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Tag questions.

A tag question is a short question added to the end of a positive or

negative statement.
For example:-
He is, isn't he?
doesn't he?
He will, won't he?
He can, can't he?
How are they formed?
Normally a positive statement is followed by a negative tag, and a
negative statement is followed by a positive tag.
For example:-
+ -
aren't you?
- +
You're not
are you?
The statement and the tag are always separated by a comma. Treat
any statements with nothing, nobody etc like negative statements.The
verb in the statement should be the same tense as the verb in the tag.
For example:-
| present
Present tense
You are a good
aren't you?
Past tense | past tense
You didn't go to
did you?
work yesterday,
Present perfect | present
tense perfect tense
You have been to
haven't you?

If the verb used in the statement is an auxiliary verb, then the verb
used in the tag must match it. If a modal (can, could, will, should, etc.)
is used in the statement, then the same modal is used in the tag part.
If the statement doesn't use an auxilliary verb, then the auxiliary do is
used in the tag part.
For example:-
Auxiliary verb TQ
She is from
isn't she?
They aren't
are they?
very nice,
She doesn't
does she?
like it here,
Modal verb
You can sing, can't you?
They shouldn't should
do that, they?
No auxiliary
He eats meat, doesn't he?
He had a bath, didn't he?
did it?

Tag questions are used to verify or check information that we think is

true or to check information that we aren't sure is true. Sometimes we
just use them for effect.
We show the meaning of the tag question through intonation.If the tag
is a real question it has a rising intonation.
For example:-

The chairman's coming at 3:00, is n't he?

Past Perfect.
The past perfect simple tense is used to go further back in time when
we are already talking about the past. It can make it clear that
something had already happened at the time we are talking about.
For example:
"I had already done the shopping by the time she came home."
"I was late for work, by the time I arrived the client had already left."
The past perfect simple can be used to show how often something
happened in the past.
For example:
I'd visited the city many times before.
It can also be used to express unfulfilled wishes or dreams.
For example:
"If I had won the lottery I would have bought a new car." Note: If I had
done something I would have done something else.

Passive Voice Present & Past

The passive voice may use any tense of the verb to be:-

to be participl
I / It / is / are / am simple)
They finished.
etc. was / were (past simple)
is being / are being (present
I / It / /am being continuous)
They cleaned.
etc. was being / were (past
being continuous)
has been / have (present
I / It / been perfect)
They sent.
etc. had been (past perfect)
will be (future) tired.
I / It /
The passive voice is used when the subject of a sentence is the person
or thing affected by the action of the sentence.
We particularly use the passive voice when we don't know or aren't
bothered exactly who has done something. This is called passive
without agent where the recipient of the action becomes the subject.
For example:
"The office was cleaned." (What was cleaned? - The office=the subject)
"My car was stolen." (What was stolen - The car=the subject)
We often use the passive to report what someone has said but avoid
who said it.
For example:
"I was told he wasn't coming."
"You were asked to bring some wine to the party."
Sometimes you may want to use the passive voice but wish to mention
who carried out the action. This is called passive with agent and the
agent is usually introduced with the word by.
For example:
"The office was cleaned by Mrs Smith."
Or you may use a subject such as people, someone, they etc, when
you don't know who the agent is.
For example:
"The car was stolen by joyriders."
A past participle alone usually carries passive force; the form of be can
therefore be omitted in certain circumstances, such as newspaper
headlines and reduced relative clauses:
Couple found slain; Murder-suicide suspected. [1]

The problem, unless dealt with, will only get worse.

A person struck by lightning has a high chance of survival.
Example: The house was cleaned yesterday.
Relative pronouns
A pronoun which is used to begin a subordinate clause can be referred
to as a relative pronoun, since it indicates the relationship of the
subordinate clause to the rest of the sentence.

For instance, the underlined words in the following sentences are

relative pronouns.
e.g. The woman who is standing near the window is a doctor.
The door, which was bright red, was very conspicuous.
Have you found the book that was missing?
A subordinate clause which is introduced by a relative pronoun is often
referred to as a relative clause.
1st Conditional
Used to express situations based on fact in the present or future
(things which may happen).
Uses the simple present tense:-

(IF Clause) (Main Clause)
If I see you tomorrow, I will buy you a drink.
(Main Clause) (IF Clause)
I will buy you a drink if I see you tomorrow.
We often use unless which means 'if ... not'.

(IF Clause) (Main Clause)
Unless you hand in
I won't mark it.
your homework,
If you don't hand in
I won't mark it.
your homework,
(Main Clause) (IF Clause)
I won't mark your unless you hand it
homework in.
I won't mark your if you don't hand it
homework in.

