 520
rotary - 474 486 496
508–510 522
Filterability 469 471
intrinsic - 470 471
Filtration 468–470 482 496
503 508
cake 469–473 496 497
508 520
differential temperature 481 486 491
Fine chemicals 189 457 567
Fixed bed 12 13 545
Flash drum 97 99 102
Flash zone 222 231–233 293
300–302 306 312
317 377
Flexibility 284 285 302

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Flooding 119 285 287

294 303 374
405 445
Flow configuration 121 122 155
Flow schemes 236 280 376
386 410 411
413 434 504
562 587
Flux (transfer) 8 9 82
117 148 552
595 603
Fluxing 222 250 252
253 409 414
Foaming 128 414
Foot's oil 478–481 500
Fouling 164 237 264
269 287 290
292 296 300
306 370 440
445 515
Fraction (see also Cuts)
vaporized - 18 32 109
110 114 130
Fractionation 2 224 225
227 265
of gases 221 279 281
313 314
of gasolines 221 236 279
313 316

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Fractionation zone 227 231 234

236 265 269
272 273 275
284 285 301
305 309 312
Fuel gas 7 13 170
224 279 282
Fuel oil 2 222
Fugacity 15 29 30–34
46 50 55
59–63 70 75
77 79 142
201 208 539
Furfural 337 345 363–366
375 389 424
Furnace, kiln 188 222 224
234 236 237
258 263 269
306 383 511

Gap 224–231 280 286

ideal - 33 35 38
42 97 539
inert - 381 383 508
517 518 561

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Gas (Cont.)
natural - 25 53 78
574 576–582 589
594 604
non-condensables -(es) 197 200 266
268 277 304
permeation 594 598 602
603 606
sour - 6 11
theory of -(es) 82
Gas-liquid contactor 197
Gas oil 222 223 226
Gasoline 2 78 221–224
226 232
fractionation 221 236 262
279 281
light - 13 279–281
stabilization of - 165 184
wide range - 184 221 226
Gas plant 236 240 262
Gatsch (see Slack wax)
Glycols (DEG, TEG, TETRA) 429 433 435
Grade 485 519
Gravity (API) 252 265
Grid type packing 296 297 302
305 308 310
312 316 317
Group contributions 42 44 59

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GTL (Gas to Liquid conversion) 614

Heat (enthalpy)
of absorption 313
of adsorption 532 536 538
544 545 548
of condensation 198 538 544
of fusion 76–78
of mixing 40–46
of reaction 218
of vaporization 37 38 54
105 365 388
481 522
Heat capacity 15 76 77
481 548 549
Heat exchange 93 161 236
258 262 279
294 308 505
Heat exchange zone 232–234 266 267
271–275 293 302
304 305 308
311 313 317
Heat exchanger 97 101 155
161 169 199
218 224 234
235 258 262
383 474
Heat pump 162 163 166
259 261

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Heat transfer 33 87 93
115 116 139
163 545
coefficient of - 115 116 118
150 545 549
Heating 4–5 96 258
Heavy naphta 222 226 279–281
Henry's constant 58 59 537
539 540
Heteroazeotrope 69 70 97
215 366
HETP 91 118 126
127 147 285
Hollow fibers 598 599
Homotopy 143 147
HTU 90 126
Hydrocracking 2 265 269
271 272 279
283 284 389
391 394 604
Hydrodesulfurization 2 284 425
579 582 605–607
Hydrodynamics 7 87 148
196 525 574
Hydrofinishing 271 389 591
Hydrogen 39 40 57
315 534 563
577 579 594
604 613 614

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Hydrogen (Cont.)
bond 29 64
chloride 239 251 254
production 582
purification 564 565 581
recovery 594 603–607
sulfide 57 58 254–256
277 279 283
313 315 317
426 447 529
573–575 578
Hydrorefining 389 591
Hydrotreatment 221 240 265
269 271 279
283 286 393
394 603 604
Hypersorption process 568

Ideal solution 15 34 35
75 78 84
97 543 544
IFP process (DMSO) 437 438 450
IFP process (Solvahl) 420
Immiscibility 64 68 72
75 326 336
345 355

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Impurities 3 153 190

391 425 459
462 468 470
526 565 589
acid - 256
bromine - 426 427
cetane - 283 424
refractive - 375 382 395
separation - 182 183
viscosity - 360 361 367
370 375 389
424 477 479
484 485 491
Induction period 460 471
Infinite dilution 35–37 64 71
83 84 87
90 201 355
Initialization 60–62 141 143
150 200
Integration 14 110 163
188 236 278
389 390 465
527 567 586
Interaction 37 39 41
42 44 46
47 56 57
63 64 535
537 612

