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Department of Foreign Languages
School year: 2019-2020

Thu Dau Mot, June/2020

Internal Use Only



1. (earn) degree (n) /dɪˈɡriː/ the qualification obtained by students (đạt được)
who successfully complete a university bằng cấp
or college course
2. (follow) /ɪnˈstrʌkʃn/ = direction; detailed information on (làm theo) sự
instruction (n) how to do or use something chỉ dẫn
3. access (to sth) (n) /ˈækses/ the opportunity or right to use/see n. sự truy cập,
something tiếp cận
access sth (v) /ˈækses/ to be able to use or obtain something v. truy cập,
have access to sth such as a service tiếp cận
4. (join) the police /pəˈliːs fɔːrs/ the group of people who are employed (gia nhập) lực
force (n) as police in a city, region, or state lượng cảnh
5. allow doing sth /əˈlɑʊ/ = permit; to let someone do something cho phép (ai
allow sb to do or let something happen đó làm gì)
sth) (n)
6. anger (n)(v) /ˈæŋ.ɡər/ n. the feeling people get when n. sự tức giận
something unfair,
angry (with sb/  /ˈæŋ.ɡri/ painful, or bad happens adj. tức giận
sth) (adj)
7. apply for sth (v)  /əˈplɑɪ/ v. to request something by writing or by v. nộp đơn
sending in a form
applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ n. a person who formally requests n. ứng cử
=candidate (n) something, especially a job, or to study viên(xin viec)
at a college or university
application (n) /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. an official request for something, n. sự nộp đơn
usually in writing
8. as far as I know used to say what you think is true, theo tôi biết
although you do not know all the facts
9. base on sth (v) /beɪs/ to use an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. as dựa trên
the point from which something can be
10. be aware of sth /əˈweə(r)/ knowing or realizing something nhận thức
raise awareness /əˈweənəs/
of sth
11. budget (n) /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ the amount of money you have ngân sách
available to spend
12. co-worker (n) /ˈkəʊ wɜːkə(r)/ =colleague; a person who you work đồng nghiệp
13. concentrate on /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ to give all your attention to something v. tập trung
sth (v) and not think about anything else

concentration (n) /ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn/ a lot of attention and thought directed to n. sự tập

an activity or subject trung
14. courage = /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/ the ability to do something dangerous, n. sự dũng
bravery (n) /ˈbreɪvəri/ or to face pain or opposition, without cảm
showing fear
15. decision-maker /dɪˈsɪʒn meɪkə(r)/ a person who decides things n. người đưa
(n) ra quyết định
16. discover (v) /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/ to find out about something v. khám phá
discovery (n) /dɪˈskʌvəri/ the process of finding information, a n. sự khám
place, or an object, especially for the phá
first time, or the thing that is found
17. eliminate = get /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ to remove or get rid of something xoá bỏ, loại
rid of (v) bỏ
18. employment (n) /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ n. work, especially when it is done to n. công việc
earn money
employed # /ɪmˈplɔɪd/# /ˌʌnɪm adj. having a job # not having a job adj. có việc
unemployed (adj) ˈplɔɪd/ làm # thất
employee (n) /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/ n. a person who is paid to work for n. người làm
somebody thuê
employer (n) /ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ n. a person or company that pays people n. người chủ
to work for them
19. encourage (v) /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ v. to give somebody support, courage or v. khuyến
hope khích
encouragement /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt/ n. words or behaviour that give n. sự khuyến
(n) someone confidence to do something khích
20. enrol (v) /ɪnˈrəʊl/ v. to put yourself or someone else onto v. đăng ký
the official list of members of a course, nhập học
college, or group
enrolment (n) /ɪnˈrəʊlmənt/ n. the act of putting yourself or n. sự đăng ký
someone else onto the official list of nhập học
members of a course, college or
university, or group
21. exhausted (adj) /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ very tired kiệt sức
22. equal # unequal /ˈiːkwəl/ # /ʌn =fair # unfair bình đẳng #
(adj) ˈiːkwəl/ bất bình đẳng
23. force to do sth (v) /fɔːrs/ to make someone do something, or ép buộc1
make something happen, esp. by
threatening or not offering the
possibility of choice
24. undergraduate (n) /ˌʌndərˈɡrædʒuət/ n. a student who is studying for their khoá học đại
first degree at a college or university học chính quy
25. gender /ˌdʒendə dɪskrɪmɪ a situation in which someone is treated sự phân biệt
discrimination (n) ˈneɪʃən/ less well because of their sex giới tính
26. gender equality /ˌdʒendə i the act of treating women and men sự bình đẳng
(n) ˈkwɒləti/ equally giới tính

27. gender gap (n) /ˈdʒendər ɡæp/ the difference that separates men and khoảng cách
women, in terms of attitudes, giới tính
opportunities and status
28. high-paid # low- /ˌhaɪ ˈpeɪd /# used to describe people who earn a lot trả lương cao
paid (adj) /ˌləʊ ˈpeɪd/ of money# not earning or paying much # trả lương
money thấp
29. expense (n)  /ɪkˈspens/ the use of money, time, or effort chi tiêu gia
30. hunger and /ˈhʌŋɡə(r)/ a situation in which the body does not nạn đói và
poverty (n) /ˈpɒvəti/ have enough food and the condition of nghèo khổ
being extremely poor
31. (in case of) /ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi/ a sudden serious and dangerous event (trong trường
emergency (n) or situation that needs immediate action hợp) khẩn cấp
to deal with it
32. income (n) /ˈɪnkəm/or money that is earned from doing work thu nhập
/ˈɪnkʌm/ or received from investments
33. infect (v) /ɪnˈfekt/ to pass a disease to a person, animal, or v. truyền
plant nhiễm
infection (n) /ɪnˈfekʃn/ a disease in a part of your body that is n. sự truyền
caused by bacteria or a virus nhiễm
infectious(ly) /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ able to pass a disease from one person, adj. lây nhiễm
(adj) animal, or plant to another
34. labour force (n) /ˈleɪbər fɔːrs/ = workforce; all the people who work n. lực lượng
for a particular company, organization, lao động
35. mature (adj) /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ behaving in a sensible way, like an adj/v. trưởng
adult thành
36. needlework and /ˈniːdlwɜːrk/ sewing, done by hand with needle and n. công việc
cookery (n) /ˈkʊkəri/ thread; and the art or activity of may vá và
preparing and cooking food nấu ăn
37. negatively (adv) /ˈneɡətɪvli/ in a bad or harmful way adv. một cách
tiêu cực
38. obese (adj) /əʊˈbiːs/ extremely fat , in a way that is not adj. béo phì
obesity (n) /əʊˈbiːsəti/ the fact of being extremely fat, in a way 1 phì
n. sự béo
that is dangerous for health
39. on average (n) /ˈævərɪdʒ/ a standard or level that is considered to trung bình,
be typical or usual bình quân
40. participant (n) /pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt/ n. a person who is taking part in an n. người tham
activity or event gia
participate in sth /pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ v. to take part in or become involved in v. tham gia
(v) an activity
participation (of /pɑːrˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn/ n. the act of taking part in an activity or n. sự tham gia
sb) (n) event

41. pass down (v) /pɑːs daʊn/ to give or teach something to your v. truyền lại
children or people younger than you
42. physically (adv) /ˈfɪzɪkli/ in a way that is connected with a adj. thể chất
person’s body rather than their mind
43. prefer A to B (v) /prɪˈfɜːr/ v. to like one thing or person better than v. thích hơn
preference (n) /ˈprefrəns/ n. the fact that you like something or n. sự yêu
someone more than another thing or thích
44. property (n) /ˈprɑːpərti/ a thing or things that are owned by n. tài sản
45. pursue (v) /pərˈsuː/ to do something or try to achieve v. theo đuổi
something over a period of time
pursuit (n) /pərˈsuːt/ the act of trying to achieve a plan, n. sự theo
activity, or situation, usually over a đuổi
long period of time
46. qualified (adj) /ˈkwɑːlɪfaɪd/ having the experience to do a particular adj. lành
job nghề, giỏi
47. quantity (n) /ˈkwɑːntəti/ an amount or a number of something n. số lượng
48. represent sth/ sb /ˌreprɪˈzent/ v. act/speak for somebody v. đại diên
representative (n) /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ n. a person who has been chosen to n. người đại
speak or vote for somebody else or for a diện
group of people
49. salary (n) /ˈsæləri/ money that employees receive for doing n. lương
their job, especially working in an tháng
office, usually paid every month
50. satisfy (children’s /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ to have or provide something that is v. làm thoả
needs) (v) needed or wanted mãn, đáp ứng
51. set an (good) /ɪɡˈzæmpl/ to behave in a way that other people v. làm gương
example for sb should copy
52. similar to sth/ sb /ˈsɪmələr/ adj. like somebody/something but not adj. tương tự
(adj) exactly the same
similarity /ˌsɪməˈlærəti/ n. resemblance; the state of being n. sự tương
1 tự
similar to somebody/something but not
exactly the same
53. strictly (adv) /ˈstrɪktli/ with a lot of control and rules that must adv. một cách
be obeyed nghiêm túc,
nghiêm khắc
54. sue sb for sth  /suː/ to make a claim against a person or an v. kiện
organization in court about something
that they have said or done to harm you
55. target (n) /ˈtɑːrɡɪt/ a result that you try to achieve n. mục tiêu
56. treat sb (v) /triːt/ v. to behave towards v. đối xử/
somebody/something/ to cure diều trị
treatment (n) /ˈtriːtmənt/ n.  a way of behaving /a cure n. sự đối xử/
sự điều trị

57. violent (adj) /ˈvaɪələnt/ involving or caused by physical force adj. bạo lực
that is intended
violence (n) /ˈvaɪələns/ to hurt or kill somebody n. sự bạo lực
58. wage /weɪdʒ/ a regular amount of money that you n. lương tuần,
earn, usually every week or every lương dịch vụ
month, for work or services
59. wide(ly) (adj) /waɪd/ adj. having a larger distance from one adj. rộng
side to the other
widen (v) /ˈwaɪdn/ v. to become, or to make something v. mở rộng
greater in width
60. will (n) /wɪl/ a strong and determined desire to do n. quyết tâm,
something that you want to do ý chí

I. Modal Verb Table
USES Present / Future PAST

- We are supposed to meet them

Expectation/ reporting here. - We were supposed to
a rule - We are supposed not to smoke in meet here.
public places.

can - ability / possibility  - He can speak 5 languages. / - I could jump high a

- informal permission  I can learn modal verbs online. few years ago but now
- request  - You can use my car tomorrow.  I can't.
- impossibility - Can I borrow your book? - That can't have been
(negative only) - Cats can't swim. true! (không lẽ / không
thể nào)

- I had to go to class

- necessity 
- I have to go to class today. yesterday.
have to - lack of necessity= a
- I don't have to go to class today. - I didn't have to go to
choice (negative)
class yesterday.

strongly advised/
had better - You had better be on time. (past form uncommon)

- polite request 
- May I borrow your book? 
- formal permission  He may have been at
may - You may leave the room. 
- less than 50% school. (có lẽ đã)
- He may be at the school.

He might have been at

might less than 50% certainty He might be at school.

- strong necessity / - I must go to class today. / You - I had to go to class

legal obligation must wear a seatbelt when driving. yesterday. 
must - prohibition - You must not open that door. - Mary must have been
- 95% certainty/logical - Mary isn't in class. She sick yesterday. (ắt hẳn
conclusion must be sick. (present only) đã)

I ought to / should have
- advisability  - I ought to/ should study tonight. studied last night. (lẽ ra
ought to/
- 80% certainty - She ought to be at school. She ought to have done
well on the test.

- ask another person's

- Shall I invite them too? 
shall opinion (only used with
- Shall we dance?
I or we)

You didn’t have to read

the whole book.
needn’t not necessary - You needn’t read the whole book.
You needn’t have read
the whole book.

II/ Passive forms of Modal verbs:

1. The present / future passive form: MODAL + BE + V3/ED
- can, may, must, could, would, should, might,
+ “BE” + V3/ed
- have to, used to, ought to, be going to, be supposed to 1
We can’t make tea with cold water. à Tea can’t be made with cold water.
They are going to build a new school here. à A new school is going to be built here.
We ought to teach children to respect the elders. à Children ought to be taught to respect the elders.
Someone is supposed to tell Fred about the meeting. à Fred is supposed to be told about the meeting.
2. The Past Passive Form: MODAL + HAVE BEEN + V3/ED
- can, may, must, could, would, should, might,
+ “HAVE BEEN” + V3/ed
- have to, used to, ought to, be going to, be supposed to
You had better have returned this book to the library last Friday. à This book had better have been
returned to the library last Friday.
Someone must have sent the letter last week. à The letter must have been sent last week.


