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(Deemed University)
Distance learning programs in management
December 2005 examination
Total Marks-100
Time 3 hrs
Section 1- Consumer Behavior (40 m
Fill in the blanks(20 marks)
1. __________is the person who first recognizes need to buy a product or a
initiator/ influencer/decider
2. Decision making perspective believes that consumers make decision on ---
--------- basis.
Emotional/rational/ external pressure
3. ------------ is that to which an individual doesnâ t belong but would like t
o belong
contractual group /primary group /aspirational group
4. The process where by a child acquires skills, knowledge, attitude, neces
sary to function as consumers is called consumer___________
5. _____________ are the last people to adopt an innovation
6. The highest order need as per Maslowâ s theory is ______________.
7. Involvement with a purchase is high when the ______________
Perceived risk is low/ when product is interesting/when perceived ris
k is high
8. ___________ image describes how individuals feel others see them
Ideal social self/ideal self/social self
9. The lowest level at which individuals experience sensation is called____
Subliminal perception/ differential threshold/ absolute threshold
10. Incomplete task is better remembered than complete task this is called _
Zeigernik effect/halo effect/subjectivity
11. ________________ is based on trial and error learning
instrumental conditioning/ classical condition/cognitive learning
12. ___________ is the process by which we recover information from long ter
m memory
reinforcement/ call back/ retrieval
13. The theory of reason action model measures both attitude towards behavio
r and ________ as a background to intention buy
Subjective norms/rational thought/emotional charge
14. In the tricomponent attitude model___________component measures knowledg
e and beliefs\
15. Ivan Pavlov was responsible for ____________theory.
instrumental conditioning/ classical condition/cognitive learning
16. According to Sigmund Freud personality is a product of struggle of three
interactive forces-Id, Ego and _________.
17. ____________ is a division of the member of society into hierarchy of di
stinct status
culture/ social class/social groups
18. When there is high involvement and many difference between brands, indiv
iduals display ____________buying behavior
dissonance reducing/variety seeking/Complex
19. Out of the awareness set, only some brands will fall in ___________set.
consideration set/ total set/purchase set
20. In the expectancy value model, marketers strategy of altering beliefs a
bout brands is an example of ______________ repositioning
Psychological repositioning/ Competitive depositioning/real positioning
Answer any one question (20 ma
â ¢ Take two examples of celebrity advertisement ,analyse the logic behind using a c
elebrity and the choice of celebrity used.
â ¢ Low involvement products can be converted into high involvement product. Give tw
o examples of companies doing so and the strategy used.
Section 2 Integrated Marketing Communication (marks-60)
Fill in the blanks/complete the sentence( marks 10)
1) There are four kinds of images that a company can project: current image
, mirror image, wish image and ____________image.
2) Publicity can probe markets for potential interest, enhance the state of
education and produce sales______
3) Direct marketing is _______________.
4) Merchandising helps____________________
5) ___________ is the number of times a target prospect is exposed to your
6) Copywright is nothing but ____________________.
7) Aaker and Myer have added an extra positioning strategy called positioni
ng by ________________.
Product class/cultural symbol/product user
8) Magazine have a long life span and ___________ readership
9) _______________ is heavily dependent on database management direct mar
keting/personal selling/event sponsorship.
10) ______________ department is the most important department of an advert
ising agency.

Write short answers(marks 10)

1) What are the two advantages of newspaper as a media over magazines.
2) What is scheduling and the various patterns
3) What is sales promotion
4) What is reach and gross rating points
5) What is the function of an Account Executive.
Answer Any two questions out of four( Marks-40)
1) Briefly describe the various positioning strategy with two examples each
2) Take a brand of your choice and design a communication strategy for it
3) Sales promotion expenditure are on the increase. Why
4) Elucidate the term publicity. Take an example and explain how a publicit
y program can be effectively run

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