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El ejercicio incluirá cinco preguntas, pudiendo obtenerse por la suma de todas ellas
una puntuación máxima de 10 puntos. Junto a cada pregunta se especifica la
puntuación máxima otorgada. La valoración y los objetivos de cada una de estas
preguntas son los siguientes:

Pregunta 1: Hasta 2 puntos. Se trata de medir exclusivamente la comprensión lectora.

El estudiante deberá decidir si dos frases que se le presentan son verdaderas o falsas,
copiando a continuación únicamente el fragmento del texto que justifica su elección.
Se otorgará 1 punto por cada apartado. Se calificará con 0 puntos la opción elegida que
no vaya justificada.

Pregunta 2: Hasta 2 puntos. Se pretende comprobar dos destrezas: la comprensión

lectora y la expresión escrita, mediante la formulación de dos preguntas abiertas que
el estudiante deberá contestar basándose en la información del texto, pero utilizando
sus propias palabras en la respuesta. Cada una de las preguntas valdrá 1 punto,
asignándose 0,5 puntos a la comprensión de la pregunta y del texto, y 0,5 a la
corrección gramatical y ortográfica de la respuesta.

Pregunta 3: Hasta 1 punto. Esta pregunta trata de medir el dominio del vocabulario en
el aspecto de la comprensión. El estudiante demostrará esta capacidad localizando en
el párrafo que se le indica un sinónimo, adecuado al contexto, de cuatro palabras o
definiciones. Se adjudicará 0,25 por cada apartado.

Pregunta 4: Hasta 2 puntos. Con esta pregunta se pretende comprobar los

conocimientos gramaticales del estudiante, en sus aspectos morfológicos y/o
sintácticos. Se presentarán oraciones con huecos que el estudiante deberá completar
o rellenar. También podrán presentarse oraciones para ser transformadas u otro tipo
de ítem. Se adjudicará 0,25 a cada “hueco en blanco” y en el caso de las
transformaciones o ítems de otro tipo se concederá 0,5 con carácter unitario.

Pregunta 5: Hasta 3 puntos. Se trata de una redacción, de 100 a 150 palabras, en la

que el estudiante podrá demostrar su capacidad para expresarse libremente en inglés.
Se propondrá una única opción y se otorgarán 1,5 puntos por el buen dominio de la
lengua – léxico, estructura sintáctica, etc. – y 1,5 por la madurez en la expresión de las
ideas – organización, coherencia y creatividad.


Para la elaboración del ejercicio de Inglés se han tenido en cuenta los objetivos, los
contenidos y los criterios de evaluación de la materia presentes en los decretos que
establecen el currículo del Bachillerato en la Comunidad de Madrid y en la de Castilla-
La Mancha: Decreto 67/2008, de la Comunidad de Madrid (BOCM 27 de Junio de 2008)
y Decreto 85/2008 de la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha (DOCM 20 de
junio de 2008). Asimismo, este ejercicio de Inglés se sustenta en lo establecido por el
Real Decreto 1892/2008, de 14 de noviembre, por el que se regulan las condiciones
para el acceso a las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales de grado y los procedimientos
de admisión a las universidades públicas españolas (BOE de 24 de noviembre 2008),
modificado por el artículo único del Real Decreto 961/2012, de 22 de junio (BOE 3 de
julio de 2012) y el artículo 3 del RD 534/2013, de 12 de julio (BOE 13 de julio de 2013).

Tal y como explica el Decreto 67/2008, de la Comunidad de Madrid, en la etapa de


[…] se continúa el proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera con el

objetivo de que al finalizarla los alumnos hayan consolidado todas las destrezas
y sean capaces de mantener una interacción y hacerse entender en un conjunto
de situaciones, tales como narrar y describir, apoyando sus puntos de vista con
detalles y ejemplos adecuados, expresar opiniones y desarrollar una secuencia
de argumentos sencillos. Todo ello haciendo uso de un léxico cada vez más
amplio relacionado con temas generales y manifestando un aceptable
conocimiento gramatical, utilizando nexos para señalar las relaciones entre las
ideas, con un grado de fluidez y espontaneidad creciente.

De acuerdo con la legislación vigente en materia de acceso a las universidades públicas

españolas, de la relación de criterios de evaluación que se recogen en la normativa
sobre Bachillerato arriba mencionada, el ejercicio de Inglés en las pruebas de acceso a
la universidad se centrará tan solo en la evaluación de las capacidades relacionadas
con la comprensión y expresión escritas, así como en el conocimiento de aspectos
lingüísticos y culturales de la lengua inglesa.

Criterios de evaluación

 Leer de manera autónoma la información contenida en textos escritos en inglés,

procedentes de diversas fuentes sobre temas de interés general y de actualidad, en
un lenguaje no especializado. Este criterio valora la competencia para comprender
la información relevante en textos escritos, distinguir las ideas principales de las
secundarias, captar significados implícitos, posturas y puntos de vista, utilizando
destrezas y estrategias de comprensión adecuadas a las tareas requeridas.
 Redactar en inglés textos claros y detallados, con diferentes propósitos, con la
corrección formal, la cohesión, la coherencia y el registro adecuados, valorando la
importancia de planificar y revisar el texto. Este criterio valora la competencia para
la redacción de textos con una organización clara y enlazando las oraciones
siguiendo secuencias lineales cohesionadas, así como el interés en planificar los
textos y en revisarlos, con respeto a las normas ortográficas.

 Utilizar reflexivamente los conocimientos lingüísticos, sociolingüísticos,

estratégicos y discursivos adquiridos. Este criterio valora si el alumnado maneja
eficazmente y aplica con rigor los elementos gramaticales, léxicos y ortográficos

 Conocer y analizar las manifestaciones culturales relevantes y aspectos

sociolingüísticos transmitidos a través de la lengua inglesa, valorando aspectos de
tipo geográfico, histórico, artístico, literario, sociológico, etcétera. Este criterio
valora los conocimientos sociales y culturales que se posee de los países de habla

Descripción del ejercicio

El ejercicio presentará dos opciones diferentes entre las que se deberá elegir una. En
ambos casos, el estudiante habrá de leer atentamente un texto en inglés, de alrededor
de 250 palabras, y responder por escrito, sin ayuda de diccionario ni de ningún otro
manual didáctico, a cuestiones relacionadas con el texto propuesto. La dificultad del
texto estará controlada, a fin de permitir al estudiante que realice el ejercicio en el
tiempo previsto de 90 minutos. Junto a las preguntas de comprensión, se incluirán
otras relacionadas con aspectos lingüísticos y de expresión escrita.

Al comienzo del ejercicio se incluirán unas instrucciones generales en español. El resto

de la prueba estará totalmente redactada en inglés y el estudiante usará
exclusivamente la lengua inglesa en sus respuestas.


a) FALSE: But bring your own air - and rocket

b) FALSE: So far, he said … 19,95 apiece





a) views
b) Rouring
c) prohibíted
d) grateful


a) have bought / but

b) signed /with
c) who /what
d) selling /better than

Autistic children have index and ring fingers of the same length

Autism in children cannot be perceived before the age of two

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:

"A report published in “Developmental Medicine in Child Neurology” suggests that people
with autism have ring fingers that are abnormally long compared with their index fingers."

La respuesta es falsa ya que según el informe al que nos remite el texto, la gente que sufre
de autismo tiene el dedo anular significativamente más largo que el dedo índice. A lo largo
de todo el texto se nos explica cómo un estudio ha desvelado que los niños autistas tienen
una proporción anormal entre la longitud de sus dedos índice y anular.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"Early symptoms – a failure to point at things, follow the gaze of someone else, or engage
in pretend play- are often obvious by the tender age of 18 months."

Según el texto, síntomas de autismo como la incapacidad de señalar los objetos o seguir la
mirada de alguien pueden detectarse a los 18 meses, por lo tanto sí que se puede percibir el
autismo en un niño antes de los 2 años.

a) Why are the British researchers studying fingers? Explain

Two researchers from Britain have studied that fingers can indicate many things, such as
fertility and sexual preference. Now, they are studying the length of fingers and the ratio
between the length of the index and ring fingers because they think that it may be related to
autism and a similar syndrome, the Asperger´s syndrome.

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en los tres últimos párrafos, en los que se nos señala
brevemente los estudios anteriores de los investigadores, se nos presenta su proyecto
actual y se nos explica las conclusiones del estudio.

Vocabulario: such as: como; similar: parecido

b) According to the text, what cannot autistic children do?.

According to the text, babies with autism cannot point at things or follow someone else´s gaze,
nor can they engage in pretend play. In addition to this, when they are children they have
difficulties interacting with others due to the fact that they have a low intelligence and that their
ability to communicate by gestures is very limited.

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo que nos explica que los niños
autistas no son capaces de señalar objetos, seguir con la mirada a alguien o juguetear.
Además, según el texto, los niños autistas tienen problemas en relacionarse con los demás
debido a su incapacidad de comunicarse gestualmente y a su baja inteligencia.

Vocabulario: In addition to this: además de esto; due to the fact: debido al hecho; gestures:
a) lines: creases (líneas, rayas)

Ayuda: lines es un sustantivo en plural, al igual que su sinónimo creases

b) the look: the gaze (la mirada)

Ayuda: look es un sustantivo(también podría ser un verbo: look = mirar) ya que se nos
proporciona el artículo determinado delante (the). Su sinónimo es otro sustantivo precedido
por el mismo artículo: the gaze.

c) relationship between two amounts: ratio (proporción)

Ayuda: en este caso debemos buscar la palabra que más se ajuste a la definición
proporcionada: “relación entre dos cantidades”. Puesto que el núcleo de esta definición es
un sustantivo (relación), debemos encontrar otro sustantivo también en singular que
concuerde con la definición: ratio.

d) standard: average ( media, normal)

Ayuda: standard puede ser un adjetivo que califique algo como estándar, normal. Average
funciona también como adjetivo en el texto, calificando a la longitud: average lengths.

a) The relative sizes of our fingers are fixed (fix) for life within three months of conception,
and the relationship seems to be governed (govern) by hormones

Ayuda: debemos emplear la voz pasiva del verbo (be+ past participle) en el primer
espacio ya que la oración carece de agente (persona que realiza la acción). Utilizaremos el
presente (am/is/are + past participle) ya que la oración expresa una verdad general. En el
segundo espacio utilizaremos la voz pasiva por el mismo motivo. En este caso, el espacio
a completar viene precedido por el verbo seem, que es uno de los verbos que van
seguidos de otro verbo en infinitivo con to. Por lo tanto la estructura que utilizaremos es to
be + past participle.

b) Although the reason is not yet understood, earlier studies have shown that finger-length
ratios indicate the exposition to testosterona in utero.

Ayuda: although es una conjuncion que introduce una oración subordinada concesiva
(contrast clause) y significa aunque. Es posible intercambiarlo por even though. Exposition
to significa exposición a (habitual sólo en textos médicos o científicos).

c) In general terms, the earlier (early) an illness is diagnosed, the easier (easy) its
treatment will be.

Ayuda: en ambos espacios se nos da un adjetivo para que modifiquemos. Sólo lo

podemos modificar de dos maneras: con su forma comparativa o su forma superlativa.
Ambos adjetivos tienen dos sílabas pero terminan en y, por lo que su comparativo se
forma añadiendo –ier y eliminando la y. La estructura “the earlier an illness is diagnosed
the easier its treatmentwill be” la traduciremos por “cuanto más pronto es diagnosticada
una enfermedad, más fácil será su tratamiento.”

Put in the correct order.

d) say / I / things/ could/ so/ fingers/ never imagine/ that my / many / could. I could never
imagine that my fingers could say so many things.

Ayuda: debemos mantener la estructura básica de sujeto + verbo + complementos en la

oración subordinada y en la principal. Los verbos modales (could) se colocan delante del verbo
salvo que haya un adverbio de frecuencia como never, que debe ir inmediatamente antes del
verbo. El significado de la frase sería: Nunca podría imaginar que mis dedos pudiesen decir
tantas cosas.

1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Write down the
evidence from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.

“....They showed the picture to three other groups.........with the same eight
“....all three group of men chose her....”

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas from the text, answer the
following questions.

A) Because most aspects regarding beauty such as fashion clothes, cosmetics, young women enjoying these things.

B) The study implies that men prefer beautiful women who are not young
although the young women could give them more children.

3.-Find the words in the text that mean.

B) above all (paragraph 1) > primary

C) consider (paragraph 3) > take into account
D) lasting (paragraph 3) > long-term

4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the
word in brackets when given.

A) Although Mary does not worry about her age, I think she is not young
enough to have a baby now.
B) The study was done (do) in 2000, and its findings have been valid since
C) Dr Feldman is the psychologist who has conducted this study. He has
been (be) working on specific areas of human behaviour for ten years.
D) Thank you for helping (help) me with the research. All of you are invited to
a party on Saturday. It will be at Tony's, the biggest (big) pub in town.


a)TRUE:”Abd as surveillance… is once again growing”

b)FALSE:”If the program doesn’ t find… by the police department”





a) implement
b) radio
c) high
d) argue

a) was / that
b) had / what
c) wastested / for
d) who / charging
Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid LOGSE
Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios
INGLÉS Curso 2002-2003


1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa alas preguntas en el papel de examen.
PUNTUACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.

Elvis lives!
He was the rock legend known as The King, she was a school-girl who loved him tender and
swooned at the mere mention of his name. Now, thirty-nine years after she wrote to Elvis Presley
promising to marry him when she grew up, Karen Golz has learned that her idol did not have a
wooden heart. In a message from beyond the grave, his reply finally arrived.
It was as her 11th birthday approached in 1960 that Karen wrote to Elvis, who was serving as
an American GI* in Germany. In a letter posted to the house where he was staying, she wrote:
“Dear Elvis, It's my birthday soon and if you send me your autograph I promise I will marry you
when I grow up.”
Anxious not to disappoint his young fan, he wrote a note back, scrawling her name and
address in Germany on the envelope. Inside, the note said: “Dear Karen, May you have a very
happy 11th birthday –and a lot of Teddy Bears. Your friend, Elvis.” He gave the stamped and
addressed envelope to his landlady to post, But she mislaid it and the letter lay undiscovered until
the woman died. It was only when her family was cleaning out the house that the memento teas
rediscovered. Even though they realised its value to collectors, they donated the letter lo the local
Elvis Presley society.
There, club members spent weeks tracking down Karen. After receiving the letter Karen said:
“My eyes filled with tears.” Though she plans to hang on to her letter, experts nave valued it at
around £3,500.
* An enlisted member of a U.S. armed force.

1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only True or False.
a) Elvis Presley never went to Europe.
b) When the letter was found the landlady s relatives decided lo keep it.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer these questions.
a) Why did Elvis's letter take thirty-nine years to reach the person to whom it was addressed?
b) How did Karen react when she got Elvis's letter?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid LOGSE
Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios
INGLÉS Curso 2002-2003

3.- Find the words in the text that mean:

a) fainted (paragraph I)
b) tomb (paragraph 1)
c) living (paragraph 2)
d) trying lo find (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when
a) Karen's children did not know that..........mother had written to Elvis when she……....eleven
years old.
b) The letter..……..(find) in the attic when the old house……….(clean out).
c) Thanks..…… members of the local Elvis Presley society, Karen..…… tracked down
without much difficulty.
Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech starting with the words given.
d) “If you send me your autograph I will marry you”, Karen promised Elvis.
Karen promised………………………………………………………….
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos )
5.- Write about 100 lo 150 words on ONE of the following topics.
a) If you had a letter from your favourite artist, what would you do with if? Give reasons.
b) What do you think of the fans' attitude towards famous people? Discuss.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Elvis Presley never went to Europe

When the letter was found the landlady´s relatives decided to keep it.

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:

"It was as her 11th birthday approached in 1960 that Karen wrote to Elvis,
who was serving as an American GI in Germany"
La respuesta es falsa ya que si Elvis sirvió como soldado en Alemania,
evidentemente sí visitó Europa.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"Even though they [her family] realised its value to collectors, they donated
the letter to the local Elvis Presley society."
La familia de la casera (the landlady´s relatives) de Elvis se dio cuenta del valor de la
carta que habían encontrado y la donaron a la Elvis Presley society. Por lo tanto, no se
la quedaron y la respuesta es falsa.

a) Why did Elvis´s letter take thirty-nine years to reach the person to whom it
was addressed?
Elvis´s letter took so long in reaching his fan because the letter was mislaid by the
landlady who was asked to post it to the girl. It was not until the landlady´s relatives
were cleaning the house many years later that they accidentally discovered the
letter and donated it to the Elvis Presley society who finally gave the letter to

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el tercer párrafo, que nos cuenta lo que

ocurrió hasta que la carta que Elvis escribió a Karen llegó a sus manos: su casera
la extravió y cuando murió años más tarde, sus familiares la encontraron al limpiar
la casa. Más tarde, la Elvis Presley society, a quien donaron la carta, localizó a
Karen y se la entregó.

Vocabulario: so long: tanto tiempo; until: hasta; relatives: parientes.

b) How did Karen react when she got Elvis´s letter?

Karen cried when she received the letter and her plans are to keep it rather than to
sell it because she was moved to learn that her idol had written back to her.

Ayuda: el último párrafo nos describe la reacción de Karen cuando recibió la

carta: sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas. También puntualiza que aunque la carta es
muy valiosa ella piensa guardarla.

Vocabulario: keep: conservar; rather than: antes que/ en lugar de; sell: vender;
moved: emocionada.
a) fainted: swooned (derretirse, demayarse)

Ayuda: : fainted (= desmayarse) es un verbo en pasado (acaba en -ed). Debemos

encontrar otro verbo también en pasado.

b) tomb : grave (tumba)

Ayuda: tomb es un sustantivo que significa “tumba”. Su sinónimo es pues otro

sustantivo también en singular.

c) living : staying (alojarse, quedarse)

Ayuda: living es un verbo en gerundio (terminación –ing). Significa “viviendo” y su

sinónimo ha de ser otro verbo en gerundio.

d) trying to find: tracking down (localizar, dar con el paradero de alguien)

Ayuda: trying to find, que significa "intentando encontrar", es un grupo verbal en

gerundio. Su sinónimo es un phrasal verb, tracking down, que también está en

a) Karen´s children did not know that their mother had written to Elvis when she
was eleven years old

Ayuda: el adjetivo posesivo their tiene como referencia a the children. Para indicar
la edad de alguien, utilizamos el verbo to be, en este caso en pasado: was.

b) The letter was found (find) in the attic when the old house was cleaned out
(clean out).

Ayuda: debemos emplear la voz pasiva del verbo (be+ past participle) en ambos
espacios ya que la oración carece de agente (persona que realiza la acción).
Tenemos que utilizar el pasado (was found – was cleaned out ) ya que la acción
indicada ocurrió en el pasado.

c) Thanks to club members of the local Elvis Presley society, Karen could be
tracked down without much difficulty.

Ayuda: en inglés, la expresión gracias a equivale a thanks to. En el segundo

espacio, delante del verbo be sólo puede ir un verbo modal. El más adecuado en
este caso es could.

Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech starting with the words

d) “If you send me your autograph I will marry you, Karen promised Elvis. Karen
promised Elvis that she would marry him if he sent her his autograph

Ayuda: Al convertir una afirmación en estilo indirecto debemos realizar varios

cambios. Después del objeto (Elvis) debemos utilizar la partícula that. También hay
cambios en los tiempos verbales, que dan un salto atrás. El futuro will del estilo
indirecto se convierte en condicional would en estilo indirecto. El presente simple send
se convierte en pasado simple sent. Debemos evitar repetir nombres propios y utilizar
pronombres personales en su lugar.
Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid LOGSE
Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios
INGLÉS Curso 2002-2003


1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente toas las preguntas de la prueba.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa alas preguntas en el papel de examen.
PUNTUACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.

Of all the mythological creatures, few lave captured the human imagination as much as the
dragon. It appears in the literature and legends of cultures as diverse as China, Japan, Iran, the
Mayans, classical Greece, Rome, Judaism, the Babylonians, ancient Egypt, and medieval Europe.
These fascinating creatures have taken different forms and qualities in tire mythologies of
different cultures throughout history. To the Chinese, a dragon was an immensely wise animal
which brought good luck. But for the Norsemen of Scandinavia, it was an evil, terrifying and
treacherous monster. And to the ancient Greeks, tire dragon was often a creature of intelligence and
virtue –and might be found guarding shrines dedicated to the gods. All these dragons do have some
things in common, however. They tend to be shown with huge bat-like wings, long toothed jaws
like a crocodile, piercing eyes, sharp eagle-like talons and huge scaly bodies– and they can often
breathe fire. Another common point is that they’re always creatures of immense power and strength.
But where do dragons come from? The creatures they most resemble, in size and shape, are
dinosaurs –but since the last dinosaurs died out teas of millions of years before the first humans
ever appeared, that seems no unlikely source of inspiration. One theory is that the earliest humans
may have evolved when huge lizards –smaller than dinosaurs, but larger than anything known
today– were still around. Another theory is that the dragon represents something submerged in the
human subconscious. It's fun to speculate, but nobody knows for sure.

1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are
given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) Dragons in China are considered lo have a positive influence en people's life.
b) Dragons in different cultures do not physically resemble one another.
(puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
a) How do dragons appear in European cultures?
b) Is tltere any conncction between dragons and dinosaurs? Explain.
(puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid LOGSE
Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios
INGLÉS Curso 2002-2003

3. Find a synonym for the following words according to their meaning in the text:
a) clever (paragraph 2)
b) keeping (paragraph 2)
c) look like (paragraph 3)
d) hidden (paragraph 3)
(puntuación máxima 1 punto)
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
a) Dragons……….(form) a part of human mythology since long ago. One only has to consult
ancient texts……….(know) that this is true.
b) In China the dragon……….(see) as a wise and lucky animal, while Greek people were afraid of
it ……….of its evil and terrifying reputation.
c) The Komodo Dragon is the world's……….(large) living lizard, although there are some species
of reptile, such as the crocodile, that are much……….(big).

Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech with the words given.
d) “Dragons have played an important role in my life” Steven Spielberg said.
- Steven Spielberg said ........
(puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.

a) Have you ever read a book or seen a film about dragons? Tell the story.
b) Why are dinosaurs so interesting today? Explain.
(puntuación máxima 3 puntos)

Dragons in China are considered to have a positive influence on people´s life

Dragons in different cultures do not physically resemble each other

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:

"To the Chinese, a dragon was an immensely wise animal which brought good luck"

La respuesta es verdadera ya que el texto nos explica que en la cultura China, los
dragones son considerados animales que traen buena suerte.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"All these dragons do have some things in common, however. They tend to be shown with
huge bat-like wings, long toothed jaws like a crocodile, piercing eyes, sharp eagle-like
talons and huge scaly bodies – and they can often breathe fire."

Según el texto, la apariencia física es uno de los puntos en común que tienen los dragones
descritos en las diferentes culturas. Todos ellos son grandes figuras representadas con
enormes alas, gran mandíbula y ojos amenazadores.

a) How do dragons appear in European cultures?

Dragons appear in different ways according to cultures. For example, in Scandinavia,

dragons were seen as evil and dangerous monsters. On the other hand, the Greeks
considered dragons virtuous and intelligent creatures. For both cultures dragons are
powerful and strong creatures.

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo que nos explica las formas y
cualidades de la figura del dragón de acuerdo con las diferentes culturas.

Vocabulario: according to: según; evil: malvado; both: ambos/as; powerful: poderosos.

b) Is there any connection between dragons and dinosaurs? Explain.

At first sight, it seems possible to think that there is a connection between dragons and
dinosaurs, due to their close resemblance. However, taking into account that dinosaurs
disappeared before the first humans appeared, it is implausible to think of them as
connected to dragons. Nevertheless there is a theory claiming that humans evolved at the
same time that huge lizards did. These huge lizards, which were smaller than dinosaurs but
bigger than anything known today, may have inspired the figure of the dragon. .

