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Name: Deadly Reflex - Combat Moves

Version: v6.0 BETA1

Date: 11/18/2010
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements (for full experience, see Installation section): Oblivion/Shivering
Isles build/patch, Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), Oblivion Graphics
Extender (OGE), NifSE, 1st Person Legs mod, HUD Status Bars mod, Drop Lit Torch
es Obse mod, Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash
Author(s): Skycaptain

Deadly Reflex - Combat Moves is combat enhacing mod for Oblivion, which adds new
dimension, tactics and violent action to the Oblivion Combat by adding new comb
at moves for both the Player AND the NPCs.
Version 5 was a total rewrite with enchanced NPC interactions, new total STABILI
TY, determistic stat based success system and of course, new moves, finishers an
d blood system with upgrades like new animations to older features.
Version 6 makes practically everything better, and brings in new features like 1
st person horse combat, gruesome weapon throws, acrobatics based kick system, mo
mentum based chance system, on screen blood and more immersive and dynamic 1st p
erson animations. (see below for what attempts to be a complete list of new feat


2. List NEW features in short
1. New combat mechanics: momentum and unpredictability. Now it actually matters
A LOT which attacks or moves you use, and when! Prepare to feel more involved in
the combat!
2. Power attack perks - now DR criticals are more part of the perks you gain on
different weapon skill levels.
3. Powerattacks rewamped (related to above) - many animations have been replaced
, either by reusing Vanilla attack or by introducing totally new ones. Poweratta
ck damage multipliers tuned.
4. More dynamic 1st person experience - 1st person animations are now replaced b
y 3rd person versions (note: not the view, the animations), pain-stakingly hand
edited get the best of both worlds. This gives you more "feel" of the move you a
re performing.
5. Kick system - 4 kicks and a headbutt, fully working in 1st person as well. Ac
robatics is now a "kick skill", making this skill a very important one for a mel
ee fighter.
6. Horse combat - it´s back, it´s rewriten, it´s designed especially for 1st person, a
nd the mechanics are very dynamic, with complete damage formula and angular spee
d speed damage modifiers! (even found the slow horse bug from DR3&4!)
7. Throw your weapon at your enemy - and see it STICK to his body, where it hits
, how it hits, with locational bleeding and diverse dying animations!
8. Throw your torch to light up the path ahead - or throw it at your enemy while
you are at it, and inflict some fire damage. Who knows, maybe he burns alive?
9. New guts - the intestines are even havoked like real ones.
9. Better blood emitters and stains.
10. Blood on screen! (optional)
11. Targetting remade - you don´t have to point at the target exactly with your cr
osshair to score criticals etc. This also removes some minor bugs caused by acti
vation distance tricks used by DR5.
12. Better and more accurate hit detection - now DR knows exactly who hit whom.
13. Multiple magic critical hits at once - by any spell casted by any source! No
w area spell casted by a common Imp MAY freeze an entire family of rats into icy
14. Some new or new versions of criticals (these were obviously not the main tar
get in this release!), most importantly a handy "quick impale", to stab fallen e
nemies that are already trying to get up.
15. Chance system rewritten, to avoid extreme cases or low or high chances, and
to give the player more obvious control on the different success chances (via IN
I and momentum & unpredictability system)
16. So many little fixes, many things rethought, many things just better done.

3. Understanding Deadly Reflex basic combat mechanics:

Deadly Reflex gives you new moves that work as part of your normal combat, like
shield bashing, kicking, dodging, and flipping, and also critical hits to finish
off your enemies. The basic combat moves, as well as one selected critical hit,
are used by the NPCs as well.
In Deadly Reflex, your skills, level and physical health are compared to the ene
my skills at all times, and they are determine both your and the enemy´s success r
ates in using these moves against each other.
This means that even ordinary moves, like shieldbashing, are not successfull oft
en if for example your blockskill is weak, if you are out of breath and or/almos
t dead, and/or the enemy is much more experienced fighter. It´s the SUM of these t
hings that matters, at all times.
There aren´t necessarily one single stat that helps. The formulae used are complic
ated, like reality is, and therefore not listed here. You can simply trust they
make sense intuitively. For example, if the enemies block your bashes a lot, and
keep returning them to you, it helps to build up your block skill and strength
(see the individual feature list). On the otherhand, if you get kicked down a lo
t, invest in better agility (and less head-on tactics and better physical condit

The physical health factor makes fights more deterministic. Don´t let the enemy ge
t the upper hand, criple him instead. Keep care of your health, avoid damage, an
d deliver it always when possible. Wounding the enemy lowers his ability to dodg
e or counter your moves, so even skilled enemies can be toned down by brute forc
e and wise tactics.
Understanding these basic logics behind everything that happens in Deadly Reflex
is important to avoid frustration. Keep care of your health and fatigue, develo
p your stats to fair better in combat, and learn patience. :)

While in DR6 almost all skill and stat based chance formulae are rewriten to sca
le better against all kinds of enemies, there´s also one totally new and important
factor introduced - momentum.
momentum, which can be displayed as a statusbar on your HUD (see Installation se
ction), affects every chance calculated regarding knockdowns and critical hits,
and basicly represents "how well you fight".
In addition to momentum, the "Unpredictability" of your every move (attack, bash
or kick) affects the success chance of THAT particular move and counter chance
of the enemy. Suddenly, it matters *which* attack you decide to use as well!

"Unpredictability" and "momentum" are linked - "Unpredictability" is what adds t

o your momentum. This is explained in more depth in momentum section below.

