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Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti, 1985, Vol.



rl.J. QUrril
Flsheries Department, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae,
P. DtrLZf,LL
Fj.sherles Research, Department of Primary Industry, Kavieng,


Surveys of coastal conlrtunities are lmportant in order to establish an inventory of the

nationel resources. The use of an earth reaources satell-lte system (LANDSAT) is demonbtrated to
contain the spectral and spatial. resolution suitable for mapplng shallow water cofimunitles in troplcal
Papua New Guinea.
A Landsat multi-spectral image of the Kavieng region of New Ireland island in tt," Bismark
Archipelago lras used to map shalloo water assernblages. As [Dst of the Paclfic is without narlti-spectral
scanner images, we reconmend that a receiving station be established.


Les dtudes des communaut6s littorales jouent un grand 16le dans 1 | 6tabllsselnent drun
lnventaire des ressources nationales. Pour ce faire, il a it6 mont16 que lrutilisation dtun systlne de
satellites (LANDSAT) pennettait de cartographier 1es communautds troplcales de Papouasd-e-Nouve1le
Guin6e, en eeu peu profonde. Une lmage LANDSAT plurispectrale de la rdgion de Kavieng (Nouvelle
Irl,ande), dans I'archlpel Biemark, a ainsi servi i y cartographier des zonee peu profondes. Conme une
rnajorit6 du Pacifique nrest pas couvert per ltirnagerie acanner plurispectrale, nous reccr.rrnandons 1a
mise en place de postea r6cepteurs.
rnay be employed to provide interim informtion
INTRODUCTION until surveys by conventional IIEans can be
conducted. For exanple, Quinn (1984) used
Papua Nect Grinea (ptlC) is a newly independent LANDSAT to npnitor the noxious vreed Salvinia
nation (1975) with a total land area of 46I,694 noLesta on the Sepik River, Papua New cuiiEl---T
sq km. IP consists of the eastern half of the taE[]E6-at would have nornrally been done only at
island of New Grinea and a myriad of srnaller great expense and been plagued with logistic
islands and has a coastline of over 7,000 km' problems.
Ihe ocean within the Exclusive Fconomic Zone Additionally, strict environnEntal laws in
(EEZ) of apua New G:inea, which the governrent Papua New Grinea require the nDnitoring and
m.rst contrpl and regulate, forne a vast area over evaluation of developnent projects- LANDSAT
seven tifies the land ntass- inngery has already proved useful to help nonitor
To date large areas of PNG's seas are poorly silt deposition associated with a proposed port
charted (Ygung, 1982; Done, 1983) and nrany coral developnent (Quinn and Kojis, )-982; 1984).
reefs are only just being acknowledged in the The use of LANDSAT to nrap the shaLlow water
sc ientific literature (t<o3is and Quinn, 1984; habitats such as the Great Barrier Reef was
1985 ). fiie ocean anea with Papua New Grinears proposed by Smith et al., (7975a; b) and applied
EEZ is cor/ered with charts varying from scales of by Bina et a1. (1978) and Jnpp et al. (1981;
1:1,700,000 to 1:12,500, the latter for harbours 1983 ). The Ministry of Prirnary Industries in
and ch s approaches. For general navigation Fiji is considering using LANDSAT to define
L:300,000 charts are adequate while 1:100,000 habitats for giant clam recolonization (Adans,
charts are rlDre suitable for coastal naviagation. pers. cornm. ).
Table 1 lists the chatt coverage within Papua New The purpose of this study is to assess
G:inea's dBZ and the Portion of surveyed area on LANDSAT rn:lti-spectral data for unpping shallow
charts of particular scale. Many of the surveyed water habitats such as nrangrove lined estuaries,
coral reef habitats and sea grass beds in Papua
inforrnatio]n. Of the 2,339,900 k only New G:inea and to evaluate its potential for use
in other developing countries in the South
Pacific region.
is survey . lfuch of this area needs to be
resurvey or the existing data verified (Young, METHODS
1981 ). use of LANDSAT data to create a
"HyREGMpIiIC" (Hydrographic phic Reconnaissance
Graphic, I]:100,000 rrBP) to up u date hydrograPhic The LANDSAT System
and bathy#tric detail in Papua New G:inea has
been sugge]sted by Young (1983a; 1983b). LANDSAT is a satellite designed to establish
Fundar/.ental to the adninistration of the EEZ the value of relatively coarse resolution, large
is a knovfledge of the resources located within area, reflective rrulti-spectral inngery from an
its bounda]ry, both in type and distribution. altitude of approxinrately 918 km. Sunlight
Shallow seas and nunerous reefs have always reflected from the earth is separated into four
proved halardous for raritine activities and spectral bands' Ihese bands record light of the
discouragld exploration. following wavelengths: band 4, 0'5 - 0'6 pm
Where developing countries rust increasingly (green); band 5, 0.6 - 0.7 pm (red); band 6,
rely upon developnent of their own resources to 0. 7 - 0.8prn (near infrared ); band 7 0.8 - 1.1 prn
achieve financial independence, it is importaflt (infrared). Their contribution to' the image is
that every] opportunity be taken to facilitate similar to additive color photography, but their
explor ati Efficient exploration and separate recording adds a dinension to the
developrcnlt of resources will assist developing interpretation difficult to achieve with
countries to achieve prominence in a corpetitive photography. Further details of the LANDSAT
internatioJoal narketplace. system are available in Thonras (1975).
Papua New Guinea has large areas of shallow Ihe attenuation of light by water is also a
water habitats requiring inltial identification strong function of wavelength (Mcore, 1980) and
or update nepping. As conventional charting the irnplication for LANDSAT rerDte sensing can be
nethods are slow, hazardous and expensive, sumrnarized as follows: Band 4 has the naxirnrm
alternatir/e low cost rapid re[Dte sensing nethods r^rater penetration (15 m) and is nost affected by