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el tercer párrafo que aporta varias hipótesis acerca
de los orígenes de la figura del dragón. De acuerdo con el texto, es improbable que el
dinosaurio sirviera como fuente de inspiración de la figura del dragón puesto que éstos se
extinguieron antes de que los humanos aparecieran en la tierra pero posteriores y enormes
lagartos que convivieron con los humanos pudieron valer de inspiración.

Vocabulario: at first sight: a simple vista; close: cercana; resemblance: apariencia; implausible:
poco convincente; claim: afirmar.
a) clever: wise (sabio)

Ayuda: :clever (= listo) es un adjetivo igual que su sinónimo wise.

b) keeping : guarding (custodiando)

Ayuda: keeping es un verbo en gerundio (acaba en –ing). Significa “guardar, conservar”.

Su sinónimo debe ser otro verbo en gerundio: guarding.

c) look like : resemble (parecerse a)

Ayuda: look like es un verbo transitivo que significa “parecerse a”. Su sinónimo es otro
verbo de igual significado: resemble.

d) hidden: submerged (sumergido)

Ayuda: hidden es un participio irregular (hide – hid – hidden) que significa escondido.
Submerged es un participio regular (acaba en –ed) con un significado parecido.

a) Dragons have formed (form) a part of human mythology since long ago. One only has to
consult ancient texts to know (know) that this is true

Ayuda: el verbo en el primer espacio debe estar en presente perfecto ya que indica una
acción que ocurrió en un momento no determinado del pasado y aún continúa. La
preposición since es frecuente con este tiempo verbal. La segunda oración es una oración
subordinada final (purpose clause) que indica finalidad y lleva to + infinitivo.

b) In China the dragon was seen / is seen (see) as a wise and lucky animal while Greek
people were afraid of it because of its evil and terrifying reputation.

Ayuda: debemos emplear la voz pasiva del verbo (be+ past participle) en el primer
espacio ya que la oración carece de agente (persona que realiza la acción). Tanto el
pasado como el presente serían adecuados aunque el pasado se corresponde con el
tiempo verbal de la oración subordinada que le sigue (were afraid). Because of es una
preposición que significa “debido a” y se emplea en oraciones causales (reason clauses)
como ésta.

c) The Komodo Dragon is the world´s largest (large) living lizard although there are some
species of reptiles, such as the crocodile that are much bigger (big).

Ayuda: el primer espacio requiere la forma superlativa del adjetivo proporcionado, que se
forma con –est ya que large es un adjetivo de una sóla sílaba. En el segundo espacio
necesitamos un comparativo que se forma con –er pero al que hay que doblar la última
consonante ya que el adjetivo acaba en consonante + vocal + consonante.

Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech starting with the words given.

d) “Dragons have played an important role in my life” Steven Spielberg said. Steven
Spielberg said that dragons had played an important role in his life.

Ayuda: Al convertir una afirmación en estilo indirecto debemos realizar varios cambios.
Después del verbo (said) debemos utilizar la partícula that. También hay cambios en los
tiempos verbales, que dan un salto atrás. El presente perfecto del estilo directo (have played)
se convierte en pasado perfecto (had played) en estilo indirecto. También hay un cambio en los
adjetivos posesivos: my se convierte en his (que hace referencia a Steven Spielberg).


Nobody thinks that monkeys should be treated like people.

The population of chimpanzees has recently increased.

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:

"This similarity has led chimp expert Dr Jane Goodall to call for human rights to be
extended to chimpanzees"

La respuesta es falsa porque la Doctora Joan Goodall ha pedido que los derechos
humanos se extiendan a los chimpancés.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"development and destruction of their natural habitats, along with commercial

hunting for food, have cut their numbers from two million chimpanzees at the turn
of the last century to less than one-tenth of that now".

La respuesta es falsa: su habitat natural se ha reducido y han pasado de ser 2

millones al principio del siglo pasado a una décima parte de ese número en la


a) Is there any proof that humans and monkeys have common ancestors?.

A fossil skull has been found this year that may prove that humans and
chimpanzees are the only survivors of a great diversity of ape-like, human-like
creatures that lived more than five million years ago. This discovery and the fact
that only 2% of our genes separate us from the chimpanzee prove that humans
and monkeys have common ancestors.

Ayuda: "may prove": podría demostrar; "human-like": parecido a los humanos.

b) What is the "relative difference" between humans and primates and what are its

The most important difference has been the development of language in humans
that has had important consequences in our lifestyle.

Ayuda: "development of language": desarrollo del lenguaje.


a) connection : link (conexión)

b) part of the skeleton which encloses the brain : skull (cráneo)

c) Jump ahead : leap forward (salto adelante)

d) Apparently : seemingly (en apariencia)


a) He won't speak to you unless you ask him a question. If you don't ask him a
question, he won't speak to you.

Ayuda: condicional de 1º tipo, probable expresando una advertencia. "If" (si) y

"unless" (a menos que) significan lo mismo aunque "unless" se utiliza con verbo
afirmativo e "If" con negativo.

b) "You must do it at once", she said. She told me that I had to do it at once.

Ayuda: Reconvertimos la oración a estilo indirecto informando sobre lo que se ha

dicho. El verbo introductorio está en pasado y hay cambios en el tiempo verbal:
Presente a Pasado, "must" a "had to"

c) The exercise is so difficult we can´t do it. The exercise is too difficult for us to do.

Ayuda: So + adjetivo, introduce una oración subordinada causal y too+ adjetivo +

complemento + infinitivo indica igualmente la consecuencia de dicha acción.

d) Some policemen are investigating the crime. The crime is being investigated by
some policemen.

Ayuda: se transforma la frase a pasiva porque se da mas importancia al hecho de la

investigación que a quien la lleva a cabo.
Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid LOGSE
Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios
INGLÉS Curso 2003-2004


1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
PUNTUACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.

Coetzee wins Nobel Prize

The 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature was won by the South African novelist J. M. Coetzee.
This is wonderful news. Coetzee, 63, is unquestionably among the greatest living writers in English.
The Nobel has often been misapplied. It evaded Tolstoy, Chekhov, Joyce, Kafka and
Nabokov. It was won, on the other hand, by Bjornstjerne Bjornson, José Echegaray, Rudolf Eucken
and others now wholly forgotten. In many cases, the judges seem to have been influenced by
political, rather than literary, factors. But in choosing Coetzee, the judges have got it right and
ignored the fact that Coetzee has many things to say that do not sit comfortably with liberal political
His books deal with difficult, painful matters –betrayal, the abuse of power, the nature of evil,
our cruel treatment of animals- and ultimately they express Jeep scepticism over whether or not any
of us are capable of true empathy with others. Coetzee presents these unwelcome truths with a
rigour and purity that cannot be ignored.
Coetzee was born in Cape Town in 1940 and trained as a computer scientist, coming lo
London in the Sixties lo work for IBM, a period recollected in a superb autobiographical novel. He
then became a professor of literature in the United States, initially using his computing skills for
verbal analysis of writers, before returning lo Cape Town in the early Seventies, where he has
continued lo teach and publish literary criticism. His first fiction, Dusklands, was published in
1974, followed by In The Heart Of The Country and Waiting For Barbarians, which swiftly won
him international recognition.


1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are
given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) Many years ago Tolstoy was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.
b) Coetzee has not yet written any book based on his life.
(Puntuación máxima: 2)
Universidades Públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid LOGSE
Prueba de Acceso a Estudios Universitarios
INGLÉS Curso 2003-2004

2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer these questions.
a) Why has the Nobel Prize been sometimes wrongly awarded?
b) What did Coetzee do professionally before he wrote bis first novel?
(Puntuación máxima: 2)

3. Find the words in the text that mean:

a) without doubt (paragraph 1)
b) completely (pamgraph 2)
c) ideas (paragraph 2)
d) quickly (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1)

4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
a) Coetzee, _______ was bom in South Africa in 1940, won the Nobel Prize _______ year.
b) Before _______ (win) the Nobel Prize, Coetzee _______ (receive) international recognition.
c) James Joyce, _______ works are still universally known, _______ (not choose) for the Nobel
Prize during his lifetime.
d) The German Rudolf Eucken, a Nobel Prize winner, wrote _______ ethics and religion. But
_______ works are almost forgotten today.
(Puntuación máxima 2)

5. Write about 100 to 250 words on ONE of the following topics.

a) What is the last book you have read? Give reasons why you did or you didn't like it.
b) How can winning a prize affect people's lives?
(Puntuación máxima: 3)

Question 1:

a) False. The Nobel has often been misapplied. It evaded Tolstoy...

b) False. ....a period recollected in a superb autobiographical novel.

Question 2:

a) On some occasions, the Nobel Prize for Literature has been granted to writers who
are no longer remembered nowadays. However, other great writers such as Tolstoy or
James Joyce have never won this prestigious award. Judges seem to consider political
aspects rather than literary ones.

b) He studied computer science in Cape Town, where he was born in 1940. Then, in
the 60s he moved to London to work for IBM. After that, he worked as a professor of
literature in the United States. And finally, in the 70s, he went back to his home town in
South Africa and published his first novel in 1974.

Question 3:

a) unquestionably
b) wholly
c) assumptions
d) swiftly

Question 4:

a) who / last
b) winning / had received
c) whose / was not chosen
d) about / his
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Question 1:

As far as animal emotions are concerned, common sense and science

sense are always in agreement.

Nowadays an important part of the scientific community has come to the

conclusion that non-human animals do have feelings.
Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:
"Common sense is sometimes difficult to reconcile with science sense."
La respuesta es falsa: la frase difficult to reconcile with indica que no
siempre están de acuerdo.
Mientras que para la segunda es:
"Today many scientists are accepting that non-human animals do indeed
experience emotions.."
La respuesta es correcta: la frase do indeed experience con do en forma
enfática, refuerza la idea de tener sentimientos y emociones.

Question 2:

a) Why did animal emotions go unnoticed for many years?

Because it was generally accepted that animals had automatic reactions
rather than showing emotions,, they reacted automatically and through
instincts to external stimuli.
Ayuda: La estructura "rather than + gerundio" se utiliza con adjetivos o
expresiones adverbiales, o con gerundio para comparar preferencias.
b) What scientific evidence is there to show that animals experience
Current scientific investigations have revealed that animals´ brains share
common structures and secrete the same chemicals that carry information
within the brain. In addition, the way animals show several emotions in their
behaviour is recognizable, just like we are able to recognize grief or
happiness in humans.
Ayuda: "secrete chemical" significa segregar productos químicos.
Question 3:

a) truly : indeed (verdaderamente)

b) besides : in addition (además)
c) growing : increasing (creciente)
d) too : as well (también)

Question 4:

a) If scientists study (study) more about the characteristics of animal

behaviour in the future, they will understand (understand) more about
human personality.
Ayuda: ésta es una oración subordinada condicional de 1º tipo que es
probable que se cumpla. Presentan la siguiente forma: if + presente ...,
futuro simple.
b) Two animals that show intense emotions are whales and dolphins. Their
emotional lives have been explored (explore) for many years.
Ayuda: that y which introducen una oración de relativo especificativa. That
es más frecuente que which pero ambos son correctos como antecedentes.
c) Scientists say that the most wonderful thing about working (work) with
chimpanzees is discovering their intelligence. In fact, they are the most
intelligent (intelligent) animals in the world.
Ayuda: se utiliza siempre el gerundio tras una preposición.
Complete the following sentence to report what is said.
d) "My experiments will prove the existence of the emotional lives of
animals," said Darwin. Darwin said that his experiments would prove the
existence of the emotional lives of animals
Ayuda: En el estilo indirecto hay cambios morfológicos cuando el verbo
introductorio esta en Pasado (said); como se retrocede hacia el pasado , el
futuro will cambia a condicional would y el pronombre personal I y el posesivo
my a he y his respectivamente.
Curso 2004-2005 R1 R2

INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a. It seems that the Attention Deficit Disorder appears when children’s brains are not
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. stimulated.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. b. The new study examined the effect of TV on attention problems in teenagers.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
a. According to the new study, how can watching a lot of television affect children’s
Too much television behaviour?
b. Why didn’t earlier research encourage the habit of watching television?
A new study suggests that the amount of television young children (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
watch may be directly related to attention problems later in school. They may
even suffer a condition known as Attention Deficit Disorder or A.D.D. Experts 3. Find the words in the text that mean.
say that A.D.D. involves an over-stimulation of young developing brains and a. quantity (paragraph 1)
teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of the b. symptoms (paragraph 1)
disorder. Some education researchers have believed for years that watching c. examined (paragraph 2)
d. previous (paragraph 3)
television at a very young age could change the normal development of the (Puntuación máxima 1 punto)
brain. For example, they say that children who watch a lot of television are not
able to sit and read for an extended period of time, show less ability to listen, 4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
pay attention, as well as engage in independent problem solving. when given.
This new study tested the idea that television watching by very young a. Thirty years ago, scientists _____ (begin) to study the link _____ aggressive behaviour and
children is linked to attention problems by the age of seven. The findings television watching.
b. “How ____ do you go to the cinema?” “I usually go once ____ month.”
reported that every hour pre-schoolers watch television increases their chances c. Switch ___ the TV now, the news ____ (be) about to start.
by about ten percent of developing attention deficit problems later in life. For Complete the following sentence to report what was said
example, children who watched three hours a day were thirty percent more d. What will you do when you finish your homework? → He asked the girl …
likely to have attention problems than those who watched no television. (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
One of the researchers said there are other reasons why children should
not watch television. Earlier studies have linked it with children becoming too 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
fat and too aggressive. Other experts say the new study is important, but more a. Which are your favourite TV programmes? Describe them and explain why you like them.
b. Do you think the government should control TV programmes? Discuss.
work needs to be done to confirm the results and better explain the cause and (Puntuación máxima 3 pu

Question 1:

It seems that the Attention Deficit Disorder appears when children's

brains are not stimulated.

The new study examined the effect of TV on attention problems in

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:
"Experts say that A.D.D. involves an over-stimulation of young developing
La respuesta es falsa porque el texto señala que se sobreestimula el
cerebro de los niños ya que "over" utilizado como prefijo significa:
Mientras que para la segunda es:
"This new study tested the idea that television watching by very young
children is linked to attention problems by the age of seven."
La respuesta es falsa: "Very young children" son niños muy jóvenes y no

Question 2:

a) According to the new study, how can watching a lot of television affect
children's behaviour?
The new study simply talks about attention problems, but it seems to imply
that watching too much television can make children more restless and
unable to concentrate or even listen attentively for a long period of time. In
addition, children may become too aggressive.
Ayuda: "restless" significa inquieto y "unable to concentrate" que es
incapaz de concentrase.
b) Why didn't earlier research encourage the habit of watching television?
For some time researchers have considered that watching too much
television can result in children getting fat or aggressive, and there are also
other studies that proved that watching television at an early age can cause
attention problems at school.
Ayuda: "Watching TV result in getting fat and aggressive". El verbo "result"
seguido de la construcción "in + nombre + gerundio" indica que la televisión
puede provocar obesidad y agresividad.
Question 3:

a) quantity : amount (cantidad)

b) symptoms : signs (sintomas)
c) examined : tested (probados)
d) previous : earlier (anteriores)

Question 4:

a) Thirty years ago, scientists began (begin) to study the link between
aggressive behaviour and television watching.
Ayuda: se usa el Pasado Simple para hablar de algo que comenzó en el
pasado. Se utiliza "between" cuando se comparan dos cosas.
b) "How often do you go to the cinema?" "I usually go once a month."
Ayuda: "how often" se utiliza para preguntar con qué frecuencia se realiza
una acción. La expresión "once a month" requiere el uso del articulo
c) Switch on the TV now, the news is (be) about to start.
Ayuda: "switch on" significa encender. La palabra "news" refiriendose a los
informativos es singular.
Complete the following sentence to report what is said.
d) What will you do when you finish your homework? He asked the girl
what she would do when she finished her homework
Ayuda: cuando pasamos a estilo indirecto una pregunta la estructura correcta
es: enlace (what) + sujeto + verbo. La forma verbal cambia de futuro a
Curso 2004-2005 R1 R2
1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN a. Researchers consider that the disappearance of amphibians is a sign of ecological
1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. catastrophe in the near future.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b. The number of endangered birds is greater than that of amphibians.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. 2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
a. Why does any climate change affect amphibians before birds or mammals?
b. Where do amphibians live and why do they live there?
Amphibian Decline Serves As Global Warning (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
Nearly one in three species of frogs and toads in the world is under threat of 3. Find the words in the text that mean.
extinction, according to the most comprehensive global study of amphibians ever a. complete (paragraph 1)
conducted. The report shows that 122 amphibian species have disappeared since 1980. b. because (paragraph 2)
The discovery, reported in the journal Science, is seen by researchers as an early c. extreme (paragraph 2)
warning of imminent environmental disaster. d. exceptional (paragraph 3)
Amphibians act like "natural barometers" since their highly permeable skin (Puntuación máxima 1 punto)
makes them very sensitive to the effects of climate change and pollution. Any drastic
change in the natural world is likely to affect them first. Over the past three years, 4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
scientists analysed the distribution and conservation status of all 5,743 known when given.
amphibian species. Of these, 1,856 -32 per cent- were threatened with extinction. In a. If human interference ___________ (continue) to alter the composition of the atmosphere,
comparison, only 12 per cent of bird species and 23 per cent of all mammal species are average temperatures _____________ (rise) more than 3ºC in the next 100 years.
considered to be endangered. The president of Conservation International, who co-led b. Greenpeace ______________ (create) to fight environmental disaster. This organization is
the research, said: "Amphibians are one of nature’s best indicators of overall especially interested in ____________ (protect) our environment.
environmental health. Their catastrophic decline serves as a warning that we are in a c. Air pollution ___________ (cause) more than one hundred thousand deaths last year. Some
period of significant environmental degradation." experts believe that it is the ______________ (important) health problem in the industrial
Amphibians were the first terrestrial vertebrates to colonise the land world.
successfully about 350 million years ago. They have developed a remarkable diversity d. We should avoid _____________ (pollute) our planet in order _________ protect it for our
by adapting to many different aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Amphibians are present children.
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
today in every continent except Antarctica, and can be found in almost all habitat types
from dry, inhospitable deserts to lush tropical rainforests and temperate climates such
5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
as Britain’s. a. Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change? Why?
b. What could we do to reduce pollution in large cities?
(Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)

Question 1:

Researchers consider that the disappearance of amphibians is a sign of

ecological catastrophe in the near future

The number of endangered birds is greater than that of amphibians

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:
"The discovery, reported in the journal "Science", is seen by researchers as
an early warning of imminent environmental disaster"
La respuesta es verdadera puesto que el texto nos dice que este
descubrimiento (la desaparición de anfibios) es visto como aviso de un
inminente desastre ecológico (warning of environmental disaster) , lo que
se corresponde con la afirmación (an early warning of ecological
catastrophe in the near future).
Mientras que para la segunda es:
"Of these, 1,856 - 32 per cent - were threatened with extinction. In
comparison, only 12 per cent of bird species and 23 per cent of all mammal
species are considered to be endangered"
La respuesta es falsa teniendo en cuenta los porcentajes: 32% de los anfibios
están en extinción, frente a un 12% de pájaros que están en extinción. Por lo
tanto, el número de pájaros en extinción es menor que el de anfibios.

Question 2:

a) Why does any climate change affect amphibians before birds or

Climate changes affect amphibians before any other species because of
their skin, which is highly permeable, and therefore makes them very
sensitive to this type of changes.
Ayuda: La respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo, que nos
explica los motivos que hacen que los anfibios sean muy sensibles a los
cambios climáticos
Vocabulario:"because of": debido a; "therefore": por lo tanto.
b) Where do amphibians live and why do they live there?.
Amphibians live in almost all habitat types because they have been able to
adapt to different types of weather and conditions. In this way, amphibians
are present in aquatic and terrestrial habitats in nearly every continent, and
live under contrasting weather conditions.
Ayuda: El último párrafo incluye una explicación de la gran diversidad de
hábitats en los que viven los anfibios, desde lugares acuáticos a terrestres
y con climas que van desde el desierto a las selvas tropicales.
Vocabulario:"have been able": han sido capaces; "In this way": de esta
manera; "nearly:" casi.

Question 3:

a) complete : comprehensive (exhaustivo)

Ayuda: complete es un adjetivo. En el primer párrafo encontramos otro
adjetivo (comprehensive) que tiene el mismo sentido: completo, global.
b) because : since (ya que)
Ayuda: because es una conjunción, significa porque. Since, actúa como
conjunción en esta frase, y significa ya que. (otras veces since también
funciona como preposición y adverbio y significa desde)
c) extreme : drastic (drástico)
Ayuda: extreme es un adjetivo, significa extremo. Su sinónimo pues, otro
adjetivo, drastic.
d) exceptional : remarkable (notable, excepcional)
Ayuda: exceptional es un adjetivo, significa excepcional. Remarkable, otro
adjetivo con el mismo significado, es su sinónimo.

Question 4:

a) If human interference continues (continue) to alter the composition of the

atmosphere, average temperatures will rise (rise) more than 3ºC in the next
100 years.
Ayuda: Estamos frente a una oración condicional, ya que viene introducida
por la conjunción If. Lo más apropiado es utilizar la estructura de primer
condicional, ya que estas oraciones expresan una situación posible que
puede darse (If human interference continues...) y su resultado si se cumple
esta posible situación. (...average temperatures will rise.). En las oraciones
condicionales de primer tipo como esta, el verbo de la oración que expresa
la condición debe ir en Presente Simple (continues), y el de la oración que
expresa el resultado con futuro (will + infinitivo).
Nota: También sería posible, aunque menos apropiado, utilizar la
estructura de segundo condicional (past simple + would ), que expresa
situaciones hipotéticas que podrían ocurrir. En tal caso:
If human interference continued to alter the composition of the atmosphere,
average temperatures would rise more than 3ºC in the next 100 years.
b) Greenpeace was created (create) to fight environmental disaster. This
organization is especially interested in protecting (protect) our environment.
Ayuda: La primera oración requiere el uso de pasiva, ya que carece de
agente (persona que realiza la acción). Debemos utilizar el pasado ya que
Greenpeace se creó hace años. La estructura es pues: pasado simple
(was/were) + participio pasado. En la segunda oración debemos utilizar el
verbo en gerundio ya que después de una preposición (in), el verbo se usa
en gerundio.

c) Air pollution caused (cause) more than one hundred thousands deaths
last year. Some experts believe that it is the most important (important)
health problem in the industrial world.
Ayuda: En la primera oración, la expresión temporal last year nos indica
que el verbo entre paréntesis debe estar en pasado simple (caused). En la
segunda oración, la palabra entre paréntesis es un adjetivo. Podemos
modificar un adjetivo usando el comparativo o el superlativo. Hay dos cosas
que nos indican que debemos utilizar el superlativo (the most important): el
artículo the y el hecho de que no se comparan dos cosas sino que hay una
que destaca sobre todas las demás. En los adjetivos de más de dos
sílabas, como important, el superlativo se forma: the + most + adjetivo.

d) We should avoid polluting (pollute) our planet in order to protect it for our
Ayuda: El verbo avoid está dentro del grupo de verbos que deben ir seguidos
de gerundio. In order to + infinitivo es una frase preposicional frecuente que
significa para.
CURSO 2005-2006 6


INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text.
No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
l. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. a) Fashionable people in the Roman world had tattoos.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. b) The origin of the word tattoo in English is unknown.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following

Skin Art a) Why did the Polynesian Islanders get tattooed?

b) Why did the sailors choose to have crosses tattooed?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Prehistoric man was thought to have practised tattooing, that is, puncturing the
skin with tools dipped in pigment that left a permanent mark. And mummies 3. Find the words in the text that mean:
with decorative tattoos have been discovered in many parts of the world. Yet for
nearly as long as there has been tattooing, there has been condemnation. The a) embalmed human bodies (paragraph 1)
Romans considered decorative tattooing barbaric, which is still evident in the b) almost (paragraph 1)
Latin word for tattoo, stigma, and used tattoos to mark slaves and criminals. e) profound (paragraph 1)
Despite its deep roots in ancient cultures, tattooing had fallen out of practice in d) completely (paragraph 2)
Europe by the time Britain's Captain Cook set sail for the Polynesian Islands in (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
Though Cook and his men were not the first Europeans to encounter Oceanic when given.
tattooing, they were the first to record the practice systematically. Cook also
introduced to the English language the word tattoo, taken from the Tahitian. a) Before ________(become) King of England, George V had a dragon tattooed on
Cook's men did not fully understand the significance of tattooing among the ____arm.
Oceanic people, for whom the designs were symbolic protection against earthly b) "_____does the word 'stigma' mean?" "It means ____ mark or sign of shame."
enemies. Yet the sailors were fascinated and eager to be marked themselves. c) Winston Churchill's mother, ______ wrist was tattooed with a serpent, tried to
They adopted the practice with gusto, designing mariner motifs of their own. A cover ____with a bracelet when in public.
turtle meant a sailor had crossed the equator, and an anchor that he had sailed d) In the past, tattoos______(link) to criminals, but today the tattoo _________ (wear)
the Atlantic. Crucifixion scenes were also popular motifs --a vain attempt to proudly by celebrities.
avoid being beaten, as it was hoped no one would dare hit the image of Christ. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Today, all types of people get tattooed. Though the art was adopted from distant 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on ONE of the following topics.
cultures and adapted to suit Western tastes, the attraction of tattooing has
changed very little. a) Why do many young people get tattooed today? Give reasons.
b) Are tattooed people fully aeeepted in our present society? Discuss.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Question 1:

Fashionable people in the Roman world had tattoos

The origin of the word tattoo in English is unknown.

