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First, I want people to feel God's love when they are under my care.

I know I can never love everyone on

my own; I definitely will have to rely on Christ as an example and a source of strength. I want people to
feel loved because they are created in God's image, and he loves them. Second, I want people in my care
to feel heard-to know that I am listening. By listening, I mean active listening. I want to understand their
desires and concerns. I want to read the feelings behind their words. Third, I want them to feel cared for
in every situation, as a spiritual person, a suffering person or a dying person. I want to be able to assess
where they are spiritually and ask God how I should help each person to come to know him. I want to be
able to pray with them and share God's Word in a sensitive, knowledgeable way. I want suffering
patients to feel the comfort of a compassionate presence. If they need to talk to someone, I want to be
able to help them think of the things that bring meaning to their lives. Fourth, I want my patients to feel
that I am a competent nurse. When I come into the room, I don't want them to wish it were someone
else. I want them to feel they are in good hands. I want to give them a sense of hope that the other staff
and I will do everything we can and do it well. Fifth, I want to have good relationships with my
colleagues. I want to be known as a hard worker and someone the patients like. I want my work to be an
example of the servanthood of Christ. I know I can't accomplish these goals on my own. I will need to
call upon God constantly. Even with his help, I will not be able to accomplish them all the time. I need to
remember that, because I get discouraged when things do not go as planned. I will have to keep myself
healthy if I want to have the energy to attempt these goals. I want to keep God as my motivation for
nursing-as an offering of myself to him. Thinks I learn being in institute of nurse is Never be afraid to ask
questions. There is always something to learn in the field of nursing. Learn to admit your mistake. If you
plan to keep it forever, bigger problems may arise in the end. You colleagues will understand if you
admit your mistake, and they will help you solve it. Always clarify if you have doubts. Never hesitate to
clarify a detail regarding your patient’s care if you are unsure about it. Always think before you
answer. Whenever the patient, the relative or the doctor is asking you some questions, think of the
safest way to answer first. This is also the best thing to do if you are not sure about your response.

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