Table Hydrologlcal Chart Coverage of Papua New Grinea's EEZ

(af ter Young, 1981 )

% Coverage % of area
of. EEZ covered
Scale surveyed

I: 12 ,500 1: 75,000 I 83
I: 100,000 1 150,000 4 bv
1: 250,000 1: 300,000 25 76
l: l, 700,000 1:1,000,000 80 79
1:I,700,000 and smaller 100 N.A.

atrDspheric scattering. Band 5 is FDre rapidly chart shallow water comnunities around Kavleng
attenuated by water and nost of it is lost in the Harbour (2034's., 150047,E.). A record of each
upper 5 n. Band 6 contains a part of the red image was nrade using a 200 mm lens on a 35 mm
(visible) portion of the spectrum, but a majority cartera and photographing the cathode ray screen.
of its response is in the near infra-red. In Shutter speeds of < 1/15 sec. $/ere used to
clear, deep water nDst near infra-red is absorbed ellminate a band effect associated with the
within 20 cm of the surface. Band 7 penetrates cathode ray tube projection.
only the upper millineters of water, but is
useful in plotting heavily silted r,rater. In nost
situations band 7 is best used to disctiminate RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Land from water ntasses. These signals are, of
course, affected by the state of the sea and the The Image
atrosphere. It is recognized that LANDSAT can
delineate, but not distinguish between the Using 10 color bands the habitats around
patterns of bathynetry (e.g., Blna et al., 1978) Kavieng are displayed in Figure I {nd codes
and turbidity (e.g., Jetlov, 1976; ltunday and listed in Table 2. As this scene is just on the
Alfoldi , 1979). horizon of the Australian Landsat receiving
Mapping spatial patterns and signature station, there is a lot of noise associated with
variations in deep water has been investigated in this inage that is uncharacteristic of rrDst
Australia (Thom,son and Carpenter, 1981). ArDs inngery. Owing to the relatively unsophisticated
and Alfoldi (L979) and ltunday and Alfoldi (1979) data processing facilities available, we are
have conpared variations in the LANDSAT signature unable to rrsnDoth'r the innge. Many of the single
with actual physical nEasurerents of sedinent colored pixels sorE distance away from others of
load in the r,rater colurm. Wolanski et aL . the sane color r.rould otherwise be eliminated as
(1984) investlgated river plunns and mixing on they are noise artifacts and not the results of
the !'raters of the ftlf of Papua and Northern true sensing.
Great Barrier Reef using LANDSAT irnagery. Raw i,ANDSAT inragery of shallow water habltats
The selective absorption of light by water, such as coral reefs nny be difficult to interpret
nolecular scattering and incident radiation all visually. A dark patch may be interpreted as a
play a roLe in sea color. The color of turbid deep lagoon or sea grass bed or nud flat and a
water results from the selective absorption by very bright area could be a shallow lagoon with
substances carried in the nater (Jerlov, 1976). white sand botton or coral rubble. Wakes around
In areas where no co[ponent of the signal is islands can be delinated (Wol-anski et a1., 1984)
confused by sea bottom reflectance, properties of any may be confused r+ith turbid or shallow water.
seawater rny be studied using LANDSAT data. It is therefore necessary that classifications be