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:

"The Romans considered decorative tattoing barbaric, ..., and used tattoos to mark
slaves and criminals"

La afirmación es falsa ya que los romanos consideraban el arte del tatuaje como
algo brutal, y lo empleaban únicamente para marcar a los esclavos y a los
criminales. Por lo tanto no lo empleaban como elemento de moda. (fashionable

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"Cook also introduced to the English language the word tattoo, taken from the

En el segundo párrafo se nos explica que el término tattoo está tomado del tahitiano,
por lo tanto, sí se conoce el origen de esa palabra.

Question 2:

a) Why did the Polynesian Islanders get tattooed?

The Polynesian people used tattoos as symbols to protect themselves against


Ayuda: La respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo, donde explica que

estas gentes utilizaban los tatuajes como protección simbólica frente a sus

Vocabulario: "protect": proteger; "against ": contra.

b) Why did the sailors choose to have crosses tattooed?.

Sailors had crosses tattooed on their bodies because they thought no enemies
would try to hit the image of Christ and so they would not get hurt that way.

Ayuda: En el segundo párrafo nos explica los símbolos que utilizaban los
marineros en sus tatuajes. Las cruces (crucifixion scenes), como símbolo de
Cristo, intentaban evitar que fueran golpeados por enemigos temerosos de atentar
contra su imagen.

Vocabulario:"sailors": marineros ; "hit": golpear ; "get hurt": ser herido.

Question 3:

a) embalmed human bodies : mummies (momias)

Ayuda: Este grupo nominal está en plural, por lo tanto tendremos que buscar un
sustantivo en plural. Significa cuerpos humanos embalsamados, es decir, momias.

b) almost : nearly (casi)

Ayuda: almost es un adverbio. Significa lo mismo que nearly, otro adverbio.

c) profound : deep (profundo)

Ayuda: profound es un adjetivo que como deep, significa profundo.

d) completely : fully (totalmente)

Ayuda: completely es un adverbio (acaba en -ly) que significa completamente. Su

sinónimo, fully, es pues otro adverbio que modifica al verbo (understand)

Question 4:

a) Before becoming (become) King of England, George V had a dragon tattooed

on his arm.

Ayuda: Después de una preposición (before) el verbo debe estar en gerundio. His
es un adjetivo posesivo cuyo antecedente es George V (por lo tanto his y no otro

b) "What does the word stigma mean?" It means a mark or sign of shame

Ayuda: En una pregunta, delante del auxiliar (does) sólo puede utilizarse un
pronombre interrogativo (when, why, who,..). En este caso, what (= qué) es el
único posible. Entre el verbo (means) y el sustantivo (mark) no puede haber ni otro
verbo ni otro nombre, sólo un elemento que funcione como determinante en el
grupo nominal. a es un artículo indefinido.

c) Winston´s Churchill´s mother, whose wrist was tattooed with a serpent, tried to
cover it with a bracelet when in public.

Ayuda: Whose es un pronombre relativo que introduce la oración de relativo

(whose wrist was tattooed with a serpent). Whose indica posesión (significa
"cuya") y su antecedente es Winston´s Churchill´s mother. El verbo cover es un
verbo transitivo que requiere un complemento directo. El pronombre it funciona
como complemento directo; su antecedente es a serpent.

d) In the past, tattoos were linked to criminals, but today the tattoo is worn proudly
by celebrities.

Ayuda: La estructura de estas dos oraciones requiere el uso de pasiva. La primera

oración carece de agente (persona que realiza la acción). La expresión temporal (In
the past) nos indica que debemos utilizar el pasado simple (was/were + participio
pasado). En la segunda oración el agente se indica empleando by y la expresión today
nos indica que debemos utilizar el presente simple (is /are + past participle).
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Question 1:

Some types of wild animals were important in Latin American cultures

The assisted reproduction project is the first attempt to save felines in Latin America

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:

"Since time immemorial felines have been venerated in America, North and South"

La respuesta es verdadera puesto que los animales salvajes a los que se refiere la
afirmación (wild animals) son los felinos (felines), que son venerados (venerated), y por lo
tanto importantes en las culturas Latino-Americanas.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"So far, the problem has been addressed by introducing new animals into each region,..."

La respuesta es falsa ya que afirma que el proyecto de reproducción asistida ( the assisted
reproduction project) es el primer intento (attempt) que se lleva a cabo para salvar a los
felinos en Latino América. Sin embargo, el texto nos dice que hasta ahora (So far), este
problema se ha intentado tratar (has been addressed) introduciendo nuevos animales en la
región. Por tanto, el proyecto de reproducción asistida no es el primero en intentar
aumentar la población de felinos, ya que ha habido uno anterior.

Nota: No es necesario copiar hasta el final de la frase ya que no es relevante para demostrar si
la afirmación es verdadera o falsa. Los criterios de corrección especifican copiar únicamente el
fragmento del texto relevante para la elección.

Question 2:

a) Why has the number of felines in South America fallen recently?

The number of felines has decreased because human activities such as mining or hunting
have reduced their natural habitat in the forest, and this implies the reduction of the feline

Ayuda: La respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo, que nos explica las causas de
la caída en el número de la población de animales salvajes.

Vocabulario: "has decreased": ha disminuido; "such as ": como por ejemplo; "this
implies":esto implica.

b) How do Spanish and Argentine scientists plan to help endangered felines?.

Scientists from these two countries will use assisted reproduction techniques, that is, they
will create two genetic banks from which female animals will be fertilized with semen from

Ayuda: La respuesta se presenta ya en el primer párrafo pero se desarrolla en el tercer

párrafo, en el que nos especifica el procedimiento de la técnica de reproducción asistida
que se empleará con las hembras

Vocabulario:"male": macho ; "female": hembra ; "that is": es decir ; "will be fertilized": serán
Question 3:

a) decreased : declined (descendió)

Ayuda: Decreased es un verbo en pasado (terminación -ed) por lo que su sinónimo será
otro verbo también en pasado. Significa disminuyó.

b) possible danger : threat (amenaza)

Ayuda: danger es un sustantivo. Su sinónimo también debe ser uno. Possible danger:
posible peligro.

c) agriculture : farming (cultivo)

Ayuda: agriculture es un sustantivo. Farming es uno de los muchos sustantivos que se

forman a partir de un verbo (farm) añadiendo el sufijo -ing.

d) until now : So far (hasta ahora)

Ayuda: until now es un adverbio que indica una situación que ha existido hasta el presente.

Question 4:

a) If we want wild cats to reproduce, we should protect their environment.

Ayuda: esta es una oración condicional de primer tipo ya que el verbo de la oración
subordinada que expresa la condición ("If we want wild cats to reproduce ",) está en
presente. El verbo "want" pertenece al grupo de verbos (junto a "tell, advise, warn, ask",..)
que cuando van seguidos por otro verbo, éste debe estar en infinitivo ("to reproduce").

En las oraciones condicionales de primer tipo, la oración que expresa el resultado ("we
should protect the environment") puede llevar un verbo modal. En este caso "should" es el
más apropiado ya que indica lo que se "debería" hacer. (opinión / consejo).

b) We had better stop using the world´s natural resources carelessly. (careless)

Ayuda: "had better" es una expresión adverbial hecha (significa "será mejor que... "), que
siempre va seguida de un verbo en infinitivo. Al final de la frase debe ir un adverbio que
modifique al verbo de la oración "using". En inglés, la mayoría de los adverbios de modo
se forman añadiendo el sufijo "-ly" al adjetivo ("careless").

c) The populations of many animal species are too small for them to survive: soon, they will
become extinct.

Ayuda: Entre el verbo "are" y el adjetivo "small" la única opción posible es un adverbio que
lo modifique. "Too" es un adverbio de intensidad que significa demasiado. "For" actúa
como una conjunción subordinada que introduce una oración de infinitivo (to survive). La
estructura adjetivo + for + objeto + infinitivo es común.

Complete the following sentence to report what a journalist asked researchers about
the project.

d) When did you begin your new wild cat project? - The journalist asked researchers when
they had begun their new wild cat project.

Ayuda: Al convertir una pregunta en estilo indirecto, esta se convierte en una oración
afirmativa y por lo tanto ya no hay inversión del sujeto y el verbo, es decir, el orden de las
palabras se mantiene como una oración afirmativa. Cuando la pregunta comienza con una
partícula interrogativa ("When"), ésta se mantiene. El verbo en pasado simple de la pregunta
("did you begin") se transforma en pasado perfecto en estilo "indirecto".También deben
cambiarse los pronombres ("you" por "they") y los posesivos ("your" por "their").
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Question 1:

Nowadays, a lot of people seem to enjoy using the mobile phone

The text suggests that it is advisable to inform the other members of the group when you are
expecting an important call

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el parrafo relevante es:

"So many happy people talking away into their mobile phones"

La afirmación es verdadera ya que el texto habla de toda esa gente feliz que habla por sus
teléfonos móviles, es decir, que disfrutan usándolo (enjoy using the mobile phone).

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"...if you really have to either make or receive an urgent call during a social occasion, you should
explain the situation to the others at the outset."

La afirmación es verdadera ya que el texto nos aconseja que durante una situación social en la que
esperemos una llamada urgente, informemos a nuestros acompañantes al comienzo del evento
(explain the situation to the others at the outset)

Question 2:

a) Why is the use of mobile phones sometimes seen as an antisocial behaviour?

According to the text, there are some social events, such as a funeral, where the use of a
mobile phone is inappropriate as it is an imposing and interrupting element for those people
which are not part of the conversation.

Ayuda: La respuesta la encontramos en el segundo párrafo, donde explica aquellas situaciones

en las que el uso de un móvil puede ser visto como una conducta anti social, debido a que a
veces es un elemento perturbador y/o excluyente.

Vocabulario: according to: según; events: situaciones, such as: como por ejemplo,
inappropriate: inadecuado.

b) What does the text recommend doing about inconsiderate mobile phone users?

The text recommends us not to put up with those people who use their mobile phones
inconsiderately and so ask them to move away when they receive a call or even tell them to
switch off their mobile phones.

Ayuda: La respuesta la encontramos en el último párrafo en el que se nos anima a hacer frente
a los adictos al teléfono móvil de varias maneras.

Vocabulario: put up with: soportar; switch off: apagar.

Question 3:

a) maybe: perhaps (quizás)

Ayuda: : maybe es un adverbio que significa tal vez, a lo mejor, sinónimo de perhaps, otro

b) beginning : outset (comienzo)

Ayuda: beginning es uno de los varios sustantivos que se forman a partir de un verbo (begin)
añadiendo el sufijo –ing. Significa principio. Encontramos su sinónimo en otro sustantivo:

c) say sorry : apologise (disculparse)

Ayuda: say sorry es un grupo verbal que literalmente significa decir lo siento. Su sinónimo es
otro verbo: apologise.

d) encounter : come across (encontrarse con)

Ayuda: Come across es un phrasal verb formado por un verbo y una preposición.

Question 4:

a) The link between using (use) a mobile phone when driving and road accidents is well
established and this is applied (apply) to all kinds of phone, including hands-free.

Ayuda: Detrás de preposición (between), el verbo debe estar en gerundio (añadiendo -ing). En
el segundo espacio, debemos emplear la voz pasiva del verbo (be+ past participle) ya que la
oración carece de agente (persona que realiza la acción). Debemos utilizar el presente (is
applied) ya que el verbo que aparece en la oración (is) está en presente.

Nota: También sería posible introducir un modal en la estructura pasiva. En tal caso: can be
applied / might be applied

b) More technological advances have been (be) made in the last fifty years than in all previous

Ayuda: La oración requiere el uso de pasiva (be + past participle) ya que carece de agente.
Debemos utilizar el presente perfecto puesto que se refiere a una situación que comenzó en el
pasado y que aún continúa. La oración comienza con un adjetivo que indica comparativo de
superioridad (More), por lo tanto, el segundo espacio debe completarse con la partícula than.

c) Charles, who is a mobile phone addict, can´t stand being away from his home.

Ayuda: Estamos ante una oración de relativo explicativa (non-defining relative clauses). Puesto
que el antecedente es Charles, una persona, el pronombre relativo que debemos utilizar es
who. En el segundo espacio away from es una preposición que significa lejos de.

Complete the following sentence to report what was said.

d) Is there a mobile phone in your bag? - I asked the girl if / whether there was a mobile phone
in her bag.

Ayuda: Al convertir una pregunta en estilo indirecto, ésta se convierte en una oración afirmativa y
por lo tanto el orden de las palabras se mantiene como una oración afirmativa. Estamos ante una
pregunta de tipo yes/no (no comienza con un pronombre interrogativo y la respuesta sólo puede ser
yes/no). En este tipo de preguntas, detrás del complemento (the girl) podemos utilizar las
conjunciones IF o WHETHER indistintamente. El verbo en presente simple de la pregunta directa (Is
there) se transforma en pasado simple (there was) en estilo indirecto. También debe cambiarse el
adjetivo posesivo (your por her).
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Question 1:

Pets are welcome in the New York public transport system

Marcus believes that all hotels should offer rooms where you can stay
with your pet
Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:
"Mary Marcus of New York city takes her dog, Pluto, everywhere: to the
sushi restaurant down the street, to work, in and out of the neighbourhood
shops, even on the subway, which has a no-dog policy..."
El texto comienza por enumerar los lugares a los que Mary Marcus va con
su perro. Entre ellos, está el metro de Nueva York, que tiene como norma
no permitir el acceso a los perros (a no-dog policy)
Mientras que para la segunda es:
"With this take-your-dog-everywhere trend growing as quickly as it seems to
be, Marcus can´t understand why the hotel industry doesn´t offer pet and
non-pet rooms like smoking and non-smoking rooms"
La afirmación es verdadera ya que Marcus sí opina que los hoteles deberían
ofrecer habitaciones en las que los huéspedes puedan alojarse con sus
mascotas. En el tercer párrafo, se explica, en estilo indirecto, como Marcus
justifica el derecho a que los hoteles ofrezcan habitaciones para huéspedes
que tengan mascotas haciendo una comparación con aquellos hoteles que
ofrecen habitaciones para fumadores.

Question 2:

a) What do you know about Pluto and his character

According to the text, Pluto is an eight year old French bulldog that weighs
eleven kilograms and lives in New York with his owner. Regarding his
character, he is very funny, vivacious and amusing and that is the reason
why everybody likes him.
Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el primer párrafo dónde
encontramos toda la información relativa a Pluto que aparece en el texto:
quién es su dueña, los lugares dónde le lleva y cómo es su carácter.
Vocabulario: according to: según; weigh: pesar; owner: dueño; vivacious:
vivaz; amusing: divertido.
b) How has the attitude towards pets in the United States changed?
Pets are becoming more important to American families and so they are
being treated differently than a few years ago. Families now want to take
their pets everywhere and refuse to leave them at home while they go out to
a restaurant, or stay at a hotel.
Ayuda: en el tercer párrafo se explica cómo las mascotas comienzan a ser
cada día más importantes para las familias americanas hasta el punto de
que se habla de una tendencia (take-your-dog-everywhere trend) por parte
los propietarios de mascotas, que se las llevan a todas partes para no
dejarlas solas en casa.
Vocabulario: become: convertirse; refuse: negarse; while: mientras; stay:

Question 3:

a) unsuitable : inappropriate (inapropiado)

Ayuda: inappropriate es un adjetivo que al igual que su sinónimo se ha
formado añadiendo un prefijo. En este caso, el prefijo in- modifica al
adjetivo appropriate dándole el sentido contrario: apropiado-inapropiado.
Unsuitable es otro adjetivo que también adquiere su significado negativo
añadiéndole un prefijo (un-): suitable – unsuitable. Hay muchos adjetivos
que forman su contrario añadiendo estos dos prefijos (in-, un-): accurate –
inaccurate; active – inactive; steady – unsteady, stable – unstable, etc...
b) lively : vivacious (vivaz)
Ayuda: lively es un adjetivo que significa “animado, alegre” y se puede
aplicar a personas, lugares, animales, ambientes, etc... Su sinónimo tiene
que ser pues, otro adjetivo con el mismo significado. Vivacious significa
“vivaz, lleno de vida” y con él se suele describir sólo a personas o animales.
c) tendency : trend (tendencia)
Ayuda: tendency es un sustantivo que significa “tendencia”, al igual que su
sinónimo trend. En el texto, la tendencia a la que se hace referencia es la
de llevar a las mascotas a todas partes (take-your-dog-everywhere trend).
d) discovering : realizing (darse cuenta)
Ayuda: discovering es un verbo en gerundio (acaba en –ing), que significa
“descubrir”. La palabra que debemos buscar en el texto con significado
parecido también deberá ser un verbo que acabe en –ing. Realizing significa
“darse cuenta de algo” y en el texto aparece tras una preposición (after) y por lo
tanto está en gerundio.
Question 4:

a) Pets have become so important for their owners that the hotel industry
has to find a place to accommodate them with the rest of the family
Ayuda:en el primer espacio, so es un adverbio comparativo (degree
adverb) que modifica al adjetivo important. Debemos utilizar so en lugar de
otros adverbios que puedan modificar al adjetivo como very o quite debido
a la conjunción that que introduce la oración subordinada. So... that es una
estructura común que significa tan... que. En el segundo espacio, el
pronombre personal objeto (object pronoun), them, sustituye al sustantivo
pets, y como realiza la función de complemento, va detrás del verbo. Al
traducir la oración al español: Las mascotas se han convertido tan
importantes para sus propietarios que la industria hotelera tiene que
encontrar un lugar para acomodarlas con el resto de la familia
b) But Marcus has admitted (admit) that every now and then she meets
people who don´t like (not like) dogs.
Ayuda: debemos utilizar el presente perfecto (have / has + past participle)
en el primer espacio ya que la oración narra, en estilo indirecto, lo que
Marcus ha dicho, pero no especifica el momento de tal afirmación. En el
segundo espacio utilizamos el presente simple (don´t /doesn´t + infinitive)
ya que es el tiempo verbal que narra un hecho intemporal. Al traducir la
oración al español: Pero Marcus ha admitido que de vez en cuando conoce
a personas a las que no les gustan los perros.
c) Several years ago, sociologists began (begin) to study the differences
between the behaviours of cat and dog owners.
Ayuda: en el primer espacio debemos utilizar al pasado simple ya que se
narra una acción que ocurrió en un momento concreto del pasado (several
years ago). El verbo begin es irregular y su pasado es began. En el
segundo espacio utilizaremos la preposición between cuyo significado es
“entre”. Al traducir la oración al español: Hace algunos años, los sociólogos
empezaron a estudiar las diferencias entre el comportamiento de los
dueños de gatos y de perros.
d) Before leaving (leave) for holidays, Mary said: “I cannot imagine little
Pluto sleeping on the floor.”
Ayuda: en el primer espacio debemos escribir la forma del verbo en gerundio (-
ing) ya que después de preposiciones el verbo siempre debe estar en gerundio.
En el segundo espacio la preposición que utilizaremos será on, cuyo
significado es “sobre”. Cuando traducimos la oración al español: Antes de salir
de vacaciones, Mary dijo: “No puedo imaginarme al pequeño Pluto durmiendo
en el suelo.”
Curso 2007­2008 

1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?  Copy the evidence fr om the text. No 
1.  Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.  a) Marco Polo wrote his book during his famous journey to the East. 
2.  Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.  b) Experts have proved that all the information included in Polo’s book was invented. 
3.  Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.  (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos) 
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. 
2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. 
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.  a) Describe life in the Middle Ages for Europeans. 
b) Why was Marco Polo’s attitude to different cultures important? 
The Tr avels of Mar co Polo  (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos) 

The Travels of Marco Polo was a book conceived in a prison cell in Genoa (Italy)  3. Find the words in the text that mean: 
in 1298.  A  few  years earlier, in 1292, after a twenty­four year journey,  Polo  had  a) description (paragraph 1) 
returned  to  the  West  from  Kublai  Khan’s  Eastern  empire.  Polo’s  book  was  an  b) terrible (paragraph 2) 
c) foreign (paragraph 3) 
account  of this  vast empire  having a stage  of  civilization far more advanced than 
d) common (paragraph 3) 
anything Europeans could imagine.  (Puntuación máxima 1 punto) 

In  medieval  times  Europe  was  plagued  by  inept  and  corrupt  leaders,  misguided  4. Complete  the  following  sentences.  Use  the  appr opriate  for m of  the  word  in  brackets 
Crusades, the Black Death, hunger and lack of hygiene. To this grim reality, Polo  when given. 
introduced  Kublai  Khan,  a  model  statesman  who  presided  wisely  over  a  huge  a) Marco Polo, ____ was born in Venice, went to China with his father and uncle when he ____ 
empire with fantastic cities, advanced technology and transportation systems. This  seventeen years old. 
was a place where everything that Europe did not have and greedily desired could  b) While  the  West  ______  (govern)  by  corrupt  leaders  in  the  Middle  Ages,  a  wise emperor 
be  found.  However,  many  people  questioned  the  authenticity  of  Polo’s  accounts  _____ (rule) the East. 
c) Marco Polo’s book dealt ____ a world ____ products were highly valued in the West. 
and even took them to be fairytales. But much of what Polo wrote, regarded with 
Rewrite the following in repor ted speech. 
suspicion  in  medieval  times,  was  confirmed  by  travellers  of  the  18 th  and  19 th  d. Marco Polo said, “I have only told half of what I saw!” 
centuries,  and  most  of  the  detail  has  since  been  corroborated  by  historians  and  (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos) 
5. Write about 100 to 150 wor ds on one of the following topics. 
Fiction or not, Polo’s book has captured readers for centuries. Although its author  a) If you could choose a historical period to live in, which one would you choose and why? 
received  little  recognition  in  life,  he  was  capable  of  comprehending  cultures  b) Are travel books popular with modern readers? Give reasons for your answer. 
completely  alien  to  his  own.  Today  no  one  can  fail  to  appreciate  the  book’s  (Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)
celebration of the heterogeneity of nature, geography and, above all, people. Races 
are differentiated but not denigrated and the customs of different cultures are met 
with enthusiastic curiosity, not with the prejudice prevalent in Europe at that time. 

