Sie sind auf Seite 1von 10

1. CSS stands for?

A.Central Style Sheets

B.Common Style Sheets
C.Cascading Style Sheets
D.Control Style Sheets

2. The <link> tag goes inside

A.the body section:
B.the title section:
C.the head section:
D.None of the above

3. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?

A./* this is a comment */
B.? this is a comment
C.// this is a comment
D.// this is a comment //

4. An external style sheet is ideal when the style is applied to

A.many pages B.single pages C.few pages D.None of the above
5. The Disadvantages of Cascading Style Sheets is
A.Low Performance: B.High Performance: C.Browsers Compatibility:
D.All of the above
6. A CSS declaration always ends with a ................, and declaration groups are
surrounded by .......................
A.semicolon and curly brackets
B.semicolon and square brackets
C.either (A) or (B)
D.neither (A) or nor (B)

7. A ......... tag is used to specify that the browser is to fetch and use an external style
sheet file
A.<sheet> B.<link> C.<src> D.None of the above
8. To use inline styles you use the style attribute in the ............... tag tag
B.relevant tag tag
D.None of the above

9. CSS provided the basic styles such as

A.specifying font and font styles
B.setting margins
C.applying colors
D.All of the above

10. Which of the style sheet is also known as Embedded Style Sheet?
A.Document Style Sheet:
B.Inline Style Sheet:
C.External Style Sheet:
D.None of the above

11. Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet?
A.At the end of the document
B.At the top of the document
C.In the section
D.None of the above

12. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?

A.class B.styles D.Font
13. What is a FTP program used for?
A. Transferring files to and from an Internet server
B. Designing a website
C. Connecting to the internet
D. None of the above

14. Who is making the Web standards?

C.The World Wide Web Consortium

15. What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
A.<br />
B.<break />
C.<lb />

16. What is the preferred way for adding a background color in HTML?
A.<body background=”yellow”>
C.<body style=”background-color:yellow”>

17. In HTML, comment line is as :

A.// Comment Line
B./* Comment Line */
C.– Comment Line —
D.<!– Comment Line –>

18. Which tag is used to identify the beginning and end of the HTML document?
A. <html>
B. <body>
C. <title>
D. None of the above

19. The sets of HTML tag is

A. <html></html>
B. <head></head>
C. <title></title>
D. All of the above

20. A list which is provided with numeric digit is called an

A. Ordered List
B. Unordered List
C. Definition List
D. None of the above

21. A list which is provided with a bullet(a black dot) is called an

A. Ordered List B. Unordered List C. Definition List D. None of the above

22. What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?

A. <image src=”image.gif” alt=”MyImage” />
B. <img src=”image.gif” alt=”MyImage” />
C. <img alt=”MyImage”>image.gif</img>
D. <pic src=”image.gif” alt=”MyImage” />

23. Which one is the mandatory attribute of the <img> tag?


24. Which tag is used to define an image in HTML?

A. <img>
B. <image>
C. <pic>
D. None of the above

25. HTML provides which control to use arranging text and also in defining the things more
understandable manner.
A. Tables
B. Frames
C. Div
D. None of the above

26.A table contains rows which is defined by

A. <tr> tag
B. <td> tag
C. <th> tag
D. None of the above

27. A table with no border

A. <table border=”0’′>
B. <table border=”1′′>
C. <table border=” “>
D. None of the above
28...... tag is used to define a table header.
A. <th>
B. <td>
C. <tr>
D. None of the above

29. . ........... and .............. are used to define a span in column and rows respectively.
A. ‘colspan’ and ‘rowspan’
B. ‘celpadding’ and ‘celspacing’
C. either (A) or either (B)
D. neither (A) or nor (B)

30. . A .......consisting of a year and a week number encoded according to ISO 8601.
A. week
B. month
C. year
D. All of the above

31. A ....... (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fractions of a second) encoded according to
ISO 8601, with no time zone information ISO 8601.
A. datetime-local
B. datetime
C. datesecond
D. dateminute