The use of LANDSAT on the Great Barrier Reef conducted with the aid of soneone knowledgeable
shelf has shown that vrhen the water is less than about the area and post processing surveys be
5 m deep, or turbid with concentrations higher conducted to sarple locations to verify
than 5 ppm of fine particles, bands 4 and 5 have classifications at least in the initial stages.
significant signal leve1s above background noise The relative area and surface configuration
(Jupp et al., 1983). In regions of deeper water of each color zone depends on the tidal level
and/or less turbidity only snra11 variations in during inagery acquisition. A temporal
band 4 exist nraking it dtfficult to delineate comparlson of the band zones of the sarr shallow
depth and water rnsses and thus requiring v/ater habitat should indicate wtrich areas are
repeated innges. subject to the greatest spectral changes during
tidal npvenent.
Processlng Techniques
Sources of Error
Computer aided analysis of LANDSAT data uses
an interactive programrE cal1ed LANSAT runnlng on There are two najor sources of error ln
a PDP II 134 computer at the Papua New Guinea nrapping shallow water habitats uslng digital
University of Technology. The progran was classification techniques. The first is in
written in f'ortren by Dr. Frank Honey to accept correctly classifying a plxel aa a particular
data from the Australian LANDSAT Station (ALS). habitat, e.g., coral, and the second is in the
The fornrat of the ALS LANDSAT tapes ls band accuracy of rrepping shallow water habitats where
interleaved by line (BIL), errors will occur from both classlficetion errors
The data from the LANDSAT tapes is and mlxed pixels on the field boundary.
transferred to an RK-05 disc, where allocated The accuracy of classifying the habltats
space allows sub-scenes of 5IZ lines by 5I2 depends upon a number of factors: 1) The abltity
pixels to be accomnodated. A BASIC program to discriminate the habitats from other habitate
called LSSTOR is used to copy the data frorn the on the dates of acquisition. Submrged reefs
tapes to the disc from where the infornration is look like rd.ldly turbld water and shallow reefe
read off for LANSAT. Each LANDSAT image was like rore turbid water. 2) The training data
enhenced using an algorlthm devised by obtaining used to establish class paranEtere for the
spectral signatures frorn several areas with classifier m.rst be representatlve of that class.
suspected siniler physical and biological The best way of ensuring thls ls to statistically
features. sanple enough identical habitats. 3) Setting of
To display the LANDSAT data an Electohone the class decision values. If the decision
color display terninal, a Matrox colour display bounds are eet too tightly then reny pixels that
interface was used. Up to 256 lines by 256 represent the c1ass, but having slightly
pixels may be displayed ln I0 colors. different responee values will not be included
A LANDSAT nultl-spectral illlage frorn a and becom errors of onlssion. If the bounds are
computer corpatible tape imaged by Landsat 3 on set too wide then there will be signiflcant
l0 August 1981 (path 101, row 62) was used to errors of commission.

