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Disusun Oleh :

Nama : 1. TATA YULIA D. S (P1337420418026)

2. SAMIATUL ALIYAH (P1337420418092)

Tingkat : 2B



TA 2020/2021
At the main clinic, a noble image, at 8:00 a.m. WIB, was carried out between nurses

Karu : “Assalamualaikum, good morning, today the same as the previous days in
accordance with the activities of the early morning shift will be preceded by
operands between nurses who stand guard last night with nurses who shift this
morning. Please the nurse who is late at night to report the patient's condition”
Nurse (Night) : “Thank you for the time given, good morning colleagues, I will today report
the condition of the patient last night. Consisting of 3 patients.”

1. Patient bed 1 a / n S, age 38 with dx: COB (post op). K / U px coma, the patient is still
unconscious with GCS 1 1 1. Earlier this morning at 05.00 WIB, TD: 90/60 mmHg, N: 80x /
minute, RR: 20x / minute, and S: 37. The patient was attached with infusion ns 0 , 9% 20
tpm, catheter, NGT and 4 lpm oxygenation. Last night the injection that had entered mannitol
100 cc, Ceftriaxone 2 gr, Phenitoin 10 mg, and Cimetidin 2 gr. DL checks have been made
earlier 06.00 WIB results later this afternoon. Head CT scan plan and re-insert infusion
because it has plebitis. Intervention continued
2. Bed 2 a / n Mrs. S, age 34 with dx: Ca Cervix. Last night the patient complained of pain,
nausea and no appetite. K / U cm, Face grimacing, px bleeding, Gcs 4,5,6, TTV this morning
TD: 110/70 mmhg, N: 90x / minute, RR: 20x / minute, S: 36.5. RL of 20 tpm was installed,
last night was given Vitamin A 50,000 iu and Mirabion 1 capsule, Kalnex 500 mg,
mefenamic acid 500 mg orally. Yesterday night I was given a blood transfusion 1 PRC runs
out. This morning I had done a DL check and a complete urine examination, the results
haven't been. PRC plan for further blood transfusion if the hemoglobin has not been ≥ 10gr /
dl according to doctor's advice, the intervention is continued.
3. Bed 3 a / n Mr H, age 50 years with dx: Appendixitis (Post op). K / U cm, GCS 4 5 6, the
patient did not complain of pain, this morning TD: 120 / 80mmHg, N: 80x / minute, RR:
20x / minute, S: 36.60C. The patient was placed with a 20 tpm NS infusion, had been given
ranitidine injection 2 ml and 500 mg antrain. Plan to continue intervention. Done sir

Karu : “Good thanks to the night watch nurse, for the report. Is there anything
Nurse : “Clearly ma'am”

Di suatu klinik utama citra mulia, pagi pukul 08.00 WIB, dilakukan operan antar perawat

Karu :Assalamualaikum, selamat pagi rekan-rekan, hari ini sama seperti

hari-hari sebelumnya sesuai dengan kegiatan awal shift pagi akan
didahului oleh operan antara perawat yang berjaga malam kemarin
dengan perawat yang shift pagi hari ini. Silahkan kepada perawat yang
sift malam melaporkan kondisi pasien
Perawat (Malam) : Terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan, selamat pagi rekan-
rekan, saya hari ini akan melaporkan kondisi pasien tadi malam.
Terdiri dari 3 pasien.
1. Pasien bed 1 a/n Tn. S , umur 38 th dengan dx: COB (post op). K/U px coma, pasien
masih tidak sadar dengan GCS 1 1 1. Tadi pagi 05.00 WIB,TD : 90/60 mmHg, N :
80x/menit, RR :20x/menit, dan S : 37. Pasien terpasang infus ns 0,9% 20 tpm, kateter,
NGT dan oksigenasi 4 lpm. Tadi malam injeksi yang sudah masuk manitol 100 cc,
Ceftriaxone 2 gr, Phenitoin 10 mg, dan Cimetidin 2 gr. Cek DL sudah dilakukan tadi
06.00 WIB hasil nanti siang. Rencana CT Scan Kepala dan pasang ulang infus karena
sudah plebitis. Intervensi dilanjutkan
2. Bed 2 a/n Ny. S , umur 34 th dengan dx : Ca Serviks. Tadi malam pasien mengeluh nyeri,
mual dan tidak nafsu makan. K/U cm, Wajah tampak meringis, px mengalami
perdarahan, Gcs 4,5,6, TTV pagi ini TD : 110/70 mmhg , N : 90x/menit, RR : 20x/menit,
S : 36,5. Terpasang infus RL 20 tpm, kemarin malam sudah diberikan Vitamin A 50.000
iu dan Mirabion 1 capsul, Kalnex 500 mg, Asam mefenamat 500 mg per oral. Kemarin
malam sudah diberikan transfusi darah 1 PRC habis. Tadi pagi sudah dilakukan cek DL
dan pemeriksaan urine lengkap, hasil belum. Rencana transfusi darah PRC lanjut jika Hb
belum ≥ 10gr/dl sesuai advice dokter, intervensi dilanjutkan.
3. Bed 3 a/n Tn H, umur 50 th dengan dx: Apendiksitis (Post op). K/U cm, GCS 4 5 6,
pasien tidak mengeluh nyeri, pagi ini TD: 120/80mmHg, N: 80x/menit, RR: 20x/menit,
S: 36,60C. Pasien terpasang infus NS 20 tpm, sudah diberikan injeksi ranitidin 2ml dan
antrain 500 mg. Rencana lanjutkan intervensi. Selesai pak.
Karu :Baik terimakasih kepada perawat jaga malam, atas laporannya. Baik apa ada
yang kurang jelas?
Perawat : Jelas bu (serentak)

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