2nd Conditional
Used to express unreal situations in the present or future. Often used
to express a wish.
Uses the simple past tense:-
(IF Clause) (Main Clause)
If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house.
(Main Clause) (IF Clause)
I would buy a new house if I won the lottery.

3rd Conditional
Used to express conditions in the past that did not happen. Often used
to express criticism or regret with would have, could have or should
Uses the past perfect tense:-

(IF Clause) (Main Clause)
If I had worked I would have passed my
harder, exam.
If I had worked I could have passed my
harder, exam.
If I had worked I should have passed my
harder, exam.
(Main Clause) (IF Clause)
I would have passed my if I had worked
exam harder.
I could have passed my exam if I had worked harder.
I should have passed my exam if I had worked harder.


It’s a word that is used to connect two ideas that are related in a text.
Type of Connector Connector(s) Examples
Coordinating But High level positions
conjunction are stressful at times,
but professionals can
learn to manage their
stress levels.
Subordinating although, despite Despite the fact that
conjunctions the fact that high level positions
are stressful at times,
professionals can
learn to manage their
stress levels.
Conjunctive adverbs although, despite High level positions
the fact that are stressful at times;
professionals can
learn to manage their
stress levels.
Prepositional phrases despite, in spite of In spite of the
stressful nature of
high level positions,
professionals can
learn to manage their
stress levels.

Other tipes of connectors are:

Sentence Connectors: Addition
Sentence Connectors: Cause / Effect
Sentence Connectors: Comparison
Sentence Connectors: Contrast
Sentence Connectors: Condition
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research.
Moreover, it has hundreds of the most
respected magazines and journals in the
In addition,
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research. In
addition, it has hundreds of the most
respected magazines and journals in the
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research.
Furthermore, it has hundreds of the most
respected magazines and journals in the
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research. It also
has hundreds of the most respected
magazines and journals in the world.
As well
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research. It has
hundreds of the most respected magazines
and journals in the world as well.
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research. It has
hundreds of the most respected magazines
and journals in the world, too.
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research.
Additionally, it has hundreds of the most
respected magazines and journals in the
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research, and it
has hundreds of the most respected
magazines and journals in the world.
Not only. . . but also
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
not only one of the best places to do
research but also has hundreds of the most
respected magazines and journals in the

Besides that,
The library on 5th Avenue in New York City is
one of the best places to do research.
Besides that, it has hundreds of the most
respected magazines and journals in the
A referent is a noun or noun phrase that occurred earlier in the
text and is subsequently referred to using words such as it or
Example: Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade
for things people wanted or needed. Today, it has a more
technical definition. (it refers to business.)
Example: However, there is one other important factor. This
factor is the creation of profit or economic surplus. (this factor
refers to the same concept—one other important concept— in
the previous sentence.)

You-Tu, Usted
They- Ellos(as)

Objective pronouns
Me-a Mi You-a Ti, ellos
Him-a El Her-a Ella
It-Ello Us-Nosotros
You-A uds. Them-A ellos

They are particles that you put in a Word

Before or after it, to give it a new meaning and create a new word

They can be divided in 2

Suffixes and Prefixes

A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word
to make a new word.
Here we look at 5 common suffixes:
-able, -ible (CAN BE)
added to verbs to form adjectives which mean able to receive the
action of the stated verb
• breakable
• washable
• moveable
• presentable
• A countable noun is one that can be counted.
-able, -ible (WORTH BEING)
added to verbs to form adjectives which mean worth receiving
the action of the stated verb
• an admirable person
• an acceptable answer

A prefix is something which goes in front of a word.
It usually a group of letters such as pre- or sub- or anti-,
The prefix usually changes the meaning of the word - or it makes
a new word.
• satisfied dissatisfied
• spelling misspelling
• necessary unnecessary
A prefix never changes the root word to which it is attached.
You can work out the meanings of long words if you can spot
prefixes and suffixes.
Some prefixes such as mega- and hyper- are often used in
casual speech:
• "My pal's got this mega collection of CDs!"
• "My mum's been hyper all morning"
It's OK to use them in speech - but don't use them in formal
Here are some more common prefixes - plus what they mean.
Anti- means against - as in anti-clockwise, or going in the
opposite direction to the fingers of a clock.

