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Practice 35


242 Problem Find all integers solutions of a3 + 2b3 = 4c3 . 244 Problem Shew that the series of integral squares does not contain an infinite
arithmetic progression.

243 Problem Prove that the equality x2 + y2 + z2 = 2xyz can hold for whole numbers
x, y, z only when x = y = z = 0. 245 Problem Prove that x2 + y2 = 3(z2 + w2 ) does not have a positive integer solution.

3.5 Mathematical Induction

The Principle of Mathematical Induction is based on the following fairly intuitive observation. Suppose that we are to perform
a task that involves a certain finite number of steps. Suppose that these steps are sequential. Finally, suppose that we know
how to perform the n-th step provided we have accomplished the n − 1-th step. Thus if we are ever able to start the task (that
is, if we have a base case), then we should be able to finish it (because starting with the base we go to the next case, and then to
the case following that, etc.).
We formulate the Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI) as follows:

Principle of Mathematical Induction Suppose we have an assertion P(n) concerning natural numbers satisfying the
following two properties:

(PMI I) P(k0 ) is true for some natural number k0 ,

(PMI II) If P(n − 1) is true then P(n) is true.

Then the assertion P(n) is true for every n ≥ k0 .

246 Example Prove that the expression 33n+3 − 26n − 27 is a multiple of 169 for all natural numbers n.

Let P(n) be the assertion “33n+3 − 26n − 27 is a multiple of 169.” Observe that 33(1)+3 − 26(1) − 27 = 676 = 4(169) so P(1)
is true. Assume the truth of P(n − 1), that is, that there is an integer M such that

33(n−1)+3 − 26(n − 1) − 27 = 169M.

This entails
33n − 26n − 1 = 169M.
33n+3 − 26n − 27 = 27 · 33n − 26n − 27

= 27(33n − 26n − 1) + 676n

= 27(169M) + 169 · 4n

= 169(27M + 4n),

and so the truth of P(n − 1) implies the truth of P(n). The assertion then follows for all n ≥ 1 by PMI.

247 Example Prove that √ √

(1 + 2)2n + (1 − 2)2n
is an even integer and that √ √ √
(1 + 2)2n − (1 − 2)2n = b 2
for some positive integer b, for all integers n ≥ 1.

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