4. Understanding momentum and Unpredictability


Never stopped to think that it´s pretty much all the same if you use just one powe
rattack in Oblivion, or all of them? It makes no difference - you probably mostl
y use the one you like the most, or consider the "best one".
Well that changes now. In DR6, you actually WANT to think which attack to use ne
xt. You want to combine different attacks, you want to use ALL the attacks, you
want to kick from time to time, you want to use ALL the kicks and you want to us
e the bash. I´ll explain why.

If you always use the same powerattack, or favor just two of them, it makes you
predictable. If you overuse the bash, it makes you predictable. What´s UNpredictab
le, is your LEAST used move or attack. So in DR6, it´s always your LEAST used move
that the enemy is least likely to counter and/or that´s most likely to cause a cr
itical or knockdown.
If you haven´t bashed a lot in a particular fight, your next bash is very likely t
o succeed. On the otherhand, if you spam some certain powerattack in hopes of a
critical, your chances to succeed just go lower and lower. But then, decide to t
hrow in your first kick in the whole fight, and it´s granted to take the enemy off
guard! See how this works?

When in combat, DR6 keeps track of the (1) powerattacks, (2) kicks and (3) bashi
ng you do. When ever you perform a kick, for example, DR6 calculates an "Unpredi
ctability factor" of the move. The resulting number consists of
- how much that move GROUP have been used compared to other groups (attack, kick
, bash)
- how much that particular MOVE has been used compared to other moves INSIDE the
group (for example, how favored that particular kick has been). Bashing doesn´t h
ave this second calculation level, cause the whole group is just one move.

The resulting "Unpredictability" factor is used ín TWO ways:

- if the unpredictability is higher than the average for all the moves, it adds
to your momentum - the more the more unpredictable it is.
- it directly affects the success chance of the move itself, the move you are pe
rforming at the very moment

Unpredictability factor behaves exponentially, so if you have already used a wid

e variety of moves, but not some certain move at all, that move gets especially
high unpredictability multiplier when first deployed.


momentum is like a "score" between 0 and 100, that measures how overwhelmed your
enemies feel in front of your moves. You gain momentum with unpredicatable move
s, and lose momentum when you take damage and also slowly over time.
momentum directly governs you chances of critical hits or knockdown - indeed, mo
mentum determines your base critical chance.
The base critical chance in DR6 is set in the INI file. In action, this is multi
plied (in addition to stat and level comparisons with the enemy):

- the unpredictability factor of the attack

- your momentum
So with 30% critical chance set in the INI, and 50% momentum, your base critical
chance is 15%. This is multiplied by the unpredictablity factor of the move its
elf, and further modified by level and stat comparisons between your character a
nd the enemy.
Nevertheless, making your momentum visible in the HUD (see Installation) gives y
ou a good idea of your relative chances of scoring a critical. Furthermore, it m
akes the decisions in combat much more interactive, with visible feedback in for
m of the momentum bar.

The % of momentum lost (of current momentum!) by taking damage is by default the
% of damage taken, the % of momentum lost every second (% of current momentum!)
is 1% every second.
Example: you have 100p or health, and you have 50% momentum, and you take 10p of
damage -> by default you lose 10/100 * 50% = 5% of momentum, and are left with
45% of momentum.
Example2: you have 50% of momentum, and one second of time passes -> by default
you lose 1/100 * 50% = 0.5% of momentum, and are left with 49,5% of momentum.
(see INI to configure momentum increase and decrease values and rates)

A good general tactic:

Use all the different moves diversely. This way your "pool of used moves" is wid
e, and no move is considered predictable -> your average success chance is good,
and your momentum rises steadily.

Sneaky tactic:
Save a move with a potential to score a critical to the end of the fight. While
this means all the other moves you use are slightly less unpredictable as one mo
ve is missing from the calculated average, once you deploy the move:
-it´s "super suprising" -> very high unpredictability factor -> very high per-move
-high one time insta boost to your momentum
-the enemy is in low health
->-> the chance to score a critical is unusually high

So using your imagination is allowed - you don´t by no means HAVE TO cycle through
the moves like a machine! ;)

NOTE: as DR6 brings kicking part of the momentum system, and makes Acrobatics a
"kick skill" (3 of the kicks are actually Acrobatic moves), you want to train yo
urself in Acrobatics to reach your full potential as a melee fighter.

The different moves are triggered by either by normal melee or projectile attack
s, or via Deadly Reflex special controls, which include Block + Attack, Throw ke
y, Bash key and Dodge key.
In the following list, the features are listed as shortly as possible, divided i
n corresponding sections starting with Deadly Reflex special controls.

NOTE: Because the concept of momentum is better explained separately, it´s not men
tioned in this section. Just keep in mind that momentum´s concepts "govern" all th
e combat related chances mentioned here.

Block + Attack - KICKING:
DR6 introduces 4 different kicks and a Headbutt, that are used with Block + Atta
ck + directional keys. All kicks requiring a directional key are actually replac
ed Acrobatic moves, so you need Acrobatics 50 to use them.
All kicks cause damage, the formula used is the same as with Hand to Hand, excep
t the skill part uses Acrobatics skill, and the base damage is set in DR6 INI fi

- - - - -
Block + Attack + Forward = Jump Kick
Block + Attack + Right = Roundhouse kick
Block + Attack + Left = Rotating sweep kick

- - - - - - -
If the enemy is staggering, and you press Block + Attack, you perform a so-calle
d knockdown kick. If you are really close - even if the enemy is staggering - yo
u automatically use headbutt instead.
Using Block + Attack + Forward also triggers knockdown kick or headbutt, if the
enemy is staggering and you are close enough.

While all kicks may knock down the enemy, Knockdown kick and Jump Kick carry the
highest chance (3x), sweep the second highest (2x). Only the knockdowns against
staggered enemies give "full knockdowns", with enough time to try and impale th
e target.
Acrobatics and strenght boost your knockdown chance, together with lighter main
(upperbody) armor used. Archers are overall more easy to knock down.

