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If the blood is pure we will be free from diseases and the skin will be glowing. You can
purify your blood with some domestic methods.

  Fasting is traditional method to purify blood because it helps expulsion of

harmful elements from the body. Fasting means not to eat at a prescribed length of time.
It is considered the best way to keep healthy. During fasting the physical energy is used
up to correct the immune system and metabolism. It also destroys the harmful elements in
the body.

 ¦emon, beetroot, carrot and green leafy vegetables greatly purify blood.
 Drink grape juice without sugar. It increases haemoglobinin the blood. Honey
increases haemoglobin present in the blood and speeds up the blood flow. It is a
good source of iron, manganese and copper.
 Drink plenty of water. ë      
 arlic is a good blood purifier. Taking three cloves of garlic with water regularly
for a month, you can purify your blood.
 ake a powder of dried skin of pomegranate. ix one spoonful of the powder in
a glass of hot water and drink it daily in the morning.
 To purify the blood, mix honey and lemon juice in a glass of water and drink it
for a month.

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  purifies blood, strengthens the heart and increases blood circulation. It is
good for lever too.
 u is a good blood purifier. It is beneficial in checking kidney, lever
muscular, abdominal problems.
 ¦is not only a good blood purifier but also helps reduce weight.
 0 is good for kidney and lever problems. It is good for those suffering
from anaemia.
  frees your stomach ailments and increases the appetite. It is a good blood
purifier too.

In addition, meat, cereals, dry fruits are also work to clean and purify the blood.

Read more:


How to Lose Weight Without a Crash Diet

If you are really serious about losing your weight then do not fall in the trap of crash dieting. Fast weight
loss is never advisable. As it is not good for your health. Crash diets rarely work. People often get in to
them with unrealistic expectations and after some time they lose their interest and the lost pounds come
back with the vengeance. So if you are thinking about getting slim, here are the Dos and Don¶ts for you
c  ! "

‡ There¶s a no easy way to lose weight. There¶s no way to get slim overnight either. So keep that in your
mind. Be realistic and set a goal that you can achieve. There should be a proper balance between your diet
and exercise.

‡ You should consult your doctor or any other professional before go for a weight lose program. any
people can give you advice and tips for losing weight but remember it¶s the experts¶ opinion that matters.
So consult the dietician to chart out an effective weight loss plan for you to follow.

‡ You should maintain a healthy diet. You need to take food with high fibre, vitamins, and water. By doing
this you can fill full without having a load of calories. Reduce the total amount of fat in your food. Eat
foods that are steamed, roasted, or boiled. ive up junk food completely.

‡ Exercise is a very important part to be fit. You can do Aerobics, Yoga, brisk walking, this will help you to
lose weight. Best part is these activities can tone up your body properly.

‡ Be physically active. If you climb stairs instead of taking the lift or walk more instead of drive, can help
you to lose your weight.

c  ! "

‡ One thing should not do is never try the diet pills. The diet pills don¶t help long term and can harm your
health in the future.

‡ As said earlier do not go for a crash diet. You should not deprive yourself from every thing. This will
increase your craving and you can lose the determination of losing weight. An occasional treat at times can
help. This will be much more effective in the long run.

‡ Do not eat junk food. Don¶t eat snack food carelessly. This can destroy your plan to get slim. So avoid
eating while watching TV because at this time you tend to lose the concentration of what you are eating and
how much you are eating. You need to give full attention to what you are eating.

‡ Do not allow others to discourage you. This is very important. Often our friends and other acquaintances
give us wrong advice. Or even they do it from jealousy. It¶s a testing time for you. Do not fall in to the
wrong trap. Keep concentrating, don¶t be tempted, follow the rules and you will succeed.
Just go through this dos and don¶ts if you are really looking to lose your weight and certainly you¶ll get a
very positive result in the future.

