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Study of Job Satisfaction and Its Implications for Motivating Employees at Infosys Dr.

Ashok Kumar
Panigrahi Associate Professor in Finance, NMIMS University, Shirpur. E-Mail ID – M – 8888810975 Dr. Vijay Joshi Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies
& Research (DAIMSR) Deekshabhoomi, NAGPUR. M – 9049975365 1 ABSTRACT
The main aim of the study is to determine the job satisfaction of employees in Infosys. It includes
determining various parameters that influence job satisfaction and also the present level of satisfaction
of the employees. To understand employees perceptions about the job and come up with
recommendations for the company to improve the level of job satisfaction. The method used to perform
the study was a Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of various sections like
personal details, working conditions related questions, salary and promotion opportunities related
questions, work relationships and skills and abilities related questions and questions on role performed.
The questionnaire was circulated in various project teams at Infosys and also the respondents belonged
to various designations. The findings were that employees at Infosys valued work relationships and
healthy working conditions the most when it came to job satisfaction. Closely followed were salary,
other benefits and opportunities to learn new skills. Regarding working conditions the employees were
satisfied with the number of hours spent at office, current location, sick and paid leaves but were
dissatisfied with the flexibility at the job. Regarding salary and opportunities for promotion the
employees were dissatisfied, however on the parameters of job security, other benefits and recognition
for work the employees were satisfied. The results observed suggested that the company should look
towards building a long term relationships with the employees by rewarding the deserving employees
and providing them with the compensation that is as per industry standards. Surveys should be
conducted to understand what is most important to the employees and where the company is lacking in
building a healthy relationship with its employees. Key Words: Job Satisfaction, Infosys, Satisfaction,
Dissatisfaction, Motivation

INTRODUCTION: Importance of Job Satisfaction: Beyond the research literature and studies, job
satisfaction is also important in everyday life. Organizations have significant effects on the people who
work for them and some of those effects are reflected in how people feel about their work. This makes
job satisfaction an issue of substantial importance for both employers and employees. As many studies
suggest, employers benefit from satisfied employees as they are more likely to profit from lower staff
turnover and higher productivity if their employees experience a high level of job satisfaction. However,
employees should also ‘be happy in their work, given the amount of time they have to devote to it
throughout their working lives’ (Nguyen, Taylor and Bradley, 2003a). Investigated by several disciplines
such as psychology, sociology, economics and management sciences, job satisfaction is a frequently
studied subject in work and organizational literature. This is mainly due to the fact that many experts
believe that job satisfaction trends can affect labor market behavior and influence work productivity,
work effort, employee absenteeism and staff turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction is considered a strong
predictor of overall individual well-being, as well as a good predictor of intentions or decisions of
employees to leave a job. Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job.
There are a variety of factors that can influence a person’s level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors
include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness to the promotion system within a company,
the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships and the job itself. Job
satisfaction has also been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s
job; an affective reaction to one’s job; and an attitude towards one’s job. Weiss (2002) has argued that
job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of
cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors .This definition suggests that we
form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviours. Job
satisfaction can also be defined as either as the overall or general job satisfaction of an employee or as
the satisfaction with certain facets of the job such as the work itself, coworkers, supervision, pay,
working conditions, company policies, procedures and opportunities for promotion(Smith et
al.,1969).Based upon these two viewpoints of job satisfaction , it may be measures either as the general
or overall satisfaction of an employee with the job or it may be measured as the satisfaction of an
employee with the various work facets. For the present study the former view of job satisfaction has

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