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Carlton North Primary School

Electronic Publication of class contact details and

student names, work and images policy

Rationale: Electronic publication of stud ent na m e s, work and ima g es is a

m e a ns of celebrating stud ent effort and achieve m ent and sharing scho ol
events within the co m m unity. However it is also imp ortant to protect
stud ent privacy in publicly accessible forum s. Electronic publication of class
contact d etails facilitates and pro m otes networking and effective
com munication.

Aim: To provid e guid elines for the electronic publication of class contact
d etails, stud ent na m es, work or ima g es on the different forums available.

Background: Stud ent na m es, work and im a g es may b e published

through the newsletter or one of the school websites. Th e scho ol
m aintains two distinct websites:

1. Lee4Us: An internal website which is only accessible by m e mb ers of the

school com m unity. Users have to log onto Lee4Us. Stud ents can use it at
school and can log o n at ho m e using the sa m e log on d etails. Lee4Us aims
to supp ort all m e m b ers of the scho ol co m m unity, including stud ents,
teachers and p arents.

2. Lee3W: A website available to everyone on the W orld Wid e W eb.

Lee3W does not require any sp ecial log on. Lee3W aims to present the
public face of the school to the world, in particular marketing the scho ol to
prosp ective enrolm ents.


General guidelines:

1. All stud ent work and im a g es published b y the school will b e vetted by a
teacher, the Assistant Principal or the Principal prior to publication to
ensure that they are appropriate.

2. Any p ermissio n fro m p arents can b e revok ed with im m ediate effect at

any time by contacting the Principal.

3. D espite any p ermission in place, p arents and/or the relevant stud ent
can request the re moval fro m p ublication of any particular ite m (work or
ima g e) involving that stud ent, or of their cla ss contact d etails.

Lee4Us guidelines:

Cla ss contact d etails

1. The school will se e k g eneric p ermission from p arents for the

publication of cla ss contact d etails (including parent/guardian na m es,
e m ail addresses and pho ne nu mb ers) o n the Lee4Us site. Cla ss contact
d etails will b e published in such a way that they are only accessible to
parents and stud ents a ssociated with each individual class.
2. In the ab sence of p ermission, the school will ensure that no contact
d etails are published.

3. The overall aim is to facilitate and prom ote g ood com munication and
broad eng a g e m ent in scho ol life. Cla ss contact d etails should only b e
used for co m m unications which further this aim. Cla ss contact d etails
should not b e used for purely no n-scho ol purpo ses. Exa mples of sp ecific
inappropriate uses includ e prom otion of private business es or external
functions unrelated to scho ol, or the disse mination of id eological

4. Cla ss contact d etails m ust not b e p a ss ed on to any other p erson,

whether insid e the scho ol co m m unity or not (a s they are already available
to all p eo ple entitled to access the m).

5. If a m e m b er of the scho ol co m m unity misuses class contact d etails the

issue will b e addressed by the Principal.

Stud ent work and im a g es

1. The school will se e k g eneric p ermission from p arents for the

publication of stud ent work and im a g es o n the Lee4Us site, subject to
vetting by teachers.

2. In the ab sence of p ermission, the scho ol will ensure that no work by

the stud ent or imag e including the m is published. This will b e the
resp onsibility of the vetting teacher. A list of stud ents whos e work/ima g e
m ay not b e p ublished will b e m aintained by the Office.

3. As the aim is to celebrate stud ent and scho ol achieve m ents a wide
rang e of stud ent work and im a g es m ay b e published, including individual
and group photographs and vid eo s of student activities in class,
e xcursions and ca m p s.

Lee3W guidelines:

1. It is recognis ed that privacy issu es are m ore acute when publishing on

the W orld Wid e W eb co m p ared to the p a ssword protected Lee4Us.

2. Stud ent work or imag es will only b e published on Lee3W, including via
the newsletter, with express stud ent and p a rent p ermission on a case by
case b a sis. The work/ima g es used and level of id entification of the
stud ent by na m e will b e at the discretion of the p arents.

3. In all other cas es where stud ents are na m ed in the newsletter or on

Lee3W, only first na m e a nd la st initial will be used.

4. Cla ss contact d etails will never b e p ublished on Lee3W.

This p olicy will b e reviewed in 2012 or earlier if necessary.
This p olicy was ratified by Scho ol C o uncil in Dece mb er 2010.

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