1. (grow) a beard /bɪəd/ hair that grows on the chin and râu
(n) sides of a man’s face
2. (pay) attention /əˈtenʃn/ notice, thought, or interest sự chú ý
(to) (n)
3. altar (n) /ˈɔːltər/ a type of table used in bàn thờ
 lay food on religious ceremonies  bày biện đồ
the altar cúng trên bàn
4. ancestor (n) /ˈænsestər/ = forebear; a person in your tổ tiên, ông bà
family who lived a long time
5. ascent (n) /əˈsent/ the act of climbing or moving sự tăng lên
>< descent (n) /dɪˈsent/ an action of coming or going sự giảm xuống
6. assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/ a task or piece of work that bài tập, nhiệm
somebody is given to do, (v) ụ
usually as part of their job or
7. background (n) /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ the details of a person’s xuất thân
family, education, experience,
8. groom (n) = /ɡruːm/ a man on his wedding day chú rê
bride (n) /braɪd/ a woman on her wedding day cô dâu
9. bridesmaid (n) /ˈbraɪdzmeɪd/ a young woman or girl who phù dâu
helps a bride before and
during the marriage ceremony
10. the best man /ˌbest ˈmæn/ a male friend or relative of the rễ phụ
bridegroom at a wedding, who
helps him during the wedding 1
11. ceremony (n) /ˈserəməʊni/ a public or religious occasion nghi lễ
that includes a series of formal
or traditional actions
12. chimney /ˈtʃɪmni/ a hollow structure that allows ống khói
the smoke from a fire inside a
building to escape to the air
13. complicated (adj) /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ = sophisticated; involving a phức tạp
lot of different parts, in a way
that is difficult to understand
14. costume (n) /ˈkɑːstuːm/ the set of clothes trang phục
15. custom (n) /ˈkʌstəm/ a way of behaving or a belief phong tục
that has been established for a
long time
16. diverse (adj) /daɪˈvɜːrs/ including many different types đa dạng
of people or things
diversity (n) /daɪˈvɜːrsəti/ = variety sự đa dạng
17. dumpling (n) /ˈdʌmplɪŋ/ a small ball of dough (= flour bánh bao
and water mixed together),
cooked, and eaten with meat
and vegetables
18. engagement (n) /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ an agreement to marry đính hôn
19. entry (into) (n) /ˈentri/ an act of going into or getting sự bước vào
into a place
20. exchange (v) /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ giving and receiving trao đổi
21. exist (v) /ɪɡˈzɪst/ to be real; to be present in a tồn tại
place or situation
existence (n) /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/ the state or fact of being real sự tồn tại
or living or of being present
22. favourable (adj) /ˈfeɪvərəbl/ good, positive or pleasing thích hợp, đẹp

23. feature (n) /ˈfiːtʃər/ = characteristic; a typical đặc điểm, đặc

quality or an important part of tính
feature (v) /ˈfiːtʃər/ to include someone or có,mô tả, nói
something as an important part lên
24. fortune (n) /ˈfɔːrtʃən/ a large amount of money , tài sản, vận
goods, property, etc. may
25. funeral (n) /ˈfjuːnərəl/ a ceremony for burying or đám tang
burning the body of a dead
26. honeymoon (n) /ˈhʌnimuːn/ a holiday taken by a couple 1
tuần trăng mặt
who have just got married
27. individual (adj) /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ considered separately rather cá nhân
than as part of a group
individual (n) /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ a single person or thing, một cá nhân
especially when compared to
the group
individualism /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlɪzəm/ the belief that individual chủ nghĩa cá
people in society should have nhân
the right to make their own
decisions, etc., rather than be
controlled by the government
individuality (n) /ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuˈæləti/ the qualities that make cá tính, sở
somebody/something different thích cá nhân
from other people or things
28. involve (in) (v) /ɪnˈvɒlv/ to include someone in liên quan, bao
something, or to make them gốm, dính tới
take part in or feel part of it
29. legal (adj) /ˈliːɡl/ allowed by the law hợp pháp
>< illegal (adj) /ɪˈliːɡl/ not allowed by the law bất Hợp pháp
30. legend (n) /ˈledʒənd/ a story from ancient times truyền thuyết,
about people and events, that huyền thoại
may or may not be true
legendary (a) /ˈledʒənderi/ very famous and talked about huyền thoại,
a lot by people đáng nễ
31. magpie (n) /ˈmæɡpaɪ/ a bird with black and white quạ đốm trắng
feathers and a long tail đen
32. majority (of ) (n) /məˈdʒɔːrəti/ the largest part of a group of đa số, số nhiều
people or things
>< minority (of) /maɪˈnɔːrəti/ the smaller part of a group; thiểu số
(n) less than half of the people or
things in a large group
33. necessary (a) /ˈnesəseri/ = essential; that is needed for a cần thiết
purpose or a reason
>< unnecessary /ʌnˈnesəseri/ not needed không cần
(a) thiết
necessity (n) /nəˈsesəti/ the need for something sự cần thiết
34. origin (n) /ˈɔːrɪdʒɪn/ the cause of something nguồn gốc
original (adj) /əˈrɪdʒənl/ existing since the beginning, gốc
or being the earliest form of
originate (v) /əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ = come from có nguồn gốc
35. prestige (n) /preˈstiːʒ/ respect and admiration given danh tiếng
to someone or something,
usually because of a reputation 1
for high quality, success, or
social influence
prestigious (adj) /preˈstiːdʒəs/ respected and admired as very Có uy tính,
important or of very high danh tiếng
36. proposal (n) /prəˈpəʊzl/ an offer of marriage cầu hôn, buổi
dạm ngõ
37. prosperity (n) /prɑːˈsperəti/ = wealth; the state of being sự giàu có,
successful, especially in thịnh vượng
making money
prosperous (adj) /ˈprɑːspərəs/ = affluent; rich and successful thành đạt (giàu
có + thành
38. real = genuine = /ˈriːəl/;/ existing in fact and not thật
authentic (a) ˈdʒenjuɪn/; /ɔː imaginary
(in) reality (n) /riˈæləti/ the true situation and the thực tế
problems that actually exist in
really (adv) /ˈriːəli/ used to emphasize an adjective thật sự
or adverb
39. reception (n) /rɪˈsepʃn/ a formal party at which tiệc đãi khách
important people are
40. ritual (n) /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ a series of actions that are nghi thức, nghi
always performed in the same lễ
way, especially as part of a
religious ceremony
41. samovar (n) /ˈsæməvɑːr/ a large container for heating bình trà Nga
water, used especially in
Russia for making tea
42. scatter (n) /ˈskætər/ a small amount or number of sự rơi vãi
things spread over an area
scatter (v) /ˈskætər/ to (cause to) move far apart in rơi vãi
different directions
43. situate (in a /ˈsɪtʃueɪt/ to put something in a toạ lạc tại
place) (v) particular position
44. status (n) /ˈsteɪtəs/ the legal position of a person, địa vị
group or country
45. supernatural (adj) /ˌsuːpərˈnætʃrəl/ caused by forces that cannot siêu nhiên
be explained by science
46. superstition (n) /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃn/ belief that is not based on sự mê tín
human reason or scientific
knowledge, but is connected
with old ideas about magic, 1
superstitious /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃəs/ believing in superstitions mang tính mê
(adj) tín, dị đoan
47. sweep out (v) /swiːp/ remove quét ra, loại bỏ
48. symbol (n) /ˈsɪmbl/ a person, an object, an event, ký hiệu, biểu
etc. that represents a more tượng
general quality or situation
49. symbolize/ /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ = represent something biểu tượng,
symbolise (v) tượng trưng
50. variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ several different sorts of the sự đa dạng
same thing
various (adj) /ˈværiəs/ = diverse; several different đa dạng
vary (v) /ˈværi/ to change or be different thay đổi, tạo
according to the situation khác biệt

1. Equality (So sánh bằng): S + V + as + adj / adv + as
Ex. I can run as fast as my brother (can). // It is not so easy as you think.
THE SAME (Noun) AS: Ann’s salary is the same as Jane’s.
Tom is as tall as Peter = Tom is the same height as Peter.

High / tall / short  height wide / narrow  width long / short  length
Heavy/ light  weight deep / shallow  depth big / small  size

2. Comparative (So sánh hơn):

- Short adj / adv + ER + THAN - Ex: The exam paper is easier than we expected.
- MORE + long adj / adv + THAN - Ex: Her watch is more expensive than mine.
- More / less + N + than - Ex: Southern people eat more sugar than Northern ones.
- More than / less than - I like you more than she / her (?)

3. Superlative (so sánh nhất)

- The + short adj / adv + EST - Ex: Tony is the tallest student in our school.
- The MOST + long adj / adv - Ex: She dances the most beautifully in the party.
TheAS most / least :+ N
/ THAN - Ex: The Irish drink the most tea. sth most / best as
/ least. * Short
- Ex: My adjectives
father : + most
likes coffee có 1 âm tiết (tận
/ best.
Mệnh đề: I drank much coffee cùng là phụ âm đơn (trừ w,x,z) đứng trước 1
as he did. nguyên âm đơn thì gấp đôi phụ âm cuối) Ex:
2. Đại từ: She speaks faster than I / I big – bigger – the biggest
do / me. + có 2 âm tiết tận cùng là -le : simple, gentle,
The air in cities is more polluted than …
that in the countryside. -y : happy, pretty,………. ( đổi thành –ier /
3. Cụm danh từ (cùng dạng) -iest)
Apples are not so expensive as -ow : narrow, shallow,…………. 1
mangoes. -er : clever,……………
To tell her the truth is easier than * Short adverbs: có 1 âm tiết : hard, fast,…
to lie to her. _ early (earlier , earliest )
* Irregular:
- good / well  better  the best
- bad / badly  worse  the worst
- far  farther  the farthest ( chỉ dùng cho khoảng cách)
further  the furthest (khoảng cách và mang nghĩa additional): further practise
- little  less  the least - much / many  more  the most
- old  elder  the eldest (về cấp bậc  đứng trước danh từ: my elder sister)
older  the oldest (về tuổi tác) : She is older than me.
- late  later  the latest (về thời gian) / the last (về thứ tự)

1. The center was not so crowded as usual = The center was less crowded than usual.
2. GẤP MẤY LẦN: Số lần + as + adj / adv + as ….
Petrol is twice / three times as expensive as it was a few years ago. (gấp …lần)
3. NHẤN MẠNH MỨC ĐỘ SO SÁNH: much / far / a lot (≠ a bit / slightly) + -er / more…than…
Lets go by bus, it is much / far / a lot cheaper. (mức độ so sánh)
4. Of the three boys, Tom behaves the most politely.
5. look / sound / taste / feel / smell + like
eg.: Tony looks like a mature man today.
This dish smells like chicken soup.


A. Các trường hợp luôn dùng ‘THE”
1. Trước danh từ được nhắc đến lần 2
Yesterday I bought a book. The book is on fish.
2. Trước dt chỉ một vật duy nhất : the sun, the earth , the moon….
3. Trước so sánh nhất: the biggest / the most beautiful / the only….
4. Trước số thứ tự : the first / the second / the next / the last / the same…
5. Trước danh từ chỉ dụng cụ âm nhạc : the piano / the guitar / the flute…
6. Trước tên riêng của nhà hàng, khách sạn, bảo tàng , thư viện, rạp hát, rạp bóng…
The Tower of London, The National Gallery, the museum, the stadium, the cinema…
7. Trước tên một địa danh: sông hồ, đại dương, vùng biển, quốc gia số nhiều…
The Red River / the Atlantic Ocean / The USA / The Philippines / the Netherlands/ the UK…
8. Trước danh từ chỉ phương hướng: the South / the North / the West / the East
9. The + adj = N để chỉ nhóm người có chung đặc điểm : the poor/ the homeless/ the young…
10. The + họ số nhiều = gia đình : the Browns / the Smiths….
11. The + danh từ chỉ quốc tịch = dân tộc: the Vietnamese / the Chinese…(dân tộc VN)
12. Trước danh từ có một cụm từ hay mệnh đề theo sau bổ nghĩa (mệnh đề quan hệ )  danh từ 1 xác
The girl in blue is my sister
The place where I met her is not far from his house.

B. Các trường hợp không dùng mạo từ (a/an / the)

1. Trước dt chỉ môn thể thao : I like to play badminton.
2. Trước danh từ chỉ thành phố, đường phố, quốc gia số ít, công viên , lục địa
They live on Le Loi street , in Hanoi
3. Trước danh từ đứng sau sở hữu cách --> This is Nam’s book.
4. Trước các danh từ : bed , school , hospital, prison , home để chỉ mục đích chính.
I go to school six days a week. (tôi đi học)
Nhưng nếu chỉ mục đích khác ta vẫn dùng ‘The’
My mother went to the school to see the headmaster.
5. Trước danh từ trừu tượng, có nghĩa tổng quát: Men fear death.
6. Trước dt chỉ tên gọi các bữa ăn : breakfast / lunch / dinner ( I have breakfast at 6 everyday)
7. Trước các phương tiện vận chuyển nói chung: by car / by bus…
8. Trước các tên nước chỉ có một từ : France/ China / Vietnam… hoặc 2 từ như : New Zealand /
South Africa
9. Các châu lục, bang, hành tinh : Europe , Africa…/ Florida, Ohio…/ Venus, Mars, Jupiter….
10. Các môn học / tên trường bắt đầu bằng tên riêng: Mathematics, Sociology…/ Hong Bang college /
Di An high school….
11. Các kỳ nghỉ : Christmas / Easter / Tet holiday…
12. Số đếm sau danh từ : World war one # the first World War / chapter three….
13. Danh từ chỉ tiếng nói : Vietnamese, English, Japanese….


