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NAME: Nathalia Sanchez

              Fernanda López 

              Daniel Paucar 

              Celine Diaz 

The possible dangers of letting children watch violent movies or TV programs.

1. What is violence?

Violence has already been in the world for a long time, violence has already

been present among us; we see it daily in different types of situations, both

verbal, psychological,and physical. (

This has been tried to eliminate, however, it has not yet been achieved. And it

will continue for many years to come. The violence has already left many people

affected and the problem is that among all these affected there are also many

boys and girls, considered innocent people. Violence has not only remained in

the physical space, but has also migrated to digital media, as well as movies,

series, soap operas, and video games. If we could eliminate at least a little

violence in our day to day we would make this world a much better one than the

previous one. And the people around us would thank us for this [ CITATION

Dan98 \l 3082 ].

2. Violence and children

With the passage of time, many children, and adolescents have begun to dedicate

a great deal of time to video games and television series. Unfortunately, most of

the topics that are covered in these video games and series are: killing people,
drug use, criminal behavior and breaking of laws, machismo, racial stereotype,

etc. Several studies of children facing this type of violence have identified that if

they spend a large number of hours in front of the screen, they will begin to

adopt these behaviors as normal, ignore them, among others. Certifications have

begun to be created that could help parents avoid this type of game, but they

have been for many years a social factor for the violence.  This type of video

game is more appreciated than any other class, hence the measures that

counteract this has not had the desired effect. Finally, with the appearance of

new technologies such as virtual reality, children will be more exposed to this

type of violence and their consumer experience will be much more harmful

[ CITATION Val08 \l 3082 ].

3. Consequences

 If children continue to watch movies or television programs not suitable for their

age, they will try to imitate certain bad behaviors, violent actions and words with

their family and friends. From such an early age they can also learn these habits

through video games, it also causes children not to get distracted by some sport

that can help them grow. They don’t want to participate in activities because

they just want to be playing video games [CITATION Ló15 \l 3082 ].

4. Recommendations

The various studies that have been done on children have determined certain tips

that parents can be given to avoid, as much as possible, having harmful effects on their

children. Among these the tips are the following:

1. Check the evaluation of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB): Through

this measure, parents will be able to select the type of video game for their children and

with respect to the evaluation they will be able to determine the content of the video

game and its recommended age.

2. Select the appropriate games and series — if we are aware of the content that is

provided to young children, we can improve what they learn.

3. Play video games and watch programs with their children: If the father is an active

participant in the experience, he/she will be able to consider what is good and what is

bad, taking as a reference what the father has experienced.

4. Talking to other parents about your family's rules about video games: Several forums

have been around for years to establish recommendations with the parent community. In

this way we can exchange experiences between people who provide their knowledge

and recommendations to others.

In conclusion, the video game problem has not been solved yet, and it will probably

remain with us for many years to come. However, it is the duty of each person,

especially a parent, to prevent their children and thus safeguard their safety. You would

rather find a quick solution [ CITATION Fél11 \l 3082 ]


 Cohen, D. (1998). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 6. Obtenido de La

violencia en los programas televisivos.:

 Etxeberria, F. (2008-2011). Gredos. Obtenido de Videojuegos, consumo y


 López, W., Arístides, Uc, C., Amairani , G., Ramos, T., & Uso , J. (2015). Salud en
Tabasco. Retrieved from abuso y consecuencias de los videojuegos en niños de
6 a 12 años en una escuela de educación básica:

 Rojas, V. (2008). SeiELO Revista chilena de pediatría. Obtenido de Influencia de

la televisión y videojuegos en el aprendizaje y conducta infanto-juvenil:

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