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We can make a zero conditional sentence with two present simple verbs 

1. If I have time, I will help you
2. If you touch a fire, you get burned
3. If babies are hungry, they cry

1. IF you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils
SI calienta el agua a 100 grados, hierve.
2. IF you cross the line, you are in our country
SI cruzas la línea, estás en nuestro país
3. IF children study, then their parents are happy
SI los niños estudian, sus padres están felices
4. IF you mix red and blue, you get purple
SI mezclas rojo y azul, obtienes morado
5. IF i run, i get tired
SI corro, me canso
6. My teacher gets angry if I don’t study
Mi maestro se enoja si no estudio
The first conditional has the present simple after IF, then the
future simple in the other clause:
If + present simple, …………. Will + infinitive
1. If it rains, I won’t go to the park
2. If I study today, I’ll go to the party tonight
3. If I have enought money, I’ll buy some new shoes
1. IF you start doing exercise you may lose some weight
SI comienza a hacer ejercicio, puede perder algo de
2. If you find a mistake, i will correct it.
Si encuentra un error, lo corregiré.
3. IF you need money i will lend it to you
SI necesitas dinero te lo prestaré
4. If you don’t like the color I can change it
Si no le gusta el color, puedo cambiarlo
5. IF you practice you will be an expert
SI practicas serás un experto
6. IF he finds a solution he will tell us
SI encuentra una solución, nos dirá

The second conditional uses the past simple after if,
then “would” and the infinitive:
If + past simple, …….. would + infinitive

1. If I were taller, she would like me
Si yo fuera más alto, a ella le gustaría
2. IF i had children. I would teach them to dance
SI tuviera hijos. Les enseñaría a bailar
3. IF she were your friend, you would tell her the truth
SI fuera tu amiga, le dirías la verdad
4. If you made a movie, you could tell the story of your
Si hicieras una película, podrías contar la historia de
tu vida.
5. IF she was taller she wouldn’t wear high heles
SI ella fuera más alta, no usaría tacones altos
6. IF they worked harder they would get better results
SI trabajaran más duro, obtendrían mejores resultados

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