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Gerard Puawa’s statement Nov. 30, 20ao Statement to Katherine ‘Thank you your honor for this opportunity to address the court. Katherine, my family and | were once so proud of you. We wholeheartedly supported you everytime you asked for our endorsement. We took pride in your accomplishments. | really believed we were close. Alhough 10 years older, as your uncle | trusted you completely. Yet you heartlessly betrayed my trust. You lied to me and scammed me. You cheated me out of my life savings. And then, to get me out. of the way, you viciously arranged to keep me held in custody for 7 long days and nights. My fear and humiliation then was so intense it kept me up nights. To this day | still have sleepless nights, recurring anxiety and at times even nightmares about that awful place, After I was released, you, Louis and your police friends created a bogus video and concocted the plot to set me up for stealing your mailbox. Then you falsely, ruthlessly and intentionally had me arrested at my church parking lot. | was stunned and in disbeliet. | can't describe my humiliation and what | was feeling that awful day. Thanks to you | no longer have faith in the state justice system or in the police. It wasn't bad enough that you stole from my mother-your own grandmother-but you also harassed, mocked and humiliated her. She lost her home and most of the little money she had in the bank. You cannot undo the pain, misery and upheaval you inflicted on all our lives. | was once a happy guy. | enjoyed my life, my son, my friends and family but everything completely changed as a result of the crimes you committed against me, my mother and my family. | still struggle to rebuild my savings. In addition, | sought help and am still under medical care for the trauma you submitted me to. | often experience overwhelming stress; bouts of insomnia and panic attacks. To this day | flinch whenever | see a police car or notice a nearby car or truck, and wonder if I'm being followed all over again. There are numerous other issues | could tell you about had | more time. You will be released someday Katherine, to start your life over, But you can never erase the pain, grief and tremendous damage you caused us. It still remains. Statement to Louis ‘Thank you your honor for this opportunity to address the court. Louis, | thought we were friends. | trusted you and felt safe in your company. | still wonder how someone who took a solemn oath to protect and serve the community could betray so completely and cold-heartedly not only an innocent man, but a member of your own family. Only God knows what you're capable of doing to a stranger. You had me followed, stalked and spied upon for weeks. Police officers sat outside my home at night, holding me hostage, terrorizing me. These were police officers | once respected, who | believed would protect me and you turned them into your personal secret police. | was stunned and in disbelief after you set me up and had me falsely arrested for stealing your mailbox. It was bad enough that you helped plan such an underhanded scheme but to have me handcuffed and forced to the ground in front of my girlfriend and my fellow church parishioners was nothing short of evil. To further disgrace me, when the federal trial came around you intentionally purjured yourself and testified to lies about me. And if it matters at all to you, you also put my mother and family through a horrific hell. | was once a happy guy who enjoyed my life, my son, my family and friends. My life is now completely changed as a result ofthe crimes you committed against me. I'm

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