Jump Kick, Knockdown kick and HeadBut can also Stun your enemy - see the Bash ke
y section for what this means.


If your Agility is over 25, you can press dodgekey to perform a quick duck.
If you Acrobatics is over 50, you can press a backward + dodge at the same time,
to trigger an acrobatic backwards "retreat" dodge.

Dodge key: Duck

Backward + dodge = spinning backwards dodge (usefull to retreat quickly backward
s in battle)

NOTE: Bash key ALSO is your special move key:
NOTE2: Some of these special moves only work with Blade weapons - for some of th
e "thrust" type moves I simply didn´t have a good alternative blunt idea/animation

In a normal combat situation, it works as your defensive attack key, and allows
you to either shieldbash or weaponpunch the enemy in order to stagger him. Don´t o
verdo it - the more the enemy staggers, the more he concentrates on countering t
he stagger attempts, predicting your moves. The harder you press the harder they
resist, so give them some room to make the their own mistakes, and remember to
use plain old blocking and attacking as well, don´t initate your every attack with
a bash.
Blockskill makes for more efficient bashing, strength naturally helps, shield ba
shing is a bit more effective - it´s all pretty intuitive in the end.

If the enemy is running towards you, or charging, a well timed bash against his
face may broke his nose. The enemy will step back, shake his head, grab his face
Use this opportunity to finish him off with any of the finishers described here.

-Impaling / Smashing-
When the enemy is knocked down, get close to him, target him and press bash key
to impale him with your blade or stave, or to smash him dead with your blunt wea
pon. The enemy may dodge or block the impale, and once again it comes down to yo
ur weapon skill and the enemy agility or block skill, and how beaten or not you
both are.

-Quick Impale-
If the enemy falls down, but starts to instantly get up, you can´t use the full im
pale. Then you´ll automatically use a quick stab with a blade, which is less deadl
y but still pretty damaging.

-Standing impale-
When the enemy is stunned, you can drive your blade weapon through him by pressi
ng the bash key. After wathcing your enemy to arch his back in pain, your charac
ter kicks him down to pull out the weapon.

Ever sneaked around in a dungeon, using the shadows or some invisibility potion
to get withing a couple of meters from the enemy, and then wondered how to benef
it from it?
Now you can start the melee with style. Target the enemy from a charge-distance
away, press the bash key, WHILE SNEAKING, to perform a jump attack that takes yo
ur target by supprise. If you are not detected by the target when the attack sta
rts, you have a chance to make a perfect stike, causing a critical melee hit and
killing the enemy with a single blow!
You weaponskill, acrobatics and strength play a role in success chance, together
with usual physical condition and level differencies. The enemy may manage to r
eact, and send you flying with a kick, he may dodge or block, or you may get a p
artial hit which still knocks the enemy down and damages him.

Note that sneak skill plays NO role in success chance, but this move only works
outside combat, against unsuspecting victims - so a good sneak is skill IS usual
ly needed, to get close to hostile without alerting them. Also note that this is
not a silent attack, you will draw attention.

-Throath slitting-
Get behind an unsuspecting victim, and slit his throath. Unlike Ambush, this mov
e calls finesse, and allows silent instakills. However, good sneak and blade ski
lls are required for success, and experience through levels helps agaist experie
nced targets.
Failing means you are detected before you get the blade comfortably on the victi
ms throat. He may duck or turn and bash you down. Getting caught trying to murde
r someone counts as a normal attack, and the consequnces are exactly the same, a
fight will follow and guards will appropriately defend a friendly citizen.

-Sleep stab-
Slitting throaths is the most effective strategy when the target is awake. But w
hen someone sleeps soundly before you, it´s most convinient to simply stab him qui
cly a few times.
Press bash key to stab a sleeping NPC to death. It´s best to kneel over him, simpl
y crouch on his bed. Your character will stab the target 4 times in a row. Sleep
stab is a 100% sure way to kill anyone.

This was supposed to be a critical throw "cut scene" a la Dark Messiah, but as t
ech suddenly allowed it almost accidentally grew into something more complete an
d dynamic.

Weapon throw
- - - - - - -
To throw your equipped weapon, aim and press the throw key. The throw is deadly,
if the weapon hits in the correct angle. How to affect this? Position yourself
correctly, it´s the distance that counts and your personal experience that determi
nes the success.
The throw is intentionally something you can´t do "machine gun style", it´s the weap
on you have in hand that you throw, and you need to equip a new one to throw aga
in. It´s a finesse move, often best used as a desperate stunt attempt in combat or
as an assasination move when undetected.

- blade´s hit angle spans 90 degrees, axes a bit less
- only succesful hits above waist stick to the body and are lethal, weapons only
stick to body not limbs
- non-axe blunt weapons are only lethal when they hit the head, and never stick
(-> skull crush)
- ALL blunt hits have a fair chance of knocking down the target, determined by t
he weight of the weapon
- all non-succesful hits cause damage, equal to the base damage of the weapon, a
nd stagger the target
- throwing weapons against creatures is not recommended, as you can´t score critic
al/lethal/perfect hits on them, it´s a tech restriction
- weapon throws do not stick to environment - I simply found this feature unneed
ed, and often more unrealistic than something that would be worth the effort.
- the weapon is automatically given back to you when you activate your dead targ
et - this is not some odd-ball trick, but a compatibility tweak for Enhanced Eco
nomy, which can be set to remove inventory items from dead enemies.

Torch throw
- - - - - -
If you have torch in hand, you will always throw that instead of a weapon. Throw
ing torches is handy for lighting up the path ahead (note: this requires Drop Li
t Torches mod like Drop Lit Torches OBSE).
You can also throw torches at enemies, which will cause some fire damage. Someti
mes you may get lucky, if the torch hits tip first, and the target catches on fi
re and dies like with Fire magic criticals.