Visual elements that supplement type to make printed messages
more clear or interesting.
For the purposes of this glossary, graphics are one of the three
types of data that can be created, stored retrieved and
manipulated (the other two are text and documents). Graphics
are basically pictures and drawings, either created by computer
or entered into the computer by scanning or photographing. See
vector graphics, raster graphics and bit map for more.
Elementos visuales que suplen el tipo para hacer mensajes
impresos más claros o interesantes.
Para los propósitos de este glosario, los gráficos son uno de los
tres tipos de datos que se puedan crear, almacenado recuperado
y manipulado (los otros dos son texto y documentos). Los
gráficos son básicamente cuadros y dibujos, creados por la
computadora o entrados en la computadora explorando o
fotografiando. Vea los gráficos del vector, los gráficos de la trama
y el mapa de bits para más.

The act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)
statement made about the future.

Es el acto de predecir (razonar el futuro)

Declaracion hecha sobre el futuro


Iconografy is the description of images and the use and colección

of these.

Iconography is the branch of Art History which studies the

identification, description and the interpretation of the content of
images. The word iconography literally means "image writing",
and comes from the Greek εικον (image) and γραφειν (to write),
and particularly denotes the use of symbols in a painting to make
clear the significiance of what it depicts. This article covers
mainly the history of religious images in Eastern Christianity.

Iconografia es la descripción de imágenes y el uso y el colección

de éstos. La iconografía es el rama de la historia del arte que
estudia la identificación, la descripción y la interpretación del
contenido de imágenes. La iconografía de la palabra significa
literalmente la "escritura de la imagen", y viene griego (imagen)
y (para escribir), y denota particularmente el uso de símbolos en
una pintura de hacer claramente el significiance de lo que
representa. Este artículo cubre principalmente la historia de
imágenes religiosas en cristianismo del este.


Typography is the art and technique of setting written subject

matter in type using a combination of fonts, font size, line length,
leading (line spacing) and letter spacing.I like fudge Roberto.
Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors,
typographers, graphic artists, art directors, and clerical workers.
Until the Digital Age typography was a specialized occupation.
Digitization opened up typography to new generations of visual
designers and lay users.

La tipografía es el arte y la técnica de fijar el tema escrito en tipo

usando una combinación de fuentes, del tamaño de fuente, de la
línea longitud, de conducir (línea espaciamiento) y de la letra
spacing.I como el dulce de azúcar Roberto. La tipografía es
realizada por los typesetters, los compositors, los tipógrafos, los
artistas gráficos, los directores de arte, y los trabajadores
administrativos. Hasta Digital la tipografía de la edad era una
ocupación especializada. Tipografía abierta numeración a las
nuevas generaciones de diseñadores visuales y de usuarios
Mapa Conceptual.
Los mapas conceptuales, son una técnica que cada día se utiliza más
en los diferentes niveles educativos, desde preescolar hasta la
Universidad, en informes hasta en tesis de investigación, utilizados
como técnica de estudio hasta herramienta para el aprendizaje, ya que
permite al docente ir construyendo con sus alumnos y explorar en
estos los conocimientos previos y al alumno organizar, interrelacionar
y fijar el conocimiento del contenido estudiado. El ejercicio de
elaboración de mapas conceptuales fomenta la reflexión, el análisis y
la creatividad.
Con relación a lo antes expuesto, del Castillo y Olivares Barberán,
expresan que "el mapa conceptual aparece como una herramienta de
asociación, interrelación, discriminación, descripción y ejemplificación
de contenidos, con un alto poder de visualización". (2001,p.1) Los
autores señalados exponen que los mapas no deben ser principio y fin
de un contenido, siendo necesario seguir "adelante con la unidad
didáctica programada, clases expositivas, ejercicios-tipo, resolución de
problemas, tareas grupales... etc.", lo que nos permite inferir que es
una técnica que si la usamos desvinculada de otras puede limitar el
aprendizaje significativo, viendolo desde una perspectiva global del
conocimiento y considerando la conveniencia de usar en el aula
diversos recursos y estrategias dirigidas a dinamizar y obtener la
atención del alumno; es por eso que la recomendamos como parte de
un proceso donde deben incluirse otras técnicas como el resumen
argumentativo, el análisis critico reflexivo, la exposición, análisis de
conceptos, discusiones grupales.
The conceptual maps, are a technique that every day is used more in
the different educative levels, from prestudent to the University, in
information to in investigation thesis, used as technical of study until
tool for the learning, since it allows the educational one to be
constructing with his students and to explore in these the previous
knowledge and to the student to organize, to interrelate and to fix the
knowledge of the studied content. The exercise of elaboration of
conceptual maps foments the reflection, the analysis and the
creativity. In relation to before exposed, of the Castle and Barberán
Olive groves, they express that "the conceptual map appears like a
tool of association, interrelation, discrimination, description and
ejemplificación of contents, with a high power of visualization". (2001,
p.1) the indicated authors expose that the maps do not have to be
principle and aim of a content, being necessary to follow "ahead with
the programmed didactic unit, expositivas classes, exercise-type,
group resolution of problems, tasks... etc.", which allows us to infer
that it is a technique that if we used it broken ties with others can limit
the significant learning, seeing it from a global perspective of the
knowledge and considering the convenience of using in the classroom
diverse resources and strategies directed to dinamizar and obtaining
the attention of the student; he is why we recommended it like part of
a process where other techniques like the argumentativo summary
must be included, the analysis I criticize reflexive, the exhibition, group
analyses of concepts, discussions.