32. FTP is acronym for

A. File Transaction Ptotocol
B. File Transmission Ptotocol
C. File Translation Ptotocol
D. File Tranfer Ptotocol

33. Which of the following tags are related to Table in HTML ?

a. <table> <row> <column>
b. <table> <tr> <td>
c. <table> <head> <body>
d. <table> <header> <footer>

34.What is the usage of alt value in <img> tag?

a. Alternative text for an Image
b. Alternative source of an Image
c. Caption of an Image
d. All of above

35. How many heading tags are supported by HTML?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

36. Title tag is nested within the ....................... tag.

a. Body
b. Head
c. List
d. Table

37. The ...................... attribute adds space within each cell.


38. <dl> tag defines the description list.

39. <dt> tag defines data term.

40. <dd> tag defines data definition (description).


1. Which of the following bootstrap style of button indicates a successful or positive action?

A - .btn

B - .btn-primary

C - .btn-success

D - .btn-info

2. Using which of the following ways you can add header to a panel?

A - Use .panel-heading class to easily add a heading container to your panel.

B - Use any <h1>-<h6> with a .panel-title class to add a pre-styled heading.

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above.

3. Which of the following is correct about data-placement Data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

A - Applies a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.

B - Inserts HTML into the tooltip. If false, jQuery's text method will be used to insert content
into the dom.

C - Specifies how to position the tooltip (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).

D - Delegates to the specified targets.

4. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap?

A - Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to Desktops,Tablets and Mobiles.

B - Provides a clean and uniform solution for building an interface for developers.

C - It contains beautiful and functional built-in components which are easy to customize.
D - All of the above.

5. Which of the following bootstrap style of button creates a default/ standard button?

A - .btn

B - .btn-primary

C - .btn-success

D - .btn-info

6. Which of the following bootstrap style is used for a basic button group?

A - .btn-group

B - .btn-toolbar

C - .btn-group-lg

D - .btn-group-vertical

7. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Media Query?

A - Media queries have two parts, a device specification and then a size rule.

B - Media Queries in Bootstrap allow you to move, show and hide content based on the viewport

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above..

8.Which of the following bootstrap style of button deemphasize a button by making it look like a
link while maintaining button behavior?

A - .btn-warning

B - .btn-danger

C - .btn-link

D - .btn-info

9. Which of the following bootstrap style of image adds a bit of padding and a gray border?
A - .img-rounded

B - .img-circle

C - .img-thumbnail

D - None of the above.

10. Which of the following is correct about dropdown Plugin?

A - You can toggle the dropdown plugin's hidden content via data attributes.

B - You can toggle the dropdown plugin's hidden content via javascript.

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above.

11. Which of the following bootstrap style of button makes the button size large?

A - .btn-lg

B - .btn-sm

C - .btn-xs

D - .btn-block

12. Which of the following class indicates a successful or positive action?

A - .active

B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

13. Which of the following is correct about Transition Plugin?

A - Transition.js is a basic helper for transitionEnd events as well as a CSS transition emulator.

B - It is used by the other plugins to check for CSS transition support and to catch hanging

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above.

14. Which of the following is correct about Tab Plugin?

A - You can toggle the Tab plugin's hidden content via data attributes.

B - You can toggle the Tab plugin's hidden content via javascript.

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above.

15. Which of the following class indicates a warning that might need attention?

A - .active

B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

16. Which of the following is true about bootstrap help text?

A - Bootstrap form controls can have a block level help text that flows with the inputs.

B - To add a full width block of content, use the .help-block after the <input>.

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above.

17. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap jumbotron?

A - This component can optionally increase the size of headings and add a lot of margin for
landing page content.

B - To use the Jumbotron: Create a container <div> with the class of .jumbotron.

C - Both of the above.

D - None of the above.

18. Which of the following class applies the hover color to a particular row or cell of a table?

A - .active
B - .success

C - .warning

D - .danger

20. Bootstrap's grid system allows up to 12 columns across the page

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