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Nama : Aulia Amanda Putri

Kelas 03HUKP007 248 (191010200735)

mata kuliah : Bahasa inggris

○1. Make other sentences for the italic terms and their Indonesian meaning!

=In this drug smuggling case the inmates are sentenced to death

Dalam kasus penyelundupan narkoba ini para narapidana dijatuhi hukuman mati

Jarot was found guilty after the evidence was found in his hand

jarot terbukti bersalah setelah ditemukan barang bukti di tangannya

the man who seeking to avoid the death penalty failed and will be sentenced in July

pria yang berusaha menghindari hukuman mati gagal dan akan dijatuhi hukuman pada bulan Juli

Agus and Budi had committed a crime in the form of motorcycle theft

Agus dan Budi melakukan tindak pidana pencurian sepeda motor

inhuman crimes have been committed by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people

kejahatan tidak manusiawi telah dilakukan oleh negara Israel terhadap rakyat Palestina

Amir's mischievous behavior towards other children is very disturbing

Tingkah nakal Amir terhadap anak lain sangat mengganggu

because of his actions Yusuf entangled in Article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law

Karena perbuatannya Yusuf terjerat dalam Pasal 27 ayat 3 UU ITE

When the victim was resting, Anto secretly stole the victim's cellphone

Saat korban sedang istirahat, Anto diam-diam mencuri ponsel korban

Police find the murder victim in a suffocated condition

Polisi menemukan korban pembunuhan dalam kondisi tercekik

After conducting an investigation the police found suspicious burns on the victim's body.

Setelah melakukan penyelidikan polisi menemukan luka bakar yang mencurigakan di tubuh korban.

After a lengthy trial the judge found Tio guilty

Setelah sidang yang lama, hakim memutuskan Tio bersalah

for committing an act of premeditated murder the court sentenced the couple to death

karena melakukan tindakan pembunuhan berencana, pengadilan menghukum mati pasangan itu

anto plead guilty and asked for the forgiveness of his mistakes

anto mengaku bersalah dan meminta maaf atas kesalahannya

budi committed a crime that resulted in him being death penalty

Budi melakukan tindak pidana yang membuatnya dijatuhi hukuman mati

The chairman Jakarta High Court chief , Mr. Made Raw Aryawan, is conducting an interview with a

Ketua Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta, Made Raw Aryawan sedang melakukan wawancara dengan

The Supreme Court chief has several functions such as judicial, supervisory, regulating,
administrative, advisory and other functions

Mahkamah Agung memiliki beberapa fungsi seperti fungsi yudisial, pengawasan, pengaturan,
administrasi, penasehat dan fungsi lainnya

the plane violated UN resolutions

pesawat itu melanggar resolusi PBB

the judge stipulates that the defendant was found guilty

hakim menetapkan bahwa terdakwa dinyatakan bersalah

judicial system in Indonesia according to Article 18 and Article 25 paragraph (1) of Law no. 48/2009,
there are four domains of justice in Indonesia: general courts, religious courts, military courts, and
state administrative courts.

sistem peradilan di Indonesia menurut Pasal 18 dan Pasal 25 ayat (1) UU No. 48/2009, terdapat
empat lingkungan peradilan di Indonesia: peradilan umum, peradilan agama, peradilan militer, dan
peradilan tata usaha negara

jaka inherited his father's wealth who was a company director

jaka mewarisi kekayaan ayahnya yang seorang direktur perusahaan

the husband and wife are babysitting their toddler

sepasang suami istri itu sedang mengasuh balita mereka

The report states that in the past 1 month there were 2 death penalty cases were meted out by
Indonesian courts

Laporan tersebut menyebutkan bahwa dalam 1 bulan terakhir terdapat 2 kasus hukuman mati yang
dijatuhkan oleh pengadilan Indonesia

It is seen on CCTV that there have been sexual assaults against women who are walking

terlihat di cctv telah terjadi serangan seksual terhadap wanita yang sedang berjalan kaki

○2. Create a dialogue containing at least 20 sentences about the passage.

=A: “Hey, have you seen the latest news?”

B: “Not really. I haven’t got the time to check the news lately"

A:"there is an inhuman case that was sentenced to death whose own father was the victim! "

B: "Oh my God. That’s horrible. why the cause?"

A:" Aulia, who was entangled in Rp 10 billion (US$706,120) debt to the bank, worried that Edi had no
intention of helping her pay off her debt. Edi had refused Aulia’s request for him to sell his house in
Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, to pay her debt."

B:"then how did she kill her husband?"

A: "When the victims fell asleep, two hitmen

hired by Aulia and Kelvin suffocated the two men. Afterwards, the bodies were transported to
Sukabumi city in West Java where they were burned inside a car. Not long after the murder, the
Jakarta Police arrested the mother and son after noticing Kelvin’s suspicious burn wound."
B: "oh my god, then how is the legal process?"

A: "they state and Death row inmates Aulia Kesuma and her son, Geovanni Kelvin, who were found
guilty of soliciting the murders of Aulia’s husband and stepson, are seeking to avoid the death
penalty. Both mother and son were sentenced to death by the South Jakarta district court on June

B:"then what about the court process?"

A:"After a lengthy trial, the court found Aulia and Kelvin guilty of soliciting the murders and
sentenced the pair to death. The lawyer for the two defendants, Firman Candra, sent pleas
addressed to eight state officials asking for the death penalty to be abolished. “On Friday, we sent
the pleas to the President, the Vice President, the House Representatives Commission III, the law
and human rights minister, the [Jakarta] High Court chief, the Supreme Court chief and the National
Commission on Human Rights, among other parties. "

B:" oh man it's a long case, which I know the death penalty was a violation
of Article 4 of Law No. 29/1999 on human rights and most importantly Article 3 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, which stipulates that “everyone has the right to life, liberty and
security of person.” “As long as the death penalty exists in Indonesia’s judicial system, the
Country will remain far from the founding fathers’ dream implied through Pancasila,” the pleas
Read. “[Maintaining] the death penalty system inherited from colonizers does not demonstrate
progress in this country.” The plea also pointed to several countries that abolished the death penalty
in 2015."

A:" Wow you are very clever bro, And what I heard Aulia also has one toddler from Edi. "

B:then what is the fate of these toddlers?

A: "I do not know"

B: "ohh that's pretty sad, ok good bye bro"

A: "bye."

○3. Create two paragraph of your opinion concerning the lawyer’s argumentation.

=(the lawyer stated that the death penalty was a violation of Article 4 of Law Number 29 Year 1999
concerning Human Rights and most importantly Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, which states that “everyone has the right to life, liberty and personal security. "

despite many objections, the death penalty was actually permitted. Many countries and religions
allow punishments such as certain crimes that cannot be effectively dealt with through other
[punishment] methods, Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin also said last year that he was
committed to continuing enforcement of the death penalty.)

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