MELEE ATTACKS (Blade and Blunt):
Melee powerattacks have the chance of causing direct criticals against enemies,
but only THOSE powerattacks you gain as perks when advancing in your weapon skil

The criticals will automatically trigger when you powerattack against for exampl
e stunned enemy, or when you succesfully ambush someone.

In normal combat situations, in theory you may any time cause an instant, bloody
death, but in practice it usually requires your condition is better than the en
emy condition, and/or your stats are better and you have built up enough momentu

List of critical effects (list of attacks and which triggers what follows)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

-Decapitation, Cut in half, and melee throat slit-

"Decaps" usually start with a slow motion. During this time, you need to aim to
the head of the target. If you aim to the waist, you cut the enemy in half. If y
ou are using dagger, the decapitation is a throat slit instea, and cutting in ha
lf is not possible. Also note that due to technical restrictions, enemies with "
robes-like" clothing cannot be cut in half.
- Skull crush
Mechanics for skullcrush are similar to decapitation, and may also start with a
slow motion. If you are using a blunt weapon, and go into slow motion when initi
ating an attack, aim for the head.

-Wristcut (and other possible outcomes)-

If the enemy blocks a decapitation, skull crush or cut in half attempt, there ar
e a few options. If you are using blade, and the block happens with a shield or
a one handed weapon, your attempt simply fails.
If the enemy is using a twohanded block (2h weapon, hand to hand), you cut off h
is wrists, and are free to finish the sobbing, bleeding enemy with multiple ways
like with stunned enemy, only that this enemy will never recover even if you ju
st leave him be. He will bleed to death in 60s.
If using a blunt weapon, the enemy gets knocked down in every case by the power
of your blunt weapon, and his weapon or shield may break.

-Critical chest wound-

The enemy falls on his knees, with his lungs punctured or collapsed, and your ch
aracter automatically follows up with a stylish special spinning jump that decap
itates the enemy or breaks his skull in pieces.

-Critical stomach wound-

Struck by the sudden pain, the enemy wavers for a short moment, before you autom
atically kick him down.

Different attacks
- - - - - - - - -
DR6 makes changes to blade and blunt animations, reweights power attack damage m
ultipliers and opens new critical hit opportunities when you gain new levels in
your weapon skill. For reference, default Oblivion powerattack damage is 6,25x (
standing powerattack 7,5x).
The damage multipliers have been assigned from the gameplay perspective, but I w
ont go deeper into the reasoning here. The IDEA is that you read this list like
a game manual, and then make the best out of your available options.

-Standing Powerattack-
Damage: 7,5x
Apprentice Perk (1h & 2h): a quick thrust, with a chance to cause a Critical Che
st Wound

-Forward Powerattack-
Damage: 6x
Before Master level perk (1h & 2h): this attack is a charging thrust. You can mo
ve freely during the attack - use this to time the hit so that your running spee
d transmits extra damage to your attack! (note: running in place against the ene
my gives no bonus) May cause a Critical Chest Wound, if the damage is high enou
Master level perk (1h): a leaping thrust attack, with a chance to paralyze and/o
r cause a Critical Chest Wound
Master level perk (2h): running overhead swing (same as default Oblivion), with
a chance to paralyze and/or crush the skull of the target

-Left Powerattack-
Damage: 9x
Journeyman Perk (1h): a quick and powerful rotating swing with both hands, cabab
le of crushing the skull of the enemy
Journeyman Perk (2h): a fast rotating "backhand swing", which can cut your enemi
es head off clean or smash it like a ripe melon

-Right Powerattack-
Damage: 9x
Journeyman Perk (1h): a rotating finesse attack, that can trigger a slow motion
mode allowing you to choose between decap/skullcrush/throat slit or cut in half
Journeyman Perk (2h): different attack, same benefits as above

-Backward Powerattack-
Damage: 6x
Before Expert Level Perk (1h): a counter swing with both hands, cabable of causi
ng knockdowns, even lethal ones.
Before Expert Level Perk (2h): An overhead smash, cabable of causing knockdowns,
even lethal ones.
Expert Level Perk (1h & 2h): A sneaky rotating move with a thrust in the end, pe
rfect for catching the enemy off guard, knocking him down or causing critical St
omach Wound
Creatures are different from NPCs from a techical point of view. Out of melee cr
iticals, only Impaling and Ambushing can be used on creatures.
However, using any enchanted melee weapon on a creature may cause elemental spel
l critical hits (see Projectile attacks -> Magic section below).

-Bow Shots (non-enchancted)-
Try to hit the enemy´s upper chest area, to occasionally puncture the victim´s lung,
making him gasp for air and collapse on his knees, his life fading away.
Critical bow hits usually take place when the enemy is severely wounded already,
and the hit is required by default to cause at least 30% damage (take away 30%
of the enemy´s remaining health).
Only works on non-creature enemies.

Alternatively, you may score a skullcrush with a perfect shot to head.

-Bow shots (enchanted)-

If your bow or arrow used is enchanted with a fire, shock or frost damage, your
critical bow hits cause elemental spell effects instead (read on for details). W
orks normally with creatures.
Enchanted arrows can also cause non-enchanted bow shot criticals for non-creatur
e NPCs.

