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SUBJECT: Science

UNIT FOCUS: Plants and how they get energy

Lesson#1 Length of lesson 1day


3.1.3.A5- Identify the structures in plants that are responsible for food production, support,

water transport, reproduction, growth, and protection.

LESSON TOPIC: Plants and how they get energy

OBJECTIVES: write on board

Language Students will

 Define the parts of a plant and learn how they get their energy

 Identify to each other the parts of a plant and what each part does after reading a story

Content Students will

 Categorize the different parts of the plant by matching the right word to the picture

 Compare and contrast the different parts of a plant

KEY VOCABULARY: roots, stem, leaf, flower, sunlight

MATERIALS: poster paper,


1) Post a big picture of a plant on the board and have it labeled

2) Have students put the words on index cards for now and then later they will write

definitions at the end of the lesson


** Post, read, and explain the content and language objectives of this lesson to the students.

“Let’s look at our language objectives for today. Students will (read language objectives

above). Now let’s look at our content objectives for today. Students will (read content

objectives above). Explain the objectives.

Warm Up/ Building Background (15 minutes)

 The students will take a walk outside with the teacher and look at all the plants and

everything around them. After they come back inside the class will be separated into

groups and will have to draw one plant they saw outside on a poster. The teacher will

tell them that if they know what any of the parts are to label them as well. After this

each group will present what they have on their poster. The teacher expands the topic

by asking the groups to think and discuss the following questions

o Have you ever seen these plants elsewhere? If so, where?

o Do you know the names of any plants?

o How do you think these plants survive?

Ask groups to talk together then share their responses with the whole class.

 Tell the students they are going to learn the different parts of the plant and what each

part is responsible for. Write the new words on the board which are: roots, stem, leaf,

flower, sunlight.

 Explain that they will be making vocabulary cards with the word and picture on it to

help them study. Show an example of a card with the word on the front and the
picture and function on the back. Give students index cards and have them first write

the names of the words.

PRESENTATION (10 minutes)

 Show the “Parts of a plant” video to the students. Discuss the video after and ask

comprehension questions such as.

o Who can tell me one part of a plant?

o What is this part responsible for?

Ask if students have any questions or concerns. Students will then color a picture

of a plant with the name of its part on it to make sure they understand.


 Students will get a bingo card with pictures of the different parts of a plant. The

teacher will then pick cards out of a bowl with the names. When the teacher calls

out the name or the function, the students will have to know which picture the

word goes with. For example, if the teacher says “stem” the students will have to

put a chip on the picture of the stem.

a. Have your bingo card in front of you.

b. Listen to the teacher call out the words and when you see the picture of the

word then put a chip on your card.

c. When you get 4 in a row then yell bingo and the teacher will come over to

check your card.

 After playing this, the students will work with their shoulder partners on finishing

their vocab cards. Then the class will go over them together and the teacher will

collect everyone’s to ensure they are correct.


 As an exit slip, students write one thing they learned or found interesting in

today’s lesson and share with their shoulder partner.

 Review objectives. “Let’s see if we met our language objectives for today.

Students will (read language objectives above). Now let’s see if we met our

content objectives for today. Students will (read content objectives above).”

Discuss if met or not and why/how.

3 strategies:

1) I do, we do, you do.

 This strategy helps all students by seeing the teacher do something first, then doing it

together, then on their own. This is especially beneficial for ELL students because

they see exactly what they need to be doing before doing it on their own. IF the

teacher just told them to do something without modeling it, they would have no idea

what to do. I used this by first modeling to the students how to create their vocab

cards and then having them do it with their shoulder partner and then finally going

over it themselves.

2) Think-Pair-Share

 I did this in my lesson when the students worked together to draw the plant on the

poster and answer the questions, I asked them. This allowed the students to think on

their own and then share their ideas with their group and hear others opinions.

Finally, they got to share their answers with the class, and I put their answers on the

board. This is beneficial because it allows them to hear what others think and share

their own ideas too.

3) Class Discussion

 This strategy allows the class to talk as a group with the teachers input as well.

During discussions, the teacher should encourage students to share their ideas and

listen to others. This strategy is good for students who are not as confident because

they can get a chance to share their ideas.

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