 Simple Ways to Change Unhealthy Eating Habits and Lose Weight

<!--[if gte mso 9]&gt; Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 &lt;![endif]--><!--[if
gte mso 9]&gt; &lt;![endif]-->When I hear the word diet it sends the following thoughts go
through my mind, what I can not eat, discipline and will power I do not have, where am I going
to find the time and expensive food. Probably some or all of the same thoughts run through the
mind of many dieters. If a dieter is plagued by such thoughts they are already defeated. To lose
unwanted pounds and maintain proper weight, one must be willing to exchange unhealthy
eating and fitness habits for habits that promote a healthy lifestyle. Keeping the focus on
creating a healthy lifestyle rather than on losing weight will increase your chance of success in
changing your eating habits.

The following suggested tips do not require you to purchase expensive foods, equipment that
you will use a few times or have a strong will power; but a vision and commitment to yourself to
make the necessary changes for a healthier lifestyle.

1. "   We have heard it a thousand times. Here¶s a thousand and one. Drink more water! I
know what health professionals are saying, ³we consume water from other source such as beverages, fruits
and vegetables, etc.´ This is true. But being real with yourself, do you really eat enough fruits and
vegetables to meet the daily requirement for water. How much should you drink every day? It varies due to
one¶s weight, physical activity level and other factors. The average amount is 8-10 glasses per day. If you
are not sure of your daily water intake use the online calculator to help you determine how much Hydration

l. ·   . Not a new idea, but is worth the reminder. According to ͞Woman͛s World͟
magazine, l001, eating breakfast reduces hunger by 30%. Sugary foods such as donuts, pastries
and some ready-to-eat cereals are not healthy choices. These foods digest quickly leaving you

Good substitutes are foods high in fiber and protein such as, whole grain breads and
cereals(oatmeal, grits, muffins), yogurt, eggs, vegetables and fruits.
. Do not plan a 30 minute workout, when you only have 10 minutes to
spare. Break up your workout into mini sessions.

·  Your goal is to walk 30 minutes a day. Walk 10 minutes before work: 10 at lunch and
10 more minutes after work. Get the idea! If you walked briskly 10 minutes for 1l-1 times per
week you should start feeling better and dropping a pound or l in the process. Try jumping rope
or climbing stairs for short periods of time if you are able to walk. You will still burn calories.

    . We are accustomed to eating large portions. We rave about the
generous portions some restaurants serve. Its okay to rave, but don͛t over indulge yourself.

Can͛t convince your self to leave the extra on the plate? Ask for a takeout container, you can still
enjoy the leftovers it the next day. Eating more calories than you need or will expend can pack
on extra pounds which may lead to obesity and other health problems.

·      suggested by Family Circle Weight͟ magazine, l001.

*3 or 4 ounces of cooked meat or fish = a deck of cards

*1 cup cooked vegetables= a baseball

*1 ounce bread= 1 slice sandwich size

*1 ounce cheese= a wine cork

·    . Eating breakfast is important because it is the first meal of the day and it sets
the tone for the rest of the day. Breakfast starts your metabolism and stabilizes your energy for
the day.

It is suggested that you do not skip a meal because you will have a tendency to overeat at the
next meal.

Space your meals 3 or 4 hours apart. Example: breakfast 7AM: snack 10AM, etc. Eat foods high
in sugars, salt and oils sparingly. Fruits, vegetables, pretzels, lightly butter or unsalted popcorn,
nuts, crackers, or some protein bars (check label for nutritional value) are excellent choices.
Food Pyramid
Creating a healthy lifestyle requires making a commitment to yourself, having a plan of action
and a partner who will encourage you when you need it most.

#$ !



c  '

To make our blood healthy we need to eat foods rich in iron. As you know our cells need
oxygen to live. Iron helps our blood to carry oxygen to every cell in our body. ¦ack of
iron can make us sick. Both fatigue and anemia which means our blood cannot carry
enough oxygen to all the cells in our body) can happen due to the shortage of iron.

°   '

It depends on the age and gender that how much iron a person needs. The need for iron is
much more at the time of growth that means we need more iron in the childhood and also
in the age of adolescence. Also, extra iron is needed at the time of pregnancy; because of
the baby and for the increasing amount of blood in mother¶s body.

