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Drop Your Money Struggle – Member Access

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A Welcome Message From Amanda

Clearing Your Financial Past

Write out all of your money memories. Childhood. Teenage years. Young
Adult. Adult.
Journal out these memories.
Notice what these instances taught you about yourself and money.
We are looking at these stories with the intention to release and

Let’s choose to see this situation through the eyes of love.

Pray: God/Angels/Universe am willing to see things differently. I

Help me to shift my perspective.

Ask yourself: Is the belief picked up around this memory

ultimately true.
See what new positive ideas begin to emerge.
Go through these memories and begin to write a story that feels
better around each one.

(Keep in mind, it is safe to forgive those who hurt us. It has happened. It is in
the past. there is no need to hold on to it longer.)

I am ready and will to clear my history, blocks and stories around money.

The Art of Shifting Quickly

HOMEWORK: Setting Energetic Minimums.

In life, we get what we believe we can have.
What is the lowest possible amount you can imagine making in a
This is your energetic minimum.
We get to practice raising this number.
How would it feel to have a bigger number that you can not imagine
going lower than?

I am worthy of the money desire. I

I always make between ___ and ____ each month.

Money: A Game You Play

HOMEWORK: Setting Higher Standards

What is the amount that you would like to make each month that feels
like a stretch for you?

This is often the number practice beginning to believe I in. This is

my energetic maximum.

What limiting beliefs and ideas tell you it’s not possible to earn

Just like in day one, ask yourself, is this ultimately true?

What is a new more positive story you can tell around the idea that
you can’t have the money that you want?

Most importantly: What would it FEEL like to already have the amount
you desire. Imagine it showing up in your life now. How would that FEEL?
Feeling is energy. Energy creates vibrations. We get what we are a
vibrational match for.

Keep in mind: You don’t have to know HOW it is going to happy, just that
it is going to happen. The how is not your responsibility. have seen money I

show up in people’s lives in all sorts of crazy/miraculous ways.

AFFIRMATION: It's safe to have everything want. am worthy of I I

everything want. I

The Art of the Incremental Increase: Earn More

All of the Time

HOMEWORK: The Daily Work

The work is shifting back each day. The work is observing the ideas that
say we can’t have what we want, recognizing these ideas as untrue and
choosing a new positive story.

What ideas have showed up in your mind today that have told you you
can’t have what you want?

Take a moment do the homework we have already established more

quickly than before.
anything were possible for you, what would you want? Really

really want. Deep in your heart/.

What ideas tell you, you can’t have what you want?
Are those ideas ultimately true? (Hint: They never are.)

What is a more positive perception can choose to believe. I

The polar opposite of the negative belief is often a solid new


AFFIRMATION: am moving into new levels of abundance. I It is safe to

receive all my desires.

Tying ItAll Together: Making Earning an

Extension of Your Daily Life

HOMEWORK: Abundance: A way of life.

Take it to the next level:

What do wish were true for me? I

What would do now I if I believed the above were true for me?
How would feel now I if I believed the above were true for me.

** Come back into the place of believing each day.

** Practice shifting back and hold the feeling of what you desire being

Ichoose to receive $X amount into my life each month. am so excited to I

receive this. know am worthy of all my desires.


Money: A Resource For Good.

What Money is Used For. How Earning Serves You &
the World.

What bad thing am afraid I will happen if I choose to receive the money I


there any reason don’t want my desires to come true for me?
Is I

(this could have to do with taxes, people wanting money from you, a
fear you won’t handle money well, etc)

What do choose now to be true for me instead of the above?


Ialways make the right decisions and do the right things. Everything is
always coming together perfectly for me.

Money: A Mother Effing

Heart Issue.
Assume and Elevated Frequency Around Receiving
Guidance & Cash

What would my life look like right now if I choose to receive everything
that desire?

What actions would take right now I if I knew could receive I all that I


How would feel right now I if I believed could receive everything that


What would feel so good to believe right now? What would it be so good
to receive right now?

What ideas in mine tell me can't have this desire? (Reframe each story)

It'ssafe to make my own way. It's safe to make my own rules. have been I

given tremendous power. create my life as see fit. It's safe to trust myself. I I

Step Into Your Worthiness

Viewing Money as Your Birthright. Releasing the
'How' Around Receiving

Check in with yourself: What is going on below the surface for me right

What is the fear associated with any anxiety/negativity occurring under

the surface

that fear real/true? Is there a more positive way to see this? What do
Is I

choose to believe now about myself of the inevitability of my desires?

anything were possible for me and could have whatever wanted,

If I I I

how would choose to see this now? I

Money is my birthright. choose to receive I all that desire... easily.

When Receiving Money

Becomes the Default State of Who You Are

Nothing is bad or good; Everything is just evidence/information. Everything
that shows up in your life, you were an energetic match for in one way or
another. The best questions to journal on when weird things show up are:

How was I a match for this?

This undesirable thing is showing me that believe what about I

myself/my worth?

What to choose now to believe can receive and have instead?


AFFIRMATION: choose now to know that get to have everything I I I

want. People love to pay me. Receiving money is so easily for me.

Living From Confident Expectation.

Deciding on Your Desired Outcome. Becoming
Willing to Always Allow Money In

What do wish were true for me? I

anything were possible for me, what would believe/desire/decide

If I

right now?

could write my own rules, how would life work for me? How easy,
If I

fun, float, exciting would choose for things to be? I

How do choose to design my I life now? How do choose I life works for
me now?

What do now choose to call in, in my life, over and over, for good no

matter what? (i.e. what gets to be my new standards around money?)

My work is of high service and worthy of massive compensation.


To continue on your journey with Money Mentality Makeover, you may

use the coupon code: YOUARESORICH to get $333 off your MMM
purchase. (Note: If you also own The Energy And Frequency Of Money, you
have a different code to use as you get credit for both. Please email to get your combined coupon.)



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