Question 1 

a) False. The Travels of Marco Polo was a book conceived in a prison cell in Genoa (Italy) in 
b)  False.  But  much  of  what  Polo  wrote,  regarded  with  suspicion  in  medieval  times,  was 
confirmed  by  travellers  of  the  18 th  and  19 th  centuries,  and  most  of  the  detail  has  since  been 
corroborated by historians and geographers. 

Question 2 

a)  corrupt rulers / wars / dreadful living conditions / hunger / lack of hygiene / many people 
suffered from the Black Death. 
b)  Marco Polo was very interested in places, people and customs different from his own / he 
tried to understand them / his vision of the world was surprisingly unbiased. 

Question 3 

a)  account 
b)  grim 
c)  alien 
d)  prevalent 

Question 4 

a)  who.............was 
b)  was governed .................. ruled/was ruling 
c)  with ......... whose 
d)  Marco Polo exclaimed/said that he had only told half of what he had seen / saw.
Curso 2007-2008


1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
a. According to the survey, women are more compulsive shoppers than men.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. b. Experts believe that buying is a form of self-realization for compulsive shoppers.
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

Compulsive shopping 2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do
not copy from the text.
A new illness, the Compulsive Buying Disorder, has been diagnosed. Its a. How does the text describe a compulsive consumer?
symptoms are frequent thoughts of shopping, experiencing senseless impulses to b. What are the differences between male and female compulsive buyers?
purchase unneeded items, and overspending to the extent that it harms (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
relationships or job performance. A recent survey has found that one in twenty
3. Find the words in the text that mean:
American adults buy things they may not even want or need. In today’s world of
a. result (paragraph 1)
consumerism, where we are constantly bombarded by ads, this is perhaps not
b. increased (paragraph 2)
unusual. But more surprising is a further finding that runs counter to the c. tendencies (paragraph 2)
conventional and rather stereotyped view that compulsive buying is very much a d. looking for (paragraph 3)
“woman's disease”: men are just as likely as women to suffer from compulsive (Puntuación máxima 1 punto)
buying. Gone seem to be the days when women dragged their bored men around
shopping malls. 4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when
Researchers say that the number of men who indulge in unnecessary shopping a. As a result of too much shopping, some anxiety or depression may ______
has rocketed. Experts claim that past trends and figures may have been unfairly (experience) and this might interfere _____ work or school performance.
b. Contrary to the general idea that shopping is a ladies’ habit, men are now ______
distorted as male obsessive shoppers used to be more reluctant than women to
(admit) that they also have this problem, and they even ask ____ some help.
recognize that they have a problem, admit it, and seek help. While women buy
c. Doctors suggest that compulsive shoppers ______ cultivate more spiritual aspects of
more clothing and products that improve appearance, men tend to focus more on their lives, rather ______ buying material things to complete themselves.
gadgets and technical items and can become compulsive collectors. Rewrite the following in reported speech.
d. Yesterday the salesman said to me: “Don’t pay now”.
And help seems to be exactly what the doctor orders for any compulsive shopper (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
who is usually not made any happier by his or her relentless buying. Doctors
have concluded that this behaviour is a way for people to try to complete 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
themselves. For some people, being complete is being impeccably dressed or a. Do you ever buy things that you don’t need? Why?
having something new. Instead, medical practitioners encourage those seeking b. The Compulsive Buying Disorder has become worse with the arrival of online
treatment to cultivate non-materialistic aspects of their lives. shopping and television programmes devoted to buying goods 24 hours a day.
(Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)
1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text.
No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.

a. According to the survey, women are more compulsive shoppers than men.


FALSE: […] men are just as likely as women to suffer from compulsive

b. Experts believe that buying is a form of self-realization for compulsive shoppers.


TRUE: […] Doctos have concluded that this behaviour is a way for
people to complete themselves.

(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text

a. How does the text describe a compulsive consumer?


A compulsive consumer, according to the text, is a person either a

woman or a man, who buys things (clothes, technical items, etc.) which he/she
doesn't need at all, in order to be better dressed or made-up (women) or to
collect and have more technical items (men).

b. What are the differences between male and female compulsive buyers?


Men usually buy electronic and technical gadgets, such as laptops,

music players, PDA‟s, mobile phones… While women mostly buy things to
improve their physical appearance, as clothing or make up.

(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)

3. Find the words in the text that mean:

a. result (paragraph 1) extent
b. increased (paragraph 2) rocketed
c. tendencies (paragraph 2) trends
d. looking for (paragraph 3) seeking
(Puntuación máxima 1 punto)
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets when given.
a. As a result of too much shopping, some anxiety or depression may 1
(experience) and this might interfere 2 work or
school performance.
b. Contrary to the general idea that shopping is a ladies' habit, men are now 3
(admit) that they also have
this problem, and they even ask 4 some he1p.
c. Doctors suggest that compulsive shoppers 5 cultivate more spiritual
aspects of their lives, rather 6 buying material things to
complete themselves.
Complete the following sentence in reported speech.
d. Yesterday the salesman said to me: “Don‟t pay now”. 7
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)


1. be experienced. En este caso se utiliza la pasiva (la ansiedad o la

depresión solamente pueden recibir la acción de ser experimentados,
no pueden realizarla), además, utilizando el infinitivo sin to (be) dado
que viene precedido de un modal verb.
2. in.
3. admitting. Present continuous with the temporary clause "now".
4. for. Ask for es un phrasal verb con el significado de pedir o solicitar
5. should. Verb "suggest" + verb in the conditional time "should".
6. than. Segunda parte del comparativo, en este caso, de superioridad.
7. Yesterday the salesman said to me not to pay in that moment.
Observa que no cambia el adverbio de tiempo yesterday (ayer)
porque se encuentra fuera de lo que cita textualmente el tendero
Curso 2007-2008


1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text.
1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. a. The term “square-eyes” refers only to a new invention.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b. Some experts think that the smart shoes are the first of a new type of products that will
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. help us control our physical condition.
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
Smart shoes
2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
A clever invention by a British student may be the answer to parents’ concerns questions. Do not copy from the text.
about their increasingly obese children. The invention is a shoe, nicknamed a. How does this new invention control children’s television viewing time?
“Square-Eyes”, that contains a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the b. How may “Square-Eyes” benefit both children and their families, in Swan’s opinion?
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
wearer has taken in a day. A wireless transmitter passes the information to a
receiver connected to the television, and this decides how much viewing time the 3. Find the words in the text that mean:
wearer deserves. The recommended average of 12,000 steps a day equates to a a. worries (paragraph 1)
maximum of two hours of viewing time. Once the allocated time in front of the b. ended (paragraph 1)
box has expired, the TV automatically switches off and the child must go out to c. mechanism (paragraph 2)
play if he wants to earn more time. d. cause (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima 1 punto)
The expression “square-eyes” has long been a term associated with sedentary
children who are exposed to too much television. This new device reverses this 4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
association by promoting active lifestyles for kids. The designer of the device, brackets when given.
Gillian Swan, hopes her invention will mean healthier children who include a. The _____ (easy) way to prevent children _____ watching too much television is to
exercise in their daily routines from an early age. She said: “Today's children are keep them busy with other interesting activities.
b. The television, _____ was invented many years ago, has both positive and negative
exposed to a huge offer of television programmes and children's channels. Ten
years ago, children were entertained by playing games with their friends, but now
c. Because _____ poor eating habits and too much television, the number of obese
they’re in their bedrooms watching hours of television programmes.” children _____ (increase) in the last few years
d. Ann enjoys _____ (watch) her favourite TV programmes for hours. Afterwards she
According to Swan, “While children may find that two hours of TV is not always _____ (try) to exercise more. Last year she _____ (spend) 200€ at a gym.
especially generous, it will hopefully raise awareness among family members of (Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
their sedentary lifestyle and bring about a change in behaviour.” Some researchers
believe the invention is at the vanguard of computer-integrated clothing which 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
will allow clothes to monitor our health. a. Discuss the negative and the positive aspects of television.
b. Do you think parents should control the number of hours their children watch TV?
(Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)

Question 1:

The term “square-eyes” refers only to a new invention

Some experts think that the smart shoes are the first of a new type o products
that will help us control our physical condition

Explicación: Para la primera afirmación el párrafo relevante es:

"The expression “square-eyes” has long been a term associated with

sedentary children who are exposed to too much television"
La afirmación es falsa ya que según el texto la expresión “square-eyes” se lleva
utilizando durante mucho tiempo para referirse a niños sedentarios que ven
demasiada televisión. Por lo tanto, el término “square-eyes” se refiere tanto a este
tipo de niños como al nuevo aparato inventado para combatir este hábito.

Mientras que para la segunda es:

"Some researchers believe the invention is at the vanguard of computer-

integrated clothing which will allow clothes to monitor our health"
La afirmación es verdadera ya que el texto menciona que algunos investigadores
creen que este nuevo invento (“the smart shoes”) se sitúa a la vanguardia de la
creación de ropa integrada con ordenador que nos permita monitorizar nuestra salud ,
y por lo tanto nuestra condición física (our physical condition).

Question 2:

a) How does this new invention control children´s television viewing time

The new invention controls children´s viewing type by recording the number of
steps that a child has taken in a day. This information is passed to a receiver
connected to the television which calculates the number of minutes that a child can
watch television according to the exercise done. When the time set has expired,
the TV automatically switches off.

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el primer párrafo, que explica

detalladamente el modo de funcionamiento de el nuevo aparato: un chip en los
zapatos del niño registra el número de pasos que realiza y esa información se
traslada a un receptor colocado en la televisión que calcula el tiempo de ver la
televisión que el niño merece. Cuando se acaba el tiempo, la televisión se apaga

Vocabulario: record: registrar; according to: de acuerdo con; set: establecido;

switches off: apagarse.
b) How may “square-eyes” benefit both children and their families, in
Swan believes that the new device will make families aware of their sedentary
lifestyle and will hopefully put an end to it, therefore becoming more active.

Ayuda: la respuesta la encontramos en el último párrafo que cita la opinión de la

diseñadora del aparato, Gillian Swan, sobre los beneficios de su invento. Según
ella, el aparato hará que las familias sean conscientes del estilo sedentario de vida
que están llevando y ayudará a combatir esta conducta.

Vocabulario: aware: conscientes; lifestyle: estilo de vida; hopefully: con un poco de

suerte; become: convertirse en.

Question 3:

a) worries: concerns (preocupaciones)

Ayuda: “worries” es un sustantivo en plural que significa “preocupaciones”, al igual

que “concerns” en una de sus acepciones.

b) ended : expired (terminado, vencido)

Ayuda: “ended” es un verbo en su forma de participio que significa “acabado”. Por

lo tanto debemos encontrar en el primer párrafo otro verbo con la mismas
características. La respuesta es “expired”, que es intercambiable por “ended” en
ciertos contextos.

c) mechanism : device (aparato)

Ayuda: “mechanism” es un sustantivo que aparece en singular. Significa

“mecanismo” y su sinónimo más parecido en el texto es “device”, cuyo significado
es “aparato, dispositivo o mecanismo”.

d) cause : raise (suscitar)

Ayuda: “cause” puede funcionar como sustantivo (“causa”) o como verbo (“causar”).
Tomándolo como un verbo aquí, su sinónimo más parecido en el contexto es “raise”,
otro verbo con muchas acepciones que puede significar “suscitar, dar lugar a,

Question 4:

Curso 2008­2009 


1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.  1. Ar e the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence fr om the text. No 

2. Lea atentamente todas las pr eguntas de la prueba.  mar ks are given for  only TRUE or FALSE. 
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.  a. Most Americans find it easy to rest well at night. 
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.  b. Researchers did not require any help from families to carry out the study on the 
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.  effects of sleep in children. 
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos) 

Do you sleep enough?  2.  In your  own wor ds and based on the ideas in the text, answer  the following questions. 

Do not copy fr om the text. 
a. Why is the journal Sleep mentioned in the text? 
A  good  night's  sleep  is  becoming  ever  more  elusive  for  the average  American 
b. Give two differences found in the study between  children  who slept enough and 
and it's a  problem that  plagues  us at all ages,  from  infancy to adulthood. Now 
those who did not. 
three new articles in the journal Sleep tackle the question of sleeplessness: two  (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos) 
studies  illuminate  the  reasons  why  teens  and  adults  don't  sleep  enough.  With 
teens, a major culprit is cellphone use; with adults, it's work. Meanwhile, a third  3. Find the wor ds in the text that mean: 
study of  young children reveals that sleep  deprivation in early life  may lead to  a. deal with (paragraph 1) 
future behavioral and cognitive problems.  b. insomnia  (paragraph 1) 
c. quantity (paragraph 2) 
The study in children was conducted at the Sleep Disorders Center in Montreal,  d. crucial (paragraph 3) 
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto) 
where  researchers  analyzed  the  sleep  patterns  of  1,500  children  aged  2.5  to  6 
years.  The  youngsters’  mothers  were  asked  to  record  the  amount  of  time  the  4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appr opriate for m of the wor d in br ackets 
children  slept  each  night  and  fill  out  questionnaires  about  their  child's  when given. 
hyperactivity, inattention and daytime sleepiness. Half of the kids slept 10 hours  a. Last year 2,500 children were asked how _____ they were woken up _____ night 
a  night  on  average  –the  recommended  amount  for  preschool­aged  children–  by incoming text messages on their mobile phone. 
while  6%  slumbered  for  less  than  10  hours  each  night.  Those  short­sleeping  b. Adolescents _____ get a good night's sleep do better in school _____ those who 
children,  says  Dr.  Montplaisir,  performed  poorly  on  tests  of  vocabulary  and  don't get enough. 
mental  development  tests  at  age  5,  compared  with  the  more  rested  group.  Not  c.  It  seems  that  children  and  teenagers  under the  age  of  18  are  more  vulnerable  to 
surprisingly, the short­sleepers were also more likely to score higher on tests of  radiation  coming  _____  mobile  phones  because  _____  immune  systems  are  not 
hyperactivity at age six, which shows the importance of consistent and sufficient  strong. 
sleep for concentration and attention.  d. Last month I _____ (spend) too much talking on my mobile phone, but I usually 
spend ____ average of €20 each month.” 
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos) 
The study, then, suggests that early childhood –before about 3.5 years of age– is 
a critical period during which parents should establish proper sleeping patterns,  5. Write about 100 to 150  wor ds on one of the following  topics. 
because  lack  of  sleep  during  that  stage  can  negatively  affect  behavior  and  a. Do entertainment gadgets, such as iPods and game consoles prevent young people 
development later in life.  from getting enough sleep? Discuss. 
b. What things keep you awake and why do they worry you? 
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos) 


Suggested  Answer s: 

Question 1 

1.a. False. A good night's sleep is becoming ever more elusive for the average American (and 
it's a problem that plagues us at all ages, from infancy to adulthood.) 

1.b.  False.  The  youngsters’  mothers  were  asked  to  record  the  amount  of  time  the  children 
slept  each  night  and  fill  out  questionnaires  about  their  child's  hyperactivity,  inattention  and 
daytime sleepiness. 

Question 2 

Key ideas 

2.a. Because it has recently published three studies dealing with sleeplessness among people 
of all ages: adults, teenagers and children. 

2.b. Children who slept  less  had a poorer vocabulary and  less  concentration than those who 

slept  longer.  They  scored  lower  on  tests  of  vocabulary  and  mental  development,  but  they 
scored higher on tests of hyperactivity. 

Question 3 

3.a. tackle 
3.b. sleeplessness 
3.c. amount 
3.d. critical 

Question 4 

4.a. often / many times Æ ............. at 

4.b. who/that.............. than 
4.c. from ..............their 
Curso 2008-2009 5

1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No

1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) The people living in Kamikatsu had to stop burning their rubbish because of new
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. laws.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. b) The attempts to recycle in the village have not been very successful.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do you think you can recycle? Then you must meet the villagers of Do not copy from the text.
Kamikatsu, in Japan!
a) What are the tasks involved in recycling the rubbish -organic and non-organic- in
Not long ago life in Kamikatsu centred on cultivating rice. Now the tiny the village?
b) What does one of the villagers think about the activity of recycling?
village in the densely wooded mountains of Shikoku Island in south-west (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Japan has a new obsession: rubbish.
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
Kamikatsu’s aim is to end its dependence on incineration, and become
Japan’s first zero-waste community. An hour’s drive from the nearest city, a) objective (paragraph 2)
the village was forced to change the way it managed its waste in 2000 when b) top (paragraph 3)
c) a very long time (paragraph 3)
new regulations on dioxin emissions forced it to shut down its two d) classify (paragraph 3)
incinerators. “We were no longer able to burn our rubbish, so we thought the (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
best policy was not to produce any” said Sonoe Fujii of the village’s Zero
Waste Academy, a non-profit organisation that controls the scheme. 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) People know that if they _____ (not recycle) their rubbish, in a few years they
Household waste must be separated into no fewer than 34 categories before _____ (have to abandon) the village of Kamikatsu.
being taken to a recycling centre where volunteers reprimand firmly, but b) Villagers tie their newspapers into packets _____ (use) string made _____
politely, anyone who forgets to remove the lid from a plastic bottle or to recycled milk cartons.
wash out an empty beer can. “At first it was very hard work” said a 65-year- c) The problem of used cooking oil is solved. It _____ (make) into fertiliser, _____is
old villager as she emptied another bowl of vegetable peelings into the used in gardens.
electric garbage disposal unit next to her back door. “It took ages to sort d) Rewrite the following sentence, beginning with the words given: When
everything into different types. But it comes naturally now.” Any waste that recycling glass bottles, you must classify them by colour.
is not organic is taken to the village’s zero-waste centre. The site has a wide When recycling glass bottles, they ___________________
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
variety of items, from bottles, cans and newspapers to batteries, cigarette
lighters, ballpoint pens and a surprisingly large number of broken mirrors. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on ONE of the following topics.
a) Do you think it is important to recycle? Defend your point of view.
Despite some opposition, Kamikatsu’s recycling rate has soared from 55% a b) Write the story of a broken mirror you found in the rubbish.
decade ago to about 80% today. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2008-2009


INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. a) Israel and Judah were two different kingdoms before King Solomon’s time.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
b) The copper mines discovered are located in what is now Israel.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Solomon's real mine discovered? Do not copy from the text.
In a discovery straight out of an Indiana Jones movie, archaeologists believe
a) Why do archaeologists think they have found King Solomon’s lost mines?
they have uncovered one of the lost mines of King Solomon. The vast
b) Why did treasure-hunters and archaeologists first look for the mines in Africa?
copper mine lies in an arid valley and was created in the 10th century BC 1 (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
―around the time Solomon is believed to have ruled over the ancient
Hebrews. The mines are enormous and would have generated a huge income 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
for the king, who is famed for bringing extraordinary wealth and stability to
a) dry (paragraph 1)
the newly-united kingdom of Israel and Judah.
b) centre (paragraph 2)
According to the Bible, Solomon was the third king of Israel and ruled for 40 c) commerce (paragraph 2)
d) nearer (paragraph 3)
years, between 965 BC and 925 BC. The son of King David ―of the David (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
and Goliath story― and Queen Bathsheba, Solomon was renowned for his
wisdom, his writings and the size of his harem. During his reign, Israel was 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
at the heart of a prosperous and stable empire. He rebuilt Jerusalem, creating when given.
magnificent palaces and fortresses. He is said to have accumulated a huge a) All we know _____ King Solomon comes _____ the Bible.
fortune from mining and trading, some of which was spent on building the b) Before _____ (become) King of Judah, Solomon’s father was _____ shepherd,
grand temple and opulent palace of Jerusalem. according to the Old Testament
c) When the Queen of Sheba arrived _____ King Solomon’s palace, she _____
Archaeologists and treasure-hunters have searched for the mines in Africa (give) the king many gifts.
since 1885. This is because the best-selling Victorian novel, King Solomon's d) The action of King Solomon’s Mines takes place in Africa. The novel _____
Mines, was set in this continent. Besides, it claimed they could hold a (write) by H.R. Haggard, _____ adventure books were set in exotic locations.
treasure of gold and diamonds. But now, it seems the real mines could have (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
been closer to Solomon’s kingdom, and, in fact, supplied the king with
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on ONE of the following topics.
copper. The ancient mine was found in a desolate region south of the Dead
Sea in modern-day Jordan in an area called Khirbat en-Nahas, which means a) Why are Indiana Jones movies so popular among young people? Give reasons.
'ruins of copper' in Arabic. b) Is there anything in common between archaeologists and treasure-hunters? Do
you think their lives are interesting? Discuss.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

BC = Before Christ.

1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.

a. Israel and Judah were two different kingdoms before King Solomon's time.

True The mines are enormous and would have generated a huge income for
the king, who is famed for bringing extraordinary wealth and stability to the
newly-united kingdom of Israel and Judah.

b. The copper mines discovered are located in what is now Israel.

False The ancient mine was found in a desolate region south of the Dead Sea
in modern-day Jordan in an area called Khirbat en-Nahas, which means 'ruins
of copper' in Arabic.

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.

a. Why do archaeologists think they have found King Solomon's lost mines?

b. Why did treasure-hunters and archaeologists first look for the mines in
Africa? (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)


a) Because after getting informed from the Bible and King Salomons novel and
the location of the lost mines they believe they have found the treasure.

b. They have being searching for the mines in Africa since 19th century
because the popular Victorian novel, King Solomons Mines took place in that

3.- Find the words in the text that mean:

a. dry (paragraph 1) ...... ARID
b. centre (paragraph 2) ...... HEART
c. commerce (paragraph 2) ...... TRADING
d. nearer (paragraph 3).........CLOSER
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets when given.

a. All we know ___about_____ King Solomon comes ___from___ the Bible.

b. Before ____becoming____ (become) King of Judah. Solomon's father was
____a__shepherd, according to the Old Testament.
c. When the Queen of Sheba arrived King Solomon's palace, she
___gave__(give) the king many gifts.
d. The action of King Solomon's Mines takes place in Africa. The novel _was
written_____(write) by H.R. Haggard, ____whose____adventure books were
set in exotic locations.


INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) The results of polls based on a small number of opinions are very precise.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b) One of the objectives of opinion polls is to find out how many people will go and
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. vote.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) How can political opinion polls be made more precise? (Give two answers.)
Political Polls* b) How do politicians and their advisors use opinion polls to their advantage?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Many people are closely following the political polls during the final weeks
preceding an important election. But how do these polls actually work? They are
3.- Find the words or phrases in the text that mean:
surveys of a relatively small number of people compared to the actual number who
a) significant (paragraph 1)
will vote. They are an attempt to determine who may actually win an election before
b) correct (paragraph 2)
the final vote. Let’s say that 100 million people are expected to vote in the general
c) trend (paragraph 3)
election. If 100 people are asked for their opinions, each respondent represents a
d) to emphasise (paragraph 3)
million voters. Obviously, the results of such a poll are not very reliable. The more (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
people surveyed, the more meaningful the results.
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
Political parties have various ways of making their polls more accurate. They try to when given.
find a representative variety of people to question. For example, they look for a) Opinion polls _____ (use) for many years by politicians _____ (help) them plan
people with similar backgrounds and from similar regions to those of all the voters. their election strategy.
Political parties also ask questions that try to determine how many people who b) The _____ (large) the number of people questioned, the _____ (accurate) the
support each candidate will actually vote. If a candidate has a higher percentage of result of the opinion poll.
enthusiastic supporters than his opponent, he has a better chance of winning than the c) Sometimes, _____ takes a long time for the election result to be decided. The
simple numbers might suggest. votes have to be recounted several times _____ a final result is reached.
d) Opinion poll designers are people _____ always try to find new ways to improve
If we look at polls that are taken over time, we can often detect a tendency. We can their product. In the future the polls will certainly be more effective _____ they are
tell if a candidate is gaining or losing support when we compare the most recent poll now.
to earlier ones. Polls often ask potential voters what they like or dislike about each (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
candidate. The campaigns use those results to help them decide which issues to
stress or which positions to clarify. They can also determine which voters to target 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
with their messages. What would you propose to improve society if you were an influential politician?
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
*Polls = Encuestas de opinión



1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) The problem Mount Everest is suffering has only been denounced recently.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b) Limiting the number of tourists to Everest means the local people will die of
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Should Everest be closed? Do not copy from the text
Everest has been described as the highest junkyard in the world. a) Explain why ecologists want to close Mount Everest. Give at least two reasons.
b) Why is the Nepalese government against closing Mount Everest?
Environmental groups are pushing for a radical solution: temporary closure (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
of the world’s highest mountain.
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
Warnings from ecologists that a disaster is imminent in the area around a) supplying (paragraph 2)
Mount Everest have been ignored for years. However, campaigners warn b) dangerous (paragraph 3)
that the price of tourism is both rubbish and the colonisation of the area by c) decrease (paragraph 3)
restaurants and internet cafes. An environmentalist explained the strain d) mountain top (paragraph 3)
placed on the indigenous population: “Providing enough electricity and (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
water for the small communities surrounding Everest becomes very
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
challenging when there are tens of thousands of tourists and climbers when given.
competing for those same resources.” He claimed that even eco-tourism is a) What a paradox! By _____ (visit) places of natural beauty, we only manage
doing more harm than good, since it is estimated that only 10% of the money _____ (destroy) that beauty.
spent by trekkers each day reaches village economies. b) Last year, a geological team _____ (find) signs that the landscape of Everest has
changed _____ (significant) since 1953.
But the sherpas who earn their living from the perilous work of guiding c) _____ we protect the environment now, it will be too late _____save the world.
adventurers to the summit oppose any reduction in climbing permits. Ang d) Rewrite the following sentence from the text. Begin with the words given.
Dawa, a guide in Katmandu said: “For us it is simple. There are tens of d. “Eco-tourism is doing more harm than good.” More harm than good _____
thousands of people in the region who solely depend on the trekkers and (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
mountaineers for their income. If they don’t come, these people will starve.”
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Nepalese officials say that they have no immediate plans to close down the Write about a trip you are organizing with a group of friends to spend a few days in
mountain. “All climbers are welcome as long as they are willing to pay,” a the mountains. Give details of the programme of activities and what everybody
government spokesman said. This is not surprising. For a team of seven should take for the excursion.
climbers even to set foot on the slopes of Everest, they must pay a royalty of (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
$94,000 to the Nepalese government.



a) FALSE: The more people surveyed, the more meaningful the results. (1st
paragraph, last line)

b) FALSE: They are surveys of a relatively small number of people compared to the
actual number who will vote. They are an attempt to determine who may actually win
an election before the final vote. (lines 2-3)


a) The most important way of making accurate polls is taking a significant sample,
what’s means questioning a representative variety of people able to give a wide range
of information.

b) Polls give important information about weaknesses in the campaign. They help to
know which messages must be clarified and which kind of voter is valuable to
concentrate on.


a) significant (paragraph 1): MEANINGFUL

b) correct (paragraph 2): ACCURATE
c) trend (paragraph 3): TENDENCY
d) to emphasise (paragraph 3): TO STRESS


a) Opinion polls HAVE BEEN USED (use) for many years by politicians TO (help) them
plan their election strategy.

b) The LARGER (large) the number of people questioned, the MORE (accurate) the
result of the opinion poll.

c) Sometimes, IT takes a long time for the election result to be decided. The votes
have to be recounted several times BEFORE a final result is reached.

d) Opinion poll designers are people WHO always try to find new ways to improve their
product. In the future the polls will certainly be more effective THAN they are now.


a) FALSE: “ Warnings from ecologists that a disaster is imminent in the area around
Mount Everest have been ignored for years”

b) TRUE: “ There are tens of thousands of people in the region who solely dependo n
the trekkers and mountaineers for their income. If They don’t come these people will


a) They want to close it because tourism damage the environment with rubbish ang it
doesn’t even benefit the community since no more than a 10% of the money spent
reaches village economies.

b) The main reason is that climbing the Everest means a great investment of money in
the region which specially benefits the Napalese government that demands for a
royalty of $94000


a) supplying (paragraph 2) PROVIDING

b) dangerous (paragraph 3) PERILOUS
c) decrease (paragraph 3) REDUCTION
d) mountain top (paragraph 3) SUMMIT


a) What a paradox! By VISITING (visit) places of natural beauty, we only manage TO

DESTROY (destroy) that beauty.

b) Last year, a geological team FOUND (find) signs that the landscape of Everest has
changed SIGNIFICANTLY (significant) since 1953.

c) UNLESS we protect the environment now, it will be too late TO save the world.

d) Rewrite the following sentence from the text. Begin with the words given.

“Eco-tourism is doing more harm than good.”

More harm than good IS BEING DONE BY ECO-TOURISM.

Curso 2009-2010


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. a) The biologist collected factual information about bears, like the area where they
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. lived and travelled around.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b) Making close contact with your object of study is normal in scientific research.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
The truth about bears
a) What has the biologist discovered about the bear’s diet?
b) Why does he think humans are dangerous?
The wildlife biologist, John Rogers, had spent thousands of hours studying (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
North America’s black bears. He shot them with tranquilisers before fitting
them with radio collars. He took their blood and studied their DNA. And he 3.- Find the words or phrases in the text that mean:
tracked their movements and marked them on maps. But none of that had a) animals (paragraph 1)
allowed him to really know the creatures. b) confidence (paragraph 2)
c) distance (paragraph 2)
d) move (in the air) (paragraph 3)
Rogers finally decided that he couldn’t hope to know bears unless he won (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
their trust. And so he abandoned scientific detachment and took the
controversial step of forming relationships with his study animals, using 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
food to gain acceptance among an extended bear family in Minnesota. Now, when given.
he has abandoned almost everything he knew, or thought he knew, about a) Everybody_____ (believe) that bears love _____ (eat) honey.
b) If we want to know the real facts _____ animals, we _____ study them in action.
bears. They do not like honey. They are not even that crazy about berries or
Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given:
nuts, if they have a choice of larvae in a tree trunk. c) It’s not necessary to dissect an animal to know a lot about it.
You ….
And they are not dangerous. “In all my 42 years of working closely with d) When Rogers went near the bear, he called to it “Don’t worry, bear!”
bears, I have not found a way of getting a bear to attack. The more I push, Rogers told….
the more they try to get away. If they wave their arms aggressively, it’s just a (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
way to keep me at a distance while they find a way to escape. It’s humans
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
who are the more dangerous animals”, he said. “If you look at statistics, one
Pets in city flats? Argue for or against.
black bear out of a million kills somebody. Among humans, it’s one person (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
out of 18,000 who kills somebody. So you could see why I would feel a lot
less comfortable in the city than in the woods next to a bear.”
Curso 2009-2010


1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. a) In the past, people in the Western world dreamed about the treasures in South
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. Asia.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b) While India was ruled by the British it became a typical example of
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. underdevelopment.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
India's Economic Revival
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
The idea that India is a poor country is a relatively recent one. Historically, questions. Do not copy from the text.
South Asia was always famous as the richest region of the globe. Ever since a) Why are the Chinese emperors of the Ming dynasty mentioned in the text?
b) What kind of influence did the Portuguese, Dutch and British have on India?
the great Greek conqueror Alexander penetrated the Hindu Kush in 329 (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
B.C., Europeans fantasized about the wealth of these lands where precious
jewels were said to lie scattered on the ground like dust. 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) riches (paragraph 1)
During the 17th century, the Indian Mughal emperors were rivalled b) powder (paragraph 1)
only by their Ming counterparts in China. For their contemporaries in c) highest point (paragraph 3)
distant Europe, they were potent symbols of power and wealth. By the d) hunger (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
17th century, Lahore had grown even larger and richer than
Constantinople and, with its two million inhabitants, was much bigger 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
than either London or Paris. when given.
a) India is a country in South Asia _____ comprises most of the Indian
subcontinent. The Ganges is the _____ (long) river in India.
What changed was the advent of European colonialism. Following Vasco da b) The term “colony” comes _____ the Latin colonia, which originally _____
Gama's discovery of the sea route to the East in 1498, European colonial (mean) a place for agricultural activities.
traders to India — first the Portuguese, then the Dutch and finally the British c) “How _____ does it take to fly from London to India?”
— slowly destroyed the old trading network and imposed a Western imperial “It_____ (take) around nine hours.”
system of economics. It was only at the very end of the 18th century that d) The Ming dynasty began in 1368, and lasted until 1644 AD. _____ founder was
Europe had for the first time in history a favourable balance of trade with a peasant who became Emperor after _____ (defeat) the Mongols and the
Asia. The era of Indian economic decline had begun. By 1870, at the peak of Yuan Dynasty.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
the British dominion, India had been reduced for the first time to a Third
World nation, a symbol across the globe of famine, poverty and deprivation. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
What distant or exotic country would you like to visit? Give reasons for your
Then, what is happening today with the rise of India and China is not some choice.
miraculous novelty — as it is usually depicted in the Western press — so (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
much as a return to the traditional pattern of global trade in the medieval and
ancient world.

Curso 2009/2010 QUESTIONS

1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN a. Children start speaking immediately after their operation.
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
b. According to the text, when parents try to force their children to speak, they become
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. more communicative.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text
a. How do these children improve after music therapy?
b. In the rehabilitation sessions, what do children do?
Music therapy can help children with communication problems (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Some infants who are born with impaired hearing and who cannot benefit from 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
hearing aids are likely to gain 90% normal hearing ability by undergoing ear a. goes through (paragraph 1)
surgery. But, after the operation, the child - who has never heard before - undergoes b. small children (paragraph 1)
a long rehabilitation process before he or she can begin to speak. In a recent study, c. appropriate (paragraph 2)
researchers examined the particular effects that music therapy has on the potential d. investigators (paragraph 3)
development of toddlers (aged 2-3) who have undergone ear surgery, specifically in (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
terms of improving spontaneous communication.
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
“Music includes various elements that are also components of language. So, this brackets when given.
non-verbal form of communication is suitable for communication with these a. Music, _____constitutes a bridge _____ the quiet world that the children knew and a
children, when they are still unable to use language,” explained a researcher. She new world of sounds, is used in rehabilitation.
added that the toddlers undergoing rehabilitation are under a lot of pressure from b. These sessions _____ (videotape) and analysed _____ show the results.
their surroundings - especially their parents- to begin talking, and sometimes this c. There is still _____work to be done _____researchers in this area.
pressure makes them become introverted. In such a scenario, music therapy d. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given.
strengthens these children’s non-verbal communication and lessens pressure on The mother said: “My son has improved his communication with music therapy.”
them for verbal exchange and response. The mother said that………………
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
The study provided sixteen sessions for children after ear surgery. Eight of the
sessions included music-related activities and the rest involved playing with toys 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
and games without musical sounds. The results showed that during those sessions How important is music in your life? Write about your tastes.
when music therapy was implemented, spontaneous communication was markedly (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
more frequent and prolonged in the children. The researchers concluded that
exposure to music needs to be gradual, through the use of music experiences that
involve basic musical parameters, such as intensity and rhythm.
Curso 2009/2010


1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) Halloween was originally a Christian celebration.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b) Like the Celts on October 31st, Irish immigrants in the USA wore disguises in
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. order to frighten away the evil souls.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Trick or treat! It’s Halloween Do not copy from the text
Children celebrate Halloween around the world on the night of October 31st. a) Why does the text say that Halloween is one of the greatest commercial holidays
They go out in macabre costumes of ghosts, witches or skeletons to knock in the United States?
on their neighbours’ doors and shout “Trick or treat!” The neighbours must b) In what sense is the “trick or treat” tradition similar to the Celtic celebration?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
give them sweets; otherwise, the children will play tricks on them.
Halloween is big business in the United States where people spend around 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
seven billion dollars each year on Halloween products. Theme parks like a) goods (paragraph 1)
Disneyland hold week-long festivals and many cities have parades. New b) spectacular (paragraph 1)
York’s Village Halloween Parade attracts two million people who celebrate c) in fact (paragraph 2)
in the streets, dressed in stunning costumes. The tradition is strongest in the d) escaping (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
United States, but interest is growing in Europe.
4.- Complete the following sentences with one or more words. Use the appropriate form
Actually, Halloween originated in Europe as a Celtic New Year celebration. of the word in brackets when given.
For the Irish, in the Celtic calendar, October 31st was Samhain, a pagan a) _____children don’t get sweets _____ their neighbours, they will play tricks on
festival. The Celts believed that the dead returned to possess the living them.
b) The Irish emigrated to America _____ they could find _____ better life.
during that night, and so they opened their doors and provided food to the
c) _____ it is an American tradition, interest _____ Halloween is increasing in
wandering good souls and wore costumes to scare off the evil ones. Europe.
d) Rewrite the following sentence from the text. Begin with the words given.
In the 19th century, Irish and Scottish immigrants took their traditions to d. New York’s Village Halloween Parade attracts two million people who celebrate
America and it seems that trick-or-treating is linked to Irish Samhain in the streets.
traditions, and thus became popular about the time that the Irish began to Two million people ………..
immigrate to the United States in large numbers, fleeing from Ireland’s (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
potato famine of 1846. They began to dress up in costumes and go from 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
house to house asking for food or money, a practice that eventually became Write about a Halloween party or any other party where you went wearing a
today’s trick-or-treat tradition. A new American tradition was born and has disguise.
continued to grow. Today, Halloween is the second largest commercial (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
holiday in the United States.

Curso 2010-2011


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. QUESTIONS
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. a) While testing the google car, humans never had to take control and drive it.
b) Since robot cars can be made to weigh less, they will use less petrol.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Self-driving Google Cars
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.
Anyone driving the curves between San Francisco and Los Angeles may have a) According to the text, what does a Google self-driving car look like?
recently seen a small car with a curious cylinder on the roof holding video cameras, b) Give at least three advantages of robot cars.
radar sensors and a laser device to “see” other vehicles. It was harder to notice that (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
the person at the wheel was not actually driving. The car is a project of Google,
which has been working in plain view on vehicles that can drive themselves, 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
mimicking the decisions made by a human driver. With someone behind the wheel a) more difficult (paragraph 1)
to take control if something goes wrong, seven test cars have driven 225,000 b) in fact (paragraph 1)
kilometres with only two human interventions. It drives at the speed limit, which it c) decreasing (paragraph 2)
knows because the limit for every road is included in its database, and it stops for d) evidence (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
lights and stop signs.
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
Robot cars react faster than humans, have 360-degree perception and do not get
brackets when given.
distracted, sleepy or intoxicated, which saves lives and avoids injuries, the engineers a) Last year my neighbour _____ (buy) a Google car and he _____ (complain) since
argue. They also say that this technology could double the capacity of roads by then.
allowing cars to drive more safely while closer together. Because the robot cars b) According to the World Health Organization, more _____ 1.2 million lives _____
would eventually be less likely to crash, they could be built lighter, reducing fuel (lose) in accidents every year.
consumption. But of course, to be truly safer, the cars must be far more reliable than
c) Nowadays, there many people who would enjoy _____ (drive) a robot car.
today’s personal computers, which crash occasionally.
d) The robot car was invented _____ Sebastian Thrun, _____ engineer who works
for Google.
The Google research programme, using artificial intelligence to revolutionise the (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
automobile, is proof that the company’s ambitions reach beyond the search engine
business. Autonomous cars are years from mass production, but technologists, who 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
have long dreamed of them, believe that they can transform society as profoundly as How have new technologies influenced your life? Explain.
the Internet has. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2010-2011


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. a) There are no rules about what you can name your child in the UK.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b) Some children in the UK now have names of fictional characters.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
What’s in a Name? Do not copy from the text.
a) What was the New Zealand couple’s problem and how did they solve it?
Recently, a couple in New Zealand was not allowed to name their baby son b) Explain at least three different regulations on naming children mentioned in the
4Real. Even though New Zealand has quite liberal rules about naming children, (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
names beginning with a number are not allowed. They decided to call him
Superman instead. 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) trend (paragraph 2)
In many countries around the world, unusual names for children are becoming b) select (paragraph 2)
more popular, especially since the increasing fashion for celebrities to give their c) in the same way (paragraph 2)
children silly names. In Britain, you can call a child almost anything you like - d) like (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
the only restrictions on parents relate to offensive words. Some parents choose
names which come from popular culture. For example, there have been six boys 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
named Gandalf after the character in the Lord of the Rings novels and films. when given.
Equally, names relating to sport are fairly common - since 1984, 36 children a) Naming your baby is one of _____ (important) tasks you will ever face. A silly
have been called Arsenal after the football team. name may affect you and your child _____ ever!
b) _____ you don’t like the first name that comes into your mind, keep _____
Other countries have much stricter rules about how parents should name their (search) until you find a name that you really like.
children. Countries including Japan, Denmark, Germany and Argentina have an c) No one _____ (like) having their name constantly _____ (mispronounce), that’s
approved list of names from which parents must choose. In China, there are for sure.
some rules about what you may call a child - no foreign letters or symbols are d) Once you have an idea for your _____ (baby) name, always check the initials! I
allowed. As a result, just a year ago, a couple could not name their baby son @. had a neighbour _____ initials were “P.I.G.”.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

In Britain, some names which were previously considered old-fashioned have 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
become more popular again, such as Maisie or Ella for a girl, or Alfie or Noah What names would you give your children and which ones would you avoid?
for a boy. But the most popular names are not the silly ones. The top names are Explain why.
fairly traditional - Jack, Charlie and Thomas for boys and Grace, Ruby and (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Jessica for girls.

Curso 2010-2011

INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. a) Professor Schaefer’s new hypothesis about the cause of Cleopatra’s death was
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. made known through a specialized magazine.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b) Experts in poisons told Schaefer that a snake bite causes immediate death.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) Why is Mark Antony mentioned in the text?
b) What made Professor Schaefer think that a snake bite was not the cause of
Cleopatra Was not Killed by a Snake Cleopatra’s death?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

The Queen of the Nile ended her life in 30 BC. According to legend it was 3.- Find the words or phrases in the text that mean:
the bite of an Egyptian cobra which caused her death. After losing the Battle a) the same (paragraph 1)
of Actium, her Roman lover, Mark Antony, is said to have committed b) represented (paragraph 1)
suicide. Cleopatra did likewise, according to tradition, by killing herself. Her b) proof (paragraph 2)
legacy survives in numerous works of art and the many dramatizations of her c) drink (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
story in literature and other media. Cleopatra is usually portrayed as a great
beauty and her successive conquests of the world's most powerful men are 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
taken to be proof of her aesthetic and sexual appeal. when given.
a) The popular image we have of Cleopatra is _____ of a beautiful queen _____ was
Now Christoph Schaefer, a German historian and professor at the University adored by Roman politicians and generals.
of Trier, has presented evidence on a television programme that drugs and b) An old coin with the image of Cleopatra _____ (show) that she may not have
not a snake were the cause of death. He said that the bite of a snake would been as attractive_____ first thought.
have given her an agonizing death over several days. “Queen Cleopatra was c) The coin, which _____ (hide) in a bank vault, accidentally fell _____ the floor of
famous for her beauty and was unlikely to have subjected herself to a long the bank after a robbery.
and disfiguring death,” said Schaefer, the author of a best-selling book in d) Shakespeare _____ (write) his tragedy Antony and Cleopatra in 1608, but it was
first printed fifteen years_____ (late).
Germany called Cleopatra. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

“Cleopatra wanted to remain beautiful in her death to maintain her myth. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
The last female Pharaoh probably took a lethal cocktail, which, back then, Write about a historical figure that you admire.
was a well-known mixture that led to a painless death within just a few (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
hours. We consulted eminent zoologists and toxicologists and they said that
a snake bite would have been too uncertain and taken too long,” Professor
Schaefer added.
Curso 2010-2011


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. a) In Australia, more energy is used in the winter.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. b) Most scientists think climate change is taking place.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
What Should We Do about Climate Change?
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Climate scientists are telling us that the earth is warming, we are causing it, Do not copy from the text.
a) How can global warming be solved? Give at least two possible solutions.
and we should reduce carbon dioxide emissions to lessen the effects. So
b) Why are some industries against informing the public about climate change?
what should we do? Firstly, we should either use less energy, or use (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
renewable energy sources, like solar panels. These panels are now providing
energy in Europe more cheaply than nuclear generators, and without the 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
waste products. In Australia, peak energy demand is on hot summer days, a) supplying (paragraph 1)
when solar energy is most abundant. So, it makes sense to use solar energy b) maximum (paragraph 1)
c) since (paragraph 3)
to help meet this peak demand.
d) repair (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
Most importantly, we must stop listening to disinformation. Arguments that
deny the existence of climate change have been repeatedly shown to be false 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
and misleading. Claims that climate change is a hoax, or a conspiracy, or when given.
a) The environment is a topic_____ many people are interested _____.
that climate scientists have deceived the public, is an inversion of the truth.
b) The electricity_____ (cut) off while we were listening _____ the radio.
Climate change denial is false propaganda. As a matter of fact, ninety-seven c) Last year I _____ (take) the bus to work instead of _____ (drive) my car.
percent of scientists agree that climate change is happening. The time for d) Rewrite the following question, beginning with the words given.
skepticism about climate change has passed. d. “Why should people use less energy?” they asked.
They asked ________________________________
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
However, people should be encouraged to critically examine evidence and
motivations. Thousands of scientists can’t have been fabricating evidence 5. - Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
and theory for over a hundred years in a conspiracy. Perhaps there is a Is climate change a real problem? Why? Give your opinion on the topic.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
hidden reason. Maybe some industries could be sponsoring a disinformation
campaign, because they will lose billions of dollars in profits if people use
less or alternative forms of energy. Keep in mind that the cost of prevention
now is less than the cost of trying to fix the damage later.

Curso 2011-2012

1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) ASIMO was designed only to direct an orchestra.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
b) The Roomba vacuuming robot has a humanoid appearance.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text

a) Describe ASIMO’s appearance and its role with the Detroit Symphony.
Make room for the robots
b) Explain why Monty needs to look more human.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
When world-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma announced that he would be playing with the
Detroit Symphony, every seat was sold. However, Yo-Yo Ma’s performance was 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
not the only thing that amazed the audience. The conductor did too. The conductor
stepped onto the stage and lifted both arms to direct the musicians who played the a) raised (paragraph 1)
song "The Impossible Dream." Until recently, that is exactly what this performance b) skills (paragraph 1)
would have been. This is because ASIMO, the conductor, is only eight years old and c) tedious (paragraph 2)
1.2 meters tall. It is also a robot. The scientists who built ASIMO equipped it with d) risky (paragraph 2)
many abilities such as climbing stairs, recognizing faces, or even helping musicians (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
make beautiful music.
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
Since the 1960s, robots have been doing jobs that are too boring or dangerous for brackets when given.
humans. These industrial robots, unlike ASIMO, do not have a humanoid
appearance. But now that robots are moving into our homes, many are starting to a) Roomba is _____ (easy) to use than a normal vacuum cleaner and I am more than
look more like us. One company has built a dish-washing robot called Monty. To _____ (satisfy) with it.
reach the sink, Monty needed to be more than 1.5 meters tall and have a human-like b) Could you _____ me a favour? Tell me where I can buy the _____ (good)
hand to pick up coffee cups. "Once you make a robot for human environments," says cooking robot on the market.
the company’s manager, "you end up getting closer to a human shape. But building c) A Japanese company has made a new robot that looks and acts _____ a dog, but it
robots to look like people is not always necessary.” His company also makes a disc- is not a substitute _____ a real pet.
shaped vacuuming robot called the Roomba and more than 3 million are already in d) Many novels about robots _____ (write) by science fiction writers. I especially
use. enjoy _____ (read) Isaac Asimov’s robot novels.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Will the robots of the future look more like Monty or Roomba? Either way, the
company’s manager is happy to hand over the boring chores. "I'd rather have a robot 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
do dishes," he says. Wouldn't you?
Would you like to have a humanoid robot in your home? Why or why not?
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2011-2012


1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) No plague has been as lethal as the “Spanish Flu”.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b) Common influenza mainly affects middle-aged people.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) How was the American population affected by the Spanish flu?
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 b) Did people suffering from “Spanish Flu” take a long time to die? Explain your
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great
War, known today as World War I, at somewhere between 20 and 40 million 3.- Find the words or phrases in the text that mean:
people. Known as "Spanish Flu", that outbreak of influenza was a global a) catastrophe (paragraph 1)
disaster. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world b) autumn (paragraph 2)
history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four years of c) ending (paragraph 2)
the Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. d) fatal (paragraph 2)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
In the fall of 1918, the Great War in Europe was winding down and peace
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
was on the horizon. Then, something erupted that seemed as benign as the when given.
common cold. The influenza of that season, however, was far more than a a) Many more people _____ (kill) by the “Spanish Flu” in a single year _____ those
cold. In the two years that this plague ravaged the earth, a fifth of the world's who died from the Black Death.
population was infected. The “Spanish flu” was most deadly for people aged b) If doctors of the time _____ (have) effective medicines at their disposal in 1918,
20 to 40. This pattern of morbidity was unusual for influenza, which is many people _____ (save) their lives.
usually a killer of the elderly and young children. c) Normally, _____ takes years to find an effective drug against a virus. We still
haven’t one for AIDS _____ three decades of research.
It infected 28% of all Americans. An estimated 675,000 Americans died of d) Rewrite the following sentence beginning with the words given.
influenza during the pandemic, ten times as many as in the World War I. Of Mrs. Mitchell said to her daughter: “Wear your scarf and gloves in case it snows”.
the U.S. soldiers who died in Europe, half of them fell to the influenza virus Mrs. Mitchell told her daughter …….
and not to the enemy. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.