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Interface 8 24 81
87 116 117
148 241 245
247 361 362
377 379 382
383 445
Interfacial area 8 9 89
90 115 117
150 356 440
Internal pressure (attraction parameter) 48–52 54 58
Internals 221 283 286
301 438 439
Investment 14 110 114
132 161 162
168 170 180
188 201 213
218 221 275
279 378 423
439 457 486
522 563 593
Ipsorb process 586
Isobaric 17–21 26 27
37 96
Isomerization 3 283 577
579 584–586 590
Isomers 5 73 105
525 584 585
Isoparaffins 5 13 527

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Isothermal 17 19 20–23
26 27 37

Kerosine 2 78 190
222 223 226
232 424 577
Kerr-McGee process (ROSE) 418
Key compounds 130 132 135
137 180 201

of corresponding states 23 38 49
of Fick 82 551 554
of Gibbs-Duhem 84 538
of ideal gas 35 38
of Raoult 35 36 97
of Stokes 242 401
permeation - 603 605 614
LCST 65 66
Lewis (hypothesis of -) 105 115 124
130 132 192
Light neutral 483
Liquefaction 33 581
Load on top 238

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LPG (liquefied petroleum gases) 2 279 280

283 313 315
394 577 579
Lube oil 2 6 7
73 265 268
269 271 272
274 303 359
388 389 397
424 445 480
590 603 608
Lumping 78

Maintenance 264 279 457

Malthenes 393 399
Mass balance, material balance 9 21 29–33
62 65 89
95 99 101–104
136 139 148
155 191 200
218 226 228
327 339 347
520 545 546
Mass transfer 8 29 81
93 115 116
284 462 463
545 551
coefficient of - 9 81 84–89
115–118 126 150
463 464 467
520 524 547

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Mass transfer (Cont.)

kinetics of - 4 9 81
84 155 356
MEK 469 482 485
MEK-toluene mixture 482–487 500
Membranes 5–7 13 14
81 93 593
asymmetrical - 596
ceramic - 596
flat - 598
inorganic - 601 608 613
module 13 593 597
palladium alloy - 614
skin - 596 597
Metals in crudes, in residues 265 307 391
395 403
Metastability 75 457–459
Metaxylene 5 73 571
Method (see also Model)
Chao et Seader - 38 39 50
Gear - 158
McCabe et Thiele - 17 103 105
107 108 115
130 192 320
Newton's numerical - 62 150
Packie 228–231
pinch - 161
Ponchon-Savarit - 115 320

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Method (Cont.)
SRK - 28
heterogeneous - 33 34 38
46 59 60
homogeneous - 33 39 46
48 59 60
Microfiltration 594 598 602
Miscibility 36 63–65 68
70 72 337
366 372 482
Mixer-settler 81 123 322
327 368 423
435 441 447
rules 46 52 54–56
59–61 70
valve 241 244 245
248 250
complex - 78 129 211
multicomponent - 25 100 181
183 194 354
stability 63
Mixture, system
binary - 17 65 82
83 192 203
ternary - 64 65 67
68 131 196
208 321

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Model 8 15 30
31 37–39 77
79 537
adsorbed solution - 543
ASOG - 42 44 45
film - 86 115
hydrodynamic - 156 157
local composition - 39 41 42
Maxwell-Bonnell - 274
NRTL - 39 40 42
60 71 205
one fluid - 54
regular solutions - 37 38 77
representing trays - 157
simulation - 126
thermodynamic - 7 124 150
205 228 231
274 355
transfer - 147 148 154
UNIFAC - 42 44 45
47 60 71
77 78 205
UNIQUAC - 41 42 45
60 71 205
322 544
Modules 14 593 597
ceramic monolith - 601
flat sheet - 598–599 609

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Modules (Cont.)
hollow fibers - 599 600
spiral wound - 599
Molecular sieve 3 525 532
566 574 576
578 581
carbon (MSC) 526–531 546 565
Molecular weight 25 50 54
76 77 79
83 232 236
552 587 596
Molex process 586 587
Monovariant system 19 69 70
Morphylex process 436
Motor fuel 222
Moving bed 526 567 568
simulated - 526 567 569
572 586–588
Multidowncomer 292

Nanofiltration 594 597 598

Naphta 189 221 312
Naphthenes 359 360 370
371 396 424
477 478 484

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Naphthenic acids 256 300 303

304 306
Natural and activated clays 534 589
Needle penetration 501
NFM 429 436
NMP 364 365 384–389
424 429 435
Non-condensables 94 266–268 276
Normal paraffins 3 5 13
252 469 534
584 587
NTU 90 120 126
of Nusselt 552
of Peclet 551
of Prandtl 552
of Reynolds 87 88
of Schmidt 87 88
of Sherwood 87 88 463
464 552