Cuadro Sinoptico.

La sinopsis es un resumen de las ideas principales de un texto

que esta presentado de forma analítica y organizados de una
manera que evidencia la estructura interna del texto, también es
posible presentar de este modo varios textos que se pueden
comparar entre sí. Los cuadros sinópticos pueden presentarse
por medio de llaves y tomar forma de diagramas o pueden estar
compuestos por columnas a manera de tablas.
Cuando se va a realizar la comparación de textos a través de una
cuadro sinóptico lo primero que debe hacerse es tener una visón
de cada texto y en segundo lugar determinar los criterios de
análisis que usaremos al comparar, estos criterios pueden variar
y elegirse de acuerdo al objetivo propuesto o las ideas que se
pretenden destacar.
The synopsis is a summary of the main ideas of a text that this
presented/displayed of analytical form and organized of a way
that demonstrates the internal structure del text, also is possible
to present/display of this way several texts that can be compared
between himself. The statistical charts can appear by means of
keys and take form from diagrams or can be made up of columns
to way of tables. When one is going away to make the text
comparison through a statistical chart first that must become is
to have a mink of each text and secondly to determine the
analysis criteria that we will use when comparing, these criteria
can vary and choose according to the proposed objective or the
ideas that are tried to emphasize.
Written or drawn or engraved; "graphic symbols"
describing nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail; "graphic sexual
of or relating to the graphic arts; "the etchings, drypoints, lithographs,
and engravings which together form his graphic work"- British Book
relating to or presented by a graph; "a graphic presentation of the

Escrito o dibujado o grabado; "símbolos gráficos" que describen

desnudez o actividad sexual en detalle gráfico; "escenas sexuales
gráficas" o referentes de los artes gráficos; "las aguafuertes, los
drypoints, las litografías, y los grabados que junto forman su trabajo
gráfico" - noticias británicas del libro en lo que concierne o presentado
por un gráfico; "una presentación gráfica de los datos"

Textos Informativos.
Los textos informativos relatan sobre acontecimientos
ocurridos a personas o cosas reales. El autor debe relatar los
hechos objetivamente, en forma clara, directa y sencilla.
Generalmente mantienen un formato que permite identificar
fácilmente las diferentes partes del texto.
Cuando se agregan opiniones y comentarios adicionales deja de
ser un texto simplemente informativo, ya que la opinión es un
mensaje subjetivo, que depende del punto del vista del autor. En
caso de que se lo incluya, el texto del mismo es de su exclusiva
Clasificación de los textos informativos
Los textos informativos pueden clasificarse en:
Periodísticos: La información periodística puede ser oral
(radio, televisión) o escrita (diario, revista); y es aquella
que relata sobre un hecho ocurrido en la realidad. El emisor
es un periodista que informa hechos actuales a través de
medios visuales o gráficos.
Científicos: La información científica recibe el nombre de
informe. Es elaborado por los científicos (emisor) donde
relatan en forma ordenada sus investigaciones y las
conclusiones a las que han llegado después de analizar las
mismas. Los temas tratados son específicos y se desarrollan
en publicaciones orales o escritas especializadas.
Textos Instructivos.
Las instrucciones están presentes diariamente en nuestra vida
cotidiana, tanto en la escuela como fuera de ella. El desarrollo
científico y tecnológico de los últimos tiempos exige cada vez más la
intervención del discurso instruccional en tareas que antes se
desarrollaban en contacto con otras personas. Pensemos en ejemplos
cotidianos el servicio de reparaciones telefónico o el servicio de
informaciones, la búsqueda de información de nuestras cuentas
bancarias a través de Internet, el cajero automático, entre muchos
otros casos.
Las características principales de los textos instructivos son:
· formato especial
· desarrollo de procedimientos compuestos por pasos que deben
cumplirse para conseguir un resultado. En algunos casos la secuencia
de pasos es fija y en otros hay varias secuencias alternativas (como en
los procesadores de texto)
· se utiliza el infinitivo, el modo imperativo. (prender la computadora o
prenda la computadora). o las formas impersonales (se prende la
· se utilizan marcas gráficas como números, asteriscos o guiones para
diferenciar o secuenciar la serie de pasos
· acompañamiento de imágenes para reforzar o clarificar los pasos a
Otros textos cercanos a las instrucciones son: los reglamentos y las
normas de funcionamiento, que indican también como actuar en un
determinado lugar o circunstancia. La diferencia con las instrucciones
es que el objetivo no es aprender o hacer algo.
The instructions are present daily in our daily life, as much in the
school as outside her. The scientific and technological development of
the last times more and more demands the intervention of the
instruccional speech in tasks that before were developed in contact
with other people. Let us think about daily examples the telephone
service of repairs or the information service, the search of information
of our banking accounts through Internet, the automatic teller,
between many other cases. The basic characteristicses of instructive
texts are: special format? development of procedures made up of steps
that must be fulfilled to obtain a result. In some cases the sequence of
steps is fixed and in others there are several alternative sequences
(like in the text processors)? the infinitivo is used, the imperative mood
(to catch the computer or pledges the computer). or the impersonal
forms (the computer falls in love)? are used graphical marks like
numbers, asterisks or scripts to differentiate or to secuenciar the series
of steps? support of images to reinforce or to clarify the steps to follow
Other texts near the instructions is: the regulations and the norms of
operation, that they also indicate like acting in a certain place or
circumstance. The difference with the instructions is that the objective
is not to learn or to do something.