People were struck with illness on the street and died rapid deaths. The
What do you do to look after yourself when you catch a cold or the flu?
physicians of the time were helpless against this powerful agent of influenza. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
A well-known anecdote tells of four women playing bridge together late into
the night. Overnight, three of the women died from influenza.



a) FALSE: “The scientist who.... beautiful music”

b) FALSE: “His company…already in use.”





a) raised LIFTED

b) skills ABILITIES

c) tedious BORING

d) risky DANGEROUS


a) easier / satisfied

b) Do / best

c) as / of

d) written / reading


a) TRUE: Known as "Spanish Flu", that outbreak of influenza was a global disaster. It
has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history.

b) FALSE: This pattern of morbidity was unusual for influenza, which is usual1y a killer
of the elderly and young children.


a) The Spanish Flu was responsible for killing more than a quarter of the American
population including hundreds of American soldiers who served in Europe during the
Great War.

b) No, this kind of influenza was so powerful that doctors could not do anything to help
sick people and consequently they died very quickly.


a) catastrophe (paragraph 1) DISASTER

b) autumn (paragraph 2) FALL
c) ending (paragraph 2) WINDING DOWN
d) fatal (paragraph 2) DEADLY


a) Many more people WERE KILLED (kill) by the "Spanish Flu" in a single year THAN
those who died from the Black Death.

b) If doctors of the time HAD HAD (have) effective medicines at their disposal in
1918, many people WOULD HAVE SAVED (save) their lives.

c) Normally IT takes years to find an effective drug against a virus. We still haven't one
for AIDS AFTER three decades of research.

d) Rewrite the following sentence beginning with the words given.

Mrs. Mitchell said to her daughter: "Wear your scarf and gloves in case it snows

Curso 2011-2012
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. from the text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. a) A small minority of people cannot identify other people’s faces easily.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b) Super-recognizers are only able to recognize people who have the same
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. appearance as when they met.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Some People Never Forget a Face

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the
following questions. Do not copy from the text.
A new study finds some people can remember faces of people they met years ago
and only in passing. Others of us, of course, aren't blessed with that ability. In fact a) Why do some super-recognizers pretend not to recognize people?
about 2 percent of the population has prosopagnosia, a condition characterized by b) Why might the results of the study be important in courts?
great difficulty in recognizing faces. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

3.-Find the words in the text that mean:

The "super-recognizers", as they are called, excel at recalling faces. The study
suggests that there is — as with many things — a broad spectrum of ability in this a) remembering (paragraph 2)
realm. The research involved standardized face recognition tests, and the super- b) wide (paragraph 2)
recognizers scored far above average on these tests. Often super-recognizers are able c) meeting (paragraph 2)
to recognize another person despite significant changes in appearance, such as aging d) believable (paragraph 3)
or a different hair color. They also recognize other people far more often than they (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
are recognized. In these cases, they often compensate by pretending not to recognize
someone they met in passing, so as to avoid appearing to attribute too much 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the
importance to a brief encounter. word in brackets when given.
a) According _____ the results of a recent study, some people _____ (find) to be
Super-recognizers, then, really stand out in terms of their ability to remember super recognizers.
people. They have extreme stories of recognizing people; it doesn't have to be a b) People _____ suffer from prosopagnosia find it difficult _____ identify faces.
significant interaction. They can recognize someone who was shopping in the same c) Hi Jane! I remember _____ (meet) you _____ a party last year.
store with them two months ago, for example, even if they didn't speak to the d) If the witness _____ (not be) in that city five years earlier, she _____ (not meet)
person. One woman in the new study said she had identified another woman on the the waitress.
street who served her as a waitress five years earlier in a different city. This (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
outstanding ability could be important in courts, where one person's eyewitness
testimony might thus be more credible than another based on their varying abilities 5. - Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
to recognize a face.
Would you like to have a photographic memory? Explain why or why not.
(Puntuación maxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2011-2012
1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) The structure of diamonds grown by man is completely different from that
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
of natural diamonds.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b) Gemesis diamonds are cheaper than those found in mines.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Diamonds 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.
Diamonds are the symbol of love, romance and weddings, and they are too a) Why is Clark McEwen mentioned in the text?
expensive for most of us ―usually. However, now, if you want one you don’t b) Summarize what Gemesis Corporation does in order to make a diamond.
have to spend so much money since, today, real diamonds can be grown in (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
machines. In a factory in Florida, the process is overseen by Clark McEwen,
manager of Gemesis Corporation. "Basically what we do here is to recreate, or 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
emulate, the process that occurs 100 miles below the earth's surface," McEwen a) controlled (paragraph 1)
says. A lump of coal is placed in the middle of what is essentially a very large b) piece (paragraph 1)
pressure cooker. Under extreme heat and pressure, carbon atoms form a c) classified (paragraph 2)
diamond crystal. The machine reaches 1,500º C, and the pressure on the core is d) written (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
385,553 kilos per square inch ―that's equivalent to a hundred 3,628-kilo
elephants standing on a coin. Once the machine is closed, nature takes over. 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
Four days later, a man-made diamond is inside. Optically, chemically and brackets when given.
physically they're identical to a mine diamond. a) A diamond is the ____ (hard) natural substance ____ earth.
But diamond-making is not an exact science. Some turn out beautiful. Others b) If a diamond is heated to about 700º C, it ____ (vanish), without ____
don’t. McEwen says there is a misconception that every one of the man-made (leave) any ash.
diamonds is perfect. That's not the case. "Just like in nature, each one of these c) During the 15th century, it ____ (discover) that diamonds ____ only be
grows individually and has its own unique characteristics." After coming out of cut with other diamonds.
the machine, the rough diamonds are graded and sent to be made into what d) At the beginning of the 20th century, a prominent scientist, ____ was born
many women want for Valentine's Day. in 1854, spent a considerable part of _____ fortune trying to produce
As regards price, a one-carat yellow diamond from nature costs about $20,000 (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
and a man-made one costs about $6,000. The Gemesis Corporation has its name
inscripted on all of its diamonds so buyers know they are man-made. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
How important is a brand name for people your age when they go shopping?
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Curso 2011-2012


INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) The experiment described in the text was carried out by twelve universities in Great
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. Britain.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
b) For most of the participants, not being able to use Facebook was the hardest part
of the experiment.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
Facebook generation suffers from information withdrawal* syndrome questions. Do not copy from the text.
a) What did the volunteers in the experiment have to do?
In an experiment, called “Unplugged”, volunteers at 12 universities around b) What positive effects did the experiment have on participants? Mention two.
the world spent 24 hours without access to computers, mobile phones, iPods, (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
television, radio and even newspapers. They were allowed to use landline
telephones or read books. Participants were asked to keep diaries about their 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
experience. Entries in the diaries showed that many recorded feeling impatient, a) lonely (paragraph 1)
anxious or isolated. b) uneasy (paragraph 2)
Participants described feeling restless and reaching for their mobile phones c) depend on (paragraph 3)
d) when (paragraph 4)
even when they weren't there. There were also some good effects though, as
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
people developed survival skills and went out for walks and visited friends rather
than sitting in front of a computer. 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
“What was amazing for us was how dependent people now are on their brackets when given.
technology. People often don't own watches or alarm clocks because they rely a) 1% of Norwegians are addicted to the internet. An additional 5% are at risk of
upon their mobile phones to wake themselves up," researchers commented. Most _____ (develop) internet addiction. The _____ (high) rate of addiction is in the 16-
participants in the study struggled without their mobile phones and felt they were 29 year old group.
missing out by not using Facebook. However, it was abstinence from music that b) Internet users in Greece have _____ internet addiction rate of 8.2%. Most
caused them the most difficulty. internet addicts are males _____ play online games.
"A lot of them said they found the silence quite uncomfortable and c) It wasn’t _____ the 1940s, with the development of electronic data machines, that
manual calculation _____ (become) obsolete.
awkward," he said. "But as they got used to it, they began to notice more things
d) Technology addiction amongst teenagers is having a negative effect _____
around them like birds singing or hearing what their neighbours were doing. In learning. The report revealed that, last year, students _____ (spend) 1-2 hours a day
their reflections on what they had been through, people freely admitted that they on social network sites.
were experiencing symptoms of withdrawal. The students compared the (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
experience to going on a diet or giving up smoking radically. The word addiction
kept recurring." 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Does technology help you save time or make you waste it? Explain your views.
*withdrawal = abstinence (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2011-2012
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. a) Mr. Adams´s expedition will begin at the point where Ernest Shackleton gave up.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. b) Amelia doesn’t like chocolate.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text
Daughter of David Adams joins Antarctic ski expedition a) What is unusual about Amelia’s Antarctic expedition?
b) Explain two of the challenges Amelia will have to face on the Antarctic.
The 16-year-old daughter of explorer David Adams is to join her father on (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
an expedition to ski to the South Pole. If successful, Amelia will become the
youngest person to ski in the Antarctic. They plan to ski the last 97 miles to 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) walk (paragraph 2)
the South Pole over two weeks. b) place (paragraph 3)
c) worried (paragraph 3)
It would not be the first time one of Mr. Adams's daughters has joined him d) take in (paragraph 4)
on a polar mission. In 2005, Amelia's sister Alicia, then aged 15, became the (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
youngest person to trek to the North Pole.
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
The latest challenge will begin 97 miles from the South Pole, at the spot brackets when given.
where Sir Ernest Shackleton had to abandon his expedition in 1907. Mr. a) The explorers _____(train) _____ the past few months.
Adams said: "I am apprehensive about taking a teenager to such a harsh b) The expedition, _____ starts 97 miles from the South Pole, _____ (lead) by David
environment. It will be minus 30 on a daily basis, dropping as low as minus Adams.
c) If Alicia _____ (not go) to the North Pole, Amelia _____ (be) the first teenager on
60 when the wind is cold. But Shackleton has always been a hero of mine an expedition of this kind.
and it will be wonderful to walk in his footsteps. It will be very special to d) Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:
share this experience with my youngest daughter." Amelia said “I am not sure if I’ll be able to sleep.”
Amelia said (that) _________________________
Amelia will have to consume 8,000 calories a day to deal with the harsh (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
conditions because the Antarctic is one of the coldest, driest and most
windswept places on earth. "I am frightened about the harsh conditions as I 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
don't know what to expect, the cold, the wind, etc. However, eating a lot of What kind of expedition would you like to go on? Describe it and explain your
chocolate won't be hard for me," she said. "I am not sure if I'll be able to choice.
sleep, though, since it is 24-hour daylight at the South Pole and dad snores (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
very loudly when he is asleep."



"In an experiment, called “Unplugged”, volunteers at 12 universities around the world
spent 24 hours without access to computers, mobile phones, iPods, television, radio
and even newspapers."

"Most participants in the study struggled without their mobile phones and felt they were
missing out by not using Facebook. However, it was abstinence from music that
caused them the most difficulty."


a) What did the volunteers in the experiment have to do?

They had to be during 24 hours without using any kind of technological device such as
mobile phones, TVs or computers. Besides, they had to write a daily diary in which
They had to explain their feelings.

b) What positive effects did the experiment have on participants? Mention two.

Two positive effects on the participants were that they were able to develop new life
skills and they had time to do other different and common things, which aren't related
to technology, such as spending more time with friends or relatives or in outdoors.


a) lonely (paragraph 1) ISOLATED

b) uneasy (paragraph 2) RESTLESS
c) depend on (paragraph 3) RELY UPON
d) when (paragraph 4) AS


a) 1% of Norwegians are addicted to the internet. An additional 5% are at risk of

_DEVELOPING_(develop) internet addiction. The _HIGHEST_ (high) rate of
addiction is in the 16-29 year old group.

b) Internet users in Greece have __AN__ internet addiction rate of 8.2%. Most internet
addicts are males _WHO_ play online games.

c) It wasn’t _UNTIL_ the 1940s, with the development of electronic data machines, that
manual calculation _BECAME_ (become) obsolete.

d) Technology addiction amongst teenagers is having a negative effect _ON_ learning.

The report revealed that, last year, students _SPENT_ (spend) 1-2 hours a day on
social network sites.


"The latest challenge will begin 97 miles from the South Pole, at the spot where Sir
Ernest Shackleton had to abandon his expedition in 1907."

"I am frightened about the harsh conditions as I don't know what to expect, the cold,
the wind, etc. However, eating a lot of chocolate won't be hard for me," she said."


The unusual point in this expedition is Amelia's age, because she is too young for
travelling to such a cold and difficult place as the Antarctic.

She will have to face the low temperatures (minus 60 to minus 30 in a common
situation with and without wind), and the other challenge she will have to face is the 24-
hour daylight, fact which makes sleeping very difficult.

a) walk (paragraph 2) TREK
b) place (paragraph 3) SPOT
c) worried (paragraph 3) APPREHENSIVE
d) take in (paragraph 4) CONSUME


a) The explorers _HAVE_(train) __BEEN TRAINING__ the past few months.

b) The expedition, _WHICH_ starts 97 miles from the South Pole, _WILL BE
LEADED__ (lead) by David Adams.

c) If Alicia _DOESN'T GO_ (not go) to the North Pole, Amelia _WILL_ (be) the first
teenager on an expedition of this kind.

d) Rewrite the sentence beginning with the words given:

Amelia said “I am not sure if I’ll be able to sleep.”

Amelia said (that) _she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to sleep.
Curso 2012-2013


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. a) The earthquake could only be felt in a small village in Lincolnshire.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. b) Lots of buildings were destroyed in the 2008 earthquake.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Earthquake Hits Britain 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) Are earthquakes frequent in Britain? Explain your answer.
On 27th February 2008, something very unusual happened in the UK: there b) What did people tell reporters about the earthquake?
was a rather large earthquake. It was the biggest earthquake in 25 years in (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Great Britain.
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
There have been very small tremors in the past but they seem nothing a) rare (paragraph 1)
b) fallen (paragraph 3)
compared to this one. It was felt in a large area across the country too, from
c) amazed (paragraph 4)
as far north as Edinburgh in Scotland to as far south as Plymouth on the d) find out (paragraph 4)
south coast of England. The epicentre of the earthquake was in a small town (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
in Lincolnshire, which is an area about two and a half to three hours north of
London by car. A magnitude of 5.2 was registered on the Richter scale. 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) This was the _____ (important) story in the news, because the earthquake was
There were lots of reports in the news from people who felt the earth move. quite a big _____.
One man said, “We had loads of vibrating and wall shaking, noise coming b) Usually, earthquakes _____ (measure) with a seismometer; another device _____
off the roof. I went outside - the chimney’s on the floor!” A collapsed records earthquakes is known as a seismograph.
chimney was, in fact, the cause of what was probably the worst injury from c) After _____ (destroy) half of the country, an enormous wave was created _____
the earthquake: a man broke his pelvis when the chimney fell on him. The the earthquake.
earthquake was felt by a lot of people, but it surprisingly caused very little Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
structural damage to property. d. “What did you see after the earthquake?” → I asked the girl ......
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Most British people would be surprised to learn that there are 200-300 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
earthquakes in Britain every year - but most of them are so small, they go Describe any natural disaster you have seen, read or been told about.
unnoticed. The magnitude of this earthquake is fairly small in comparison to (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
some other natural disasters that have made international news, but, for the
people affected, it certainly came as a surprise.
Curso 2012-2013 MODELO


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. a) The cycle-for-a-meal offer has been tested in other hotels.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
b) If the hotel’s bicycle scheme works, it will expand to the Crowne Plaza hotels all
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. over the world.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Pedal your Way to a Free Meal Do not copy from the text.
a) What are the objectives of the Crowne Plaza Hotel’s free meal offer? Mention
A Danish hotel is offering a free meal to any guest who is able to produce electricity two.
for the hotel on an exercise bike attached to a generator. The Crowne Plaza Hotel in b) How does the hotel bicycle initiative work? Give at least three characteristics.
Copenhagen says the idea is not only to encourage people to get fit, but also reduce (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
their carbon footprint and save electricity and money. Guests will have to produce
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
at least 10 watt hours of electricity - roughly 15 minutes of cycling for someone of
a) decrease (paragraph 1)
average fitness. The bicycles will have iPhones attached to the handlebars measuring
b) more or less (paragraph 1)
how much clean energy is being generated for the hotel. This energy is stored in a c) only (paragraph 2)
battery and then fed back into the hotel’s main power supply. d) because (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
The plan will be launched for the first time on 19 April and run for a year, the hotel
says. Guests staying at this Crowne Plaza Hotel will be given meal tickets worth 26€ 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
once they have produced 10 watt hours of electricity. A hotel spokeswoman said:
a) While the offer lasts, guests _____ (invite) to jump on a bicycle and if they _____
"Many of our visitors are business people who enjoy going to the gym. The free
(produce) enough electricity, they _____ (give) a free meal.
meal offer applies just to paying guests, not passers-by.” b) The free meal programme ______ (begin) last April.
c) I stopped _____ (drive) to work last year. I now find it _____ (easy) to cycle to
Copenhagen is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. 36% of work than to go _____ car.
Copenhagen’s residents commute on two wheels to work each day, one of the d) The Crowne Plaza Hotel is against _____ (waste) energy.
highest percentages in the world. "Since Copenhagen is strongly associated with (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
cycling, we felt the bicycle would work well as a symbol of the hotel's green profile.
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
If successful, the electric bicycle meal programme will be extended to all Crowne
What can you do at school or at home to improve the environment?
Plaza hotels in the UK,” affirmed the hotel spokeswoman.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)


Question 1
a) False. It was felt in a large area across the country too, from as far north as Edinburgh in Scotland to as
far south as Plymouth on the south coast of England.
b) False. The earthquake was felt by a lot of people, but it surprisingly caused very little structural damage
to property.

Question 2
Key ideas
a) Yes, earthquakes are frequent in Britain (200-300 every year), but they are not big and they are not
b) Many people told reporters that they had felt the earthquake. One man had felt that everything vibrated
and his chimney had fallen down from the roof.

Question 3
a) unusual
b) collapsed
c) surprised
d) learn

Question 4
a) the most important ----- one
b) are measured ---- which / that
c) destroying ----- by
d) I asked the girl what she had seen after the earthquake / she saw after the earthquake
Question 1
a) False. The plan will be launched for the first time on 19 April and run for a year, (the hotel says).
b) False. If successful, the electric bicycle meal programme will be extended to all Crowne Plaza hotels in
the UK, (affirmed the hotel spokeswoman.)

Question 2 (Key ideas)

a) …to help people get in good shape / to reduce pollution / to use less electricity and spend less money.
b) Guests get a free meal if they ride one of the hotel bikes and produce a certain amount of electricity /
they get a 26 € ticket to buy a meal / only hotel guests who pay can participate / iPhones control the
amount of energy produced / the energy produced is used by the hotel.

Question 3
a) reduce
b) roughly
c) just
d) since

Question 4
a) are invited, will be invited ----- produce, have produced ----- are given, will be given
b) began
c) driving ----- easier ----by
d) wasting, the waste of
Curso 2012-2013


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. QUESTIONS
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. a) During January sales shops can sell products for less than half their price.
b) After-Christmas sales also offer good opportunities to buy products via internet.
OPCIÓN A (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

January Sales 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
People who are addicted to shopping are nowadays called shopaholics. For a) What do some people in London do to get good bargains?
these shopaholics, the post-Christmas period means only one thing - sales! b) Why do some couples go shopping together during Christmas sales?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Across the country, prices are reduced on clothing, electronics, home
furnishings and more, but London is the place for serious shopping, and you 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
can certainly pick up some amazing bargains. a) obtain (paragraph 1)
b) go on (paragraph 2)
The sales start on Boxing Day, 26th December, and continue for the month of c) most enthusiastic (paragraph 2)
January, but the keenest bargain hunters get there early to be first through d) compensated (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
the doors. In Oxford Street queues form outside shops before pre-dawn
openings for the start of their sales. At Brent Cross, in north London, 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
hundreds of people queue at 3:30 am for the “Next” clothing store’s sale when given.
which begins at 4 am. Some hardy individuals even camp outside the shops a) There’s no _____ (good) time to buy a new computer than after the Christmas
to be first in the line. season, when prices _____ (reduce) by more than 30%.
b) If you _____ (be) a shop owner, _____ would you encourage people to come to
your shop during January sales?
Consumers who go to the shops are rewarded with discounts of up to 80%,
c) After _____ (go) shopping with my grandmother, I realised that I hadn’t spent so
as department stores join the sales frenzy. The shops are packed with people much money on clothes _____ last Christmas.
moving around as the sales get into full swing, with more than half a million Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
people converging on London’s West End. d) “What did you buy for Peter?” → I asked Mary …..
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Some people are taking their partners shopping with them and buying their
Christmas presents in the sale - a practical but unromantic way of making 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Who do you think benefits more from discount shopping, customers or shops?
sure you get the gift you really want. For a less exciting but less stressful Discuss.
shopping experience, online retailers also participate in the January sales of (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
their own. The most organised of all are those who are already doing their
present shopping for next Christmas, in the January sales!