Octane number 2 13 283

584–586 610
Olefins 268 283 425
527 534 573
577 579 582
587 591
Olex process 588

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Operating cost 14 110 113

132 152 164
166 168 170
180 188 190
201 263 384
423 522
Operating straight line 105 107–111 347
Optimization 14 188 201
246 253 324
367 492 521
534 605
Overflash 224 227 232
233 266–268 271
273 300 305
309 393 402
Overlap 224–233

Packing 9 89 93
115 118 125
127 128 161
196 197 274
275 284 286
292–294 296 301
305 311 313
random - 294 295 302
313 315
structured - 14 126–128 234
274 275 284
294 296 300–302
305–310 316 445

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Parachor 83
Paraffins 2 5 7
16 25 34
35 56 57
73 77 359–361
371 389 396
424 425 457
465 477–480 484
500 501
association - 83
attraction - (internal pressure) 48–50 52 54
convergence - 141
interaction - 46 47 55–59
regulation - 177 179 247
solubility - 37–39
translation - 53–55 147
Parametric pumping 567
Paraxylene 3 5 6
13 73 474
475 527 529
567 571 573
588 589
Parex process 589
Percolation 535 590 591
Perfectly mixed 123 155 559
Permeability 81 595 603–605
Permeate 594 595 599

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Permeation (see also Gas permeation) 6 13 582

584 594 597
598 602 603
Permeator 597 598 603
Perturbations 173 515 519
Pervaporation 6 13 594
598 599 602
Petrochemical feedstocks 1 2 6
7 14 587
Petrochemical industry, plant 1 3 221
Phase inversion (membranes) 596 597
Phenols 250 364 365
424 447
Physisorption 535
Pinch, pinch zone 258–262 335 351
Plug flow, piston flow 120–125 443
Point (see also Temperature)
aniline - 362 363 370
azeotropic - 203 206 216
cloud - 226 265 457
cold filter plugging - 457
critical - (see Critical)
cut - 222 226 227
229 231 232
264 265 269
end - 222 224–226
eutectic - 73 74

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Point (Cont.)
flash - 226 233 265
303 357 363
479 482 521
initial - 224 225
melting - 73–78 475
pinch - 113 161 162
pour - 360 363 389
457 477 479
485 486 490
491 518
pseudocritical - 23 39
set - 226
smoke - 424
softening - 403 407
transition - 73 74
Poiseuille effect 552–554
component 33 36 37
39–41 59 79
80 577
solvent 7 29 64
Polarity 63 70 242
528 609
Polybed process 565 582–584
Polymerization 164 217 432
579 591
Pore distribution 526 527 530
Porosimetry 527 528

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Porosity 470 510 546

547 594 597
POX (partial oxidation) 614
Poynting correction 34 38 75
Precipitation 399 400 481
Predilution 406 409
bubble point - 22 24 26
27 29 36
critical - 24 39
dew point - 22 24 26
27 29
partial - 30 34 200
226 265 300
543 560 603
reduced - 38 51 57
spreading - 538 543 544
Pressure drop 14 17 25
128 142 157
158 169 232
250 274 275
285 291–294 308
309 443 445
520 565 575
PSA processes 526 527 545
560 563–565 573
589 605
Pseudo-components 232

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Pulse test 554 555

Pumparound, pumparound zone 160 164 188
224 227 229
233 236 258
264 266 293
294 301 302
305 308–310 312
315 317
Purasiv HR process 568
Pure compound, substance 7 27 30
34 37 48
52 54–59 63
75 78 232
525 535
Purge 13 128 265
380 510 565
Purification 3 5 11
13 16 37
73 431 432
468 525 526
534 562 573

Quench 306 312 316–317

Raffinate 65 70 71
320 321 361
363 373 424
477 526 569–572
mixed - 361 377–382

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cooling - 495
flow - 82 401 441
of crystal growth 462 463 468
of diffusion 81
of filtration 484 485 492
of nucleation 462
of reaction 218 467
RDC, ARDC 367 369 374
435 441 448
Reactor 2 3 218
membrane - 612 613
Reboiler 93 95 101–104
106 111 132
143 153 155
163 168 190
198 221 286
intermediate - 164 165
Recovery ratio 93 129–131 152
190 191 194
195 197–199 352
353 438 439
582 605
Rectifying zone 95 101 104–107
110 111 129
135 136 138

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Rectifying zone (Cont.)

