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European middle ages

Medieval times

The middle ages are dated roughly from the 5th century.

The growth of Germanic kingdoms are generally viewed as the beginning of

medieval politics in Europe.

Viking invasions

In the h cent Viking invasions weakened the royal authority of the European kings.

The kings could do little and the local arisocray had to assume responsibility for

Common people turned for protection to t strongest power whom ran shit.


The most powerful nobles were those able to gain the allegiance of the warriors
often symbolized in an oath swearing ceremony.

In this ceremony the warrior swore his allegiance o his lord.


In return for the vassals loyalty aid and military assistance the lord promised jim
protection and material support.

Fief- a portion of land the use of which was given by a lord to a vassal in exchange
for the oath.


It is a political system that defines the obligations between a lord and his vassals
and involves the granting of fiefs.

Manorialism- the economic system that governed rural life in which the estates of a
lord were worked by peasants in exchange for his protection.

Free farmers surrendered themselves and their land to the lord’s jurisdiction for

It was given back but they were tied to the land by various payments and services.

The peasant lost his freedom and became a serf, bound to the land and unable to
leave without the lord’s permission.


Medieval theologians lumped everyone into 3 classes.

Those who prayed-monks.

Those who fought-nobles.

Those that worked-peasants.

Those that worked

In truth there were many levels of peasants.


Serfs-could not be bought and sold like slaves.

Free men and women.

Rich farmers and wealthy merchants.

Those that fought

Originally kights focused on military skill but gradually a different ideal of

knighthood emerged.

Chivalry- a code of conduct that governed the manners of a knight, characterized by

the way they were super respectful.

Crisis of the middle ages

During the 14th cent the countries of northern Europe experienced price inflation
severe weather shifts pop increase unsanitary conditions and people died.

The black death

There are 3 conditions contributing to the development of the black death.

Yersinis mutated into Yersinia pestsis.

Asian black rat.

The rat flea.

Mongol contribution

The rat flea orgininally resided on the prarie dog and ground hog populations in
central asia.

Mongols began traveling and the rat fleas came with them and spread the disease.

3 forms of the plague

Bubonic plague- infected the lymphnodes creating swellings called bubobes. These
would split open oozing pus and fluids.

Pneumonic plague- infected the lungs

Septesemic plague

Reactions to the plague

Europeans sought answers to the origins of the plague.

Jews wer slaughtered throughout.

Women were burned at the stake as witches.

Lepers were slaughtered because they were believed to have brought the plague.

Stop the plague

People took to carrying pockets of lowers to ward of the illness.

It was thought that the sould escaped from the body during a sneeze or yawn so
people started covering their mouths and noses.

“god bless you”- the pope hoped to stop the disease by blessing people who

Population dropped 150 million people from this illness.

Decline of feudalism

Peasants died or fled into the surrounding woods and hills.

European fields lay un cultivated and to lure peasants back the nobility began
offering reduced taxes and higher wages.

End of the plague

By the end of the 19th century peple had a level of resistance to the disease.

The Asian black rat was replaced by the Norwegian grey rat.

Sanitation and hygiene increased.

The renaissance

Meant rebirth.

1350-1600 ce.

Reforms in politics, art, literature, edu, and religion.

Know your isms

Humanism- emphasized human beings, their achievements, interests and


Individualism- stressed the full devel of one’s special capabilities and talents.
Secularism- involves a basic concern with the material world instead of the eternal
world)life was more of an opportunity than a painful pilgrimage).

The renaissance man

Leonardo da vinci

1452-1519 ce.

Painter,sculpter,architect,musician, scientist.

Renaissance runner up



Painter, sculpter, architect, poet, engineer.

Religious reformations

Anticlericalism- a widespread resentment of clerical immorality, ignorance and


Indulgence- a papal statement granting remission of a priest imposed penalty for


Protestant reformation

Matrin luther.


John calvin.

Catholic reformation

Between 1517 and 1547 protestantism grew in popu.

The roman catholic church made a comeback with its own reforms.

Holy office- an official roman catholic police type group.

Women of the renaissance

Although the role of women was generally subservient, but more religious

The great European witch hunt

Increasing persecution for witchcraft began during the time of the black death but it
became especially common during the reformation.

Both protestants and catholics tried and executed witches with church officials and
secular authorities acting together.


During the time of the reformation demonology became prevalent in religion.

The new notion of witchcraft as diabolical heresy in Switzerland and Germany.


Inquisitorial methods developed slowly.

The accused was presumed guilty until proven innocent.

Suspicion or gossip was sufficient indication of guilty.

Basicly could not defend yourself basically.


After legal pattern was established the church worked on extracting the truth from
the accused through a variety of torture methods.

Spiked chair.

Iron maiden.

The rack.

Knee splitter.

Thumb screws.

How do you know she is a witch?

Scholars estimate during the 16th cent somewhere between 100k-200k- people were
executed for witchcraft.

Over 80 percent of those executed were women.

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