Young da Vinci 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) Leonardo’s relationship with his father was not easy as a child.
Leonardo was born near the Italian town of Vinci in 1452. He probably spent b) Leonardo’s father had clear ideas about his son’s future.
the first few years living with his mother, but moved to his father's house (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
when she married. His father was stern and distant with him, but Leonardo
was a favourite with his uncle, Francesco, who ran the family's farm. 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) Explain why Leonardo couldn’t attend the university.
Piero da Vinci didn't know what to do about his son, Leonardo. He had b) Why is Leonardo considered a man ahead of his time?
reached the point in life when young men needed to prepare for a career. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Piero himself was an important official - a notary, but because the boy was
illegitimate, the association of magistrates and notaries would not accept 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
him, nor would he be allowed to attend the university. The boy did show a a) managed (paragraph 1)
b) aptitude (paragraph 2)
definite talent for drawing, however. Perhaps he could be apprenticed to an
c) acclaimed (paragraph 3)
artist… d) amazed (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
Some time between the age of fifteen and eighteen, Leonardo was
apprenticed to the artist Andrea di Cione, called Verrocchio (which means 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
“true eye”) in his studio in Florence. This is how young Leonardo da Vinci
a) I wonder _____ Leonardo da Vinci would have invented if he _____ (have)
started on his career in art, a career in which he would create some of the access to a computer during his lifetime.
most famous paintings in the world. b) When young, Leonardo learnt _____ his master. Then, he _____ (leave) us some
of the best paintings ever.
Leonardo was more than just an artist, however. He was also interested in c) Although he began his career _____ an artist, the _____ (old) Leonardo grew the
science, anatomy and architecture. His sketchbooks, filled with his ideas for more attracted he became to different topics.
inventions, stunned the world when they were found centuries after his d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
death. He was a scientist before there was science, an inventor whose ideas Verrocchio said to Leornardo “don’t stop practising until you learn how to paint”.
surpassed the technology of his time, and a famous artist who produced the Verrocchio told Leonardo…..
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
most valuable and recognized paintings in the world.
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Some of the most famous paintings belong to private collections. Should they be
taken to museums so that everyone could enjoy them? Discuss.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Curso 2012-2013


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
a) The “nomophobia” study was carried out on an international basis.
b) A number of phone addicts cannot stand to feel lonely.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Nomophobia: Mobile Phone Addiction
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
Are you addicted to your phone? According to a recent survey in the UK, almost questions. Do not copy from the text.
two thirds of respondents were afflicted with “nomophobia” or “no mobile- a) What are the symptoms of “nomophobia”? Mention three.
phone phobia”. “Some people get panic attacks when they are without their b) What kind of accidents and injuries can nomophobes have?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
phones,” said Michael Carr, an adolescent psychologist. “Others become very
concerned and make all endeavors to locate their mobile phone. I have clients
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
who abstain from school or their part-time jobs to look for their phones when a) anxious (paragraph 1)
they cannot find them in the morning.” b) attempts (paragraph 1)
c) inclined (paragraph 2)
According to the survey, the younger you are, the more prone you are to d) because of (paragraph 4)
nomophobia. The youngest age group (18-24) tops the nomophobic list at 77%, (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
which is 11% more than that of the next group – those aged 25-34. “This is the
most tribal generation of young people,” said Carr. “Adolescents want to be with 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
their friends on a 24-hour basis.” brackets when given.
a) Individuals _____ use their mobile phone for more _____ 3 hours a day have a
The reasons that drive young people to nomophobia include boredom and _____ (good) chance of getting nomophobia.
insecurity, while some young nomophobes cannot bear solitude. “Many of my b) Experts suggest _____ (switch off) our mobile phones while _____ (drive).
clients go to bed with their mobile phones just like one did with a teddy bear in c) Since 2007, nomophobia in India _____ (grow) to about 45% of the population.
the old days,” he said. “While teddy doesn't communicate, the phone does,” said Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
Carr, adding insomnia to the list of potential problems. “Some kids cannot d) Have you ever slept with your mobile phone?
entertain themselves. The phone has become our digital security blanket.” The doctor asked me……..
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Accidents lurk while nomophobes fix their attention on phones. Nomophobes
reported accidents while messaging or talking on the phone, which include 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Do you think Spanish teenagers are addicted to their mobile phones? Give reasons
minor road accidents, falling while going upstairs or downstairs and stumbling
for your answer.
while walking. More than 20% also reported pain in the thumbs due to excessive
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2012-2013


1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
a) One of the reasons why women succeed in the sustainability sector is because
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. they maintain close contacts with the locals.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. b) Elle Carberry’s experience reveals that there is a higher proportion of women in
the sustainability sector as compared to others.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Women and Sustainability
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
According to professor McElhaney, founder of the Centre for Responsible Do not copy from the text.
Business at the University of California, companies that empower women a) Name three advantages of having female top executives in this sector.
are more likely to act sustainably. It has been found that businesses with b) Why has Zhang Yin become so successful?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
more women on their board of directors are more likely to manage and
improve their energy efficiency, invest in renewable power, measure and 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
reduce their carbon emissions, improve access to healthcare in developing a) give authority to (paragraph 1)
countries and have anti-corruption policies. What is more important, women b) attracted (paragraph 3)
have strong partnerships with local communities. c) seem (paragraph 3)
d) products (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
But why is this? Do men have by nature unsustainable ways of acting in the
world? Does testosterone fuel the exploitation of our planet and its people? 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
Are women our best hope for creating a sustainable future? when given.
a) Nick: How _____ do top executives attend conferences on recycling?
Elle Carberry, co-founder of China G. Initiative, believes that women may Sue: Once a year.
be drawn to sustainability because of its social angle. “From all my 20 years b) Zhang Yin's recycling company invested in _____ (buy) new equipment for
in business, I have met more women working in this area than in others,” she special services. In 2006, she topped the list of the wealthiest people _____ China
says. In China, women appear to be playing an increasingly important role in and by 2010 her fortune was _____ (great) than that of J. K. Rowling, the author of
Harry Potter.
sustainability and for one Chinese woman in particular, it turned her into the
c) A few years ago, I _____ (invite) to speak to an organisation in Shanghai called
wealthiest self-made woman in the world. Zhang Yin is the founder of a “Women in Sustainability Action”, _____ was set up in 2000.
recycling company that buys scrap paper from the US, imports it into China, d) Albert studied at a very prestigious university. If he _____ (not obtain) good
and turns it mainly into cardboard for use in boxes to export Chinese goods. marks, he _____ (not get) such a good job.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
However, despite this and many other role models, millions of women are
5. Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
still under-represented, but the hope is that more will be empowered to join
Are there some jobs which are more appropriate for men than for women? State
the sustainability revolution. your opinion and give specific reasons and examples.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)



a)FALSE. According to the text: “According to a recent survey in the UK”

b)TRUE. Acoording to the text: “some young nomophobes cannot bear solitude”



Some symptoms you can develop when you have nomophobia are that you have
problems to get asleep, you live obsesed with your phone and can not be away
from it and you can suffer from boring because you forget how to entertain


If you have nomophobia you may fall down while walking down the street, or
going downstairs and even have a car accident.


a)Anxious (paragraph 1) CONCERNED

b) attempts (paragraph 1) ENDEAVORS
c) inclined (paragraph 2) PRONE
d) because of (paragraph 4) DUE TO


a) Individuals _WHO_ use their mobile phone for more __THAN___ 3 hours
a day have a ___BETTER__ (good ) chance of getting nomophobia.

b) Experts suggest ___SWITCHING OFF__ (switch off) our mobile phones while
___DRIVING__ (drive).

c) Since 2007, nomophobia in India __HAS GROWN___ (grow) to about 45% of

the population.

d) Have you ever slept with your mobile phone? The doctor asked me...IF I HAD


• TRUE: (What is more important,) women have strong partnerships with local

• TRUE: “From all my 20 years in business, I have met more women working in this
area than in others,” she says.


• Key ideas: Women use energy wisely. / They spend money on alternative ways of
producing energy. / They cut down on carbon emissions. / They pay attention to
healthcare policies. / They encourage ways of avoiding corruption. / They build
strong relationships with local people.

• Key ideas: Because she has made a lot of money with her own recycling business,
which buys and sells products internationally.


a) give authority to (paragraph 1): EMPOWER

b) attracted (paragraph 3): DRAWN
c) seem (paragraph 3): APPEAR
d) products (paragraph 3): GOODS


a) Nick: How OFTEN do top executives attend conferences on recycling?

Sue: Once a year.

b) Zhang Yin's recycling company invested in BUYING (buy) new equipment for
special services. In 2006, she topped the list of the wealthiest people in China and by
2010 her fortune was GREATER (great) than that of J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry

c) A few years ago, I WAS INVITED (invite) to speak to an organisation in Shanghai

called “Women in Sustainability Action”, WHICH was set up* in 2000.

d) Albert studied at a very prestigious university. If he HAD NOT OBTAINED (not

obtain) good marks, he WOULD NOT HAVE GOT (not get) such a good job.
Curso 2013-2014 Modelo

INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. a) The name of the company is related to the product it manufactures.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen.
b) Ichigaya’s air-conditioned jackets are very stylish.
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Air-conditioned Clothes in Japan Do not copy from the text.

A damaged Fukushima nuclear plant, severely limiting Japan’s power a) What made Hiroshi Ichigaya decide to invent air-conditioned clothes?
supply, has forced the country to reduce power usage. With restricted use of b) Explain how the Kuchofuku jacket works.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
electricity, many people are looking for alternative ways to cool off in the
hot Japanese summer. Hiroshi Ichigaya, engineer and president of the 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
Japanese company "Kuchofuku", meaning air-conditioned clothing in
Japanese, has invented a must for hot summers: the “Kuchofuku” jacket. The a) decrease (paragraph 1)
idea of “personal air-conditioning” struck Ichigaya in the 1990s, when he b) whole (paragraph 1)
worked for Sony, trying to invent an air conditioner that would use little c) objective (paragraph 2)
d) grown (paragraph 3)
electricity. “It came to me that we don’t need to cool the entire room, just as (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
long as people in it feel cool,” he said.
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
Kuchofuku jackets come equipped with a pair of battery-operated fans which when given.
draw air in, giving the jacket a puffed-up look. Ichigaya says the constant
breeze inside the jacket helps evaporate all the sweat and creates a personal a) Air-conditioned clothing is often used _____ workers at hot construction sites.
cooling system in the process. The goal is not to lower temperatures outside Last summer, many of Sony’s employees _____ (wear) Kuchofuku jackets.
the body but expand the body's comfort zone, and eliminate the need for b) Temperatures in Iraq range from 48 degrees _____ the summer _____ below
freezing. Soldiers operating in this kind of environment would benefit _____ (great)
energy-consuming air conditioners.
from air-conditioned clothing.
Ichigaya's first collection only featured the standard air-conditioned jacket, c) Another Japanese company, _____ name is CoolBiz, is also manufacturing air-
but his collection has slowly expanded, along with the company. The conditioned clothes.
Kuchofuku catalog now features air-conditioned cushions, shirts and pants, d) Have you ever _____ (think) about _____ (buy) an air-conditioned jacket?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
with fans installed in each pocket. Nearly 1,000 companies in Japan use
Kuchofuku, including automobile giants, steelmakers, food companies and 5. Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
construction firms. The shirts and jackets are far from fashionable, but
demand for them is soaring because they are not just economical. They also Describe an invention that you think is important and explain why you chose it.
help boost worker productivity and aid in the fight against global warming. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2013-2014

INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES Y VALORACIÓN 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
1. El alumno dispone de dos opciones para contestar (A y B). Debe escoger sólo una de ellas.
2. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente. a) The so-called “Mozart bananas” are grown in Japan.
3. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba. b) Even though “Mozart bananas” are not more economical, sales are increasing.
4. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos. 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text
Mozart Bananas
a) How do Mozart bananas become sweeter?
Although there is no research data to back the surprising claim that Mozart's b) What does Hiroko Hirada think about Mozart’s music?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
music can have an effect on food, one reason for its popularity can be found
in the theory that high frequency sounds have relaxing and rejuvenating 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
effects on humans. The music of Mozart happens to be rich in such
frequencies, but do bananas ripened to the tunes of Mozart taste better? a) support (paragraph 1)
b) rising rapidly (paragraph 2)
A Japanese fruit company, Toyoka Chuo Seika, says they do. Arriving as c) drinks (paragraph 2)
ordinary unripe bananas from the Philippines, "Mozart bananas" are in for a d) ordinary (paragraph 3)
surprise. "Piano Concerto 5 in D major", among other works, plays (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
continuously for one week in their ripening chamber. The result, the
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
company says, is a sweeter banana. And consumers agree: "Mozart when given.
bananas", which made their debut last July, are more expensive than
ordinary bananas, but sales are sky-rocketing. Bananas are not the only food a) The manager of Star Drop Tomatoes first _____ (think) of the idea 15 years ago,
item which the Japanese subject to classical music. Over the past few after she _____ (hear) about cows whose milk production went up after _____
decades, a wide variety of foods and beverages, exposed to classical (listen) to Mozart.
vibrations, can be found in Japanese supermarkets: sake, soy sauce, noodles, b) According to many reports, listening to classical music is highly beneficial.
mushrooms or "Beethoven Bread”. _____ has positive effects ______ both plants and humans.
c) In 1996, a farmer in Spain said that his Mozart-listening cows produced 1 to 6
Even tomatoes are listening to Mozart in Japan. Hiroko Harada, the manager liters more milk per day _____ other cows.
of Star Drop Tomatoes, has placed speakers throughout nine greenhouses, d) Oranges have been grown in Brazil _____ the 16th century and many people think
that they are the _____ (good) in the world.
quietly streaming Mozart for about 10 hours a day, from October through (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
May. "The most important thing," said Harada, "is that the music creates a
relaxed and comfortable environment for us to work in, and that has a 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
positive effect on the tomatoes.” They have three times more iron and What kind of music do you like? Describe it and explain why you like it.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
vitamin C than regular tomatoes and Harada feels that Mozart, along with
skilled organic farming, plays a role.


Question 1
a. True. … Japanese company "Kuchofuku", meaning air-conditioned clothing in Japanese, (has invented
a must for hot summers: the “Kuchofuku” jacket.)
b. False. The shirts and jackets are far from fashionable, (but demand for them is soaring because they are
not just economical.)

Question 2 (Key Ideas)

a. In the 1990s, Ichigaya, who worked for Sony, wanted to discover an air conditioner that needed less
electricity. He discovered that people need to be cool and not the room. After the Fukushima nuclear
accident, electricity in Japan is scarce and Ichigaya’s jackets could help the Japanese keep cool using less

b. Kuchofuku jackets have fans that create a breeze inside the jacket. This evaporates the sweat and cools
the body, and this lowers the temperature of the body.

Question 3

a. reduce
b. entire
c. goal
d. expanded

Question 4

a. by……..wore / were wearing

b. in…………..greatly
c. whose
d. thought…….. buying


Question 1
a. False. Arriving as ordinary unripe bananas from the Philippines, ("Mozart bananas" are in for a
b. True. "Mozart bananas", which made their debut last July, are more expensive than ordinary bananas,
but sales are sky-rocketing.

Question 2 (Key Ideas)

a. Normal, unripe bananas coming from the Philippines arrive in Japan. These bananas are placed in
chambers and ripen listening to Mozart’s concerts for a week.

b. Mozart’s music is important because it produces comfortable surroundings to work in and this affects
the tomatoes positively. They are richer in vitamins and iron and the music and organic farming produce
excellent tomatoes.

Question 3

a. back
b. sky-rocketing
c. beverages
d. regular

Question 4

a. thought…….. heard / had heard…….. listening

b. It…….. on
c. than
d. since……
Curso 2013-2014


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLËS a las cuestiones de la opción 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
elegida. text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta a) Eric is not sorry for his action.
3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. b) The use of cell phone Jammers has been restricted to the Philadelphia area.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Cell Phone Jammers 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.
a) According to the text, what is a jammer used for?
It might look like a walkie talkie, but that little box is more powerful than you b) Why is using a jammer considered a crime?
think. When a cell phone jammer is turned on, it can block any cell phone (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
service in the area. Using one is not only a federal crime but it could result in a
$16,000 fine and jail time. 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) penalty (paragraph 1)
b) tired of (paragraph 2)
But that did not stop Eric, a man from Philadelphia, who was fed up with the c) nuisance (paragraph 2)
chatty cell phone talkers on the 44 bus. According to a TV channel, Eric d) like (paragraph 4)
would fire up that jammer when he did not want to hear the conversations. “A (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
lot of people are extremely loud, no sense of privacy or anything. When it
becomes a bother, that’s when I screw on the antenna and flip the switch”, 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets when given.
Eric told the reporters.
a) ________ (use) a blocking device can ________ (consider) a crime.
b) ________ would you do if you ________ (bother) by other people’s
Eric claimed that he did not know it was illegal to block a cell phone signal, conversation?
and thought it was a “gray area”. He said he was under the impression that it c) It is probably ________ (good) to put ________ with the annoying chatter
was only illegal when blocking television or radio signals. “I guess I’m taking than calling the police.
the law into my own hands and, quite frankly, I’m proud of it”, he added. d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
“I have used cell phones ever since I started going to school”, Kate said.
This type of jammers is illegal because they could prevent cell phone Kate said that she ___________________________________________.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
communication in emergencies and because they can block other important
signals such as police radio. But the bigger issue is that Eric is not alone in 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
this jamming practice. Jammers are easy to buy at sites on the Internet. Police Describe a situation in which a cell phone could be really useful.
reported that other people in the New Jersey and New York area are using (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
them as well. Maybe Eric’s story will remind them all of just how illegal using
that powerful device is.

Curso 2013-2014


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLËS a las cuestiones de la opción marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
elegida. a) It is not always easy to decide what career to follow.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta b) In order to make a good career choice you can begin by considering what you are
3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. good at.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
The Key to Choosing the Right Career a) Mention two reasons why the author of the text believes it is hard to make a career
When I graduated from college, I liked lots of things. But love? Passion? That b) Explain two manners of achieving your objectives and choosing the right career.
would have been an exaggeration. Choosing a career path is usually a (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
confusing and stressing experience. Many will tell you to “follow your
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
passion” or “do what you love”, but this doesn’t seem very useful advice. a) puzzling (paragraph 1)
b) matches (paragraph 3)
We all want to choose a career that will make us happy, but how can we know c) achieve (paragraph 4)
what that will be? In fairness, how are you supposed to know if you will be d) risky activity (paragraph 4)
happy as an investment banker or an artist or a professor, if you haven’t (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
actually done any of these things yet? Who has ever, in the history of
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word(s) in brackets
mankind, taken a job and had it turn out exactly as they imagined it would? when given.
a) Usually people ________ (motivate) by both promotion and prevention
So if passion and expected happiness can’t be your guides, what can be? Well, b) Cal Newport’s is the________ (good) career advice book I ________ (ever read).
you can begin by choosing a career that fits well with your skills and values. c) Nobody is to blame ________ making a wrong career choice. It is difficult to be
Since you actually have some sense of what those are (hopefully), this is a sure ________ what you want to do when you are very young.
good starting place. But a bit less obviously, you also want to choose an d) In Spain there are many places ________ you can find career advice.
occupation that provides good motivation for you as well. e) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
“Choose a job you love”, John told Jennifer.
There are two ways you can be motivated to reach your goals. Some of us tend John told Jennifer ________________________________________________
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
to see our goals as opportunities for advancement, success and rewards. The
rest of us see our goals as being about security - about not losing everything 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
we’ve worked so hard for. So, if you are starting a new venture, make sure Explain the factors that might influence your career choice.
that you've got a healthy balance of promotion and prevention. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Curso 2013-2014

Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLËS a las cuestiones de la opción marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
elegida. a) A little over a third of parents who took part in the study never read a story to their
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la children.
pregunta 3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. b) Most of the mums and dads who participated in the study had bedtime stories read to
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. them when they were kids.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

The Decline of “Once upon a time….” 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do
not copy from the text.
a) How is Natasha Hamilton collaborating with in order to get young
Once upon a time, parents read bedtime stories to their children... But now it people to read again?
seems that the fairy tale is over. According to a poll of mums and dads with b) Give two reasons why parents fail to read stories to their kids.
under-sevens, 36 per cent of parents never pick up a book with their little (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
ones. Of those who do read with their kids, just 21 per cent make time for a
story before bed every night. The study also showed that nearly half of the 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
kids would rather watch TV or play with toys or computer games. a) almost (paragraph 1)
b) joined forces (paragraph 2)
c) produce (paragraph 2)
In light of the findings,, a British online retailer behind the d) main (paragraph 3)
study, has teamed up with 31-year-old British pop star Natasha Hamilton to (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
get youngsters back into reading. Littlewoods and Natasha have just
launched a bedtime story competition for children under seven to draw 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
pictures and create their own tale. The winning entry will be turned into an
a) When my children were young, I ____ (tell) them a story every night before ____
audio book, narrated by Natasha. The pop star said: “As a mum of three, I (go) to bed.
know how enjoyable bedtime stories are for my kids. I’m really excited b) Nowadays, reading ____ (consider) to be an interaction ____ the reader and the text.
about seeing all the different story ideas. I can’t wait to see what the kids The more you read to children, ____ (good) their reading and writing skills become.
come up with. Choosing a winner will not be easy”. c) According to research, English children read less for pleasure ____ their peers in
many other countries.
Experts say that one of the key ways of helping children to learn to read and d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said:
write well is to give them a love of books. However, some parents blame a A spokesman from the company said: "We appreciate how important it is for parents
lack of time for not reading with their children, while others say they are just and kids to spend quality time together.”
A spokesman from the company said that _____.
too stressed, or that their kids are simply not interested. Surprisingly enough, (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
the vast majority of parents were told bedtime stories regularly when they
were little. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
What kind of books do you like to read? Explain why you like them.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2013-2014


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLËS a las cuestiones de la opción marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
elegida. a) Online courses do not offer the possibility of getting a diploma.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la b) Education online is already available in every university of Great Britain.
pregunta 3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 90 minutos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Courses Online Do not copy from the text.
a) How will courses online change the academic routine of university students?
For those students who struggle to leave their beds for a 9 a.m. lecture, the idea b) Why is it so difficult for students to complete an online course?
of studying online wherever and whenever you want – including under the (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
duvet with a laptop – may seem like a dream come true. Soon some students
will be able to do just that, as will anybody with a computer and internet 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) make a great effort (paragraph 1)
connection, because a number of universities are planning to offer some of their
b) nevertheless (paragraph 3)
courses online. Not only will these offer greater flexibility to online learners c) replace (paragraph 3)
around the world, they will also be free. d) needed (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
EdX, an online platform founded by Harvard, Berkeley and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, has already attracted 800,000 students from 192 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
countries since it started in autumn 2012. Significantly, the platform has a) I graduated years ago. If my university _____ (offer) courses online, I _____
developed an examination process, which means that online learners can (take) them.
graduate from an EdX course with a certificate and a grade. b) Professor Nelson is not interested _____ laptop lectures. He prefers traditional
education _____ virtual platforms.
However, it seems unlikely, for the time being, that online higher education will c) Students who _____ (admit) in MIT are aware that they won’t succeed _____
supersede traditional on-campus university degrees. It is well-known that many they work hard.
leading institutions, including Oxford and Cambridge, are absent from a list of d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
17 universities that have signed up to give away their course content online. “What would you like to do when you finish High School?” Mary asked her son.
Mary asked her son __________________________________
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
An obstacle preventing online courses from being taken seriously is the fact that
many have a high drop-out rate. For instance, although 155,000 students 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
registered online to take MIT’s courses on electronics on EdX, only 7,200 Do you think online learning will eventually substitute traditional education? Give
students completed them. With no tutors or lecturers to help you in person, self- your opinion.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
motivation and discipline are required in abundance to see a course through to
the end.



a) TRUE: “According to a poll of mums and dads with under-sevens, 36 per cent of
parents never pick up a book with their little ones”.

b) TRUE: “…the vast majority of parents were told bedtime stories regularly when they
were Little”.

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.


a) almost (paragraph 1): NEARLY

b) joined forces (paragraph 2): TEAMED UP
c) produce (paragraph 2): CREATE
d) main (paragraph 3): KEY


a) When my children were young, I TOLD (tell) them a story every night before GOING
(go) to bed.

b) Nowadays, reading IS CONSIDERED (consider) to be an interaction BETWEEN the

reader and the text. The more you read to children, THE BETTER (good) their reading
and writing skills become.

c) According to research, English children read less for pleasure THAN their peers in
many other countries.

d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said:

A spokesman from the company said: "We appreciate how important it is for parents
and kids to spend quality time together.”

A spokesman from the company said that THEY APPRECIATED HOW IMPORTANT



“Significantly, the platform has developed an examination process, which means that
online learners can graduate from an EdX course with a certificate and a grade”.


“It is well-known that many leading institutions, including Oxford and Cambridge, are
absent from a list of 17 universities that have signed up to give away their course
content online”


Courses online will suppose a change in the life of university students because it will
be the end of strict schedules and pupils will be able to study from anywhere with an
Internet connection.