164 175 189
201 217 218
Recycle, recycling 2 3 119
191 194 382
Re-extraction 431 432 436
Reflux 5 94 129
169 224 229
external - 102 337
induced - 345
internal - 102 189 224
227 229 233
236 264 268
270 272 337
401 405
ratio 102 105 106
110–112 114 133
136 151 164
170 180 182
191 192 197
228 231 280
286 339
total - 111–113 132 190
192 194 208
Reflux drum 94 169

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Reflux ratio (see also Reflux)

minimum - 111 113 114
130–132 152 194
344 475
optimal - 114 132
Reforming (catalytic) 2 279 280
283 286 318
425 577 582
Reformulation 14 283
Refrigeration 514–517 520 522
Regeneration 14 198 268
525–527 532 534
560 562 566
574 577 579
Regulation, regulator 157 169–173 177
193 227
Relation (see also Equation)
Chilton-Colburn - 90
Gibbs-Helmholtz - 76
Gilliland - 132 133
Kremser-Souders-Brown - 90 198 336
Packie - 229–235
Remixing 121 443 450
Repulping (dual pass) 498
Residence time 11 115 122
128 217 253
257 272 274
289 306 401
440 575

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Residue 94 95 102
105 137 161
169 173 188
atmospheric - 2 190 222
223 226 232
237 241 266–269
curve 185 208–211
vacuum - 2 267–269 304
316 393 402
Resins 388 393 396
Retentate 594 595 598
599 603
Retention 93 99 119
128 139 153–158
190 192 195–197
285 302 317
473 492
Retention time 556
Reverse osmosis 6 594 598
Rings (packing) 294 295 308
Rotating valve (adsorption) 572
heuristic -(s) 180
lever - 18 65 97
209 323 330
of mixing 52 54–61
of phases of Duhem 31
of phases of Gibbs 31
of thumb 134 345

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Saddles (packing) 294 295 367

Salinity of crudes 237 239
Saturation 34 59
Saturation pressure 541 542
Scraper 505
Selectivity 3 4 26
37 64 68
70 71 201–203
355 364 366
372 385 403
406 428 481
525 534 587
595 603 605
kinetic - 3 5 6
13 81 526
steric - 526 588
thermodynamic - 3–7 526 565
Separating power 97 100 111
agent 2 5–7 14
aromatics/paraffins - 7 71 202
534 588 610
by membranes 5–7 13 14
81 93 518
593 594 602
factor 4

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Separation (Cont.)
n/isoparaffins - 5 13 115
527 533 562
565–567 572 573
584–587 611
of alcohols 610
of olefins 566 572 587
operations 1–13 81 93
paraxylene /C8 aromatics 5 73 572
588–590 612
Separation flowsheet 1 179–187 206
Settling 3 234 238
241–243 319 379
382 399 401
Settling criterion 247
Shell-UOP process 433 434 450
Sidedraw 129 138 139
146 153 209
269 303 304
Silicagel 526–530 532 546
565 573 577
Simulation, simulator 125 194 228
231 274 525
dynamic - 147 153 159
161 195
hydrodynamic - 161
static - 136

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Simulation softwares 115 125 150

161 177 178
187 217 228
258 355
Size distribution crystal, pore...- 457 460 468
527 530 531
Sizing 9 11 121
135 150 168
199 201 224
231 286 356
557 558 574–579
Slack wax 478 500 503
Slop cut 266–271 300 307
Slurry 310–312 461 462
470 496 506
Soaking drum (coking) 315–317
Sodalite cage 533 534
Solid solution 74 75
Solubility 58 65 69–71
75 77 238
319 339 345
355 366 372
394 401 428
481 488 603
Solution of groups 44
Solutropy 321 331 344
Solvent 4–7 11 14
26 37 44
59 71 77

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Solvent (Cont.)
197 201 202
211 222 319–355
364 397 424
427 473 481
577 584
dehydration 608 610 611
maximum - ratio 331 332
minimum - ratio 331 332 344
mixture of -(s) 203 473
power, capacity 26 70 201
345 355 357
364–366 385 397
403 481
ratio 323 329 370
373 381 385
400 403 409
433 435 485
recovery of - 414–415 421 422
496 503 513
regeneration 14 201 319
356 371 428
431 432
Sorbex process 569 572 573
586 588
Sour water 250 263 264
275 276 278
315 317
Specific area 525–528 532 538

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Specifications 1 2 110
151 236 265
286 345 389
426 427 438
Splitter 280–286
Spray distributor 301 305 308–310
Stability 63 292 526
Stack 264 269 278
actual - 4 81 147
contact - 4 9 11
81 89
number of -(s) 12 81 367
370 440 567
number of theoretical -(s) 11 81 90
91 284 293
327 329 343
349 367 559
theoretical - 4 11 89
91 111 147
151 192 435
Static mixer 441
Steamcracking 425 582 584
Steamreforming 579 582 613
Steam stripping 273
Step test 554 555