Textos Descrptivos.
Refiere las características o propiedades de un objeto, su estructura se
organiza básicamente sobre la dimensión espacial. La descripción
siempre supone entonces una forma de análisis, ya que implica la
descomposición de su objeto en partes o elementos y la atribución de
propiedades o cualidades. Está presente:
· En el área de Lengua · Es muy característica del área de Ciencias
Naturales y de Geografía.
Es un tipo de texto de adquisición temprana pero que presenta
mayores dificultades que el narrativo, ya que no existe ningún criterio
básico que facilite la comprensión o producción. La selección y el
orden de exposición de las características del objeto a desribir será
determinado por la finalidad del texto. La descripción suele ser algo
más que una enumeración ya que implica interrelación de elementos.
Pasemos a detallar cuáles son los elementos que intervienen en un
texto descriptivo: a.- el observador: la posición del observador puede
ser: · Dentro de la escena o cuadro o fuera de él · En primera o tercera
persona · Fija o en movimiento
It refers the characteristics or properties of an object, its structure is
organized basically on the space dimension. The description always
supposes then an analysis form, since it implies the decomposition of
his object in parts or elements and the attribution of properties or
qualities. He is present: In the area of Language? She is very
characteristic of the area of Natural Sciences and Geography. It is a
type of text of early acquisition but that presents/displays greater
difficulties than the narrative one, since it does not exist any basic
criterion that facilitates the understanding or production. The selection
and the order of exhibition of the characteristics of the object to
desribir will be determined by the purpose of the text. The description
usually is something more than an enumeration since it implies
interrelation of elements. Let us happen to detail which are the
elements that take part in a descriptive text: to - the observer: the
position of the observer can be: Within the scene or picture or outside
him? In first or third person? It fixes or to movement.

Textos Narrativos.
Se denomina narración al relato de hechos en los que intervienen
personajes y que se desarrollan en el espacio y en el tiempo. Los
hechos son contados por un narrador. El texto narrativo está presente:
· en las clases desde Nivel Inicial y en las clases de Lengua durante
todo el ciclo Primario y Secundario: tareas de comprensión de
narraciones literarias (cuentos maravillosos, fantásticos, policiales,
novelas) y de producción de narraciones de contenido de ficción o de
experiencias personales del alumno.
En el área de Ciencias Sociales, segundo ámbito en el que este tipo
textual es frecuente, a través de la narración de hechos históricos.
Leamos este cuento, con el que ejemplificaremos las características
del texto narrativo:
La estructura básica de este tipo de texto es la organización temporal.
En la narración clásica pueden distinguirse tres segmentos: situación
inicial, complicación y desenlace.

Narration to the story of facts is denominated in which personages

take part and who are developed in the space and the time. The facts
are counted by a narrator. The narrative text is present: · in the classes
from Initial Level and the classes of Language throughout the Primary
and Secondary cycle: tasks of understanding of literary narrations
(wonderful, fantastic, police stories, novels) and of production of
narrations of content of fiction or personal experiences of the student.
In the area of Social Sciences, second scope in which this textual type
is frequent, through the narration of historical facts. Let us read this
story, with which we will exemplify the characteristics of the narrative
text: The basic structure of this type of text is the temporary
organization. In the classic narration three segments can be
distinguished: initial situation, complication and untie.

