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attraction for :

enemies in
awr;ivqrrq-{qRR{rq-i attachment. a\
Kingdom of )
cfrryFrq-qFrfban& t
Supreme. The
a uan Ufrqrqr.iFd"rt6r: enjoying the ci
$vrqlrrFmlqR'.q6 tt t ll Knowledge o1
taj fl dnarh pra S arnakararir
sE€r16 j
taj fl eyarh yadupanisatsu niScitartham,
te dhanyd bhuvi paramdrthani6citehah
Sesdstu bhramanilaye paribhramanti.
That alone is Knowledge which brings about
tranquility of the senses. That alone is to be known tyaktvd grh
which has its significance established in the atme c'--
Upanisads. They alone are blessed whose aspiration vitasprha r
is firmly set on knowing the Supreme Truth. Others
are only whirling round (being caught) in an eddy (in dhanr.r
the form of worldly life) or (living) in an abode of Blessed ar
delusion. essence of the
restraint. The
3rCf{fucu@- enjoyment ar
?srRq@:t downfall in irr
arsrqdvr|trtrq{r(1Tfrilr- attraction for e
move about rr.
qr{rgq r{.Jtffi tr€t-t: | | ? | |

adau vij itya vi saydnmada mohardga - (qa(ql N! i -

dve s ddi 5 atruganamahrtayogaraj yah, -
jndtvd matarh samanubh[ya pardtmavidya - 6dkq-trn
kdntd sukharh vanagrhe vicaranti dhanyah. ?,?
l-' >'

Blessed are they who have conquered at first the
attraction for the sense-objects and also the host of
enemies in the form of conceit, infatuation,
attachment, aversion etc. Thereby they win over the
Kingdom of Yoga which is contemplation on the
Supreme. They move about in the abode of forest,
enjoying the company of the beloved in the form of
Knowledge of the Supreme-Self, having a clear
understanding of their path of pursuit.

l::::. iry€r${Fdqtffik5r-
El! - :--l.

ffirf<tifrq<: t

nf .--'
L_-- --

uqrzr<Rfrdigf+gmrw: tt I ll
r about
r! - :e known tyaktvd gthe ratimadhogatihetubhDtarh
h, ::: in the dtmecchayop anisadartharasarh pib antah,
hrr::- 'spiration vitasprha visayabhogapade viraktd
I - --:: Others dhanya6caranti vij anesu vimukta sangdh .
: ': eddy (in
m :: ebode of Blessed are they who are sipping the juice of
essence of the Upanisads, at their free will without
restraint. They have abandoned all sensuous
enjoyment at home, which is the cause of one's
downfall in life. Being free from desire and no
attraction for enjoyment of worldly pleasures, they
move about in solitude, with a sense of release from
ir{€Tqqrdfr i{.il+,tqaa

F q|?l-rEqrqTter'qqqfifqq t
E- - :.': - q-dkqqq-qllqil{ffi
n. - ::.i'ah. tffiffitpr: llxll
tyaktvd mamdhamiti bandhakare pade dve
manavamana sadr6ah samadarSina6ca,
kartdramanyamavagamya tadarpitani
kurvanti karmaparipdka phaldni dhanyd[r. ndsanna sa
na stn p
Blessed are they who realise that the Kartd (doer yairbrahmi
of action) is different from the Self and resign the dhanr.a
fruits of actions to that Kartd. They look upon all alike
and remain the same both towards honour and Blessed ar
dishonour since they have given up the feeling of 'I'
following wa)
and 'mine' the two shackles that tie down

n 'It is not Tl
nor is It the cor
ffierq-r.rf: nor the subtle.
Seil!t{@: t
neutral. It is the
ufrfr:qirs{r<q-{qrfldf (with glory) u't
uqrfrsnrofr eq+fr*qR t r,1 | |
shackles of wor

tyaktvai saf Etrayamaveksitamoks amdrgdh er*nwg'.qkq'

bhaiksdmrtena parikalpita dehaydtrdtr,
jyotih pardtparatararh paramdtmasamj flarh $:vreer
dhanyd dvija rahasi hrdyavalokayanti. Hrn<q;T{rrF
Blessed are those twice-born, who in solitude
visualize within their bosom the Supreme Effulgence,
ajfldna pank
called Paramitman. Having given up the three duhkhal
desires, they seek the path of salvation, maintaining
samsara bar
their physical existence, by means of nector of alms.
qR[f,mT{{r1-s*qr"J Blessed are
arfigrreq{iuoftnqtq{ worldly life is e


the sword of knr

to understand
FiqTffitr{warqaT: uQ n caught in the m
r60 worthwhile. aL,,
birth, death and
E l::: Jve
D]'J_ nasanna sanna sadasanna mahanna canu
ur - ::an)'ah.
na stri pumann a canapumsakamekab-rjam,
yairbrahma tatsamamup dsitamekacittaih
ru ::
Karta (doer dhanyd virej uritare bhavap dSabaddhah'
a[ --- ] resign the
[. t -],-lfl all alike Blessed are they by whom the Brahman is
f - : :- lnoUf and contemplated with one pointed attention in the
I := -:eirng of 'I' following way.
u' :- ,Jown the
. 'It is not That which is not, nor That which is,
nor is It the combination of both. It is neither the big
nor the subtle, nor is It the female or the male or the
neutral. It is the One Source of all'. Such people shine
(with glory) while others remain imprisoned by the
shackles of worldlY life.

h:ni l:ih, €:€ld.4rRufcFrT-d{Iz|fl{d{ I

f{r:"t -. :am dsrc*-urqFrcqraw tIeTT

h*- :::1.
f,rqTfu{rd{EqMftfrTqFd I I \e I I

: -: solitude
L il|:
plrr: -Julgence, aj fl anka p arimagnamap etas ararh
dna p

ll -: :he three duhkhdlayarir maraqaj anma j arava s aktam,

J, 1 --.lntaining samsara bandhanamanityamaveksya dhanydh
J:r:* -: rf alms. jflln6sind tadavaSirya vini6cayanti'
Blessed are they who realise that the bondage of
worldly life is ephemeral and cut off that bond with
the sword of knowledge and remain firm. They came
to understand that this worldly life means, to be
fu'r caught in the mine of ignorance, devoid of anything
*otth*hile, abode of sorrow and associated with
birth, death and old age.
:t (The w3\'
KdqvqrfirifrglrR uar: n. | |

santairananya matibhir madhurasvabhdvaih Ne
ekatvani S cita manobhirap etamohaih, wiqrqrEre=
sdkarh vanesuviditatma padasvar[paih gfr{q-Tq
tadvastu samyaganiSarh vimr6anti dhanydh.
pure pauran pas)
Blessed are they who ponder well over that suvesdn svarnala
Reality all the time in the forest. They are associated svayarh sdksaddra
with people who are at peace within, whose attention munir na vydmoh
is not diverted, and who are of sweet nature. They
understand the significance of the word Atman with Seeing, like
the conviction in their minds that Realitv is one and consisting of m
remain free from infatuation.
forms clad in
ornaments of go
them and mixin
ignorance dispel
all deluded.

rmqd<rfl .

1frt' arr
vane vrksan-pas) ch
bhajanghasre rar
munir na r,r'amo:


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