1. (do) calculation /ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn/the act or process of using numbers to find tính toán
(n) out an amount
2. ability (n) /əˈbɪləti/ the fact that somebody/something is able to khả năng
do something
3. accent (n) /ˈæksənt/ the way in which people in a particular area giọng nói,
or country pronounce words chất giọng
4. application (n) /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ =app; a program designed to do a particular ứng dụng
5. appropriate (adj) /əˈprəʊpriət/ =suitable; right for a particular situation or phù hợp
>< inappropriate /ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət/ not suitable or appropriate in a particular >< không
(adj) situation phù hợp
6. assignment (n) /əˈsaɪnmənt/ a piece of work given to someone, typically bài tập,
as part of their studies or job nhiệm vụ
7. ban (v) /bæn/ =forbid =prohibit; refuse to allow cấm
8. be able to (v) /ˈeɪbl/ capable of sth/doing sth có khả năng,
có thể
9. belong to (v) /bɪˈlɔːŋ/ to be owned by somebody/something thuộc sỡ hữu
10. button (n) a small area on a computer screen that you nút
click on to make it do something 1
11. cheat (v) /tʃiːt/ to behave in a dishonest way in order to get gian lận, lừa
what you want gạt
12. convenience (n) /kənˈviːniəns/ the quality of being useful, easy or suitable sự thuận tiện
for somebody
convenient (adj) /kənˈviːniənt/ useful, easy or quick to do; not causing thuận tiện
13. critical thinking /ˌkrɪtɪkl the process of thinking carefully about a tư duy phản
(n) ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ subject or idea, without allowing feelings or biện
opinions to affect you
14. define (v) /dɪˈfaɪn/ =identify; to describe or show the nature or xác định
range of somebody/something
15. detailed (adj) /ˈdiːteɪld/ giving many details and a lot of information chi tiết
16. disrupt (v) /dɪsˈrʌpt/ =distract; to make it difficult for something làm gián
to continue in the normal way đoạn
disruption (n) /dɪsˈrʌpʃn/ a situation in which it is difficult for sự gián đoạn
something to continue in the normal way
disruptive (adj) /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/ = distracting; causing problems, noise, etc. mang tính
so that something cannot continue normally gián đoạn
17. distract S.O /dɪˈstrækt/ to make someone stop giving their attention làm sao lãng,
from Sth (v) to something làm phân tán
18. effective (adj) /ɪˈfektɪv/ successful or achieving the results that you hiệu quả
>< ineffective /ˌɪnɪˈfektɪv/ not achieving what you want to achieve >< kém hiệu
(adj) quả
effectiveness (n) /ɪˈfektɪvnəs/ the fact of producing a successful result sự hiệu quả
19. efficiency (n) /ɪˈfɪʃnsi/ the quality of doing something well with no sự tiện lợi, sự
waste of time or money hiệu quả
efficient (adj) /ɪˈfɪʃnt/ working or operating quickly and effectively tiện lợi, hiệu
in an organized way quả
20. excellence (n) /ˈeksələns/ the quality of being extremely good sự tuyệt vời
excellent (adj) /ˈeksələnt/ extremely good tuyệt vời,
xuất sắc
excellently (adv) /ˈeksələntli/ extremely well một cách
tuyệt vời
21. extent (n) /ɪkˈstent/ how large, important, serious, etc. something khu vực,
is phạm vi, quy

the fullest extent hết cỡ
22. harm (n) /hɑːrm/ physical or other injury or damage sự gây hại,
thiệt hại
harm (v) /hɑːrm/ to hurt or injure somebody or to damage gây hại
harmful (adj) /ˈhɑːrmfl/ causing damage or injury to có hại
23. improve (v) /ɪmˈpruːv/ = enhance=strengthen; to become better cải thiện
than before
improvement (n) /ɪmˈpruːvmənt/ = enhancement; the act of making sự cải thiện
something better
24. material (n) /məˈtɪəriəl/ information used when writing something tài liệu,
nguyên vật
25. media player (n) /ˈmiːdiə a computer program that can store, copy, phần mềm
ˈpleɪər/ and play sound and picture files nghi nhạc,
xem phim
26. offer (v) /ˈɔːfər/ to provide or supply something cung cấp,
27. omission (n) /əˈmɪʃn/ the act of not including sự giản lược
somebody/something or not doing
omit (v) /əˈmɪt/ to not include something/somebody giản lược,
giảm bỏ
28. permanent (adj) /ˈpɜːrmənənt/ lasting for a long time or for ever lâu dài, vĩnh
29. >< temporary /ˈtempəreri/ lasting or intended to last or be used only for ngắn hạn,
(adj) a short time tạm thời
30. playwright (n) /ˈpleɪraɪt/ a person who writes plays for the theatre, nhà soạn kịch
television or radio
31. portable (adj) /ˈpɔːrtəbl/ light and small enough to be easily carried có thể xách,
or moved cầm tay theo
32. radiation (n) /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/ a form of energy that comes from a nuclear sự phóng xạ
reaction and that can be very dangerous to
33. record (n) /ˈrekərd/ a song or music that has been recorded and bản ghi âm,
is available for the public to buy ghi hình; kỷ
record (v) /rɪˈkɔːrd/ to store sounds or moving pictures using ghi âm, ghi
electronic equipment so that they can be hình
heard or seen later
recorder (n) /rɪˈkɔːrdər/ a machine for recording sound or pictures or máy quay
both phim
34. replace (v) /rɪˈpleɪs/ to be used instead of somebody/something thay thế
replacement (n) /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ the act of replacing one thing with another sự thay thể
35. search engine /ˈsɜːrtʃ endʒɪn/ a computer program that searches the công cụ tiềm
(n) internet for information kiếm
search for (v) /sɜːrtʃ/ =look up=find tra cứu, tìm
36. storage (n) /ˈstɔːrɪdʒ/ the act of putting things in a special place for sự lưu trữ,
use in the future, or the place where you put nơi lưu 1trữ
store (v) /stɔːr/ to put or keep things in a special place for lưu trữ
use in the future
37. suffer from (v) /ˈsʌfər/ to experience or show the effects of hứng chiệu,
something bad trãi qua
38. suit (v) /suːt/ to be convenient or useful for somebody phù hợp
39. survey (n) /ˈsɜːrveɪ/ an investigation of the opinions, behaviour, cuộc khảo sát
etc. of a particular group of people, which is
usually done by asking them questions
40. take advantage /ədˈvæntɪdʒ/ to use the good things in a situation tận dụng, lợi
of (v) dụng
41. take note (v) /nəʊt/ write something down or remember it ghi chú
42. touchscreen (n) /ˈtʌtʃskriːn/ a screen on a computer, phone, etc. that màn hình
allows you to give instructions to the device cảm ứng
by touching areas on it
43. translate into (v) /trænzˈleɪt/ to change words into a different language dịch
translation (n) /trænzˈleɪʃn/ the process of changing something that is sự dịch thuật
written or spoken into another language
translator (n) /trænzˈleɪtər/ a person who translates writing or speech biên dịch
into a different language, especially as a job viên
44. voice /ˈvɔɪs technology that allows a computer to sự nhận dạng
recognition (n) rekəɡnɪʃn/ understand spoken words giọng nói

I. DEFINITION:  Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề tính từ bắt đầu với Who, Whom, Which, That,
Whose, Where, When, Why có chức năng làm rõ nghĩa cho 1 cụm danh từ ngay phía trước nó.
1/ WHO: thay thế cho chủ từ chỉ người.
Ex: I thanked the woman. She helped me.
 I thanked the woman who / that helped me.
The girl is happy. She won the race.
 The girl who won the race is happy.

2/ WHOM: thay thế cho túc từ chỉ người, WHO có thể được dùng thay cho WHOM (WHOM thường
dùng trong tình huống trang trọng hoặc văn viết, ít dùng trong văn nói)
Ex: There are several people. I need to talk to them.
 There are several people who/ whom/ that / Ø I need to talk to.
The man was Mr. Jones. I saw him.
 The man who/ whom / that / Ø I saw was Mr. Jones.
3/ WHICH: thay thế cho chủ từ hoặc túc từ chỉ vật, sự việc.
Ex: The book is mine. It is on the table.
 The book which / that is on the table is mine.
The movie wasn’t very good. We saw it last night.
 The movie which / that / Ø we saw last night was not very good. 1
4/ THAT: có thể thay thế cho WHO, WHOM, WHICH trong M ĐQH giới hạn/ xác định (defining
relative cluases)
Ex: The student who / that won the English Competition last month is my classmate.
The man whom / that / Ø I admired most is my Uncle Tom.
We saw the actual spaceship which / that landed on the moon.

5/ WHOSE: thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu. ( sau WHOSE phải có danh từ)
Ex: I know the man. His bicycle was stolen.
 I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.
Mr. Catt has a painting. Its value is inestimable.
 Mr. Catt has a painting whose value is inestimable.

6/ WHERE, WHEN, WHY: thay thế cho cụm giới từ chỉ nơi chốn, thời gian, lý do.
(có thể dùng dạng giới từ + which).
Ex: a/ The building is very old. He lives there (= in that building)
 The building where he lives is very old.
b/ I will never forget the day. I first met you then (=on that day)
I will never forget the day when I first met you .
c/ Do you know the reason ? She is absent from school today for that reason.
Do you know the reason why she is absent from school today ?

 WHO, WHOM, WHICH, THAT, WHOSE : là các ĐẠI TỪ QUAN HỆ có chức năng làm chủ
ngữ hoặc tân ngữ trong mệnh đề quan hệ.
 WHERE WHEN WHY : là các TRẠNG TỪ QUAN HỆ nên không thể làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ
trong mệnh đề quan hệ ( vậy sau Where , When, Why là 1 mệnh đề trọn vẹn).


1/ MĐQH xác định (Defining relative clauses): cần thiết cho nghĩa của câu; khi viết không dung
dấu phẩy để tách ra.
Ex : The book which / that / Ø I borrowed from you is very interesting.
There is one thing which is not explained.
Do you know the man whom / who / that / Ø Tom is talking to ?
The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.

* Lưu ý: Trong MĐQH xác định, đại từ quan hệ làm tân ngữ có thể được lược bỏ.
Ex: The book (which / that) I borrowed from you is very interesting.
Do you know the man (whom / that) Tom is talking to?

Be careful: The man with a large expensive house and fast car who we went to visit was an
insurance salesman. (không thể lược bỏ “who” vì nó cách xa danh từ gốc “the man”)

2/ MĐQH không xác định (Non-defining relative clauses): dùng giải thích thêm cho (cụm)
danh từ đã được xác định rõ. Nếu bỏ MĐQH thì câu vẫn rõ nghĩa, không gây hiểu nhầm. Khi viết
phải dùng dấu phẩy tách ra. Không thể dùng đại từ quan hệ THAT. Không thể lược bỏ đại từ quan hệ
làm tân ngữ.
Ex: My father, who is fifty years old, is a doctor.
Miss Brown, whom we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.
I want to help Peter, whose father is a very good farmer.
Do you like swimming, which is a good sport ?

* Danh từ xác định gồm: - danh từ riêng (không nhầm lẫn)

- danh từ có tính từ sở hữu (my, your,..)
- danh từ có đại từ chỉ định (this, that, these, those)
- danh từ duy nhất, không gây nhầm lẫn

3/ MĐQH nối tiếp (Sentence Relative Clause): giải thích cho cả câu phía trước, chỉ dùng
WHICH và luôn có dấu phẩy.
Ex: We spent a week high up in the mountains, which was wonderful.
It rained heavily, which prevented my going out.
Mary tore Tom’s letter, which made him sad.


Khi danh từ được nói đến là tân ngữ của giới từ, có thể đặt giới từ trước MĐQH, nhưng chỉ được
Ex : She is the woman. I told you about her.
à She is the woman about whom I told you.
à She is the woman who(m) I told you about.
à She is the woman that I told you about.
à She is the woman Ø I told you about.
Fortunately we had a map without which we would have got lost.
The music to which we listened last night was very good.


all, most, many, several, some, a few, a number, the majority, the minority, both, half, one, two,
either, neither, none, little… + OF WHICH / WHOM/ WHOSE
Ex: In my class, there are 20 students. Most of them are from HCM City.
à In my class, there are 20 students, most of whom are from HM City.
He gave several reasons. Only a few of them were valid.
à He gave several reasons, only a few of which were valid.
The teachers discussed Jim. One of his problems was poor study habits.
à The teachers discussed Jim, one of whose problems was poor study habits.