Textos Instructivos
1.---The Windsor Knot

Wide and triangular - for wide spread shirt collars

1. Start with wide end of the tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow
2. Cross wide end over narrow and bring up through loop.
3. Bring wide end down around behind narrow and up on your right.
4. Then put down through loop and around across narrow as shown.
5. Turn and pass up through loop and...
6. Complete by slipping down through the knot in front. Tighten and draw up snug
to collar.
1 1/2 cup King Arthur flour
1 cup sugar
3-4 tablespoons cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons vegetable oil or melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or dark rum
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 cup cold water
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Sift dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt) directly
into an ungreased 8" square cake pan. (If you decide not to sift
ingredients, cake won't be as light in texture, but will still be good - just
be sure that the dry ingredients are mixed well).
Make 3 holes or in the dry mixture which is in the pan.
Into the first hole, pour the oil or melted butter.
Into the second hole, pour the vanilla extract or rum.
Into the third hole, pour the vinegar.
Drizzle the cup of cold water over the entire cake. Stir the mixture
together using a fork until combined evenly.
Bake cake at 350°F for 35-40 minutes.
Run a knife along edges to loosen cake from pan after cooled, or cut
into squares and serve directly from pan. Frost with whipped cream or
chocolate frosting, if desired, or serve as is.
For a richer cake, beat one egg with enough water to measure 1 cup
(and substitute for 1 cup water).
Tip: To save on dishes, bake cake in a disposable aluminum foil pan.
This cake is nearly as simple to prepare as a cake mix! Great fun for
kids, too.
3.—How to make brownies
Things You'll Need
• 1/2 c. butter
• 2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
• 2 eggs
• 1 c. sugar
• 1 tsp. vanilla
• 3/4 c. all-purpose flour
• 1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional)

• STEP 1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
• STEP 2: Grease an 8-by-8-by-2-inch baking pan. Set aside.
• STEP 3: Melt butter and chocolate together in a medium-sized
saucepan over low heat. Or place them in a microwave-safe
container and heat - 2 minutes at a time at 50 percent power -
until melted (check after every 2 minutes). Remove from heat.
• STEP 4: Stir in eggs, sugar and vanilla with a wooden spoon.
Beat lightly until just combined.
• STEP 5: Stir in flour and nuts.
• STEP 6: Spread batter in baking pan. Bake 30 minutes.
• STEP 7: Cool brownies on a wire rack. Cut into bars.

Textos Narrativos
"The Turtle and the Rabbit Run a Race," #38 Swapping Stories
Bel Abbey, Elton, Louisiana
I'm going to tell you about the story about the Rabbit and the Turtle running
a race. They were going to run a race one time. And Rabbit run so fast one
time. He liked to run all the time. You know how the rabbit are. He jumped
and he run fast and quick, and the turtle can't hardly run, can't hardly move
out. They go after the insects, and that's the only time he run fast, I guess.
After a while, he said, "Okay."
But the Rabbit begging to run a race with the Turtle. Turtle said, "No, I can't
run now. You're too fast for me. But you can't beat me because I'm running
pretty fast all the time." And he said, "Okay, we put that when you're going to
run a race."
He said, "All right. Let me know right away." He said, "Let me know right
He said, "All right. We'll talk to our people, and we're going to let you know
tomorrow morning."
He said, "All right."
And after a while, turtles all get together. Turtles all get together and talk
how they going to cheat with the Rabbit. They said, "You know, let's run.
We'll run, and go a little ways. They got what they call hill. But it's no hill
around here. It's low swamp in here. It's low flat; there's no hills in it. It's
called a little mound. We're going to run over the mound and on top of the
hill, on the mound. That's where we going to run the race, till there," they
Rabbit says, "Okay."
But the turtles talk to themselves, each other. They pick out four turtles. "You
start it off first, and hide a little ways out there. And I come out and run a
little ways and this one hide. But they're going to come out. And for the last
go round, you run first over there in that line." They got four turtles, and they
wanted to cheat that rabbit.
When they started off running, the Rabbit jumped and leaped and went off
with it. But they find onions and cabbage plants, cabbage farms and onion
places. That's where they stopped. They find a good place to eat. So they
stop and start eating in there. But the other one had come out. That's where
they hide. They come out and started off.
The Rabbit went over there and said, "Where you coming from?"
He said, "Oh, I'm still running. I'm still running."
So the Rabbit passed the second one. After a while, they find mustards,
mustard plants. They stop again and start eating. And the other one comes
out. The third one comes out. After a while, the Rabbit is through eating, and
they start running. Drink water, and he starts running again. He find that
Turtle ahead, way ahead. He was way ahead of him. After a while he said,
"Oh, how did you pass me?"
He said, "Oh, I'm still running."
After a while, the last one. The last one when they was eating in there, the
last one come out first. On the line, they sit down, waiting for the Rabbit. The
Rabbit ran over there where there's supposed to be a line in there. And he
ran over there, but it's too late. Turtle goes over there first. Rabbit got mad at
him. He said, "How did you get here?"
He said, "I run over here."
He said, "No, you don't. You don't pass me."
"I will," he said. Keep arguing, and the Rabbit got mad. He got a stick like this
and start beating on top of the back of shell. Break him all up. He tore it all
up on the back. That's what you see there now, that's where the marks in
there. On the back, the little skulls in there on the back. That's what that's
for. They beat him up and they left.
The Turtle was all beat up, broken back, and they laying down. But they
calling for help. "Help! Help! I need help!"
What you call it? An ant. An ant heard him. He said, "Somebody need help.
Somebody need help somewheres."
"Where?" one said.
"Back in there somewheres," he said.
"Let's go meet him," they said. They all get together and line up, and they all
went over to where they needed help. They went over there, and the turtle
got hurt. He got beat up.
The third one said, "What you want?"
"I need help. I got beat up. My back is broken. I need somebody help me
throw it over. But you eat my fat. I got a little fat in there. That's what I'm
going to pay with."
So the ant start eating the fat in there, the blood in there, start sewing him
up. Pinch him all together. After that, they got well. That's why the turtle got
spots all over him. That's the end of my story. That's my story.

