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Starting position

Stand naturally with feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging naturally, hands
at the sides and eyelids dropping. Be fully relaxed in the whole body and breathe
naturally and steadily. (Figure 1). Direct and concentrate the thought on the eyes
and say silently: “Eyes wet, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6”.

Figure 1

Form I Soothing the liver and improving vision acuity

Lip-rounding: Close the two lips lightly, with corners of the mouth stretching
sideways and teeth revealing a narrow seam.

Sound utterance: Say “Xu…..” while opening the eyes wide. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

Movements: Put the two arms at the sides, with fingers pointing downward.
While saying “Xu…..” with eyes wide open, raise the forearms to the collar bones
before spreading out like a bird flying (Figures 3-5).

Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

!!!!After saying “Xu …..”, close the eyes slightly, with lips closed and the tip of the
tongue touching the palate. Turn the arms inwardly toward the face until the
palms reach over the eyes and stay there, with the inner center of the palm over
the eyeballs. Direct and concentrate the thought toward the eyes and say
silently: “Eyes wet 1---6). Then press the palms downward gently through the
chest toward the lower abdomen until they return to the original positions.
(Figures 6-8)

Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8

Repeat the movements six times.

The Qi goes through the liver, lung, intestine and stomach channels.

Form II Tranquilizing the mind and nourishing the eyes

Lip-rounding: half-open the mouth, with the tip of the tongue touching the
lower teeth gently.

Sound utterance: Say “Ke ….” with eyelids dropping (Figure 9).

Movements: While saying “Ke…. “, turn the palms inward and raise them
upward to the chest before turning the palms outward to the sides of the face,
with the middle finger pointing to the outer corners of the eyes (Figures 10-11).

Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11

After finishing the utterance, close the lips gently, with the tip of the tongue
touching the palate. Turn the forearms inward, with the palms covering the eyes
(Figure 6), with the center point of the palm over the eyeballs. Direct and
concentrate the thought on the eyes while saying silently: “Eyes wet 1-6”. Lift the
palms off the eyes and massage the inner corners of the eyes with the small
finger six times before moving the palms upward and toward the hair, just like
combing until they reach the back of the head. Then move the palm downward,
through the shoulders, back and the backside to return to the original position
(Figure 12-14).
Repeat the movements three times.

Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14

Form III Strengthening the kidney and tonifying the eyes

Lip-rounding: Pout the mouth, with the tip of the tongue rolling up slightly, as
if blowing at a flute.

Sound utterance: Say “Cui ……” while dropping the eyelids (Figure 15).

Movements: Put the hands on the sacrum on the back, with fingers pointing
downward and palm outward. While uttering the sound, raise the hands upward,
bypassing the armpits to stretch out forward in a circular movement and pressing
gently down while bending the legs until the knees are in the same vertical line
with the tips of the feet (Figures 16 and 17).

Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17

At the end of sound utterance, close the lips lightly, with the tip of the tongue
touching the palate while turning the palm upward and moving the arms up to the
face with the momentum of straightening up the legs, resting the palms on the
eyes (Figure 6), with the center on the eyeball. Direct and concentrate the
thought on the eyes while saying silently: “Eyes wet 1-6”. Then put the hands
through the sides of the head, through the neck, shoulders, chest and buttocks
down to the sides of the body (Figure 18-23). Repeat the movements three

The qi goes through the liver, heart, Sanjiao and bladder channels.
Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20

Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23

Form IV Turning the neck to exercise the eyes

Movements: Direct and concentrate the thought on the eyes, open the eyes
wide. Turn the face right horizontally over the right shoulder, with eyes looking
into the distance behind. Then lower the head and turn it leftward, upward, with
face up and continue to turn toward the right side. While turning round the neck
with the eyes moving with the turning movement, say silently: “Eyeball turning,
turning freely, with eyes wet”. After making three circles, turn the head clockwise
for another three circles before restoring to the starting position. The turning must
be slow. Patients with retina detachment or vitreous opacity should pay particular
attention to the degree of turning and do not apply any force when lowering and
turning up the head (Figures 24-27).

Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27

“Massaging slowly”, move the hands from inside to outside with the ring
fingers pressing on the Tongzejiao acupoint, index fingers pressing on the
Taiyang acupoint and turning the fingers three circles from behind to the front.
While saying the watch words “concentrating the mind”, massage the eye
stockets and the eyebrows until they reach the hair border, for three times. While
saying the watch words “Eyes wet”, move the hands down to the eye brows, with
the ring fingers kneading the Yangming acupoint three times. Repeat the
movements three times (Figures 28-32).
Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30

Figure 31 Figure 32

Form VI Regulating the vision

Stand, fully relaxed, with the eyes opening suddenly to gaze into a distance
and say silently: “Eyes wet 1-6” before closing the eyelids, thinking that the feet
are warming up…. Repeat the movements three times (Figure 33).

Figure 33

Regulating the breath and ending the exercise

Regulating the breath: Raise the hands gently upward from the two sides,
with palms down, sinking the shoulders, the elbows and relaxing the wrists.
When the wrists are raised to the level of the shoulders, rotate the forearms
outward to turn the palm upward. When dropping the elbows, rotate inwardly to
raise them to between the eyebrows and the nose. Then turn palm downward
and press down slowly from the chest, like pressing a ball until they reach the
sides as in the starting position (Figures 34-36).
Figure 34 Figure 35 Figure 36

Put the hands together with palms facing each other and rest them at the Dantian
acupoint (1.5 inch below the navel). Men put left hand over the right and women
put the right hand over the left. Say silently : “Abdomen warming up 1-6).
Exercises end.


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