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Stripper 143 152 200

222 224 226
236 274 280
282 286 313
315 435 513
side - 303
Stripping 6 16 93
154 197–200 221
232 233 264
265 273 274
283 315 317
432 526 561
Stripping ratio 105 110 164
169 170 180
182 200 228
231 233 435
Stripping zone 71 94 102
104–106 108 110
111 129 135
136 138 164
175 201 216
267 300 301
Subcooled 19 96 109
110 152 216
Sulfolane 429 438
Sulfur 222 252 253
256 279 283
363 426
Supercooling 75

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Supercritical 32 38 49
domain 405 414 422
423 540 543
Superheated 19 96 109
110 200 300
Supersaturation 457 459 460
467 473
Support (packing) 297 298
Surface area 236 278 292
529 536 596
605 613
Surface tension 356 406 460
528 538 589
Surfactants 88

Tangent plane 63 64 143

Tar 396 397 401
403 409
Temperature (see also Point)
boiling - 7 17 26
35 54 57
68 79 83
93 96 141
143 188 190
203 211 215
232 265 269
356 361 385
424 428 481

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Temperature (Cont.)
bubble point - 17 23 26
32 96–100 102
109 110 113
133 135 137
141 175
critical - 14 23 35
crystallization - 7 77 78
426–428 477 481
dew point - 18 23 24
26 32 68
96 97 99
100 109 110
226 227 577
filtration - 490 501 519
pseudocritical - 23 39
reduced - 38 39 51
Temperature-enthalpy diagram (TQ) 161 258–262
Ternary system, mixture 20 64
TETRA process 435 436 454
Theory (see also Model, Law)
double film - 115 116 148
equilibrium - (adsorption) 555–558
Gibbs - (adsorption) 538
hard chains - 54
hard spheres - 54
Langmuir - 537
of potential (adsorption) 539
Thermal stability 356 364 385
428 435 561

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Thermodynamics 15
continuous - 79
TIP process 584 585
Toluene 7 424 433
469 481 482
Topping 6 221–223 228
269 300 301
Tortuosity 553
Total acidity (TAN) 382 383 426
Transfer (see Mass transfer)
angular momentum - 87
Tray 9 14 17
81 89 91
93–95 101–157 197
211 224 284
286 292
baffle - 286 287 312
bubble cap - 125 288 300
downcomer - 286 287 436
dual flow - 286 287
feed - 106–111 132 152
number of -(s) 111–114 129 132
133 161 192
194 195 198
211 227 228
229 232 233
280 284 475
sensitive - 175
sieve - 288 289 368
435 436 450

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Tray (Cont.)
theoretical - 102 115 175
283 320
valve - 224 234 236
272 274 275
290 291 300
303 318
withdrawal - 294 298 301
305 307 311
TSA processes 526 545 560–565
573 581–583
Two-phase enveloppe 22 24–26 32

UCST 65 66
UDEX process 433
Ultrafiltration 6 13 594
598 602 603
607 608
Unplugging (membranes) 608
UOP-Demex process 419
Utilities 161 262 263
274 414 423
439 440

Vacuum pump 170 275–277 383

511 517

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cage - 291 317
leg - 291
Vaporization 16–18 27 32
200 224 236
306 382 384
Vapor pressure 21 25 26
30 34 35
49–54 57 58
68 75
Variance 29–32
Velocity 82
interstitial - 545 555 575
superficial - 547 551 556
Visbreaking, visbreaker 2 237 241
269 271 284
300 317 389
Viscosity 83 87 125
238 243 252
265 309 316
356 360 363
400 409 428
440 460 470
478 484 485
Volatility 5 22 26
35 36 69
70 73 283

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Volatility (Cont.)
relative - 36 97 98
101 102 124
125 129–133 163
180 182 188
195 201
critical - 48 49
diffusion - 83
molecular - 7 31 34–41
49–51 54 62
82 158 540
542 544
pore - 526 527 531
532 543
Volume translation 53–55

Washing 238 324 401

431 432 468
474 509 510
Wash zone 234 236 266–268
272 273 301
302 304–307 309
312 316 317
Water treatment 602 603 608
Waxes 389 478 500
Weeping 119 289 292
Weir 119 123 155
287 288 292

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Xylenes 7 424 425


Zeolites 13 84 86
526–533 536 540
543 546 554
565 573 576
577 582 587
597 609 611

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