APHRODITE (a-fro-DYE-tee; Roman name Venus) was the goddess
of love, beauty and fertility. She was also a protectress of sailors.
The poet Hesiod said that Aphrodite was born from sea-foam.
Homer, on the other hand, said that she was the daughter of
Zeus and Dione.
When the Trojan prince Paris was asked to judge which of three
Olympian goddesses was the most beautiful, he chose Aphrodite
over Hera and Athena. The latter two had hoped to bribe him with
power and victory in battle, but Aphrodite offered the love of the
most beautiful woman in the world.
This was Helen of Sparta, who became infamous as Helen of Troy
when Paris subsequently eloped with her. In the ensuing Trojan
War, Hera and Athena were implacable enemies of Troy while
Aphrodite was loyal to Paris and the Trojans.
In his epic of the Trojan War, Homer tells how Aphrodite
intervened in battle to save her son Aeneas, a Trojan ally. The
Greek hero Diomedes, who had been on the verge of killing
Aeneas, attacked the goddess herself, wounding her on the wrist
with his spear and causing the ichor to flow. (Ichor is what
immortals have in the place of blood.)
Aphrodite promptly dropped Aeneas, who was rescued by Apollo,
another Olympian sponsor of the Trojans. In pain she sought out
her brother Ares, the god of war who stood nearby admiring the
carnage, and borrowed his chariot so that she might fly up to
Olympus. There she goes crying to her mother Dione, who
soothes her and cures her wound. Her father Zeus tells her to
leave war to the likes of Ares and Athena, while devoting herself
to the business of marriage.
Elsewhere in Homer's Iliad , Aphrodite saves Paris when he is
about to be killed in single combat by Menelaus. The goddess
wraps him in a mist and spirits him away, setting him down in his
own bedroom in Troy. She then appears to Helen in the guise of
an elderly handmaiden and tells her that Paris is waiting for her.
Helen recognizes the goddess in disguise and asks if she is being
led once more to ruin. For Aphrodite had bewitched her into
leaving her husband Menelaus to run off with Paris. She dares to
suggest that Aphrodite go to Paris herself.
Suddenly furious, the goddess warns Helen not to go too far, lest
she be abandoned to the hatred of Greeks and Trojans alike. "I'll
hate you," says the mercurial goddess, "as much as I love you
Even though Zeus's queen Hera and Aphrodite are on different
sides in the Trojan War, the goddess of love loans Hera her
magical girdle in order to distract Zeus from the fray. This
garment has the property of causing men (and gods) to fall
hopelessly in love with whoever is wearing it.
Homer calls Aphrodite "the Cyprian", and many of her attributes
may have come from Asia via Cyprus (and Cythera) in
Mycenaean times. These almost certainly mixed with a
preexisting Hellenic or Aegean goddess. The ancient Greeks
themselves felt that Aphrodite was both Greek and foreign