V. RELATIVE PRONOUN “THAT”: các trường hợp sau phải dùng THAT:
a/ thay cho cụm danh từ chỉ người và vật.
Ex: He told me about the places and people that he had seen in London.
b/ sau các tình từ so sánh nhất, the first, the last, all, the only, the very (chính là) 1
Ex: This is the most interesting film that I’ve seen.
She was the first person that broke the silence.
That is the last letter that he wrote.
All that he can say is this.
I bought the only book that they had.
You’re the very man that I would like to see.
c/ sau các đại từ bất định:
Ex : He never says anything that is worth listening to.
I’ll tell you something that is very interesting.

Chú ý:
 Không dùng “THAT” sau dấu phẩy và sau giới từ.
 Phân biệt MĐQH với cấu trúc chẻ để nhấn mạnh:
It is / was + phần cần nhấn mạnh (chủ ngữ, tân ngữ. cụm giới từ…) + THAT + phần còn lại của
Ex: It was Vietnam that hosted the 22nd Sea Games in 2003.
It was in 2003 that Vietnam hosted the 22nd Sea Games.


(live in) harmony /ˈhɑːrməni/ a state of peaceful existence and hài hoà, hoà
(n) agreement thuận
block sth (v) /blɑːk/ to prevent movement through cản trở, tắc
something nghẽn
2 blockage of sth /ˈblɑːkɪdʒ/ something that stops something else sự cản trở, sự
(n) passing through, or the act of stopping tắc nghẽn
something passing through
bring sth about /brɪŋ/ to cause something to happen mang lại
civilization (n) /ˌsɪvələ a state of human society that is very nền văn minh
ˈzeɪʃn/ developed and organized
civilized (adj) /ˈsɪvəlaɪzd/ well organized socially with a very mang tính văn
developed culture and way of life minh
consume sth (v) /kənˈsuːm/ = use, eat or drink tiêu thụ
5 consumption of /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ the act of using energy, food or sự tiêu thụ
sth (n) materials; the amount used
contaminant /kən = pollutant; a substance that makes
ˈtæmɪnənt/ something less pure or makes it
contaminate sth /kən = pollute; to make something less pure làm nhiễm
(v) ˈtæmɪneɪt/ or make it poisonous bẩn, làm ô
contamination /kənˌtæmɪ = pollution; the process of making sự ô nhiễm
(n) ˈneɪʃn/ something dirty or poisonous
7 decade (n) /dɪˈkeɪd/ = 10 years thập kỷ
8 deforest (v) /ˌdiːˈfɔːrɪst/ to cut down and destroy all the trees in phá rừng
a place
deforestation (n) /ˌdiːˌfɔːrɪ the act of cutting down or burning the sự phá rừng
ˈsteɪʃn/ trees in an area
degradation of /ˌdeɡrə the process by which something is sự giảm chất
sth (n) ˈdeɪʃn/ made worse lượng
degrade (v) /dɪˈɡreɪd/ to make something become worse giảm chất
deplete (v) /dɪˈpliːt/ to reduce something in size or amount làm cạn kiệt
10 depletion (n) /dɪˈpliːʃn/ the reduction of something by a large sự cạn kiệt
amount so that there is not enough left
disposal of sth /dɪˈspəʊzl/ the act of getting rid of something sự loại bỏ
dispose of (v) /dɪˈspəʊz/ to get rid of something, especially by loại bỏ
throwing it away
ecosystem (n) / all the living things in an area and the hệ sinh thái
12 ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ way they affect each other and the
edit (n) /ˈedɪt/ an act of making changes to text or sự biên tập
edit (v) /ˈedɪt/ to make changes to text or data on biên tập
editor (n) /ˈedɪtər/ a person who corrects or changes nhà biên tập,
pieces of text or films before they are chủ biên
printed or shown, or a person who is in
charge of a newspaper or magazine
environment (n) /ɪn the air, water, and land in or on which môi trường
ˈvaɪrənmənt/ people, animals, and plants live

environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrən relating to the environment liên quan đến

14 (adj) ˈmentl/ môi trường

environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrən a person who is interested in the nhà môi

(n) ˈmentəlɪst/ natural environment and wants to trường học
improve and protect it
erode (v) /ɪˈrəʊd/ to gradually destroy the surface of làm xói mòn
something through the action of wind,
rain, etc.
erosion (n) /ɪˈrəʊʒn/ the process by which the surface of sự xói mòn
something is gradually destroyed
through the action of wind, rain, etc.
evaporate (v) /ɪˈvæpəreɪt/ to cause a liquid to change to a gas, bốc hơi
especially by heating
17 exploit (v) /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ to use something in a way that helps khai thác
exploitation of /ˌeksplɔɪ the use of something in order to get an sự xói mòn
(n) ˈteɪʃn/ advantage from it 1
18 fauna (n) /ˈfɔːnə/ animal động vật
fertility (n) /fərˈtɪləti/ the quality in land or soil of making sự màu mỡ của
plants grow well đất
for the sake of /seɪk/ in order to help or bring advantage to lợi ích của môi
(n) someone trường
fossil fuel (n) /ˈfɑːsl fjuːəl/ fuel such as coal or oil, that was nhiên liệu hoá
21 formed over millions of years from the thạch
parts of dead animals or plants
function (n) /ˈfʌŋkʃn/ the natural purpose (of something) or chức năng
the duty (of a person)
function (v) /ˈfʌŋkʃn/ to work or operate thực hiện chức
giant (adj) /ˈdʒaɪənt/ = gigantic; very large to lớn, khổng
gradual (adj) /ˈɡrædʒuəl/ >< sudden; happening slowly over a dần dần, từ từ
long period
greenhouse effect / ˈɡriːnhaʊs the problem of the slow steady rise in hiệu ứng nhà
(n) ɪfekt/ temperature of the earth’s atmosphere, kính
caused by an increase of gases such as
carbon dioxide in the air surrounding
the earth, which trap the heat of the
26 heart rate (n) /ˈhɑːrt reɪt/ how fast your heart is beating nhịp tim
27 impact (n) /ˈɪmpækt/ = effect on = influence on sự ảnh hưởng
in general (prep) /ˈdʒenrəl/ mainly, in most situations nói chung
28 in particular /pərˈtɪkjələr/ especially or particularly nói riêng
machinery (n) /məˈʃiːnəri/ machines as a group, especially large máy móc
30 manure (n) /məˈnjʊə(r)/ = dung; the waste matter from animals hoá chất
melt (v) /melt/ to become or make something become tan chảy ra
liquid as a result of heating
melting (n) /ˈmeltɪŋ/ the change or process of changing sự tan chảy
from a solid substance to a liquid
mission (n) /ˈmɪʃn/ any work that someone believes it is nhiệm vụ, sứ
their duty to do mệnh
newsletter (n) /ˈnjuːzletər/ a printed or electronic document bản tin
33 containing information about the
recent activities of an organization
operate (v) /ˈɑːpəreɪt/ to work in a particular way vận hành
34 operation of sth /ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn/ the fact of operating or being active sự vận hành
35 organic (adj) /ɔːrˈɡænɪk/ produced or practised without using hưu cơ
artificial chemicals
>< inorganic /ˌɪnɔːr not consisting of or coming from any >< vô cơ
ˈɡænɪk/ living substances
preservation (n) /ˌprezər the act of keeping something the same sự bảo tồn
ˈveɪʃn/ or of preventing it from being
preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːrv/ to keep something as it is, especially in bảo tồn
order to prevent it from decaying or
being damaged or destroyed
psychological /ˌsaɪkə connected with a person’s mind and thuộc (v) ề tâm
(adj) ˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ the way in which it works lý
psychologist (n) /saɪ someone who studies the human mind nhà tâm lý học
ˈkɑːlədʒɪst/ and human emotions and behaviour
psychology (n) /saɪˈkɑːlədʒi/ the scientific study of the mind and tâm lý học
how it influences behaviour
reflect (v) /rɪˈflekt/ to show, express, or be a sign of phản ánh, phản
something chiếu
reflection on (n) /rɪˈflekʃn/ something that makes other people sự phản ánh,
have a particular opinion about sự phản chiếu
someone or something, especially a
bad opinion
relate to sth (v) /rɪˈleɪt/ to be connected with  liên quan đến
removal of (n) /rɪˈmuːvl/ the act of taking something or sự loại bỏ
someone away from somewhere or
40 something
remove (v) /rɪˈmuːv/ to take somebody/something away loại bỏ
from a place
renewable (adj) /rɪˈnuːəbl/ be produced as quickly as they are có thể khôi
used phục
41 existing in limited
non-renewable /ˌnɑːn rɪ quantities that cannot be replaced after không thể khôi
(adj) ˈnuːəbl/ they have all been used phục
resident (n) /ˈrezɪdənt/ a person who lives in a particular place cư dân
or who has their home there
select (v) /sɪˈlekt/ =choose/opt lựa chọn =opt
= choose
43 selection of sth /sɪˈlekʃn/ the act of choosing someone or sự lựa chọn
(n) something
selective (adj) /sɪˈlektɪv/ careful in choosing chọn, tuyển
solution (n) /səˈluːʃn/ = proposal = measure; the answer to a giải pháp
45 spray (n) /spreɪ/ a liquid that is forced out of a special sự xịt, phun
container under pressure so that it
becomes a mass of small liquid drops
like a cloud 1
spray (v) /spreɪ/ to spread liquid in small drops over an xịt, phun chất
area hoá học
surface (n) /ˈsɜːrfɪs/ the outer or top part or layer of bề mặt
threat (n) /θret/ a statement that someone will be hurt mối đe doạ
or harmed, esp. if the person does not
do something in particular
threaten(v) /ˈθretn/ to tell someone that you will kill or đe doạ
hurt them or cause problems if they do
not do what you want
transform sth to /trænsˈfɔːrm/ to change the form of something; to biến đổi
sth (v) change in form
vapor (n) /ˈveɪpər/ gas or extremely small drops of liquid sự bốc hơi
49 that result from the heating of a liquid
or solid
50 vegetation (n) /ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn/ =flora; plant thực vật


I. STATEMENTS: (câu phát biểu)

Ex: “I’ll leave here tomorrow”
_ Loại 1: He says that he will leave here tomorrow. (tường thuật tại chỗ: động từ giới thiệu ở hiện tại)
_ Loại 2: He said that he would leave there the following day. (tường thuật khác thời điểm: động từ
giới thiệu ở quá khứ)
 * Những thay đổi ở loại 2: I , we  chủ ngữ của mệnh đề giới thiệu ;
1/ said to sb  said that / told sb that you  tn ngữ của mệnh đề giới thiệu
2/ Đổi đại từ nhân xưng he, she, it, they thường không đổi

3/ Lùi thì của động từ:

present  past
Past  Past perfect
Past Perfect  Past perfect
Future  Future in the past

4/ Đổi các từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn.

here  there today  that day

this / these  that / those tonight  that night
now  then, tomorrow  the following day, the next day
ago  before yesterday  the day before / the previous day
next + time  the following + time last + time  the + time before
next + time  the next + time last + time  the previous time / the last + time
II. IMPERATIVE (Câu mệnh lệnh)
_ Affirmative: Ex: “Open your book,” the teacher said.
 The teacher told us to open our book.
_ Negative: “Don’t smoke here,” she said.
 She asked me not to smoke there.