It is difficult to complete an online course because you have to have a strong
willpower and be really decided to get your goals because nobody is going to be
there to remind you of your responsability or to plan a routine for you.


a)make a great effort (paragraph 1) STRUGGLE

b)nevertheless (paragraph 3) HOWEVER
c)replace (paragraph 3) SUPERSEDE
d)needed (paragraph 4) REQUIRED


a) I graduated years ago. If my university HAD OFFERED (offer) courses

online, I
WOULD HAVE TAKEN (take) them.

b) Professor Nelson is not interested IN laptop lectures. He prefers

traditional education TO virtual platforms.

c) Students who ARE ADMITTED (admit) in MIT are aware that they won’t
UNLESS they work hard.

d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.

“What would you like to do when you finish High School?” Mary asked her son.
Mary asked her son WHAT HE WOULD LIKE TO DO _WHEN HE
Curso 2014-2015


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las preguntas siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la opción 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
elegida. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las preguntas 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta a) Every episode of the soap operas has one single narrative running through it.
3ª sobre 1 punto, la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. b) All popular soap operas in the UK represent life in cities.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Soap Operas 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do
not copy from the text.
a) What does the text say about the origin of the word “soap” in “soap opera”?
Watching TV is a very popular pastime in Britain, but what kind of b) What kind of life and people do soap operas usually show?
programmes do British people like to watch? Well, the most-watched TV (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
programmes are dramas based in one neighbourhood that try to depict
ordinary life. We call these dramas “soap operas” or “soaps”. 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) describe (paragraph 1)
b) at the same time (paragraph 2)
Most soap operas these days are shown in the evening. Each show will have c) go on (paragraph 2)
several different storylines happening at once that continue over several d) take place (paragraph 3)
shows. The same actors will appear in every show too. There are lots of (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
different soaps on in the UK these days, but there are three main popular
ones. Coronation Street has been on since 1960. It is set in a suburb of 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
Manchester and it’s supposed to represent working class life in the north of
a) “How _____ do you watch TV online?” “I do it at least four times _____ week.”
England. Then there’s Eastenders, which started in 1985, set in the East End b) My neighbour, _____ is a telly addict, is always watching the TV and can’t live
of London. And we should not forget Emmerdale, which is set on a farm in _____ it.
Yorkshire, in the north of England. c) My husband loves _____ (watch) TV, but he goes from channel to channel with the
remote control and is unable to decide _____ to watch.
In the early days of TV, most of these daytime dramas were aimed at d) Before _____ (leave), I asked Eric if he _____ (watch) last night's game.
entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at home, probably (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
doing the washing. Companies selling washing powder would advertise their 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
products at times when these dramas were on, and sometimes those Which are your favourite TV programmes? Describe them and explain why you like
companies would even sponsor the drama. Hence the word “soap”. So what them.
about the word “opera”? Well, that’s because these dramas are often an (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
exaggeration of real life. They are supposed to represent ordinary lives but,
to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events, like murders, divorces,
affairs, etc., all happen probably much more regularly than they would in a
normal neighbourhood.
Curso 2014-2015


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las preguntas siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la opción marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
elegida. a) Coffee is drunk as much as tea in England.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las preguntas 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta b) Tea was known in England before it was in China.
3ª sobre 1 punto, la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
TIEMPO: 90 minutos.
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Cup of Tea? Do not copy from the text.
a) Why is tea a highly recommended drink? Give at least three reasons.
Tea is a huge part of British culture and heritage. They treasure tea breaks, b) How did tea help during the Industrial Revolution?
teacakes, tea parties, afternoon teas and high tea. And despite the increase in (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
coffee houses, tea remains their preferred beverage. So much so, they consume
over 165 million cups of it every day. 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) rich (paragraph 2)
b) not severe (paragraph 3)
Tea was a relative latecomer to British shores. Although it dates back to the c) raised (paragraph 3)
third millennium BC in China, it wasn’t until the mid-17th century that the d) comforts (paragraph 4)
beverage made its appearance in England. Samuel Pepys first mentioned (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
drinking tea in his journal entry for September 1660. Since Pepys was a
member of the wealthy and fashionable London set, his failure to mention tea 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
earlier suggests that it was still unusual at that time. a) Experts say that _____ you want to enjoy a nice cup of tea, you _____ drink it
without sugar.
Yet it became known in Europe very quickly after its introduction there. Two b) Since the 19th century, tea _____ (become) the most popular drink _____ the
years later King Charles II married Catherine of Braganza. Catherine was a British.
Portuguese princess, and a tea addict, and it was her love of the drink that c) The art of _____ (make) tea was _____ important for George Orwell that he
established it as a fashionable beverage at court and among the wealthy classes. wrote about it in London´s Evening Standard in 1946.
Tea was particularly interesting to the Western world because it was very easy d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
to prepare and it revived the spirits and cured mild colds. In fact, in the 18th “What would you like to do when you finish High School?” Mary asked her son.
“Let´s have some tea” → I suggested ________________________________
century tea was thought to be a wonder cure for all manner of illnesses. It even (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
played a big part in the Industrial Revolution because the stimulants increased
the number of hours labourers could work in factories. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Describe the celebration that you and your family most enjoy.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Nowadays, whatever the occasion, the nation puts on the kettle for a cup of tea.
It’s a drink that cheers and consoles, and it’s good for health and well-being.


Question 1
a) FALSE. “Each show will have several different storylines happening at once that continue
over several shows.”
b) FALSE. “And we should not forget Emmerdale, which is set on a farm in Yorkshire, in the
north of England.”

Question 2
Key ideas
a) They are called soap operas because in the past this kind of programmes was mainly for
women / They used to be on while women were probably doing the washing / They included
soap commercials.

b) They don’t show ordinary life / There are a lot of divorces and love affairs / There are
violent characters that kill other people.

Question 3
a) depict
b) at once
c) continue
d) happen

Question 4
a) often ----- every / a
b) who ----- without
c) watching / to watch ---- what / which / which one
d) leaving / I left ---- had watched



Question 1
a) False. “And despite the increase in coffee houses, tea remains their preferred beverage.”
b) False. “Although it dates back to the third millennium BC in China, it wasn’t until the mid-
17th century that the beverage made its appearance in England.”

Question 2
Key ideas
a) It is not difficult to make / It makes you feel happier and in a better mood / It gives relief
when you have a cold / It is good for curing other types of illnesses.
b) It is a drink that stimulated workers, so that they could do longer hours at work.

Question 3
a) wealthy
b) mild
c) increased
d) consoles

Question 4
a) if / when ----- should / must / have to / ought to
b) has become ----- for
c) making ----- so
d) I suggested having some tea / I suggested that we should have some tea / I suggested
that we have some tea.
Curso 2014-2015


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá
escoger una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
opción elegida. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la a) The hypothesis that there are aliens on Earth is sustained by lots of witnesses.
pregunta 3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. b) The strange figure described in the text that looked like a small person seemed
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. to be naked.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Do Aliens Really Exist?
2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do
not copy from the text.
“Alien” is a word used to refer to beings from other worlds. Do aliens a) How are aliens described in the text? Mention four different characteristics.
exist on Earth? No one knows the answer for sure, but it is a question b) Explain the view of the scientist who does not believe in the presence of aliens
that has been debated for ages. If history is to be believed, aliens have on Earth.
been a subject of mysticism in civilizations of places such as India, (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
China, Babylon, South America and Arabia. The external appearance of
3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
aliens is also a much discussed matter: they have been depicted as green
a) described (paragraph 1)
monsters, small creatures with arms and legs like humans, tiny viruses b) presently (paragraph 2)
or beings that change appearance at will. c) disappeared (paragraph 2)
d) only (paragraph 3)
Many people nowadays, including well-known scientists such as Carl (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
Sagan or Frank Drake, are tireless propagators of the theory that aliens
4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
are in fact regular visitors to Earth. This theory is supported by many when given.
reported alien sightings. For example, a person waiting at St Martin a) If my father _______ (not believe) in aliens, he would have never listened
airport claimed to see fire in the sky; the fire suddenly transformed into _______ that radio programme on extraterrestrial life.
a silver ball, moved over him like a jet and vanished in a few seconds. b) My friend Jim, _______ wife is a scientist, likes the paradox proposed _______
And two brothers in Chile said that they saw a humanoid creature about Enrico Fermi.
80 cm tall, shiny and red, who resembled a child wearing a driver’s suit. c) How _______ did you pay for that book about aliens? Oh, nothing. It _______
(give) to me as a birthday present!
However, others believe that aliens are just figments of imagination. d) When my brother talked to me about the appearance _______ a strange
This view also has scientists on its side, such as Enrico Fermi. He creature yesterday, I _______ (think) he had gone mad.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
proposed the famous “Fermi paradox”, which states that there is an
apparent contradiction between the strong belief in the existence of 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
extraterrestrial civilizations and the present lack of solid evidence for, or Do you think that aliens have ever been on Earth? Give reasons for your answer.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
contact with, such civilizations. Putting the two views together, we
cannot be sure if aliens are real unless and until we have strong evidence
about their existence.
becomes more sophisticated, all this information and more will be
Curso 2014-2015


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá QUESTIONS
escoger una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la
opción elegida. 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
pregunta 3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. a) Genetic fingerprinting was the intended result of thorough research.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos.
b) British institutions didn’t take long to realise the relevance of the new
Genetic Fingerprinting (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
On September 10th 1984, Alec Jeffreys, a scientist at Leicester University, Do not copy from the text.
was using DNA in an experiment to analyse the inheritance element in a) How does genetic fingerprinting help the police in their work?
illness. DNA is the molecule that carries our genetic information. Looking b) What are the possible consequences of the incorrect use of the new
at an X-ray showing the DNA profiles of his assistant and her parents, he discovery?
suddenly realised that he had, completely by accident, discovered a (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

revolutionary new method of biological identification. He called it “Genetic 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
Fingerprinting”. a) right away (paragraph 2)
b) keeping (paragraph 3)
The importance of the discovery was recognised immediately by both the c) concerned (paragraph 4)
UK police and immigration authorities. The technique is now used in d) at hand (paragraph 4)
forensic science to assist police detective work and to resolve paternity and (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

immigration disputes. It has also helped convict thousands of murderers, 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
rapists and burglars while freeing many innocent people already in prison. when given.
a) He _______ (arrest) last year, accused of _______ (commit) an awful crime.
Genetic fingerprinting also has a promising future in the battle against b) If the police _______ (have) all this information before, the investigation
disease. Scientists are storing genetic information of people in a “biobank”, _______ (be) much easier for them.
in the world’s largest study of the role of nature and nurture in health and c) _______ the method was good, it was necessary _______ improve its
disease. Many of the worst illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and technique.
d) To get _______ (good) results than in previous years, governments _______
Alzheimer’s, are caused by complex interactions between genes, lifestyle
provide the necessary funds for investigation.
and environment. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

However, it does have a negative side. Many people are worried that the 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
discovery could badly affect our civil liberties. Jeffreys fears possible Which do you think is the most revolutionary invention for mankind? Explain
abuses of the system. He wants a global DNA database but without any why.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
information on race, health or physical appearance. As the technique



a) TRUE: “This theory is supported by many reported alien sightings.”

b) FALSE: “[And two brothers in Chile said that they saw a humanoid creature about
80 cm tall, shiny and red], who resembled a child wearing a driver’s suit.”


Key ideas: People describe aliens as green and very big / as small beings that have
arms and legs just as humans do / as small viruses / as entities that can change their
look when they want / as bright and red creatures, who look like a little boy dressed in
pilot's clothes.

Key ideas: This scientist, whose name is Enrico Fermi, said that it is paradoxical that,
on the one hand, there are people who firmly believe in aliens and, on the other, there
is no reliable proof that they exist or have ever communicated with humans.


a) described (paragraph 1): DEPICTED

b) presently (paragraph 2): NOWADAYS
c) disappeared (paragraph 2): VANISHED
d) only (paragraph 3): JUST


a) If my father HAD NOT BELIEVED (not believe) in aliens, he would have never
listened TO that radio programme on extraterrestrial life.

b) My friend Jim, WHOSE wife is a scientist, likes the paradox proposed BY Enrico

c) How MUCH / MANY EUROS (OR ANY OTHER CURRENCY) did you pay for that
book about aliens? Oh, nothing. It WAS GIVEN (give) to me as a birthday present!

d) When my brother talked to me about the appearance OF a strange creature

yesterday, I THOUGHT (think) he had gone mad.

a) FALSE: ... he suddenly realised that he had, completely by accident, discovered a
revolutionary new method of biological identification. He called it “Genetic

b)TRUE: The importance of the discovery was recognised immediately by both the UK
police and immigration authorities.


a) It can resolve problems of identification.

Ref: "The technique is now used in forensic science to assist police
detective work and to resolve paternity and immigration disputes.
It has also helped convict thousands of murderers, rapists and
burglars while freeing many innocent people already in prison".

b) The misuse of this information could lead to abuse.

Ref: "Many people are worried that the discovery could badly affect
our civil liberties."


a) right away (paragraph 2): IMMEDIATELY

b) keeping (paragraph 3): STORING
c) concerned (paragraph 4): WORRIED
d) at hand (paragraph 4): AVAILABLE


a) He WAS ARRESTED (arrest) last year, accused of COMMITING (commit) an awful


b) If the police HAD HAD (have) all this information before, the investigation WOULD
HAVE BEEN (be) much easier for them.

c) ALTHOUGH the method was good, it was necessary TO improve its technique.

d) To get BETTER (good) results than in previous years, governments MUST provide
the necessary funds for investigation.
Curso 2014-2015


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la opción 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the
elegida. text. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta a) According to the text, traffic lights are essential for the safety of cyclists.
3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. b) Nowadays, driving gives you more liberty than cycling.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Go on Two Wheels 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.
“Beat the Tube strike, get a bike!” During the 48-hour shutdown of London a) Explain how Londoners reacted to the transport strike in 1926 and in 2014.
b) How did cycling affect women in the past?
Underground in February 2014, thousands did just that and took to two wheels. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
During the General Strike of 1926, the middle-class volunteers who drove trains
were strike breakers. Similarly, these two-wheeled commuters were trying to beat 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
the Tube strike. a) exactly (paragraph 1)
b) schedules (paragraph 2)
With every turn of a bicycle wheel, human freedom is advanced. Cyclists do not c) created (paragraph 4)
have to face timetables; through their own sweat, they make their way in the d) get rid of (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
world, free from following rigid lines of steel and electricity. The bike is
individualism in action. 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets when given.
The bicycle is a reminder of the freedoms people enjoyed in the lost Victorian a) I remember _______ (bike) with my friends when I was a teenager in the
days. You pay no taxes or duties; you need no licence, permit or certificate of village _______ I was born.
proficiency - you just get on your bike. And any cyclist with road sense will have b) The Lady's Association to protect women’s health _______ (found) by
a relaxed attitude towards highways regulations. It is absurd to give dog-like Victorian women, who were much more advanced _______ you can
obedience to a red light when your eyes and ears tell you it is safe to go. imagine.
c) “Cyclists _______wear a helmet”. This statement appears in UK parks
The bike has always pedalled individual freedom forward. The Lady Cyclists’ where it is compulsory _______ (do) so.
Association, founded in 1892, knew that it not only gave women an escape from d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
home and husband, but also a reason to throw off constricting dresses. Many lady “Why don’t we go for a walk tomorrow if the weather is fine?”
cyclists, for practical reasons, made cause with the Rational Dress Society who John suggested _______________________________________________
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
opposed “the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the figure or
impedes the movement of the body”. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in big cities?
The car is no longer a symbol of freedom, so if you want to feel free, go on two (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2014-2015


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la opción 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
elegida. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta a) An expert said that we are having more in-person conversations now than we used
3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. to in the past.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. b) Dr Cassidy believes that the overuse of technology by young people only damages
their brain.
Use or Abuse of Technology (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

People in Britain now spend more time watching TV, gaming, and using their 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
mobile phones and computers than they do sleeping. Research by a British a) Why do British people make more use of technology nowadays?
communications agency found that the average UK adult uses technology for b) What are the research findings regarding children and teenagers?
eight hours and 41 minutes a day, 20 minutes longer than they spend sleeping. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
One of the biggest reasons for this is Wi-Fi. People can get online almost
anywhere, so they spend more time online. Nowadays, it is very common that 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
people make telephone calls or surf the web while watching television. a) nearly (paragraph 1)
b) discovery (paragraph 2)
c) due to (paragraph 3)
The study, which examined the use of technology by different age groups, also d) associated (paragraph 4)
found that six-year-olds understand how to use gadgets such as tablets and (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
mobile phones at the same level as 45-year-olds. Another finding was that
people understand digital technology better when they are 14 or 15. 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) She uses her computer, _______ is in her living room, to keep _______ touch with
According to Dr. Arthur Cassidy, a social media psychologist, technology is
her family.
changing the way people communicate with each other. He warned that we are b) People ________ (not communicate) so easily if the Internet _______ (not exist).
becoming more and more anti-social and we are moving away from face-to- c) After _______ (get) home, she found out that her son _______ (use) the
face conversations because of technology. He added that people are now PlayStation while she was out.
saturated with digital technology and are becoming psychologically dependent d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
on their smart phones. They shouldn’t have sent the report off for printing yet.
The report _______________________________________________
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
Dr. Cassidy linked the increasing cases of Internet and social media addiction
among youngsters with problems in mental and physical development. 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
Perhaps we should think of recreational screen time as a form of consumption What differences do you find between the use of technology by teenagers and by
in the same way that we think of sugar, hours of sun, ... – measured in units of adults?
hours per day. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)



a) FALSE: “It is absurd to give dog-like obedience to a red light When you reyes and
ears tell you it is safe to go.








a) biking / where
c) must / to do
d) John suggested going for a walk



b) FALSE :







a) which / in

b) wouldn’t communicate / didn’t exist

c) getting / had been using

Curso 2015-2016

Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la opción marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
elegida. a) Most petroleum supply goes to producing plastics and medicines.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la b) If fuel suddenly disappeared, our daily life would be affected but social order would
pregunta 3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos. remain intact.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos. (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

How Would We Live in a World Without Oil? 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. Do
not copy from the text.
a) Give two consequences that a lack of oil would have on transportation.
What would happen if our oil supply were shut off in a day? First, there is b) What consequences would oil extinction have on our eating habits?
transportation. With the overwhelming majority of the oil we produce (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
devoted to powering our vehicles, the impact on getting around would be
most dramatic. Price-speculation would begin right away, and long lines 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
would form at gas stations. Soon, we would all be looking for an electric car a) immediately (paragraph 1)
b) tools (paragraph 2)
or converting our vehicles to run on natural gas. But it would not be long
c) collapse (paragraph 3)
before natural gas supplies were also driven to extinction. d) anarchy (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
Fuel shortage is not the only problem our enslavement to black gold would
cause. We also need to keep the lights on and blackouts would soon begin. It 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
gets much worse still, of course, because a world without oil would quickly
a) You can save money by _______ (grow) fruits and vegetables; it’s actually much
become a world without all of the products made from petroleum that we simpler _______ it sounds.
have come to know, love and depend upon. The list of essentials that we b) Last year, a research team _______ (find) signs that the amount of oil left in the
would soon be doing without is prodigious: medicines, paints, utensils and world’s reserves has decreased _______ (significant) since the 1990s!
equipment, virtually all plastics, etc. c) By growing food organically, that is to say, _______ pesticides or herbicides, you’re
_______ ensuring the quality of your products, but also growing healthier food.
Eating would get tougher, too. If no one can truck fresh vegetables from d) _______ would happen if oil _______ (run) out in 100 years?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
across the country, we might be inclined to go back to basics and grow our
own food. Local farmers would become a necessity, not just people who sell 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
us honey at the street fair. It is an interesting thought experiment to picture What should local authorities do to improve transport and mobility in large cities?
such a world. Though the scenario is unreal, of course, taken to its logical (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
conclusion, it encompasses so much more. A complete extinction of oil
would lead to a rapid breakdown of society, desperation, lawlessness, wars
and untold suffering.
Curso 2015-2016


Después de leer atentamente los textos y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá escoger
una de las dos opciones propuestas y responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones de la opción 1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
elegida. marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
CALIFICACIÓN: Las cuestiones 1ª, 2ª y 4ª se valorarán sobre 2 puntos cada una, la a) According to new studies, most learners should study harder.
pregunta 3ª sobre 1 punto y la pregunta 5ª sobre 3 puntos.
TIEMPO: 90 minutos.
b) It is more difficult to retain information when studying in different places.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

Better Ways to Learn 2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
New studies challenge the notion that a high test score equals true learning. a) Do good academic results mean that the student has truly learned? Explain.
Although a good grade may be achieved in the short term by cramming for an b) Why do short periods of study make our brain work better?
exam, chances are that most of the information will be quickly lost. Indeed, (Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
these surveys show that over 70 % of students probably don’t need to study
more – just more effectively. 3.- Find the words in the text that mean:
a) idea (paragraph 1)
b) capacity (paragraph 2)
Based on decades of brain science, experts offer students a new method for c) links (paragraph 2)
learning. “Students tend to sit there and push themselves for hours, when there d) improves (paragraph 3)
are other ways to make the learning more efficient, fun and interesting, which (Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
will maximize their learning potential,” researchers say. For instance, rather
than sitting at the same desk studying for hours, changing the scenery will create 4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
new associations in your brain and make it easier to recall information later. a) I am used to _______ (study) for a couple of hours every day _______ I was a
Another way to signal to your brain that information is important is to talk about child.
it. Self-testing and writing down information on flashcards also reinforces b) _______ you take a break, studying the whole afternoon can be very _______
learning. (stress).
c) Don’t spend too _______ time _______ (try) to memorize the dates!
Another technique is called “distributed learning” or “spacing”. Long study d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
sessions may seem productive, but chances are that learners are spending most The teacher asked the students: “Did you write a summary of the lesson for your
of their brainpower on maintaining their concentration for a long time. That last exam?”
does not leave a lot of brain energy for learning. “The brain wants variation. It e) The teacher wanted to know ___________________________________________.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
wants to move, it wants to take periodic breaks.” Scientists also confirm that
repeating the information over a longer interval – say a few days or a week later, 5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.
rather than in rapid succession – sends a stronger signal to the brain to retain the Describe your study habits and routines and explain why they are good for you.
information, and this enhances learning. (Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)


Question 1

a) FALSE: “With the overwhelming majority of the oil we produce devoted to powering
our vehicles, [the impact on getting around would be most dramatic].”

b) FALSE: “A complete extinction of oil would lead to a rapid breakdown of society,

desperation, lawlessness, wars and untold suffering.”

Question 2

Key ideas

a) There would be problems with transport and we wouldn’t be able to move around
easily. / Petrol prices would increase and there would not be enough petrol for our
cars. / We would need new cars moved by alternative fuels or we would need to
transform our cars.

b) People could cultivate fruits and vegetables and raise edible animals for their
consumption. The consumption of products from the neighbourhood would increase.

Question 3

a) right away

b) utensils

c) breakdown

d) lawlessness

Question 4

a) growing ----- than

b) found ----- significantly

c) without ----- not only

d) What ----- ran


Question 1

a) FALSE: “Indeed, these surveys show that over 70 % of students probably don’t need
to study more – just more effectively.”

b) FALSE: “For instance, rather than sitting at the same desk studying for hours,
changing the scenery will create new associations in your brain and make it easier to
recall information later.”

Question 2

Key ideas

a) No, not really. Because students might have memorized a lot of things just for the
test, but then they might quickly forget all this information.

b) Studying for long sessions exhausts the brain. The brain needs having a rest every
now and then.

Question 3

a) notion

b) potential

c) associations

d) enhances

Question 4

a) studying ---- since

b) Unless / Even if / Even though ---- stressful / stressing

c) much ---- trying

d) The teacher wanted to know if his / her students had written a summary of the
lesson for their last exam.

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