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1. When is your life considered good?

- I strongly believe that being good in life doesn’t mean you have a stable job, big
salary, cars, big house and the like. What I do believe in having a good life, is having
a peace of mind. Because when you have a peace of mind, it means you are in a
state of equilibrium or emotionally balanced. It implies that you are not overly
happy nor sad, you don’t experience extreme ends which greatly affects mental
health, because “too much” is never good. In addition, a good life is not equal to
having everything, rather, it’s about being happy no matter what the circumstances
2. What do you want to be in this life?
- In this life, I want to help my parents whom are working very hard to sustain our
lives (me and my siblings). Right now, I am already happy and contented, enjoying
what life is offering to me, however, this is personal. I would like to strive in school
so that I’m going to be a knowledgeable professional and make life good for my
parents so they will also have peace of mind. Essentially, I want to have a good life
together with the people, my family, who have been through a lot to make and
sustain my life to be good.
3. Are you happy on earth if your life span reaches 150 years? Reason out.
- I strongly believe that I would be sadder if my life reaches 150 years. This is because
the first 50 years of my life would be the amount of time I’m going to spend with the
people, whom I love, and enjoy things in life. However, past the first 50 years, would
be the start of my sorrow and grief, until it reaches despair. It would be so painful to
see my loved ones passed away in life and reminisce the good times I had with them
for twice or thrice the years I spent with them. Basically, even though I have a lot of
time in this world, it would be pointless if I’m going to spend it alone.


1. Is the Philippines today (2020) lagging behind Asian countries in Science and Mathematics?
- Based on the news and my observations in our environment (Schools, Buildings,
Establishments, Institutions), we are behind because the available facilities in our environment are
mostly obsolete. Students and other people are trying to learn how to operate these said obsolete
facilities, whereas other countries in Asia are already operating far advanced facilities. For example,
government universities are lacking a lot of non-obsolete (advanced and timely) facilities in different
colleges, only selected universities are equipped with cutting-edge technology. Because of this
imbalance distribution of funds, there is a variation in the knowledge of people geographically. Most of
them are filled with obsolete knowledge and only few of them are with advanced and timely knowledge.
And this is a domino effect because a generation will pass their knowledge to the next generation,
basically, it’s a loop that Filipinos in the future are ought to learn obsolete information until there is an
excellent reform to be conducted in the curriculum of education.
2. Why is science education not being given much importance in (a) school and (b) by the
government? Explain your reason.

- I have heard from the TV last time that Senator Cynthia Villar and others are against
projects that aim for the government to fund for science and researches. I strongly believe that the
complacence of such people is the reason why this question exists. They are too occupied with other
matters. They fail to see the value of science education. Thus, most schools (private) are conforming to
the unconcern mindset of the government to the learning welfare of the students, hence, schools are
treated as business ventures by them.

3. Why do many Filipino scientists practice their profession abroad than in the Philippines?
Support your answer.

- The reason why Filipino scientists practice their profession abroad than in the
Philippines is because nobody supports them. The government overlooks their value and fails to fund
them. Many Filipinos are, in fact, very competitive, but because of the unwise expenditures of funds of
government (instead of allocating the funds in science, research and amenities), they are discouraged to
continue here. Thus, they go to other countries and sell their knowledge. Since it came to this point,
even if the government would have a change of view and starts to fund these said scientists, these
scientists would be reluctant to trust Philippine government. More importantly, it would be too late
because Filipinos have gone “Kanya-kanya” syndrome (only their selves matter now, patriotism is dead).
I personally believe that it would take that a leader who has powerful and formidable conviction to
change Philippines and Filipinos.

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