S + asked to V
ordered + O
told not to V

_ Yes / No questions: Ex: “Did you phone me yesterday?” he asked.
 He asked me if I had phoned him the day before.
_ Wh-questions: Ex: “Where is the nearest post office in this town?” the foreigner said
 The foreigner wanted to know where the nearest post office in that town was.
S + asked + O if / whether (Y/N questions)
wanted to know + S + V (lùi thì)
wondered Wh- (Wh- questions)

 Notice:
- must V  had to V
- needn’t V  didn’t have to V
- câu trực tiếp là sự thật hiển nhiên, qui luật, quá khứ có xác định rõ thời gian: không cần lùi thì
- Câu trực tiếp là câu điều kiện I  đk II - Câu đk II, III giữ nguyên

 Mở rộng: Dựa vào nội dung câu trực tiếp, có thể sử dụng các động từ tường thuật phù hợp với từng
trường hợp như sau:

Stt Nội dung Câu trực tiếp (ví dụ tiêu biểu) Câu gián tiếp
1. Lời mời Would you like to… S invited O + to V
2. Lời khuyên Why don’t you/ I (don’t) think you S advised O + to / not to V
should... / If I were you, I would…
3. Nhắc nhở Remember to …/ Don’t forget to… S reminded O + to V
4. Cảnh báo, Don’t…. / Keep away from…. S warned O + (not) to V
dặn ai đề of + NP / V-ing
phòng… about / against + NP

5. Động viên Don’t be afraid of… S encouraged O + to V

6. Mong muốn I’d like you to…. S wanted O + to V
7. Lời hứa Don’t worry I will… S promised + to V
8. Đồng ý Ok / Alright, I will… S agreed + to V
9. Đe dọa Shut up, otherwise I will… S threatened + to V
10. Tỏ ý muốn Let me help you to… S offered + to V

11. Từ chối Sorry I can’t…/ I’d like to…but… S refused + to V

12. Xin lỗi I am sorry I couldn’t… S apologized (to sb) for (not) V-ing
13. Cám ơn Thank you for…/ It’s kind of you to… S thanked O + for V-ing
14. Buộc tội, đổ I am sure you …/ It is you that…/ It is S accused O + of V-ing
lỗi your fault that… S blamed sth on sb / blame sb for sth

S insisted + on V-ing
15. Nài nỉ I really…/ Please… S congratulated O + on V-ing
16. Chúc mừng Congratulations!... S stopped/prevented O + from V-ing
17. Ngăn cản You are not allowed to… S + looked forward to V-ing
18. Trông mong I hope to …
S thought of + V-ing
19. Suy nghĩ I remember …/ I think… S admitted + V-ing / having V3/ed
20. Thú nhận It is true that…/ Yes, I have...... S suggested + V-ing / that S + V0
21. Đề nghị Why don’t we/ Why don’t you…/ S denied + V-ing / having V3/ed
22. Chối tội Let’s…
Me? I didn’t…/No I haven’t …


1. (go on a /səˈfɑːri/ a trip to see or hunt wild animals, đi tham quan
camping) safari especially in east or southern Africa cắm trại
2. adapt (v) /əˈdæpt/ to change to suit different conditions thích nghi
or uses
3. airfare (n) /ˈeəfeə(r)/ the price of a journey by plane tiền phí máy
4. beneficial (to /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ helpful, useful, or good có lợi
sth/sb) (adj)
benefit (n) /ˈbenɪfɪt/ an advantage that something gives lợi ích
benefit (v) /ˈbenɪfɪt/ to be useful to somebody or improve mang lại lợi
their life in some way ích
5. Biosphere /ˈbaɪəʊsfɪr rɪ areas comprising terrestrial, marine khu dự trữ
Reserve (n) ˈzɜːrv/ and coastal ecosystems sinh quyển
6. book (a ticket) /bʊk/ to arrange to have or use something đặt vé
(v) on a particular date in the future; to
buy a ticket in advance
(book tickets) in /ədˈvɑːns/ before something happens (đặt vé) trước
advance (prep)
7. coral reef (n) /ˈkɔːrəl ˈriːf / an area of a hard substance that is rặng san hô
red, pink or white in colour, and that
forms on the bottom of the sea from
the bones of very small creatures 1
8. cultural (adj) /ˈkʌltʃərəl/ relating to the habits, traditions, and thuộc về nền
beliefs of a society văn hoá
culture (n) /ˈkʌltʃər/ a country, group, etc. with its own văn hoá, nền
beliefs, etc. văn hoá
9. depart from /dɪˈpɑːrt/ to leave a place, especially to start a khởi hành từ
somewhere (v) trip chổ nào đó
departure (n) /dɪˈpɑːrtʃər/ an act of leaving a place sự khởi hành
10. destination (n) /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ a place to which điểm đến,
somebody/something is going or đích đến
being sent
11. destroy (v) /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ to damage something so badly that it phá huỷ
cannot be used
destruction of /dɪˈstrʌkʃn/ the act of destroying something, or sự phá huỷ
(n) the fact of being destroyed
destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/ causing, or able to cause, damage
12. discharge (into /dɪsˈtʃɑːrdʒ/ to send out a substance, especially thải (vào
the river) (v) waste liquid or gas dòng xong)
13. discount (v) (n) /dɪˈskaʊnt/ to reduce the price of something giảm giá
/ˈdɪskaʊnt/ an amount of money that is taken off
the usual cost of something
14. ecological (adj) /ˌiːkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ connected with the relation of plants thuộc về sinh
and living creatures to each other and thái
to their environment
ecology (n) /iˈkɑːlədʒi/ the relation of plants and living sinh thái học
creatures to each other and to their
environment; the study of this
ecosystem (n) /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ all the living things in an area and hệ sinh thái
the way they affect each other and
the environment
ecotourism (n) /ˈiːkəʊtʊrɪzəm/ holidays and travel that involve du lịch sinh
causing less damage to the thái
environment than usual and that
make people aware of the need to
protect the environment
15. exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ unusual and exciting because of ngoại lai,
coming from far away, especially a nhập, từ nước
tropical country ngoài
16. exploration (n) /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ the act of traveling to a place or sự khám phá
searching a place in order to learn
about it
explore sth (v) /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ = search and discover khám phá
17. handicraft (n) /ˈhændikræft/ the activity of making attractive đồ thủ công,
objects by hand mỹ nghệ
18. leave sth /ˌʌnəˈtendɪd/ not being watched or taken care of bỏ bê, không
unattended (v) chăm nom 1
19. mass tourism /mæs ˈtʊrɪzəm/ a form of tourism that involves tens du lịch quá
(n) of thousands of people going to the đông
same resort often at the same time of
20. mysterious (adj) /mɪˈstɪriəs/ difficult to understand or explain; bí ẩn
21. natural (adj) /ˈnætʃrəl/ existing in nature; not made or thuộc về thiên
caused by humans nhiên
nature (n) /ˈneɪtʃər/ all the plants, animals and things that thiên nhiên,
exist in the universe that are not tự nhiên
made by people
22. observation (n) /ˌɑːbzərˈveɪʃn/ the act of watching sự quan sát
somebody/something carefully for a
period of time, especially to learn
observe (v) /əbˈzɜːrv/ to see or notice quan sát
23. pastureland (n) /ˈpæstʃərlænd/ land where animals can feed on grass vùng đất cỏ
24. plantation (n) /plænˈteɪʃn/ a large farm, on which a particular đồn điền
type of crop is grown
25. potential (n) /pəˈtenʃl/ the possibility of something tiềm năng
(adj) happening or being developed or
26. principle (n) /ˈprɪnsəpl/ a basic idea or rule that explains or nguyên tắc
controls how something happens or
27. pros and cons /prəʊ/ /kɑːn/ the advantages and disadvantages of sự thuận lợi
(n) something và sự bất lợi
28. relatively (adv) /ˈrelətɪvli/ to a fairly large degree, especially in khá, tương
comparison to something else đối
29. relax (v) /rɪˈlæks/ to become calm and comfortable, thư giãn
and not worried or nervous
relaxation (n) /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ a way of resting and enjoying sự thư giãn
30. respect (n) (v) /rɪˈspekt/ admiration felt or shown for tôn trọng
someone or something that you
believe has good ideas or qualities
31. shortage (n) /ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ/ a situation in which there is not sự thiếu hụt
enough of something nước
32. sustainable (adj) /səˈsteɪnəbl/ able to continue over a period of bền vững, lâu
time; causing little or no damage to bền, không
the environment gây hại đến
môi trường
33. travel agent (n) /ˈtrævl eɪdʒənt/ a person or company that arranges đại lý, công ty
tickets, hotel rooms, etc. for people du lịch
going on holiday or making a 1
34. travel brochure /ˈtrævl brəʊ a promotional piece of paper that is tờ rơi, tờ
(n) ˈʃʊr/ created and distributed to the public thông tin du
by travel companies to highlight their lịch
travel services
35. upset (v) /ˌʌpˈset/ to make someone worried, unhappy, làm buồn, làm
or angry thất vọng, gây
bất lợi

1. future possible
S + will/ can/ may + Vo If I have time, I will help you.
2. habitual, natural
Ann usually walks to school if
1. facts
If + S + Vhiện tại đơn she has enough time.
Real condition S + Vhiện tại đơn
3. -Imperative – mệnh - Please call me if you see her.
lệnh - You should /’d better eat less
-Advice – lời khuyên bread If you want to be thinner,
- If I knew her name, I would
If + S + Vquá khứ đơn tell you.
Unreal S + would + Vo
(I don’t know, so I don’t tell
condition could
in the present / might
(có thể dùng - If I were you, I would come
could) there. (BE  were)
3. If he had studied hard, he
S+ would + have + V3/ed
Unreal would have passed his exam.
If + S + had V3/ed could
condition (He didn’t pass the exam
in the past because he didn’t study hard)
Lưu ý: trong mệnh đề điều kiện (IF hoặc UNLESS) không có Will/ Would.
1. Câu điều kiện II và III luôn ngược với tình huống thực tế. - Tình huống ở tương lai: ĐK
If I were a millionaire, I would travel around the world. I
(in fact, I am not a millionaire) - Tình huống ở hiện tại: ĐK II
- Tình huống ở quá khứ: ĐK
2. Đảo ngữ: III
If you see Tom this evening, tell him to phone me. = Should you see Tom this evening, tell him…
If they were stronger, they could lift the table. = Were they stronger, they could lift the table.
If he had studied hard, he would have passed his exam. = Had he studied hard, he would have …

3. Câu ĐK pha trộn khi có 2 yếu tố thời gian khác nhau:

oIf you had had breakfast this morning, you wouldn’t be hungry now.
3 2 1
oIf I were you, I would have accepted his invitation. (You didn’t accept his invitation.)
2 3

 Một số trường hợp khác:

Conjunctions Meanings Examples
If he is not here, you can leave.
If … not = unless nếu … không
= Unless he is here, you can leave.
or, or else, Go out now or I will call the police
nếu không thì
otherwise = Go out now, otherwise I will call the police.
Nếu không có…
Without/ But for But for your help, I couldn’t finish it on time.
1. He acts as though he were rich. (He is not
as if / as though như thể là
2. Betty talked about the contest as if she had
won the grand prize. (She didn’t win …)