-Magic attacks-
Whether you are attacking with a enchanted weapon or casting a spell or shooting
your staff, you have a chance at causing a critical elemental magic hit. This a
pplies to effects with fire, frost or shock damage.
The more you cause damage compared to remaining enemy health, the higher your ch
ance is. The base chance is determined by your intelligent and willpower stats c
ompared to your target, also the regular physical condition and level differenci
es play a role - I´m sure you are getting the idea behind all success chances. :)
Causing 30% of damage, or killing the target is required to even have a chance a
t causing a critical magic hit.
Fire roasts the victim alive. Shock has a similar effect, NPCs have their equipm
ent melt partly in to their skin. Frost freezes your target to a statue! Strike
or kick the statue to cause it to shatter in pieces!
-Melee elemental effects apply to creatures only, which have no decapitations an
d such criticals.
-only instant effect spells apply at the moment, as the damage is detected for o
ne frame on hit only. Even 1s duration spells will not work (unless you configur
e the threshold damage to 0 in the INI)
-frost effect is not technically possible if the spell kills the target

-Combustive Convulsion-
This a special spell you can use once a day to EXPLODE YOUR ENEMY in pieces, if
the average of your health, willpower and destruction skill overcomes the enemy
health and willpower.
To obtain the spell, the average of your willpower and destruction must exceed 5
0. After *successfull* use, the spell is removed from you, having exhausted this
"greater power" (it´s not a greater power, it just behaves like one). You will ga
in the spell the next day again, provided you still meet the requirements.

The NPCs have the ability to use the bashing, dodging and kicks, and knock you d
own and try and impale you. DR creates individual "style" for each NPC you encou
nter, which basicly decides how much they for example prefer dodging over bashin
g. This preference has nothing to do with how succesful they are using those mov
es, however, their success rates are guided by similar calculations as the playe
The NPCs know how to duck projectiles at the right time, or to followup stagger
with a kick, a knockdown with an impale attempt. NPCs may simply fail to time a
duck perfectly just like you, or restrain from trying to impale if they don´t beli
eve in their chance at succeeding.
It´s all best seen in action, this info is just to set your mind on a right path s
o you can better appreciate the features. :)

DR6 brings back the horse combat - better than ever!
Horse combat allows you to fight from the horseback, either in 1st or 3rd person
. Because 1st person view allows you to actually turn the player without turning
the horse, the dynamics in 1st person are more "in depth" and it´s the recommende
d fighting view.

-Horse Combat Mode-

Because you just can´t draw your weapon while riding, you need to have your weapon
in hand, and press the Horse Combat Key to enter "horse combat mode" BEFORE mou
nting the horse. Unfortunately, if you save while riding with a weapon in hand,
and later load that save, your character automatically sheats the weapon, and yo
u need to unmount and enter horse combat mode again.

-Riding in horse combat mode-

-control the riding speed with forward and backward buttons - the horse keeps ru
nning at that speed then by itself.
-it´s easier to turn the horse at low speeds, so slow down while trying to make a
steep turn

-Stealing horses in horse combat mode-

It´s harder to control a reluctant creature when trying to handle a weapon as well
, so unless you win the cooperation of the horse, it will throw you down as soon
as you mount it. Your Personality and Speechcraft determine how good a "horse w
hisperer" you are.

-Horse combat controls-

Attack key: slash from the right
Attack key (hold): thrust
Block + Attack: slash from the left
Block: block
Bash key: bash
Casting key: cast "on self" spells on yourself, "on touch" friendly spells on yo
ur horse, "on touch" hostile spells in front of your horse, and "on target" spel
ls where you aim

-Melee damage in horse combat-

General damage formula in Horse Combat is exactly like in normal combat. However
, the way you combine your riding and attack have a huge impact on the final dam
When thrusting, it´s all about the riding speed. In first person, it´s also about th
e DIRECTION of the thrust - if you thrust 90 degrees to your side, your speed do
es little to help the damage.
When slashing, the speed similarly adds to the damage. But note how the weapon s
wings - you want to *line the weapon´s swing direction with your speed* to get ful
l advantage.
Also, your turning speed can be used to add damage to slashing attacks - and ver
y powerfull skill to master, as it allows delivering good damage while riding at
lower speeds. For example: slash FROM right to left (Attack key), TO your right
side, while TURNING to the left.
NOTE: longer weapons gain higher damage bonus from turning speed, because the ti
p of the weapon physically travels faster.

-Some notes and tips for horse combat-

Horse combat is not easy, and especially in 1st person you really need to aim wi
th your crosshair, the hit detection is accurate and pretty "harsh" on the playe
r - you need to aim at the enemy the moment the hit would connect. 3rd person is
much easier with this regard, but lacks some of the damage dynamics as well.
Requiring skill from YOU is what makes it interesting, and balances out the fact
that you can avoid damage more easily than when on foot. Also, the damage you c
an potentially deliver per blow is higher.
Another factor that makes horse combat challenging are NPCs that cast spells or
shoot arrows. Why? Because they tend to hammer your horse down first. It may wel
l be a good strategy to counter groups of spell casters or archers on foot inste


-Timed block-
The optional Timed Block esps are designed to make blocking an active, rather th
an passive part of the combat. In normal Oblivion system, you are pratically enc
ouraged to hold down the block key, while waiting for the enemy to recoil, which
makes the combat dragging and boring.

Timed block esps make your block effectiveness to rely on how well the block is
timed. When you press the "block", your block skill starts draining down, so the
longer you have been holding the block, the less effetive it is when the stike
This simulates the fact that no enemy would hit straight into your block, should
you be just holding it stationary before and waiting him to strike. No, he woul
d try and go around it. To simulate ACTIVE blocking, full effectiveness is given
only to blocks that pratically start only after the enemy attack has started.
Perfect timings are rewarded with a small but nice boost compared to normal Obli
vion´s block effectiveness. Beyond that, the block effectiveness drains to 25% in
about three seconds. You always get that 25% effectiveness, however, no matter h
ow long you have been holding the block.
If you release the block, the effectiveness is INSTANTLY restored. You are only
required to THINK about blocking, instead of automatically sitting on the block
control. Try it out, it´s amazing what a difference it actually makes. ;)

-Higher damage and durability-

Timed block comes in three flavours. While the Timed block feature in exactly th
e same in all three esps, you are given an option to have higher weapon damage a
cross ALL oblivion and mod addded weapons. This makes combat quicker and more de
adly, more exciting.
The two different higher damage esps come with settings that make any armor take
more time to break, to compensate for the higher damage.
Recommended: 250% damage version (beware though, it actually makes the game feel

-Blood on Screen-
The "DRSplatter" esp enables a feature where melee criticals splash blood on the
screen. Note that this esp requires OGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) installed
(see Installation section).