Errord in estirnating the areas of the to reIll]te, sparsely populated areas l^thich have
habitats are due to misclassification of fer,r trained technicians like Papua New Guinea.
individuall pixels as well as: 4) Errors in the Additionally, where data is required periodically
norninal piLxal size. The inage was not rectified over sofle considerabLe tine the costs of
to ground control hence minor variations in the conventional nethods would be prohibitive.
altitude df the satellite would result in a The lirnitation to the application of LANDSAT
deviation from the 79 m X 58 m standard. 5) data exists where there is inappropriate data
Mixed picture elerEnts on field boundaries. If handling technology and expertise. In the case
the percentage of the area of the habitats in the of LANDSAT there is no requirenent for adaption
mixed bouridary pixels was a uniform distribution of satellite technology to 1oca1 conditions as
and the Jlass decision values were properly set, there is no involvenent with the sensing
then there would be negligible errors from this equipnent or its operations. Involvenent is
source. However, as the habitats beconre snallet confined to the data produced from the satellite
the distr{bution of the percentage of each sensing and this can be acquired in a useable
habitat in the mixed picture elements can be state in readiness fot interpretation or
expected {o diverge from a uniform distribution nnnipulation. The two nain labor intensive
wlth an {ttendent higher probability that errors activities are in the rnanipulation and
will occui. interpretation of the masses of data and in the
production of naps charts or statistical data
Li ml tatioris presentations.
Finally, the rDst imnediate limitation to
T can be used to provide reconnaissance potential users in the South Pacific region is
nBpping abling effective planning and that there is no local receiving station in the
ranageIlen of shalLow water habitats. Satellite region. Hence, signals for less than 1/4 of the
rerDte se sing does not replace the rlDre waters in Papua New Guinears EEZ are currently
conventio al nethods of shallow water nrapping, being received and there is no current data from
but can r e the tine and costs associated with LANDSAT being received over any other area of the
them by s pplying supplenentary data, or data for South Pacific.
continuou assessrent. This particularly applies

Table 2: Interpretation of Figure 1

Black and itrhite photograph of color
LANDSAT innge.

Code t{ab itat Depth

1 Deep water <f5 m

2 Deep shoal 8 -15n
3 Deep coral 3.5 - 5 m
4 Deep coral and sand 3.5 - 5 m
5 Mediurn depth coral
and sand 0.5 - 3.5 m
6 Sand 0 - 0.5 m
Shallow sand and
coral 0 - 0.5 m
Sea grass beds 0.5 - 3.5 m

t 9 Mangrove vegetation
10 Land or clouds

,Sr ll
l*r{. f

Figure : LANDSAT conposite irrage of the Kavieng region, New

Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea.

Proceedings 12th International Syr|posium on
CONCLUSION Renpte Sensing of Environnent, ERIM, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, vol.3, pp. 2051-20f9.
Developing countries do not generally have a
satisfactory enough inventory of their shallow DONE,P. 1983. The preseflt status of hydrography
water habitats to develop and renage them in Papua New Guinea. Internatio4al Hydro-
effectively. General rnapping activities, graphic Review, Monaco 60:7-18.
especially within the newly established EEZ, will
rernain in an unsatisfactory situation for these JERLOV,N.G. 1976. l4arine Optics. Elseyier, Anr
countries unless priorities alter, special sterdam, p.326.
overseas assistance is sought or new alternative
technologies are employed. JUPP, D. L. K. K. MAYo, D.Kj KUCHLER,
B. ,
We believe that satellite based rercte S.W. and S.W. KENDALL. 19E1. Renote
sensing equiprFnt such as LANDSAT mrlti-spectral sensing by LANDSAT as support for qanageuent
scanners can make a significant contribution to of the Great Barrier Reef. Proc$edings of
low cost, synoptic, shallow water resource 2nd Australian Renote Sensing Conference,
assessnent prograns in developing countries with Canberra, P. Laut (ed.),9.5.1-9.5,1 6.
large exclusive economic zones.
The nore sophisticated technology found in JUPP,D.L.B., K.K. MAYO, S. KENDALL and S-
the thenratic nepper in LANDSAT with its narrower HEGGEN. 1983. The use of LANDSAT data to
band widths and srnaller spatial resolution (30 m) assess bathynetry and topographic structure
will further increase the appropriateness of in the Great Barrier Reef region. CSIRO
satellite based renr:te sensing technology for use Division of Water and Land Resources.
the napping the shallow water resources of the Technical Menorandum, P.60.
developing countries of the Pacific.
The anticipated launch of SPOT by the Centre KOJIS, B.L. and N.J. QUINN. 1984. Seasonal and
National d'Etudes Spatiales, France, in November depth variation in fecundity of Acropora
1985 will provide an increase in spatial and palifera at two reefs in Papua New Guinea.
temporal resolution over LANDSAT imgery and Coral Reefs 3:765-172.
should be evaluated for use in the South Pacific.
KOJIS, B.L. and N.J. QUINN. 1985- Coral Reefs of
Northeast New Guinea. 5th InternatiQnal Coral
RECOMMENDATION Reef Syrnposium, Tahiti.