Question 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. minimum B. influence C. eliminate D. bias
Question 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. equal B. female C. enroll D. being
Question 3: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
A. unequal B. enrolment C. encourage D. minimum
Question 4: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
A. produce B. office C. labour D. childcare
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
Question 5: Women and girls represent half of the world's population and therefore also half of ____
A. its B. their C. his D. her
Question 6. In some countries, girls are deprived ____ access sự tiếp cận to health care or proper
nutrition, leading to a higher mortality sự tử vong rate.
A. of B. off C. from D. away
Question 7: Child marriage affects girls ____ more than boys.
A. too B. so C. such D. far
Question 8 Unfair treatment based on gender, age or race must ____ in our modern life.
A. to be eliminate B. be eliminated C. to be eliminated D. to be eliminating
Question 9 A lot of things need to be done ____ gender equality in education, employment and
A. promoting B. in promoting C. for promoting D. to promote
Question 10. Poor women in disadvantaged areas should ____ more help by governments.
A. offer B. be offered C. be offering D. offered
Question 11: Women will be exhausted if they have to cover both jobs at work and at home.
A. very relaxed B. very pleased C. very tired D. very happy
Question 12: Working mothers contribute to household income.
A. reduce B. take C. add D. double
Question 13. Women's salaries are becoming important to their household budgets.
A. funds B. costs C. expenses D. fees 1
Question 14: Many people in our country still think married women shouldn’t pursue a career.
A. attempt B. attach C. achieve D. want
Question 15:  While Job advertisements should avoid any mention of gender as this represents a direct
form of gender-based discrimination, the relevant data ____ that such a practice is still common in Viet
A. to indicate B. indicated C. has indicated D. have indicated
Question 16:  Nowadays, many women are aware of gender preferences in favour of boys.
A. fail B. ignore C. deny D. acknowledge
Question 17:  Among the job postings that included a gender preference, 70 per cent specifically
requested that the positions be filled by men ____ only 30 per cent wanted female applicants.
A. and B. whereas C. or D. so
Question 18: Nowadays, a number of parents still have preference for boys ____ girls.
A. rather B. than C. over D. instead
Question 19: Among the gender-preferred postings, men were most often targeted for more technical
and ______skilled jobs or jobs that require more outdoor activities, such as architects.
A. high B. higher C. highly D. highest
Question 20: The fact that in many cases women's access to certain jobs was restricted ____ their
reproductive (có thể tái tạo) role and/or main responsibility for childcare and the care of other
A. on the basis of B. in terms of C. on occasions of D. on condition that
1. Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word.
Marie Curie, the Polish-born French (1) ..................... was a courageous and determined woman.
She left her home for Paris to (2)..................... her interest in science. Living in (3).................. , she still
(4).............. to graduate at the top of her class. She met Pierre Curie (5)......................... after graduation
and (6)_____________________ …………… him a year later.
Together, Pierre and Marrie (7)......... the most famous husband-and-wife (8)............ in science
history. They (9)............._the Radioactive elements, Polonium and Radium. They (10).............. the Nobel
Prize for Physics in 1903.
Question 1. a. biologist b. mathematician c. chemist d. physicist and chemist
Question 2. a. follow b. take c. pursue d. satisfy
Question 3. a. poverty b. loneliness c. wealth d. difficulty
Question 4. a. made b. managed c. harbored d. worked'
Question 5. a. immediately b. soon c. shortly d. rightly
Question 6. a. married b. left c. divorced d. devoted
Question 7. a. built b. organized c. established d. formed
Question 8. a. couple b. partnership c. scientists d. partners
Question 9. a. discovered b. invented c. built d. made
Question 10. a. had awarded b. awarded c. were awarded d. were awarding
2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D.
Considering their wedding cost over £20,000 and took a year and a half to organise, you would be
surprised to hear that Richard and Victoria Hammond now intend to forget it.
"It was a terrific day at one of the country's most deluxe resort. Everyone was so happy," says
Victoria, "but we have so much we want to do together now." Her husband agrees: "Both our minds are
now fixed firmly on the future. Our marriage is so much more important than the wedding." 1
"At the moment, we are still living with Richard's parents," explains Victoria, "so our first wish is to
find our own place, maybe in the suburb, but it should have all modern facilities." Richard adds that they
plan to have two or three children. "We both have many siblings and they encourage us to add to the
extended Hammond family."
The young couple has just returned from a two-week honeymoon in an authentic Scottish castle. Both
are big travel lovers and Richard hopes they will go travelling as much as possible together "I'd love
to be her company to every corner of the world!" Victoria, however, says that her real wish is to go on
safari but Richard has no interest in wildlife. That means she might have to fulfill this ambition alone.
About the marriage itself, the couple emphasizes the importance of talking with each other. "We are
not always in great harmony. However, it is communicating that has helped us to be reconciled. Now
marriage is a brand-new start, isn’t it?" Victoria smiles.
Question 1. What is the best title for the passage?
A. No arguments, no marriage B. An eventful wedding
C. Costly wedding, shortly married D. Marriage – A new start
Question 2. The word "terrific" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. modest B. flashy C. fine D. wonderful
Question 3. The word "it" in paragraph 3 refers to ____________.
A. Victoria and Richard's house B. Richard's parents' place
C. the suburb D. the facilities
Question 4 The word "they" in paragraph 3 refers to ____________.
A. Richard and his wife B. Richard and Victoria's brothers and sisters
C. Richard and Victoria's children D. the extended Hammond family
Question 5. The phrase "be her company" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____________.
A. maintain her business B. join her trade C. remain with her D. keep her consulted
1. Supply the correct forms of the verbs
1. I'd have liked to have gone to their party but I __________ ( invite )
2. By the time we got to the party, the pasta __________ ( serve ) .
3. Everyone __________ ( clap) us when we went up to get our prize.
4. Let's have a party __________ ( celebrate ) your birthday.
5. It's difficult problem. It needs __________ ( think) about very carefully.
2. Supply the correct forms of the words in the parentheses
1. A large international meeting was held with the aim of promoting _____________ development in all
countries. (SUSTAIN)
2. Pike claimed they had ________________ against him because of his nationality.
3. She was aware of gender ___________________ in favour of men in her company. (PREFER)
4. ______________________ , my father used to go to school with your father. ( INTEREST)
5. Accessing to ____________________ information harms your mental health ( APPROPRIATE)
3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
For each question, complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one(s) using
1. Crossing the red light is against the law.
You _______________________________.
2. My parents don't allow me to come home after 10 p.m. 1
My parents never _______________________________ after 10 p.m.
3. I'd advise you to respect the elderly.
You _______________________________.
4. Having good friends make your independence stronger.
Your independence _______________________________ with good friends.
5. It was her sad story that moved me.
Her sad story _______________________________.
4. Complete the sentences with given words
1. All/forms/discrimination/women/in/workplace/should/ban/.
2. My colleague/who/come from/Singapore/very/helpful/.
3. China/have/largest/population/the world/.
5. Complete the sentences to make meaningful sentences
4. He/ not/ know /foreign language/ made/ it /difficult/ him/ get /well-paid job.
→ _______________________________________________________________________
5. our lives/ improved/ much/ progresses/ science and technology//
→ _______________________________________________________________________
6. Writing a short paragraph (80-100 words) about the importance of Gender Equality
1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that their meanings remain unchanged. (no
more than 5 words for each blank)
1. Although he was badly wounded, he remained optimistic.
→ Badly ___________________________________, he remained optimistic.
2. This is the first time I have been to such an expensive restaurant. (SO)
→ I’ve __________________________________________ a restaurant before
3. The article doesn’t mention the names of the people involved.
→ Nowhere _____________________________________the names of the people involved.
4. I am not invited to the party so I won’t be able to meet him.
→ Were _________________________________ the party, I would be able to meet him.
5. He urged the Council to reduce the rates.
→ He urged that _________________________________________________________

2. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.
incomes service earnings bartenders occupation
workforce compared gender inequality reinforcement
Gender Equality in the United States of America
In the United States, the gender earnings ratio suggests that there has been an increase in women's
earnings (1) _____ _______ to men. Men’s plateau in earnings began after the 1970s, allowing for the
increase in women's wages to close the ratio between (2) _____ ______. Despite the smaller ratio
between men and women's wages, disparity still exists. Census data suggests that women's earnings are
71 percent of men's (3) _______ _________ in 1999.
As women entered the (4) ___________ in larger numbers since the 1960s, occupations have
become segregated based on the level of femininity or masculinity associated with each (5) __________.
Census data suggests that some occupations have become more gender integrated (mail carriers, 1 (6)
__________, bus drivers, and real estate agents). In other areas, however, the reverse is true: occupations
such as teachers, nurses, secretaries, and librarians have become female-dominated while occupations
including architects, electrical engineers, and airplane pilots remain predominately male in composition.
Women seem to occupy jobs in the (7) __________ sector at higher rates then men. Women's
overrepresentation in these jobs as opposed to jobs that require managerial work acts as a (8) ________
_____ of women and men into traditional (9) ________ role that might influence persisting gender (10)

3. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

incomes service earnings bartenders occupation

workforce compared gender inequality reinforcement

Gender Equality in the United States of America

In the United States, the gender earnings ratio suggests that there has been an increase in women's
earnings (1) _____ _______ to men. Men’s plateau in earnings began after the 1970s, allowing for the
increase in women's wages to close the ratio between (2) _____ ______. Despite the smaller ratio
between men and women's wages, disparity still exists. Census data suggests that women's earnings are
71 percent of men's (3) _______ _________ in 1999.
As women entered the (4) ___________ in larger numbers since the 1960s, occupations have become
segregated based on the level of femininity or masculinity associated with each (5) __________. Census
data suggests that some occupations have become more gender integrated (mail carriers, (6) __________,
bus drivers, and real estate agents). In other areas, however, the reverse is true: occupations such as
teachers, nurses, secretaries, and librarians have become female-dominated while occupations including
architects, electrical engineers, and airplane pilots remain predominately male in composition. Women
seem to occupy jobs in the (7) __________ sector at higher rates then men. Women's overrepresentation
in these jobs as opposed to jobs that require managerial work acts as a (8) ________ _____ of women
and men into traditional (9) ________ role that might influence persisting gender (10) ___________.


Gender roles develop (1) ____ internalisation and identification during childhood. Sigmund Freud
suggested that biology determines gender identity through (2) ____ with either the mother or the father.
While some people agree with Freud, others (3) ____ that the development of the “gendered self” is not
completely determined by biology, but rather the interactions that one has with the primary caregiver(s).
From birth, parents (4) ____ differently with children depending on their sex, and through this
interaction parents can instill different values or traits in their children on the basis of what is (5) ____
for their sex. This internalization of gender norms includes the choice of toys (“feminine” toys often
reinforce interaction, nurturing, and closeness, “masculine” toys often reinforce independence and
competitiveness) that a parents give to their children. Education also plays an (6) ____ role in the
creation of gender norms.
Gender roles that are created in childhood may permeate throughout life and help to structure (7)
____ and marriage, especially in relation to work in and outside home. Despite the increasing number of
women in the labor (8) ____, women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and
childcare. While women split their time between work and care of the home, men in many societies are
pressured into being the primary economic supporter of the home. (9) ____ the fact that different 1
households may divide chores more evenly, there is evidence supporting the fact that women have
retained the primary caregiver role within familial life despite contributing economically to the
household. This evidence suggest that women (10) ____ work outside the home often put an extra 18
hours a week doing household or childcare related chores as opposed to men who average 12 minutes a
day in childcare activities.
1. A. with B. through C. upon D. across
2. A. health B. fitness C. identification D. balance
3. A. argue B. claim C. discuss D. debate
4. A. acquaint B. relate C. interact D. make
5. A. confusing B. passive C. native D. normative
6. A. integral B. exact C. fact D. true
7. A. offspring B. family C. parenting D. parents
8. A. force B. power C. strength D. health
9. A. without B. in C. Despite D. on
10. A. which B. who C. whose D. that

Although women now (1)____almost half of all workers in the US, nearly 80 percent of them are
employed in low-paying clerical, sales, service, or factory jobs. Approximately a third of all women
workers have clerical jobs, which pay(2)____average $12,000 or less. Partly as a result, women make
only seventy-five cents for every dollar (3)___by men. (4)_____, men routinely make more money even
when education, experience, and responsibilties are (5)___
The gap in male-female earning had great significance because more than 16 percent of US
households are (6)_____by women. Low-paying jobs keep many of these households in poverty.
Women’s groups such as National Organization for Women have demanded that equal opportunities and
equal pay (7)______to women. According to women’s (8)_____Maggie McAnany, “It is imperative that
the government help to change the stiation (of employment for women). We cannot wait for the
companies to (9)_____themselves. Change must come (10)______the law. ”

1. A. made of B. make up C. take up D. take in

2. A. on B. at C. in D. for
3. A. earns B. earning C. to earn D. earned
4. A. Although B. Whatever C. Moreover D. Contrary
5. A. equally B. equality C. equal D. equalizing
6. A. headed B. hosted C. carried D. licensed
7. A. are giving B. are given C. is giving D. be given
8. A. action B. activity C. activist D. active
9. A. restore B. regain C. regard D. reform
10. A. for B. through C. at D. along


Question 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. decided B. needed C. wanted D. opened
Question 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. fortune B. important C. ancestor D. support
Question 3: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others 1
A. follow B. altar C. throughout D. legend
Question 4: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
A. argue B. venture C. couple D. diverse
Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
Question 5: Today, Australia is one of ____ diverse countries in the world.
A. the more culturally B. the most culturally C. most cultural D. the most
Question 6 Cultural diversity makes the United States a ____ interesting place in which to live for all of
its inhabitants.
A. much better B. more C. many more D. much more
Question 7: By offering a platform for the open exchange of ideas, businesses can reap ____ benefits of
diversity in the workplace.
A. the big B. the bigger C. the biggest D. the most big
Question 8: Cultural diversity (also known as multiculturalism) is ____ group of diverse individuals
from different cultures or societies.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
Question 9: They invited these friends and their families to ____ special meal. It was ____ first
Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, fish, green beans, and soup.
A. a - a B. a - the C. a - x D. the - a
Question 10. That year, things were going a lot better for the Pilgrims, thanks to ____ help of Squanto
and Samoset.
A. an B. the C. a D. x
Question 11: To many ____ street vendors, the success of their day is determined by how it starts and by
their first customer.
A. superstitiously B. supernatural C. superstition D. superstitious
Question 12: Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his best friend to be his ____, and the bride
may have one or more ____.
A. best man - bridesmaids B. best man - housemaids
C. closest man best maids D. good man - best maids
Question 13: People from ____ cultures bring language skills, new ways of thinking, and creative
solutions to difficult problems.
A. diversify B. diversification C. diverse D. diversity
Question 14:  In a diverse workplace, employees are more likely to remain loyal when they feel ____
and valued for their unique contribution.
A. respectful B. respected C. respective D. respectable
Question 15:  No one knows the real origins of the Chinese ____ representing the cycles of the lunar
A. horoscope B. cycle C. stars D. space
Question 16:  Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly
____ of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups.
A. comprise B. contain C. include D. consist
Question 17:  In general, most students are comfortable interacting with people, behaviors, and ideas
that they are familiar with but react with fear and apprehension when faced with the unfamiliar.
A. comprehension B. confidence C. anxiety D. surprise
Question 18: Parents or family members need to sit down and talk with children as well as present 1them
____ easy-to-understand data, and talk about the importance of cultural diversity,
A. to B. for C. at D. with
Question 19: Diverse cultural perspectives can inspire ____ and drive innovation.
A. creation B. creator C. creature D. creativity
Question 20: . Diversity includes physical appearance, religious belief, and race but your opinions and
thoughts and the impact they make on society are also part of diversity.
A. influence B. benefit C. response D. value
1. Fill in each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word.
Taking piano lessons and solving math puzzles on a computer significantly improve
specific math skills of elementary schoolchildren, according to a new study. The results, (1)
were published in the journal Neurological Research, are the latest in a series that links musical
training to the development of higher brain functions.
Researchers worked with 135 second-grade students at a school in Los Angeles after (2)
a pilot study with 102 students. Children that were given four months of piano training as
well as time playing(3) newly designed computer software scored 27 percent higher on
math and fraction tests than other children.
Piano instruction is thought to enhance the brain’s “hard wiring” for spatial-temporal
reasoning, or the ability to visualize and transform objects in space and time, says Professor
Gordon Shaw, who led the study. At the same time, the computer game allows children to solve
geometric and math puzzles that boost their ability to (4) shapes in their mind.
The findings are significant (5) a grasp of proportional math and
fractions is a prerequisite to math at higher levels, and children who do not master these areas of
math cannot understand move advanced math that is critical to high-tech fields.