-Casting from Horse back-

While this is considered part of the Horse Combat, it´s a separate esp, originally
made by FlyFightFlea, and later edited by me and then ShadeMe, and is fully opt
ional. If enabled, you can cast while on horse back even when not in Horse Comba
t mode.

9. Install:



(check the readme of the resources on how to install them)

1. Install Obse (

2. Install OGE (

Note: required only for Blood on Screen (to use drsplatter.esp). The "core" file
should be enough to download.
3. Install NifSE (

4. Install 1st Person Legs (

Note: required only to see legs in 1st person kicks. NOTE! This mod may not play
well with unlimited rings or any other mod/Wrye bash tweak that changes default
ring behavior! This is not my mod, use at your own risk and read the readme!

5. Install OBSE MenuQue (

Note: Required only if you use HUD Status Bars (see below)

6. Install HUD Status Bars (

Note: Required only to see your Momentum as HUD status bar. Example settings to
for this mod´s INI file have been included, instructions in DR installation sectio

7. Install Drop Lit Torches OBSE (

Note: Required (and EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED) to have thrown torches shed actual li
ght. To use any other "drop lit torches mod", you need configure the esp name an
d the formid to DR ini file (consider as very advanced config).


If you were using previous versions of Deadly Reflex, the old version MUST BE RE
MOVED. Follow the instructions in the old version readme.

Manual Install (not recommended!)

Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data

OBMM Install
Create an OMOD:
-Copy this archive to (install folder)\Oblivion\obmm\omod\
-Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
-Click the Create button.
-Click the Add Archive button, find and select the archive, then click Yes.
-Click the Create omod button, then click OK when it finishes.
Install the mod using OBMM:
-Start Oblivion Mod Manager (if not already running)
-Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen.
(icon should turn blue)
Activating the mod files
1. Activate Horse Combat Master.esm
2. Activate DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp
3. Activate DRSplatter.esp, if you want to see blood on the screen AND you insta
lled the required resources.
4. Activate Mounted_Spellcasting_Deadly_Reflex_Compatible.esp, if you want to be
able to cast spell when on horse back
5. Activate ONE of the "Timed Block" esps, if you want to (see the optional file
s section for info about them)
6. Use Oblivion Mod Manager ( or
Wrye bash ( to adjust your load order to look
like following:
[all other ESM files]
[Horse Combat Master.esm]
[all other esps]
ONE Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block esp, if you want to use Timed Block
Deadly Reflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp
NOTE: It´s preferred to load the Combat Moves esp DEAD LAST. Why? Deadly Reflex 6
requires that "Script Effect" is not only silenced, but that the projectile spee
d is set to as high as possible.
If you don´t know what this means, just load the esp last, and you are fine. Only
load other esps after Combat Moves esp if you know what you are doing, or some o
ther trusted mod author (who has read what I said here) tells you to do that.

7. Configure HUD Status Bars, if you installed it. Look in the folder: Oblivion\
There you can find a file called "DR Hud Status Bars.ini" which contains setting
s for DR momentum bar. You have two options:
a) (recommended option!) Study and learn to configure HUD Status Bars, check the
settings in my example INI and use them to display the bar the way you want to.
b) Use my example file directly as HUD Status Bars ini. In the same folder:
-rename "Hud Status Bars.ini" to "BACKUP Hud Status Bars.ini".
-rename "DR Hud Status Bars.ini" to Hud Status Bars.ini.
8. (optional but recommended step)
Go to your Oblivion.ini (Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini) and find the
following setting and set the value to 0, as in the example:

This is to help with 1st person animation clipping. By default, Oblivion doesn´t d
raw objects that are less than 10 units from the "screen surface" (the default v
alue of this setting), which leads more easily part of the hands clipping etc.
You can always set this value back to normal if you need to, for what ever reaso

9. Configure Deadly Reflex using the INI file: Oblivion\data\INI\DeadlyReflex\De

Look for a section that says "Configure these". The settings should have enough
info next to them, to help you understand how to configure them. At first you pr
obably want to leave almost all of them as they are.
So, for now, loo only these settings. There you see which key is used by default
for which action. Change them to something else if you need to, you can see the
number codes at:
set skycaptainsSb.bashKey to 45 ;shield bash/special move key, 4
set skycaptainsSb.flipKey to 33 ;dodge key, the variable name is
simply old, 33=f-key
set skycaptainsSb.horseCombatKey to 48 ;48=b-key
set skycaptainsSb.throwkey to 47 ;47=v-key
Another setting you might be interested in right away is the critical chance mul
set skycaptainssb.criticalchance to 30
In theory, the value can be set as high as you want, but it´s intended to be set b
etween 0 and 100.

9. Start Oblivion either with Oblivion Mod Manager, or by double clicking obse_l
oader.exe. If Obse is not used to launch the game EVERY TIME, the mod WILL NOT W
10. Play the game, and if something seems off, check the INI again - there´s a goo
d chance you can find a setting there that helps you make the mod more to your l
10. Uninstall:
(to uninstall any resources you installed to use DR, refer to the readme of thos
e resources!)

