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Certificate of Authenticity for Swiss cheese shall be issued by the organization authorized

by the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture.

The text of the Origin Declaration set out in the Korea-EFTA FTA1)


"The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorization No

declares that, except where otherwise cleary indicated, these
products are of preferential origin"

이 신고서류(세관인증번호 )에 기재된 제품의 수출자는 명시적으로 달리 표시된

경우를 제외하고는 이 제품이 (국가)의 특혜원산지물품임을 신고합니다.

(Place and date)4)

(장소 및 신고일자)

(Signature of the exporter)5)

(수출자의 성명 및 서명)

(Overleaf Notes)
Completion Guidelines
The text of the Origin Declaration shall be completed in English. The footnotes and Korean
Interpretation are provided for reference. Thus, they do not have to be reproduced.

In case where an Approved Exporter completes the form pursuant to Article 16 to Annex I of
the Korea-EFTA FTA, Customs authorization No. refers to the good's Customs Clearance
Number issued by the Customs authority of the exporting country. The space shall remain
omitted if the form is completed by no Approved Exporter.
When the origin declaration is made out by an approved exporter within the meaning of
Article 16, the authorization number of the approved exporter must be entered in this space.
When the origin declaration is not made out by an approved exporter, the words in brackets
shall be omitted or the space left blank.

Origin of products to be indicated (Icelandic, Norwegian, Swiss or Korean). The use of

ISO-Alpha-2 codes is permitted (IS, NO, CH or KR).
① Korea: KR
② Iceland: IS
3 ③ Norway: NO
④ Swiss (including Liechtenstein): CH

Origin of products to be indicated (Icelandic, Norwegian, Swiss or Korean). The use of

ISO-Alpha-2 codes is permitted (IS, NO, CH or KR). Reference may be made to a specific
column of the invoice in which the country of origin of each product is entered.

Place and Date of Origin Declaration issued shall be indicated. However, these entries shall be
omitted if the information is provided on the documents such as the commercial invoice which
4 include the text of the Origin Declaration.

These indications may be omitted if the information is contained on the document itself.

Full name of the exporter shall be correctly indicated. In case of Approved Exporter, name and
signature shall be omitted. When the origin declaration is not made out by an approved
exporter, the words in brackets shall be omitted or the space left blank.
Approved exporters are not required to sign. The exemption of signature also implies the
exemption of the name of the signatory.

For goods manufactured by outward processing (including Gaesung products) shall indicate
the below texts in the space under 'Remarks'.

"the provisions of Appendix 4 to Annex I(Exemptions from the principle of

6 Territoriality) have been applied"

Special indication should be made, for instance, in the case of products subject to paragraph 3
of Appendix 4 to Annex I: “the provisions of Appendix 4 to Annex I (Exemptions from the
Principle of Territoriality) have been applied”

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