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Home / Tin Yat Dragon Blog / Fan Tai Sui and Tai Sui Deity in Taoism

Fan Tai Sui and Tai Sui Deity in

TIN JEE | 21 FEBRUARY, 2018 ← Previous | Next →
Many people tend to like this route of praying or worshiping the Tai Sui Deity for
Fan Tai Sui 犯太歳 issue, but a lot of people don’t understand the theory of statues
in Taoism and what they are really for. Many people only think that it is some
“gods” or “deities” that can give you blessings. Instead of just going straight up and
tell you that it’s fake, or a scam, let’s bring you into the wisdom of Taoism and
Taoist magic, and telling you what are these Tai Sui Deities statues really about.

You should read our article on “What are statues for” in Taoism, it will open your
eyes to a lot of hidden secret knowledge in Taoismand Taoist magic. Many people
thinks that we pray and worship to statues, like as if these are some gods or
entities that and help us. You might be only seeing the surface and no the full

Let me try to sum it up in short first. There is no gods or deities in the statues as in
any spirits or entities, and you do not need to worship or pray to any “beings”
above. However, the statues will have magic powers and can help you if you do
things right and know what you are doing. The purpose of this article is to educate
you about this Tai Sui deity statue magic and let you know what you can do at
home and what you should or should not do out there in the public “temples”.

What is Tai Sui and Fan Tai Sui

Many people, including myself in the past, tends to like to refer Tai Sui as to the
grand duke Jupiter and Fan Tai Suiis usually the negative energies that can come
over from the opposite of this planet and such. Guess what, it’s fake. Why do we
still tell people this story or theory if it’s fake then?

The problem is, the truth is too hard to explain and too hard to understand, and so
many people are only capable of listening for 30 seconds, how can we tell them
something that requires a few lectures to understand? Most people like things
short, fast and simple.

Most things you see in magic will have 3 levels of understanding in general.

The surface that is shallow and easy to understand, and it makes people get it right
away and can use the magic with the surface meaning.

Then the inner knowledge that has a lot more theories behind to decode why these
metaphors are used on the surface.

Then at last, for there is the most untouchable and unseen side of the knowledge,
the most abstract and theory side which requires a lot more wisdom to

The surface meaning of Fan Tai Sui or the Tai Sui is the gods and deities’ version,
where they say you are just screwed this year because you got this god’s energy
hammering your life and it’s time to pray for help or forgiveness. Most Chinese go
by this theory for ages and no one seems to have a problem with that until science
kicked in.

When the western education kicked in more and more, the Chinese start to not
believe the saying of Fan Tai Sui anymore and people start to ditch the practice or
think that it is useless. Later, the fung shui masters and other Taoist masters then
come up with a new way to present the Fan Tai Sui issue, by relating to the science
and space stuff, and hence the Jupiter theory was born.

However, that is not the truth behind, and these are all still the surface layer of it.

The secret behind requires one to understand things beyond this dimension or
matrix, and it can get very complex. In short, Tai Sui is not a planet, nor a
god/deity, it is a pattern of energy flow between you and your spiritual “parts”
which we call the Yuen Sun or Yuan Shenin mandarin.

First of all, try to imagine yourself with 2 sides of life. One is a physical being here,
and another one is a spiritual “planet” high above. You two will have energy
transmission back and forth daily. The planet stores the “energies” type of matter,
and it pumps these energies to you, which converts to your “potentials in life”.

What do you pump to the planet is “your shit”, the negative energies you don’t
want, the stress and bad stuff from your life here will be the “fertilizers” for your
own planet, and so the two equalizes and your life gets better if your Tai Sui cycle
is good!

Tai Sui is the action of how you and your planet connects after a full cycle is
completed. Fan Tai Sui is when something is jamming the way, giving your
transmission some hiccups or interruption. Therefore, you cannot get things from
your own planet, resulting in “bad luck” this year.

What About the Tai Sui Deity Statues?

Why do we have “statues in Taoism”? Statues is a medium or a container to store
up your intention and spiritual energies, or we should say, your “dragon energy”,
the energy of creation. The statue itself can look like any person, but it’s basically
a container that stores up your energies and accumulate it into a container,
making it glow like a ball of fire.

When you go through a ceremony, doing magic work for the Fan Tai Sui, there will
be a “representative of you”, which is often a piece of paper with your name, date
of birth, and maybe your photo attached. These things will be used to channel
energies to you through the piece of paper that acts as a portal. The paper will then
be placed somewhere that the statue can beam its energy to, and there goes the
empowering to you and so you will get “filled up” by this creation energy that you
are lacking or missing because of your own bad Tai Sui cycle.
That’s right, the deities or gods or whatever name you call them for this statue is
not even there, it’s fake, and it’s a scam, or a lie. But what happen is, your energy
will get sucked into the statue like a form of contribution, just like the others. After
that, the statues then give off the power to return you back with its “programmed”
energies that can make up for what you were lacking. It does work, but only if the
person knows what they are doing for you, or if you know what you are doing to
the statue.

Danger and Risks

There are danger and risks to using statues for magic, such as Tai Sui deities
statues, and that is when you or even the master that does the magic have no idea
of what they are doing! Magic is very dangerous, because if you don’t know what
you are doing, then it is like throwing a letter out in the park with all your
passwords and login information, while anyone can come in and claim the letter is
for them. In many cases that we have dealt with, people who “pray to statues”
really have no idea of what they are doing, and so is the master! What happen is,
there are spirits who came in and claimed the prize!

You can be praying or worshiping a statue to Tai Sui, Guan Yin, Saam Ching or
whatever you name it, but if your mind is really thinking that there is such thing,
while there aren't any of these “deities”, then any spirits can come and “be your
XXX deity” then all your accumulated energies will become the spirit’s loot!

Therefore, if you want to do the Tai Sui statue magic, make sure that you are not
praying or worshiping any “deity” that does not even exist. Make sure you know
that the statue is activated and programmed by a master who REALLY knows
what they are doing! If the master also just thinks that there is such “deity” there,
then you better walk away as soon as possible and get out of the place to prevent

There is nothing such as “Tai Sui Deity”, they are all artificial or “made up” as a
metaphor or a human statue that represents a certain “concept” or “pattern” of
energy. Just like our article on the Saam Ching Statue, it’s really about the same
thing. If you want to fix up your Fan Tai Sui issue with statue magic, that is a great
idea, and super effective method, but you must not go to a place where they
“worship” some “deities” and have no idea of what it is about at the back. The
safest way is to have your own statue and magic altar at home, and not sharing it
with other people who might even be contaminating you with their “crappy
energy” while they are doing all the whatever stuff to the statue.

Hey, you want to bath, sure, bath a home and get you own tub. At least you don’t
have to be worrying about who is peeing in the water pool in those public bathing
place right?

Want to set up an altar a home for Fan Tai Sui issue? You can get it done by us,
and it can be all done by distanced. We can guarantee you that at least we know
what we are doing, and you are for sure 100% safe!


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