At this point, all I can say is I hope you installed with OBMM (or BAIN).
OBMM uninstallation:
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen,
click Yes. (icon should turn green)

BAIN uninstallation - check Wrye Bash / BAIN readme.

Manual uninstall (good luck..):

You can simply disable the esps and all Deadly Reflex features are disabled.
To clear all files referenced in the esp, download Oblivion Mod Remover (http:// and use to automatically erase most
of the Deadly Reflex files.
You still will have files from DR, you can try to find them in shaders folder, m
eshes\characters\_male and _1st person folder and in some folders under Data\tex
tures. However, I wont provide the name of every single file - as I recommended
not to install manually.

Disabling the Horse Combat Master.esm may cause problems with save game not load
ing; in this case look into Wrye bash documentation on disabling master files (h

11. Incompatibility:
Loading Combat Moves esp last should make sure this mod works with virtually any
However, using other combat mods MAY cause unwanted behaviour or even bugs, brea
k the balance or disable Deadly Reflex features. Try the mod first without other
combat mods, or you will not be able to tell whether everything works or not.
Combat animation replacers, or mods that fundamentally change the Oblivion anima
tion system will most likely make some parts of the mod function differently tha
n intended. Idle animations and pose mods are a different thing and cause no pro
Again, please try the mod first as it´s intended, before trying if something extra
works with it or not.

s that could just as well be conflicts with other combat mods (etc) is considere
d unhelpful and rude.
Anyone is free to play with the beta, but if you choose to help and report bugs,
please TRY to eliminate the possibility of a conflict by not using possibly con
flicting mods, as described above.
Reporting conflicts as *conflicts* is a different thing altogether, and helpful.

12. Known Issues or Bugs:
-NIFSE has a known bug, where NIFSE objects saved into the save game wont load c
orrectly - if you load a save with NifSE objects present. In practice, you get a
missing mesh or a CTD if you leave your weapon sticking out of the target´s body
after a succesful weapon throw, save the game and then load it. Just always retr
ieve the weapon and everything is fine.
-sometimes the thrown weapon seems to remain sticking out of the body of the tar
get, even after retrieving the weapon. This has something to do with the target´s
body not updating properly - the target does not have the item anymore, I have c
hecked that, so it could be an engine bug. I could refresh the body, but with En
hanced Economy set to remove items from dead bodies (or for some other reason) I
always got naked bodies, so I didn´t want to do that.
-Some 1st person animations aren´t necessarily perfect, some might not have been e
dited at all, either by accident or by me considering it´s good enough as it is, o
r me simply getting sick of editing it, or then I was still learning when I did
that anim
If find that really stands out for you, feel free to report it. I may or may not
agree and work on it for the final release. No nitpicking however, please - the
next best alternative is simply copying the Vanilla 3rd person folder into 1st

-throwing weapons does not make any damage when they hit in the wrong angle - in
contrary to what I already wrote in this readme. I´m not sure if they should, so
I didn´t change that yet.
-NPCs don´t use quick impale/stab yet
-NPC flying kicks should probably be less frequent than other kicks, at the mome
nt they use same calculations as other kicks
-casting from horse back does not get detected as an attack or crime by the play
er. This should have been an easy feature to add, but I ran into strange last mi
nute problems. Just don´t exploit it, and it does nothing to hurt your game.

-this mod requires other mods, for the first time. I can´t account for them, I can´t
promise they work perfectly or dont´t break your game. All I can say I´m in the sam
e boat as you are - using them and just as vulnerable to possible bugs in them.
-If you run into a situation where your mouse and/or keyboard appear to be stuck
, hit Esc to enter the menu, and then hit esc again to return.
Visiting the menu clears any slow motion, enables playercontrols etc.

-If it appears that something in the mod breaks, please disable the Combat Moves
.esp, make a new save, and then enable the Combat Moves esp back.
This clears the mod and allows it to start fresh.


Report any bugs you find in the thread in the Official forums (http://www.bethso
at a dedicated bug report thread at

See the discussion tab, after the release my friend should be starting a bug rep
ort thread there which is used to collect the bugs, together with the official f
orums thread.

13. History:
v6.0 BETA - first public release of v6
v5.01, hotfix release for 5.0, fixed a freezing bug, broken chance calculations
and added torch bashing
v5.0 base release, total rewrite, all earlier versions and features are obsolete

