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All parise belong to Allah almighty, the lord of universe. who

rewards the research time, opportunity, energy, financial, health and the
most important is belief so the researcher is able to accomplish this project
paper to fulfill one of the requirements for the award of undergraduate
degree at English Education department of Education and Teacher Training
Faculty of Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Salawat and
gratitude do to our noble character, the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon
him. He is as the best educator that teaches and educates the human kind so
he has brought us from darkness to lightness.

In conducting the research and finishing this project paper, the

researcher got suggestions, encouragements, motivations, and opportunity.
The researcher has got a lot of things that researcher is able to finish and
publish this research :

1. Prof. Dr. H. Munzir Hitami, MA,. the Rector of the State Islamic University
(UIN) Syarif Kasim Sultan Riau.

2. Dr. H. Mas’ud Zein, M.Pd,.as the Dean of Education and Teacher Training
Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan SyarifKasim Riau.

3. Dr. H. Nasharuddin, M.Ag,.as Vice of Dean I of Education and Teacher Training

Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan SyarifKasim Riau.

4. Dra. Sri Murhayati, M.Ag, as Vice of Dean II of Education and Teacher Training
Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan SyarifKasim Riau.
5. Dr. Kusnadi, M.Pd, a Vice of Dean III of Education and Teacher Training
Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan SyarifKasim Riau.

6. Drs. M. Syafi’i S., M.Pd. as The Chairperson of department of

English Education and Teacher Training.
7. Yasir Amri, M.Pd. as my rater in this research, thank you.
8. Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd. as my rater in this research, thank you.
9. Drs. M. Syafi’i S., M.Pd. as my supervisor who has given me
correction, support, advice and guidance in completing this thesis.
10. Icon, S.Pd. as my collaborator who had been accompanying me
along this research.
11. All lecturers who have gave me their knowledge and information
through the meetings in the class.
12. The Head Master of Islamic Senior High School of Al-Qasimiyah
Sorek Satu, Drs. H. M. Darwis. Thank you for your hospitality.
13. My beloved brothers and sisters: Jaili, Nurlela, Yurianto, Surianti,
who have been supporting me in any occasions.
14. All my friends: Arrohma, Gusnita, Dina, Ambar, Endang, Junaida,
Rahmat, Abasrianto, Andi. Who have given the researcher support to
accomplish this thesis.

Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect
therefore, the researcher will happily accept constructive criticism in order
to make itbetter. The researcher hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to
everyone. Amin. Finally, only Allah SWT., The author constantly invoke
His blessings Maghfiroh and for the preparation and writing of this thesis,
Amin Ya Robbal Alamin.

Pekanbaru,​ Muharram 23​rd​ , 1436 H

January 12 , 2015



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