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Laziness is a state where you don’t want to do anything, you’re are totally
unwilling to spend your energy. When you think doing a task is very difficult
and even impossible for you this state is known as laziness. It’s your desire
to do nothing and remain idle like a lifeless body.

You’ve heard many times that human beings are quite lazy by nature and
that’s very true. A lazy person just wants to live a comfortable and luxurious
life he just can’t use his physical energy.

Synonyms for laziness are indolence and sloth. Indolence derives from the
Latin indolentia, ‘without pain’ or ‘without taking trouble’. Sloth has more
moral and spiritual overtones than laziness or indolence. In the Christian
tradition, sloth is one of the seven deadly sins because it undermines
society and God’s plan, and because it invites sin.

You were not born lazy. But you picked up lazy habits on the way.

I know how pathetic you feel afterward when the pile of unfinished tasks
builds up in front of you.

You want more from your life, but when you feel lazy to act, nothing seems
to work. Even thinking about your goals or dreams may not motivate you to
stop being lazy.
It’s a relief to learn that because now you have a choice to change. And you
can overcome laziness by substituting those habits with better habits.

Effects Of Laziness

Laziness is the biggest enemy of any person because it can ruin your life
completely. Laziness will also prevent you to proceed further.

• You can never achieve anything in your life.

• This will keep you confused and disturbed the whole day.

• It will reduce your ability and efficiency.

• Laziness can also affect your health.

• You can’t work properly in an efficient manner.

• This can reduce your thinking power or memory.

How to overcome laziness? Is it the same as procrastination?

Laziness or slothfulness, is choosing to stay idle despite having the

ability to act.

Laziness is not the same as procrastination. Procrastination is when we

postpone our tasks to a later period and choose to do easy and less
important tasks, while laziness is simply choosing not to do them even
though you perfectly can.
Though laziness can make you procrastinate, there are other reasons for
procrastination too.

Here are the most effective and powerful methods to overcome laziness and
maximize your potential.


You cannot solve a problem unless you know what causes it.

There can be different reasons for feeling lazy.

Maybe it’s a boring or tedious task, maybe you have fears holding you ba ck,
or you feel lethargic and don’t have the energy to do it.

Let’s look at each scenario.


Life requires us to do many tasks that are mundane, repetitive and


Like household chores, studying, data entry work for your job etc.

But you can’t possibly live in a house that has been uncleaned for weeks, or
you can’t eat healthy homemade food if you don’t cook and always grab a
burger on the way back to home. You fail in your exams if you don’t study
(and you know the consequences) and the data entry work you don’t want to
do helps you stay organized.

If you convince yourself and understand your “why”, you can push yourself.

For example, I do many unpleasant tasks on a daily basis, at home, and for
blogging. I used to be lazy and procrastinate much with the tasks I don’t

But what I do now is, I schedule all the tasks that should be done in a day
(interesting and boring ones) in my bullet journal(check pdf 1.0 and 1.1).
And I do the most important ones first thing in the morning (usually writing),
and others follow.

I do each activity even if I like it or not because I think about the

consequences of not doing it and that forces me.


Sometimes you choose not to do a task because you have some inhibitions
holding you back.

Find out why you have them and find a solution.

No matter where you come from, everyone is given this asset. It’s nothing
else, but time.
But, think about how we take care of it.

Are you living in a way, where each day of your life is as productive as

No, I’m not suggesting you live like a robot and live only from a list. But as
humans, to be successful in life, you need to plan your days and hav e an
ongoing system to get things done.

But we tend to procrastinate on some important tasks no matter how hard

we try. The reason may be deep without us realizing it.

Laziness isn’t the only reason we procrastinate. It could be the underlying

fear of failure.

Fear of failure haunts you when you have one or more of the following

We fear failure when we doubt our abilities. Self-doubt and lack of self-
confidence lead to inaction. Even when we think it’s something we should
do, we are unable to take action. We procrastinate.

As a result, many people go to their graves with their dreams buried in



Take a sheet of paper and write down the most important task or goal that
you tend to procrastinate or wanted to do. And come up with 5-10 reasons
why you think you can’t do it (these are your fears).

Now for each reason, think about what can be done to solve each one. Here
you get an idea on what’s causing you to procrastinate or lazy and you are
identifying the solution to each problem.

You can brainstorm more and get more ideas on how you can solve each
one. It might be learning new things about your subject, acquiring new skills,
or having to figure out about setting aside more time for it.

Writing by hand is important as it gives you more clarity to your thoughts.

For example, if you want to become a singer, instead of doubting your
ability, think about what you can do now to pursue this goal.

As the first step, you can join a music school and start lea rning and

You can surely do that.

But if you look at Beyoncé or Lady Gaga you will feel overwhelmed by
thinking you can’t be them. Remember, they started like you.


You want to take action but you feel tired to move even a muscle. Maybe it’s
because you have some underlying health problems.

This happens to me often, and I started including more nutritious food in my

diet and cut junk.

Many people have one or the other common nutrient deficiencies(check

in pdf 2.0 and 2.1). Include supplements and a variety of fruits and veggies
in your diet if you want to up your levels.

Make exercise a part of your daily life. Exercise makes your body release
chemicals called ‘endorphins’. They boost your mood and give you positive

When you are brimming with energy, it’s less likely to feel lazy.

When a person usually depends on another person. When a person can’t live on
his own and always feel dependent on any other person. He just can’t do his
work himself this makes him lazy. If you’ll find a support system in your life then
you can never succeed in your life you have to your own support system.

E) Poor Lifestyle Choices

Most of the people live unplanned and totally careless lifestyles. They keep on
doing things that are not important at all such as chatting on social media,
watching movies and texting. Most active people on social media can confess
that hours pass by without even their noticing.

Social media tends to consume a lot of time for everybody. It keeps you busy
and prevents you from doing what really matters to you. If you are a victim of this,
then you’ll feel your inability to get work done.

Your mind needs adequate rest and when it doesn’t get, it dramatically affects
your ability to perform tasks in an effective manner.
F) Indecisiveness and No specific goal of life

Life is all about the decisions you make in it. The mind of some people just can’t
be made up or they can’t decide what to do and this can lead them to laziness.

You just keep on wasting your day without deciding anything for the day. If you
can’t make decisions in your life then this is the biggest reason for your laziness.
And if we think practically then this is quite sure that if a person has no goals to
achieve in his life then what work he’ll do and the reason is obvious he’ll become
so lazy.

G) Lack of Self Worth

If you believe in yourself only then you can face any task in your life but lazy
people never understand self-worth and this makes them more lazy and

On the other hand, those that don’t value themselves never care for hygiene.
They live in dirty houses, wear dirty clothes because they can’t put efforts to
clean them and they start thinking they don’t deserve anything better.

Laziness begets laziness.

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