14. Contact:
You can find me under the name Skycaptain on the Bethesda official Oblivion mod

15. Credits:
v6 Special Credits
I have terrible memory, I have no list and it has been two years working with di
fferent people, switching resources back and forth, in and out.
IF I have forgot to add you here, please contact me - I´m terribly sorry, and will
instantly fix it!
The Obse crew - once again, without those people DR would not keep evolving!
DragoonWraith - the man behind NIfSE, which twisted the laws of modding realitie
s and made the weapon throwing possible as it is in this mod!
OGE crew - the magic these guys do is awesome, and we have them to thank for hav
ing shaders like Blood on Screen!
ShadeMe - for rewriting Mounted Spell Casting plugin and creating the Blood on S
creen shader for DR, and for ConScribe (
hp?id=26510) - I would never have been ready without this debuggin tool!
Wyzard - for RefScope (, whi
ch I needed more than a few times setting up my test installation!
sinkpoint - for his Martial Arts mod (
?id=16746), from where I got the sweep kick!
UK47 - for the jump kick animation and skullcrush dying anim! And you helped me
much more than that - but I had to eventually scratch some of my ideas, but the
resources are not lost!
SirTroy - for the side stagger anim, torchthrow anim, new decap dying anim, head
butt anim and sweep stumble anim! And you also created more than that, again som
e of my ideas are still unfinished or didn´t work out (yet)!
Wolve - for new organs and blood on screen textures! You as well helped me out m
uch more than that, but where you have helped me more than I can thank for is wi
th the support you have given to people at Tesnexus - thanks man, a lot!
frantic - for the new side kick / roundhouse anim and the quickstab anim
Smoothy - for making the disgustingly real like new intestines!
Draugo - for his mod 1st person Legs (
?id=18595) which is a requirement for this mod and which made kicking in 1st per
son possible!
dDefinder - for his Alternate Blood Textures for MMM (
wnloads/file.php?id=20485) from which I borrowed the new body blood stain textur
Hentai - for his mod Blood textures for Deadly Reflex (
ownloads/file.php?id=25588) from where I borrowed the new ground blood stain tex
Vini - for your general friendship, initial testing and truthful feedback, that
made DR6 much better than it originally would have been!
Loup Sombre - for your mod 3rd person animations in 1st person view (http://www., which is the very base for the 1st pe
rson view in this mod! You made it reality, I tweaked the 3rd person animations
to play more nicely. Cheers mate!
Reira - for your stunning animation replacer, Weaponskill PowerAttackReplacer (h
I have been forced to include some of your animations, because in order to use t
hem in DR6, I had to make 1st person versions and include them in the download.
I have tried to contact you, yet I haven´t even heard of anyone who knows how to d
o that, succesfully. I´m sorry, I´m terribly sorry if I have crossed the line here -
I only wanted people to enjoy your animations in DR, which without my edits wou
ld be impossible.
One word, and they are out of the final release!

Attacks that use an animation from this pack: 1h master powerattack, 2h regular
backward powerattack, 2h journeyman right powerattack. All credit for these anim
ations goes to Reira, I have only made some ugly edits to reduce clipping/make w
eapon visible in 1st person.

Credits from v5 - many of which apply to v6!
Skycaptain would like give his personal handshake and hug to the following amazi
ng people who directly worked in making the v5 update.
These people contributed their time and art directly for Deadly Reflex, and dese
rve a place in this readme as authors of their actual work, as I cannot think of
a way to thank them enough:

The obse crew. The work they have put into Obse is what makes all work on this m
od even possible or meaningfull!
Animations for kick, new swordbash, duck, twohanded impale finisher, impale, cri
tical thrust dying animation, the new thrust attack, and sleepstab by Frantic. (
1st person versions by Skycaptain)
Impale dodging and blocking animations by wolve.
Acrobatic cartwheels, flip, spinning backwards dodge, get-up gesture and spinnin
g jump decapitation move by Keter Sephiroth. (flip edited, spinning dodge 1st pe
rson by Skycaptain)
New neckstab animation by -mike (later edited into throat slit by Skycaptain)
New blood emitter by wolve, nick_op, XMarksTheSpot and ThrottleKitty. Special th
anks for wolve for inventing the emitter and his months of hard work with it, XM
arksTheSpot and ThrottleKitty for their unvaluable help with solving the critica
l problems, and nick_op for making the final, complete version.
Blood stains system idea and mesh taken from Thieves Arsenal, made by scruggsywu
ggsy the ferret, and adjusted by nick_op.
All new blood textures by wolve.
Creature impale sound, blunt smash sound by Solinarius.
Other new sounds based on the Work by Walther, mixed and matched in some cases b
y Skycaptain to create more sounds.

Finally, I would like to mention Vini, who has been my trusted tester, quality m
anager, sound of common sense and a good friend during the whole process of maki
ng this update. Thanks for all the support man!

Credits from v4:
1. To the MAKERS OF OBSE!!!!!! There are no words, those guys are unbelievable,
they are the *SOLE* reason this mod exists.
2. To WOLVE, who worked as my modeler and texturer for the 4.0 update!!!
Almost every new model and texture in v4.0 was created by him, and he was always
ready to try new things and help me solve related problem - THANKS MAN!!!
3. To Keter Sephiroth, who created the Neck Stabbing animation for me even thoug
h he had his own projects under way!!!
4. To SMOOTHY, who gave us the THREE wonderful alternative cut wounds, PLUS THE
6. HUGE thanks for FlyFightFlea for making the Mounted Spellcasting plugin - and
letting me use it!!!!
7. To JazzR and Koldorn, who I believe made the bloody skeleton textures for MMM
- I was directed to just use them and credit according to the MMM readme,
so I hope this address is correct - in any case outstanding work, and thank you
so much for letting me use them!
8. To Demoncleaner, whose Zombie meshes from MMM I think I used with Martigen´s ol
d permission - let me know if I´ve understood him wrong!
9. To Martigen, who allowed me to use those textures made originally for his mod
10. To yarharhar, who I was told originally rigged differently the vanilla Obliv
ion skeleton mesh I´m using here - I was told he hasn´t been around in a while,
so I made my choice. I hope he gets a chance to see his tweak in good use and en
joy it, or lets me know if he disapproves me taking advantage of it.
11. To Walther, who made an alternative sound set for my mod. Unable to contact
you privately, I used 50% of ONE sound for the Skull Crush.
I hope I didn´t do anything wrong - as you made a whole set that only works with m
y mod, I had to assume it´s ok to use it to enhance this mod further. :)
12. To Bethesda, for a great game, the tools to mod it, and the animations I twe
aked to create those different ones seen in this mod.
13. To ALL THE NICE PEOPLE WHO KEPT ME MOTIVATED! This mod is for you. :)


14. Tools Used:
DDS Converter -
Wrye Bash -
NIFSkope -
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) -
Oblivion Mod Manager -
TES4Files -
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -
ConScribe -
RefScope -
15. Licensing/Legal:
You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of
this mod.
Also note that my permission is not enough to use work provided to me by those t
hat helped me, you will need to contact them explicitly as well.


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