The Legend of Zelda (THE HYRULE FANTASY ゼルダの伝説, THE

HYRULE FANTASY Zeruda no Densetsu?, known in Japan as "The Hyrule
Fantasy: The Legend of Zelda") is a video game designed by Shigeru
Miyamoto and published by Nintendo in 1986.[1] A classic example of
the action-adventure genre, the game is set in the fantasy land of
Hyrule and centers around a young hero's quest to rescue Princess
Zelda from the villainous Ganon by collecting the eight fragments of a
powerful artifact known as the Triforce of Wisdom.
The inaugural game of the The Legend of Zelda series first released in
Japan as a debut title for the Famicom's Disk System peripheral. With
its vast world, open-ended gameplay, scrolling capabilities, and battery
save system (in cartridge-based versions), Zelda featured
groundbreaking technological advancements. Because the Famicom
Disk System was not released outside of Japan, the game was
published internationally on the Nintendo Entertainment System's
cartridge format in 1987, where it enjoyed even greater critical and
financial success.
Zelda has been re-released on multiple platforms, most recently on the
Wii's Virtual Console in 2006. The game was also included in The
Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for the Nintendo GameCube,[3] and
is unlockable in the GameCube version of the game Animal Crossing.
As one of Nintendo's flagship franchises, Zelda is among the most
recognized names in video games.

Textos Cientificos.

How to elaborate a picture

There is a number of passages in the photographic process. Once

selected the loaded film and in the camera, the photographer decides
what to photograph and when to pull the trigger. At this moment the
film is exposed. The light momentarily enters the dark interior of the
camera, causing a chemical reaction in microscopic particles of haluro
of sensible silver to the light that is in the emulsion of the film. The
particles react variably to the different reflected intensities of light
from different parts from the object that penetrated in the lens. The
darkest areas of the object reflect less light and cause less penetration
in the emulsion causing that the areas are clearer, gives "latent" an
invisible image which forms on the film emulsion. When the exposed
film is ready to being revealed, it takes off of the camera and it is
processed in a series of chemical baths to form the photographic
negative. Finally a printing is made from the negative.

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is the study of compounds of carbon. The

compounds of carbon are the central substances from which all the
organisms are made living of this planet. The extensive field of
compounds of carbon At the moment they are known more than 3
million organic compounds with a rate growth of 100,000 new
compounds the year. This high number of compounds has like basic
element of their molecular constitution to the united carbon atom,
mainly, to the elements oxygen and hydrogen, also to the halogenous
and sometimes S and P. Unlike inorganic compounds, the organic ones
present/display the following characteristics: 1. The great majority of
connections is of covalente type. 2, Points of low fusion and boiling
with respect to inorganic compounds. 3. Little soluble in water. 4, Little
polar molecules apolares or. 5. They present/display slow and complex
reactions. 6, Complicated molecular structures, specially the ones of
natural origin. 7. They are disturbed when warming up them. The
carbon atom presents/displays an electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 p2.
In fundamental state the electrons of the carbon atom would be
located of the following form: 2 px? 2 py? 2 pz 2s? 1s? According to
this configuration the carbon atom would act normally with valence (II),
but the monoxide is only known carbon (CO) and the carbon (CH2), like
composed of carbon that acts with valence (II). By addition of 96
Kcal/mol of energy to a carbon atom, one of electrons of orbital 2s can
be excited until reaching the orbital emptiness 2p giving the
configuration: 2 px? 2 py? 2 pz? 2 s? 1 s?


Resistance, capacitores and inductancias Resistance It is the

opposition that presents/displays the different elements from the
circulation of the electrical current. The law that ties to the electrical
resistance, the current and the tension is the law of ohm which
establishes the following relation: V = TO GO It is practically possible
to be said that the resistance is an element that turns electrical energy
caloric energy and the power, energy by time unit, that transforms into
heat is given by the law of Joule P = I2 - R The unit of measurement of
the resistance is ohm and the unit of measurement of the power is
watt Capacitor Capacitor to the device is denominated that is able to
accumulate electrical charges. Basically a capacitor is constituted by a
separated parallel metallic lamina set by insulating material. The
accumulation of electrical charges between laminae gives rise to a
potential difference or tension on the capacitor and the relation
between the accumulated electrical charges and the tension on the
capacitor is a denominated constant capacitor capacity The unit of
measurement of the capacity is the farad and as this unit is very great
they use submultiple of the same one. Microfaradio 10-6 Farad
Nanofaradio 10-9 Farad Picofaradio 10-12 Farad The value of the
capacity depends on the size and the form of the capacitor. We can
say that the capacitor accumulates energy in form of electric field and
its value is given by capacitor Wc: Accumulated energy : Dielectric
permeability of means electrico field: Electric field The electric field is
proportional to the tension between the plates (laminae) and inversely
proportional to the distance that separates them.

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