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Satan’s first Speech: “Paradise Lost”, Analysis

Being Immortal

Eternal War against God

Ego and Pride

Satan’s first speech in Paradise Lost is a reflection of pure Miltonic Lyricism. The first speech
showed the leadership quality and apostasy of Satan. Satan encourages and motivates his
followers, (Fallen Angels), to stand against God. In the opening lines of the speech, he shows
wonders about the changings found in Beelzebub. He feels ashamed to accept the power of
God; reminds Beelzebub of the glory in heaven and compares it to present sorrows. He believed
that God insulted his esteem and promised to not change his nasty mind against God. As for the
battle, it has been an equal match and the issue uncertain. It is not their want of merit but
God's new and secret weapon that won the war. Throughout the speech, Satan uses rhetorical
figures like Irony that make it impressive. His historical “high disdain" and "sense of injured
merit" have overtones of the ludicrous. It seems weak and childish.

Satan keeps encouraging his followers by saying that just one match don’t decide who the
winner is. So Satan defies the power of God and did not accept the victory of God. We lost just
one match does not mean that we lost everything.

What though the field be lost?

All is not lost, the unconquerable will,

And the study of revenge, immortal hate,

And courage never to submit or yield,

And what is else not to be overcome?

Satan shows excessive pride and ego. These lines contain a ray of hope and Satan seemed to be
more optimistic. He denied accepting his loss. He states that bowing down before God is more
shameful than defeat. The last part of the speech shows his inability to do anything except to
regret his excruciate life. Throughout the speech, there are no commandments or actions to
follow except hate and revenge against God.

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