Question 1. A. which. B. whose. C. who. D. that.

Question 2. A. composing. B. concerning. C. conducting. D. carrying.
Question 3. A. at. B. for. C. with. D. of.
Question 4. A. manipulate. B. accumulate. C. accommodate. D. stimulate.
Question 5. A. because. B. unless. C. before. D. although.
2. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from the four options marked A, B, C or D.
There is always conflict between people because we have different needs and wants. For example,
you may want to see an action movie but your significant other wants to see a comedy or you may prefer
eating at a Mexican restaurant while your spouse wants Chinese. However, you have known each other
well for years and will work it out.
In the workplace, there is always conflict as well but it's usually more difficult to resolve than with
personal relationships. There are differences between workers, between workers and supervisors,
between departments, between companies, between companies and their customers, between companies
and their governing bodies and on it goes. These relationships are usually not as deep or trusting as
personal ones making resolving disputes more difficult and challenging.
Interestingly, most workplace conflict is totally unnecessary because they are usually the result of
simple misunderstandings, miscommunications or small differences that could be easily resolved if the
parties truly knew each other's motivations. Unfortunately, at work there is rarely the opportunity to
develop deep personal relationships and when you add the complexity of cross-cultural differences and
the gulf can seem insurmountable. Culture brings unique perspectives on deadlines, conflict resolution,
speaking one's mind, working as a team and much more. 1
However, with a little training and education people will recognize that they have a lot more in
common than they have differences. When cross-cultural conflict is resolved and employees with diverse
backgrounds and skills start to work together, the potential and promise of diversity in the workplace can
be fully realized.
1. It is stated in paragraph 1 that people come into conflict with each other because of their difference in
A. favorite movies B. favorite foods
C. needs and wants D. insights and ideas
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of conflict at workplaces?
A. simple misunderstandings B. small differences
C. miscommunications D. deep personal relationships
3. The word "parties" in the passage most probably refers to ____.
A. bosses B. managers C. employees D. colleagues
4. The word "insurmountable" in the passage mostly means ____.
A. too much to be calculated B. too great to be overcome
C. too big to be measured D. too many to be counted
5. According to the passage, people can solve their conflict at workplace by ____.
A. training and education B. realizing the potential of diversity
C. working with one another D. keeping promise with each other
1. Supply the correct forms of the verbs
1. The boy denied (eat)______________the cake even though there was some cream left on his chin.
2. It (not stop) ______________ raining since yesterday.
3. Where _(rise )_____________ the sun___________?
4. She often (go) ___________ shopping on the weekend.
5. He met his wife when he __________ (work) in Brussels.
2. Supply the correct forms of the words in the parentheses
1. The parents of the groom go to the fortune teller to see what date and time is best for them to
(celebration)_____ ____ the wedding ceremony.
2.(tradition) ___ ___, the reception occurs at their houses, but now many families hold wedding parties at
the restaurant.
3. American teenagers send an average of 60 text messages per day, making this an (affect) _____
______ way in communication.
4. Many digital textbooks are (constant) _____ _____ updated and often more vivid, helpful, creative,
and a lot of cheaper than those old heavy books.
5. Then, the couple should pray in front of the altar to ask their ancestors for (permit)____ _____ for
their marriage, then express their gratitude to both groom's and bride's parents for raising and protecting
3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
1. Russia is bigger than any other country in the world. (big)
Russia is ____________________________________ in the world.
2. Many people believe that no sea in the world is warmer than the Red Sea. (warm)
Many people believe that _________________________ in the world.
3. Ben is older than Tom
Tom is not______________________________. 1
4. I know her better than you
You don’t know________________________________
5. We travel a lot and we know more about the world.
The more we travel,_____________________________________
4. Complete the sentences with given words
1. Nations / there / much cultural diversity /can also sometimes be known / multicultural society
2 Cultural diversity/ make/our country richer /by /make it a more interesting place / which to live.
3. Americans /also tend /care much more for punctuality / their UK counterparts
5. Rearrange the sentences to make meaningful sentences
4. In/ than /general /Americans/ much /are /more /Britons/ , /open .
5 Diversity/ than /nothing/ is/ difference/ more/ /a / majority / the / from

6. Writing a short paragraph about three typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people and give
examples to support them (80-100 words)


Rewrite the following sentences using the given words so that they have the similar meanings.
1. Janet is the best tennis player in the club.
 No one ______________________________________________.
2. Shakespeare is the most famous of all writers in England.
 No other ______________________________________________.
3. Iron is more useful than any other metal.
 Iron______________________________________________________.
4. Shyam is the strongest boy in the class. (STRONGER)
 Shyam _____________________________________________________.
5. She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know. (LISTENER)
 She __________________________________________________.


Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:
1. A. discrimination B. education C. opportunity D. information
2. A. ritual B. numerous C. prestigious D. funeral
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
3. A. effective B. media C. gender D. device
4. A. proposal B. household C. ceremony D. cold
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
5. The hotel ________ we stayed was not clean.
A. who B. that C. where D. when
6. This is an awful film. It is the worst _________ I have ever seen.
A. who B. that C. what D. whom 1
7. This is a problem, ____________ the government is now dealing.
A. to which B. with which C. with how D. which
8. It is very difficult to integrate yourself into a community _______ is quite different from yours.
A. whose culture B. the culture that C. which culture D. that culture
9. The coffee __________ in that restaurant was cold and tasteless.
A. I drank it B. that drank C. which I drank it D. I drank
10. People whose work involves using a computer for most of the day may suffer from chronic
headaches. (synonym)
A. suggests B. includes C. means D. contains
11. Like children elsewhere, children in the US have greatly benefited ______ modern technology.
A. of B. from C. in D. with
12. Translate these sentences _________ English.
A. for B. into C. with D. of
13. I _________ a lot of new languages from speaking with my host family and with other students from
all over the world.
A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. saved up
14. I’m capable ________ speaking two languages.
A. of B. with C. for D. to

15. He is very good at ___________.

A. chemist B. chemistry C. chemical D. chemicals
16. She is preparing for the university entrance __________.
A. participation B. tournament C. attention D. examination
17. Supporters of technology in the classroom say that using laptops, tablets, and cellphones in the
classroom keeps students ________.
A. engage B. engages C. engaging D. engaged
18. This library has a large collection of science books for students to ________ research.
A. make B. work C. do D. gain
19. Mrs. Dawson said that we were ______ our lesson in the library next Monday.
A. having B. making C. reading D. going
20. Contrary ______ his doctor’s orders, he has gone back to work.
A. to B. with C. for D. about
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete it.
People speak body language by the (1) _______ they sit, stand, look, and walk, (2) _________
saying a word. Some body languages are the (3) __________ all over the world. All people smile when
they are happy and (4) _________ their eyes wide when they are surprised. (5) ________ body language
is different in different countries.
1. A. way B. action C. mode D. style
2. A. not B. without C. no D. but not
3. A. similar B. familiar C. equal D. same
4. A. widen B. broaden C. hold D. open
5. A. Others B. Other C. The other D. The others
2. Read the passage and choose the best answer:
If you find yourself learn better by making notes during the lecture, or when the teacher uses a new 1word,
you want to see it written immediately, then you are very likely to be a more visual learner. You prefer
to see the written words. You learn by reading and writing. Visual learners often think in pictures. If you
find a particular task or text difficult, look for sources that will suit your learning style, e.g. sources with
illustrations, charts, tables, or videos.
If you prefer recording the lecture and listening again to taking notes, or you memorize something by
repeating it aloud instead of writing it out several times, you are probably a more auditory learner. You
prefer to learn by listening and speaking. Auditory learners often learn best from lectures, discussions, by
reading aloud, and by listening to audio material.

1. Which of the following is probably NOT preferred by a visual learner?

A. reading aloud B. sources with videos
C. sources with illustrations D. making notes
2. What does the word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. the lecture B. the new word C. the note D. the written word
3. The word “visual” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. picturesque B. written C. illustrative D. seeable
4. Which od the following statement is TRUE?
A. Auditory learners hate taking notes.
B. Auditory learners prefer listening to speaking.
C. Most people are auditory learners.
D. When learning something by heart, an auditory learner prefers reading it aloud.
5. The word “auditory” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ___________.
A. discussive B. noisy C. audible D. recordable
1. Supply the correct form of the words in the parentheses
1. I admire the _______ use of colour in her paintings. (affect)
2. Despite these _____________, many older people maintain an active social life. (advantage)
3. We are making ___________ to move to new offices. (prepare)
4. The steam engine was the greatest ______________ advance of the 19th century. (technology)
5. Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy ________________. (refer)
2. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs in the parentheses.
1. I’d like _________ when I am sixty years old. (retire)
2. We ____________ football together since last summer. (not play)
3. Let’s go to a café when the concert ________ over. (be)
4. Listen! I think someone _____________ at the door. (knock)
5. Her advice made him __________ his mind. (change)
3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
1. We spent our holiday in Sapa last year. Sapa is in the north of Vietnam.
→ Last year __________________________________________________________
2. We first went to Tokyo. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
 We first ____________________________________________________________
3. There we met an old man. He told us that he had seen Nessie.
 An old __________________________________________________
4. I wish I hadn’t sold that bicycle. (PITY)
→ It’s _______________________________________ that bicycle.
5. “Congratulations on passing the exam, Susan.”, said Henry. (CONGRATULATE) 1
→ Henry ________________________________________________ the exam.
4. Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. warned/ people/ that/ be/ must/ are/ there/ the/ area/ in/ crocodiles.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
2. certainly/ car/ is/ this/ better/ it’s/ but/ more/ expensive/ much.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
3. in/ I/ summer/ the/ graduated/ which/ long/ hot/ was/ and.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
4. application/ can/ incomprehensible/ some/ forms/ be/ ordinary/ to/ people.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
5. switched/ the/ bedside/ off/ lamp/ he/ and/ down/ beneath/ burrowed/ bedclothes/ the.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
5. Write a short text (150 – 180 words) about the following topic: The advantages of online
Complete the sentences using the words given, so that they have the similar meaning
1. I have too much work to do so I can’t go out with you tonight. (ONLY)
 If _________________________________________so much work, I could go out with you.
2. We often don’t think about how much technology helps us in our daily lives. (GRANTED)
 We ____________________________________how much technology helps our daily lives.
3. Daria needs a scholarship in order to go to that college. (IF)
 Daria could go to that college _______________________________________a scholarship.
4. You’d better start revising for the exam. (TIME)
 It’s _____________________________________________________revising for the exam.
5. I think you should do your homework on your own from now on. (HIGH)
 It ________________________________________________your homework on your own.


Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:
1. A. undertake B. atmosphere C. dedicate D. tournament
2. A. campground B. surpass C. fertile D. greenhouse
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
3. A. fertilizer B. long-term C. preserve D. property
4. A. proposal B. composer C. housing D. practise
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
5. I wondered _____ the right thing.
A. whether I was doing B. if I am doing
C. whether I have been doing D. am I doing
6. He _____ that he was leaving that afternoon.
A. told me B. told to me C. said me D. says to me
7. They reported that _____ a sudden outbreak of Spanish flu in the south of the country in 1918.
A. there was B. there had been C. there has been D. there would be
8. She warned me _____ late-night horror films.
A. don’t watch B. shouldn’t watch C. not to watch D. not watching
9. The scientist said the earth _____ the sun. 1
A. goes around B. is going around C. had gone around D. was going around
10. 21. Discharging chemical pollutants into the environment is a cruel action to the environment as well
as the future generation.
A. Releasing B. Filling C. Making D. Adding
11. Non-renewable energy sources are running ____.
A. up B. on C. to D. out
12. Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped _____ the North Sea.
A. in B. on C. off D. to
13. He _____ his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
A. made for B. brought about C. led in D. took up
14. Running is an excellent way to burn _____ excess calories.
A. out B. at C. off D. on
15. The £500 million programme is centred around _____ efficiency and renewable power sources.
A. energize B. energy C. engineering D. energetically
16. The area is roped off because the water is seriously polluted. The underlined part is closet in meaning
to _____.
A. contaminated B. disappeared C. purified D. endangered
17. Modern farming methods can have an _____ effect on the environment.
A. advertising B. advanced C. adaptive D. adverse
18. Drugs _____ a major threat to our society.
A. create B. result C. build D. pose
19. We are going to do this my way. Do you _____ that?
A. have a problem with B. call into question
C. take issue with D. have a matter of opinion
20. The man is finally _____ the danger list. He recovers from his illness gradually.
A. on B. off C. at D. up
1. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete it.
We have cut down (1) _____ many trees that there are now vast areas of waste land all over the
world. As (2) _____, farmers in parts of Africa can’t grow enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia
there is too little rice. (3) _____, we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are quickly
disappearing. For instance, tigers are (4) _____ in India now because we have killed too many for them
to survive. However, it isn’t simply enough to talk about the problem. We must act now before it is too
late to do anything about it. Join us now to save the earth. This is too important to (5) _____.
1. A. so B. too C. enough D. quite
2. A. far as B. regards C. a result D. soon as
3. A. However B. Therefore C. Nevertheless D. Moreover
4. A. extinct B. dangerous C. rare D. damaged
5. A. believe B. ignore C. prevent D. continue
2. Read the passage and choose the best answer:
In Southeast Asian, many forests have been cut down to produce timber and to clear land for
farms and industries. The destruction of forests has reduced the living space of wildlife. Much of Asian’s
wildlife is also threatened by over-hunting. Many people kill animals for food or hunt them to sell to zoo,
medical research, and pet trader. Because of habitat destruction and over-hunting, many large Asian
animals, including elephants, rhinoceroses, and tigers, have become endangered. 1
In China, people have cut down most of the forests for wood, which has caused serious soil
erosion. The soil is deposited in rivers and streams, which lowers the quality of the water. The Huang
He, or Yellow River, is so named because the light-coloured soil gives the water a yellowish colour. The
soil has also raised the riverbed. As a result, the Huang He often floods, causing great property damage
and loss of life along its banks.
1. The living space of wildlife in Southeast Asia_______
A. is a threat to farmers
B. is near farms and industries.
C. has been reduced when forests are cut down.
D. is rebuilt when people destroy forests
2. The word over-hunting has the CLOSET in meaning to________
A. hunting too much B. hunting in the highlands
C. hunting overseas D. hunting for wildlife
3. Rhinoceroses and elephants are mentioned as an example of _______.
A. endangered animals in Asia. B. large animals kept in zoos.
C. animals attracted to medical research D. animals traders want to have
4. The Huang He________.
A. is a deep river in China
B. receives soil which betters the quality of water
C. has its name from the colour of its water
D. runs between forests
5. The Huang He often floods because __________.
A. of the low quality of the quality
B. wood is deposited in rivers
C. water from many streams flows into it
D. the river is shallow due to the raised riverbed
1. Supply the correct form of the words in the parentheses
1. _____ fishing methods cause damage to the environment by using many explosive chemicals.
2. All fossil fuels are ____ resources that cannot be replaced after use. (renew)
3. The health of our children is being _____ by exhaust fumes. (danger)
4. It is the _____-friendly washing powder that does no harm to the environment. (environmental)
5. The meat was declared unfit for human _____. (consume)
2. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs in the parentheses.
1. So far, many organizations _____ and funds have been raised. (establish)
2. At first he denied _____ the money but he later admitted to it. (steal)
3. If I had seen the advertisement in time I _____ for the job. (apply)
4. We ask that any faulty goods _____ in their original packaging. (return)
5. We were encouraged _____ foreign languages at school. (learn)
3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
1. "Close the door behind you," he told me.
→ He told me __________________________________________________________
2. “If I were you, I'd stop smoking,” she said to her brother.
She advised ____________________________________________________________ 1
3. “I must pay for this damage,” the man said.
 The man insisted __________________________________________________
4. Carolyn felt guilty about not visiting her parents more often. (COSUMED)
→ Carolyn was _______________________________________ her parents more often.
5. Her father's death had a great effect on her childhood years. (IMPACTED)
→ Her father's death ________________________________________________ years.
4. Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. me / Jim / that / he / told / was / most / polite / the / man / the / team / in
→ ________________________________________________________________________
2. said / that / the / Alan / third / best / was / in / competition / the / they
→ ________________________________________________________________________
3. active / that / was / she / less / her / than / classmates / admitted / Mary
→ ________________________________________________________________________
4. advised / my / parents / me / prepare / carefully / to / the / for / contest
→ ________________________________________________________________________
5. following / they /that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the / year
→ ________________________________________________________________________
5. Write a short text to answer each of the following questions:
The number of people catching serious diseases is increasing continuously. In your opinion, what are its
Rewrite the following sentences using the given words so that they have the similar meanings.
1. ‘I'll buy you a new bicycle if you stop eating junk food,' said Lam's mother. (PROMISES)
Lam's mother ______________________________________________.
2. 'You will boost your immune system if you exercise regularly,' said Tam.
Tam said that ______________________________________________.
3. “Yes, I broke your vase. I’m sorry” Lan said to her mother. (ADMITTED)
Lan ______________________________________________________.
4. 'You should exercise more in order to keep fit,' said Anna. (ADVISED)
Anna _____________________________________________________.
5. “Please wear a suit,” the wife sai to her husband. (INSISTED)
The wife __________________________________________________.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. sustainable B. customer C. vulnerable D. culturally
2. A. ecotourist B. referee C. explanation D. preparation
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
3. A. confidential B. intellectual C. geography D. epidemic
4. A. influence B. inorganic C. loneliness D. caretaker
5. If you _____ as I told you, you _____ sorry now.
A. did- would not be B. had done- had not been
C. do – would not be D. had done – would not be
6. He looked frightened as if he _____ a ghost. In fact he didn’t see anything
A. had seen B. saw C. would see D. was seeing 1
7. I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just _____.
A. or else B. providing C. as though D. in case
8. If you _____ less last night, you _____ so bad today.
A. had drunk- would not have felt B. drank- would not feel
C. had drunk- would not feel D. would have drunk- would not feel
9. _____he_____ hard last year, he would have lost the first prize.
A. Hadn’t – studied B. Had- not studied
C. Didn’t study D. If – had studied
10. Phone home, _____ your parents will start to worry.
A. except for B. as if C. provided that D. otherwise
11. Jack asked his mother for using her car at weekend. She had to agree but she wasn’t happy about it.
Jack: “Can I borrow the car?” – Mother: “_____.”
A. I suppose so B. I couldn’t say C. I assume the worst D. I expect so
12. Jack asked about Ann’s cousin whom she hadn’t seen for a long time.
Jack: “Does he still work there?” – Ann “ _____.”
A. Sure thing B. To a certain extent C. I believe not D. It must be ascertained
13. Most of these tools have been specially adapted _____ use by disabled people.
A. from B. with C. for D. for
14. The region has enormous potential _____ economic development.
A. from B. with C. for D. for
15. We can always go back _____ the original plan if necessary.
A. to B. on C. with D. in
16. We've just changed _____ from gas central heating to electric.
A. into B. off C. over D. upon
17. Human error may have been a _____ factor in this problem.
A. contributing B. supporting C. encouraging D. building
18. The city lifestyle seems to _____ her - she's certainly looking very well.
A. match B. appropriate C. suit D. fit
19. Let your imagination run _____ and be creative.
A. wildcat B. wilderness C. wild D. wildly
20. When you're camping, you can _____ to nature.
A. take back B. come back C. move back D. get back
1. Read the following passage and choose the best answers for the following questions.
Francisco Peaks in Arizona, plant life changes radically. Starting among the cacti of the Sonoran
Desert, one climbs into a pine forest at 7,000 feet and a treeless alpine tundra at the summit. It may seem
that plants at a given altitude are associated in what can be called “communities” – groupings of
interacting species. The idea is that over time, plants that require particular climate and soil conditions
come to live in the same places, and hence are frequently to be found together. Scientists who study the
history of plant life are known as paleobotanists, or paleobots for short. They build up a picture of how
groups of plants have responded to climate changes and how ecosystems develop. But are these
associations, which are real in the present, permanent?
A great natural experiment took place on this planet between 25,000 and 10,000 years ago, when
small changes in the earth’s orbit and axis of rotation caused great sheets of ice to spread from the poles.
These glaciers covered much of North America and Europe to depths of up to two miles, and then, 1as the
climate warmed, they retreated. During this retreat, they left behind newly uncovered land for living
things to colonize, and as those living things moved in they laid down a record we can read now. As the
ice retreated and plants started to grow near a lake, they would release pollen. Some would fall into the
lake, sink to the bottom, and be incorporated into the sediment. By drilling into the lake bottom it is
possible to read the record of successive plant life around the lake.

1. The word “radically” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

A. variably B. demonstrably C. quickly D. dramatically
2. The author mentions “cacti” in line 3 and a “treeless alpine tundra” in line 4 to illustrate
A. changes in climate B. the effects of the ice age
C. communities of plants D. plant migration
3. The word “which” in line 10 refers to
A. the responses of plants to climate changes B. the current theories of ecosystems
C. the developments of ecosystems D. plant life changes
4. The word “axis” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. center B. method C. change D. slowdown
5. The passage states that by drilling into the lake bottom it is possible to find successive fossils of:
A. sediment B. ice C. plant life D. pollen
II. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete it.
Culture shock refers to the feeling of disorientation experienced by people when they move to an
unfamiliar cultural environment (1) _____when they are suddenly exposed to a different way of life or
set of attitudes. This can be the result of immigration or a visit to a new country, a move (2) _____ social
environments, or simply a transition to another type of life.
Culture shock consists of four distinct stages: honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment, and
adaptation. The honeymoon stage (3) _____ when the individual sees the differences between the old and
new culture in a romantic light. In the negotiation stage, the differences between the old and new culture
become apparent and may create anxiety. The adjustment stage refers to the period (4) _____ the
individual grows accustomed to the new culture and develops routines. Finally, in the adaptation stage,
individuals are able to participate fully and comfortably in the host culture. Adaptation or acceptance
does not mean total conversion; people often keep many (5) _____ from their earlier culture, such as
accents and languages. It is often referred to as the bicultural stage.
1. A. even B. or C. so D. and
2. A. between B. in front C. with D. above
3. A. rises B. flies out C. comes D. occurs
4. A. which B. that C. of which D. when
5. A. characters B. basis C. traits D. tracks
1. Supply the correct form of the words in the parentheses
1. Older workers can be as _____ and quick to learn as anyone else. (adapt)
2. The government encourages the enterprises in this country to produce _____ products which are not
harmful to the environment. (friend)
3. Collectors of eighteenth century _____ are our main customers. They are interested in unusual and
exciting things, especially from other countries. (exotic)
4. The president's speech was greeted by _____ applause. (sustain)
5. _____ is the business of organizing holidays to places that people do not usually visit in a way which
helps local people and does not damage the environment. (tour) 1
2. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs in the parentheses.
1. Were you _____ for the job, you would have to be experienced in the field. (chose)
2. I have always regretted not _____ harder at school. If I had worked harder, I would have a better job
now. (study)
3. The report urged that all children _____ to swim. (teach)
4. If I _____ 10 years younger, I _____ the job. (be/take)
5. When do you envisage _____ the project? (finish)
3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed.
1. Peter cannot go out for lunch because his car is broken.
→ Were _________________________________________________________________.
2. He did not play because of his knee injury. (but)
→ He would ________________________________________________________ injury.
3. I'd prefer not to make a decision until I know all the facts. (reserve)
→ I'd prefer _________________________________________________________ all the facts.
4. They were keeping the money for the retirement. (reserve)
→ The money ____________________________________________________ their retirement.
5. I couldn’t have overcome the financial difficulties if he hadn’t supported me. (for)
→ Had __________________________________________________________________.

4. Rearrange the words / phrases and add some more words to make meaningful sentences:
1. I/ if/ be/ ill/ not/ absent/ school/ from/ be/ yesterday/.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
2. If / parents / my / exam / my / pass / I / be / very / happy / last year.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
3. You / catch / cold / if / you / not / wear / pullover.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
4. large / international / meeting / hold / aim / promote / sustainable /development / all /countries.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
5. We / have / to / adapt / plans / fit /Jack's timetable.
→ ________________________________________________________________________
5. The environment conscious individual will always find ecotourism to be one of the most amazing
things that they are able to experience over time. Write a passage to express your opinion. (about
80-100 words).
Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the similar meanings.
1. I didn’t go to the disco on Saturday night, so i’m not tired now.
If ________________________________________________________
2. I wish I had studied harder at school when I was a teenager.
Had I _____________________________________________________, I would get a better job now.
3. If you should wish to cancel your order, please contact our customer service department on 02317
Should ____________________________________________________
4. If the Prime Minister resigned, there would have to be a general election within 30 days.
Were ______________________________________________________
5. Imagine if I arrive after midnight, will the guest-house still be open? 
Supposing I don’t ___________________________________________ 1

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