We recomrnend: I ) that two SPOT innge G.K. 1980. Satellite renDte sensing of
receiving stations be established in the South water turbidity. Hydrological Sciences,
Pacific, 2) that these stations be placed in the Bu11. Sci. Hydrolog.ffi
region of Tahiti and New Caledonia, and 3) that
SPOT products be freely available at reasonable MUNDAY,J.C. and ALFOLDI, T.T. 1979. LANDSAT test
rates to all nations of the South Pacific. of diffuse reflectance nodels for aquatic
Considering France's use of its Pacific suspended solids nsasurerrent. RerrDte Sens.
coloniaL territories as an experinental ground Environnent 8 : 169-183.
for its nucLear program and the concern this
aroused with respect to nuclear contamination in QUINN, N.J. 1984. Evaluation of LANDSAT as a
the South Pacific, we feel it appropriate that neans of nonitoring Salvinia noleqta on the
the establishnent costs for the receiving Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. Fisheries
stations be borne entirely by the French Departfent Research Report Series, No. 6,
governrent. Papua New Guinea University of Technology,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS QUINN,N.J. and B.L. KOJIS. 1982. The hydrology
of the Markham River intrusion i.nto the Huon
We would like to acknowledge the use of the GuLf using LANDSAT irnagery and in situ obser-
LANDSAT facilities of the Departrent of Survey vations. Science in New cuinea-915)-i115-129.
and Land Studies and the corputer facilities of
the Papua Ner,r Guinea Univetsity of Technology. QUINN,N.J. and B.L. KOJIS. 1984. Renpte sensing
Ifu. B. Nichols is particularly acknowledged for of the Markharn River intrusion into the Huon
his assistance in naintaining the corrPuting Gulf, Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the
in fr as truc tur e. 3rd Australasian Re[Dte Sensing Conference,
The Departnrent of Prinrary Industry, Fisheries Queensland, 1984, pp. 740-744.
Research is gratefully acknowledged for their
financial support. SMITH,V.E., R.H. ROGERS and L.E. REED. 1975a.
Autornated rapping and inventory of the GYeat
Barrier Reef zonation with LANDSAT data'
REFERENCES Ocean 1975 Conference Record, IEEE, New York,
AMOS, C.L. and ALFOLDI, T.T. 1979. The determin-
ation of suspended sedinent concentration in SMITH, V.E., R.H. ROGERS and L.E. REED. 1975b.
a macrotidal system using LANDSAT data. Thenratic rmpping of coral reefs using LANDSAT
J. Sedinentary Petrology 49 :I59-I74. data. 10th International Syrposium of Renpte
Sensing of the Environnent, Ann Arbor,
BINA, R.T., K. CARPENTER, W. ZACHER, R. JARA and Michigan, October 1975, p-10.
J.B. LIM. 1978. Coral reef napping using
LANDSAT data: follow up studies, THOMAS, V.L. 1975. Generation and physical char-
acterls lcs of the LANDSAT-I end -2 MSS New Grinea Ilnlversity of Technology, p.99.
co conpatlble tapes. Goddard SPace
Flight Center, NASA publtcatlon: YOUNG, F.R. 1981. Hydrographic charting by eate 1-
x-563- -223. lite sensing: approprlate technology for
Papua New Gulnea. the Journal of the Assoc-
IUOI,ISON, R. and CARPENTER, D. 1981. Discrlmin- iation of Sur nea
ation ocean water nEsses from LANDSAT.
P!oceed of the Second Auetralasian RelDte
Senelng Conference, Canberra, September 1981. YOlrNG,F.R. 1982. Charting Papua New culnears
weters - the hydrographer'e challenge. The
WoLANSKI, , PTCKARD, G.L. and JUPP, D.L.B. Hydrographic Journal, U.K. 24:23-27.
1984. ver plunee, coral reefs end mixlng in
the G.rl of Papua end the Northern Great YOIING,F.R. 1983a. The hyregraphic - a translent
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Sc lenc 18:291JI4. 27 zL5-L9.

WRIGHT, c. 1982. Interpretatlon of nEngrove YOUNG, F.R. 1983b. Satisfying a need the
vegeta from LANDSAT data. Departnent of hyregraphlc. Certography 13rII7-126.
Survey Reeearch Report Series 82 17, Papua


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