Infants, 7-12 months 11 mg

Children, 1-8 years 7-10 mg

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Benefits of Kava Kava »

Children, 9-13 years 8 mg

ales, 14-18 11 mg

Females, 14-18 15 mg

en, ages 19-50 8 mg

Women, ages 19-50 18 mg

en & women, ages 51+ 8 mg

Pregnant women 27 mg

Breastfeeding women 9 mg


 u Clams are full of iron. Three ounce of clams can provide l3.8 mg of iron.

 Î Three ounce of oysters contain 10.l mg of iron.

   Half cup of the cooked soybeans contains 4.4 mg of iron.

 An ounce of roasted pumpkin seeds provides 4.l mg of iron.

   A half cup of white beans provide 3.9 mg of iron.

     Îne tablespoon of blackstrap molasses provides 3. mg of iron.

 ¦ Half cup of cooked lentils can provide 3.3 mg of iron.


 cup of prune juice contains l.3 mg of iron.

 Î   Meats or animal bits contain high percentage of iron.
   Spinach is also a very good source of iron. Îne cup of cooked spinach provides
3. mg of iron.

Iron is good for our health but remember too much iron is harmful to our body. So it is
important to have it in a right amount. If you are unsure, consult your doctor.

0ead more:

Water Therapy and Dieting Techniques for Weight

Water is the elixir of life. So it¶s no surprise that Water can be used as therapy. Water therapy has been
used by the Indians through their healing module called Ayurveda. It has also been used by the Japanese
and Chinese according to their traditional medicine techniques from ancient times.

c c  

75% of the cells in our body are made up of water. This shows how important it¶s for us to replenish the
water that we lose through sweat and urine.

Some people will think it¶s adequate to drink about 8 glasses of liquid into which they include their 4 cups
of coffee in the morning and other beverages. No, this is not how you measure the amount of fluid that goes
into your body. The 8 glasses of liquid a day must be pure water.

The reason why it must be made of purely water is because water can flush out the toxins from within the
body. Without adequate water, your body tends to store not only toxins, but in recent findings, they found
that it also stores cholesterol in the cells as a protection against dehydration.

Now, let¶s see how we can do water therapy.

°c j 

As soon as you get up in the morning, without even brushing your teeth, drink from 4 to 6 big glasses of
water. The water must be pure. It can be reverse osmosis water or it can be water that has been filtered and
boiled. Rinse your mouth with water till you feel clean enough to consume the water. After you¶ve drunk
your 4 to 6 glasses of water, wait for 45 minutes before you take your breakfast.

°c j  °  c 

When you drink water first thing in the morning, your body will start to flush out a lot of toxins and extra
salt. This also makes you urinate frequently in the first hour. When toxins and salt are flushed out, water
held in the body is also released. The more salt and toxins are in the body, the more water is retained
making you feel and look bloated.

Water is needed for all the different types of reactions in the body. The breaking down of fat requires
enzymes to work on the fat. All enzyme reactions in the body require water as the solvent. So without
adequate water, no matter how much you diet, you¶re not going to lose any fat. Water consumption is very
important in weight loss.

With Water therapy and also drinking about 2 glasses before a normal lunch and dinner will help you curb
your appetite and you¶ll eat less.


There is no real necessity to go on a dieting technique. Dieting techniques are plenty, and if you want to try
one, you can choose from the many different types of dieting techniques found online. Water therapy will
reinforce any dieting technique you¶re following.

Some people like to starve thinking they¶ll lose weight, but starving is one of the worst techniques you can
follow. When you starve for a period of time, your body is deprived of food. The next time you decide to
eat even if it is less than normal, your body will convert it to fat as fast as possible, as a preventive measure
from being deprived of food. So, another no-no in weight loss dieting techniques is starving.

No matter what dietary technique you use, do the water therapy together with it. You can also try to have a
normal diet with reduced carbohydrates, sugar and with lots of fruits and vegetables with water therapy and
you¶ll definitely lose weight

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